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Kitsunagi Kurosawa
Kitsunagi Kurosawa
Vagabond (C-Rank)
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Clan Specialty : N/A
Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 500

A rebirth by the blood Empty A rebirth by the blood

Tue Feb 27, 2024 2:22 pm
Mission details:

Kitsu felt unsure about this Kiko woman. She seemed like there was something more about her, something hidden. Something sinister. He brought it up to Ren before, but of course Ren just shrugged it off. He was far too committed to this woman. There was so many hidden details. When they had gone for their stroll in the wilderness, they didn't realize that he had been there the whole time. He was watching from afar, and that was when he saw it. There was a hint of discretion when she spoke, she knew something that Ren didn't. He knew that he was being written off as this just being another paranoid delusion, but he knew what he saw.

He would wake up in the middle of the night, but this time he never went home. He decided to stay in the woods, away from the rest of the village at least for a time. There was so much that he couldn't stand about the village and the people within. Many of them had lost their way, lost their connection to the spirits that dwelled within the island's wilderness. He was destined to bring them back to heel, to bring their attention back to the spirits and bring them to their rightful claim of the land.

But for the time being, he was relegated to simply communing with them instead. To stay with them and to learn from them as much as he could with each passing moment. He would stay up that night, unable to sleep. The light of the full moon beckoned him to stay within this plane, and not lose its sight for even a moment. He would meditate, keeping his senses attuned to every slight change in his surroundings, awaiting their call, awaiting their guidance.

For a while, he felt the same sensations, the breeze carressing his face, the earth shifting around him as the insects began to crawl around his position, going up his legs and back down again. He felt the moon's glow grace his body, enveloping him in an embrace so overwhelming that he could barely breathe. But it was during this embrace, this time of fully committing himself to the world that surrounded and overwhelmed him, that he began to hear the calls of the spirits. At first, it was gibberish, the soundings and ravings of mad men, but soon the words began to decipher themselves for his ears.

He would hear the words of the spirits as they communicated with each other, each one passing a not so silent judgement on the world and its current state. They were words of distrust to the men and women that shared their domain on the island. They spoke of hatred towards the ruins and the people that once lived there, they spoke of anger towards those that stole from their lands. He called out to them, but the spirits did not answer. They simply continued their bickering amongst each other, their words filled with vile and hatred.

He wished they would answer him. He called out once more, only for them to continue to ignore his pleas. He would silence himself in their presence, allowing himself to continue to be in their presence, not wishing to be pushed away from their company. The words would continue to pass in the form of gentle whispers from through his ears, as if they were speaking directly through him. He would hear the earth below call out, speaking of the pain that the humans brought to it through their mining, their wars, and their violence.

He fought the tears off the best he could as they attempted to betray his face. He knew that he had been a part of such an act. He had taken much from the earth below already, and he was destined to continue such an act as that was his role. This was the purpose that he had been given with his creation, and he could do nothing to change his fate. Anger grew within him. He hated those that harmed the spirits' domain, including himself. The anger and rage that brewed within him seemed to be mirrored by the spirits that surrounded him.

The once calm whispers of discontent, became the screams of fury from each of the spirits. The earth itself seemed to wail and scream as if it was actively being injured, cut down by the dullest of knives. He tried to keep his body still, and present in this moment. But the emotions began to rise too much, he sobbed hysterically. He lost his connection with the spirits as he lie there on the ground, begging for forgiveness from the earth, begging for salvation by the spirits. He kne wthat he didn't deserve it, and now with the spirits' true feelings known, he felt more alone than ever.

He continued to sob, until his active cries turned into the soft whimper. His body began to lose the fight with concsiousness and he fell to sleep, still pressed against the earth below. His dreams provided him no comfort. He could see the forests burning, the earth itself seeming to be swallowed by the human intention and their expansion of their own domain. The natural world was completely consumed by the artificial one, and he could do nothing to stop the expansion. He was an enabler, one that provided aid to the expansion instead.

His eyes shot open as the first light of dawn streaked across the sky, the edges becoming a bright blue with a mixture of orange and yellow hues striking across the landscape. He rose from the ground, and he wiped his face, now stained with the tears that had flowed so abundantly the night before. He stood up, dusted himself off, and he tried to feel the presence of the spirits, but yet, he felt nothing. He felt as though he was standing in the midst of a void so expansive, that there was no end in sight. Floating amongst the endless nothingness that sewn itself deep into his soul.

His first steps were the hardest, he felt needles sticking into his feet as he walked, a penance to pay for his crimes against the world. His body could feel the weight of the world on top of him, pressed hard against his lungs, causing his ability to breathe to be severely flattened. He drug his feet through the forest, heading to Junko's home, where he would meet with Ren, and be put to task for another mission that he would be required to do, as that was his purpose.

