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Hasumi Hayato
Hasumi Hayato
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Tsukigakure
Ryo : 0

A Dark Mark, The First or Final? Empty A Dark Mark, The First or Final?

Fri Apr 12, 2024 9:53 pm
Hasu was anxious. Her father and brother intended to arrive in the village today, but the event wasn't as exciting as Hasu had hoped. The girl found herself quite terrified, it seemed that in their time outside the village, The Masked Man and Isamu had developed some kind of power that could be used to combat Kurogane. Some kind of seal that they wished to offer to the village, though they needed someone to volunteer so they could demonstrate the technique to Junko.

The young girl waited patiently outside the Hospital for Junko, waiting for the Village Leader to show up and escort her to a private room where they intended to demonstrate Isamu's new technique. As she waited she telepathically talked with her brother, both of them reassuring each other that they'd get through this ordeal together. Isamu tried to convince Hasu to back out of the procedure and to tell The Masked Man that she didn't want any part in his experiment, but truthfully she wanted the power that was being offered. She had been so afraid when she'd been captured by Kurogane and the molemen who resided within the ruins of Tenga, she didn't want to ever be put in a situation like that again. She had been trying to get strong, to watch powerful people and figure out how they had managed to gain all of their crazy abilities, but she felt like she wasn't progressing quickly. If Isamu's new mark that he had developed could make her strong enough to fend off molemen, and maybe escape Kurogane if she ran into him, then she'd take the risk to be able to live a freer life.

The young girl was dressed in baggy grey pants and a red t-shirt, her headband resting on her collar as her blue eyes kept on the lookout for Junko. If she saw the woman she'd try to mask her anxiety with her enthusiasm, smiling and waving as she approached and greeted the woman who had taken her in.

After their greeting Hasumi would follow Junko to the private room, assuming the woman was ready to get to business. She'd wait until they had confirmed they were alone before informing The Masked Man and Isamu that they were good to teleport to her location. She's sent a mental image of the area to The Masked Man so that he could pick a suitable spot to teleport to. Hopefully the room would be big enough that there'd be a spot 5 meters away from Junko and Hasu that The Masked Man, Isamu, and Lady could occupy.

-20 AP for Telepathy

Junko Tsukiko
Junko Tsukiko
Village Leader
Village Leader
Stat Page : Stat Page
Mission Record : Mission Log
Living Clones : Kiko Tsukiko
Jun Tsukiko
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Clan Specialty : Genjutsu
Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 0

A Dark Mark, The First or Final? Empty Re: A Dark Mark, The First or Final?

Sat Apr 13, 2024 10:10 pm
The day prior Junko had met with the young woman named Hasu to discuss some issues she recently had been having. After a rather short conversation, Junko and she had made plans to meet up at the Hospital to meet up with her creator. Soon the next day would arrive and as usual, Junko would climb out of bed and begin her morning preparations. She found herself wanting to be a bit more dressed up than usual, knowing she’d be meeting up with Takehiko. Though he was blind, so did her appearance really matter?

Regardless if he could perceive her or not, she wanted to look presentable. She’d dress in a black, kimono that stopped just below her knee. It was made out of a silk-like fabric that had finely embroidered roses at the bottom and around the sleeves. After sinching it tightly behind her back, she’d equip herself with a bit of silver and red jewelry. Before leaving, she’d spray herself with some lilac perfume and then head out of the Kage Tower. As she made her down the staircase leading from the office, her black high heels could be heard clicking against the wood, and the jewelry that adorned her body jingled as she walked.

She quickly made her way to the hospital entrance where she was to meet with Hasu. Once they noticed each other, Junko would offer her a welcoming wave and a smile to greet her. After pleasantries were exchanged, the two of them would make their way to the private room Junko had installed below in the basement of the hospital. Once they arrived, Junkoo requested that Hasu wait outside the door for a moment. After entering and closing the door behind her, Junko would pull a small scalpel from one of the nearby drawers. Quickly she’d slice a wound into her arm, and from the blood, she’d conjure a singular blood clone.

After healing the wound with her basic medical ninjutsu, she’d clean up any blood that remained on her arm and then beckoned for Hasu to enter. Upon entering, she would find a fully stocked lab with numerous alchemical devices and cabinets stacked with various ingredients. Additionally, there was a well-made hospital bed and some medical equipment. Junko would inform her that she made a clone to keep guard, at the door, and as Hasu entered the clone exited. After closing and locking the door, Junko would lean against one of the counters and wait expectantly for what was to come next.

