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Junko Tsukiko
Junko Tsukiko
Village Leader
Village Leader
Stat Page : Stat Page
Mission Record : Mission Log
Living Clones : Kiko Tsukiko
Jun Tsukiko
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Clan Specialty : Genjutsu
Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 0

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Mon Feb 05, 2024 2:05 am
Missions Attempted
Point A to Point B
Captain Vagabond

Commerce and trade have been booming in Moon lately, mostly due to the new shinobi that now assist the locals in a variety of tasks. Junko could see the island around her springing to life as people from all walks of life stopped to trade and take in the stunning views. The stunning clear water and the pristine golden sands were the main attractions for those who simply came here to relax. Unfortunately due to the increase in trade, and the lack of a military force on the island, bandits still could be found attempting to steal various kinds of cargo. This made the wealthier merchants significantly more wary of stopping there to sell their goods. However luckily for Junko, there was an incredible amount of people looking to hire vagabonds to escort them around.

She would spend a few days looking for the right contract to pick up. She wanted to travel as much of the island as possible, so she attempted to find one that would start at one end of the land mass and end on the opposite side. Often times cargo would be dropped off at a dock near the northern tip of the island, then make its way to the various small settlements across the island, then what remained would be picked up from a similar dock at the southern tip of the island. Thankfully there were simple dirt roads that seemed to be traveled on frequently that connected the various small settlements.

After deciding she would accept one of the jobs from one of the larger merchant companies, Junko would attempt to speak with Ren. She noticed he liked to spend his time out in nature, and figured he would be a good companion to take with her. She also believed he was a rather helpful individual, when she cooked or did things around the home he would often ask if he could assist her, and usually she would accept the aid. She had grown rather comfortable around him and the others she now found herself living with, and didn’t want to go out on the road alone once more.

If she could find him she would approach and say ”Oh Ren! You’re just the person I was looking for. I have a favor to ask of you, please feel free to say no if you’re not interested. I was thinking about taking a mission that would last a few days, we would be protecting some cargo that one of the larger merchants plans on distributing to the local settlements. I know you’re a fan of the outdoors, so I couldn’t help but think you’d enjoy coming along. Theres a bunch of beautiful things on the island, and I think you’d like to see them.” Her voice was melodic but confident. As she spoke she looked to him with puppy dog eyes, hoping he would agree to come.

If he agreed she’d do a little happy dance, and inform him that they would be leaving the following morning to head to the drop-off location. It had been a few months since the last time she slept among the stars, so she was eager to get back out there. After their conversation concluded Junko would begin her preparations. She would pack a bag with a handful of necessary items, including one of the Icha Icha romance novels Emi had gifted her,  in hopes of finishing a few more chapters in her downtime. She would also pack away some extra clothes, various hygiene necessities, and a handful of other things that she may need.

That night while the group of friends all gathered around for dinner, Junko would inform them of her mission with Ren if he had accepted. Simply they would be gone for the next few days to escort a merchant's cargo around the island. She left Kiko in charge of the home and asked the others to respect her wishes until they arrived back. For the rest of the night, she would finish her preparations and fall asleep relatively early.

Junko would wake before the sun rose in the sky, and immediately she’d begin her morning routine. Starting off she’d take a long soak in the bath, since she knew for the next few days she’d be unable to do her routine as usual. Upon getting out, she would dress in some traveling clothes. She would wear a pair of well fitting shorts, that stopped about halfway down her thigh. Along with a tight black tube top that would reveal her mid-drift. Over it, she wore a long red robe that stopped just below her knees that could be buttoned up in case the night proved to be colder than anticipated. However for the time being it was unbuttoned and open in the front. Along the cuffs of the sleeves and the bottom of the robe there was a pattern in black embroidery that looked to be in the shapes of small moons and stars. She also had a belt tied around her waist with a ninja pouch connected to it for easy access, and attached to her right thigh with a similar belt was a sheathed tanto.

