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Vagabond (B-Rank)
Vagabond (B-Rank)
Survived 2021
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Stat Page : Takeshiyama
Mission Record : Mission Log
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Clan Focus : Taijutsu
Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 0

Of Caves and Cobalt (IO) Empty Of Caves and Cobalt (IO)

Sun Feb 25, 2024 9:51 am
Mission details:

The beginning of light slowly began to find its way to the window, casting a soft glow upon the small dwelling nestled within the Land of the Moon, Kaito felt himself start to awake. With a deep, rumbling yawn, he stretched his massive arms overhead, feeling the stiffness of sleep slowly dissipate from his muscles. Rising from child sized bed, though Junkjo had told him it was the biggest available, Kaito moved with a sort of shuffling grace, the floorboards creaking beneath his considerable weight.

Outside, the crisp morning air greeted him, carrying with it the scent of flowers beginning to open for the day, and promises of or otherwise. Kaito's breath formed feint puffs of mist in the chill air as he made his way to the make shift dohyo he had been working on.  A wide expanse of packed earth bordered by trees. It had taken effort and time, but his assistance within the village and the slowly growing knowledge of why he was here had helped.  Clay and dirt had been packed hard and slightly higher than its surroundings.  He'd borrowed tools to flatten it, and large stones to crush it into submission.  Straw and hay formed layers beneath the dirt and clay to give it further substance preventing the casual rains from having any dominion over it.  The thick corded rope he had brought no longer loose and free but packed amongst the edge clearly defining the boarder.  Here, amidst the tranquil beauty of nature, Kaito began his morning ritual of sumo.

With measured steps, he moved through a series of warm-up exercises, the rhythmic thud of his feet echoing through the stillness of the morning. Each movement was deliberate, each breath measured, as Kaito focused his mind and body in preparation for the day ahead. He performed shiko, lifting his legs high and bringing them crashing down to the earth, sending ripples through the ground beneath him. With each repetition, he could feel the tension melting away, replaced by a sense of calm and focus.  This was also quickly replaced by the familiar burning deep within his thighs as the number went ever higher.  He had hoped that the others had grown used to these exercises and perhaps it was just the familiarity of it all, but he had stopped being as quite as he once had been.  

Next her performed the koshiwari, a deep squat.  After he had helped with the fire, he'd been lucky enough to purtchase the cart in which he had used to spread out the dirt to prevent its growth.  Loaded with the same stones he had flattened the doyho with, he placed the two long handles on his shoulders.  With deep breathes he would squat before standing straight up, the added weight pressing hard into his shoulder.  Finally, he performed suriashi, practicing his footwork and balance with precision and grace. The dragging of his feet, toes pointed outwardly to maintain balance no matter the force he met.  Squatted low, he moved first through the circle and then side to side.  As always, his hands grappling with the invisible foes.  

As the sun rose higher in the sky, casting long shadows across the training grounds, Kaito completed his morning routine with a sense of satisfaction. He wiped the sweat from his brow with a cloth, the cool touch of the fabric soothing against his heated skin. With a contented sigh, he made peace with the fact this was the only enjoyable part of the day that he would have.  The exploits with one mining operation had merely meant another request being made.  His strength easily seen, those who needed it seemed in no short supply.....but as long as money continued to pass hands and he had the mornings to train, he supposed worse things had happened.  

With a mixed sense of feelings Kaito set off towards the location he had been given, his footsteps echoing through the trees, and then dying off as the plains provided no such rebound effect. Before it had been steel, and now it was a substance known as cobalt.  A material for making ice steel or so he had been told.  In truth the materials meant little to him, and his initial plan with it was to sell it to Junko perhaps in an attempt to forgo some amount of rent.  He couldn't do much with the ore, but ryo always had possibilities.  He'd heard them talking around the table of grand plans.  Yes, the material would surely grant him favor, and keep his hard-earned money firmly in his pockets.

