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Isamu Hayato
Isamu Hayato
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
Stat Page : Stat Page
Mission Record : Link
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 13700

Job [Augmentation] (Takeshiyama, Kitsunagi) Empty Job [Augmentation] (Takeshiyama, Kitsunagi)

Mon Mar 11, 2024 1:06 pm
Isamu found himself in a small village not far from the ruins of Tengakure, heading into a smithy at the behest of his creator. The man running the place was expecting him. It seemed that Isamu's creator and the man had come to some form of agreement, that Isamu could learn the art of blacksmithing from the man if he utilized his new augmentation skill to help bring in customers. Isamu was a bit nervous about utilizing this new ability, as it was another one he had partially developed through his memory link with his creator. It seemed that the man who had created Isamu had once been a bit of an inventor himself, and had used powers involving space and time to make items and materials beyond that of the natural world. While Isamu hadn't figured out how to achieve such feats himself, he did believe that he could use existing materials to augment people's tools.

Walking into the smithy Isamu was immediately greeted by the owner, who was happy to see that Isamu had decided to arrive early. The man explained that he had put out fliers trying to draw in some of the vagabonds wandering through the country and hoped a few would stop in to get their equipment modified. Isamu looked at a flier the man still had left and was surprised by the advertisement. Apparently the man said that the first two to make it to the shop would get their tools augmented for free. Isamu gave the man running the business a strange look but decided not to say anything. It would be unfortunate to have to dip into his own funds to craft these tools, but Isamu believed his creator intended to provide Isamu with quite a sum of cash if he proved to be skilled with this new ability.

Waiting for the shop to open, Isamu found a counter to stand behind to wait for the coming customers. The middle-aged-looking man stood at a bit over 6 feet in height and was dressed in black robes not entirely dissimilar from a Samurai's. Isamu's blue eyes were mainly fixed on the door but occasionally he'd look about as he waited for the first customers to arrive.

TWC: 373
Vagabond (B-Rank)
Vagabond (B-Rank)
Survived 2021
You've completed the Christmas Event of 2021 and qualified for the last reward, by partisan you are awarded this fancy badge!
Stat Page : Takeshiyama
Mission Record : Mission Log
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Clan Specialty : Taijutsu
Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 78125

Job [Augmentation] (Takeshiyama, Kitsunagi) Empty Re: Job [Augmentation] (Takeshiyama, Kitsunagi)

Mon Mar 11, 2024 2:04 pm
It seemed like some time since he had last stepped foot in the small village.  Not long ago he was performing job after job, requiring his almost constant attendance amongst the villagers.  After his last couple of jobs though, his pockets were lined enough that such things was not as necessary.  instead, he had almost completely dedicated himself to the training for the upcoming Basho.  Never a thin man, a person that looked upon Takeshiyama with a before and after lens would be able to tell some difference.  His huge frame before was swelled out, between constant food and less movement he had been puffed out.  Now though after the last couple weeks of dedicated training almost to the point of madness certain edges had started to sharpen.  Standing at almost seven feet tall it was rare for him to find a man taller, but even rarer to find a man wider.  His shoulders and body seemed to take up almost too much space as to what was necessary for a man.  Today he wore his favorite kimono the sleeves struggling to keep up with his arms like steel cords.  A feint blue with white clouds and a bright red belt.  He wore his wooden clogs and made his way through the town, waving and nodding at different individuals that had come to make a habit of greeting him whenever he was seen.  

The Basho was gaining in popularity, partly because now the town knew a man who was set to compete.  Less than 3 weeks now until the tournament some competitors had even started to come in to town, though still none the size of Takeshiyama.  It was for this tournament that the Defacto mayor of the village had offered a gift.  He knew the blacksmith, and had offered to upgrade and make new a tool that he had brought with him from Demon Country.  

The Kanobo was a huge and sinister weapon.  It had been a family item, one given to him when he left his village for protection on the road.  Now the wood was chipped and certain steel knobs had either been loosened, or completely fallen out.  As both a thanks for his hard work and something to give inspiration for the upcoming tournament he'd made a deal with the blacksmith to upgrade and refurbish the tool at a heavily discounted rate.  

Arriving now at the smithy, he pushed open the door, and ducked through the entryway.  The large kanobo gripped in one hand, before he laid it down with a massive thud on the counter.  at around half a foot taller than both men behind the counter he would give a small bow.  "Umm....Takeshiyama, I believe I have an appointment."  He would say in a low rumbling voice, gesturing towards the weapon.  His eyes would go between the two men, waiting for instructions on what they would like him to do.  As he watched them out of the side of his kimono a small black head would pop out, flicking a bright red tongue.  Wiggly-Woo watched the two men just as Kaito did, as though this was a normal thing.

