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Vagabond (B-Rank)
Vagabond (B-Rank)
Survived 2021
You've completed the Christmas Event of 2021 and qualified for the last reward, by partisan you are awarded this fancy badge!
Stat Page : Takeshiyama
Mission Record : Mission Log
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Clan Specialty : Taijutsu
Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 78125

Of Flames and Memories (B & C IO) Empty Of Flames and Memories (B & C IO)

Fri Feb 23, 2024 11:12 am
Natural Disaster B:
When were you.... C:

The load groan escaped the still half-asleep man as he stood from the smallest bed that perhaps had ever been created.  He acknowledged his size didn’t help things, but honestly how did anyone ever get any rest.  The bed groaning beneath his weight as he shifted and stood, one could almost hear a sigh of relief coming from the furniture that it had survived such an ordeal.  The sounds of popping evident as the man mumbled and groaned gathering up a few belongings and exiting the home, he’d make his way towards one of the smaller settlement on the island.  His black hair was tied up in a traditional top knot to keep it from his face, the sleep still in his eyes and small horns on full display.  He had grabbed one of his finer kimonos for the day, a forest green with small blue hares rushing across the fabric, a dark brown belt keeping it tied.  Wooden clogs, and a comically small kurisu completed the ensemble.  Taking a small puff from the pipe he’d snap his fingers igniting the last remnants of tobacco that he had left.  Aside from some sake, and the makings of chankonabe, it was on the top of his list to purchase.  His initially adventure into the Island of the Moon had given him some pocket money on top of his annual salary, so he felt the time was right to splurge, even if just a little.  He’d only manage but a few puffs before the kurisu was spent, and with a sigh he replaced it into his belt.
Making his way into the small settlement a good ways from the home he had been lent a room, he noticed the sure signs of panic.  Individuals running too and fro, speaking far too loudly and to quickly for general conversations.  Some even appeared to be soot stained as they seemed to plead with what seemed to pass as guards, or police.  Eyes shifting from the stalls that held the goods he wanted, and the distressed individuals he finally let out a sigh making up his mind.  Striding over to the group he’d catch wind of reward money being offered, and after another sigh he knew his duty for the day was locked in no matter the job. 
Attempting to stand nonchalantly, a feet for a man nearly 7 feet tall and just shy of 400lbs, he would listen in.  A wildfire had broken out, spreading quickly over the plains and its next stop was a nearby village that was even smaller than the one he currently found himself in.  A reward was offered for anyone who could help workers lay down sand and dirt to stop the fire, but also to those that could assist in evacuation and defense.  It appeared that the same creatures he had seen at the Tengagakure ruins where not continent with the abandoned home, and would attack those on the roads as well. 
A call for volunteers was raised, as was the big mans hand.  Walking over to a cart already filled with dirt and clay, he’d wave off the man that was looking to hitch a horse “I’ve got it…”  He’d say simply before bending over and lifting the two wooden handles of the cart with a shrug.  He’d look towards any of the other volunteers that didn’t have a job just yet and nod to the cart signaling for them to hop on, once they did he’d begin the trudge hoisting his new found baggage. 

TWC - 589
Kitsunagi Kurosawa
Kitsunagi Kurosawa
Vagabond (C-Rank)
Vagabond (C-Rank)
Stat Page : Stat Page
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Clan Specialty : N/A
Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 500

Of Flames and Memories (B & C IO) Empty Re: Of Flames and Memories (B & C IO)

Fri Feb 23, 2024 12:08 pm
Far before the sun rose, Kitsunagi had been awoken by the incessant snoring of the awe inspiring individual that was far larger than anything that the ashen haired shinobi had ever seen. The night continued with the waning of his concsiouness, only to be disturbed once more by the erupting sounds emanating from the man's mouth. He hadn't had many nights on this world, not yet. But this certainly wasn't what he figured was a "pleasant night". He arose from his small cot that he had made on the floor, and he stared at the moon for a while through their window. After realizing that he wasn't going to be getting any sleep, at least not in here. He decided that outside was the best place for him to go.

His steps were silent, and his movements were swift. He barely made a sound when exiting the shared room of Ren, his clones, and the mountain of a man that laid upon the only bed in the room. Exiting the house was an easy feat for Kitsu, he had done it almost every night since the day he was created. He felt drawn to the power of the night sky, and the glorious moon that dwelled within its reaches. The moon was large today, larger than last night, and it was envigorating for him. As he felt the brisk island air brush against his skin, it caused the hairs to stand up slightly, causing him to go even farther down the road of consciousness.