Making it to the same small village that seemed to have no name, but no problem calling his he'd meet up with others that had been recruited for the mining operation.  Within the group he saw some familiar faces, the men looking rough and haggard, lives of hardship and work.  He gave a silent prayer to the gods that watched over him, that what he did was much more enhjoably.,  How these men soldiered on if this was what they had to look forward to each day....he wasn't sure if he would be capable of such a thing.   Still, his eyes continued to search for Kitsu and Ren, both he had heard had signed up for the mission as well, though they were nowhere to be seen.   Shurgging the mention of the operation being done in shifts put that to bed.  Clearly they had all simply drawn different lots.  The foreman continued to talk, that of watching your back as the location wasn't far from the Tengagakure ruins, a place that housed its own threats.  They didn't expect the haul to be massive, but it clearly was worth it enough to risk the dangers.  Per the instructions they wanted everything done in a day or two, with several different groups working harder than normal through the shifts.  The idea of doing a single day's work for pay didn't bother him, so he avoided any questions.  

The small "mine, if one could call it that lay in the shadows of the skyscrapers.  It seemed as though the hole had simply materialized there, and after further discourse with his compatriots it turned out that was nearly exactly right.  The city had required a great deal of materials both natural on the island and imported.  It hadn't taken long for the founders and researchers to bleed the island dry of the majority of easy to find ores, but some had speculated still more lay just hidden.  This appeared to be one such place.  A man out hunting hares had tried to chase several, and in doing so had fallen in a hole.  After climbing his way out, and then investigating once more, the cobalt was found.  Carefully they had excavated the hare hole into a more manageable size, until they could get the proper tools down within to extract the stuff.  Still, this was more a cave than a proper mine, and that much was clear by anyone entering.  For Kaito's own sake he could already feel the ache in his back as he looked down into the darkness with a few spots of artificial glow.  He doubted he'd be able to stand up write for the next several hours and it was with a large sigh he began to descend.  Twists and turns abound, a humid dampness nearly suffocating, and the nonstop drips of water all around them.  He listened to the guide who had originally done the mapping, mostly solo.  The hole had many passages that just opened up and went to nowhere, but the most dangerous thing was that of a small "lake" within.  He stated it was at nearly the deepest part, and to not go in the water.  A current could be felt, likely washing out to the ocean after who knew how many yards or even miles of cave.  No one could hold their breath that long, and to attempt that test was certain death.  

Naturally of course this was thus where Katio found himself stationed.  The one good thing being, the water had opened this section up over probably hundreds of years, so with a grown he was able to stand upright with only the tops of his horns brushing an occasional jutting rock.  The water seemed still and inviting, every once and awhile the shadow of a blind fish moving through the otherwise crystalline structure.  Still, he knew he could swim, but even he didn't fancy putting his strength to that test.  Small hand carts where brought in along with the tools for extracting the ore and doled out.  Taking the same pickaxe he had used for the iron, he went to work.  The familiar wood in his hands, and the ringing of steel on stone soon filling the cavern.  As before, it was physically taxing work, but not so much mentally.  Cave ins, and other such dangerous likely were prevalent, but not being in the field it wasn't something he gave himself much through to.....lucklily that worked out for him so far.  

Maybe it was because of these daydreams he brought issues onto himself.  Within the span of the hours that where to come, several melodies befall the miners.  He had signed up for a shift of twelve hours, a double shift.  He planned for it to be the majority of his endeavors, but it wasn't an hour into the shift that the first issue arose.  Someone at another portion had collided with a gas pocket that caused everyone to be evacuated.  Several men with cloth masks and little birds in cages would go down to check on the area.  None of the birds died and that was justification enough that the pocket had not been poisonous.  Personally, Kaito felt this was an oversimplification of the danger....but he also wanted to get paid for the day, so he descended once again.  