TWC - 525
Isamu Hayato
Isamu Hayato
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
Stat Page : Stat Page
Mission Record : Link
Remove Bukijutsu Fūinjutsu Remove Default
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 13700

Job [Augmentation] (Takeshiyama, Kitsunagi) Empty Re: Job [Augmentation] (Takeshiyama, Kitsunagi)

Wed Mar 13, 2024 8:08 pm
Isamu had perhaps heard tales of the giant man that had begun to circulate throughout Moon Country. He wasn't much for gossip, but as he looked upon the gigantic figure before him Isamu felt that he had heard something about a man of the same stature wandering through Moon and picking up some of the more difficult jobs. This was the first person Isamu had met who was taller than him, and the man was also significantly wider. The slender augmentor likely weighed less than half the weight of the man before him. Isamu looked up towards the man as he approached, allowing the shopkeeper to take the lead as he began to greet the giant approaching them.

As the large weapon was placed onto the counter Isamu would look at it closely, noticing that it seemed to be an old weapon. It was chipped and missing some minor pieces, but still seemed to be in good shape. The artificial man found himself somewhat envying the piece of equipment, somehow. Each of its marks had been earned, it didn't look new or pristine but most of the damage had likely come from battle. Isamu had just been made defectively. He had the face of someone who had worked a hard life and spent many days in the sun, but he was barely more than a month old in truth.

Isamu looked up from the weapon as the customer bowed, and decided to return the gesture as best he could. After Takeshiyama finished speaking the owner of the shop was quick to respond, "Of course, sir. We'll make sure that your weapon is better than new once you take it out of these doors. If you would just give the materials over to my assistant there, Isamu can begin working on your weapon."

As Takeshiyama and the shopowner were talking Isamu noticed a snake peek its head out of the the giant man's kimono. Isamu felt that he should probably be unsettled by this yet something within him felt.. assurance? As if the sight of such a creature was a good omen.

If Takeshiyama brought the materials over and revealed them to Isamu the augmentor would find himself shocked. It seemed that the giant had acquired quite a few expensive materials in his travels, if Isamu managed to incorporate them into the man's Kanobo it would become a very potent and durable weapon. Unfortunately, Isamu hadn't expected to do this many augmentations on a single item. He did believe that he could pull it off with the resources available to him within the smithy, but he'd likely find himself completely broke afterward.

"Is there any chance that you have a set of tools specifically to help deal with this substance here, do you?" Isamu pointed towards one of the metals. He knew not the same but something about the composition seemed familiar to him, another one of those strange sensations from the memory link it seemed. A poisonous metal that could cause illness if used improperly.

"My apologies, but I didn't realize I would be doing an augmentation this extensive. If you'd be willing to wait I can finish installing that material after acquiring more funds, otherwise I think I'd need access to the necessary tools or a small loan to get the job finished on time." Isamu didn't exactly like the idea of borrowing money from someone to finish their weapon, but he understood that his creator had a reason for arranging the job this way. He just hoped that the masked man would give him a decent chunk of money when he saw him next because he was likely going to be close to broke after helping this shop owner.

Vagabond (B-Rank)
Vagabond (B-Rank)
Survived 2021
You've completed the Christmas Event of 2021 and qualified for the last reward, by partisan you are awarded this fancy badge!
Stat Page : Takeshiyama
Mission Record : Mission Log
Remove Taijutsu Remove Bukijutsu Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Default
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Clan Specialty : Taijutsu
Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 78125

Job [Augmentation] (Takeshiyama, Kitsunagi) Empty Re: Job [Augmentation] (Takeshiyama, Kitsunagi)

Thu Mar 14, 2024 10:33 am
Though he spoke to the shopkeeper his eyes kept wandering over to the other.  Perhaps it was through many years of organized combat, but he always felt he knew when he was being sized up.  While the shop owner might look for money, he felt this other man was gauging him for something else.  While it wasn’t the gaze of a man who wished to do harm, it still had the tell tale signs of an old fashioned size up.  Call it habit, but he felt himself do the same.  His yes piercing into Isamu’s as the man looked at him.  He felt Wiggly-Woo do the same, though it was fair to say that was slightly less intimidating, unless one was afraid of snakes.
Still, he would received the orders, and pull off a bag that he had been wearing.  It would land on the counter with a heavy thump as it landed.  Opening the bag he would pull out several materials some gained from his work within the island, and others he had acquired from various tradesmen as they came and went from the small port.  The titanium he had scoured from the earth himself, while the wood crafted from mokuton, and the thallium had been gained in other ways.  The wood from an unsanctioned sumo match against a drunken sailor, and the thallium a simple purchase for its properties against certain types of foe.  The bag would empty and the valuable materials would be left on the counter surrounding the kanobo. 
He watched as Isamu would look over the materials with something resembling wide eyes.  This brought a smile to his own face, a since of pride maybe.  Throughout his life he had won and lost several fortunes, both slept in the streets and in magnificent estates.  Each week led to a different set of circumstances depending on the strength of his own back and the stroke of his luck at any given time.  Still, to hold something that brought admiration, it was always a delight.  He heard the mans request, and he would reach into the bag pulling out a tool that he did not know the use for.  A reward he had received from the mayor and had been instructed to give to the smithy relating to this very reward.  He did not know its exact function, because he had never asked.  Just that it should help incorporate the specialness of the materials he had gathered for the ancestral weapon.  “That do?”  He would ask in the same low voice. 
If it was enough he would sit back and watch the man from the only chair in the room not meant for those at work.  He didn’t have much going on that day, and to watch the artisans at work….well it wasn’t as interesting as some things but there were worse ways to spend the day.  He’d pull out a ceramic jug with a corded rope around the top of it, and work to open it.  The smell of sake moving through the room as he took a drink.  “You been working here long….Don’t think I’ve seen you before?”  He would say in Isamu’s direction.  He had become accustomed to most of the individuals around town, so seeing a new face was interesting.  As more individuals came preparing for the tournament he had especially made sure to keep his eyes open for any people he might recognize. 

