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Kitsunagi Kurosawa
Kitsunagi Kurosawa
Vagabond (C-Rank)
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A field trip Empty A field trip

Sat Feb 24, 2024 2:05 pm
Mission details:

"4:00 am. Still early." Kitsunagi thinks to himself as he stares out the window. There was much to learn about the day to come. What is there for a clone in this world? It was a thought that he had enter his mind several times a day. He never truly asked to be brought into this world, yet here he is. It's a conundrum that he hadn't brought up to Ren, as he didn't see the need to. Ren was too busy with Kiko anyway; he didn't have time for such musings from a creature like himself.

Truthfully, he felt as though Ren cared for him and his fellow clone. But how much could one care for a thing they created? Did he think that he was a mistake? Was he not to the potential that he had believed him to be? All of these questions would haunt him in his daily existence, and he found it difficult to focus with such haunts over his mind. The sun was nowhere close to rising, and he decided to get out of bed and think of this elsewhere for the time being.

His gaze was fixed outside the window, the nearly ethereal glow that lay upon the landscape by the powerful presence above the Earth. The snoring that emanated from the massive Takeshiyama beside him rang through the air, crippling the silence he begged to keep him sane in the stagnation that was within his heart. But even amidst the din of breaths, Kitsu had his mind wandering anywhere but within the confines of the room where he was placed.

; lost in the orb's dance across the night sky, he was enamored. The moon seemed to whisper to him on the nights that he felt the most alone; it called to him with a sound so alluring that it would rouse him from his slumber to gaze upon it. He thought there was more to connect with than the simple exterior of this place. There were spirits within this place. He knew it. He could feel their existence as they bounced around the grasslands, lurking within the rivers and dwelling deep within the forests. He had yet to witness them, but he knew they were there.

The beam of the moon's light felt like a spotlight for him to contemplate his existence. A siren's song of contemplation, he felt it luring him deeper within its gaze. With every passing moment, his existence. A clone, a shadow of another, yet an entity with his own will, his path to forge, or so he thought.

He desperately wanted to be one with nature and one with the spirits that dwelled within this land, but what could he accomplish when he was brought into this world upon such a means. He was a biological being, yet artificial at the same time. It was a duality that he couldn't quite become comfortable with.

As the man turned, snoring even louder than before, shattering the tranquility, Kitsu's eyes never left the presence of the moon. There was a kinship that he felt with the moon, the moon moved the tides on the planet, unseen forces changing the world in massive ways. He, too, thought he felt labeled.

Today, he just knew that he was going to start making a name for himself now. No more waiting. He was new to this world, but he wasn't going to be an empty shell. There was much to do, a world to conquer, or at least a village to protect, and he was dedicating his very soul to keeping the fires within his soul alive and those who called this place their home safe.

With a silent sigh, he whisked himself away from the home with a graceful expedition. Kitsu had slipped out of the home belonging to Junko before he entered into the beautiful early morning air of the island of Moon. He took in a deep breath before elegantly moving towards the orchard that Ren had planted. The ground within the orchard was still fresh with the Earth below the trees.

As he walked amongst the trees, his fingers brushed against the tender leaves, a small greeting for the trees and the spirits that have taken residence within the new orchard. Kitsu believed in the spirits' existence without a doubt in his mind. He could feel their forces over nature and guardians over the Earth, just as Ren had described. He could feel their presence When he traveled through the island's landscapes, even if he had no evidence of their existence.

According to Ren, the spirits held wisdom as ancient as the soil and even as profound as the stars that shone above their heads. To Kitsu, they were mentors, guides, the unseen forces that moved his every move, bringing him to a place of serenity and peace, even amongst his never-ending sense of danger and paranoia.

He knelt on the soft earth, the moon's silver light casting long shadows within the orchard, with the moonflowers beginning to glow their beautiful glow, lighting his path ever so gently. Here, he opened his being to the spirits, he invited them to provide him their wisdom, to share their insights, and even bestow upon him guidance into his daily existence, praying that they would not abandon him. During these moments of true connection, he felt closest to answering the most valid question about his existence. He knew he was created to be a leader, provide security to those he was near, and be a hero of the Moon. But how would a simple clone give the world something so grand? This was what he came to spirits to help him answer.