There was much to see and much to love about the night, it was almost ethereal how strong the moon's influence was here. He could feel the presence of spirits that had long been forgotten, that would soon be roused by the ashen haried shinobi. As he walked away from the only home he'd ever known, he wandered to the orchard that Ren had planted. The flowers and the trees all dedicated to the woman of the house Junko. He didn't understand the infatuation that Ren had. In the time that he had been created, Kitsu believed that it was a spell, something to do with those dark red eyes of hers. He didn't think much on it at the time, figuring it was something that he would understand the more experiences he got when he became more of a normal human.

But then again, he already believed himself to be particularly abnormal. A growing feeling of caution grew within him, something that neither his fellow clone or Ren had within themselves. A feeling of paranoia that crept within his psyche at every waking moment. Always wondering if there was someone out to get them. He understood so little of this world, yet he saw there to be so much possible peril that a simple settlement with no defenses drove him mad. All the ways that their enemies could approach, and they were all too busy playing house together. He felt it pathetic that they hadn't organized something far greater by now.

He shrugged it off, much like he would do most nights, and he began to meditate within the orchard. There was a peculiar feeling when he was within this orchard. As if spectral observers sat in wait within the confines of the moon flowers. He would oft feel their presence when he would perform his morning meditations, a welcome presence indeed as he felt such a connection with them. A strong connection indeed. The sun began to rise, and he could hear the home in which he had left, stir with life and activity. He heard rather heavy footsteps within it, assuming that to be the mountain of a man known as Takeshiyama. Kitsu was thankful that he hadn't had to listen to his snoring any longer, and he didn't generally feel tired. Something about his body just didn't require much sleep to rest fully.

He saw the large man and Ren both exit the house together. Something rather strange and slightly concerning. But he wasn't sure just what was going on. Curious, he rose from his meditation stance, and he began to walk over to them both. He wouldn't attempt to seal away his presence, even if he could, as he didn't feel the need to. He would hear the two of them talking amongst themselves, small talk, something he had no interest in. But soon they had entered into the greater part of the village and that is when something interesting had happened. He could hear the concerns of an individual not far from his own position. He saw both the mountain and Ren stand in a calm stance as they began to listen in on the words being spoken by the soot stained villagers.

There was a fire breaking out, and they were asking for people willing to help contain it. Both Ren and his road companion decided that this was something they would willingly do. Deciding that this would be a chance to show himself a true leader, he decided that this was going to be a place for him to start showing initiative to those that surrounded him. He would sprint over to Takeshiyama and he would leap on the cart that was full of dirt. "I will be joining you both." he began in a soft and determined voice. "The spirits of this land live deep within the plains and I believe it is our job to protect them." His eyes were filled with determination and concern. He was prepared to handle this job, no matter the cost it required of him. He would stay upon the wagon that was being drug by Takeshiyama, the mountain and perfectly good ox that he was.

As they continued to the site of the fire, his eyes would analyze the situation and pick out the best place for them to off load the dirt that was within the wagon. After a few moments of analysis, he saw that the fire was beginning to spread through the plains, and it neared the forests that sat beside the grasslands of the plains. He would direct Takeshiyama's attention to that exact spot. Once they would arrive, he would begin using the shovels on the wagon to throw dirt in a line, in an attempt to redirect the fire back onto itself, thus stopping it in his tracks.

He would continue to do so until he was told to do something else, or until something else would catch his attention from the current task on hand. But should nothing do so, he would continue this task until it had reached its conclusion and the fire had been stopped.

WC: 1113
Ren Kurosawa
Ren Kurosawa
Stat Page : Link
Mission Record : Link
Living Clones : Kitsunagi Kurosawa
Sakoshi Kurosawa
Remove Remove Remove Remove Fūinjutsu Remove Ninjutsu Remove Jikūjutsu Default
Remove Earth Water Remove Fire Default
Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Tsukigakure
Ryo : 46800

Of Flames and Memories (B & C IO) Empty Re: Of Flames and Memories (B & C IO)

Fri Feb 23, 2024 12:34 pm
Through the night, Ren would continue to dream of his beloved Junko. He would often spend his nights reminicing on their times together, and how he'd wish to spent every moment together. He knew that it was a long shot, knowing that she had so much on her plate right now. But he was so dedicated to put himself in her life, no matter what. He had told his clones all about Junko. Something that neither of them seemed to have any interest in. Kitsunagi was a very serious individual that was always focused on combat and the possibility of the bandits coming back into their village. Ren understood the apprehension, but he felt as though it was unecessary, for right now, they were living a life that they were blessed to have.