Just as the sun began illuminating the sky she would grab her belongings and make her way downstairs and place her things by the door. The home was quiet, it seemed that most people had already left to begin their work for the day. Upon entering the kitchen Junko found a small note near a small sack that simply said “Best wishes from Jun and Kiko, hope this helps!” A bright smile crossed her lips as she inspected the contents of the bag. Within she found a variety of packed food, snacks, and some drinks. There was definitely enough to get Ren and her through the next few days. She happily placed the note in the pouch on her waist and began preparing breakfast for her and Ren. She didn’t feel like going overboard, so she made them a simple meal of eggs and sausage once she heard Ren moving about the home.

After completing breakfast Junko would clean up the mess she had made, and then she finished any last minute preparations. She would wait patiently for Ren to be ready, and then if he followed her they would leave the home together. As they walked down the dusty road leading to the meet-up point Junko would attempt to hold a conversation with him. Talking about herself, her hobbies, and her future goals. She would also offhandedly mention that just a few months ago she had been a traveling musician herself and that they should try to play together sometime.

WC: 1179
Ren Kurosawa
Ren Kurosawa
Stat Page : Link
Mission Record : Link
Living Clones : Kitsunagi Kurosawa
Sakoshi Kurosawa
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Tsukigakure
Ryo : 46800

Escort Service (MI) Empty Re: Escort Service (MI)

Mon Feb 05, 2024 11:15 am
Ren had begun this day far different than any other. He had awoken early in the morning, rising before the sun had its chance, and he began to play his Biwa very softly. He had been dying to write a new song, and now he had his chance to do just that. He sat down with his instrument, and he began to think of what the lyrics would be. Immediately he knew just what he wanted to write about, the only thing that had been on his mind since he had met her, Junko. He sat down and he thought about her, a very easy task for him to accomplish, and he specifically thought about the things that he knew about her.

He had only known her for a short amount of time, but he had gathered a few things. She is a very passionate individual who cares deeply for those around her. She can become animated with her eyes whenever she speaks about something she cares about. She had either cloned herself to get two sisters, or whoever popped them out was exceedingly lucky to have birthed three drop dead gorgeous daughters. She had a heart that was so large that she offered to heal someone that she didn't know, invite them into her house to not only stay for a night or two, but to stay with no time limit attached to it. He had only known her for a few days, but he knew this much at the very least. Her outward beauty was a great attribute to her, and everyone knows just how beautiful she was physically. But it was the beauty that exuded from her heart that intrigued him the most.

Pen to paper he was ready to write a song, but it wouldn't be a song in the typical sense, he was feeling that sung poetry would fit this situation the best. Carefully crafting his words, he began to form what would turn out to be the following:

"As her raven's stark hair entwines with my fingers
I simply do not dare to leave
Her heart simply calls, and I immediately fall
For the haunting, quiet, infectious stingers
The infection of her words, harmonious as the birds
that call the sky their home
Their powerful of course, and in all due course
They've stopped this wanderer's desire to roam

All the heavens in the world do not call to me
As much as her fiery red eyes
Desire is putting it calmly
As I feel they may just be my demise
Her heart is what I wish for the most
A beloved treasure worth far more than gold
Without her I simply am a ghost
But with her the world I may hold

I boast to thee that I have met
A goddess of all kindness and love
Those that have not met her are beset
With the simple case of unfortunate luck
Yet for I there is beauty in the end
The end of all things that I once knew
And yet an echo calls out from my soul
That she will breathe life and produce my heart anew."

Moments after completing the final lyric he heard a knocking on the door, then a calling of his name. The voice would echo through his soul, "Oh one sec Junko." He would call out as he noticed he was still completely undressed, he tried getting up quickly, and he tripped over his Biwa, falling to the floor, "I'm fine! Just trying to get decent! I didn't realize anyone was up already, just one more second." He speaks continuously as he fumbles around the room trying to get himself ready. Messy and hardly presentable, he opens the door after clearing his throat.

