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Junko Tsukiko
Junko Tsukiko
Village Leader
Village Leader
Stat Page : Stat Page
Mission Record : Mission Log
Living Clones : Kiko Tsukiko
Jun Tsukiko
Remove Iryōjutsu Remove Fūinjutsu Ninjutsu Remove Default
Remove Earth Water Lightning Remove Default
Clan Specialty : Genjutsu
Village : Tsukigakure
Ryo : 0

Escort Service (MI) - Page 2 Empty Re: Escort Service (MI)

Thu Feb 08, 2024 2:24 am
Junko was a bit confused about what just happened before her eyes, Ren seemingly didn’t use any hand seals, and then something happened to the remaining 3 assailants. She was relieved to see that evidently, she had somebody rather powerful by her side. Junko would thank him for the compliment and return the sentiment. She explained that she had never been properly trained, so she was unfortunately not the most weathered combatant, however, she could feel the potential inside of her. She’d let out a small chuckle and the two of them would continue on their journey. Before moving on she would inspect the men lying on the ground, looking for any identical marks, or notes that assist her in finding out who was behind the increase in bandit activity. However, she was unable to find what she was looking for and let out a sigh of frustration.

As they continued, Junko would attempt to wrap her right arm around Rens's left arm. If he accepted her, she would hold onto him gently as they continued on their path. If he rejected her however she would simply shrug it off and walk beside him as normal. Normally traveling was unbearable, she hated the isolation it brought. However with Ren by her side time flew much quicker, as she now had someone to talk and laugh with. Soon they came upon a small settlement, they were to drop off half of the cargo at one of the merchants here, then continue to the next settlement at the southern tip of the island. Thankfully they had made good time, and it was only around noon when they strolled into the settlement.

Quickly they found the drop-off location and handed off the merchandise to the buyer. Junko would do most of the talking if Ren would allow her to take the lead. If Ren inquired why, Junko would explain that it didn’t have anything to do with Ren, it was simply because she wanted to stick out to those she interacted with. She feared that if she remained silent, she would be overlooked.

After the transaction was complete they would continue to the next settlement, it was going to be a long walk and they wouldn’t arrive at the next settlement until late into the night. By the time they made it to their location, the streets were empty, and it seemed to be rather late. Junko would once again suggest that they sleep at an Inn. If he agreed they would head to a very similar-looking run-down inn as the one at the northern tip of the island. Though this one did have more rooms available, Junko would offer to share a room once more if Ren wanted to. Partly because she didn’t want to spend any more Ryo than she needed, and partially because she genuinely rested well beside him. If he refused however Junko would be fine with his request and pay for both rooms. Insisting that Rens's company on the journey was worth more to her than the money spent on the rooms.

If he accepted Junko would pay the man and soon they’d retire to their room for the night. Similarly to the night before Junko would request that he shut his eyes or turn around, then she would slip into her pajamas and climb into the bed. If Ren was alright with it Junko would cuddle up with him, laying her hand and head on his chest. Even his heartbeats sounded like music to her, and she couldn’t help but blush slightly just thinking about it. She would attempt to hide her embarrassment from him but did so poorly. If he rejected her she would ensure him that it was alright, and lay comfortably on her side of the bed.
As the sun rose Junko would slip out of bed while Ren was still asleep and begin changing her clothes. A small part of her hoped he would wake up and see her, but she was unsure of how that situation would go so she quickly equipped her clothes and items. If he wasn’t awake by the time she finished dressing she would sit on the bed beside him and place her hand on his shoulder. She would shake him lightly, and in a loving voice in an attempt to wake him up. Regardless of when he awoke, the two of them would make their way out to the settlement once more and begin heading to the drop-off location. Once there, they exchanged the remaining cargo for the Ryo they earned on the mission.

With payment done, they would begin the final leg of their journey and head back to Junko’s home. Thankfully the walk wasn’t too bad, Junko would try to keep idle conversation in hopes that the time would fly by. Soon they would arrive back to Junko's home, however before opening the door Junko would turn her whole body to Ren and look into his eyes with a soft, loving expression.

