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Hitting the ground running (IO Takeshiyama) Empty Hitting the ground running (IO Takeshiyama)

Mon Mar 18, 2024 10:57 pm
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Hitting the ground running (IO Takeshiyama) Empty Re: Hitting the ground running (IO Takeshiyama)

Tue Mar 19, 2024 12:12 am
As Yama found himself embarking on this journey across the vast expanse of ocean, he began to feel somewhat solitary, lonely. The feeling of his skin pressed against his nearly made him weep with the fact that he was missing it. So why did he leave? He thought there was too much guesswork in what he was thinking. The idea of Akaime seeing him as anything more than a mere mortal in his god-like gaze was foolhardy. The night had come, mere hours after he had met the man, that he knew that he had to leave. He was embarrassed that he couldn't bring himself to fight in his dimension, but even he couldn't bring himself to harm such perfection.

His mind would wander constantly, every sculpted muscle, every inch of his being, his perfect skin, his warmth. His very body heat seemed to warm Yama's cold heart, bringing him to a place of euphoria with the slightest touch. When they were together in the wagon, both within the pool of crimson, he felt a connection that he couldn't quite explain. Obviously the man was beautiful, beyond measurement and well beyond words, but there was more to him than that.

His eyes held a world of loss, grief and abandonment. There was something deeper within him that pushed him to do the things that he did. Yama wanted to know those things, he wanted nothing more to get closer to him. His voice echoed through his mind, every note, every word and how it brought him closer to the edge of existence. His eyes, both wide and beautiful, but grew more alluring as he squinted them, like a wolf eyeing its prey. Yama lusted for those eyes, he loved every moment that they gazed upon him. They made him feel trapped, cornered, even a little scared, but he loved every moment of it.

He had never been put in such a position, but that night, when he had left the group. He felt a tremendous sadness that overwhelmed him. He felt like such a failure that he could never earn Akaime's love, so he left. He cut through the night's stillness with a great speed, trying to get as far away from the group as possible. Running all the way to shoreline, and finding himself a ship to set sail on. He couldn't bare the idea of seeing Akaime again, not with how he had let him down.

The ship was beginning to find it's way through the waters and closing in on the island that was his destination. He was closer to where he was headed, but so much farther than where he wanted to be. Thinking of their bodies pressed against each other once more, he couldn't contain his desire. His pure excitement at the idea of them being together. It pained him to know that was so far from him now, but he understood that this was how it was supposed to be. Maybe one day he could go back and see Akaime, and prove that he was worthy. But until then, he would find his way through his life on this island.

He had heard of competitions here, one that valued martial arts over any type of ninja arts that he wasn't versed in. He would think of such a tournament as just the thing he needed to prove to Akaime that he was worthy of his love. Maybe if he won this tournament, then he could go back to him. But if he was to lose, then he would just simply prove that he didn't have what it took to be the one for Akaime.

He pushed the thoughts aside for now as the ship docked, he would see that there was others that were headed in a certain direction, towards the tournament according to some of the passengers. He would follow the herd of people, hoping that he would find just what it was that he was looking for.

WC: 665

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Hitting the ground running (IO Takeshiyama) Empty Re: Hitting the ground running (IO Takeshiyama)

Tue Mar 19, 2024 6:55 am
There are some things you will always look forward too….so much so that they will consume your mind in waking and in sleep.  The upcoming basho was such an event for Takeshiyama.  It represented so much more than just another tournament…it represented his very livelihood and everything he had fought for throughout his time in earth.  His time in moon had seemed in some ways to last longer than it had really been, and in other ways significantly shorter.  Still, despite the various side quests to his life thag had occurred,…the main event was finally upon him.  It may not have been the officially tournament, but a needed part of the ceremony that wouldn’t be ignored.  

The true Basho lasted 15 days, but given the mobility that the sumo federation required to have tournaments throughout the various countries an entrance demonstration was required to officially join the tournament.  He had heard on the other end of the island the construction was under way for the venue that would host the main event.  Today, the entrance exam was occurring in several different not only on the island but in some other villages on lands just across the waters.  Luckily for him, one of the sponsored locations was the various seaside town that he had been working in for the past several months.  

He would dress himself in his finest kimono, one that he had yet to have worn…one that he only wore for special occasions.  It was a deep black, that seemed to absorb all light that hit it, accentntes by small white clouds that contrasted so well with the fabrics that they almost seemed to actually be made of feint wisps.  A bright red sash wrapped around his waist and acted as belt.  Over his shoulder a small canvas bag that contained salt, his own chikara mizu from demon country, and his mawashi.  His hair was tied tight in the traditional style.  The day of the tournament another man would perform the ritual, but for this he had done so himself. 

