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Hasumi Hayato
Hasumi Hayato
Stat Page : Stat Page
Mission Record : Link
Iryōjutsu Remove Default
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Tsukigakure
Ryo : 0

Can I get the Wifi? I Have No Service (P, IO) Empty Can I get the Wifi? I Have No Service (P, IO)

Mon Apr 01, 2024 1:51 pm
Hasu woke up early that morning, she knew she had something important to do that day. She had tried to contact her creator and brother the other night and had realized that she no longer could get in touch with them. Whenever she activated her ability all she heard was static. The artificial girl was beginning to worry if some ill fate had befallen the two of them, the two men had been staying at the borders of the country after all and hadn't come into the village where it was safe. She worried that they might have been captured or killed by Kurogane, the man who seemed to be working with the molemen and creating strange chimerafolk.

Quickly getting dressed in her baggy pants and a blue t-shirt, the young girl wrapped her headband loosely around her neck and made her way toward the Kage Tower. She figured if there was anybody that would be  able to help her that it had to be Junko. The woman was powerful enough to bring a whole village together, surely she could help figure out what had happened to Isamu and her mysterious creator.

It didn't take long for Hasumi to get from Junko's house to the Tower, the girl doing her best to appear cheerful as she passed the other citizens of the village. Now that she was an official member of the village she had to make sure she set a good example for everyone, she couldn't be caught looking nervous as she made her way through the streets.

Hasumi did her best to follow protocol as she requested entrance into the building, informing whoever was on guard duty that she had to see Junko about a personal matter. If she had to make an appointment she'd do her best to set one as soon as possible, and then either wait or leave depending on how far off the meeting was.

TWC: 321
Junko Tsukiko
Junko Tsukiko
Village Leader
Village Leader
Stat Page : Stat Page
Mission Record : Mission Log
Living Clones : Kiko Tsukiko
Jun Tsukiko
Remove Iryōjutsu Remove Fūinjutsu Ninjutsu Remove Default
Remove Earth Water Lightning Remove Default
Clan Specialty : Genjutsu
Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 0

Can I get the Wifi? I Have No Service (P, IO) Empty Re: Can I get the Wifi? I Have No Service (P, IO)

Tue Apr 02, 2024 9:25 pm
It had been a rather long day for Junko as various meetings passed by, due to the increase in activity within the walls, people flooded to her doors with various requests and questions. Today had been an especially long one, but she was determined to get through as much work as possible. At some point in the afternoon, her secretary would enter the room and inform Junko that the young woman, Hasu, requested to speak with her. She’d gaze at the paperwork that swarmed her desk and let out a bit of a defeated sigh before telling her secretary to allow the girl in.

Junko would close the front of her crimson-red kimono as she waited for Hasu to arrive. After a few minutes, she’d hear a light knocking at her door. Assuming it was the young woman, Junko would call out to her, telling her it was all right to enter. As she walked in, Junko would offer a happy and cheery smile as seemingly all the tiredness had left her mind. This was of course a facade, though she wished to keep up her appearances to the public. She’d greet Hasu and motion for her to take a seat. Once she had taken her seat Junko would take on a more neutral expression with a pleasant smile across her lips.

”Good afternoon my dear, I hope the village has been treating you well. You just have to tell me about what you’ve been doing since your arrival. We can discuss that later though, for now, what brings you to see me today?”

She’d place her elbows on her desk and lean forward on them slightly and she eagerly awaited Hasu’s response.

WC: 286
Hasumi Hayato
Hasumi Hayato
Stat Page : Stat Page
Mission Record : Link
Iryōjutsu Remove Default
Remove Remove Water Remove Remove Default
Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Tsukigakure
Ryo : 0

Can I get the Wifi? I Have No Service (P, IO) Empty Re: Can I get the Wifi? I Have No Service (P, IO)

Sun Apr 07, 2024 11:37 am
Hasumi ended up having to wait a few hours to see Junko. The girl was worried about her family but understood that the Village Leader likely had a bunch of responsibilities to attend to, and it wasn’t like Hasumi was a high ranking member of the village that Junko could justify dropping everything to accommodate. Thanking Junko’s secretary the young girl made her way out of the Tower and loitered around some of the growing hotspots in the village, trying to listen out for any news about bandit attacks.

