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Junko Tsukiko
Junko Tsukiko
Village Leader
Village Leader
Stat Page : Stat Page
Mission Record : Mission Log
Living Clones : Kiko Tsukiko
Jun Tsukiko
Remove Iryōjutsu Remove Fūinjutsu Ninjutsu Remove Default
Remove Earth Water Lightning Remove Default
Clan Specialty : Genjutsu
Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 0

A Group Effort (Missions) Empty A Group Effort (Missions)

Sun Feb 04, 2024 4:46 am
Missions attempted
Arsonist or Act of God
Drain The Swamp

Junko had recently been contacted by some concerned locals, and been informed of various crimes going on. Houses, farms, and various farming fields have been set ablaze. There seemingly was no pattern to these attacks and simply happened at random. What little authorities couldn’t figure out what was going on, or how to even stop it. After the fire is handled, there seems to be no reason behind the fire beginning in the first place. Seemingly flames suddenly appeared out of thin air and left no traces. Many people have lost their lives due to this as well, forcing more people onto the streets, or to seek shelter in a nearby village.

She attempted to discover what was going on by herself but due to the lack of information left behind, she was unable to detect or track down any leads. Those who lived with her would see her “going out for a walk” around when the sun would start to set, only to return early in the morning as the sun was rising. To any who caught her sneaking in, she would continue to insist that it was simply a walk. However, for the past few days, she seemingly was exhausted. She managed to get a little bit of sleep between working through the day and doing the patrol at night, but not enough to sustain herself long-term.

Junko couldn’t believe things had gotten this bad, the thought of the people in her community being subjected to this cruelty threw her into a rage. However, if these were the creatures Ren had told her about previously, or just stronger bandits she knew she couldn’t do it alone. So she decided to try to request aid from a handful of other shinobi she now found herself interacting with on a regular basis. Thankfully from what she knew they were all well-traveled, so she assumed they could at least hold their own in battle.

She would send out Kiko, her “sister” out to find Azuki. She would check the spots Junko knew he would likely be, and if able to find him she would ask for him to come to her home the following day. Kiko would then inform him of the issues the locals have been having, and that Junko planned to attempt to disrupt, and put a stop to the attacks. Similarly, she would send her other “sister” Jun out to where she knew Takehiko was residing. Sheepishly Jun would pull back the basement door, yell down to the man she assumed to be in the basement, and then inform him of the same thing. However she wouldn’t wait for confirmation, instead she would quickly close the door and return home. If Ren was still staying in her home she would confide in him that she had been feeling down as of late, and would express her concerns about the locals. If he seemed empathetic to her cause Junko would ask him as well to help with the assault she had planned.

Junko awoke early the next morning in preparation for their arrival. While the sky was still dark, she drew herself a hot bath, in hopes it’d relax her from the day's upcoming events. Before leaving the bathroom, Junko would slip on a black bathrobe and a pair of slippers, then she’d begin getting dressed. She knew if she would be fighting, she wouldn’t want to worry about harming her nice clothes so she decided to change it up a bit. She would slip on a black pair of loose, flowy pants, that when standing with her feet together looked like a skirt. For a top, she’d wear a tight black shirt underneath a red long-sleeve, equally flowy shirt that stopped just below her elbow. She would also equip herself with her ninja pouch, securing it on a belt wrapped around her waist.
Just before she expected them to arrive Junko prepared a large breakfast for them. Fresh eggs, bacon, sausage, toast and pancakes.

If they arrived on time, Kiko would answer the door to whoever decided to come first. However, if someone was late, she would assume they were still coming, but something simply distracted them. Kiko then would lead them into the kitchen, where they’d find Junko wearing the attire described above, along with a black apron tied up around her neck and tightly to her waist. She also would have her hair loosely tied up in a ponytail, to keep the hair from falling into the food. She would assist in any needed introductions, making sure to keep the conversation light and friendly. Soon she would finish breakfast, and begin to dish out food to her guests. As they ate, Junko would watch the interactions between the others, making sure that people were getting along. She would attempt to keep any conversation going, hoping to stall if somebody was late. She wouldn’t begin the “meeting” until everyone arrived, and was accounted for.

