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Maybe Like A Group Effort [IO, NK] Empty Re: Maybe Like A Group Effort [IO, NK]

Mon Oct 17, 2022 12:25 pm
Baliquis had slept in pretty well and woke up without being interrupted or someone going out of their way to do it. That was the abnormal part; Not being woken up. No one was there urging her to get up as she groaned like a disturbed bear and stirred to begrudging awakeness. No one was nudging her repeatedly to get up, and their nagging was not tainting her crisp air as she completed a morning yawn- the first of many. No one had done with for what was five, no, six days now? It seems that her peers might have had something to do with it, but as Bali sat upright in her futon on the floor, she could only think of one clear response: Good. Another thought soon followed it. ‘Alone.’ She couldn’t feel her little friends nearby or in the courtyard and stared numbly at the sheets under her hands.

How long was this meant to go on? Was there a clock that counted down how much time one was allowed to exist in such an awkward state of grief? Did she struggle to grasp the time as it slipped through her fingers, as solid, tangible, and natural as grains of sand emboldened with the lingering poison of feelings? Sand that always seemed too much heavier than she recalled the time before, which skittered and scattered through hands she never remembered being so light and passive? Was there a clock somewhere that counted, and she couldn’t see it?

Still, she got up and bathed, sighing into the steam as she sat in the water before proceeding with the clumsy routine she had managed to cobble together this past, frustratingly new days of splashing some water on her face to wake up, finishing her bathing then dress and put on a streak or two of makeup. Hence, she felt to be in some control. Afterward was always the question of ‘what to do now?’ and today, the Grand Design answered it for her in the form of Hena coming towards her chambers as Bali exited, “Good morning.” Hena said, and then she ventured another strange new addition to her recent days- “How are you feeling?” Nobody fucking cared how Baliquis felt before she had that… ‘moment of lacking control,’ but now? Almost everyone who interacted with her asked it in the same timid, curious way that the person before them and the person after them would. It made Baliquis pleased to a degree because they all seemed to ask it in a gentle, submissive way as if inquiring any other way would cause Baliquis to suddenly ‘snap’ and turn on them. Was this the way that animals felt when they pestered a parent, and the parent whipped around to bear their teeth or snap their jaws at them? It only pleased Baliquis because it was what she had worked hard for and tried to maintain with her illustrious mask- working to instill some equal measures of fear and respect.

Now for the rest of the mask, the practices, and the poised words. “I am.” Hena’s face showed relief and hope. What a waste. “I believe I am well enough to go to my office.” Fear flickered in her eyes for a moment but not quick enough for Bali to miss it. What the fuck now?

“I’m actually bringing you something, so there’s no real need to go to your office.” Hena said, but it was only suspicious, though the young woman held up an envelope, “It’s concerning Lady Genosis…o-only if you are up to it. I can read it to you.” There were so many ways she wanted to respond.

“What about my sister?” Her mind demanded her to answer, but Baliquis was more intelligent than to let her emotions take charge. Again. “Summarize it for me, please.”

“You must go to Lady Genosis’s things and empty her house.” Ok, that was much too short, so Baliquis asked for a more detailed summary, to which Hena proceeded, “So, there seems to have been a failure in our system regarding the houses we constructed- for the low-income civilians and the less fortunate? The housing program you made?” Ah, yes… the series of excuses she made to give her sister a house. “Well, at one point in time, Lady Genosis seemed to leave her residence, and it seems no one saw her for a while. It was reported to the temple, and the matter was handed off to a lower-ranking monk to go and check in with the priestess and see if she was alright, but…well…It seems from these reports he never did. So the house was sitting vacant because everyone seems to think it got ‘handled.’” Hena said and then licked her lips nervously before continuing, “When…As she did, Lady Genosis returned to us, the process of resolving many of her ‘worldly possessions’ came across this discrepancy.”

“And what of her things then? And the house?” Baliquis answered, and Hena replied,

“Her things have been boxed up but where they are to go and what is to be done with the house is a bit of a ‘toss-up’- The Elders believe that since you made the program, you should decide what to do with the home and have said they will honor your decision on what to do with the possessions.”