The orchard seemed to pulse with energy, a power as raw as the elements. With this surrounding energy, Kitsunagi remained still, awaiting the spirits to grant him the wisdom he sought. The spirits did not speak in words, but they talked to him in the rustling of the leaves. In the caress of the wind, they called to him. With the scent of the earth below, they nestled their minds deep within his consciousness. Each sensation was a syllable, each moment a sentence in the ongoing dialogue that the spirits would hold with Kitsu.

He felt a connection with the spirits, not just for a clone of Ren. He thought that the spirits didn't mind his origins. They appreciated his willingness to commune with the spirits within their own homes. Their voices were unique within this chorus of his existence.

He would sit there until dawn's first light began to paint the horizon with strokes of pink or orange. He emerged from the orchard feeling refreshed, replenished, and prepared for the day ahead of them. He treaded softly between the rows of trees, his presence barely rustling the leaves as he exited the sanctuary that he had found within the orchard. He could hear soft movements through the home; the others had awoken. There was a delicate cluster of waking households, and he knew the rest of the world was finally catching up with him.

He entered from this point on. He had heard that an old mine was still somewhat operational, thinking he could join that place and start providing for Ren and Junko's goal to create the village they had both sought. He needed to find out whether or not he could provide enough. But he was willing to give at least an attempt to provide for their lofty goals.

WC: 1254
Vagabond (B-Rank)
Vagabond (B-Rank)
Survived 2021
You've completed the Christmas Event of 2021 and qualified for the last reward, by partisan you are awarded this fancy badge!
Stat Page : Takeshiyama
Mission Record : Mission Log
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Clan Specialty : Taijutsu
Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 78125

A field trip Empty Re: A field trip

Sat Feb 24, 2024 5:08 pm
It wasn’t Kitsu’s fault, but it was the nature of living and sleeping in the same room. Despite having spent the majority of his life sharing rooms and sleeping amongst many people at once, Kaito still felt his own nerves awaken him with too much movement. Especially as he has become more relaxed within the house, the initial exhaustion of finding a place had finally started to settle. It was because of this, when Kitsu left the home early in the morning hours, the ushitori found himself awake as well. He had a contract to perform later that day, a contract that he would consider for use in his strength training, but that only got one so far. Rubbing the sleep from his eyes he made his way out of the room in as much silent as the bull in a China shop could muster before exiting the house.

Once outside, the crisp morning air would send a slight chill down his spine. Reaching up, he’d slowly and methodically tie his hair up into a top knot. It lacked the grace of a real match, but for training it would do, especially in a place where the customs lacked the same appreciation. He’d stand shirtless, only in a pair of shorts before allowing those to drop as well. Alone in the early morning he feared not being seen and he his own confidence caused him to care even less. Reaching into his back he pulled several objects from it. The first being a long piece of folded fabric dyed in a brilliant blue with streaks of red like fire moving across the fabrics. Carefully he pulled it between his legs, and then went through the process of thing the muwashi. Once it was tight, he’d hook his arm and squat, tying off the know in the small of his back.

The second item he pulled out was an expansive band of corded rope. If one looked it would quickly become evident that between those two things it had taken up the majority of the belongings in his bag. Spreading out the cord of rope he’d form a large circle with it, walking the edges until it was tight and even. he was around 20m form the house while he performed this, well within earshot of any within the home, but hopefully enough that unless something happened he wouldn’t awake anyone. Finally this process complete he got down to his own ritual training before the day works.

Shiko, one of the principle exercises of sumo. He set out to do 500 on each side. Each time his leg stretching up nearly into a standing split, before slamming into the ground. Back and forth he moved through the process as he started to feel the familier burn in his thighs and hips. Despite the chill a fine bead of sweat started to form on his forhead and body with the exertion. He continued until he moved through his suriashi, dragging his feet across the circle. Back and forth, side to side, his massive arms moving to hold the invisible rikishi’s belt as he did so. Each step leading to victory, each step made a thousand times before, and a thousand times again.