He sees her standing there before the door, and he can't stop himself from looking her over, but then laser focuses on her eyes. "Hi." He clears his throat again. He tries again, but speaking slightly lower in tone to sound more serious and not as much of a joke. "Good morning Junko. It's a pleasure to see you. What can I umm... do for you?" She asks if he would like to go with her on a mission, she explains that it would be a couple days of them traveling through the wilderness together, and being together with no one else, a chance for them to bond, learn more about themselves, alright she didn't do all of that, Ren filled in the rest. She gives him the most adorable look, as if she needed to truly sell him on time alone with her. He pretended to think for a moment, and then he says, "Oh yeah I think that would be great fun. I would absolutely go with you on that mission, with just us, together. You know for safety and all that. Definitely for like the buddy system and whatnot, ya know?"

He agrees and she begins to dance happily, and Ren dies slightly in that moment. He tries to play it off as him laughing in excitement, but truly he didn't know what else to do with his body. She would then get more serious and explain the drop off location and then she would go to prepare for the mission. He waves and shuts the door before turning his back to it and breathing heavily in overcharged excitement. Gasping for air as he crawls back through the room towards the bed.

He recovers for a while, and then he begins to gather his things and prepares for the mission. He had barely unpacked anything as he didn't have anything to unpack, so he was already ready for the mission. That night when they would gather for dinner, his body was buzzing with excitement. He would eat his dinner in as much a normal fashion as possible, and he would do his best to not act like a giddy child for the rest of the day/night.  

The next morning came and Ren had woken up far before the sun had risen. He barely slept with the concept of spending a few days with Junko alone. He went out of his room, and he saw that Junko had already started preparing breakfast. He gave a semi-casual wave before eating the breakfast with her. He had his Biwa hanging off his bag, ready for the travel that was to commence. He helped Junko clean up breakfast and the two of them were off on their adventure. Ren could barely hold his excitement within his body, instead his chakra seemed to flow out of his body in a bright color Red flowing from his body as they began to walk together.

WC: 1119

Emotions on your sleeve - 5 AP

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Junko Tsukiko
Junko Tsukiko
Village Leader
Village Leader
Stat Page : Stat Page
Mission Record : Mission Log
Living Clones : Kiko Tsukiko
Jun Tsukiko
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Clan Specialty : Genjutsu
Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 0

Escort Service (MI) Empty Re: Escort Service (MI)

Tue Feb 06, 2024 2:26 pm
As they walked side by side Junko tried to keep a steady pace, and would occasionally stop to take in some of the stunning views. She noticed the red chakra radiating off of him, but it seemed to be due to his excitement for the mission so she didn’t pry. It also didn’t seem to be harmful or anything to be worried about so she didn’t mention it. She couldn’t help but think of the song that she had heard Ren singing through his door earlier. She had only heard the last few phrases, so she was unsure of who or really what it was about. She also didn’t want to ask, she thought that if she brought it up Ren would think she had been eavesdropping. It was just that she needed to speak with him, and heard him paying, so she approached. To her, he sounded like he was singing about a woman and her thoughts raced. He never spoke to her about having somebody in his life who emotionally impacted him to that extent. She couldn’t help but feel a bit jealous of this mystery woman, she had never found somebody who cared for her so much that they’d write a song about her. Then there was Ren, he always seemed so willing to help and comfort her when she needed him. Even when she didn’t need him, he was there willing to provide aid. Compared to the rough and miserable people she often ran into on her previous travels, he was like a breath of fresh air.

He reminded her kind of her mother, both were extremely charming and had a passion for music. She couldn’t help but feel drawn to him, she found herself often thinking of the great work they could do to improve the community around them. Though she knew he lived the life of a traveler, and was unsure if he was going to be sticking around or not. Similarly to Takehiko, she found herself stuck between a rock and a hard place. Should she grow close to him, and simply hope that he wouldn’t leave? Or should she only view this companionship as temporary and make impulsive decisions, hoping to form some sort of connection? Did he even want a real connection with her, from the sounds of the song she had heard earlier, he sounded infatuated with this mystery woman. Maybe he was simply being kind to her, and nothing more.