WC: 827
Ren Kurosawa
Ren Kurosawa
Stat Page : Link
Mission Record : Link
Living Clones : Kitsunagi Kurosawa
Sakoshi Kurosawa
Remove Remove Remove Remove Fūinjutsu Remove Ninjutsu Remove Jikūjutsu Default
Remove Earth Water Remove Fire Default
Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Tsukigakure
Ryo : 46800

A Group Effort (Missions) Empty Re: A Group Effort (Missions)

Mon Feb 05, 2024 2:37 pm
Ren had been drawing this morning, drawing anything that came to mind. At first it was the obvious thing that was on his mind, the beautiful and ever present within Ren's mind Junko. He had several of her now, by several there was dozens. He began another one of her, but suddenly, his mind began to shift in attention. He remembered the misshapen shinobi that he had fought when he first arrived at the island. He still never understood just who they were or what was wrong with them. But he was curious, gods was he curious.

He flipped the pages backwards to the day he had fought them, when they were under his genjutsu atop the ocean's surface. The ears were not that of a human's but as if they had been spliced with a beast. They had no eyes, and they fought as if they didn't need them, like they focused purely on sound. He had heard of others in the world performing such deeds, but this had been the first time he had ever experienced it in first person. "What could have caused them to have such deformities? Or maybe they were sought after? Being able to fight without sight would be quite impressive, and they did so so well." He said to himself as he examined his drawings of the rogues.

It was then that there was a knocking on his door, the sound was soft, as if done with a light hand. "Junko!" he thought to himself. He rushed to the door, but just as he was about to open it completely, he realized that he hadn't gotten dressed yet for the day, "Hang on!" He shut the door the rest of the way, making sure not to slam any fingers in the process, and then he ran to the other side of the room, grabbed his robe, dressed himself, then went back to the door.

When he opened, it he was surely correct. It was Junko, but her expression seemed to be troubled. He opened his arms as to invite her in for a hug. Whether or not she accepted, she did continue by speaking on what was bringing her down as of late. She would explain that the locals had been reporting fires being caught among the villages within the island, and they were looking for her help to deal with whoever was performing the deeds. Ren took this chance to place a hand on her shoulder, feeling her skin against his once again caused his body to rush and his temperature to rise. But he wasn't doing this for any level of pleasure, he still remembered how to act like a human around her... kinda.

When she was done, she asked if he would join her to eliminate the cause of these fires. Ren of course was going to accept, but he did remember the last time he had to stop someone starting fires. His memories flooded in to his mind, causing him to have a moment of reflection before answering her. "My very first kill was stopping someone like this. I've gone a long time without hurting someone, but then I began doing something about bad guys doing bad things, and now I have killed six people, one that I keep with me as a reminder of the weight of the decision to kill someone. That pain never seems to leave my chest. You have brought me so much joy, Junko. You have been the only thing that would be able to bring my mind away from those that I have had to kill. Although you are asking me to stop more bandits, and I will absolutely join you in this cause. I at least needed to let you know that I don't enjoy killing people, it is the hardest thing that I have ever had to do. Regardless, I will join you. I will join your fight, and I will happily do what needs to be done, knowing that I am doing with you and for these locals." He thought for a moment.

"And if I'm honest, Junko. I will do anything to be around you, no matter what it is I have to do to have that as my reality. But most importantly, I need to make sure you are safe when performing this deed. So tell me when we leave, and I will be there."

Junko would respond in her ways, and then she would explain when they would be leaving. Ren would nod, his usual demeanor changing to a more solemn approach. While he did seem to be completely in love with Junko, and he probably was, it didn't change the fact that killing people had brought him much sorrow, something that he had forgotten about since he had met her, until now.

They all prepared for their mission, Ren took less time than the others, as he still didn't have anything more than his travel pack to take with him, and that was always ready. He tied his robe on tight, ensured his sandals were in good order, then he left the room. He saw that Junko was wearing something quite different than her usual. She wore what looked like a flowing skirt and a long sleeve shirt, and yes she looked darling. She even had her weapons equipped to her shoulder and Ren was sold, she was gorgeous in anything she wore. He came out of the room with his simple pack and his robe on and walked out, "I'm ready to go, Junko." He said, he noticed that she was making breakfast, something that he would surely partake of while waiting for the others.