“...She had a family estate; what of them?” Baliquis asked, and Hena said,

“Well… it is empty. We sent a messenger who returned and said there were no recent signs of people being there and that much of the landscaping was overgrown.” Hena said, and Baliquis sighed, “Elder Chi said you have permission to visit the estate and look over it yourself to determine the best course of action.” Then Hena went silent and stared at her for an answer. For a solution. For something. Baliquis sighed heavily instead.

“Yeah. Yeah, I’ll go over there and look, I guess.” Baliquis said, “Have Lady Genosis’s possessions be brought to the storage room by my chambers.” Hena nodded and wrote down the instructions before Baliquis asked, “How soon do I need to decide on the house she was inhabiting?” Hena answered that much more directly. Three days. That was the time limit. Thankfully, Hena came prepared with a pair of trusty, crudely drawn-in-pencil-on-a-napkin maps. One for her twin sister’s home and one for the family estate. For fuck’s sake. “I’ll take a walk over there, I guess.”

She put on ‘appropriate’ geta in the form of only an additional inch of height and pulled on her updated uniform before leaving the grounds and sighed as she tried to make sense of the two little maps and the key given to her for Geni’s house. It took her until about the afternoon to get into the house. Thirty minutes to walk over and locate it and another couple of hours to stop staring at the massively overgrown front garden and work up the strength to go through, open the small, latched, and iron-born swing gate that connected the enclosed, cookie-cutter iron gates of the other properties, shut it behind her and walk up to the door mat. Filthy. Everything was fucking filthy. Baliquis couldn’t bear to look behind her and see her twin sitting or doing something, but she grabbed a handful of her kimono sleeve and circularly whipped it on the window near the door to make a shakily reliable view to see inside the house. It took her another few moments, but she needed to at least check the condition- right? So she looked inside. For all ten seconds before abruptly pulling herself away, leaving through the same small gate she entered, then shutting it behind her before darting off onto the adjacent street. To start doing the steep ascending climb towards her family’s property- no, ex-family- estate. As she tried to focus on the map and follow its simple directions, to take another street to the left of this one’s end and take that street over a bridge towards the estate, her mind was buzzing.

It was empty. It had things in there, but it was so vacant. Not in the sense of a lack of any items but in the sense that it didn’t have the same warmth she remembered her sister having or any actual personality to it. Like someone just- slept there but didn’t live there.

Was that what Baliquis had purchased with her exchange? That void and that emptiness? Did she imagine it, or did her sister honestly sleep there and barely exist in that house? Was she overthinking it, or was that a reality that her sister wasn’t sharing or didn’t ‘want to burden anyone with?

Either way, she stopped at the middle of a bridge that overlooked the city below just past its railing, where the sun had already set, and she hadn’t noticed lights for the roads had flickered on while she was in her head, and she just stared out.

“Well…fuck. I’m going to be lost on the way back.” Baliquis said aloud to herself and groaned, looking accusingly at the shitty napkin maps, “Who draws a map on a goddamn napkin anyways?” As if the napkin map had led her astray and not her absent-mindedness.

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Maybe Like A Group Effort [IO, NK] Empty Re: Maybe Like A Group Effort [IO, NK]

Tue Oct 18, 2022 6:34 am
“Uh, hey, Stacey! You seein’ this shit?” She did not recognize the voice, but she looked over to where it came from to see a damaged arm being waved at her, and she was immediately caught off-guard and without her ‘Mask’ on. Being in the temple, she needed it on at all times but being out here in the village where she had never been before, and she didn’t feel a need to extend the extra effort to keep up appearances since no one knew her or better yet, someone might mistake her for her twin sister.

Which would work in the long run; Quite well for her if she decided to slip and try to co-mingle amongst the shinobi. After all, they might frequently mistake her for her sister and keep their guard down since Geni always had a habit of finding a way to lower them naturally.

However, Baliquis looked in the direction the other young woman was pointing to and saw what she was talking about- some sort of tear in the air. Almost at attention, it began to bulge and grow more significant in its purple and abnormal existence. What the fuck was that? It began to change from a lackluster purple to a glowing rip. Baliquis raised her right arm and covered her mouth and nose with her kimono sleeve against the strange, disgustingly sugar-sweet smell that began to permeate the air.