Looking around, he gave up on performing any Tachi-ai. Number one the lack of decent sized trees, and number two he knew the Josie would likely awaken all those within the house. Instead he’d simply begin the arduous process of packing his belongings up, removing his Musashi, and getting dressed as best he could. He saw no reason to shower as the job he’d been contracted to performed likely would be sweat inducing in its own right. Raising his arm he gave a curtosy sniff and decided it was good enough.

Putting on one his his kimonos as tradition dictates he’d strap on the wooden clogs and make his way out. He was dressed in a red kimono with brilliant streaks of gold, their shapes in that of a legendary bird, born again from its failures in ash. Hair still pulled back in the top knot, he’d brought a tool and dabbed at his face and chest as he walked. Humming a simple song from back home, he’d make his way into town to get the details on the job.

He’d soon get the directions and join the few other workers that had signed up for the job. A nearly abandoned mine was said to still produce a small amount of ore and their job was to harvest as much as possible. He’d see Kisku and provide a greeting. He knew Ren would be joining as well. in his mind he thought neither of them seemed like the type to take such a job, still he didn’t question it and would simple enjoy the idle conversation as they started their work. Entering the mine, he felt himself begin to sweat almost instantly at the humid environment. Hoisting a large pick, he would ask the foreman where he would best serve and went to work. Each swing shredding the stone beneath, flecks if the precious ore seen flying out and collected by others. It wasn’t very glamorous work, but the pay had been promised to be huge, nearly as much as a small tournament. He hoped this would be one of the last jobs he would need to rest comfortably and dedicate himself to training……dedicate himself to his goal, before it was too late. His mind drifted as he worked the task not requiring a great deal of focus. He’d think of the other rikishi, those that had helped stop his dream, and those that he had crushed to being himself up in the world. So was the world, to bring our one’s own ambitions and dreams they must traverse on the trampled remains of others exact same dreams.

He’d continue to hammer away with the pick until he found a large being of the orc causing more workers to congregate on his location, breaking him from his reverie

TWC - 1008
Ren Kurosawa
Ren Kurosawa
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Living Clones : Kitsunagi Kurosawa
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Tsukigakure
Ryo : 46800

A field trip Empty Re: A field trip

Sun Feb 25, 2024 3:49 pm
Voiding this post because I accdientally posted the incomplete version

Last edited by Ren Kurosawa on Sun Feb 25, 2024 4:30 pm; edited 1 time in total
Ren Kurosawa
Ren Kurosawa
Stat Page : Link
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Living Clones : Kitsunagi Kurosawa
Sakoshi Kurosawa
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Tsukigakure
Ryo : 46800

A field trip Empty Re: A field trip

Sun Feb 25, 2024 4:23 pm
Many nights he had slept through the worst of sounds. Snoring wasn't one of them. He slept quite well through the night, sleeping on the cot that he had crafted for himself and his two clones, allowing the mass of flesh named Takeshiyama sleep on the mattress that Ren had once called his own. There was a lot going on in their lives right now, Kitsu was not coming into the world well. He was plagued with a constant sense of danger and concern that seemed to never cease. Even with these feelings of danger and caution, he still found a way to feel purpose in life, the desire to provide for those around him.

Ren was proud of Kitsu for this, adopting Ren's own desire to provide from himself, even if Kitsu did do it in a way that was not as fulfilling as Ren himself. The ashen-haired newborn was constantly staring through the window, observing the world outside the home. Ren would catch glimpses of this when he would wake up in the middle of the night. He felt bad for Kitsu, understanding that feeling of dread. There was much in Ren's life that had caused him fear from time to time, but luckily he hadn't had such feelings as of late.

Ren would wake alongside Takeshiyama, hearing his stirring through the room was enough to bring him to the world of awakeness. He would greet him silently, not wanting to wake his other clone Sakoshi. He would follow Takeshiyama out of the room and into the more common areas of Junko's home. When they left the bedroom, he would ask about what he had on the dockett for the day. He would then see the contract that Takeshiyama had on his person. "Mining, eh? Sounds interesting. I think my Kitsu and I would love to attend if that was okay." He would speak softly.