WC: 950
Azuki Shinoda
Azuki Shinoda
Tokubetsu Jounin
Stat Page : Death's Whisper
Mission Record : Missions
Taijutsu Bukijutsu Remove Jikūjutsu Default
Wind Remove Water Lightning Remove Default
Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 110000

A Group Effort (Missions) Empty Re: A Group Effort (Missions)

Tue Feb 06, 2024 11:18 pm
Azuki arrives at Junko's home, a bit later than planned, his presence at the doorway catching the tail end of the gathering. He carries with him the unmistakable aura of someone who has just come from intense training—his appearance slightly withered and his gear showing signs of recent use. Despite the visible signs of exertion, there's a clean scent about him, indicating a quick effort to freshen up before arriving.

"I'm here," Azuki announces, somewhat breathlessly, as he steps into the room, his spear securely fastened on his back. "Sorry for being late. Training ran longer than expected." His tone is apologetic, yet there's an underlying readiness in his voice, signaling his preparedness for what lies ahead.

His eyes scan the room, taking in the faces of those gathered, and the spread of breakfast laid out. Despite the fatigue etched into his features, there's a sharpness in his gaze—an unwavering determination that seems to underscore his every move.

Azuki finds a spot among the others, not letting his tardiness disrupt the flow of conversation or the meal. His presence adds a tangible weight to the gathering, a reminder of the seriousness of their upcoming endeavor. Despite his worn-out appearance, the resolve in his posture speaks volumes of his commitment to assisting with the local disturbances.

As breakfast continues, Azuki keeps mostly to himself, conserving his energy, yet he remains attentive, his senses tuned to the discussions around him. He's ready to spring into action, his recent training session a testament to his dedication to honing his skills for challenges such as these.

When the time comes to discuss the plan to address the attacks on the community, Azuki is fully present, his earlier fatigue momentarily pushed aside by the focus he brings to the mission at hand. His late arrival, rather than a hindrance, serves as a reminder of the lengths he's willing to go to prepare himself for the battles that lie ahead.


Missing-Nin (A-rank)
Missing-Nin (A-rank)
Stat Page : Stat Page
Living Clones : Isamu
Remove Iryōjutsu Remove Jikūjutsu Default
Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Default
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 271700

A Group Effort (Missions) Empty Re: A Group Effort (Missions)

Sat Feb 10, 2024 11:31 pm
Mission Info:

Denkiteki received the message from Junko's 'sister', who seemed to possess the same chakra signature as her. I'm not the only one making Living Clones, it would seem.

Noting that it seemed Junko wanted to take action against greater threats to the country of Moon, the former Tenkage sighed and returned his attention to his newest creations as Junko's clone left. He commanded Isamu to leave with the dog that Junko had bought Den and head to the Adoption Center where it had been purchased. He wanted Isamu to guard that area and also learn how to properly take care of a dog while he was there. The Living Clone let out his own sigh and gave a dejected affirmation as he took the dog by the leash and led it upstairs. The dog didn't seem entirely happy with the ordeal, wanting to walk over to Den as Isamu tried to gently guide it up the stairs. Eventually, the small pet relented and Isamu departed from the ruined village.

Denkiteki awoke to the sound of footsteps moving through the ruins of Tengakure. He quickly got up and focused on the noise, realizing that it was a group of people in combat gear navigating through the barren streets in a disorganized horde. As the blind man got up from his makeshift bed he sensed Hasumi was beginning to stir. The artificial girl got up from her own makeshift bed a few meters away, seeming to have woken up by Den's sudden movements.

"What's wrong?" The girl whispered, her voice betraying her concern.

"It seems we aren't the only ones living within this ruin."

The two had ventured out from the basement Den had hidden them within, the former Tenkage a bit concerned about how his newest creation would fare should those within the ruin prove hostile. The blind man tried to urge the young girl to turn back and return to the basement, or perhaps even leave and head towards Junko's, but the girl decided to be persistent.

"I know you want to be rid of me, but it'd be safer with you don't you think? I wouldn't exactly be able to do anything if I run into these people or they find me, maybe you should prioritize getting me to safety first if you're so concerned."

Den sighed internally as the girl spoke, her brash demeanor and focus on his mistakes reminding him of his experience with Kokou, the five-tailed beast. The Demon had often enjoyed chastising Den for his mistakes while being sealed inside of him, its form of payback for Den's mistreatment. The former Tenkage pondered if he and this new creation of his would enter a similar dynamic as he continued along after the sounds he had heard, ignoring the girl as he focused his senses around them to try and determine if any more strangers were making their way through the ruined village.

