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Junko Tsukiko
Junko Tsukiko
Village Leader
Village Leader
Stat Page : Stat Page
Mission Record : Mission Log
Living Clones : Kiko Tsukiko
Jun Tsukiko
Remove Iryōjutsu Remove Fūinjutsu Ninjutsu Remove Default
Remove Earth Water Lightning Remove Default
Clan Specialty : Genjutsu
Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 0

A Group Effort (Missions) - Page 2 Empty Re: A Group Effort (Missions)

Tue Feb 13, 2024 5:12 pm
As kunai flew through the air, Junko remained still, unflinching at the incoming projectiles. She knew that her companions would protect her, and had fully put her safety in their dedicated hands. She couldn’t have chosen any better companions, and she felt lucky to have them with her at that moment.

She watched as a horde of semi-humanoid forms rushed out from the various buildings, streets, and ally ways, and charged right at the group of them. A sinister smile would cross her delicate-looking face, as her predatorial eyes stared down the incoming attackers. She trembled slightly, not from fear but from excitement. The others would hear a breathy sigh escape her mouth as she allowed the rage she felt for these beings to consume her.

While standing directly behind Azuki, she would begin doing the required hand seals for her great vortex technique. Upon completion, about 20 meters in front of them the rain would begin to rapidly form together and begin to spin seemingly out of control. She would direct the vortex to slam into a section of the horde, hoping that this would cause the distraction Azuki requested. She watched as the vortex of water plowed through a large chunk of the forces that she could currently see. Their flesh would be nearly ripped off their body as they were consumed by the technique, causing the water to have a slightly red color to it.

Before Azuki sprung into action, she’d quickly say to him…
”Brother, make them bleed for me would you?”

She then would pull out her tanto, and begin to slice a superficial wound into her lower arm. She couldn’t help but feel good in this moment. Some sick, twisted part of her enjoyed having to do this to utilize her more powerful abilities. She would quickly complete the handseals required for the crimson spheres technique, and soon the blood that flowed out from her arm would begin to detach itself and form into 20 softball-sized balls of blood that now surrounded the group of them. Though she had no use for the technique now, she wanted to be prepared for any who could make their way past Ren and Azuki.

Total WC:1855

AP Used (25% reduction from 100 chakra)
-12 Mature Ketsuryugan
-19 Rain Tiger At Will
-34 Crimson Spheres
-34 Great Vortex Technique
AP remaining: 1839
Ren Kurosawa
Ren Kurosawa
Stat Page : Link
Mission Record : Link
Living Clones : Kitsunagi Kurosawa
Sakoshi Kurosawa
Remove Remove Remove Remove Fūinjutsu Remove Ninjutsu Remove Jikūjutsu Default
Remove Earth Water Remove Fire Default
Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Tsukigakure
Ryo : 46800

A Group Effort (Missions) - Page 2 Empty Re: A Group Effort (Missions)

Wed Feb 14, 2024 6:04 pm
The projectiles were dealt with and the area surrounding them became a chaotic mess of fighting and conflict. The rain that was falling above them would rapidly shift into a massive vortex of water that ripped through several of the invading individuals. Knowing that he wasn't much for one on one conflict, he began to think of what he could do in this situation. He grabbed his harmonica, ready to play it as the trigger for his genjutsu. He had learned from the blind combatants that he faced when he first got here, that some were immune to sight based genjutsu, so he realized that he could always turn it to sound instead.

He would play his harmonica with one hand, and he would begin to form his black sphere of chakra. Those that would hear the harmonica play, lest those that he deemed not a target, would suddenly cease moving, screaming in agony as they would perceive their bodies begin to be drug through the air, headed directly towards the black sphere of chakra. With his other hand he would perform a few hand seals for those that wouldn't succumb to the black hole, but he would be cut off.

A thrashing came directly through the vortex of water, seeming to cut it in half. The being would seem to come out of nowhere, somehow unable to be tracked through their means of perceiving chakra and enemy combatants. His body, malformed and seeming to have different body parts grafted onto his original, lunged through both Ren and Azuki before he crashed directly into Junko with his massive frame.