She pushed the thoughts from her mind, not wanting them to spiral out of her control. After all, she had a job to do and didn’t want to make any mistakes that would cost her this opportunity to travel around the island. Though still interested in him, she would ask…

” What inspires you to create music? You play with such love and compassion for the art form, so I’d like to know where it all comes from. If you don’t feel comfortable telling me that’s fine too! My mother was a traveling musician too, and she taught me how to play the violin. She often told me I inspired her to create, that she found joy in watching me interact with the world and the people within it.”

Her cheeks would begin to turn a light pink as she quickly became a little embarrassed.

WC: 558
Total WC: 1677
Ren Kurosawa
Ren Kurosawa
Stat Page : Link
Mission Record : Link
Living Clones : Kitsunagi Kurosawa
Sakoshi Kurosawa
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Tsukigakure
Ryo : 46800

Escort Service (MI) Empty Re: Escort Service (MI)

Tue Feb 06, 2024 2:45 pm
As they walked, Ren did his best to calm his chakra. It swirled with red and orange hues, colliding with each other, a visage of the inner waves that lapped at his own train of thought. He could smell her from this distance, almost feel her heat, he enjoyed that very much. He usually would be thinking about the world around him, scanning for dangers and being sure not to be ambushed, but he couldn't right now. The only thing on his mind was her. He didn't want to admit it because it seemed so soon, but he was beginning to have a sinking feeling that his life wandering for his wanderlust's sake was nearing its end.

"I've spent so many years on the road," He began thinking to himself, "always chasing that high of seeing the next thing. I've never really had a reason to stay anywhere. But she has given me a reason to stay somewhere, to build where I am and water where I'm planted. I couldn't bear the idea of leaving her behind. She could come with me. No... She wouldn't leave her friends and her community. But that isn't such a bad thing. There is so much to this island... I mean the majority is her." He paused for a moment to listen to her speaking to him.

She asked what inspired him to create, and his chakra rose from his skin again. She continued to speak about her mother, how she was a traveling musician, and that Junko was her mother's muse. He understood. There was so much about her that beckoned a creative heart to lean in and observe. Her charm, her unusual level of bravery, and the sheer level of love that she had to give was far more than anything he had ever witnessed. He thought hard for a moment, not because he didn't know what to say, but because he wasn't sure if she wanted to hear his true thoughts. He feared they would scare her away. He decided he would tell her a truth, even if it wasn't the whole truth.

"Oh! Ummm.. yeah. My inspiration, hmmm. I would say.... it comes from..." He spoke as he continued to think through his thoughts. He stopped stammering for a moment and took in a deep breath. "Honestly, Junko. My creativity for my art has always been those around me. I can see, hear, smell, touch, or witness a wide variety of different people, places, and things. But lately, that has all gone away. There is only one thing that I can even dream about, the rest is all gone in my heart and my mind as of late. I know it's strange, but to be honest, I've never honestly had this happen to me before, either." He stopped for another moment. "My inspiration boils down to love." He decided on an answer, his heart was beating out of his chest and he yearned to tell her more, but he was afraid.

"You cannot tell her. You can't! It's been such a short time. If you tell her, she will run away and you know it!" His thoughts began to turn on himself. His heart begged to tell her how he felt, but his mind just knew that it would destroy them. "But it's the truth! I don't think she'll run." He thought to his own thoughts, his mind was bending at the moment, and his chakra swirling around him was evidence of it. It was swirling with streaks of blue, clashing with the orage and red. He couldn't quite keep a lid on how he was feeling. He turned towards her, and just as his mouth opened to speak, he could feel someone within his own mind shut it for him. The words refused to be let out of his soul, nothing could get it out of him. "Maybe she won't run!" The rest of his thoughts yelled at him. His inner turmoil was likely evident, but it was nothing compared to the war waging between his heart and his mind.