Run. A thought crossed the darkened waters of her mind, but it didn’t break the surface nor bring forth anything- A more dominant voice seized that surface-breaking title when it shook the water with a low growl of, Stand your ground. Baliquis gleaned at the other woman who seemed to be doing the latter and if she would endure this encounter. Baliquis would instead not do it alone. Though the company of another person she didn’t know was foreign and rippled with uncertainty, there was a nostalgic comfort in existing with a singular person. Was it because she had always felt ‘whole’ with her twin despite them being two different and complete people? Was that origin where she got this warmth and comfort of not being entirely alone? “I think it’s like, uh...” The younger female said, “... rip in reality? In time and space.” She paused, then added, “Or it’s about to be, anyway.” Baliquis looked to the rift as it began to wonder what COULD be done. They were both closest to it, and she didn’t see or sense anyone else around, so if anyone was meant to tackle or approach this situation, it would have to be them- there was no one else around, and they were closest after all. Teaming up would be the best option, so Baliquis folded the napkin maps she had and slipped them into the waistband of her skirt before turning and trotting over to the younger woman,

“I’m not ‘Stacey,’ but fuck yeah, I see it. I’m Baliquis.” Baliquis corrected but stopped next to the young woman, “I’ve never encountered a situation like this before,” Balquis looked her over, “You seem more experienced, and I don’t think there’s anyone else near, but if you’re willing to act on this with me, I’ll follow your lead.”

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Maybe Like A Group Effort [IO, NK] Empty Re: Maybe Like A Group Effort [IO, NK]

Thu Oct 20, 2022 9:50 am
The conversation that followed Baliquis's offer began with "Okay, um..." That was never an excellent sign, but it would seem this was also a new experience for the younger woman. "I have a jutsu that can get us from here to there," The woman said and pointed at the rift again, "Right up inside of it. It'll hurt like a motherfucker, though." Was that pain meant for Baliquis or this woman who was about to perform the jutsu? Either way, the implication triggered something stranger in Baliquis- excitement. A thrilling charge and release of adrenaline helped her focus on the task at hand, and a small thrill skittered up her spine as she focused on the other woman's words, "Once we're inside, you gotta smash whatever's making the rift. It'll be alive, probably, and asleep or growing, or something like that."

Yeah! Wait. Wait, wait, w
ait, no, what!? Killing in public?

"Once we do that, we should be home free." The woman said as her eyes began to change- strange blackened markings with curved tails took formation in her eyes. Baliquis couldn't help but struggle to think of what type of witchcraft- no- 'jutsu' this was. Baliquis's mind went into a frenzy as she tried to rack her brain for anything. Glancing at the rip, she could see it now- what the other woman was talking about. A darkened mass was seemingly not moving entirely.

Did she even have anything on her? She scrabbled to hastily pat herself down and remembered a kunai on the outside of her right thigh, under her skirt, and moved parts of the fabric to get to it- fingers fumbling to find the body-heat-warmed handle. It was taking too long for her to see it, but when she found it and produced it, she concluded that she needed to work on a design change to her outfit and felt something on her shoulder. Bali looked over to see the other woman's hand on it- "Three, two, one..." Wait. Wait, wait, wait. That's what her mind screamed frantically, but there was no waiting because the entire worlds were blurring together and then apart, and they were standing in some darkened realm. Then the hand slipped, and Baliquis looked to her left to see the other woman stumble over and fall to her knees, then start to clutch her head with her one good arm and what was left of her other arm, "Fucking kill it!" She screamed, and Bali twitched before looking toward the direction she had remembered seeing the mass before shifting into the rift-

It was massive and laying on a stone slab but wasn't really moving or reacting to them, and it seemed human-like from its structure and how it slept on its side- but Baliquis moved forward towards it anyways.

Honestly, she didn't want to do this. The killing part wasn't entirely welcomed, but it was the fact that this creature wasn't a shinobi and most definitely did not believe in their village- it had no connection to her. She didn't know it from a cone of incense, but this task had to be done by someone, and she was the only abled body among them. When she got to the stone slab, she used some edges in its natural counterface to climb up on top and decided to be as quick as she could about this so that she could feel less guilty- by going to its upper body and then it's head and put the tip of the kunai just outside of its ear canal. With a deep breath, she drove the kunai down its ear canal, and when she heard a sickening pop and the thing started to move, she hiked up her skirt enough to get what she needed-