He would agree and Ren had a plan for the day. He turned over to the kitchen and he would begin making a breakfast for them to eat, both he and Kitsu. He would ask Takeshiyama if there was anything he would like for breakfast. Should he have gotten a response, then he would be sure to provide that too him as well.

The breakfast that he would focus on would be simple. He would use rice that was leftover from the night before, and he would set it beside the stove. He would crack a few eggs and drop them in a hot pan, being sure not to break the yolks on the eggs. As they sizzled and cooked, he was sure to see others that would be getting up and bustling about the home. He would offer them all good morning greetings and different hellos as he cooked.

When the egg whites had set, he would throw the rice into the pan and begin to mix it all together. The yolks would break and the viscous liquid from within would coat the rice as it heated through. When he was done mixing the rice and the eggs together, he would pour a small splash of soy sauce onto the mixture and stir it further, until it was all well melded together. He would smile as the food was done, and he would walk outside of the home to offer Kitsu his. He would also provide Takeshiyama whatever it was that he had requested.

Kitsu would be approaching the house as he walked out of it. The two would sit on the ground together and eat their breakfast together while their sumo friend finished his morning warm-ups. When they had all finished their breakfast, it was about time for them all to head out for the day's activity, mining for steel. Ren was completely honest with Takeshiyama, telling him that he had never done such a thing before, so he wasn't sure just how good he was going to be at the act of mining, but he was willing to join him and see if he could prove useful in the situation. Kitsu would be very ready to accept this idea of a job, anyone could see the determination in his eyes.

As they walked through the village, they had received directions of just how to get to the mine, and they had gathered alongside several others that seemed to have a similar activity planned for the day. The trio would have small talk if it was reciprocated during the trip towards the mines. He would try to learn more about Takeshiyama's culture in regards to the sumo way of life. He would try to learn about the different ways that he could practice his lifestyle and what his warm ups represented. He would of course be appreciative of whatever information he was able to get from him.

They would arrive at the mine after a while of them traveling through the island of Moon. When they got to the mine, they were given their equipment, to which Ren handled with relative ease. He may have never wielded a pick axe before, he was sure that he would be able to handle such a tool. They told them where they were to go, and the three were off. They were assigned to the same shaft, so they began striking at the ground together.

As one would imagine, Takeshiyama was far more efficient at mining the ore than Ren himself was, but surprisingly enough, Kitsu seemed to be able to use his own speed as a means of procurement of the ore from the ground, rather than a brute force method that one would expect. Ren was quite slow at getting the earth to release the ore from the ground, but he was fine with it. He was working at about the same speed as the other villagers that were about the same as him. When he would strike at the earth below, the earth would slowly give way and release pieces of the sought after material.

He would continue this process as long as the others were able to, while he wasn't very strong or fast, his stamina and endurance was certainly something he prided himself on.

As he stood amidst the dimly lit steel mine, the air was heavy with the scent of metal and earth. He gripped his pickaxe tightly within his hands, the weight of the tool an unfamiliar weight pressed against his palms. THe narrow tunnel stretched out far before him, its walls glistening with the veins of shimmering steel, illumatined softly only by the lanterns that hung lit within the corridors, and by the spark of iron against the raw ore nestled within the earthen walls.

With each swing of his pickaxe, Ren unleashed a cascade of sparks with a rhythmic sound of metal striking against stone as it echoed off the walls in a steady cadence. Beads of sweat sparkled on his brow as he continued to swing the pick axe, digging slightly deeper with each swing of the tool. He was determined to unearth the precious ore hidden within.

The air was thick with the sound of not only his labor, but the labor of the great Takeshiyama, and his darling Kitsu. Kitsu didn't seem to speak much during their work, focusing more on each swing of his, practicing it to a perfect rhythm, timing, and angles. Ren would smile as he would watch him work for a moment, knowing that Kitsu would not even see him as he was too enveloped in his work. The cavern itself seemed to pulse with energy, the steady rhythm of their movement echoing off the walls and filling the space with a harsh sound of cracking rock.