With Hasumi reluctantly following him the former Tenkage soon found himself making his way toward the center of the village the path they walked was once familiar to him. He'd often gone from the residential district they were hiding in towards the center of the village back when the village was still in use, opting to walk instead of teleport if he wanted to mingle amongst the masses for a little bit. It seemed that their destination was also the same as the one he'd had back then, the Tenkage Tower.

Getting close to the building but still not within range to sense it with his Adaptive Deprivation, the former Tenkage would speak back to Hasumi, "The building at the very end of this road, how much of it is left?"

"What building? I mean I guess there's a bit of rubble there. I was kinda hoping you were going to mention something about the freaks that have been surrounding us though."

Den stopped in his tracks as Hasumi spoke her second sentence, "What freaks? I'm only sensing the smell from the tracks we're following, there's nothing around us as far as I can tell."

"I mean they're a bit far away... a 100 meters or something? I don't know. I was just born yesterday, remember? Can you not see them?"

Den mentally cursed himself for his foolishness, he hadn't thought that any onlookers would remain outside of his deprivation range if they had been spotted. It was more embarrassing than endangering however, Den could always teleport himself and Hasumi to safety if they decided to engage.

"Can you at least sense the guy at the end of the road, the giant one with all the.... the.." The girl started to stammer as she seemed to look off towards the distance, Den hearing her heart rate begin to elevate as she began to panic.

It seemed the two of them had perhaps been lured into an ambush, the former Tenkage now curious as to who had organized such a thing. He briefly wondered if these foes were after him because of his bounty, but figured it was just as likely that they were trying to set up their own hideout in the ruins and the foolish blind man had stumbled into one of their traps.

Deciding that he was rather curious about these new enemies, but not wanting to risk Hasumi, the blind man quickly performed some hand seals at 90 speed. His hand formed the tiger, horse, ram, and then the technique-specific clone seal to activate the Shadow Clone Technique. Two identical copies of him would appear to either side, one rushing forward and towards the figure that had caused Hasumi to stammer while the other stepped to the opposite side of Hasumi and put its left hand on the hilt of its katana.

As Den and his nearest clone made sure to cover either side of Hasumi they both began to sense some of the strange figures approaching. They both immediately recognized them as chimeras of humans and other species, a dark medical practice that had been used extensively over 10 years ago. Though Den had never had to face such creatures himself there had been many horror stories, at least in regards to how disturbing the creatures looked. As far as the former Tenkage was aware the line of study had been mostly a dead end, he had never heard of anyone successfully mixing the genetics of humans and animals and creating a being on par with a shinobi.

Strange to see it resurface, and for so many to have been created. I wonder who could be doing this.

As the rest of the group remained together one lone clone of Den's rushed forward at 90 speed, quickly sensing a giant imposing figure as he made his way down the road. Beelining towards it, the shadow clone drew its blade and prepared for combat. His mistake was assuming that large meant slow, however, and as he drew near he quickly realized he miscalculated his positioning as the large foe began to bear down upon him at great speed. The clone sensed an overhead swing and dodged to the side to avoid it, rolling to the side to avoid the trajectory he believed the attack would travel. All too late the clone would realize it had made another error, halfway through its roll it would sense that the strange enemy had yet to bring their weapon down and had baited out the maneuver. As the clone was about to get to its feet it felt a crunching sensation as its skull was brutally destroyed.

The real Denkiteki would receive that clone's memories while he and the other were facing off against the strange chimera men that were rushing towards them and Hasumi. Thankfully the girl had somewhat come to her senses and was attempting to run away, moving at a slow speed as the two Denkitekis circled her and took out foes before they got too close. The former Tenkage was starting to get concerned about the situation, but now he was getting even more curious about this strange looming figure.

"Grab the girl and run, I'm heading towards the Tower."

The clone would quickly respond to Den's command, grabbing the girl and fleeing at 90 speed as the original went in the opposite direction at the same pace.

