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Isamu Hayato
Isamu Hayato
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
Stat Page : Stat Page
Mission Record : Link
Remove Bukijutsu Fūinjutsu Remove Default
Remove Earth Water Remove Remove Default
Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 13700

A Hoard of Clients [ Raiki ][ Isamu ] - Page 2 Empty Re: A Hoard of Clients [ Raiki ][ Isamu ]

Tue Apr 09, 2024 11:56 pm
Isamu didn't get a response from the woman, which concerned him. It seemed that whatever technique she used to command the bugs required a lot of focus, or perhaps she hadn't heard his request. Regardless, Isamu found himself standing there awkwardly for a moment before getting to work. He asked his creator for assistance as he began to take samples of the blood, making sure to wear proper protective gear so that he wasn't exposed or anything like that. It didn't take him long to put on a long pair of gloves and apron before getting to work, and the tools kept the substance away from him as well. After collecting the samples Isamu did his best to make sure to properly store them in test tubes so that Masume could do whatever tests she needed to with them. Some he put in a freezer so that they could be studied again later, but others he kept out so that the medical specialist could do what tests she needed to have done immediately.

The middle aged man found the tasks stressful, it didn't seem that he was going to be as into the medical arts as The Masked Man or his sister Hasumi. While he could certainly see the merit in the practice he just didn't think he was a good fit for it. Even with his creator coaching him he found the tasks arduous. He especially didn't like being around dead people, though that may just be something he would have to adjust to over time.

As Isamu finished storing the samples he turned back to Masume and informed her of the tasks he had completed. Unsure of what to do next, he'd ask his creator for guidance once more. He was surprised to find that The Masked Man was satisfied with the work he had completed and that he was willing to send Isamu home. While it was concerning that there was a poison in the area it seemed that this woman was focusing her attention on discovering its nature and source so The Masked Man didn't feel much of a need to keep the artificial man assigned to investigating the issue.

Isamu wasn't sure if he wanted to leave, but he did admit that he had a lot on his plate. Between trying to master the way of the blade, Augmentation, and now also immediately diving into an advanced form of Fuinjutsu he had been quite overwhelmed of late, and honestly had a lot of work to catch up on if he wanted to complete all of the tasks his creator had set before him. If one was going to be allowed to be finished early, Isamu felt he couldn't pass up the opportunity. If Masume had been in any danger then Isamu might have been concerned about leaving her, but the village she was in seemed safe enough. While the fact that there were chimerafolk corpses was a concern it did seem that the locals of the area were capable, and perhaps that Daiki fellow would be nearby if any issues did arise.

Making sure he had cleaned all of the tools he'd worked with, Isamu reported back to Masume and told her that unfortunately he had to leave. "I"m sorry but I was mainly just sent here to get verification that the corpses were that of chimerafolk. I have to leave and give my report and see if anyone else has seen anything like this in other areas. Again, I apologize for leaving you alone to finish this task but I've been here to long already if I'm entirely honest. I wish you luck, and hope to work with you again in the future."

Isamu left after giving his explanation, pausing only briefly for Masume to give a response if she wished before he made his way out of the morgue. He informed the village elder waiting outside that he had to leave as well, and that unfortunately he wouldn't be able to finish the mission set before him. He tried to negotiate partial pay for helping with the last two victims, but the elder ended up only paying him for his assistance with the first. Isamu couldn't really argue, as Masume had done most of the work anyway so he found it hard to justify the amount he was being given as it was. The artificial man relented very quickly into his attempt at bartering and took his reward before wishing the elder a farewell.


WC: 751

(If you choose to finish the A-rank, you are currently 2,383/4,800 toward completion)


Mission Rewards
9,000 Ryo, 30 AP
C-Rank MN Salary: 2,000 Ryo

WC Claims
Bonus AP Training: 30x2=60
2,908 words toward finishing Orochimaru Juinjutsu, Previous Training here
141/1,000 toward Water Element (50% discount using Memory Link with Denkiteki)

Modified Totals
Total Ryo:17,700+9,000+2,000=28,700
Bonus AP: 507+30+60=597
Hanzo Uchiha
Hanzo Uchiha
Stat Page : Hanzo of the Black Flames
Mission Record : Logs
Summoning Contract : The Wolves Of Death Gorge
Bukijutsu Ninjutsu Remove Default
Remove Remove Remove Remove Fire Default
Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Kemonogakure
Ryo : 124370

A Hoard of Clients [ Raiki ][ Isamu ] - Page 2 Empty Re: A Hoard of Clients [ Raiki ][ Isamu ]

Thu Apr 11, 2024 9:07 am
Isamu Hayato wrote:

WC: 751

(If you choose to finish the A-rank, you are currently 2,383/4,800 toward completion)


Mission Rewards
9,000 Ryo, 30 AP
C-Rank MN Salary: 2,000 Ryo

WC Claims
Bonus AP Training: 30x2=60
2,908 words toward finishing Orochimaru Juinjutsu, Previous Training here
141/1,000 toward Water Element (50% discount using Memory Link with Denkiteki)

Modified Totals
Total Ryo:17,700+9,000+2,000=28,700
Bonus AP: 507+30+60=597

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