When he arrived at the home, he saw Ren standing outside with Takeshiyama, both of them eating their normal breakfast. Kitsu did what he could do bring himself to a point of being presentable, but his heart was shattered, and he had no real emotion to show. He would accept his food, ignore his questioning from Ren when he asked about just what was going on with him. Then he would stay silent as the group would leave for their mission. Turned out there was meteor shower the night before, and within a nearby field on the plains there was supposed to be a meteor that they could gather.

Ren offered everyone a teleport so they would be able to get there faster, to which Kitsu accepted silently with a nod and readied himself for them to be transported. Suddenly their bodies became formless, then formed once again near the field where there were in fact, some meteors that had been planted into the ground, with small craters surrounding them. Kitsu began to walk forward, not seeing any point in halting the inevitable. He felt better about this mission because at least he wasn't stealing from the earth like when he would go mining, but instead he would be granted the chance to heal the earth from the rock that had collided with it.

But when he went to move forward, he saw that they weren't the only ones there to obtain the meteors and the iron that was held within. There were bandits from the Tengakure ruins that were beginning to close the distance to get to the same resources. Kitsu rushed forward, he knew that he was faster than Ren, and he was possibly faster than Takeshiyama. He heard Ren begin to call out to him, pleading for him to stop, but this time, Kitsu wasn't listening.

He sprinted forward at his top speed, activating his Space Time chakra within his body to enhance his speed even more. He would swoop in and arrive at roughly the same time as the bandits would arrive. He snagged the chunk of rock, pulled out the tanto blade that he had received from Ren upon his creation, and he would parry an attack that was headed directly for him. The strike would be coming in above his head, to which he would use his own blade to redirect the attack to the side, and he would plunge the blade directly into the bandits chest, impaling his heart, killing him instantly.

Blood would spray onto his face from the bandits chest cavity, and at that moment, he could hear the spirits' voice once again. They cheered for him. Suddenly an excitement surged through his body. He could hear the spirits flowing their own guidance within his body. He used his tanto blade to continue to redirect attacks, striking at weak points, impaling the bandits. He didn't quite know what was happening to him, but he was causing harm to others, and it felt amazing.

With each strike of his blade, the bandits would continue to bleed, and he could only hear the spirits that surrounded them call out in joy and glee. The earth even chimed in with a deep bellowing cheer that tore through any shred of doubt that Kitsu had within his mind. The rest of the group would have caught up by now, and they all began to fight back against the bandits. When the others had joined in, there was little fight to be had. It was as simple as flicking a flea off their arm at this point. Kitsu would watch as the bandits would begin to retreat.

He dropped the meteoric iron that he was guarding and he began to chase down the bandits. He would do all he could, even run down one more of the bandits. He would leap onto his back, bringing his blade around the man's body and stabbing him continuously in the chest, yelling as he did so. The bandit would fall to the ground, but Kitsu would not stop until he was finally pulled off by the rest of the party or by Ren.  He was covered in blood, and he relished in the feeling of it.

When the bandits were all gone, Kitsu and the rest of the party would gather the meteors from the ground, and they would gather them, and place a hand on Ren so they could all teleport back to Junko's home. When they got there, he would take the meteoric iron from Ren as he was the one in charge of holding onto it all. He would go hide in Junko's house where he was sure no one would find it. But instead of gathering with the others, he ran off to the forest.

Ren would try to stop him, of course. But Kitsu couldn't hear a thing that he said. He just kept running, still covered in the blood that was beginning to dry onto his body. He could still hear the spirits calling to him, thanking him for a job well done. He had never felt such enjoyment, not in the entire time that he had been created. He was going to enjoy this once more, he had to, it's what the spirits would want of him. When he arrived he felt their presence stronger than he ever had before, it was a feeling that he would not soon forget, and a feeling that he felt would become his new normal.

WC: 2023
TWC: 2023

Completion of a S rank mission
+20k ryo (doubling with beloved presence) (Going to Ren Kurosawa)
+2 meteoric iron (1 for mission rewards, 1 for mining)
+100 AP (dolubled from beloved presence)
Current AP bonus = 356
WC claims:
+489 towards Rupture (Complete)(Previous Progress)
+891 towards Imitation Black Hole (Complete)(Previous Progress)
+631 towards Archer's Calling (631/2500)

Last edited by Kitsunagi Kurosawa on Wed Feb 28, 2024 9:05 pm; edited 2 times in total
Ren Kurosawa
Ren Kurosawa
Stat Page : Link
Mission Record : Link
Living Clones : Kitsunagi Kurosawa
Sakoshi Kurosawa
Remove Remove Remove Remove Fūinjutsu Remove Ninjutsu Remove Jikūjutsu Default
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Tsukigakure
Ryo : 46800

A rebirth by the blood Empty Re: A rebirth by the blood

Tue Feb 27, 2024 5:05 pm
Dreams are funny. For so many nights Ren would sleep through the night and not remember a thing when he would wake up. But recently, he was remembering his very odd dreams. He would lie there and dream about random occurrences that had happened, but they were just different. He dreamed about his arrival on the island of Moon. He had been ambushed, and he fought off the bandits, drowning them both in the ocean and that all made sense. But the rest is what confused him. When he walked away with his clone to rest on the rock by the shore, he would remember the moment he had met Kiko and Junko.