WC: 683
TWCL: 1802
Junko Tsukiko
Junko Tsukiko
Village Leader
Village Leader
Stat Page : Stat Page
Mission Record : Mission Log
Living Clones : Kiko Tsukiko
Jun Tsukiko
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Clan Specialty : Genjutsu
Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 0

Escort Service (MI) Empty Re: Escort Service (MI)

Tue Feb 06, 2024 3:17 pm
She watched him with a compassionate smile as her heart fluttered. He spoke so passionately about his love for music, his love for creation. She couldn’t help but want to know more, though she didn’t want to seem too pushy. Her mother had always told her something similar, that her greatest muse was those who surrounded her. Junko understood that quite well, after all, her passion for building a better community only started once she fell in love with the people and landscapes surrounding her. Junko watched as the chakra he had been trying to relax now seemingly went out of his control, swirling with a variety of colors. She couldn’t help be mesmerized by the display, she hadn’t seen anything like it before.

"So he’s in love after all? I wonder who it is.. Maybe Yume? Is that why they ended up here, to escape whatever turmoil or stress that plagued them?" She thought to herself. Once more feeling a bit jealous of the relationship she potentially saw them being in. She felt a bit conflicted, she had grown close to Takehiko but couldn’t help but feel connected to Ren. Though if her theory was correct, Ren probably wouldn’t want anything to do with her in that regard.

She stopped walking as they came to a steep cliff that overlooked a beautiful beach landscape. For a few moments, she took in the beauty of her surroundings and tried to decide what to say to him. She didn’t want to come off as pushy, or prying into his personal life, but she needed to know who he spoke about. Her soft gaze would fall on him once more as she worked up the courage to ask.

” If you don’t mind me asking, what changed? Again if you’re not comfortable answering that’s fine.”

Total WC: 1984
Ren Kurosawa
Ren Kurosawa
Stat Page : Link
Mission Record : Link
Living Clones : Kitsunagi Kurosawa
Sakoshi Kurosawa
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Tsukigakure
Ryo : 46800

Escort Service (MI) Empty Re: Escort Service (MI)

Tue Feb 06, 2024 3:32 pm
The two stopped walking as they reached a cliff that overlooked the beautiful landscape of this island, it was a rather romantic spot, at least in Ren's mind. He couldn't help but to breathe quickly, his lungs seeming to take on their own persona. He knew it, and all of him knew that he knew it. "That's it. I'm going to tell her. I'm gonna do it! I'm DOING IT!" The moment Junko was done speaking, asking him about what had changed, everything came rushing to the front of his body.

He turned to her, stared deep into her beautiful yet fierce eyes, and with all of his might, but also with whatever remaining dignity he had left that hadn't been destroyed in the last five minutes of conversation, he explained. He rested both of his hands on each of her gorgeous shoulders, a rush of excitement flooded his entire body. This was going to be his decision to make, no more doubt or fear. If this was a mistake, then damn it, it was going to be his mistake to make! Suddenly, everything became clear. His chakra, still on fire, began to stream out a pure red hue, and it stood tall on his shoulders. He leaned towards her, looking her directly in her eyes.

"Junko. I am in love with you. From the very moment I saw you, I knew it was true in my heart. I want nothing more than to be with you for the rest of my life. I have spent every memory of mine wandering the world that surrounds me, chasing a new adventure, looking for new things in my life. But the moment I met you I realized that is because I have been searching for the one thing that would give my life purpose, the one thing that would give me meaning. I have found that purpose, I have found that meaning and it is you." He breathed in, and continued. "It's fine if you don't feel the same way, or if you think I am crazy for feeling that I am in love with you after only knowing for such a short time. But I know how I feel, and I am truly, deeply, unexpectantly in love with every inch, every minute fiber of your being." He stopped for a moment, and he would of course stopped if interrupted. But for now this is what he needed to say, but there was plenty more that he wanted to say, but he was to wait until he had reason to continue.