The former Tenkage quickly engaged the large foe, not falling for the same tactic as his clone. The former shinobi dodged about from roughly 3 to 4 meters away from his enemy as he lunged forward and attacked with various bladed weapons, which Den now realized were wielded by separate arms that had been grafted to this strange person's body. While Den was able to dodge about from a slight distance he found himself struggling to find an opening in his foe's defense, even as he attacked it seemed that some of the other limbs were ready to protect him.

Eventually trying to force an opening, Den waited until his foe attempted another overheard strike. After sidestepping it, the former Tenkage jumped atop the giant mangled arm that the foe had lashed out with, hoping to run up it and stab the enemy in the face before he managed to remove his weapon from the pavement that it had just embedded itself into. Unfortunately, his foe wasn't too hung up in his weapon, and simply let go of it and swung his arm to the side, launching the former Tenkage through the air and into a pile of rubble. Thankfully Denkiteki's Ronin Robe was just durable enough to withstand the impact and prevent him from taking any damage that would impede him, but the former Tenkage still felt bruised and battered as he slowly got up.

"So who are you, that dare to tread in Kurogane's domain? Remove that mask and kneel, and perhaps I'll let you become part of me."

Standing a few meters from the large man, Den felt flashes of recognition as the figure spoke his name. The former Tenkage knew immediately that this wasn't his former student of the same name, but a scientist of little note who had also resided within the village. Denkiteki wouldn't have even known who the man was if it wasn't for a single memory in which he had been looking through files and had briefly commented on their similar name.

It seemed the man had managed to find some avenue to power since the destruction of the village, though Denkiteki wondered if the costs were worth it. He could never see himself stooping to such a level, to so sloppily graft others' limbs onto their own body. If he had eyes he would probably have tried to respond with some taunt about the man's grotesque appearance, but thankfully his blindness allowed him to deal with only the disturbing silhouette of the man.

Taking a deep breath Den would briefly sheath his sword and activate one of his enhancers, thinking that if he wanted to be able to land a telling blow with his sword then he would need to be faster. His skin darkened and turned a grey hue as a black symbol formed across the bridge of his nose. Every cell in his body tingled as he felt the natural energy within him mix with his chakra just slightly, enough to excite the Jugo bloodline within his body. A chuckle escaped Den's lips as he quickly did the hand seals for the Mind's Eye Technique, forming the rat, dragon, boar, monkey, and then horse seals. He then drew his sword once more, crouching slightly and then rushing towards the foe at 90 speed.

This time he didn't bother to try and dodge the foe's overhead swing. As his foe prepared it Den simply increased his movement speed on the next step, suddenly moving at his new speed of 150 as he quickly closed the distance between him and his foe. Striking out at the smaller of Kurogane's legs, Den's blade sliced into it as he quickly maneuvered underneath his foe and behind him. Unfortunately, the wound seemed to be little more than superficial, the scream that bellowed from Kurogane seeming to be more of anger than pain as he quickly spun around to try and strike at Denkiteki again.

The two clashed for some time, Den managing to avoid being stricken again but finding himself unable to land any telling blows as he continued to make shallow cuts at the enemy. With his Mind's eye active he found himself now able to notice slight shifts in the enemy's chakra before he would use some of his quicker and more powerful maneuvers.

As the two fought Den suddenly got the memories of his second clone, thoughts rushing into his brain of it desperately trying to carry Hasumi out of the ruins as they were swarmed by numerous strange chimera men. Den was shocked by the number of foes he saw within the memories and also the final scenes of the clone's life where it got dogpiled by a bunch of chimera men. They seemed to grab Hasumi and drag her back towards the direction of the Tower's remains as the clone was beaten into the ground, quickly dispersing.

Taken aback by the memories, Den found himself making a lapse in his maneuvering and found himself being struck by the large foe. This time he didn't hit rubble, instead bouncing along the street as his opponent chased after him. Denkiteki's body rolled to a stop as the foe lunged toward his prone form, a large weapon raised above its head aimed to crush Den into the pavement. The former Tenkage barely managed to roll out of the way in time, making his way back onto his feet at 150 speed.

Realizing that this encounter was starting to drag on and that he was beginning to lose Den pondered escaping. Sending a brief telepathic message to Hasumi, he quickly conversed with her and discerned that the chimeras seemed to be taking her back to the Tower rather than trying to kill her. Denkiteki considered attempting a rescue, however he knew he wouldn't be able to keep up his transformation for much longer. Cursing himself for making so many careless errors he turned to escape, using his increased speed to outpace Kurogane as he made his escape.