A single, steady foothold on the creature so that she could balance on that foothold and do what she proceeded to do- drop kick the kunai jammed in the beast's ear canal with her left foot's geta as it screeched. Unfortunately for her, the beast moves at the last moment, and the shift in foothold also causes misfortune for the beast- there was a shift in weight to the death-dealing blow. From a percentage of Bali's weight to fucking all of it when she was nearly bucked and instinctually moved to rely on her other foot. In the last death spasm, Bali slipped, tripped, fell gracefully off the beast, bounced off the stone slab, and hit the ground. As she tried to get her bearings, it happened- this world started to shake and tremble. "Oh fuck-" The other woman. Baliquis got to her feet, wobbling before turning and clopped as fast as she could over to the other female as the stone slab erupted and tossed off the fresh corpse. She grabbed the girl and, if allowed, helped her to her feet by wrapping her good arm around Baliquis's shoulders, "I don't suppose you know how to leave because it's time to go!"

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Maybe Like A Group Effort [IO, NK] Empty Re: Maybe Like A Group Effort [IO, NK]

Fri Oct 21, 2022 7:11 am
The rift throbbed as she held the woman who voiced - “Yeah, uh...” - things began to twist and shift once more as the surroundings once more turned to where they had been before- the bridge overlooking the village. As Baliquis tried to still come to grips and terms with what had just happened, as her adrenaline screamed for her to do more than stand, the woman she was helping stand up - despite the entire head’s height difference between them- wiped her eyes on her sleeve, “... I guess so. My stop’s here, I was about to set up under the bridge’ fore the rift opened up. Um...” She was bleeding from her eyes.

So, even their witchcraft has a price? How helpful for Baliquis.

“... Thanks, for helping out with this. I don’t think I could have done it alone.” The woman said, and Baliquis knew this was the moment she should pull away and leave but-

Please don’t leave her. Baliquis flicked her eyes to the side and saw her sister there. Don’t. The phantom said, and Baliquis looked away from it as soon as she had looked at it. What was she meant to do? Leave her there? Missing an arm, fucked up, and bleeding? Bali glanced down the path she had meant to go before the rift. It was still another 15 or 20-minute walk to the family estate, and she wasn’t entirely sure if the woman next to her would make it through the night. The abandoned house she couldn’t bring herself to enter was closer and down the hill, she had come up.

“You are welcome; I certainly could not have done it by myself,” Baliquis said, removing the girl’s arm from around her neck and holding her arm parallel to the ground with a firm grip on the girl’s upper arm, which was intact so that Baliquis could assess her own condition. She wasn’t too badly injured but sore, and thankfully her geta were still in well-enough shape for her to make it back to the temple. “I have a better idea than staying here and under this bridge, but you’re not in shape to walk.” Baliquis said, “So, excuse me for being so forward, but I’ll be carrying you for a bit.” Bali said bluntly as she crouched a bit to make picking the younger girl up a bit easier on her back, wrapped her good arm around Bali’s neck with her left hand, then swept her legs out from under her at the knees to pick her up and eased to a standing position, Bali putting her left arm around the girl’s upper back and lightly clasped the shoulder of her injured arm, “I’m sorry if it’s a bit uncomfortable.” Baliquis said and hesitated, feeling a raindrop of a presence, and looked towards its direction. Henna was coming up the hill she had taken to reach this bridge, and Hena twitched to attention when she met with Baliquis, “What are you doing here?”

“I thought… maybe you got lost.” Henna said, and Baliquis instead started moving forward,

“You came in time; this woman has possessions under this bridge. Please collect them and meet me at the housing complex I checked earlier.” Baliquis said, and Hena nodded as Baliquis walked past the shorter woman and carried the one-armed woman down the street,

“Between you and I-” Baliquis said to the woman in her arms as she turned down her gaze and looked at the street to watch her measured steps, to ensure safety at the expense of some comfort, “I found out recently that my sister died and she left behind a house I gave her…but I have my living arrangements, so the house sits empty.” Bali said slowly and slowed down her walk as she came to the end of the sloped street to ensure she stepped carefully to the joining street, “It’s this row of houses here; the one with the overgrow front garden.” Bali advised as she walked over to it and, when she got to the gate, turned slightly with the girl in her arms still and unlocked it before entering the meager courtyard and setting the young girl on her feet on what remained of the weather-beat doormat. Baliquis took a breath and pulled the key out from where she had it tucked in her waistband with the napkin maps, putting it into the door, and unlocking its top lock and the lock in the door handle before opening the door and looking around, “Fuck it’s dusty in here, but the utilities are on… I’m sure,” Baliquis said and looked at the dusty little two-seater kitchenette table and chairs. If allowed, she would help guide Isabiri to the closest chair and help her sit down, “And warmer than outside, for sure.”