"Well... I did it. And I feel damn good about it!" He yelled within his mind, he wasn't sure just how it would be received. He didn't even stop to think if there was someone else in her life. He felt worried about that aspect, there was little chance that he was the only to have noticed such a perfect individual walking the lands, but he needed to at least tell her that he was undyingly in love with her.

WC: 429
TWC: 2231
Junko Tsukiko
Junko Tsukiko
Village Leader
Village Leader
Stat Page : Stat Page
Mission Record : Mission Log
Living Clones : Kiko Tsukiko
Jun Tsukiko
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Clan Specialty : Genjutsu
Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 0

Escort Service (MI) Empty Re: Escort Service (MI)

Tue Feb 06, 2024 4:09 pm
As he spoke Junko remained calm and watched him intently. She smiled brightly as he divulged this information to her, and could feel the warmth of his hands on her shoulders. She was a bit surprised to her that it had been her that lingered on his mind. However, she did feel like it was a tad too soon to believe he had fallen truly in love with her, it had only been only a little while since they met. How much of her could he have possibly seen within that time that would make him so committed? She would place her hands on his, and rub them gently to reassure him. She knew she didn’t feel the same way now, but maybe could once they knew each other more. Also recently romance has been the last thing on her mind, her thoughts and time had been consumed by protecting the people on the island. She didn’t want to hurt him but knew that she needed to tell him the truth.

”Ren I… I don’t even know what to say.” Her cheeks were now bright red as she stared up into his eyes. For a moment she was silent, getting lost in his gaze. However, she would quickly speak up once again, not wanting to leave him in suspense.

”I want to be honest and open with you, I don’t currently feel the same. I have to admit I am attracted to you, but love is a strong emotion and not one I give away lightly.” She would break eye contact, but still stay in his grasp, now slightly rubbing his lower arm.

“I’m also just so busy trying to create this village and protecting those on the island that I haven’t had much time to think about such things. I also fear you may have a romanticized version of me, I’m not as perfect as you may think though I sometimes can seem it. If it’s alright I’d like to learn more about you and spend more time together before taking this anywhere. I cherish your friendship, and wouldn’t want to end up hurting someone like you. You’re very kind and compassionate, and you deserve somebody who’ll give everything they have to you. For now, I can’t provide that, but maybe in the future if you decide to stay around that long.” She would look back at him, tears slightly welling up in her eyes.

She never had seen herself as even being loveable in the first place, and now out of the blue, somebody she hardly knew held such profound feelings for her. She genuinely didn’t want to hurt him, but knew that if she gave herself to him, he would become the only thing she thought about.

Total WC: 2,453
Ren Kurosawa
Ren Kurosawa
Stat Page : Link
Mission Record : Link
Living Clones : Kitsunagi Kurosawa
Sakoshi Kurosawa
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Tsukigakure
Ryo : 46800

Escort Service (MI) Empty Re: Escort Service (MI)

Tue Feb 06, 2024 4:28 pm
His thoughts became hollow, his words echoed through his mind, melding with hers as he heard her words ring through the air. His heart tore in two and his brain flooded with regret... at first. But after a moment had passed, he smiled wide, but he didn't move away. He didn't lean away or cower, he chuckled slightly, partly in embarrassment, party in relief after she was done speaking.

"Your honesty is more than appreciated. I understand that it was forward, and as I said, I can't exactly explain it myself. You don't need to love me right away, or at all for that matter and only someone with no heart would expect otherwise. Your mind is everywhere else but in a place where you can feel as if romance is a viable option, but that's fine with me. You are busy creating a village so you can protect those that live within this island and create your own community, and I know you have no time to think about such things, and all of that is okay. My love for you isn't going anywhere, and neither am I. I will be here to help you create this village. I will do whatever it is you need of me to make it happen."

She spoke about her worrying that he had an idyllic version of her in mind, something that had merit as they only spoke for so long. But that didn't hurt his spirit.