Avoiding the main road Den moved through what used to be the back alleys of Tenga as he made his escape. His path wasn't entirely similar to the ones he had traveled back in the days before the destruction, some alleys blocked by rubble while some buildings were no longer in the way. As he moved he occasionally got messages from Hasumi, updating him of her status as she was brought to the giant man. Stating in a message that he would go and get help, the former Tenkage made it out of the village. He was chased by a few fast chimera men as he moved through the broken village but thankfully his current speed of 150 was enough to outpace them.

Exiting the village, Den made his way hastily down the road and towards Junko's house. He knew that she had gathered together some other individuals, including the one he'd met named Azuki, and figured that if they came with him to the ruins they might be able to drive off these foes that had suddenly appeared. They might even be the foes that Junko had sent word about, perhaps Den should have been more weary when he got the news.

Den's transformation would end a couple of kilometers before he reached Junko's home, his speed reduced to 90 as he continued to make his way there. When he finally arrived, he quickly sensed the presence of Azuki at the doorway, who seemed to have also arrived late. Almost immediately after he would sense Junko and an unfamiliar chakra, both within the building already.

Stopping a couple of meters away from Azuki the former Tenkage's attire would be in a similar state of disrepair, though it would be obvious he hadn't freshened up before arriving. The blind man took several deep breaths as he attempted to catch his breath, silently chiding himself for being so slow.

After catching his breath Den would stand up straight, his robe still a bit disheveled and small trails of blood trickling down his body from small cuts and scrapes. If Junko and the unfamiliar chakra were still inside he would try and make his way into the building, beckoning for Azuki to do the same if he lingered after seeing Den.

Upon being able to address all 3 of the other shinobi Den would attempt to explain, "I don't know if they are the bandits you intend to seek out but I did come across a group of altered people that seemed to have taken up residence in the ruins of Tengakure. They've managed to capture one of my Living Clones. I attempted to engage them but found it to be too much for myself. There is a large number of them, and one amongst them seems to have obtained quite a bit of power by grafting body parts onto himself. I know you've brought this group together to fight bandit's Junko, but even if these aren't the ones you're looking for I think they may be a greater threat."

As he finished speaking, the former Tenkage would grunt as he felt a sudden pain in his side. It seemed he was more hurt than he thought. Not wanting to reveal his extensive healing abilities however, Den opted to stay behind for now and rest while keeping in touch with Hasumi via telepathy.

"I think I'm going to head down to the basement and nurse my wounds, once I've healed I'll attempt to rejoin you all on the battlefield."

With that he would head down to the basement where he would hide and nurse his wounds.

[Exit. Will do claims later]


Game Mechanics
-30 AP for Shadow Clone
-40 AP for Berserk Sage Transformaton
-34 AP for Mind's Eye(135 Power)[1/5 Post Duration]
-15 AP for Space-Time Clone Telepathy
+10 AP and 1 Nature Energy Stack from Natural Berserker
1073/1182 AP
1/6 Nature Energy Stacks

Last edited by Denkiteki on Sun Feb 11, 2024 2:56 pm; edited 2 times in total (Reason for editing : Edited with permission of other participants to add in an exit to the thread)
Junko Tsukiko
Junko Tsukiko
Village Leader
Village Leader
Stat Page : Stat Page
Mission Record : Mission Log
Living Clones : Kiko Tsukiko
Jun Tsukiko
Remove Iryōjutsu Remove Fūinjutsu Ninjutsu Remove Default
Remove Earth Water Lightning Remove Default
Clan Specialty : Genjutsu
Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 0

A Group Effort (Missions) Empty Re: A Group Effort (Missions)

Sun Feb 11, 2024 3:16 pm
Junko quickly ushered Azuki and Takehiko inside her home, hoping that Takehiko wouldn’t be followed by the amalgamations that Ren had previously described to her. Junko noticed the blood on Takehiko's robes and listened intently as he described the situation. She wanted to aid him but knew that her attention was needed elsewhere at that moment. Though she noticed how tired he was so she decided to allow him to say his piece and go downstairs to attend to his own wounds.

