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Moka Inuzuka
Moka Inuzuka
Stat Page : Link
Mission Record : Moka's Book
Familiar : Wildfire
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Clan Focus : --
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 500

Moka's Delivery Service Empty Moka's Delivery Service

Wed Mar 29, 2023 4:08 pm

Moka, the seven-year-old Konoha Genin, part of the Inuzuka clan, is known for their ability to communicate and fight alongside their canine companions. Her dog Wildfire was essential to her ninja's abilities and followed her everywhere she went. Inuzuka folk had a unique fighting style involving using their dogs to attack their enemies and making Wildfire more than not just a pet but also a valuable tool for Moka's ninja missions.

As a Genin, Moka is a low-ranked ninja just starting her career nad as such decided to spend that time doing missions around the village to gain experience and improve her skills. She knew these missions might involve delivering messages, escorting people, or gathering information. Overall, Moka was taught by her family that her character is a classic example of the type of ninja that makes up the bulk of Konoha's forces. She is a skilled fighter with potential but still has much to learn, and she is working hard to become more powerful and worthy of the family name.

A local butcher in Konohagakure needs help shipping a large order of meats to the Inuzuka clan. Genin that help with the mission are expected to organize the parcel and safely deliver it to the clan's compound.

Moka Inuzuka and her team were assigned to help with this mission; they would likely be the most well-suited to handle the task. As a member of the Inuzuka clan, Moka has a natural affinity for working with dogs, and Wildfire could help with the delivery.

To organize the parcel, Moka and her team carefully packed and labeled each type of meat to quickly identify it at the destination. They would also need to ensure that the meats were kept at a safe temperature during transportation to avoid spoilage.

Once the parcel was ready, Moka and her team used their knowledge of the village to navigate the streets and avoid potential obstacles. They would need to be careful not to attract unwanted attention, as the meat could be a target for thieves or other unsavory characters.

Upon arriving at the Inuzuka clan's compound, Moka and her team ensured the meat was delivered to the proper recipient and received in good condition. They then returned to the butcher to report on the mission's success and receive any further instructions or rewards.

Overall, this mission was an excellent opportunity for Moka and her team to demonstrate their skills as Genin while helping a local business and building goodwill with their fellow clan members. Once Moka and her team complete the mission and deliver the meat to the Inuzuka clan, they would need to report back to the mission administration building to confirm the completion of their task.

Upon confirmation, they would be awarded ryo, the currency used in Konohagakure, as a reward for their efforts. The amount of ryo they receive would depend on the difficulty of the mission and the level of success they achieved. The pay was modest, even for a child. Completing missions and earning ryo is integral to being a ninja in Konohagakure. It helps build up one's resources and contributes to the village's and its inhabitants' well-being.

It is advised to use the ryo they earned to purchase new equipment or supplies to aid them on future missions or to upgrade their existing gear. However, they were her funds, and the young Inuzuka was naughty enough to use those to fund personal activities, such as eating sweet treats and candy at her leisure.


WC: 580

5 stats for Wildfire
450 Great Fireball [1000/1000] [C-rank] 
550 done here
130 to Blast Wave [130/1500][B-rank]

Mission Completion & Rewards
1,000 Ryo and 5 AP to Moka
Stat Page : Link
Summoning Contract : Rinnegan Summon Contract: Animal Realm
Living Clones : Shinobu Senju
Yoru Senju
Legendary Equipment : Gourd of Gaara
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 104

Moka's Delivery Service Empty Re: Moka's Delivery Service

Wed Mar 29, 2023 4:14 pm
Approve, my child.

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