"I may have only known you for a short while, but that's okay too. I am going to learn all that you let me learn, and I will soak up every moment. I may not know everything about you, which is very true. But I know that there is nothing within you that would scare me away, my love is not so fragile. I would love to spend more time with you, learn more about you and let you learn anything and everything about me that you want. To be quite honest I didn't expect anything to come out of what I had said, I wasn't truly thinking at that point, it was all so intense within, as you could see, but every word I spoke is true, never doubt that."

He would offer her a hug, and if she would accept it, then he would cherish every moment of their embrace. Should she reject it, then he would nod and accept such a decision. But either way he would take a step back and he would breathe calmly once more, "Well now that I got that out of the way, I say we take a moment to admire this gorgeous landscape for a few more minutes, then carry on with what we need to do. After all there is still a mission, no matter how much I may want this to be a lovely stroll through the countryside." He would laugh to himself, then look out towards the ocean.

He wasn't hurt, he wasn't even honestly bothered. He was happy that he got to speak his piece, and now he would look forward to the rest of their day together, no matter what.

WC: 529
TWC: 2760
Junko Tsukiko
Junko Tsukiko
Village Leader
Village Leader
Stat Page : Stat Page
Mission Record : Mission Log
Living Clones : Kiko Tsukiko
Jun Tsukiko
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Clan Specialty : Genjutsu
Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 0

Escort Service (MI) Empty Re: Escort Service (MI)

Wed Feb 07, 2024 12:28 am
A wave of relief washed over Junko’s body, she was nervous about how he’d handle the rejection but was happy with his acceptance. She would lean into the hug, pushing her body against him in a tight embrace, she would rub his back slightly hoping to ease his worries as well. As they stood, she’d try to pick up a conversation and speak to him as normal, though if he seemed uninterested she’d remain quiet. Soon they left the cliffside and continued on their mission. She hoped he would stay true to his word and stay around, she genuinely enjoyed his company and would hate to see him go. She thought that her rejection would weaken their bond, but it seemingly reinforced it.

They walked until around 7 o'clock and came upon a small seaside settlement. Junko would suggest sleeping in an inn until the morning. Unfortunately, they only had one room available since it was a rather small inn, and it had only one bed. If Ren was okay with it Junko would accept the room and pay for it, refusing if Ren asked to pay. After the transaction was complete they would make their way to the room. It was rather basic furniture, with a queen-sized bed in the center of the room. Getting comfortable, Junko would ask Ren to turn around while she got dressed then change into a simple black pajama set. With her equipment removed, Junko would hop into bed and snuggle underneath the blanket. The bed was large enough to fit two people comfortably, however, they would occasionally bump into each other's arms or brush a leg against each other. Junko seemingly would always have a warm body, mostly because of the chakra-infused blood that ran through her veins. If Ren was cold, she’d offer to cuddle up with him, if not she’d remain comfortable in one position.

The next morning soon came and the two of them made their way to the docks where they would receive their cargo. After receiving the packages, along with a donkey and a cart, they headed to the drop-off location. Junko would hold a pleasant conversation with Ren, occasionally commenting about how cute the donkey was. As they entered a large clearing Junko could see 5 cloaked figures walking down the street toward them. They looked to be carrying various weapons. Immediately Junko grew nervous as the figures approached, so she decided to pool a portion of her chakra around her eyes, activating her ketsuryugan. If Ren looked at her, he would see her eyes glowing a deep crimson-red color, and a look of determination across her face.

As the figures grew closer Junko attempted to speak to them, but as she opened her mouth to speak they rushed forward at her. Not knowing how capable Ren was in combat Junko would attempt to step in front of him. Regardless if he allowed her to or not Junko's body would begin glowing a light blue color as she activated her water restoration technique. Quickly she’d then do the tiger, ram, hare, monkey, and tiger hand seals, completing the dragon whip technique. Then from the blue aura now surrounding her body a small bubble formed, as it moved farther from her body it expanded to 5 meters in diameter and landed 10 meters in front of them. Once on the ground, it would grow 10, fifty centimeters thick and 2 meters long, tentacles that began to reach out to any of the attackers that got within range. Quickly she was able to subdue 2 of them, but the others missed her initial attack. She hoped Ren would be able to dispatch the others himself.