After he left the conversation Junko would turn to Azuki and Ren, and let out a sigh. She hoped that they would have been able to take this on together, but it looked like it was just going to be the three of them. The group would continue eating as normal and discussing the upcoming events. She was excited to see how well Azuki fared in combat and would be watching him closely in the upcoming fight. Junko would pull a small map of the ruins out from a bookshelf in the living room and lay it on the table for them all to gaze at. She would attempt to continue the discussion and finish their meal together.

After eating and finishing their meal Junko would say her goodbyes to Jun and Kiko, and then lead Ren and Azuki away from the home. While walking she would keep her normal, cheery demeanor but be on high alert due to the recent attack. As soon as she stepped out of her home he would activate her ketsuryugan and begin walking to the ruins. She would be on the lookout for any unrecognized chakra signatures, and try to find any who would hide using her blood chakra vision

Total WC:1246

AP (25% reduction from 100 chakra)

-12 AP Mature Ketsuryugan
Remaining AP : 1988
Ren Kurosawa
Ren Kurosawa
Stat Page : Link
Mission Record : Link
Living Clones : Kitsunagi Kurosawa
Sakoshi Kurosawa
Remove Remove Remove Remove Fūinjutsu Remove Ninjutsu Remove Jikūjutsu Default
Remove Earth Water Remove Fire Default
Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Tsukigakure
Ryo : 46800

A Group Effort (Missions) Empty Re: A Group Effort (Missions)

Sun Feb 11, 2024 3:23 pm
Ren stood when the stranger entered the house, unsure of who he was. He spoke of a grave threat that seemed to be at their borders. He mentioned the misshapen shinobis, exactly ther same as the ones that he had faced before. He continued and spoke of a leader, one that he had only heard of to this point, but hadn't seen. "Grafted onto himself? That's very concerning. Thank you for bringing that to our attention stranger." Ren would look to Junko as they began to converse and she offered him the basement for him to heal and rest within, typical Junko things.

The stranger went down to the basement, and Junko ushered him and Azuki out of the house and towards the ruins of Tengakure. He wasn't sure just how this was going to work with just the three of them, but he was willing to go to the ends of the Earth for Junko, what's a little jaunt to the ruins? He happily walked alongside her, scanning the horizon for any signs of trouble, and continued on their way to the ruins.

WC: 184
Azuki Shinoda
Azuki Shinoda
Tokubetsu Jounin
Stat Page : Death's Whisper
Mission Record : Missions
Taijutsu Bukijutsu Remove Jikūjutsu Default
Wind Remove Water Lightning Remove Default
Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 110000

A Group Effort (Missions) Empty Re: A Group Effort (Missions)

Sun Feb 11, 2024 3:34 pm
Azuki, after the strategic discussions and meal at Junko's house, silently prepared to accompany Junko and Ren to the ruins. Without verbal farewells or declarations, he communicated his readiness through his actions, subtly aligning himself with the duo's movements as they prepared to depart. His decision to join them was clear in his purposeful demeanor, yet he chose not to articulate it, maintaining his characteristic quiet.

As Junko activated her ketsuryugan and stepped out of her home, high in alert and leading the way to the ruins, Azuki followed suit. His presence was a silent pillar of support, an unspoken assurance of his commitment to their cause. The night around them seemed to acknowledge their mission, its shadows casting a solemn backdrop to their determined strides.

Azuki's participation in the journey to the ruins, though silent, was a testament to his resolve and willingness to stand alongside Junko and Ren. As they navigated the quiet streets, each step took them closer to their destination and the challenges that awaited. Azuki's silent exit from Junko's home into the night, alongside his companions, marked the beginning of a united front against the unknown dangers of the ruins. Spear in hand he kept his eyes open for anything tonight.