He’d make his way first to Daiki’s bar to pick up the young lad that had expressed some interest in participating in the tournament over there many discussions with drinks.  He’d offered to teach him a little, though he had never actually gotten around to it.  Still, the least he could do is walk the man to the area and explain what was going on.  Once he knocked and the boy came out they’d make their way to the small town hall located in the town to check in.  Along the way Takeshiyama would explain the main rules, and vaguely go over the ceremonies involved.  Within a short amount of time however they would arrive, and would quickly be engulfed in the crowd.  

Few men stood as tall as Takeshiyama, and even fewer as wide, yet here perhaps for the first time in Daiki’s life he would see men the same size and even bigger.  There was no shortage of individuals clearly hear for the tournament, and even more fans.  Various individuals had towels with the likeness of different sumo, and even as they walked they would reach out to touch the sumo as though to gain some of their power.  For Kaito’s part he barely seemed to notice this, rather he focused on checking in with the head official both for himself and for Daiki.

In front of them was a rather large man that stood even a few inches taller than Takeshiyama.  “Lost friend?”  He would say with a low rumbling voice.  If the man admitted he was looking for the head judge to check in, he would offer to show him the way.  Assuming he would follow the three would make their way to the table and be checked in.  For Takishiyama it took but a word, for the other two they would be forced to fill out more information as they were registering as amateurs.  The judge would point first to a scale they must weight in for, a place to get borrowed muwashi, and finally would hand them their bout sheets.  

The two amateurs would wrestle soon in the day.  They had been placed down for 3 matches each, requiring at least two wins to advance on.  As for Takeshiyama they took his rank as Ozeki, and he was merely offered a single match of exhibition, to demonstrate his continued dedication.  His match would take place much later in the day.  If Yama ,assuming he introduced himself and wished to stay near the two men, came with them they would soon find seats near where the dohyos had been crafted.  3 total had been formed in the ground, less elaborate than the raised clay rings that would be used in the main tournament.  He would again explain the rules to the two men, the process of greeting eachother in the ring, the throwing of salt and drinking of the water of power, and finally the clash.  The fated tachiai that was the initial clash between two men.  

Should any part of their body touch the ground aside from the soles of their feet, they were defeated.  Should they step outside of the ring first, they were defeated.  To grab the hair or the back knot of the muwashi, they were defeated.  Should their muwashi come undone and fall loose, they would be defeated.  Finally he would offer to tie their muwashi for them should they wish it.  An intimate process since they must strip down, and have the sumo belt tied quite tightly, though they would have no one better to offer such a task.  

With that they would sit, and have the oppurtunity to watch a few matches before the two younger men would go.  Takeshiyama pointing out the various winning combinations and mistakes that some sumo made.  

TWC - - 975
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Hitting the ground running (IO Takeshiyama) Empty Re: Hitting the ground running (IO Takeshiyama)

Thu Mar 21, 2024 11:05 pm
Determination burning in his heart, Yama made his way to the registration booth of the competition. Standing head and shoulders taller than the competitors, his impressive size attracted curious glances and whispered murmurs from the competition. Nonetheless, the attention did not frighten him. He had a job, and he was known to get it done. He made his way to the booth with a quiet, steeled resolve in his eyes as he focused on the form that lay ahead. He filled out the necessary forms, closed his ID and proof of identification documents, and handed them to the registration official.

The excitement in his chest grew with the knowledge of testing his strength and expertise against fearsome competition. Yama then made his way to the arena. The crowd cheered, and the smell of anticipation and sweat clung to the arena like a second skin. He stepped into the ring, his heart beating rapidly and adrenalin coursing through his veins, heightening his senses. On the other side of the ring stood the first opponent. It was a worthy first battle. He swayed slightly, with a determined glint in his eye, and he nodded at Yama, acknowledging him. Yama squared his shoulders and steeled his spirit. The two were battered with one body language, and every move symbolized what was to come. The referee's flag signaled the start of the match. The two rested, eyes locked in silent conversation, and then they roared and crashed into each other, bodies thundering.

Yama won his first competitive battle due to his raw power and determination to succeed. The crowd roared deafening cheers and claps, and he was only satisfied for a moment before he looked ahead. Yama had to retreat from the ring to take another breath for the upcoming battle. He was ready to use his muscles to give another fight. His mind focused on the next opponent, and he was prepared to crush his next in line with his sheer and brutal force. The next battle started with the referee's whistle. Yama stepped into the ring better than before, with his head high to see his opponent. He gave the opponent a nod and squared his shoulders to clash with the following fall.