He remembers seeing Kiko and instantly falling in love with her. But she was different. He couldn't quite place what made her so different; she looked the same, but she acted more confident than he had ever known his Kiko to act. He wasn't sure what was happening, but the dream continued with the events exactly as they played out in reality. He would shake his head in his subconscious state and try to get the dream out of his mind for the time being.

He would feel a rush of insecurity for a moment until he suddenly felt a gentle nudge and a very familiar voice calling out to him. With the gentle caress and the pressing of her delicate hand on top of his chest, Ren's eyes would awaken to see his darling Kiko only inches away from his face. He would tell her good morning with love in his eyes. He would be flooded from any insecurity he felt, and any discomfort would simply melt away under the beautiful gaze of Kiko's darling face.

He would raise his hand and caress her face gently, kissing her on the nose. She would smile at the gesture and tell him that she was heading out for her morning walk, asking if he would go with her. He would excitedly grab her and give her a huge hug while they were still in bed. He would kiss her on the cheeks a handful of time before finally letting her go with a yes exploding through his lips. He would allow her to get out of their bed, and he would leap out of bed.

His bronzed skin radiated with excitement as he began to get his clothing on. He had set his clothes beside their bed the night before, so when he got out of bed, he would slip on his clothes, then cover himself with his traveling clothes. He didn't really own anything else, but now that he was beginning to think about staying in one place, he decided that having more than just two outfits might just be a good idea. His darling Kiko would ask nicely for him to go to the living room and wait for her so she could get changed out of her silk robe that she wore the night before. He would playfully ask to watch, which she would motion for him to leave the room. He would laugh, and on his way, he went.

While he waited, he went downstairs, and he checked on his Kitsu, Sakoshi, and his roommate Takeshiyama. When he entered the room, he saw that Kitsu was already gone, or had he even come home that night? Ren would shake his head, but then he would smile when he saw his darling Sakoshi lying in the cot silently and calmly sleeping. He would sneak over to him, kiss him on the forehead, and he would leave the room the same as he had found it.

When he was done in his and Takeshiyama's room, he would find that Kiko was in the livingroom already waiting for him. He would walk up to her, kiss her on the forehead, and take her arm and wrap it around his. He would then start traveling with her, walking around the area near the house. He would take her to the orchard that he had planted for her, picked a moon flower and placed it gently into her hair. He marveled for a moment at just how beautiful she looked, telling her so.

Then the two would start wandering about the area of the island. He would ask her where she wanted to go, but she wouldn't give him any particular direction or destination. So he decided that he was going to take her on a trip to a rather particular place that he knew she would find rather special. He grabbed her by the arm and he teleported them both to a place in the middle of the forest somewhat near Junko's home. There was a river that ran through it, and here it was so quiet, that you could barely hear the insects crawling amongst the grass and dirt.

He would then offer her his hand, and wrap his arm around her waist, and he would dance with her for a few minutes to the rhythm of the faintest sounds that surrounded them. After a few minutes of dancing in the woods, he would grab her and teleport her to another spot on the island. It was a place that had been to as he wanted to place a watchtower here once the village was in place. A place that he hadn't taken Junko to yet as he was waiting for the plans to be a little farther along.

The spot was perched in the mountains, but it provided a vantage point that would span almost the entirety of the island. It would be an amazing place for them to have a watchtower, but for now, it was a rather scenic place for them to spend a few moments together. He would look out over the plains and he would see a few craters in the middle of the plains. He would point it out to Kiko. It had looked as though meteors had fallen from space and collided directly into the ground.

He told Kiko that they had to cut their walk short today, teleported them back to Junko's home, where he would find Takeshiyama and inform him of the craters that he found in the midst of the plains. It was then that he would see Kitsu walking out of the forest, looking terrible. Ren would ask him about what had happened, but he was ignored as Kitsu simply asked what they were doing today. He would inform him of the craters, and he seemed to be slightly relieved by the news. Ren didn't ask any further on the development, as Kitsu immediately began walking towards the craters.

Ren would stop him and he would inform the group that they should teleport there, as it would be faster and they would likely not be the only ones to be heading that way to find these rocks. Whoever agreed, he would teleport immediately and leave those that declined. They would appear in the plains, only a stone's throw away from where the craters were located. But in that same moment, the group would clock several other individuals, members of Kurogane's band heading directly for the rocks.

Ren was fast to react, but not nearly as fast as Kitsu. Ren tried to stop Kitsu, yelling for him to stay out this, but he didn't listen. Kitsu sprinted for the crater's center and he wasn't going to let anyone stop him. Ren ran as fast as he could to get closer to Kitsu to try and protect him. But as he was preparing to perform his first technique, Kitsu parried an attack by one of the bandits and plunged his blade deep into the attacking bandit. Ren's eyes widened with horror as he watched the bandit fall to the ground.