Missing-Nin (A-rank)
Missing-Nin (A-rank)
Stat Page : Stat Page
Living Clones : Isamu
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Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 271700

A Dark Mark, The First or Final? Empty Re: A Dark Mark, The First or Final?

Sun Apr 14, 2024 7:58 pm
(Teleporting in from here)

It had been quite some time since Denkiteki dared to teleport within a Hidden Village of shinobi. He couldn't exactly say his track record with the course of action was a good one, while things had gone well when he had used Toma to teleport into Shimagakure he had ended up in a confrontation with Xyxer and Takeo when re-entering Tengakure. The former Kage hoped that this incident would fall closer in its outcome to that of his first instance. It was similar after all, he was using a Living Clone to scout out the location beforehand so the odds of him finding himself suddenly in combat were hopefully slim to none.

Denkiteki was in a sitting position when he and his motley crew suddenly materialized into the private operating room that Juinko had provided from him. To the right of the man and with a hand resting on Den's shoulder was Isamu, tall and clad in his samurai armor. He kept his helmet off however, allowing Junko to recognize him and for Hasu and him to see each other face to face.

The blind man was dressed in the garb of his Takehiko persona. Black Ronin robes and a wooden mask were the staples of the outfit, Den trying to look like a poor swordsmen rather than a scientist. The wooden mask of course obscured his face, preventing anyone without x-ray vision from discerning his identity.

As soon as he finished materializing Denkiteki activated Chakra Enhanced Strength, his speed and chakra increasing as he began to make hand seals from his seated position. The hand seals were familiar to Junko and Hasu, as it was a technique Den often performed in front of them. Once he completed the seals for the technique he'd activate his Mind's Eye, the mastered technique allowing Den to detect chakra at a power of 250 as he enhanced his senses. The blind man used the technique and his 70 meter Adaptive Deprivation ability to scour his surroundings and ensure that there wasn't anyone within earshot or approaching the group.

If there wasn't any immediate danger then Den stood up, the small dog beside him getting up as well. Lady walked over to Hasumi and sat in front of the girl eagerly waiting for pets as the rest of the events unfolded.

The Blind man's demeanor was slightly different from what Junko was used to. the rather aloof attitude of Takehiko had been replaced by something Junko may have remembered from their shared dream. He stood a bit straighter, his attitude had an even more serious air to it than before.

"It seems you've been quite busy, Junko. I must say, when you called for an alliance with myself and that boy I didn't expect things to progress at this rate." The blind man walked over to one of the cabinets as he spoke to Junko, the visage of his mask never turning to face the woman as he began to grab supplies and tools.

"My understanding is Hasu told you I have another gift for the village, but that she hasn't explained it just yet. That's because what I offer you now isn't as simple as money, but a dark and costly power I discovered a few years ago. A powerful seal that goes beyond normal Fuinjutsu, a Juinjutsu Mark that can allow anyone who survives its placement to to fight on the level of a Sage.

Hasumi has volunteered to be the first to receive it, her DNA is similar in its make up to mine so she should be compatible. Her odds of survival are extremely high, and she wishes to have the power to be able to fend off the molemen if they come for her. Right, Hasu?"

The blind man turned as if to face the girl as he finished the last sentence. While he didn't want to admit it, part of him regretted his decision to have her get the mark first. While he did completely believe that her odds of survival were better than most, he knew he wouldn't be able to forgive himself if he had lost another of his children to his hubris. Turning away and getting back to his task, Denkiteki gathered some tools and prepared a bed for Hasu to lay in. He mentally steeled himself, reminding him of his use of the technique in the past, of the ritual his father had put him through when he was a child.

If I want her to have a chance at a real life, of being able to be free and not have to hide, she needs to be powerful. My father risked me so that I could live the exceptional life I had before my crippling, I'm just doing the same for her.

Valen survived, the boy Tomoya first tested the technique on survived. Hasu will too... please.
Den wasn't exactly sure who he was pleading to in his thoughts, perhaps the Sage of Six Paths? He'd never been one to pray, but somehow the man found himself beseeching a higher power for help in this moment.

Once the bed was prepared he'd step aside so that Isamu and Hasumi could begin the operation.