As they focused on each other, the crowd was in suspense. His opponent moved forward first; the next step surged, clash by swift and decisive collision. Yama used all his might as he walked through power after pushing the opponent with force. As they buckled each other, Yama tried to keep all movements in check; more power could not make him drop to the ground. After pushing harder, he had to move significantly to finish the game. The push started, and the yell as that of a wounded wild animal occurred. It was a big step, a brutal clash, and finally, he was the victor. The shouts were deafening again when the referee pronounced him the winner. Their claps and shouts showed they were overwhelmed by Yama's strength and power. However, Yama knew he needed to be more apparent from his encounters, yet more massive and energetic battles awaited him.

While Yama's mind wandered briefly to thoughts of Akaime as he stood amidst the roars and adulation of the spectators, faced with the glory and thrill of the battle of the wrestling ring, he wondered if Akaime's thoughts accompanied him wherever he went, a specter of hope among the ferocity and aggression of the brutal competition. As Yama displayed his dominance to the crowds of enthusiastic onlookers, he couldn't help but wonder what Akaime thought of his accomplishments. Was he filled with pride and admiration, or did his eyes stare daggers at his neck at the sight of the power and skill his hopeful admirer had put on display?

Most of all, he wished Akaime was with him to share the victories and triumphs he had earned and achieved. It was his dearest wish, the one for which he prayed beforehand, the pain and ache of the longing swirling within his chest, knowing that he would only be whole once he had Akaime by his side to complete the joy of the moment, bearing witness to his victory that he had so long struggled to deliver. As his next combatant walked into the ring, he renewed his pledge to win them and achieve his goals. It was the only aspiration he could strive for, to achieve the love and adoration of his beloved, to stand as equals and as a pair together.

Yama faced his last rival in the qualifying matches of the competition, and the winner was yet to be determined. The competition had started fiercely, and it was evident that none of the opponents was ready to lose a single point in their quest for victory. Yama and his opponent fought and defended in a series of strategic moves and powerful thrusts, and, despite himself, he found himself struggling to hold on to a defeat. His opponent appeared relentless and was soon to defeat Yama despite his efforts. It was at that point that Yama thought of Akaime.

The picture of the person who had inspired and motivated him prompted a sudden rush of power, filling his every move with strength and determination. With that power and might running all over his body, Yama used whatever strength was left to make a powerful counterattack. Yama's roar as he made the blow sent his opponent rolling over the ring in defeat. The crowd was all over him with cheers and applause at the level of Yama's strength; he knew he owed the victory to himself and the love and support of the man whom he wished he could only impress, his darling Akaime. Feet firm on the ring and Akaime's star still blazing in Yama's mind, he proceeded to the center of the ring in gratefulness to stand and prepare for the battles ahead. His love had given him the power to overcome any hurdle, and in the future, Yama knew he would need to turn to Akaime in the struggles declared or undeclared.

When he had completed his conquest against the other wrestlers, he would sit beside another individual who seemed nearly as large as he was. Shortly after sitting dhe,satn would stand when he was called to the ring, Tak.shiyama was his name, and he was up for his exhibition. He would watch the exhibition for a time, impressed with the man's ability in the ring. After it was done, he would speak to the man, asking if he knew of a place in which he could practice his skills. He would wait for the man be done with the tournament to guide him, should he do so.

WC: 1123

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Hitting the ground running (IO Takeshiyama) Empty Re: Hitting the ground running (IO Takeshiyama)

Fri Mar 22, 2024 12:31 am
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Hitting the ground running (IO Takeshiyama) Empty Re: Hitting the ground running (IO Takeshiyama)

Fri Mar 22, 2024 12:31 am
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Vagabond (B-Rank)
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Hitting the ground running (IO Takeshiyama) Empty Re: Hitting the ground running (IO Takeshiyama)