He was expecting Kitsu to begin to break down, fearful over the idea that he had just executed someone, but he didn't. Instead, Kitsu began to laugh in pure excitement and began striking at the other bandits. He got cut a handful of times, but his strikes were so fast, you could barely see what he was doing. He had activated some sort of enhancer on his body using his chakra as he was moving faster than he had ever seen him move before. The blade was swinging left and right, cutting into the bandits' bodies and leaving them for dead. Ren couldn't do anything, and he simply stood there in awe and fear.

Ren snapped out of it after a few more bandits had been dropped, and he sprung into action. He teleported closer to the fighting, and when he appeared, he would weave a few hand seals, causing a black hole to form from his position, and a few of the bandits would begin to stand still. Ren was going to have them fall unconscious from his genjutsu, but that wasn't what happened. Kitsu would lunge at the static bandits, cutting them down with ferocious and calculated strikes.

"Kitsu! You do not need to kill them!" Ren would try to speak directly to Kitsu, but he could tell that his mind was completely engrossed in the blood that he was spilling. It covered his body, his strikes began to get sloppy, and cut deeper with less care. With the rest of the group beginning to get into the fight, the bandits were soon dispatched and they began to retreat. Ren sighed a breath of relief, until he saw his Kitsu sprinting after the bandits, running them down and cutting a few more of the bandits down. Ren would yell out to him, but after realizing that his words would fall on deaf ears again, he would teleport over to him, grab him by his clothes, and teleport him away from the bandit that he had by then, stabbed numerous times.

When he pulled him off of the bandit, he gripped the tanto blade so tightly. Ren held him close to his chest, crying over his body. But Kitsu didn't seem phased by the death that had just happened. Instead, he was beaming with excitement, wanting to kill more. He wiggled his way out of Ren's arms and he grabbed some of the rocks that had been lying on the ground. He grabbed a few of the rocks and he brought them over to Ren. The look in his eye was terrifying for a moment, he didn't quite know how to handle the situation, so he would simply stand up, brush off the dirt on his robes, and he would offer to teleport them all back to Junko's home. Kitsu would accept and silently lay his hand on Ren's shoulder.

He would wait for everyone to be ready, and then he would teleport them all. When they arrived, Kitsu sprinted into the house, hid the meteors, and then, without a word, sprinted out of the house and into the forest. He simply stared out into the forest as his body became undetectable again. Devastated, he walked inside and he looked for Kiko. When he found her, he would ask if they could go upstairs so she could tell him what had happened. He felt that he needed to disclose this with someone else because he was so utterly destroyed by what had happened.

Should Kiko accept his request, he would take her by the hand and go upstairs and sit in Kiko's bed. He would cry and sob as he recited the events that had happened, the look he saw in Kitsu's eyes, the desperation for blood that he had seen. He would tell Kiko that he didn't know what to do and how scared he was for his Kitsu. He would tell her that he didn't want this for him, but he didn't know what he could even do. His strength, his knack for killing, his ferocity when it came to cutting people down was something he had never seen before. Ren would lean on her, crying on her shoulder.

WC: 2004
TWC: 2004

Completion of a S rank mission
20k ryo (Doubling with Beloved Presence)
100 AP converted to 5000 ryo = Total of 15k ryo added
+1 Meteoric Iron

WC claims:
+1869 towards Archer's Calling (Complete for Kitsunagi) (Previous progress is from Kitsu's claim)
+135 towards Wind Release: Gale Slice (135/2500) For Kitsu

Last edited by Ren Kurosawa on Wed Feb 28, 2024 2:03 pm; edited 1 time in total
Vagabond (B-Rank)
Vagabond (B-Rank)
Survived 2021
You've completed the Christmas Event of 2021 and qualified for the last reward, by partisan you are awarded this fancy badge!
Stat Page : Takeshiyama
Mission Record : Mission Log
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Clan Specialty : Taijutsu
Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 78125