Despite the physical exertion required by the task at hand, he worked with a sense of focus and determination. He would actively clear his mind and heighten his senses so each swing would be honed to perfection, being as efficient with his movements as possible, not wanting to cause his work to be lesser than others. He was sure that his friend the sumo would certainly lap himself in regards to the work being done, being that his strength was so far superior to his own, but he was still going to do whatever he could to produce the same work ethic if anything else.

With each strike of the pickaxe against the cavernous wall, he felt a small hint of pride. He had never done such a task before, he had always tried to stay away from this type of work as it just didn't suit him. But with the friends that he had gathered in the recent months, it seemed to him to be the right time to start expanding his horizons and start moving inward to make himself a more well-rounded individual. If he was going to help Junko with the village's creation, he had to make sure that he was well-equipped for the task.

As he worked, he remained ever vigilant, his senses attuned to the slightest shift in the earth around him. The mines could be a dangerous place, filled with hidden dangers and with the ever present possibiilty of a cave-in, he couldn't be too cautious. But he did remember the fact that he was working besides a literal mountain of a man, so surely if there was such a situation, he would be just fine in the process of getting himself and his friends free. Ren continued with grace and agility, better than he probably should have been able to due to the lack of experience in such a field, but he was trying to think of this more of a dance, rather than a workout. He had produced a decent amount of the ore so far, but he was dedicated to continue the mining process until he had enough to possibly take some of this stuff home with him as part of his payment, should that be allotted to him by the overseers.

After a few hours of mining, he had finally finished the shift that he had been assigned. He used his robes to wipe the sweat from his brow, as dirty as they now were. He brought his ore over to a mining cart that was set upon some tracks behind them. When he had filled the cart with his haul, he rolled it over to the overseers, the supervisors of their work. One approached and offered him words of appreciation for the work that he had done. The supervisor's voice was gruff but itinged with a genuine gratitude towards all of their work.

But luckily for Ren, possibly thanks to his enduring charm, the supervisor gave him something in addition to his heartfelt appreciation. He would offer him the money as his pay for the shift that he had worked, but he also provided him with two chunks of high grade steel, as a form of thanks for all the hard work. Ren would of course graciously accept this gift that was given to him, explaining that he would certainly be back to provide even more work for the mines, as a means of good faith for the village's relationship with the mine and those that worked within it.

With a final word of thanks and a pat on the shoulder, the supervisor bid Ren farewell before moving on to the other two that had presented the supervisor with the fruits of their own labor. Ren was exceedingly proud of Kitsu for doing this job with him. He was happy that even with him being very inexperienced in the world, he was already so willing to help the village and the people that surrounded him. Ren was sure that Kitsu was going to continue to grow into his own body and start creating a life for himself, and possibly another if Ren had it his way. He felt that love was a powerful driving force, one that could outweigh anything else, and he couldn't think of anything else better for Kitsu, then a companion.

Ren would then leave, he would continue on through the mine with his companions and they would return to Junko's home. Ren wanted to show Kiko just what he had brought home to her, thinking she would appreciate it.

WC: 2053
TWC: 2053


Completion of an A rank mission
16k ryo rewards doubled because of Beloved Presence + 4k ryo for rank bonus = 20k total ryo added
80 AP doubled for beloved presence = 80 AP toward bonus AP from mission reward
+1 High Grade Steel (decided not to double the mat so I can double the ryo)

Current AP bonus from Strength of 100 = 532 once this is approved
Reaching max AP through Strength of 100 skill with the mission rewards

WC claims:
+20 speed for Kitsunagi
+1500 towards mastering Instant Transmission for a second time once stat page claim is approved here.
+553 towards Beloved Presence (For Kitsunagi) (553/2000)