She did hear a story about a number of shinobi taking on an incursion that had taken place at some nearby farms. Apparently there had been no casualties on the defenders end, so Hasu didn’t have to worry about either her creator or brother having perished there. As she listened in more she came to find that one of the defenders had matched the description of her brother, though his feats seemed to be small in comparison to the other warriors she heard about.

As the time of Hasu’s appointment grew near she made her way back to the Tower, arriving a few minutes early just in case. Hasu waved to the secretary as she entered the Kage Tower for the second time that day, the secretary acknowledging her and getting up to tell Junko. A few moments later the secretary returned and beckoned for Hasu to make her way up to Junko’s office.

Thankfully Hasu knew her way through the building and it didn’t take her long to arrive, gently knocking on the door before being allowed in. The young girl made her way to the chair Junko motioned for and quickly settled into the seat, smiling back to Junko as she settled into the seat. The young girl listened to the Village leader as she spoke first, mentioning that sometime later they’d have to chat and catch up on what Hasumi had been getting into within the village. However Junko wasn’t going to let the inquiry get in the way of Hasu’s request, and asked the girl to explain why she was visiting that day.

Hasu took a deep breath and rested her arms on her chair as she tried to figure out how she wanted to explain this to Junko.

“So I’m not sure if this it normal but… I have a telepathic link with my father and brother. Normally they can keep in contact with me and help me navigate through situations, but recently I’ve just been hearing static whenever I try and get in touch with them. I’m starting to get worried that something might have happened to them… is there anything that can be done? Even if you can’t spare anyone to help look for them.. if I could just get permission to leave I think I could find them! I know I’m just a Genin but I promise I’d be careful!” As the girl spoke she would initially sound quiet but would grow in volume and enthusiasm as she continued. By the end the girl stood up out of her chair, and was looking at Junko with determination in her bright blue eyes.

WC: 529
TWC: 850
Junko Tsukiko
Junko Tsukiko
Village Leader
Village Leader
Stat Page : Stat Page
Mission Record : Mission Log
Living Clones : Kiko Tsukiko
Jun Tsukiko
Remove Iryōjutsu Remove Fūinjutsu Ninjutsu Remove Default
Remove Earth Water Lightning Remove Default
Clan Specialty : Genjutsu
Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 0

Can I get the Wifi? I Have No Service (P, IO) Empty Re: Can I get the Wifi? I Have No Service (P, IO)

Tue Apr 09, 2024 10:42 pm
She would listen intently as Hasu began explaining her situation, ensuring to maintain her pleasant demeanor as she spoke. The young woman would explain that she had a telepathic link with both her brother and her father. Junko would take a moment to look over the young woman's chakra and examine her body for seals, to which she’d find none. She had a telepathic connection with Ren, but seemingly the young woman's bond was far different than hers. Hasu then continued to explain that often she would use this connection to help her, but even since entering the village she heard nothing but static.

Immediately Junko knew the reasoning behind this, a new upgrade for the village recently was installed that inhibited communications and teleportation in and out of the village. She would offer the young woman an empathetic look as she expressed that she was concerned for her family members and wanted to know if anything could be done. Before Junko could speak, the young woman would exclaim that even if they didn’t have anyone to spare, she would go look for them herself. At this Junko immediately shook her head no, there was no way that she was going to allow Hasu outside of the village while there was hardly anyone outside to aid her.