The next folly came in his own tool.  His mind had shifted back to his last tournament, the championship match.  He'd taken a foolish step, and with it been thrown out of the ring, not even able to bring his opponent to the dirt with him.  The frustration came out, and his next strike landing squarely within the vein of cobalt caused the wooden shaft of his pick to snap, sending the sharpened steel whizzing past his head, taking a chunk of the top of his ear with it.  Dabbing at the blood, and furiously making the long trek out of the mine to get a new one, he soon found that there wasn't any more equipment.  With a sigh, he was relegated to cart duty, a job that he had honestly thought he'd be doing anyway.  Though on the surface the job seemed even more monotonous than strickling the earth this one proved much more mentally taxing.  Hoisting the heavy carts through the dark and labyrinth like structure to the surface.  In total he ended up pulling up two dozen or so carts and returning them empty to their original places before the end of his shift finally came.  Wiping the dust and grime from his face he'd look up towards the sky.  When he had awoken it had been to the pale fingers of light creeping through the windowsill, and now it was with the dying grasp trying to keep itself from sinking into the horizon.  

His sweat had made sure the grime was thoroughly and truly stuck to his body as he peeled off his shirt, welcoming the cooling air of night.  As he did, he watched more torches being lit around the entrance, the guards continued to be on alert around the parameter.  Though no danger had ever come.  In the final moments at the camp, he finally met with Ren and Kitsu.  He would explain the lake and issues he had experienced and wished them good luck.  With that he would set back for the small home in which he shared with too many people, looking forward to the welcoming embrace of a shower.  

TWC - 2012

Ice Steel x 1
8k ryo + 4k for B rank + 2k for max ap (40apx50) = 14k total ryo

1k WC towards turning Jotun Grip to an A rank from B rank
500WC to double master One thousand years of death for power
500wc to double master Discpline for power

Last edited by Takeshiyama on Mon Feb 26, 2024 8:33 pm; edited 2 times in total (Reason for editing : Fixed ryo claim, had wrong calc for ap to ryo convertion, and hyperlinked the Ice steel)
Kitsunagi Kurosawa
Kitsunagi Kurosawa
Vagabond (C-Rank)
Vagabond (C-Rank)
Stat Page : Stat Page
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Clan Focus : N/A
Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 500

Of Caves and Cobalt (IO) Empty Re: Of Caves and Cobalt (IO)

Sun Feb 25, 2024 6:27 pm
Under the cloak of night, Kitsu once again sought the solace of solitude. He had spent too much time within the mines surrounded by others and he knew that now he needed to balance out that time by enjoying some peace and quiet within the serenity of the spirits' embrace. He had thought about it all day, wanting nothing more than to simply exist within their presence and company. He would speak to Ren about where he was to go, it wasn't terribly far from Junko's home. But it was far enough to bring him the peace that he ached for so strongly.

He found himself drawn to a secluded glen, a natural hollow embraced by the arms of the ancient trees whose branches were silhouetted against the starlit sky. Here the intrusive nature of daily life could not find its way into Kitsu's mind, but instead allowing him a perfect peace enveloped by what he thought of so fondly. Here, in the sanctuary that he had found, he would dedicate his heart and his mind to the reflection of his own spirit and his body, as well as to the communion with the quieter aspects of his existence.

Kitsu settled into the glen, the soft earth beneath him was a welcoming cushion and greeting by the spirits that he could already feel surrounding him. He crossed his legs and rested with his hands on his knees, he would be sure to leave his palms open and facing the sky, as if he was to receive something most profound from the ancient spirits that dwelled within these sacred woods. His eyes closed gently, as if he was finally reaching a place in which peace could be experienced. With a deep, measured breath, he retreated inwards, leaving the outside world behind, and focusing on his own conciousness spiraling down and going towards the very core of his being.

The meditation was a familiar comfort, a gateway to a space beyond the physical, to touch something far grander than anything the human mind could imagine and anything the human body could touch. In this realm of introspection, Kitsu was free from the constraints of his origin, being that of a simple clone, birthed through an unnatural means and brought into a world that he didn't fully understand. He was free from the shadows of identity that clung to him during the day and some of the night when he was kept awake staring at the moon.