AP costs
-40 AP for Chakra Enhanced Strength (+50 Speed/Chakra)
-75 for Mind's Eye  (250 Power)
Total AP: 1,747 /1,862
Isamu Hayato
Isamu Hayato
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
Stat Page : Stat Page
Mission Record : Link
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 13700

A Dark Mark, The First or Final? Empty Re: A Dark Mark, The First or Final?

Sun Apr 14, 2024 9:32 pm
(Teleporting from here)

Isamu was a bit of a mess. Of the 3 telepathically linked individuals he felt that he was the most concerned about the slight chance of Hasumi's death. He had tried to convince the girl to turn down the offer for the seal and to allow Isamu to put it on someone else, but Hasumi had seemed oddly determined to have the seal placed on her. It seemed that her ordeal with the molemen, as well as a recent event in the village, had caused her to believe herself weak and in need of power.

Isamu couldn't entirely deny her appraisal, he had been forced to strive for more power as he had tried to survive against the constant attacks of molemen and chimera folk. Even as he was, he felt like he was weak. But he couldn't put the mark on himself, so he'd be forced to find a different path while providing this one to others.

As the artificial man materialized alongside his creator he immediately looked at Hasumi, it was almost as if he didn't notice Junko was there. He looked at her with pleading eyes, wishing she would see reason and deny their creator his plan. As The Masked Man began to explain to Junko his plan, Isamu would look toward the beautiful woman with sad eyes as part of him hoped that she might interfere and deny the man.

If no one denied The Masked Man, then Isamu would carry out his duty. He reluctantly walked over to the bed that The Masked Man prepared and took a deep breath, setting his helmet aside as he prepared to inflict the Juinjutsu Mark upon his own sister. If she dies, I'll never forgive him. Or myself.

If Hasu got into position and Junko didn't make any moves to stop the procedure, Isamu felt his chakra surge about his body as he performed the single hand seal of Tiger and approached Hasumi on the bed. He'd ask her to indicate where she wanted the seal, and then move to place it there while still enhanced.

Isamu's breath caught in his throat as he applied the Curse Mark, his heart beating rapidly as he waited to see what became of his dear sister.


-40 AP for Tobirama's Fury (+50 Speed/Vigor)
-100 AP for Oro Juinjutsu (150 Power)

1457/1597 AP
Hasumi Hayato
Hasumi Hayato
Stat Page : Stat Page
Mission Record : Link
Iryōjutsu Remove Default
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Tsukigakure
Ryo : 0

A Dark Mark, The First or Final? Empty Re: A Dark Mark, The First or Final?

Sun Apr 14, 2024 9:51 pm
Hasu was anxious as her creator and Isamu appeared but briefly was distracted by the sudden appearance of Lady who came to greet her. Hasu pet the small dog and hugged her, hoping that she'd see the animal again soon. Taking a deep breath she looked back toward the two men and noticed how sad Isamu's eyes were. She felt bad making her brother worry, but if this worked then hopefully he wouldn't have to worry about her ever again. And if it failed, then he definitely wouldn't have to worry about her.

Looking toward Junko, Hasu tried to give her a reassuring smile as her creator gave his explanation. As he seemed to turn toward Hasu and ask her to verify that she had in fact volunteered and hadn't been forced into the predicament, the young girl nodded. "He gave me the option of being the first or not, but I had to take it. I'm not strong like you, if I want to be able to protect myself or others than I need to get some sort of boost. I know that it's risky but The Masked Man told me that my body is about as compatible as possible with the Curse Mark as anyone could be. I hope to see you soon Junko, if I don't make it you have to promise that you'll look after these idiots for me."

With that Hasu made her way to the bed, which was set up for her to sleep in once the technqiue knocked her unconscious. Taking a deep breath, the girl smiled at Isamu as she got into the bed. "See you guys soon!" She said, her nervousness apparent as she attempted to sound at least a little upbeat.

When Isamu asked her where she wanted the mark, Hasu blanked at first. She hadn't thought about its placement at all. Not really thinking, Hasu looked abut and decided her position on a whim. Lifting her shirt slightly, she asked for Isamu to place the seal on her belly. As her brother approached to apply the seal, Hasu squeezed her eyes shut and prepared for the inevitable contact that would spell her salvation or doom. A

As the mark was applied Hasu cried out in pain for a brief moment before slumping against the bed.    

WC: 386

Curse Mark Applied by Isamu. As Hasu had 100 Vigor and 62 chakra claimed at the start of the thread, she survives on any roll except a 6.
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
Stat Page : Stat Page
Mission Record : Log
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Clan Specialty : N/A
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 0

A Dark Mark, The First or Final? Empty Re: A Dark Mark, The First or Final?