Fri Mar 22, 2024 12:42 am
Yama was among the first men called up to the dohyo.  Though he was new to the sport, his physique and sheer grit more than made up for any inexperience.  His first match over nearly before it had even truly begun.  The average time for a sumo bought was only around ten seconds, and he beat that in spades.  Over powering his opponent he would seemed pleased with himself, a breach in protocol but one that could be easily overlooked.  It was hard not to show emotion after a hard won victory or even worse a narrow defeat.  Even the best of them struggled to keep their facial expression neutral no matter the outcome, something he had practiced over many years.  Even still, he could feel his mask crack every now and again. 
The next match proved to be Daiki against a larger man in girth but not muscle.  The bout started…awkwardly and though he had told Daiki of the rules, they had clearly not all sunk in.  His first move was to charge forward and go for the legs, but unfortunately, he let his knee touch, and thus was called out.  Takeshiyama would instruct the lad on proper form, and see him through to the next match, which he actually was able to win thanks to a well-timed dodge.  A tactic that Takeshiyama had instructed him to perform after watching his opponents first match.  Soon it was Yama’s turn to return to the dohyo, and clearly his second opponent was more skilled.
Unable to muscle his opponent merely out he was forced to use more skill and tactic, something he did very well.  The man was undoubtedly unrefined and had a fighting style of that in the wilderness than a well-constructed stable would ever provide.  Still he came away with the win.  So the two men now stood at two wins and no defeats for Yama and Daiki stood at one and one.  A short break would ensue before they returned to action, giving just enough time for Takeshiyama to go over additional strategies for Daiki.  The man was no on the verge of elimination, and thus he assumed he needed the help.  As for Yama he would go before him, and already had qualified so was now merely seeking bonus points. 
He merely caught the end of the big mans match when he wrestled a victory from the jaws of defeat.  He would clap along with he crowd impressed with the man.  Soon though it would be Daiki’s turn, but unfortunately he would be unable to watch.  Retiring into the sumo only area, he would find a man to tie his muwashi and perform the proper etiquette to tie up his hair in the traditional style.  His warm up would be performed, and he would prepare himself for the bout.  In truth it was purely an exhibition bout, and would not go on either man’s record as a sumo.  It also help no weight for the coming tournament that was already seeded besides the amateur division. 
He'd make his way out of the building that had operated as the staging ground just in time to see Daiki’s back hit the ground.  With a sigh, he would walk towards the area.  For the amateurs certain traditions had been left a bit more…lapse.  However for this match, all things where performed.  The man moved his gumbai and announced the names of the two men to enter in almost a voice taken by song.  For the east, it was Takeshiyama….for the west Shiganosuke.  The two men would perform the intricate dance that was involved prior to the match.  For those unfamiliar, it would seem to take some time before they actually started.    They would walk to the middle to squat, before standing and slapping their muwashi.  Hand full of salt where through, and a drink from the water of power.  It is a fact in sumo that the higher ranking the combatants the longer it takes to actually get started.  For low ranked matches, it is expected to get in, get started get off.  This was not one of those, so it was nearly six minutes before the referee yelled for them to get started.  Soon the two men would squat down, one fist, then the opponents.  Both seemed to stutter for a moment before placing their final fist down, signaling along with the yell the start of the match. 
Barely a hairs breadth passed before knuckles touched clay, and then the crash.  A sound like thunder erupted through the area as the two men collided not only their bodies but their heads.  A flash of red would appear as blood began to ooze down Takeshiyama’s face, however the man seemed unbothered and committed to his group.  He’d allowed the hard clash so as to get an inside grip.  His other arm would slide up into the armpit of his opponent as he turned his hips.  Before anyone knew it, Shiganosuke was on his back, thrown to the clay.  The Refferee would call out “Winner…Takeshiyama of the East by yobimodoshi!”
With that he would step back, his face never leaving the neutral look, impossible to tell if he was pleased or not.  He would bow low, and step off the stage.  To return to redress, not tending to his nose until he was out of the crowds view. 
After this, he would sit besides Yama for the closing ceremnoies, and hear his request.  He would nod, and invite him to come back with him.  He saw some talent in the man, and it would be nice to finally have a partner his size to train with…..the trees would be happy as well.  With that the two men would conclude the opening day of the Moon Basho.  They received some monetary rewards for their participation and told they would receive the proper seedings for the coming days of the tournament in about a week.  It felt good to have the first day done, but also anticlimactic.  It had been a good bout, a strong one that put him in a good light for all those that watched.  Still though, he had felt a twinge in his back on that throw, and he knew it was a much closer match than what anyone considered.  He may have won today, but he had also made an enemy for sure. 

TWC - 2040



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Hitting the ground running (IO Takeshiyama) Empty Re: Hitting the ground running (IO Takeshiyama)

Fri Mar 22, 2024 4:27 am
Takeshiyama wrote:

TWC - 2040



9k ryo + 4k for B rank = 13k total ryo
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