The impact would be so heavy that it would push Ren directly out of the way and render the blood spheres useless. Ren would scramble to his feet and he would look over to Junko, who would likely be laid out on the floor. The creature would now become visible as his form wielded a massive axe and was just about to bring it down onto Junko's body.

Quickly he would sprint up to the creature and stand over Junko's body. His chakra is beaming off of his body, coursing through his veins. At the same time he would weave handseals with his left hand and he would produce a mist that would be poisonous to those that would inhale the toxins, he would yell to Junko to hold her breath. He felt unkillable; at least, that is what he hoped was the reality of the matter. He would challenge the man's blade should someone else not stop him before that would become necessary.

WC: 452

AP Stuff:
CR: Strength of 100: 100 AP
Poison Mist: 40 AP
Black Hole: 40
Chakra Enhanced Strength: 40
Azuki Shinoda
Azuki Shinoda
Tokubetsu Jounin
Stat Page : Death's Whisper
Mission Record : Missions
Taijutsu Bukijutsu Remove Jikūjutsu Default
Wind Remove Water Lightning Remove Default
Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 110000

A Group Effort (Missions) - Page 2 Empty Re: A Group Effort (Missions)

Wed Feb 14, 2024 6:57 pm
In the split second decision to engage, Azuki's instincts kicked into overdrive. His body moved with a speed and precision honed by years of relentless training, propelling him toward the monstrous assailant with an urgency that left no room for hesitation. His mind was clear, focused singularly on intercepting the creature before it could reach Junko.

As he launched himself at the beast, Azuki's thoughts narrowed to the immediate task at hand. "Must reach it first," he thought, the world around him blurring into the background as his entire being concentrated on the collision course he had set with the monster. The anticipation of the impact surged through him, a mix of adrenaline and a deep, unwavering resolve to protect.

The clash was monumental, a meeting of forces that sent shockwaves through the immediate vicinity. Azuki felt the jarring impact reverberate through his body, a raw testament to the creature's power. For a moment, they were locked in a silent battle of wills and strength, neither yielding.He was too weak he was pushed back in the highspeed exchange.

Despite his speed and skill, Azuki was sent flying, the beast's strength overwhelming. He crashed into the rubble, the breath knocked from his lungs, a taste of iron flooding his mouth as he coughed up blood. A spray of red mist coveted the dark night.The super esque dramatization of his plight underscored the severity of the encounter. Struggling to not fall to his knees, Azuki's mind raced, quickly assessing his condition while his concern for Junko surged to the forefront.

With the creature now turning its attention to Junko, Azuki's determination crystallized into action. Ignoring his own injuries, he reached for his spear, his grip on the weapon firm and unwavering. "Protect her," he silently vowed, channeling what remained of his strength into a desperate counterattack. He raised his arm with precision, fluid grace and blood lust. The spear, thrown with a combination of hope and precision, became a silent missile aimed at saving Junko. Azuki's internal monologue was a fervent wish for the throw to find its mark, to change the tide of the battle in their favor. As the spear cut through the air towards its target.

WC:367 TWC: 1,131
Junko Tsukiko
Junko Tsukiko
Village Leader
Village Leader
Stat Page : Stat Page
Mission Record : Mission Log
Living Clones : Kiko Tsukiko
Jun Tsukiko
Remove Iryōjutsu Remove Fūinjutsu Ninjutsu Remove Default
Remove Earth Water Lightning Remove Default
Clan Specialty : Genjutsu
Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 0

A Group Effort (Missions) - Page 2 Empty Re: A Group Effort (Missions)

Mon Feb 19, 2024 1:13 am
To her shock, she witnessed the vortex she just formed split in half and rendered useless. She wasn’t able to discern the source, but Junko watched as in a split second Azuki was sent flying toward the ruins and slammed into a rarely ruined wall. Without a moment to react that same force would some racing at her and Ren. Unfortunately the “man” seemingly had locked onto Junko and rushed forward at her. Ren had attempted to stop him, but like Azuki he was simpy pushed aside as the man collided into Junko. She felt pain surge through her body upon impact, and she was immediately sent to the ground and collapsed in front of him. Junko hadn’t been this injured in years, a twisted fucked up part of her wanted more. She wanted to see how much her body could handle before she was no longer capable of moving on her own, these thoughts brought on a feeling of ecstasy as she embraced the pain coursing through her body.