Last edited by Ren Kurosawa on Sun Feb 25, 2024 5:05 pm; edited 1 time in total
Kitsunagi Kurosawa
Kitsunagi Kurosawa
Vagabond (C-Rank)
Vagabond (C-Rank)
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Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 500

A field trip Empty Re: A field trip

Sun Feb 25, 2024 5:03 pm
The journey to the mines seemed short, or maybe it was because his mind was traveling elsewhere. In his mind, he was surrounded by the spirits of the island. Guides of the forests beckoned him to commune with them once more. His mind wanted that more than anything. He didn't quite feel normal enough to be around other people, at least not on a regular basis. But the idea of living within the woods, far away from the rest of the people was appealing to him, something that would often make him think of running away in the middle of the night when no one was looking.

With their gaping maws, the mines awaited him, a stark contrast to the gentle embrace of the orchard that he had left behind to complete this task. Upon his arrival, the clink of metal against stone greeted him, forewarning what was to come and the type of work they would be doing. He was given a few curt instructions and sent on his way alongside Ren and Takeshiyama. There was a rocky expanse that he was told to start digging in, and he did exactly what was offered to him.

The tool was unfamiliar in his grip, a reminder of his lack of physical strength, but he was still committed to this work. He assessed the wall of stone before him, the veins of minerals winding through it like the earth's lifeblood. He raised the pickaxe, and his initial strike bore the weight of the fact that he didn't possess the same strength that figures such as Takeshiyama possessed. The ring of the metal clanging against the earth was small and subtle, as he noticed that his strike didn't do much to pull the mineral from the world. He realized that he would have to come at this with a much different approach with his current limitations.

He was not deterred by rather than the other way around. His mind, sharp as the edge of the blade he would soon wield, swiftly devised a strategy. If brute strength were not his ally, then speed and precision would be his weapons of choice.

He repositioned himself, his eyes scanning for the subtle weaknesses within the stone and the earth. Then, with a swift strike of a hawk, he began working in his new means of mining. The pickaxe became more an extension of his will through the means of precision than raw power. He delivered each strike with a speed that would make up for the lack of power. He struck in places that would be the most efficient for drawing the ore from the earthen walls. At first, it wouldn't seem like much, but.

In rhythmic cadence rather than making the weak points themselves. With each precise strike of the pickaxe, he started carving out a respectable amount of mineral from the surrounding rock face despite his lack of strength. Sweat beaded on his brow, but he didn't let that distract him. He was hard-focused on the task at hand, and nothing he was tasked with retrieving.

As the ceaseless rhythm of metal on stone began to wane, signaling the end of the mining shift, Kitsu stepped back to survey the amount of mineral he had extracted from the wall before them. The ground in front of him was strewn with sizable chunks of ore, each a monolith compared to the fragmented pieces that filled the carts of the other miners on that shift. His approach favored speed rather than small fragments.

His eyes traced the ore's contours that he had meticulously freed from the stone surface. The large pieces, largely untouched by the fracturing blows that typically come with the mining process, were largely absent in his work due to his mining method. The ore gleamed with the promise of untainted metal within, which he found himself exceptionally excited for. There was much that he was going to be able to learn when it came to performing missions and doing this with efficiency. He knew that there was going to be room for him to learn, but for now, he just felt proud of himself for seeing a problem, and coming up with a means to solve that problem without going to outside help firstly. He felt that Ren relied on others too much, like he did with Kiko. But he respected that Ren was a hopeless romantic and desired compaionship over all things so he shrugged it off.

He looked over to Takeshiyama, and he asked if he would be so kind as to help him bring the large pieces of ore and place them into the cart for inspection, knowing that he was not going to be able to think of an easy way to move all of the ore into the cart himself. Should he provide the help needed, he would pay what he was owed. He was sure that Takeshiyama would have provided more ore than himself, but he at least proved that he could do something of value, even with the lack of physical prowess he possessed.

The supervisor would come by, and he would look over the carts that were before him. He would look over Ren's and congratulate him on the job well done, providing him with the Ryo he had earned and two whole chunks of the steel, already smelted down into an ingot. Kitsu was surprised that he would give Ren such a reward, as it seemed when he got to his cart, he was given thanks and only one piece of the ingot. He was very thankful and wandered back home with Ren and Takeshiyama or wherever they were to go next.