Junko would motion for her to sit down once again as she began speaking. Her face was full of concern, though, in all honesty, it was a concern for Hasu and not her family. Though it was unlikely that both her brother and father got killed, Junko couldn’t help but wonder if Kurogane had gotten them before they could enter the village. Once she had settled down, Junko would speak up once more, however now in a calming and relaxing tone as she attempted to soothe the poor girl.

”Darling listen, we’ll figure out what happened with them alright. I’ll let you know that there’s been some work done in the village to block communication like that, so that’s why you’re experiencing the static. I can provide you with the means to get around this obstacle, however, I need you to answer some questions for me first before I can give you the information. Deal?”

If Hasu agreed Junko would bow her head slightly towards the young woman. Before continuing on.

”Why don’t you start by telling me their names, and give me a brief description of what they both look like? I may have worked with them or at least know of them from my time here on the island.”

She would listen intently as the young girl responded as she attempted to recall any information that may be important to the situation they now found themselves in.

Total WC: 748
Hasumi Hayato
Hasumi Hayato
Stat Page : Stat Page
Mission Record : Link
Iryōjutsu Remove Default
Remove Remove Water Remove Remove Default
Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Tsukigakure
Ryo : 0

Can I get the Wifi? I Have No Service (P, IO) Empty Re: Can I get the Wifi? I Have No Service (P, IO)

Wed Apr 10, 2024 6:24 pm
Hasu's determined look immediately dispersed as Junko began to explain the situation, replaced by a look of curiosity as she listened to Junko's explanation. While the young girl's worries weren't completely assuaged she felt a lot better knowing that the static was caused by some of a sort of scrambling device and not something done by Kurogane. As Junko explained that she could provide means to bypass the static, Hasu found her letting out a large exhale that left her feeling significantly calmer than before. The young girl returned to her seat and relaxed into it, taking a moment to respond to Junko as she tried to gather her thoughts.

"Well... my father never told me his name. He seems to be a secretive man for some reason, my brother and I just call him The Masked Man because he always has on this weird wooden mask that's painted white. He seemed to know who you were though, when I first saw you he told me that you were a trustworthy person and that I should try and befriend you.

My brother's name is Isamu, he's tall and has blue eyes like me. He and our father usually wear black robes, though The Masked Man usually carries two swords on his hip. Isamu wants one but he hasn't been able to afford one yet.

Does that help at all? I promise that nothing bad will happen if you let me talk to them, I'm pretty sure my father wants to help you even!" Hasu's expression and tone changed quite a few times as the young girl spoke, going from focusing on being informative to having a pleading look in her eye as she started to worry that maybe Junko wouldn't be happy with how secretive her father was. Hasu crossed her arms and nervously gripped her elbows as she finished her explanation, giving Junko a nervous smile as she hoped that the Village Leader would be kind enough to let her communicate with her family, even if they did act suspicious.

WC: 341
Junko Tsukiko
Junko Tsukiko
Village Leader
Village Leader
Stat Page : Stat Page
Mission Record : Mission Log
Living Clones : Kiko Tsukiko
Jun Tsukiko
Remove Iryōjutsu Remove Fūinjutsu Ninjutsu Remove Default
Remove Earth Water Lightning Remove Default
Clan Specialty : Genjutsu
Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 0

Can I get the Wifi? I Have No Service (P, IO) Empty Re: Can I get the Wifi? I Have No Service (P, IO)

Wed Apr 10, 2024 8:59 pm
Junko was relieved to see that her words seemingly calmed Hasu’s concerns. She’d nod her head and listen intently as the young woman began explaining her situation. Junko admittedly was a bit surprised that the young woman seemingly didn’t know the name of the man she called her father. Hasu then continued to explain that both she and her brother called him the masked man because he wore a wooden mask painted white. Immediately things began making sense to Junko. The young woman before her was a clone of the man she knew to be Takehiko.