”Ren… I just wanted to thank you, for everything. Thank you for coming with me…… and staying with me. Not many in my life have shown me such kindness, so I genuinely hope I bring as much joy and happiness into your life, as you bring into mine.”

She would then attempt to embrace him once again. If he accepted she would place her arms on his shoulders and pull him slightly down to her, allowing him to hold her by the waist if he wished. She would also lean up towards him, slightly standing on her tippy toes so he wouldn’t have to crouch down too far. For a moment time would seem to freeze for her, nothing in this moment truly mattered than this experience with him. Far too soon, she would pull away from him. If he rejected her, she would simply give him a curtsey and give him a knowing nod.

Regardless Junko would then open the front door, calling out to see if anyone was home. Though due to it being nearly noon, the others seemingly were busy elsewhere. Junko would fix a quick lunch for the two of them, eat quickly, and then she’d ask if Ren would mind if she bathed first. She could feel the grime and dirt clinging to her skin after the long travel, and her feet throbbed slightly so she desperately wanted a soak in the tub. If he agreed Junko would thank him profusely and excuse herself to the bathroom. If he rejected her proposal she would attempt to race him to the bathroom. Regardless, she spent the rest of the day trying to recover from the long walk, and would even ask Jun to get takeout from one of the local restaurants nearby. That night after dinner, she would attempt to relax on the small, uncomfortable couch in their loving room. However due to sheer exhaustion, she would soon fall asleep.

Total WC:4,256

Mission Rewards:
Point A to Point B- 6,000 Ryo / 30 AP
Captain Vagabond- 6,000 Ryo / 30AP
Total Base Mission Rewards: 12,000 Ryo / 60 AP
Rewards doubled from Beloved Presence - 24,000 Ryo 120AP
120 AP converted to 6,000 Ryo
C Rank Vagabond Reward (2,000 ryo for each mission completed)- 4,000 Ryo
Total Ryo Gained: 34,000

Claiming WC later (waiting on previous thread to get approved)

Ren Kurosawa likes this post

Ren Kurosawa
Ren Kurosawa
Stat Page : Link
Mission Record : Link
Living Clones : Kitsunagi Kurosawa
Sakoshi Kurosawa
Remove Remove Remove Remove Fūinjutsu Remove Ninjutsu Remove Jikūjutsu Default
Remove Earth Water Remove Fire Default
Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Tsukigakure
Ryo : 46800

Escort Service (MI) - Page 2 Empty Re: Escort Service (MI)

Thu Feb 08, 2024 1:15 pm
The assailants were eliminated, and they were clear to move ahead. Junko thanked Ren for his help, to which he all to sure to bow to her kindness. They continue to walk, and Junko wrapped her arm around his own, his heart fluttered and his stomach churned at the meer feeling of her warmth wrapping around his generally cool body temperature.

He generally enjoyed traveling alone, he loved the silence and the sense of adventure and the ability to just turn the direction at whatever point he felt was necessary. But there was something far grander about traveling with Junko, her smell would waft into his nose and he would memorize it to the best of his ability, he would soak in every aspect of her being. He would look at her through the corner of his eye while they had their conversations, just so he could be gifted with the mere sensation of seeing someone so beautiful and fascinating.

They found their drop off location, and it didn’t take much time. Junko decided to do most of the talking, and he would not just let her, but he would encourage it. He knew what she wanted, she wanted to be the one to stick into people’s minds, and with her desire to create a village of her own, that was going to be a very important aspect of her leadership. He also didn’t have a reason to truly speak during these conversations, he knew that he was a helper, and she was the main contact, something he accepted gladly.

They continued their walk through the island wilderness, headed to their next destination. They arrived late into the night, but Ren felt like he could go for miles more if she was wrapped around his arm. He ga

They got to the inn, and this time there were more than a single room. Ren was sure that Junko would want to split rooms, so he grabbed his pouch. But as he was about to present it, she offered to share the same room again, to which Ren was no fool and accepted immediately.