A twisted simile crossed her face as her head throbbed, she could feel something wet and hot leaking out from her head as blood now trailed down her forehead, past her nose, and began pooling in the corner of her mouth. She noticed Ren approaching as the figure loomed over her, quickly attempting to strike out at her. Thankfully now that she could see him coming, Junko was able to formulate a plan. She also noticed that some of her blood was begining to seep into his skin, thankfully she had hidden her infectious blood from the world and was now being underestimated by this foul creation.

As Ren expelled a cloud of poisonous gas round them Junko would do as he instructed and held her breath. Beyond the man she saw Azuki launch his spear at the figure in front of her, as usually his aim was true, however, she knew if she moved an inch so would the man. Still on the ground with the multi-armed creature in front of her, she would stare deeply into his eyes then quickly perform the tatsu and ne hand seals, completing the requirements for her hell viewing technique.

The man would then be thrust into the illusion she placed him in, viewing his deepest fears. She knew this wouldn’t hold him long, but would give the others enough time to intervene. She watched as the man's face turned from rage-filled, to absolute shock and horror as his deepest fears manifested before his eyes. Soon she’d see the tip of the Azuki’s spear pierce through the back of the man, poking out of the man's torso slightly.

Though now she found herself in a rough position, she was currently paralyzed as well as she maintained concentration on the Jutsu. All she could do now was hope that her companions would be able to distract him long enough for her to be able to recover.

Total WC:2354

AP Used (25% reduction from 100 chakra)
-12 Mature Ketsuryugan
-19 Rain Tiger At Will
-8 Demonic Illusion Hell Viewing Technique
Remaining AP 1839

Cool Downs
1/3 Crimson Spheres
1/3 Great Vortex Technique
Ren Kurosawa
Ren Kurosawa
Stat Page : Link
Mission Record : Link
Living Clones : Kitsunagi Kurosawa
Sakoshi Kurosawa
Remove Remove Remove Remove Fūinjutsu Remove Ninjutsu Remove Jikūjutsu Default
Remove Earth Water Remove Fire Default
Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Tsukigakure
Ryo : 46800

A Group Effort (Missions) - Page 2 Empty Re: A Group Effort (Missions)

Tue Feb 20, 2024 4:45 pm
He thought for a moment, but only for a moment. He mixed his own poison mist with a rather upgraded version of it. For anyone that would be caught within his mist, they would unable to perform their best techniques, hoping that this would prevent his opponent from performing anything too powerful for the next few moments, or maybe it would deter him completely. His attention went to Junko, but he knew that he needed to do something rather quickly.

The large man would break the genjutsu that he was under, but only to be placed under one more with Ren himself. The man would witness a figure that would replace Ren lunge at him, with his chakra flowing from him in a powerful way. The clone would shove the large man backwards, which he would do in reality as the illusion feels real to the victim of it. Ren would be concealed from the giant man, as to contain the illusion. He would turn to Junko, "You and Azuki should get out of here. I can slip out when I've at least bothered him enough to make him flee. But I can't hold on to this forever."

He would look to the other individuals that surrounded him. He finished weaving hand seals in his right hand, and the goons that surrounded the large multi-armed man would begin to panic as he would have taken their eyesight away with another illusion. "Both of you! Go now!" He would yell, hoping that both Junko and Azuki would listen to his instruction. His game plan was simple. To stall long enough, then pray to get out of there without any of them getting hurt.

Should Junko protest, he would remind her that if she is going to be kage, then she needs to learn when it is time to retreat, and right now is that time. The spear that Azuki would have thrown would've made its mark, but it would have done little to this crazed behemoth that stood before them.