While they were working together previously he had mentioned that he planned on making some and apparently, one was now sitting before her. Hasu then would explain that her “father” had been the one to suggest sticking with Junko in the first place, even going as far as stating that she was trustworthy. A bit of a chuckle would escape her lips, she hoped he found her trustworthy by now. If she had intended to harm him, there were plenty of opportunities for her to do so. It had been quite a while since she saw him last, and she couldn’t help but wonder if he’d be impressed by her progression or be dismissive towards it.

Hasu then would tell her the name of her ”brother” Isamu, to which she immediately recognized. Takehiko had sent the middle-aged man to the gates with a large sum of money for her recently, so she could safely assume that he was also a clone. When the young woman asked if it helped at all, Junko would give her a reassuring nod. She’d wait for Hasu to finish her train of thought before speaking up once more, still in her sweet and loving voice.

”I actually am a friend of your…father. However, I don’t believe he’s truly your father, is he? He and I have similar abilities to make more of ourselves should we have a need. You and my darling Kiko are the same in that regard.”

Junko felt as if she could trust Takehiko, she honestly still believed he had been living in her basement and was unsure of when he had left. She then gave Hasu the password to bypass the Dimensional Interdiction Seals, then requested that she tell Takehiko that she wanted to meet up with him when he had the time. She’d wait patiently for a response from the young woman with a sweet smile on her face once more.

Total WC: 1168
Hasumi Hayato
Hasumi Hayato
Stat Page : Stat Page
Mission Record : Link
Iryōjutsu Remove Default
Remove Remove Water Remove Remove Default
Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Tsukigakure
Ryo : 0

Can I get the Wifi? I Have No Service (P, IO) Empty Re: Can I get the Wifi? I Have No Service (P, IO)

Wed Apr 10, 2024 9:30 pm
Hasu was initially happy with Junko's response but felt a chill as the subject shifted to Hasu's origins and true nature. She found herself gripping her elbows tightly as she kept her arms crossed, her blue eyes starting to fill with fear as Junko informed her that she and The Masked Man had both been able to create life and that the woman she had met recently Kiko had been born of a similar ability.

"That seems a.. terrifying power to have, I think. I know that he's not my father in the traditional sense, but he did create me so I'm not sure what else to call him. And Isamu is my brother, regardless of anything." The fear seemed to leave her eyes as she spoke the last sentence with a sureness that hadn't been there before.

Once she was given the password Hasumi immediately got in touch with Isamu, looking off and out the window as she opened their telepathic link.  After she made sure Isamu was okay she opened the telepathic link with her creator, who seemed less surprised to hear her than Isamu had. When the girl informed The Masked Man that Junko wanted to meet, the man informed her to arrange a time for her and Junko to close off a hospital room. Apparently he would teleport to Hasu's location once they had assured they were alone. It seemed he had some sort of plan, and Hasu was going to be involved in it.

Hasu looked back to Junko as she finished the conversation, wondering again how to word her sentences.

"It seems that he'd like to meet you in a hospital room, if that can be arranged. He wants to demonstrate something he can offer the village... it seems that Isamu and I will be part of it. He'd prefer if it was just us, though you can bring along anyone close to you if you'd like." The girl seemed a bit concerned about the plan, but didn't have any reason to suspect that she was in any danger.

"If you'd be able to give me a time, I can try and meet up with you and we can find a place in the hospital that you think is private. After that, I guess he's going to teleport into the village, so long as you're alright with me sharing the password with him as well."

The girl would wait for Junko's response, and if she got the information she needed the girl would get up and out of the chair. "Thank you so much for your help Junko, you really are the best! I hope you have a good day, and I'll see you soon!"

With that the girl gave Junko a smile and wave, then made her way out of the Tower and back toward Junko's house. Hasu found it kinda funny that she spent more time in the woman's home than she did. As she arrived at the woman's house she sent the password to The Masked Man, informing him on how to bypass the Dimensional Interdiction Seals himself.