Sun Apr 14, 2024 10:54 pm
Rolling dice. Good luck
Site Administrator
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A Dark Mark, The First or Final? Empty Re: A Dark Mark, The First or Final?

Sun Apr 14, 2024 10:54 pm
The member 'Hiroya' has done the following action : Roll Dice/Flip Coin

'6 Sided Dice' : 1
Junko Tsukiko
Junko Tsukiko
Village Leader
Village Leader
Stat Page : Stat Page
Mission Record : Mission Log
Living Clones : Kiko Tsukiko
Jun Tsukiko
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Clan Specialty : Genjutsu
Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 0

A Dark Mark, The First or Final? Empty Re: A Dark Mark, The First or Final?

Sun Apr 14, 2024 11:57 pm
Junko watched at the two men and the darling Lady appeared in front of her eyes. Takehiko was sitting on the ground in front of her now, with Isamu placing a hand on his shoulder beside him, the other on Lady. She crossed her arms as she made eye contact with Isamu and gave him an acknowledging nod before turning her attention back to Takehiko. Like she had seen him do prior, he began doing a string of hand seals that seemingly heightened his senses. He had explained it to her before, so there was no need to question his actions at this time.

She could not help but find it odd that he requested to enter the village this way. Though she was happy to see him once more, it did feel very suspicious. Once he was seemingly satisfied with a scan of the surroundings, she’d watch him stand and make his way over to some of the cabinets. His demeanor was a bit different from what she recalled, though she saw it as a good thing to be serious in this kind of situation. He’d remark that she had been seemingly quite busy and said he didn’t expect things to evolve this rapidly.

Remaining leaned against one of the counters, Junko let out a content sigh and nodded her head slightly. Though realizing he couldn’t see her do this she’d quickly speak up. Her voice as usual was melodic like a siren call as she began responding to him.

”It’s true, I’ve been spending most of my time building the village up, and thankfully due to the dedication shared between me and some others, we have gotten everything done rather quickly.”

He then continued to explain that the gift he brought this time was something more valuable than money, however it was very potent. It was some sort of dark Fuinjutsu technique that he had discovered a few years ago. However, once placed and if the person survives, they would be able to have the power of a Sage. Though she didn’t know exactly what that meant, it sounded impressive. Then he would inform her that Hasu had volunteered as the one to receive the “gift” first. At first, she wanted to protest, but she allowed him to keep speaking uninterrupted.

He then revealed that since they shared the same DNA, he believed that she would be the most receptive to the mark. Junko would make eye contact with Isamu and he looked to be begging her with his eyes to stop, but she knew at this point she could do nothing to stop it. Breaking eye contact with him, she’d look to Hasu who looked to be trying to reassure her while she spoke. The young woman explained that she was tired of living in fear, and wished to be stronger to protect herself. Junko understood the need but wished this poor girl never had felt the need to be doing such a thing in the first place. Once they were done talking, she’d speak up once again.

”If you insist on doing this, I can’t stop you. Though I’d hate to see you go, darling, I understand the need to grow stronger to protect those around you. Truly, you’re far braver than I am.”

She’d give Hasu an empathetic smile and nod as she requested that in her passing, Junko would watch over the two “idiots” for her. If allowed, Junko would offer her a tight, loving hug before she settled onto the bed. Once she was ready, she’d stand beside the bed and offer to hold Hasu’s hand as she got the seal applied to her stomach. Junko contemplated activating her dojutsu in this moment, she was curious to see what the curse did to the body on the inside once it had been applied. However for now she would contain her curiosity as she watched Isamu begin to apply the seal.

She continued to hold Hasu’s hand if she allowed as she screamed out in pain and quickly fell unconscious. For a moment, the room was still and Junko quickly began checking over her vital signs, starting with her heartbeat. She’d inform Takehiko and Isamu that she seemingly had been able to fight it off and was still alive as she began to pull some blankets over the young girl, hoping it’d make her a bit more comfortable as she recovered. Turning her attention back to the two men she’d let out a sigh of relief before speaking up.

”You did well Isamu, I’m sure she’ll be excited to begin her training when she wakes up. I just hope we’re as fortunate in the future with our luck…. Takehiko, is there anyone else you believe we should give this to as well? I hate to say it, but I will not be partaking myself.”