There wasn't much that Kitsu wanted to do when it came to missions at this point. Mainly he just wanted dwell within the forests of the island. He found many spots during the night when people were sleeping that he could easily sneak into and just feel the presence of the spirits around him, and he wanted nothing more than to feel that feeling again.

WC: 1015
TWC: 2269

Completion of A rank mission
Forgoing Ryo for the mining skill
+40 AP
Using miner skill to have exchange the two High Grade Steel I would receive, in exchange for one Rabbit Fur of A rank.
WC claims:
+22 speed
+1447 towards Beloved Presence (Complete) With Ren's claims going towards this as well in this thread.
+822 towards Space Time Spec (822/2000)

Last edited by Kitsunagi Kurosawa on Mon Feb 26, 2024 4:34 pm; edited 1 time in total
Vagabond (B-Rank)
Vagabond (B-Rank)
Survived 2021
You've completed the Christmas Event of 2021 and qualified for the last reward, by partisan you are awarded this fancy badge!
Stat Page : Takeshiyama
Mission Record : Mission Log
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Clan Specialty : Taijutsu
Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 78125

A field trip Empty Re: A field trip

Sun Feb 25, 2024 7:33 pm
His companions proved themselves more than worthy, a task that if he had to admit had not thought they would do.  Neither man struck him as keen on physical labor, and Esther more the artsy kind.  Still, he’d never said as much,  or wishing to rock the proverbial boat, which due to this…..he didn’t have to eat his words out loud.  The ore vein he had struck had caused the supervisors and others to congregate and grade the stock.  Not wanting to go in to quick and deep and risk a cave in and ruining a potential hotspot.  This provided him with a slight respite that was quickly used up by Kitsu.  

The man made the inquiry if he could assist, which of course he would.  This was the job, and even if it wasn’t such a direct and formal request couldn’t be ignored.  Kaito didn’t get the feeling that he was the kind to ask so easily either, so he rewarded the bravery. Loading the ore into baskets he carried the majority while leaving jsut enough for Kitsu to struggle ever so slightly.  Just enough to feel as though he wasn’t being patronized, but not enough to actually slow the man down in earnest.  

Once this task was completed he’d return back to the original vein that he had been set to.  The sound of his axe echoing deeply with each strike as chunk after chunk was freed from its earthen prison.  It must have been good quality as more than one person seemed very excited for it to come into their fold.  What the village really needed with all the materials he’d never know.  He guessed trade or maybe they were in on the plans he’d heard whispered around the dinner table to bring this place into a selective fold of shinobi.  Personally he felt that was something that could only invite disaster but, he hadn’t been asked and he would not provide his opinion unless asked.  Instead he accepted that it was needed, and moved on from there.  Loosing himself simply in the work as more and more dust and dirt splashed up and congregated on his form.  

Before long the foreman would bring them back and they would finish clearing out the designated location.  Covered in the dirt and grime, he’d look down at what had become of his kimono.  Ruined for sure, he pealed it off and left it sitting amongst a wagon of the ore, blended in with the dust of the rock that they had feed the materials from.  Walking back in simple shorts and no shirt he would talk to Ren on and off about a variety of things.  Ren he felt the desire to tell him more about how he had captured the bandits, and discussed some of his abilities of illusions and trickery of the mind.  Kaito did his best to keep up, though the majority of it was difficult to understand.  What he did understand was, while he attacked a man’s body, Ren went after their spirit and mind.  The ways of the shinobi were cruel, at least if he broke a man it was their body and they could recover to live a life, to break one’s mind…..what possibly could come after that?