A rebirth by the blood Empty Re: A rebirth by the blood

Tue Feb 27, 2024 8:02 pm
The land of moon, covered in sweeping plains, blooming with the bright white flowers with the same name.  It seemed to be a busy place of late, despite lacking the official village status that other nations had.  Kaito had mostly always avoided any of the shinobi villages.  They did not host the tournaments that made his living, and thus they did not have any real draw.  Besides, the few shinobi he had really met where secretive and standoffish, and at the worst blood thirsty for anything that could full their magics.   He’d only twice before Moon really run afoul of shinobi and both times had been…interesting to say the least.  Still the ones he was now living so closed to didn’t seem as bad.  Perhaps it was merely the village affiliation that ruined them….and if so he wondered if the dreams of the matron of the house came true if in time it would poison them as well.  Of course, he kept all this quite to himself.  No reason to ruin all their fun, and should they begin to sour he would simply pick up and leave.  There for, bringing it up never truly seemed like a thing to do. 
Still, it as a busy place not only with the ninja but also the growing port town and smaller places around the island.  It seems that with the addition of the shinobi here, they presented some form of resistance to the creatures that seemed to spawn from the old Tenga ruins.  Finally unmolested from them, it seemed to cause the surrounding areas to grow in strength or at least caused them to not lose a random villager every couple of day.  Progress he supposed.  Progress so profound that not only did it seem to bring people, but the very skies wished to foster a better understanding of the area as well.  The previous night a flash in the sky, and a crashing cacophony had echoed around the area waking nearly everyone in a several mile radius.  Well, except for Kaito, he had slept straight through the commotion, and it wasn’t until the morning that he learned of the need to investigate.  A messenger had come and gone giving the request to Ren or Kitsu and the two had accepted and included him in such a thing.  The pay out though once he saw the notice was a number that he could not turn down. 
With this in mind he kept his grumblings to a minimum while he created breakfast for his compatriots.  A simple meal devised for each of them only to be left mostly alone.  Kitsu was gone early as he so often was, doing what Kaito could not say.  He never really bothered to ask, and perhaps that was his own failing….but one that he would not amend at the time being.  As for Ren he was off with the woman of the house spending his time attempting to be romantic.  He assumed he was doing it right by the looks that Kikko gave him and they were off for one of their normal walks set about in the morning.  In all honesty this wasn’t something that he was all too concerned with.  The running’s about of his flat mates gave him more time to do as he pleased, and thus took away little of his time.  Again something he was not used to and again he thought back to his time in the various stable clubs he had lived and worked in.  The very different lifestyles both had their perks and their negatives.  Reflecting on those as he crafter a breakfast to feed an army he would set out the table and begin to eat.
After some time the others would slowly trickle in, even if he was already on his fourth course.  The meal would soon vanish, and the dishes left to mountain into the sink.  He wasn’t sure how they always ended up done, other than the fact that he was not the one to do it.  Still, mysteries for a different day.  Today’s job was to go to the point of the sky rocks touchdown.  From what he had learned it was a decent walk, but Ren supposedly had a process to make the whole venture easier.  He didn’t understand the term, teleport in the context of what they were saying but he was assured it was safe and easy.  So with a questioning eye he would watch as Ren took his hand and said to hang on.  At first nothing happened, and he thought the whole thing to be an exercise of the mind….but then something did happen and he did not like it.  A light seemed to glow and encapsulate the group and then a pull right behind his naval could be felt before their surroundings blurred.
What came next was a blur of action and commotion, something that normally Takeshiyama, the Mountain of Strength, would be all over.  This time however, as Ren screamed for Kitsu, Kaito would bend over and heave emptying the majority of the contents that had been breakfast but an hour or so ago.  Still he felt his abdomen clench as a fresh wave of nausea hit him and vomit hit the ground.  He attempted a step trying to clear his mind and then another, finally beginning to feel like himself.  Still he needn’t have worried.  Kitsu seemed hell bent on proving himself more than just a follower as he struck out with a ferocity  that he hadn’t known the man had within him.  In truth it made all that time he spent by himself a bit more worrying, a sentiment that seemed shared by the horror on Ren’s face.  As he had recovered there was nothing to do, as all the bandits had been dispatched.  Rubbing his stomach and taking deep breaths he would watch the two of them.  One beaming with pride and the other in abject horror.  They would collect a small bit of the material before Ren would offer to teleport them back.
Emphatically Kaito refused, instead stating he better stay behind and make sure nothing else unsavory would occur.  More men where supposedly coming to help excavate more of the materials, and if this was a place that could lure danger, he felt a duty to defend it….though in truth he just had no desire to throw up again.  He’d watch as the flash of light overtook them, and their subsequent vanishment from the area.  Shaking his head, he would walk around picking up as many chunks of the material as he could, loading it into a canvas bag that he had brought with him to make the transport of the materials easier.  It wasn’t long before more people from the nearby villages arrived to assist.  The crater was massive, but the stone in the center of it was not.  He wondered how such a small object could cause such mayhem, but then he thought of Kitsu and perhaps nature mirrored humanity.  His bag full, he took up a position on the edge of the crator and continued to look out of the flat plains able to see in all directions with ease, ready to react if necessary.
His concern however, even if t had just been an excuse, turned out to be unfounded.  No more bandits, and no more troubles would come their way.  It didn’t take long for the extra help to collect the rest of the materials.  The talks from everyone thought that the rewards would be huge, and the payments to the workers also seemed to work under these assumptions.  As they made their way back in a group he couldn’t help but wonder what would happen in the event it was not as valuable as they had estimated.  The materials felt too light to him, so he wasn’t confident of the strength they would add to any weapon or armor, let alone structured dwellings.  Still, as he marveled at a fist sized stone of the stuff, he had to admit it had its merit for beauty catching the sunlight off pieces of it, refracting into an explosion of colors on the grass.  Their venture back to town remained simply and he enjoyed talking with the people as they went.  His size had made him a small celebrity in the town, and his excavations into the earth had only helped this grow.
The people had heard of the sumo tournament, but it had not been at the top of their list.  Now however many of them had become to be invested in his success almost as a thanks to his assistance.  He saw the towels that some had made with embroideries of his name or likeness to hold and cheer for him once the tournament finally started, and others had imported in different apparel to be ready.  No other sumo had yet arrived, though he let them know that this should begin to happen soon as people arrived and would prepare themselves.  No one would want to arrive the day of, and many would want a solid week to acclimate and be ready to perform at the top of their game.  All this continued to be a topic of conversation as they turned over the stones to the artisan that had invested a small fortune in getting them collected.  He took the payments for Ren and Kitsu as well, having earned enough trust to deliver them.  He also kept a small amount of the materials for himself as partial payment.  Though again he had no idea what he was ever going to do with his growing rock collection. 
His final stop was at a local craftsman place of business, where he put in a request for survey.  The funds he had earned where enough now that he would be looking into getting away from sharing a room.  He hadn’t brought it up to Junko as of yet, but he was hoping she wouldn’t mind.  His plan was to pay for a small one room house to be built on the property of where he lived now.  Just a singular room with enough space to stretch and sleep, as well as an attached sauna.  He hoped that even when he inevitably left this place this addition to her land would be a positive one that could see uses down the road.  Signing the documents he would agree to meet with the worker tomorrow so he could survey and offer him a more accurate quote and timeline for the project. 
With all this complete, he stopped at one of the closing shops and purchased a rack of dried lamb.  Tearing off pieces and eating it as he walked, he was sure to drop off the envelops with the other men’s payments.  After that, he would fall into the small bed, feeting hanging off and drift to sleep.  It  hadn’t been a bad day….and he couldn’t help but smile as he remembered the faces and conversation with the townsfolk.  Reall….this wasn’t such a bad place after all…..he supposed…..for the time being.  With those comforting thoughts he felt himself fully succumb to dreams, forseeing the grandure that he hoped to achieve soon within the dohyo.  Only time would tell if this dream could be a reality….