WC: 339

AP Stuff:
CDA: 38 AP
Poison Mist: 18 AP
Genjutsu Clone: 30 AP
Bringer of Darkness: 30 AP

TWC: 2153

Last edited by Ren Kurosawa on Wed Feb 21, 2024 4:05 pm; edited 1 time in total
Azuki Shinoda
Azuki Shinoda
Tokubetsu Jounin
Stat Page : Death's Whisper
Mission Record : Missions
Taijutsu Bukijutsu Remove Jikūjutsu Default
Wind Remove Water Lightning Remove Default
Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 110000

A Group Effort (Missions) - Page 2 Empty Re: A Group Effort (Missions)

Tue Feb 20, 2024 11:37 pm
Pain ricocheted through Azuki's body, a sharp reminder of the brutality of battle. Yet, amid the agony, a seething rage took hold—a catalyst igniting his resolve to rise and fight back. "This pain... it's nothing... I the Spear of Enigma will REND your fucking soul!!" he snarled internally, pushing past the physical discomfort that sought to chain him down. His body and ego might have been battered, but his spirit remained unbroken, fueled by an intense fury.

Activating his Chrono Augment, Azuki felt a rush of chakra engulf him, enhancing his speed beyond the realms of normalcy. The world around him seemed to decelerate as he harnessed this newfound velocity, his senses sharpening to catch every minute detail of the battlefield. The poison mist that enveloped the area swirled and parted as he burst through it, his movements so swift they left a clear path in his wake. He held his breath to protect himself.

With the monstrous assailant momentarily dazed by Junko's technique, Azuki pinpointed his target with laser focus.Landing on the behemoth's back, Azuki launched into a barrage of mid-air punches, each strike a blur, connecting with the precision of a seasoned warrior. A straight high kick followed, the impact echoing through the ruins. He then dropped to the ground, targeting the creature's knees with a swift kick, momentarily buckling its massive legs. Without missing a beat, Azuki spun, delivering a devastating heel kick to the creature's head, a move so fluid it seemed choreographed by the shadows themselves. Every strike aimed at a vital point every strike intended to kill.

With the behemoth reeling from the onslaught, Azuki's focus shifted to Junko. In one fluid motion, he scooped her up, her weight negligible against his augmented strength. Then, with Junko securely in his grasp, he burst into the distance, retreating towards the nearby forest 250 meters away.

The escape was a high-speed dash through chaos and destruction. Azuki weaved through ruins and rubble with supernatural agility, his movements a dance of survival. He dodged fallen pillars and leaped over crumbling walls, the debris no obstacle for his enhanced speed. Entering the forest, he became a shadow among trees, dashing and sliding through the dense undergrowth with a precision that left no trace of their passage. The world around them blurred into streaks of green and brown, the only constants were Azuki's unwavering focus and the rhythmic sound of his breath cutting through the night air.

With Junko secured, Azuki unleashed the full extent of his augmented speed. The landscape became a blur, the night air tearing against them as they moved. The rustle of disturbed leaves and the soft whispers of the mist they broke through were the only evidence of their passage, fleeting and ephemeral.

Azuki's focus was singular—every muscle, every fiber of his being was dedicated to the act of escape, carrying Junko to safety. The sensation of the ground barely touching his feet, the wind's roar in his ears, and the rapid rhythm of his heart were all that existed in that moment. The world outside their immediate flight faded into insignificance, the only reality was the distance they covered, the safety he was determined to ensure for Junko. After about 250m he found shelter in the forest near the ruins as taking deep breaths as set Junko down. His face quiet but fear and worry as he looked at her.

"What do I do..." He whispered to her holding her wound. It was unusual the worry the terror in his voice despite seeming so calm. So reserved the undertones of fear escaping his heart and soul. He ripped his sleeve parting her hair as he made a compress and a bandage respectively. He found the source of her bleed getting some of her blood on his hands. He folded the compress into a small square to hold the pressure and then wrapped the other part of her sleeve underneath her chin to hold it pin place before tying a strong not. He used his fingers to make sure it wasn't too tight as he shifted into defensive mode.

Even more so was the smile on her face. Was it Jashin her blood she mentioned it was similar but his curse was gone. A concussion? He didn't know he felt terrified. He had never felt fear like this panic he was always in control His puzzled face and emotions through it were displayed for the first time in so long to another.