Time seemed to lose its grip, the minutes stretching into eternity as his mind danced with the psirits that he felt so deeply entwined with. His very essence seemed to slip into a place of high understanding, melding with the very spirits that found these woods so sacred to them, just as sacred as he felt they should be to all. They spoke to him the rustling of the leaves, the gentle caress of the wind against his cheek, in ways that most people wouldn't be able to understand nor simply think of as being their means of communication. He could hear the distant owl's call, beckoning him further into a place of solace, and deepening his state of mind within the current moment.

As the moon traced its path across the heavens, Kitsu remained a statue of tranquility and peace within this hidden haven that he had found himself within. There was no outside force that could disturb him, at least that is what he thought. It was in these moments, that he found his paranoia beginning to simply melt away. The spirits would protect him, and he believed in this strongly.

The first hints of dawn were beginning to find their way through the horizon, painting an all too familiar explosion of color in an orange and red hue. What beauty there was in this world, and what a pity that so many within the world can't find themselves the time to appreciate it. He knew Ren was one of the few that would constantly find himself time to go into the natural world and just ingratiate himself with the bounty of the forest and the streams. He would tell him countless stories of the days that he had spent in isolation, every day out in the wilderness.

He wished that he could do that too one day. He knew that his goal was to be a provider to the village as a whole, but something about that just didn't call to him. Instead, he wanted to be a traveler. Maybe not a wandering minstrel like Ren. As to this point, he didn't play any instruments and didn't inherently come with any particular knack with an instrument. But just the idea of waking up in the morning surrounded by the woods and the wilderness, only to trek through it for a full day, and fall asleep within that same wilderness beckoned him like nothing else could.

With the coming of a new day, Kitsunagi rose from his place of meditation, each movement was deliberate, infused with the calm assurance of one who had conversed with the night. He stepped out of the glen, his heart carrying the silent stregnth of the spirits, and he felt ready once again to face the populated, artificial world and all of its iniquities to the natural one, with both determination and grit guiding each of his action from this point on.

He exited the glen and found himself towards the very same home that he had left the night before. There were Takeshiyama and Ren both speaking amongst themselves in front of the home. When he made his presence known, Ren waved him down, and he began to speak to him about where they were going and what the plan was for them to do for the day. It was planned to do another trip to the mines, but this time the metal wasn't steel that they were after, but this time it was cobalt. He nodded his head, albeit with some reluctance. Mining wasn't his favorite task to do, but then again he didn't really enjoy any true task that didn't involve the spirits. He also found a slight amount of pain growing inside of him knowing that he would be furthering the artificial side of the world, by taking from the natural one.

This dilemma aside, he agreed to go with them to provide benefit to the group at large, hoping it would further his goal of gaining favor from the soon to be Kage, Junko. He had heard that she was to be the leader of the village that would soon be up. Knowing this, he wanted to be sure to be on her good side for whenever time came for promotions, or maybe he wanted to challenge her for her own position one day. Either way, it would be best for him to keep himself on the good side of the leadership group for this upcoming endeavor.

They set off as a party, one group of the soon to be settled village of Moon. Their footsteps were comically different. There was Ren who stepped without a care in the world, there was Takeshiyama who shook the entire planet when he walked, then there was Kitsu. His footsteps would barely make a sound as he would trek through the terrain. He would simply glide over the ground, ensuring that his footwork was impeccable as always, being sure to never trip.

Their journey to the mine was going to be a longer one than the one to the steel mine, but that was fine with him. The walk there was more enjoyable as it allowed him to feel the spirits' presence as he walked, instead of being stuffed inside a small hole in the ground with a bunch of other people mining the walls away, just begging for the whole thing to collapse on top of them. He would listen to the other two as they spoke to each other about their past and where they were from, and he couldn't help but to feel left out of that conversation. Even if he didn't truly want to speak, it still was harmful to his own mind knowing that he didn't really have an origin that was similar to the others, he was simply created. He wasn't born to a mother that loved him, but instead he was the product of a man's ambition.