TWC 1884

10k ryo mission + 4k B rank + 2.5k for ap conversion (50x50) = 16.5k ryo
x1 Meteoric Iron

Due to max stats taking the 25% discount for training to master Disrupt for no handseals (Only has one, mastered gives it no triggers) 1850 wc on this, the rest of the words dumped
Sakoshi Kurosawa
Sakoshi Kurosawa
Vagabond (C-Rank)
Vagabond (C-Rank)
Stat Page : Stat Page
Remove Remove Remove Remove Fūinjutsu Remove Remove Kanjutsu Remove Default
Remove Remove Water Remove Remove Default
Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 500

A rebirth by the blood Empty Re: A rebirth by the blood

Wed Feb 28, 2024 2:00 pm
Sakoshi wasn't in any rush to start the day. He never was. He understood that Ren always found a need to leave the house early, Kitsu rarely wanted to be in the house or in the village for that matter. But the poet Sakoshi was far different than either of them. He focused more seriously on the culture of the people that lived within the island of Moon. He felt that the rich lore that was behind every aspect of this island was fascinating to him. To him, it seemed plausible and he had even found himself at the old shrines praying to the spirits themselves.

He woke this morning to the thunderous sound of Takeshiyama snoring, a common occurrence in the passed week or so. He didn't mind sharing the room, but he certainly hated the incessant levels of snoring that that massive hunk of meat seemed to always produce in his sleep. Ren had just left the room, he seemed rather giddy, much like he usually did. The level of excitement that man had was far too much, an unheard of amount of happiness in that individual. He knew that it had something to do with that Kiko woman, seeming how it was basically all he could talk about since their creation.

He rolled out of his cot, and he stood up to his feet, rubbing his face with his hands for a moment. He walked through the room, the walls still seeming to vibrate with the snoring happening directly behind him. But he exited the sanctuary of snoring and went into the bathroom, somewhat shielded from his bombardment of vibrations. He stared at his reflection for a moment, he splashed water in his face and dried it with the towel beside the sink. He didn't truly mind living with all of these extra people, he didn't love it. But that was mostly because of his current sleeping arrangements.

When he left the bathroom, he looked into the common rooms, and he saw the other clone of Junko's just making it in from a night of doing the gods know what. He watched as she stumbled up the stairs heading to her room. He shrugged and walked down the stairs to the kitchen. He didn't know really how to cook yet, but he had been teaching himself slowly as the days go on. So far he had learned how to make an omelette and oatmeal. That was basically it.