The walk back led to the Ushitorin having to drag a cart back to the village before they made their way to Junko’s dwelling where they all stayed.  Dropping it off he’d pick up payment for the mission as well as a small differal ryo for some packed tobacco mixed with moonflowers around the island. It was a bit pricey, but the sweet buzzing sound that filled one’s chest made it worth it.  Not enough to truly slow one down, but without the sting of adrenaline it could Lead to a fine feeling of relaxation.  Their idle conversations would continue as they made their way back to the dwelling.  He couldn’t help but notice Ren purchasing some cotton for reasons he could not fathom.   Putting it from his mind as extraneous detail, he’d enter the home and call dibs on the shower, with the promising of providing dinner for the hardworking trio after he found himself clean once more.  


TWC - 1712

TWC for mission - 6034 / 6000

1x high grade steel
8k for mission + 4K for B rank + 2k for ap to ryo (40x50)= 14k total ryo
1125k wc towards learning
585 remaining going towards B rank of (29) Seal of Protection (
Marabelle Blossom
Marabelle Blossom
Vagabond (B-Rank)
Vagabond (B-Rank)
Stat Page : The Everbloom
Mission Record : Misson Log: Everbloom
Iryōjutsu Bukijutsu Kanjutsu Default
Remove Earth Water Lightning Remove Default
Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 2500

A field trip Empty Re: A field trip

Mon Feb 26, 2024 4:22 pm
Ren Kurosawa wrote:

WC: 2053
TWC: 2053


Completion of an A rank mission
16k ryo rewards doubled because of Beloved Presence + 4k ryo for rank bonus = 20k total ryo added
80 AP doubled for beloved presence = 80 AP toward bonus AP from mission reward
+1 High Grade Steel (decided not to double the mat so I can double the ryo)

Current AP bonus from Strength of 100 = 532 once this is approved
Reaching max AP through Strength of 100 skill with the mission rewards

WC claims:
+20 speed for Kitsunagi
+1500 towards mastering Instant Transmission for a second time once stat page claim is approved here.
+553 towards Beloved Presence (For Kitsunagi) (553/2000)

Marabelle Blossom
Marabelle Blossom
Vagabond (B-Rank)
Vagabond (B-Rank)
Stat Page : The Everbloom
Mission Record : Misson Log: Everbloom
Iryōjutsu Bukijutsu Kanjutsu Default
Remove Earth Water Lightning Remove Default
Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 2500

A field trip Empty Re: A field trip

Mon Feb 26, 2024 4:28 pm
Takeshiyama wrote:

TWC - 1712

TWC for mission - 6034 / 6000

1x high grade steel
8k for mission + 4K for B rank + 2k for ap to ryo (40x50)= 14k total ryo
1125k wc towards learning
585 remaining going towards B rank of (29) Seal of Protection (

Marabelle Blossom
Marabelle Blossom
Vagabond (B-Rank)
Vagabond (B-Rank)
Stat Page : The Everbloom
Mission Record : Misson Log: Everbloom
Iryōjutsu Bukijutsu Kanjutsu Default
Remove Earth Water Lightning Remove Default
Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 2500

A field trip Empty Re: A field trip

Mon Feb 26, 2024 7:45 pm
Kitsunagi Kurosawa wrote:

WC: 1015
TWC: 2269

Completion of A rank mission
Forgoing Ryo for the mining skill
+40 AP
Using miner skill to have exchange the two High Grade Steel I would receive, in exchange for one Rabbit Fur of A rank.
WC claims:
+22 speed
+1447 towards Beloved Presence (Complete) With Ren's claims going towards this as well in this thread.
+822 towards Space Time Spec (822/2000)

Marabelle Blossom
Marabelle Blossom
Vagabond (B-Rank)
Vagabond (B-Rank)
Stat Page : The Everbloom
Mission Record : Misson Log: Everbloom
Iryōjutsu Bukijutsu Kanjutsu Default
Remove Earth Water Lightning Remove Default
Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 2500

A field trip Empty Re: A field trip

Mon Feb 26, 2024 7:45 pm
Takeshiyama wrote:

TWC - 1712

TWC for mission - 6034 / 6000

1x high grade steel
8k for mission + 4K for B rank + 2k for ap to ryo (40x50)= 14k total ryo
1125k wc towards learning
585 remaining going towards B rank of (29) Seal of Protection (

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