When they entered into the dimly lit interior, he felt a sense of home when he heard her shuffle around with her belongings. She asked for him to turn around so he wouldn’t see her change, and that same feeling of desire burned within him. But he did as he was asked. He could hear the fabric falling to the floor once more, and it beckoned him so strongly. He heard her pajamas brush against her skin, and his heart raced. He died to see more of her, to see all of her, but he knew that he shall wait.

When she was done, he retired to the bed, directly beside her. When he laid down, she would rest her hand on his chest. His skin would crawl and his mind would race. How he wanted nothing more than ravage every inch of her body, but he again resisted the temptation. He thought of her skin pressed against his. Every inch of her exposed and under his weight. His mind couldn’t be contained, but he somehow managed the strength. Her cheeks filled with color, as if to be embarrassed. He closed his eys, not wanting to scare her with his eyes of passion. When he opened them, he spoke, “I can’t tell you how amazing this time has been. Please never hesitate to ask me to be your companion, in any meaning of that word.” The two of them would sleep, with each other in their arms.

Ren barely slept, his body felt her heat and he couldn’t seem to contain his own mania towards her. But he felt a shift in the mattress, Junko was awake. His head turned her way just as she was changing her clothes. It wasn’t intentional, but once he saw it, he couldn’t look away. He was stunned, blown away, discombobulated, utterly incensed. She would turn towards his direction, and he pretended to still be asleep. Her voice softly sifted through the air, and he “woke up”.

The two of them made their way to the final drop off location and then back to Junko’s home. The walk was wonderful as they continued their conversation with one another through the whole day. They arrived at her home, and he saw the roof was in need of repair, he made a mental note on that as he entered in with her.

She turned to him and thanked him for coming. She expressed that not many had given her such kindness, and she hoped that she brough as much joy and happiness into his life, as he brought into hers. His face even blushed slightly. He would embrace his beloved, wrapping his arms around her waist.

When they would separate, he would stare at her lips. He was so close, he could smell her breath and it was glorious. The warmth from her body radiated into his soul and that desperation to feel her filled his heart once again. He took in a deep breath, mostly just so he could taste her scent within his own body. “You have already made me the happiest man on this planet, you have done to me a kindness that I didn’t know possible. I will always be here for you. I pray you can say the same for me. I cannot wait to learn more about you, so my love for you can only grow and become more intense than it is now.”

She would detach from their embrace, they both knew it was too soon for their embrace to be over. She asked for the bath first, and with Ren being used to being covered in grime for long periods at a time, he would of course agree. “I mean we could bath together,” he would offer with a laugh before he walked into the kitchen. “I’ll cook you food as you bathe. Don’t worry about a thing.” She would excuse herself to the bathroom.

They ate lunch together, and then they would rest on the couch together. She begins to fall asleep, as does Ren. He stands up and turns to her, "Sweetheart. You should get some sleep in a real bed, huh?" She wouldn't answer as she was already fast asleep. He smiles and picks her up in his arms, one arm cradling her legs, the other her torso, having her head rest carefully on his neck. "Come on, I'll take you to bed."

He carries her to her room, up the stairs and to the left. He opens the door with his foot and swings around the door jam just to be sure he doesn't hit her on the way in. He takes a step into the room and closes the door with his other foot. She begins to stir, but only to get more comfortable in his grasp. Her head nuzzles against his neck and his knees begin to weaken, not from the weight, but from sheer adoration towards who he had in his arms.

He approached the bed and he laid her down. She didn't seem too cold, something seemed to keep her warm. But he decided a blanket was the right way to go anyway. He grabbed a blanket and placed it over her. As he began to walk away, he felt something grab onto his hand, not letting go. He turned and the fast asleep Junko was hugging his entire arm.

He thought for literally less than a moment before he used this as a means to pull the blanket up, and climb into the bed with her. He held her in his arms, and he kissed her forehead. "I love you, Junko." He whispered to her, as he then joined her in sleep.