They arrived at the mine and immediately they were put to work. They were given the tools of the trade and sent in to begin working, but he didn't seem to mind the weight of the tool this time. He held it the best he could, but he had done this once before now, and he was ready to start providing for the village once more. He followed the directions that they were given and he headed towards the spot where they were deemed worthy to mine, and he began to assess the ground once more with a cold and calculating stare.

The subterranean world of the mine was a dark and damp landscape filled with shadow and stone. It was punctuated only by the soft flickering of a few lanterns, and the spark of the other miners having their picks collide with the metal that had been found within the earthen walls of this cavernous structure. Here, within the belly of the earth, Kitsu found his place among the others, his stature far more slender than the others that were found within the mines, but his mind was no less determined to show that he could provide a huge benefit to this mining outfit.

As his companions set to work with their strength a testament to their raw power as they struck at the stone, Kitsu's approach was more tame and careful. He stood before the unyielding face of the earthen wall, his eyes narrowed down as he continued to assess the matrix of the rock before him. His mind was the analytical one, and he began to read a story that was being told by the stone that surrounded the minerals that he was tasked with obtaining. He would investigate the fractures that would whisper the cobalt's hiding places, rather than strike until he found something.

Then, with the precisoin of a calligrapher, rather than a miner, he would begin his true work to releasing the sought after material from within the tight grasp of the earth that surrounded it. His movements were a blur, he was seeming to be getting faster every single time he came toward the stone. The pickaxe seemed to become an extension of his will, bargaining with the wall to release what he was searching for. His strikes were aimed directly for weak points in the earth, ensuring that he wouldn't try to do the same legwork as the others as they blindly struck the wall and hoped for the best.

The other miners could not help but steal glances at the swift figure among them. Kitsu's strikes did not echo with teh same thunderous declaration as the other miner's, but rather spoke with a sharp clarity with each strike. The sound of cracking stone was a staccato rhythm beneath the mine's chorus of wailing earth.

As the chunks of cobalt began to emerge from the wall before him, coaxed fro mtheir resting place by Kitsu's calculated maneuvers, he was beginnign to feel that same pride well within him. He was bringing whole chunks of the ore from the wall, the pieces were far larger than the others, as he didn't have the strength to break the metal ore into pieces, but he surely did have means to gather the leverage required to get between the stone, and the mineral that they all sought.

After a few hours of this had passed, Kitsu had finished, as did the others. With a very similar act as the time before they had gone to the mine, his work was inspected, but this time, he was granted a boon that other miners did not receive. He was given two chunks of the cobalt instead of just one. The supervisor had told him it was due to the great amount of work such a small individual was able to produce, and he was thankful for the fact that he was seen for something more, or at least something equal to that of Ren, and not just simply Ren's underling. He accepted the gift and he would hand the pieces of cobalt over to Ren, knowing that he didn't need anything to do with them at this point. Then they all returned back to Junko's home to celebrate in their job well done.

As they would travel back towards the settlement and Junko's home. He would continue to listen quietly about the words both Takeshiyama and Ren would speak. They seemed to be working well together. Ren would speak on Kiko a lot and he wasn't entirely sure as to why this was. He knew that there was an infatuation there, but he just didn't quite understand what it was that drove him so wild, but he just shrugged it off.

WC: 2200
TWC: 2200


Completion of A rank mission
Forgoing ryo for mining skill
+80 AP (doubled from beloved presence)
+2 Cobalt (doubled from beloved presence)
Receiving 1 cobalt due to the beloved presence and mining skill stacking.