TWC - 1096
Isamu Hayato
Isamu Hayato
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
Stat Page : Stat Page
Mission Record : Link
Remove Bukijutsu Fūinjutsu Remove Default
Remove Earth Water Remove Remove Default
Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 13700

Job [Augmentation] (Takeshiyama, Kitsunagi) Empty Re: Job [Augmentation] (Takeshiyama, Kitsunagi)

Sun Mar 17, 2024 10:13 pm
The tool his client pulled out of his bag proved to be sufficient, it seemed Isamu had everything he would need to augment the tool. The artificial man took a deep breath as he looked over the materials, his mind moving at high speeds as information regarding the composition of the materials and methods of manipulation flooded his mind via his memory link with his creator. Grabbing the tool provided for him by Takeshiyama, Isamu began to get to work on augmenting his large bludgeoning weapon with help from the shopkeeper.

The process was quite lengthy, it took everything the smith had to get to the temperature needed to manipulate the titanium, the melting requiring more heat than the steel the place was used to. The wood was less difficult to manipulate. Just like the snake, he didn't feel as worried while he was around it as he believed he should be. As he decided which parts of the weapon needed to be replaced with the Senju Wood he found that it didn't seem to absorb his chakra, it didn't seem to be dangerous for him to hold at all in its current state. The Thallium was the hardest material to handle, the one Isamu did feel concerned about holding. Thankfully Takeshiyama had given him the proper tools to handle it, and he set to work on finding a way to incorporate it into the weapon. The entire time he worked on the weapon he opened up a telepathic link with his creator, informing him of how things were going and the Augmented Ninja Tool he was creating.

By the end of the process, Isamu was holding what looked to be quite a dangerous weapon. Not only was the weapon indestructible to anything other than a powerful technique, it could absorb and poison a person's chakra upon contact with them or one of their techniques. It seemed that the warrior hadn't simply acquired expensive materials and thought it wise to use them, he had planned the construction of this deadly weapon.

As Isamu approached Takeshiyama with the finished product he was asked about his origins, a subject he wasn't entirely sure about if he was to be honest.

"This is my first day working here. The shopkeeper and I have an arrangement where I'm going to be helping him Augment the weapons of the shinobi passing through the area, he's hoping it'll make his shop more popular with the big spenders." Isamu attempted to hand the weapon over to Takehsiyama as he finished the last sentence.

If Takeshiyama took the weapon then Isamu would take a few steps back before continuing, "My name is Isamu by the way, I've been in this land for a couple of months. I'll likely be here working for a few more hours but if you'd be willing to meet again sometime, I'd love to see this weapon in action."

Isamu would wait for Takeshiyama to respond, and if the man didn't offer a location he'd suggest they meet at a bar where Isamu occasionally played poker in. Afterward, Isamu would return to work, as the next customers had come in and the middle-aged-looking man needed to keep creating items to maintain his end of the bargain.




Crafted Takeshiyama's Kanobo
B-Rank:4,000 ryo from Isamu
A-Rank:6,000 Ryo from Isamu
S-Rank:Achieved with Takeshiyama's Tinkerer's Tools
Weapon and Materials provided by Takeshiyama

WC Claims
15 points into speed
Mastering Demonic Illusion Flower Garden for no hand seals using 646 words. Previous training here.
Claiming the following at 50% discount using Memory Link with Denkiteki: Shadow Clone 750 words

Modified Totals
Total Stats:156+15=171
Vagabond (B-Rank)
Vagabond (B-Rank)
Survived 2021
You've completed the Christmas Event of 2021 and qualified for the last reward, by partisan you are awarded this fancy badge!
Stat Page : Takeshiyama
Mission Record : Mission Log
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Clan Specialty : Taijutsu
Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 78125