WC:751 TWC:1882

Techs Used
[url=Chrono Augment]Chrono Augment[/url] 30ap

460-30= 430ap
Ren Kurosawa
Ren Kurosawa
Stat Page : Link
Mission Record : Link
Living Clones : Kitsunagi Kurosawa
Sakoshi Kurosawa
Remove Remove Remove Remove Fūinjutsu Remove Ninjutsu Remove Jikūjutsu Default
Remove Earth Water Remove Fire Default
Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Tsukigakure
Ryo : 46800

A Group Effort (Missions) - Page 2 Empty Re: A Group Effort (Missions)

Wed Feb 21, 2024 4:09 pm
Mid thread claims:

TWC: 2153
+710 towards Sage Mode (Pure) (Completed) (Previous Progress)
+1443 towards Mind's Eye of the Kagura (1847/1875) (Previous Progress)
Marabelle Blossom
Marabelle Blossom
Vagabond (B-Rank)
Vagabond (B-Rank)
Stat Page : The Everbloom
Mission Record : Misson Log: Everbloom
Iryōjutsu Bukijutsu Kanjutsu Default
Remove Earth Water Lightning Remove Default
Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 2500

A Group Effort (Missions) - Page 2 Empty Re: A Group Effort (Missions)

Wed Feb 21, 2024 6:02 pm
Ren Kurosawa wrote:Mid thread claims:

TWC: 2153
+710 towards Sage Mode (Pure) (Completed) (Previous Progress)
+1443 towards Mind's Eye of the Kagura (1847/1875) (Previous Progress)

Junko Tsukiko
Junko Tsukiko
Village Leader
Village Leader
Stat Page : Stat Page
Mission Record : Mission Log
Living Clones : Kiko Tsukiko
Jun Tsukiko
Remove Iryōjutsu Remove Fūinjutsu Ninjutsu Remove Default
Remove Earth Water Lightning Remove Default
Clan Specialty : Genjutsu
Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 0

A Group Effort (Missions) - Page 2 Empty Re: A Group Effort (Missions)

Fri Feb 23, 2024 7:21 am
Due to Azuki’s speed, Junko didn’t have much time to react as the genjutsu she had placed on him quickly wore off. As soon as she was able to move she would perform the hand seals required for her blood clone technique, and from the blood pooling out of her mouth she’d spit a bit of her blood on the ground 2 meters behind the monstrosity. As it left her mouth the small bit of blood would form into an identical copy of Junko who was seemingly in much better condition.

Junko now would be whisked away as her clone jumped in to replace her. She would ensure to remain out of Rens poison mist, not wanting to be afflicted by it. She’d notice the creatures attempting to surround the real Ren and rush to his aid. However, with a plan in mind, she’d attempt to draw some of the creatures to her. Thankfully she was able to pull some of them away from Ren as she ran 20 meters away from him, closer to the ruins.

As she passed Ren, she’d call out to him and say ”Get to safety, I can cover you for a while. Don’t keep Junko waiting”

When she reached about 20 meters from Ren, she slowed her speed and allowed the creatures to surround her in a similar fashion. As they moved to engage, she would perform the hand seals required for the armament hellish breath technique, and promptly slam her hand into the ground, causing a fissure to open in front of her. Quickly the air around her within a 15-meter radius would fill with invisible poisonous gas as the creatures around her began to choke. She’d watch menacingly as their bodies began to drop to her feet. Thankfully these creatures weren’t too smart, so as one fell one would take its place then the cycle would repeat. Some of the heartier ones would get into range to attack her, but luckily she was able to find a tanto among the fallen and wield it herself. She would continue to do this as long as it took Ren to make a break for it.

The real Junko however was being hastily sped away by her dear brother. Her mind couldn’t keep up with her body in this moment, everything seemed to blur past her at an incredible speed. She couldn’t help but be impressed with Azuki’s ability to move this fast but swiftly, if she attempted something similar she would surely hurt herself in the process. She’d gazed at his chakra and could tell he was in severe pain. Though she was as well, she wasn’t one one propelling them to safety. She’d quickly whistle the hand seals required for the healing hands technique, and upon completion, her hands would glow a light blue color. Upon placing her hand on the arm that Azuki held her in, he would feel some of the pain that he felt coursing through his body leave.