WC claims:
+22 speed
+1178 towards Space Time spec (complete) (Previous Progress)
+250 for mastering Genjutsu release (complete)
+759 towards Parry (competed) (previous Progress)
Dumping remaining 13 words

Last edited by Kitsunagi Kurosawa on Mon Feb 26, 2024 9:38 pm; edited 2 times in total
Ren Kurosawa
Ren Kurosawa
Stat Page : Link
Mission Record : Link
Living Clones : Kitsunagi Kurosawa
Sakoshi Kurosawa
Remove Remove Remove Remove Fūinjutsu Remove Ninjutsu Remove Jikūjutsu Default
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Tsukigakure
Ryo : 46800

Of Caves and Cobalt (IO) Empty Re: Of Caves and Cobalt (IO)

Mon Feb 26, 2024 12:32 am
If dreams are truly the gate to the subconcious, then what was truly going on in his mind? Or more specifically, his heart. The morning began similarly to the last few. He would wake up from a wonderful dream about his darling Kiko, but something seemed... off about the night before's dream. He felt a weird sensation about her, as if something was wrong. When he awoke, he could feel the vibrations of Takeshiyama's footsteps ring through the room, reverberating in his skull. He would turn his head to face the giant, then he would sit up in his cot. He activate his chakra sensory, so he could memorize takeshiyama’s chakra signature.

Bidding the sumo good morning, he would notice that Kitsu was gone yet again this morning. This was starting to become a daily occurrence for him. He knew that there were dangers within the woods for those going out alone, so it always caused him fear when he would go out without permission. But if he knew anything just in the short time that he had known Kitsu, it was that there was no true way of stopping that boy from doing what he felt like he needed to do. He was going to get out there and do it no matter what.

He brought himself to a standing position, and he brushed his thumb against Sakoshi's face. He felt such love for that boy, even if he was a slower start than his Kitsu. He walked towards the door and opened it to the rest of the house. As per usual he and Takeshiyama were the first to wake within the home. But this time he saw Kiko lying on the couch passed out. He snuck over to her sleeping figure and he would kiss her on the forehead gently, as to not wake her up. When he was done he would cover her with a blanket and then he would offer Takeshiyama breakfast once again. Should he accept it and Kitsu.

Kitsu had stated that he enjoys the food them both. He would do this, especially when they were about to go on a mission. He asked the sumo if he was planning on any missions today, to which he responded that he was recruited to go out to a different mine on the island, one that seemed to have a rather confines. He was planning on taking that mission and was welcome to bring Kitsu and himself along with him. He would, of course, bow to the offer and accept it gladly. He enjoyed going on these outings with his newfound friend Takeshiyama and going out with his clone, who he viewed as his child Kitsu. It was something that he looked forward to daily these days.

When the giant went outside for daily warm-ups, Ren would stay in the kitchen and begin cooking for the group, making Takeshiyama a meat-filled breakfast. Half a ham with a pile of rice. He knew that he would need his energy for the day's mission, and you could never overeat for a body that size. He had preheated the oven for a time before placing the ham inside; at that time, he already had the rice cooking in the rice cooker. While all that was happening, he would focus on the more straightforward dish for Kitsu and himself. He would use some of the rice from the night before and he would heat it in the oven alongside the ham for a few minutes.

The aroma of the sizzling ingredients was beginning to fill the air as he prepared the next delicious meal, the one for him and his Kitsu. First, he cracked open several eggs into a bowl, their golden yolks began to mix with the whites as he began to whisk the eggs together with a few flicks of his wrist. He gathered the remainder of the ingredients, chopped them up, threw them in the pan, and tossed them all together. The aromatics began to cook and the garlic started to swell within the home's atmosphere, creating an inviting aroma for everyone to enjoy.

Next, Ren added a generous portion of the now-warm rice to the pan, the grains sizzling and popping as they hit the hot surface. With a flick of his spatula, he tossed the rice with the eggs and the vegetables; their colors melded together just as much as their flavors. It created a vibrant display of greens, yellows, and whites all over the large wok he used to assemble this meal.

Finally, as the rice heats, transfer the fragrant dish to a waiting serving plate. The steam rose in delicate wisps, carrying the inviting and irresistible scent of fried rice and the spices Ren had mixed it all with. As the dish was ready, he decided to chop up some green onions and sprinkle them all over the top. He then brought and warmed up thoroughly. As he left the home, he saw his darling Kitsu walking out of the woods and towards them. He would offer a warm hello to both of them and deliver them to sit and eat with him outside as the morning air was delightful.