Once sat down, Baliquis would step back and move over to the kitchen sink to test the faucet by turning the handle. The pipes screeched, and there was an audible lurch before a gurgling, and the metallic tap spat up brown water for a moment before it began to run clear. She didn’t turn it off quite yet, she just let it run, but Baliquis turned the faucet head, so it ran into one side of the sink before pulling away. She went to the light switch for the kitchen and flicked one on to test the electricity- instead, the light for the outside porch light turned on a moment before its fuse popped, and it went dark once more. She turned on the other slitch for this switch panel, which turned on the overhead kitchen light that held steady. “Water and electricity; what more could you need?” Baliquis said with some level of delight as she looked at the kitchen trashcan- empty. She had a sinking suspicion about the fridge’s contents and grabbed the trashcan before going to the refrigerator and opening it to find-

A jar of pickled eggs that were still good for another year and a pot of what may have been honey, but it has completely crystallized. Still, Bali checked the freezer to find it had a few frost-bitten and long-from-useful meat packages. “Yumi.” Bali sighed, “What the fuck.” More concerned about her sister’s eating habits and leftover…tantalizing options of ‘chow,’ Baliquis threw it all out.

She shut the doors and opened a cabinet door to find a cabinet of plates and dishes- meager but 4 of each and all black. Another cabinet had dusty glassware, but she pulled one down and cleaned it with an edge of her kimono sleeve that didn’t have some blood before putting it in the sink and dipping it under the faucet to catch some water. When it was nearly complete, she pulled the glass back and went to the table, setting it between her cloth belt and the young woman, “Here; drink up.” Baliquis said, “I’ll step out to grab you somethings for the night…if you’re lucid still when I get back? We’ll discuss the deal for you living here.” she said matter of factly but then softened and said, “But worry about that later; you’ve done quite a lot for the village… and me. You deserve the rest.” If she had any requests for something in particular or another word she wanted to say, Baliquis would hear her out. Still, if not, she would leave the young woman in the house and shut the door behind her as she tried to find the closest convenience store. At the same time, Hela came down the slope with most of the woman’s things from under the bridge to set them in the front garden for the wounded woman to pick up later or for Baliquis to move into the house when she got back- whichever came first.

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Maybe Like A Group Effort [IO, NK] Empty Re: Maybe Like A Group Effort [IO, NK]

Sat Oct 22, 2022 12:53 pm
Finding a convenience store wasn't too hard. She was standing before it and deciding what to grab to tide a wounded young woman over. Baliquis had never been entirely good at the 'hospitality' thing, and now she struggled to decide on milk or juice as she stood in the store and looked everything over. Eventually, Hena caught up with her and didn't even offer to help; she just said, "What is going on?"

"Well." Baliquis said as she kept looking from one side of the standing cooler in front of her to another, "I am trying to decide on things to get for that young woman I was carrying to put in the fridge. It's empty." Baliquis said, "Well, it's mostly empty; there's nothing of sustenance, so that means I need to pick something out for her to eat now to get her strength up and later for when she rests so she has something to tide her over."

"That's not what I'm asking about," Henna said in a harsh whisper, and Baliquis cut her off,

"I know, but I don't want to answer you now." Baliquis told her, then added, "We may talk about it on the way back; Right now? Help me pick something out" "Elder, you have blood on you, and that woman was bleeding-" Her assistant interjected. Her superior rolled her eyes before reaching out and picking up a triangular, plastic container with a diagonally halved sandwich consisting of wheat bread, lettuce, tomato, cheese, and turkey. Turkey was lean meat, but the girl was skinny, so something fattier would probably be better.

"So, clearly, it is not my blood." Baliquis retorted, "Do you think I should focus on common allergens and be more mindful if she has some allergies or not?"