-20 AP for Telepathy


WC: 517


Village Upgrade Permission
Hasumi received password for Tsukigakure's Dimensional Interdiction Seals, and shared it with her creator Denkiteki via telepathy

WC Claims
+18 Chakra
1647 toward finishing Tobirama's Fury, Previous Training here

Modified Totals
Chakra: 63+18=81
Total Stats: 188+18=206
Junko Tsukiko
Junko Tsukiko
Village Leader
Village Leader
Stat Page : Stat Page
Mission Record : Mission Log
Living Clones : Kiko Tsukiko
Jun Tsukiko
Remove Iryōjutsu Remove Fūinjutsu Ninjutsu Remove Default
Remove Earth Water Lightning Remove Default
Clan Specialty : Genjutsu
Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 0

Can I get the Wifi? I Have No Service (P, IO) Empty Re: Can I get the Wifi? I Have No Service (P, IO)

Thu Apr 11, 2024 1:04 am
She’d offer her a smile as she mentioned that it was a terrifying power to have. A few months ago, Junko would share the same sentiment with the girl, but simply cloning herself was one of the simpler things she could do. Hasu would look toward the window as she assumably began conversing with the others. Junko’s gaze would fall on some paperwork lying on her desk as she waited for Hasu to address her once more. She looked up into the young woman's eyes once more as she began to explain Takehiko’s request.

Junko couldn’t help but be both confused and intrigued as to why he would want to meet her in one of the hospital rooms, but she was willing to cooperate with his wishes. After all, when the facility was being prepared, Junko requested a private lab-like room for herself near the basement of the building. This was to ensure that she wasn’t bothered when attempting to do any medical treatments and also allowed her to create antidotes and other elixirs as she saw fit.  Hasu then would mention that Junko only needed to give her a time to meet up and she’d try to the best of her ability to meet her there.

After contemplating for a few minutes, Junko would simply nod her head before speaking up once more.

”If Takehiko is free tomorrow around nightfall, then I’d like to meet him then. Tell him I have a private lab that we can use, and have access to whatever we may need. Also yes, it’s quite alright to give him the password, but please do keep it amongst yourselves. The last thing I need is to have that spread around”

After enhancing their goodbyes, Junko would offer her a loving wave as Hasu exited her office. Once she was gone, Junko returned her attention to the remaining amount of work that she had to complete before heading to sleep.


Total WC: 1495

Gave password to Hasumi

3611/3750  Sanguine Ichor Blood Armor S Rank Previous training here
Hanzo Uchiha
Hanzo Uchiha
Stat Page : Hanzo of the Black Flames
Mission Record : Logs
Summoning Contract : The Wolves Of Death Gorge
Bukijutsu Ninjutsu Remove Default
Remove Remove Remove Remove Fire Default
Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Otogakure
Ryo : 124370

Can I get the Wifi? I Have No Service (P, IO) Empty Re: Can I get the Wifi? I Have No Service (P, IO)

Thu Apr 11, 2024 9:10 am
Hasumi Hayato wrote:

WC: 517


Village Upgrade Permission
Hasumi received password for Tsukigakure's Dimensional Interdiction Seals, and shared it with her creator Denkiteki via telepathy

WC Claims
+18 Chakra
1647 toward finishing Tobirama's Fury, Previous Training here

Modified Totals
Chakra: 63+18=81
Total Stats: 188+18=206

Hanzo Uchiha
Hanzo Uchiha
Stat Page : Hanzo of the Black Flames
Mission Record : Logs
Summoning Contract : The Wolves Of Death Gorge
Bukijutsu Ninjutsu Remove Default
Remove Remove Remove Remove Fire Default
Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Otogakure
Ryo : 124370

Can I get the Wifi? I Have No Service (P, IO) Empty Re: Can I get the Wifi? I Have No Service (P, IO)

Thu Apr 11, 2024 9:11 am
Junko Tsukiko wrote:

Total WC: 1495

Gave password to Hasumi

3611/3750  Sanguine Ichor Blood Armor S Rank Previous training here

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