When they had finished eating, he would gather the dishes and put them away in the sink for the time being. He would head back out of the house and they would all leave for the mines. Ren would leave his home, the aroma of his freshly cooked breakfast lingering in the air as he made his way to the mines from the village. He understood that today's mission was to gather cobalt, and even though he had no idea what that metal was used for, he knew it could benefit the village, even if it were a trading resource.

. He was excited to spend yet another day with this group of people, Takeshiyama and Kitsu. He was growing a sense of familiarity with them both, and he created Kitsu so he was comfortable with these people.

As they arrived at the entrance to the mine, Ren exchanged greetings with the other miners gathered there. Their faces were unfamiliar to him, but they were friendly enough despite the early hour and the grueling task they had before them. With a nod of acknowledgment, he made his way inside, the cool air of the cavernous space enveloping him as he descended deeper into the earth.

Within the mine's interior, echoes could be heard. The sound of pickaxes and the like clanging into the earthen walls surrounding them, desperate to find their sought-after resource. He could hear the rumble of the carts begin loaded and rolled up the tracks already, some folks have already been hard at work this morning, far before any of them got there. He would take up his tools and go to the place that he was told to start mining, and he did so. Joining the others in the line of work, he would sing a soothing tune, one that would entice the others to start joining in on. It would aid their strikes to be done in a rhythm with a song, or at least that's what he felt. He didn't know too many work songs, but he did know how to make one up!

Strike after strike, he began to think of some words that fit the situation, and after a while he did seem to get one to catch within his mind. He would let out a small wailing sound, as if starting his song with a cry out to the others. Then his soothing voice would echo through the halls as he continued to sing. At first, the other miners were apprehensive to such a thing happening in the mines. But after a few times of Ren running through the song, he found that others began to participate.

Most of them didn't know how to sing, but because of the nature of the bluesy tune, all they needed was to recite the words in their gruffest of voices and it still sounded like music to Ren's ears. Soon most of them were in rhythm, singing their tunes and swinging their pickaxes, with everyone seeming to have a much better time then simply striking away with the only sounds to keep them company was the sound of their own work. With a sense of fulfillment, he continued the work song through their job, and for most, this boosted their spirits.

Time seemed to slip away as Ren worked, his focus honed in on the song that he was signing, rather than the task was at hand. He found that the music was far better and more interesting thing to focus on than simply hitting the walls a whole bunch of times waiting for something good to come out of it. Even with his mind elsewhere, he was seeming to be making some head way. With each strike, he was getting more and more out of the earth, small deposits of this metal that they were searching for were becoming more and more frequent, as if he had hit upon a vein of this material.

As Ren worked diligently in the depths of the mines, his mind would wander to thoughts of Kiko. She was quite the woman, who had captured his heart in a way that he couldn't quite explain. Memories of their time together waltzed through his mind, bringing with them a feeling of love and calm. He recalled the sound of her laughter. The sight of her gazing upon the mirror that he had created to peer deeper into her mind, seeing her as the type to want to travel. He was so proud of her for being willing to try such an experiment with him.

Lost in his thoughts, Ren couldn't help but smileas he imagined the nesxt time he would see Kiko, the anticipation of just seeing her again filled him with such joy and excitement that he could barely contain himself. He knew that he was here for the sake of the village and its soon to be prosperity, but a part of him couldn't detach from the idea that he was also doing this for her. He knew that the village would be something that would be far safer than any other form of dwelling, and he wanted to make sure that his darling was safe, no matter what the cost may be.

He thought of what would become of him when the village was created. Would he decide to hang up his walking shoes for good? I mean he did have Sakoshi and Kitsu. They could undoubtedly represent him in the village. Maybe he and Kiko could travel the world together  of their lives. The thought was nice, just traveling with his darling Kitsu, and his sweetheart Kiko. But what if she didn't feel like she could leave? Or maybe Junko would disallow it? He shrugged off the thought for a moment, realizing that he was borrowing trouble that he didn't know if there was trouble to begin with, so he let it go.