WC: 1311
TWC: 4821

Mission Rewards:
Point A to Point B- 6,000 Ryo / 30 AP
Captain Vagabond- 6,000 Ryo / 30AP
Total Base Mission Rewards: 12,000 Ryo / 60 AP
Rewards doubled from Beloved Presence - 24,000 Ryo 120AP
120 AP converted to 6,000 Ryo
B Rank Vagabond Reward (4,000 ryo for each mission completed)- 8,000 Ryo
Total Ryo Gained: 38,000

+2696 towards Strength of One hundred Skill (Complete) (Previous Progress)
+2125 towards Creation Rebirth (Jutsu) (2125/3000)

Last edited by Ren Kurosawa on Fri Feb 09, 2024 6:48 pm; edited 4 times in total

Junko Tsukiko likes this post

Marabelle Blossom
Marabelle Blossom
Vagabond (B-Rank)
Vagabond (B-Rank)
Stat Page : The Everbloom
Mission Record : Misson Log: Everbloom
Iryōjutsu Bukijutsu Kanjutsu Default
Remove Earth Water Lightning Remove Default
Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 2500

Escort Service (MI) - Page 2 Empty Re: Escort Service (MI)

Thu Feb 08, 2024 2:58 pm
Junko Tsukiko wrote:

Total WC:4,256

Mission Rewards:
Point A to Point B- 6,000 Ryo / 30 AP
Captain Vagabond- 6,000 Ryo / 30AP
Total Base Mission Rewards: 12,000 Ryo / 60 AP
Rewards doubled from Beloved Presence - 24,000 Ryo 120AP
120 AP converted to 6,000 Ryo
C Rank Vagabond Reward (2,000 ryo for each mission completed)- 4,000 Ryo
Total Ryo Gained: 34,000

Claiming WC later (waiting on previous thread to get approved)


Note: WC Claims to be made later.
Junko Tsukiko
Junko Tsukiko
Village Leader
Village Leader
Stat Page : Stat Page
Mission Record : Mission Log
Living Clones : Kiko Tsukiko
Jun Tsukiko
Remove Iryōjutsu Remove Fūinjutsu Ninjutsu Remove Default
Remove Earth Water Lightning Remove Default
Clan Specialty : Genjutsu
Village : Tsukigakure
Ryo : 0

Escort Service (MI) - Page 2 Empty Re: Escort Service (MI)

Sat Feb 10, 2024 1:04 am
Shiro Hyuga
Shiro Hyuga
Deputy Kage
Deputy Kage
Stat Page : The Coming Storm
Remove Iryōjutsu Bukijutsu Remove Jikūjutsu Default
Wind Remove Water Lightning Remove Default
Clan Specialty : Weaponry
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 378800

Escort Service (MI) - Page 2 Empty Re: Escort Service (MI)

Sat Feb 10, 2024 3:11 pm
Marabelle Blossom
Marabelle Blossom
Vagabond (B-Rank)
Vagabond (B-Rank)
Stat Page : The Everbloom
Mission Record : Misson Log: Everbloom
Iryōjutsu Bukijutsu Kanjutsu Default
Remove Earth Water Lightning Remove Default
Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 2500

Escort Service (MI) - Page 2 Empty Re: Escort Service (MI)

Mon Feb 12, 2024 9:36 pm
Ren Kurosawa wrote:

WC: 1311
TWC: 4821

Mission Rewards:
Point A to Point B- 6,000 Ryo / 30 AP
Captain Vagabond- 6,000 Ryo / 30AP
Total Base Mission Rewards: 12,000 Ryo / 60 AP
Rewards doubled from Beloved Presence - 24,000 Ryo 120AP
120 AP converted to 6,000 Ryo
B Rank Vagabond Reward (4,000 ryo for each mission completed)- 8,000 Ryo
Total Ryo Gained: 38,000

+2696 towards Strength of One hundred Skill (Complete) (Previous Progress)
+2125 towards Creation Rebirth (Jutsu) (2125/3000)

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