Junko would shift her gaze to look at Takehiko as she awaited her response. Her normal cheery demeanor now shifted into a more serious one, matching Takehiko’s at this point.

WC: 849
Total WC: 1269
Missing-Nin (A-rank)
Missing-Nin (A-rank)
Stat Page : Stat Page
Living Clones : Isamu
Remove Iryōjutsu Remove Jikūjutsu Default
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Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 271700

A Dark Mark, The First or Final? Empty Re: A Dark Mark, The First or Final?

Sun Apr 28, 2024 12:08 pm
Den's advanced senses were able to pick up Hasumi's survival, his Mind's Eye watching as the mark connected with her chakra system and began to integrate itself with it. The blind man felt a huge weight leave his shoulders as he realized the girl was going to survive, the reckless risk he had just taken had paid off. Keeping his calm but serious demeanor. Den did his best not to reveal his relief in his speech as he turned to Junko and responded to her as she stood next to Hasu, holding the young girl's hand.

"I don't think it would be wise for any of your more powerful shinobi to risk having the Curse Mark applied to them, while it's power is great enough for anyone to benefit it wouldn't be worth risking valuable assets. Weaker shinobi, or those just beginning to learn how to harness chakra, are often the ones that are ideal candidates for this dark power.

If you don't have anyone in mind, I think Isamu has met enough people that he could seek out individuals who would desire this power and be willing to partake in the risk. He will, of course, make sure to inform anyone of the chance of death before applying the mark. He will stick to lower ranked shinobi, weaker than himself. You won't have to worry about any of your more powerful allies being tempted with this bargain."

As he finished speaking he turned and quickly address Isamu, "Take your sister's money and then go through the village, seek out those you believe would accept the risk in return for its power. Should anyone perish, inform me immediately. Afterward, gather materials and craft yourself a new blade."

Denkiteki waited for Isamu to leave the room before continuing his conversation with Junko, using his advanced senses to make sure no one was eavesdropping on them. The blind man remained on the other side of the bed Hasumi was resting in, though he didn't reach out and grab the girl's hand as Junko had.

"So what exactly is your plan, Junko? I didn't want to say this in front of my clones, but what you're doing is rather bold. Are you ready to deal with international politics? I had thought perhaps you were building a settlement, but here we stand in a Minor Village."


AP and Stacks
-38 AP for Mind's Eye (250 Power)
+10 AP from Natural Berserker
+1 Nature Energy from Natural Berserker
Total AP: 1,719 /1,862
1/6 Nature Energy Stacks
Isamu Hayato
Isamu Hayato
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
Stat Page : Stat Page
Mission Record : Link
Remove Bukijutsu Fūinjutsu Remove Default
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 13700

A Dark Mark, The First or Final? Empty Re: A Dark Mark, The First or Final?

Sun Apr 28, 2024 12:27 pm
Isamu sighed deeply as Junko informed him that Hasumi had survived. As he took another deep breath the wannabe samurai found himself shaking. He still couldn't believe he'd agreed to do this, to put his sister art risk just so that he could become more powerful. Yet he had, and it had succeeded. It didn't make him any better to know that his sister could now access Nature Energy to turn into a monster, especially knowing how much the chimerafolk and molemen had terrified her. Isamu knew that the Curse Mark would frighten her more, her bodying being covered in dark markings and then later even being transformed completely. All he could do now was hope that The Masked Man was right, and that the mark would protect his sister.

The artificial man listened as the Masked Man spoke to Junko, noting that he'd never heard his creator speak so much aloud before. It seemed the man was quite task focused, and now that he and the living clone had a mission to complete he switched from his normal introverted self into someone who seemed to think they were in charge. The middle-aged man stood awkwardly as The Masked Man explained the plan and informed Isamu of his role in it, wondering how the Village Leader would react.

As The Masked Man finished speaking to Junko and then him, Isamu lingered a moment in case Junko had anything to say to him as well. He'd then retrieve his things and grab the pouch of money that his sister had tied to her belt. as he picked it up Isamu's expression went from anxious to confused, as he marveled in how much cash his sister had somehow managed to acquire since he'd last seen her.

Taking the pouch and tying it to his own hip, Isamu bid Junko and his creator and then somberly set out to complete his task, to hand out Dark Marks to the people of Tsukigakure.  




Taking 64,500 Ryo from Hasumi

WC Claims
705/2,063 toward Seal of Absorption with Max stat Discount

Total Ryo:13,700+64,500=78,200
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