"You have blood on you." Hena said in another harsh whisper, and Baliquis moved towards her, "You even left your cloak-" Balquis naturally stood taller than her assistant, and in the one-inch geta that was only more apparent, but Baliquis leaned down to her assistant's ear and said coldly,

"Again." Baliquis watched the woman shudder and close her mouth, "Question me. Again." The words were cold, but they were orders as well. It was a challenge to the shorter woman to contest Baliquis's authority because she didn't heed it when she was ignoring her superior. Henna slowly licked her lips as the taller woman watched her try to collect herself and form a sentence even as she shook slightly as the tension grew, and Baliquis wondered if she might have to kill this assistant too.

"I…" The assistant stammered in a much quieter tone, "I'm sorry." Baliquis decided that was enough and she stopped leaning in, righting herself as she stepped away to put some distance. As if those tense few seconds didn't exist. When she collected herself, the assistant said, "A gallon of milk would…probably be best."

"Why Hena, that's so thoughtful of you." Baliquis said, "I'm so glad I have you to help me decide on things like this." The next few minutes were mainly Hena picking out things for the younger woman, they paid, and they split the four bags between each other as they walked back to the house, and after a while, Baliquis spoke up,

"The girl was going to sleep under a bridge." Baliquis said, "The Elders told you they trust my decision; I feel very strongly there are none more aptly suited for housing geared to the less fortunate and destitute than a one-armed girl who was about to sleep under a bridge." Henna nodded in agreeance,

"And…I do not know any jobs hiring people of her physical encumbrance at this time." Henna said, and Baliquis nodded,

"I already requested that Lady Genosis's things be brought to the temple. We will put in another request for the charitable funds we have allocated for these situations to be used on furnishings, as the girl is lacking." Baliquis said, "Maybe clean the place up a bit since the front garden is horrendously overgrown. Maintenance will also need to come through to test everything and replace the porch light bulb." She didn't say anything for a while until they got to the house's front gate, where Baliquis put her hand on the gate first and paused to look at Hena, "This is my decision. Return to the temple and report it."

"Yes, Elder," Henna said submissively before Baliquis opened the gate, and she put on a smile as Hena handed off the bags before leaving and shutting the gate behind her while Baliquis put the bags on the kitchen counter space,

"I've got a few things to tide you over," Bali said as she picked out the selected triangle sandwich and ripped off the plastic seal, then took the top off so the younger woman only had to pull the halves out and eat them, then she pulled out a protein shake. She shook it up before opening it and removing the seal on the chocolate drink. "I struggled with the selection, but these should do for now." She went over to the woman and set both things down on the small kitchen table before going to the door and shutting it, then went back to the bags and pulled out a gallon of milk from one, going to the fridge and opening its door to put the milk inside and on the shelf,

"This will be your home from now on; however, tomorrow, a group of people will be coming to take the things belonging to my sister." Baliquis said as she left the fridge door open to go to another one of the four bags and pull out three more protein shakes, "These protein shakes will help you recover a bit more; I do not mind waiting a couple of days for you to rest before we go to the store for more groceries, but I will be putting in a request that new furniture is brought. We can't have you sleeping on the mattress here for too long; not good for your health. However, use what's here until then if you need to." Bali said as she put the shakes in the refrigerator door, then went to the third bag, pulling out a few more sandwiched in their little triangle containers onto the shelf in the fridge as well, "I'll put in a request for maintenance workers to come and check the house; make sure everything is running properly." She paused and went to the last bag, pulling out a loaf of sliced bread and three packages of lunch meat- turkey, honey ham, and roast beef. She put all of it in the fridge before shutting the door and turning to the younger woman, "Now? For the deal."

Baliquis went to the table and tapped the key to the house, "This is the house key; only you can get in from now on, so don't lose it. There are no other copies." Baliquis turned to her slightly,

"In exchange for the house, I'd like friendship." Baliquis said simply before following it up with context, "I…do not have any friends. My sister died, but I believe a shinobi killed her, and if I will make the best of my revenge? I will certainly need a friend, if not to help me on my path, but to exchange information with, at the very least." Baliquis told her,

"I gave my life to the temple so my sister could be a part of the Shinobi world, but since they gave her back to me as a corpse without information, I find this ending wholly unacceptable. She deserved better, and so do I, but I know nothing about the shinobi, and you are much more informed than I am…So, even if they do not always align, I would like to form a friendship with you and ensure it stays resilient and dependable when and if our goals DO align." Baliquis said and smirked,

"So? What do you think?" Baliquis asked and followed it up with, "Shall we seal the deal with an exchange of true names?"

[ WC: 1354 ]
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