Azuki would then come to a halt as he believed that they had gotten far enough away. He quickly placed her on the ground in front of him as he breathed heavily. She’d sit up slowly as he began attempting to tend to her wound. As she looked at Azuki and saw the fear in his facial expressions she felt herself come down from the high of battle. The glow from her eyes would flicker slightly, before turning off completely, and the near-manic smile would fall from her face. Like a light switch, Junko would suddenly step back into reality, as she realized that Ren wasn’t with them.

As Azuki was finishing wrapping the wound, rather slowly Junko performed the hand seals required for the mystical palm technique. Her hands would glow a dark red color, as she placed her one of them on her forehead. She would lie back down for a moment as the injury began to heal

From the ground, through bated breaths, Junko would speak to him in a quiet voice. The confident aura that surrounded her was completely gone, and she felt a mix of emotions swirling in her mind.

”Azuki.. I’ll be alright. Please just give me a few moments then we can continue. Thank you for saving me, but I could’ve… I don’t know... Done something, anything? Do you think Ren is alright, I can’t believe I just left him there”

Tears could now be seen streaking down the side of her face as she found herself completely overcome with emotion. She should have stayed with him, fought by his side... but she knew that he didn't want that. Junko knew that she would have simply been another thing for him to worry about if she remained, however, this thought tore at her. She was now face to face with the realization that she couldn’t protect her companions. If Ren had died because she left his side, she’d never be able to forgive herself. These thoughts now consumed her as her mind spiraled out of control.

Total WC: 3230

AP Used : (25% reduction from 100 chakra)
23 - Blood Clone Jutsu
908 AP remaining after clone creation
23 - Healing Hands B Rank
38- Mystical Palm
Remaining AP: 847

Clone AP : 908 Starting AP
27 - Armament Hellish Breath
Remaining AP: 881

Cool Downs
1/4 Rain Tiger At Will
1/3 Demonic Illusion Hell Viewing Technique
2/3 Crimson Spheres
2/3 Great Vortex Technique
Ren Kurosawa
Ren Kurosawa
Stat Page : Link
Mission Record : Link
Living Clones : Kitsunagi Kurosawa
Sakoshi Kurosawa
Remove Remove Remove Remove Fūinjutsu Remove Ninjutsu Remove Jikūjutsu Default
Remove Earth Water Remove Fire Default
Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Tsukigakure
Ryo : 46800

A Group Effort (Missions) - Page 2 Empty Re: A Group Effort (Missions)

Fri Feb 23, 2024 3:35 pm
He knew he should have run. He knew it. But something took hold of him when he saw his poor beloved Junko being carried away, with so much damage done to her beautiful and perfect body. His rage began to burn within his body. He was beginning to get swarmed by the enemies, by the goons that came with this mutated bastard.

They had stared him down for a moment as they saw their leader seeming to be shadowboxing with himself, while in his mind he was fighting Ren himself, but a much enhanced version of him. Ren had his chakra coursing through his veins, burning his skin slightly as his rage burned like he could not recall ever happening before this night.

He began to weave hand seals with each hand, whistling a jarring tune. When he completed the seals in his right hand, a mirror would rise from the ground, and when one of the goons looked into it, they were mesmerized by what they saw and couldn't look away.

He would finish the seals with his left hand and throw two kunai knives toward another goon. The kunai knives would miss, but in his mind, they would both penetrate his own eyes, causing immense pain and bringing his sight to nothingness.

Three other goons were being tossed around by the black hole he had created before, at least in their mind. When in reality, they were continuing to scream in panic as they tried to get away from the horrid black hole that he had created.

There were still two goons left, with their determination beginning to wane as he was starting to have a turn of the tide. Both goons would throw their kunai knives directly at Ren's body, which Ren would allow. The knives would come into contact with his skin, penetrating his skin. But the wounds would heal almost instantaneously thanks to his vigorous chakra.