Job [Augmentation] (Takeshiyama, Kitsunagi) Empty Re: Job [Augmentation] (Takeshiyama, Kitsunagi)

Sun Mar 17, 2024 11:00 pm
He would gratefully take the weapon, giving it a swing, but careful enough to hit anything or anyone.  The balance felt...better and it felt more sturdy in his hand.  In truth the weapon was nearly completely different.  It reminded him of an ancient story he had once heard back home.  The discussion of a family axe passed down generation to generation...but as time passed the blade would be replaced, then the grips, and eventually even the wood of the handle.  In truth nothing of the original remained, so the question was....was it still the same weapon that had been passed down each generation.  He was so caught up in his thought of this story he nearly missed Isamu's words.  Shaking his head from the thoughts, he'd look back at the smith.  "It's damn fine work...I think the plan will work."  He would say in regard to attracting business.  The area continued to pull in more people every day, and with more than just the local nature and women to bring folks in it was sure to keep the smith busy, and his pocket properly lined.  

"Takeshiyama.."  He would say reaching out his free hand as the other held the kanobo in a gentle grip.  He had introduced himself to the shop keeper, but not the man.  "I am more a master with my hands....but I know enough..."  He would say giving the heavy weapon one more swing as though it was light as a feather.  "It would be good to get some practice....I can meet you after you are done."  He would say simply, listening to the bar that the man suggested.  Nodding he would mention that he was familiar with Daiki's bar, and would make his way there.  

He moved through the streets easily admiring the weapon as he went.  Folks giving him an even wider birth than normal as he looked over the fine craftsmen's work.  He still thought on the story and it made him think of his own life.  How much he had changed, and how much was left of him when he had left home.  Like a weapon he had items that have been replaced.  Fears and doubts, but also loves and homes.  He had not been home in nearly 20 years at this point, and he wondered if he would even be recognized if he did.  For a short moment he considered returning to Demon Country after the tournament, but then he let that idea be replaced just as weakened blade, replaced with a drink....and a hand of poker having been given the idea by Isamu.  He'd wait for the man, and then show him what he had crafted, a fair return.  

TWC - 1544



+15 Vigor to Wiggly-Woo
+250 words to learn Genjutsu Release For wiggly woo
+250 words to learn Transformation technique For wiggly woo
+1k words to learn Demonic Illusion Flower Garden For wiggly woo

-1 Tinkerers tool as stated above to complete the augmentation of Takeshiyama's Kanobo to S rank.  (I had two so now I have 1)
Ayato Hyuuga
Ayato Hyuuga
Stat Page :

Mission Record :
Summoning Contract : Forest of Dreams Ravens

Living Clones : Natsuki
Familiar : Maneki
Legendary Equipment : Raiment of Eternal Fortune
Stone of Gelel
Remove Taijutsu Remove Kanjutsu Jikūjutsu Default
Remove Earth Water Lightning Remove Default
Clan Specialty : Taijutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 435700

Job [Augmentation] (Takeshiyama, Kitsunagi) Empty Re: Job [Augmentation] (Takeshiyama, Kitsunagi)

Mon Mar 18, 2024 10:53 am
Takeshiyama wrote:


+15 Vigor to Wiggly-Woo
+250 words to learn Genjutsu Release For wiggly woo
+250 words to learn Transformation technique For wiggly woo
+1k words to learn Demonic Illusion Flower Garden For wiggly woo

-1 Tinkerers tool as stated above to complete the augmentation of Takeshiyama's Kanobo to S rank.  (I had two so now I have 1)

Ayato Hyuuga
Ayato Hyuuga
Stat Page :

Mission Record :
Summoning Contract : Forest of Dreams Ravens

Living Clones : Natsuki
Familiar : Maneki
Legendary Equipment : Raiment of Eternal Fortune
Stone of Gelel
Remove Taijutsu Remove Kanjutsu Jikūjutsu Default
Remove Earth Water Lightning Remove Default
Clan Specialty : Taijutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 435700

Job [Augmentation] (Takeshiyama, Kitsunagi) Empty Re: Job [Augmentation] (Takeshiyama, Kitsunagi)

Mon Mar 18, 2024 10:54 am
Isamu Hayato wrote:



Crafted Takeshiyama's Kanobo
B-Rank:4,000 ryo from Isamu
A-Rank:6,000 Ryo from Isamu
S-Rank:Achieved with Takeshiyama's Tinkerer's Tools
Weapon and Materials provided by Takeshiyama

WC Claims
15 points into speed
Mastering Demonic Illusion Flower Garden for no hand seals using 646 words. Previous training here.
Claiming the following at 50% discount using Memory Link with Denkiteki: Shadow Clone 750 words

Modified Totals
Total Stats:156+15=171

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