Luckily for him he wasn't picky, and also luckily for him he had the blessing of taking from Ren's wallet every night when he went and slept with Kiko. He had a few hundred ryo on him this morning and he decided that he was going to go out to eat instead of trying to make any of the basic food at home. There was a restaurant that Ren had helped fix by fixing it up, something that he had talked about a few times before, that had a decent breakfast spread.

Strolling through the village streets, he began looking at the sights, and he could feel the presence of the ethereal entities that emboldened the lands from ancient whisperings, that were carried along the winds. Sniffing through the streets, he found him a place that seemed to be appropriate for him to eat at. He entered into the restaurant and greeted those standing behind the hostess stand. She asked him how many, to which he would have his eyes wander around the room and say that he was alone. She would bow slightly and guide him to his table.

He would observe the woman's walk, very interested in the obvious endowments that the woman was granted at birth. It was a simple thing for him, women. He didn't fall head over heels for women like Ren did. He didn't fear everybody's existence like Kitsu. Instead for Sakoshi he simply saw everyone as a story waiting to be written, and some just so happened to be far more attractive than others. He would follow the woman to his seat, and he would thank the woman for her guidance, and he would tell her that she was a very beautiful woman. The woman would thank him for the compliment and walk away.

There was one thing that he hadn't understood quite yet, and that was how to talk to people in a way that made him seem appealing. He would have a hard time with such saying things in the blandest ways possible. He was straight forward with people, which sure wasn't a bad thing, but it didn't leave a lot to the imagination either. He made a mental note that he was going to be working on his speech patterns later on in his day. Being sure that he could speak in a way that was eloquent, but also straight forward. If he was going to be helping with the village, then he needed to be sure that he was personable to people.

The waitress soon appeared and the poet thought for a moment as she approached, when he arrived he spoke,

"With eyes that shine brighter than the stars, and a movement with the grace of the moon mother herself, I find myself in awe of the spectacle that is your presence."

He would bow his head towards her. She would laugh and ask what he wanted for food. He would order a scramble of several different types of meat with eggs and cheese with vegetables. She would write down his order and walk away. He would think to himself, having his eyes continue to wander about the interior of the room that he was in. He thought about the seats and the food that he was to eat, there wasn't much interesting in his life just yet. He didn't often think about the fact that he was created and not born, even if that's what Kitsu often talked about, he just simply didn't care about most things.

The food that he was given was passable. Nothing to truly write home about or care about. But he didn't have to cook it so it was just fine with him. He would savor his food for the time being, as this was not the man that would try to rush through anything. The idea of rushing just didn't suit him, nor did it interest him. He was more of a laid back type of individual. Someone that would watch the chaos unfold, rather than try to jump in to stop it from happening.

When he was done eating, he would rise from the table and he would leave the room that he was in. He paid for the food with cash, gave the waitress a big tip, while also handing the hostess a big tip as well before he left. As he walked into the open air once more, he would see Ren and Kitsu, as well as the snoring mass of human flesh walking towards the forests near Junko's home. He would run as fast as he could, which wasn't very, and when he got there, he would ask them just what was happening.

Kitsu seemed to be a mess, and Ren seemed to be concerned about something. Sakoshi simply shrugged his shoulders and offered his help in the gathering of the rocks that fell from the sky. He didn't have anything better going on, so he figured why not? He joined hands with the others and soon they were teleported through space, bringing them to a spot only a few meters away from the craters that had been created by the impact of the meteors that fell from space. He figured these as blessings from the moon mother herself, so why wouldn't they take them?

But of course, right on cue, there were some rather unsavory folks that were looking to obtain these rocks, same as them. Sakoshi hadn't really been working on any forms of combat, and he didn't really have a means to defend himself. So he would use this time to simply observe the battle that was going on. He watched as his fellow clone Kitsunagi begin to fight off the bandits, cutting them into ribbons as he continued to flay some of them apart. Sakoshi admired the work that his brother was putting in.

His creator Ren was simply dumbfounded, not sure of what he was going to do. He did what he could to try and calm Kitsu, but it was in vain. Ren would then teleport into the fray and start paralyzing some with his illusions. But this would only last for a short while when Kitsu decided to kill the now easy targets. Sakoshi couldn't help but laugh when he saw Ren trying to keep a hold on his fellow clone, only to have it blow up in his face. He would not really have to work too hard to get this part of the job done.

He walked over to the large rocks that were sitting there on the ground, and he would try to move the bigger one, and it wouldn't simply move. So he tried the next smaller one, and he could lift it, but man he thought it would be a drag to actually have to carry that anywhere. So he ended up going for the smaller one. He walked over to the smaller rock, a small fragment that had broken off upon impact with the surface. He picked it up, and placed it in his knapsack. The fighting continued and he saw the big man jump into it now. Sakoshi was glad that the others had the means to defend themselves.