He would look to the right one, finishing his whistling. The goon would fall to the ground as an intense burning pain began to writhe within his body, causing him to lose focus on anything but the pain.

Ren would yell in anger and determination as he had all of the goons that stood before him in utter misery, except for the final one. He looked to the final combatant, who was already slightly shaken by what he saw, the sheer amount of screams radiating through the air in the current moment. But what he would see is a mass of feathers beginning to fall from the sky. He would scream, just for the sake of it, just out of fear of what they would do, until he began to grow sleepy, and then he would go unconscious.

The same would happen to the goons within the cause of the black hole genjutsu. It's the same for the one staring into the mirror. The ones that were rendered blind ran away from the combat, as did the ones that were put under the torturous genjtusu he had placed them under. The only one left was the leader, who had finally broken the genjutsu clone technique that Ren had put him under.

He knew he would lose this fight. It was almost a certainty. "Fuck it." He spat on the floor with his water chakra, thus creating a water clone. The leader began talking to him. "Wouldst thou deem thyself worthy of breathing the same air as Kurogane himself? I spit at your very existence. But you have proven interesting. Join me, and I shall add your very being to myself."

Ren and his clone looked directly for the large bastard, and they both spat on the ground in unison in his direction. Ren grabbed his harmonica, as did his clone. They began to play it while weaving hand seals with their off-hand. The original still had his mist and chakra devastation agent flowing through his body into the world, and he sprinted directly for the leader.

His clone would do the same thing, and the clash would commence. Ren slid under his massive and numerous arms to dodge their attacks while he placed a well-placed slash against one of his legs. His clone would flank to the side as he weaved the hand seals required for the Lucid Ignorance technique, to which the leader would witness his slash with his massive axe would connect with Ren, dividing his body into two.

The leader would yell out in victory, laughing at their menial attempts to try and take him down. The mist would cease to exist in this new reality that the clone was producing. The leader would then rush towards the clone. The real Ren would be unharmed, and he would chase after the leader. Kurogane was fast, unexpectedly so. He reached the clone in moments and slashed at him with his mighty axe with a sweep aimed at his neck. The clone ducked down just in time and used the body flicker technique to sprint out of the follow-up attack.

As the clone was invigorated with chakra, he attempted to move with the technique. But Kurogane was too fast. He snatched the clone and crushed his neck, dispelling him. Breaking the genjutsu that he was under. Or at least, that's what he would think was happening. The actual water clone would be another 15 meters farther, and the real Ren would be directly beside him. Kurogane would relish in his victory, return to their location, and begin walking toward where he had killed Ren.

Ren and his clone would then use this opportunity to dispel the clone, conceal himself with his dustless technique, and make his break for it. Being wholly hidden, he could hear Kurogane's scream of anger as he realized that he was under a genjutsu the entire time. Ren would let out a relieved sigh, continuing to run as fast as he could away from the location in the same direction Azuki had taken Junko.

By the time he had gotten there, they were gone. He would stay concealed until he felt he was a safe distance away. He would continue until he got to Junko's home. Hoping to see her okay.

AP Stuff:
Gen Clone: 18 AP (Upkeep)
Black Hole: 18 AP (Upkeep)
Bringer of Darknes: 18 AP (Upkeep)
Temple of Nirvana: 37 AP
Underworld Embrace: 37 AP
Paralyzing Sting: 30 AP
Dustless: 75 AP
Water Clone: 27 AP

Water clone:
Lucid Ignorance Technique: 30 AP

WC: 1037
TWC: 1037 due to mid-thread claim

Completion of A rank missions
Rewards: 16k per mission = 32k total from missions due to Beloved Presence + 8k for rank bonus
Total Ryo: 40k added
AP: 40 AP per mission doubled to 80 per mission = 160 AP total added
Current total bonus AP once this is approved: 372

WC claims: (All for Kitsunagi)
+10 chakra for Kitsunagi (bringing it to 83)
+759 towards Parry (Completed) (Previous Progress)
+278 towards Chakra Sensory (278/2000) for Kitsu

Last edited by Ren Kurosawa on Mon Feb 26, 2024 5:35 pm; edited 1 time in total
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