AP Used (25% reduction from 100 chakra)
-13 Mature Ketsuryugan
-30 Water Style: Water Restoration
-30 Water Release: Dragon Whip
Total use: 73
Remaining: 1,927

WC: 639
Total WC:3092
Ren Kurosawa
Ren Kurosawa
Stat Page : Link
Mission Record : Link
Living Clones : Kitsunagi Kurosawa
Sakoshi Kurosawa
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Tsukigakure
Ryo : 46800

Escort Service (MI) Empty Re: Escort Service (MI)

Wed Feb 07, 2024 5:00 pm
The hard part was over; at least, that's what he understood the situation to be. She knew how he felt, and he didn't need to worry about it hanging over his head anymore. Now, he could focus on just being the best friend that he could possibly be, be there for each and every one of her mishaps and issues. Then when she was ready, he would be there for her, with open arms and a grand smile planted across his face. She leaned into his hug, and his heart raced with excitement, he could feel hope blazing within his chest, and his chakra had finally cooled down and was erased from his shoulders. When he detached from his embrace, she began to speak to him as normal, something that he was appreciative of. He spoke to her as a good friend should, and he didn't hold any ill will towards her.

They continued walking until the day was over and night began to creep over the horizon, something that he felt strongly as being a beautiful landscape for the two of them to have their stroll. Junko would suggest sleeping in an inn, and Ren would agree. They would walk into the first establishment that would fit that description. When they entered, Ren would notice that the interior was dimly lit with the sun's rays coming from the outside, and within there was only a single person standing behind the counter. They greeted them both, and asked if they would be okay with staying in the one room they had available. Ren was going to speak saying they would find another place, as he wasn't sure if she would comfortable sleeping in the same room with him, but to his surprise she said that they would take it. He smiled at this gesture of good will.

They entered the room, and it was quite small. It wouldn't have allowed Ren to sleep on anywhere else but the floor, so he was thankful when Junko said that they could sleep in the bed together. As they began getting ready together, Junko asked Ren to turn around while she got into her pajamas. This was difficult for Ren on the inside, as he wanted nothing more than to see what was beneath her clothes, as any sane and straight man would, but of course, on the outside, he simply nodded and turned around. He could hear the fabric of her clothes hit the ground, and a pain surged through his stomach, he wanted to turn, but he couldn't, he wouldn't allow himself to break that trust.

When she was done getting ready, they both climbed into the bed. The bed was slightly awful, very cold, and pretty uncomfortable, but it wasn't anything that he hadn't witnessed before. Junko offered to cuddle up with him if he got cold, so suddenly a chill went down his spine and he accepted the offer, giggling to himself. She probably knew that he would accept the offer, even if he wasn't truly cold. But he convinced his mind that he was cold throughout the night, just to be touching her.

The morning rose, as did both Ren and Junko. They gathered their belongings and headed out to their pick up location for the cargo they needed to transport. The cargo was received by both Junko and Ren, and the two headed off to their drop off location as their next destination. They would then have small talk and conversation, as friends would, and Ren was happy to oblige with such conversation.

During their walk, Junko spotted five individuals walking their direction with malicious intent. She began to dispatch two of them, and she was unable to dispatch the other three by the time Ren had whistled a jaunty tune and caused a rather large black hole to appear. Junko would be unable to see it as she was not an intended target for the jutsu, but the remaining bandits would surely see the orb of chakra, and they would get pulled towards the center of this sphere. Ren would allow each of the bandits to collapse from the exhaustion of his jutsu and, in their newly dispatched state. He would roll them over to the side of the road. He continued to whistle his tune as they gathered back to the center of the street. "Well that was inconvenient. You handled yourself with exceptional skill, I appreciate that." He said as they continued their walk.

WC: 750
TWC: 3510

AP: Black Hole -35 AP
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