He was completely useless in the combat part of things, so he decided that he would just sit and lean on one of the rocks instead. He watched as Kitsu would cut down more of the bandits, and when the big man joined in the fight was all but won. The bandits began to flee, and when Ren and the big man stopped and let the bandits run, Kitsu had different plans. He would sprint after the bandits, outrunning a few, climbed onto one of their backs and just began stabbing away at his chest. Sakoshi began to howl in laughter at the sight of his brother murdering these bandits in such a desperate way.

Ren would grab Kitsu and teleport backwards, right next to Sakoshi. Ren would still be crying over the situation, but Kitsu seemed to still be in his trance like state. When they were all done with the drama. Ren offered to teleport them back to the house, which the big man declined, but Sakoshi and Kitsu would accept. He wanted nothing more than to just get back to wandering the village.

He thought maybe he would go speak with some of the locals and get an understanding on the folklore. The different spirits that once rules over the lands. He had heard that there was still a practicing shaman within the village. HE figured that would be a good place to start. He placed his hand on Ren's shoulder and soon they were back at Junko's house. He would let Kitsu have his part of the rocks, figuring he would do something better with it, and then he would simply leave the gathering. Kitsu would run off into the forest, Ren would grab Kiko and probably cry on her shoulder telling her all about it. So Sakoshi had no real reason to hang about.

He headed into the village's square and he started asking around about the shaman that still practiced within the village. He was given some headings as to where he would find the shaman, and he started trekking those directions. One told him that the man still practiced the ancient ways in the depths of the forest. He figured that it was a nice enough day to go for a trek, so a trek he shall partake in.

WC: 2003
TWC: 2003

Completion of an S rank mission
+10000 ryo
+1 Meteoric Iron
+50 AP

WC Claims:
+2000 words for Beloved Presence (Complete)
+20 Vigor
Marabelle Blossom
Marabelle Blossom
Vagabond (B-Rank)
Vagabond (B-Rank)
Stat Page : The Everbloom
Mission Record : Misson Log: Everbloom
Iryōjutsu Bukijutsu Kanjutsu Default
Remove Earth Water Lightning Remove Default
Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 2500

A rebirth by the blood Empty Re: A rebirth by the blood

Wed Feb 28, 2024 8:37 pm
Sakoshi Kurosawa wrote:

WC: 2003
TWC: 2003

Completion of an S rank mission
+10000 ryo
+1 Meteoric Iron
+50 AP

WC Claims:
+2000 words for Beloved Presence (Complete)
+20 Vigor

Marabelle Blossom
Marabelle Blossom
Vagabond (B-Rank)
Vagabond (B-Rank)
Stat Page : The Everbloom
Mission Record : Misson Log: Everbloom
Iryōjutsu Bukijutsu Kanjutsu Default
Remove Earth Water Lightning Remove Default
Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 2500

A rebirth by the blood Empty Re: A rebirth by the blood

Wed Feb 28, 2024 8:38 pm
Takeshiyama wrote:


TWC 1884

10k ryo mission + 4k B rank + 2.5k for ap conversion (50x50) = 16.5k ryo
x1 Meteoric Iron

Due to max stats taking the 25% discount for training to master Disrupt for no handseals (Only has one, mastered gives it no triggers) 1850 wc on this, the rest of the words dumped

Marabelle Blossom
Marabelle Blossom
Vagabond (B-Rank)
Vagabond (B-Rank)
Stat Page : The Everbloom
Mission Record : Misson Log: Everbloom
Iryōjutsu Bukijutsu Kanjutsu Default
Remove Earth Water Lightning Remove Default
Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 2500

A rebirth by the blood Empty Re: A rebirth by the blood

Wed Feb 28, 2024 8:39 pm
Ren Kurosawa wrote:
WC: 2004
TWC: 2004

Completion of a S rank mission
20k ryo (Doubling with Beloved Presence)
100 AP converted to 5000 ryo = Total of 15k ryo added
+1 Meteoric Iron

WC claims:
+1869 towards Archer's Calling (Complete for Kitsunagi) (Previous progress is from Kitsu's claim)
+135 towards Wind Release: Gale Slice (135/2500) For Kitsu

Marabelle Blossom
Marabelle Blossom
Vagabond (B-Rank)
Vagabond (B-Rank)
Stat Page : The Everbloom
Mission Record : Misson Log: Everbloom
Iryōjutsu Bukijutsu Kanjutsu Default
Remove Earth Water Lightning Remove Default
Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 2500

A rebirth by the blood Empty Re: A rebirth by the blood

Wed Feb 28, 2024 9:06 pm
Kitsunagi Kurosawa wrote:=

WC: 2023
TWC: 2023

Completion of a S rank mission
+20k ryo (doubling with beloved presence) (Going to Ren Kurosawa)
+2 meteoric iron (1 for mission rewards, 1 for mining)
+100 AP (dolubled from beloved presence)
Current AP bonus = 356
WC claims:
+489 towards Rupture (Complete)(Previous Progress)
+891 towards Imitation Black Hole (Complete)(Previous Progress)
+631 towards Archer's Calling (631/2500)

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