He had realized that most of the day was gone now, they had been mining for hours at this point. There was a large hole in the wall before him, with piles of ore at his feet. He smiled at the job he had done, and he gathered the pieces of the metal and transported it to the cart that was behind him nestled on the tracks. When he was done gathering all the materials and putting them on the tracks, he was greeted by the supervisor. He thanked him for the work he had done, and he thanked him again for getting his morale up with his music. As a thanks he provided him two chunks of the cobalt, his pay, and a handshake with the invitation to come back again should the call suit him.

Ren simply bowed to his kindness and accepted the payment with grace. "Thank you." He would utter before he would leave the mines with the others, heading back to their home.

WC: 2011
TWC: 2011

Completion of A rank mission
8k ryo (not doubling so I can double mat production) + 4k ryo for rank bonus = 12k total ryo earned
2 x Ice Steel (doubled from beloved presence)
Claiming memorizing Takeshi Yama’s and Kitsu’s chakra signature
WC claims:
+20 speed for Kitsunagi
+2011 towards Rupture (2011/2500) for Kitsunagi
Marabelle Blossom
Marabelle Blossom
Vagabond (B-Rank)
Vagabond (B-Rank)
Stat Page : The Everbloom
Mission Record : Misson Log: Everbloom
Iryōjutsu Bukijutsu Kanjutsu Default
Remove Earth Water Lightning Remove Default
Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 2500

Of Caves and Cobalt (IO) Empty Re: Of Caves and Cobalt (IO)

Mon Feb 26, 2024 9:28 pm
Takeshiyama wrote:
TWC - 2012

Ice Steel x 1
8k ryo + 4k for B rank + 2k for max ap (40apx50) = 14k total ryo

1k WC towards turning Jotun Grip to an A rank from B rank
500WC to double master One thousand years of death for power
500wc to double master Discpline for power

Marabelle Blossom
Marabelle Blossom
Vagabond (B-Rank)
Vagabond (B-Rank)
Stat Page : The Everbloom
Mission Record : Misson Log: Everbloom
Iryōjutsu Bukijutsu Kanjutsu Default
Remove Earth Water Lightning Remove Default
Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 2500

Of Caves and Cobalt (IO) Empty Re: Of Caves and Cobalt (IO)

Mon Feb 26, 2024 9:29 pm
Ren Kurosawa wrote:

WC: 2011
TWC: 2011

Completion of A rank mission
8k ryo (not doubling so I can double mat production) + 4k ryo for rank bonus = 12k total ryo earned
2 x Ice Steel (doubled from beloved presence)
Claiming memorizing Takeshi Yama’s and Kitsu’s chakra signature
WC claims:
+20 speed for Kitsunagi
+2011 towards Rupture (2011/2500) for Kitsunagi

Marabelle Blossom
Marabelle Blossom
Vagabond (B-Rank)
Vagabond (B-Rank)
Stat Page : The Everbloom
Mission Record : Misson Log: Everbloom
Iryōjutsu Bukijutsu Kanjutsu Default
Remove Earth Water Lightning Remove Default
Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 2500

Of Caves and Cobalt (IO) Empty Re: Of Caves and Cobalt (IO)

Mon Feb 26, 2024 9:41 pm
Kitsunagi Kurosawa wrote:

WC: 2200
TWC: 2200


Completion of A rank mission
Forgoing ryo for mining skill
+80 AP (doubled from beloved presence)
+2 Cobalt (doubled from beloved presence)
Receiving 1 cobalt due to the beloved presence and mining skill stacking.

WC claims:
+22 speed
+1178 towards Space Time spec (complete) (Previous Progress)
+250 for mastering Genjutsu release (complete)
+759 towards Parry (competed) (previous Progress)
Dumping remaining 13 words


Note: Cobalt is Ice Steel but count is fine nonetheless!
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