WC: 206 TWC: 526  

Junko Tsukiko
Junko Tsukiko
Village Leader
Village Leader
Stat Page : Stat Page
Mission Record : Mission Log
Living Clones : Kiko Tsukiko
Jun Tsukiko
Remove Iryōjutsu Remove Fūinjutsu Ninjutsu Remove Default
Remove Earth Water Lightning Remove Default
Clan Specialty : Genjutsu
Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 0

A Group Effort (Missions) Empty Re: A Group Effort (Missions)

Sun Feb 11, 2024 4:04 pm
Following their plan, the three of them would soon stand before the gates of the ruins. She had been here once before with Azuki, but now the ruins seemed changed. Some rubble had been cleared away, some buildings looked to have some weak reinforcements, and it just overall looked neater. Obviously this was suspicious, she recalled Takehiko mentioning wanting to keep a low profile when they were creating their soon to be hideout, and now she completely understood why. Also due to her ability to see organs through solid objects, she could see the numerous bodies that laid in waiting. It was strange however as they didn’t look like the normal humanoids. As Ren and Den mentioned previously they looked to be humans stitched together with some sort of animal. Unfortunately she wasn’t able to discern what exactly they looked like, but feared she would soon find out.

Before entering Junko would inform Ren and Azuki of the information she gathered, she also would do the bird, rat, ox, monkey, rat, dragon, ox, and snake hand seals, completing the rain tiger at will technique. She knew that both her and Ren primarily used water, so she decided it would be beneficial for them to have access to the element. Quickly water would pour from the sky, allowing them both to use their water techniques freely. Following Azuki and Ren's lead, Junko would follow them into the fray and begin providing cover for them as they began the fight.

Total WC:1471

AP used
- 12 Mature Ketsuryugan
- 38 Rain Tiger At Will

Remaining AP  1938
Ren Kurosawa
Ren Kurosawa
Stat Page : Link
Mission Record : Link
Living Clones : Kitsunagi Kurosawa
Sakoshi Kurosawa
Remove Remove Remove Remove Fūinjutsu Remove Ninjutsu Remove Jikūjutsu Default
Remove Earth Water Remove Fire Default
Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Tsukigakure
Ryo : 46800

A Group Effort (Missions) Empty Re: A Group Effort (Missions)

Sun Feb 11, 2024 4:25 pm
A calm was brought about, only cut short by the sound of rain pattering against the floor below them. They would walk into this barrage of water with gladness as it would aid both Junko and himself in their water techniques, acting as a source for them both to use. "What a strange individual. I have never met him, but he seems to have met Junko previously based on how they spoke. I'll ask her about it later." He would think to himself as they continued to walk.

He looked over to the sides of the pathway that they were on. It was the same path that he had been on when he first arrived in Moon, where he was ambushed. He had a bad feeling about what would happen should that same ambush happen this time, but luckily he had friends with him this time and the likelihood of him getting completely surrounded was lesser with allies.

It was then that he noticed, "Azuki to the right!" He would yell just before a barrage of projectiles came directly for his position. He dove to the right and slashed to the right to deflect the projectiles that were coming for Junko, but he was pierced by one in his left arm. He pulled it out of his arm and he readied himself for the fight that would ensue.

WC: 228
Azuki Shinoda
Azuki Shinoda
Tokubetsu Jounin
Stat Page : Death's Whisper
Mission Record : Missions
Taijutsu Bukijutsu Remove Jikūjutsu Default
Wind Remove Water Lightning Remove Default
Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 110000

A Group Effort (Missions) Empty Re: A Group Effort (Missions)

Tue Feb 13, 2024 4:15 pm
Azuki kept his eyes peeled and wasn't too pleased about the rain from their jutsu. However he deemed is most likely necessary for her apparent water style. However suddenly kunai came after the rain would wall. The stranger protected Junko much to Azuki's irritation who would use his spear to deflect another onslaught of kunai that would come from his side as well. He spun his spear around with ease deflecting every kunai to come his way creating a protective barrier. "Create a distraction for me."

Azuki would angle himself to side step in front of Junko while the Ren person took the other side. He would wait if he had rushed in before before working together with these two he was liable to catch a jutsu to the back. He may not normally work with others but he has spent a lot of his life guarding them. He calculated distance as he activated his cat eyes jutsu. He could only sense chakra within 5m so he was useless in discovering how many enemies actually lied in wait. "Only a moment." His grip bared down on his spear as his eyes filled with bloodlust. He was cursed no more but the blood lust of battle remained. A well of truth and animosity that roared to life as chakra spurred from his body. His atman spirit forming from the overflow of chakra the embodiment of a true demon.

WC: 238 TWC: 764

Techs used 25% Reduction
Cat Eyes Mastered No Seals 3ap
Display Of Power

Total Ap 496- 3ap= 493
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