So many things had change within the last few days. There was a new person joining the home, two in fact. The one that had gotten the short straw of sharing a room with Ren and his two clones was a rather peculiar man by the name of Takeshiyama. He was a large individual, far larger than most of the people that Ren had seen, even on his travels. But he welcomed him with open arms when it was asked of him to share his room with such an individual. He truly believed that soon he would be moving into Junko's room, so he wasn't completely concerned with the idea of sharing a room with this mountainous heap of flesh and pure strength.

So much of his world was changing, but for now, he wanted to take the day by itself. No real thoughts of the future. He had his clones that needed instruction and guidance, and this was going to be the way that he was going to do this teaching. Ren was fast asleep, the snoring barely scratching his conciousness. He had slept through raging hurricanes and the harshest of storms, so a man simply snoring wasn't something that was going to effect his ablity to sleep soundly.

He did rise from his cot when he heard the heavy footsteps of the behemoth began to pound through the morning air. He rubbed his eyes and he would ask what his new and short-term roomate had instore for his day. He would explain that he planned on going into town to grab some supplies, something that Ren was interested in. He offered for himself to tag along, to which the behemoth had no issue. He bowed graciously and he grabbed his light traveling pack and he was ready to hit the road.

The two would exit Junko's home, to which he would be sure to say goodbye to Junko and Kiko specifically as he had the chance to bond with the two of them recently and he felt their relationship was growing. When they had left, he began to have small talk with Takeshiyama, asking about his travels and his current ambitions. Something to get their relationship brewing and possibly growing into a friendship.

Their conversation was cut rather short when they had began hearing the concerned screams of some of the villagers from a settlement to the south of their current location. The two would stand their and listen to the issues being razed, that of a wild fire that had struck within the plains and grasslands of the island. It was then that he would notice his clone Kitsu would arrive on their location. He would nod happily to him, but Kisu was too hyperfocused on the issues that were being disclosed.

Takeshiyama volunteered to grab the wagon full of dirt, Kitsu decided to ride on the wagon. So he decided that he would bring a few tools for them to use with the distribution of the dirt onto the fires. He was sure that if they were all able to work together, then they would be able to make short work of this fire. He thought of his orchard for a moment, hoping that they could contain the fire, making sure that that and Junko's home and the homes of all these people were not to suffer from such an outbreak.

Together they all traveled towards the site of the fire, and it was certianly a fire that was happening, but luckily it wasn't a terribly large fire. It was a problem, though. Something that needed to be dealt with. He would throw a shovel to Kitsu, and another to Takeshiyama. Then the three would begin shoveling the dirt onto the fire to cease it's burning. If they had run out of dirt on the wagon, then he would begin striking the ground beside the fire and he would begin shoveling fresh dirt onto the fire to try and snuff it out.

He would, however, keep his eyes peeled on the horizon, ensuring that there wasn't any foul play being the cause of this wildfire and this was nothing more than a lure to get some of the villagers out into the open, ripe for the picking by the bandits that he knew lurked within the shadows of this area. He would acitvate his mind's eye, and he would focus hard on it's ability. This wouldn't be the first time that he would have been stalked and ambushed out in this area, and even though he had help this time. He wanted to make sure that they were somewhat safe from the dangers that he knew were waiting out here for any unfortunate souls to be caught unawares.

With the fire slowly being contained, Ren would let out a relieved sigh, while still scanning the horizon. Should he be asked why he was focusing on the horizon, he would explain that there were bandits within the edges of these forests that had a tendency to attack those that weren't too sure of how to defend themselves.

Should he find anything treacherous within the forest's edge, then he woudl alert the rest of the the party to the disturbance.

WC: 1005

AP: Mind's Eye: 30 AP
Vagabond (B-Rank)
Vagabond (B-Rank)
Survived 2021
You've completed the Christmas Event of 2021 and qualified for the last reward, by partisan you are awarded this fancy badge!
Stat Page : Takeshiyama
Mission Record : Mission Log
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Clan Specialty : Taijutsu
Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 78125

Of Flames and Memories (B & C IO) Empty Re: Of Flames and Memories (B & C IO)

Fri Feb 23, 2024 1:04 pm
The real issue with offering assistance, is that oftentimes someone would indeed take it.  He’d watch as Kitsu and a few others took his offer at heart and leaped onto the wagon.  The wheels groaned a bit as he pulled, but it all held together.  Ren, who seemed a bit more on top of the situation grabbed tools and carried some while others added to the load of the wagon.  As he turned and began hauling, beeds of sweat developing on his brow at the strain he would here the voice of Kitsu from the wagon.  He’d listen before turning to Ren, “A bit dramatic that one aye?”  he’d say with a slight twinkle in his eye.  Still, he couldn’t complain much about his current room mate situation.  Having spent many a night in the stables with other sumo, it was quite a relaxing night aside from the small bed.  No snoring to be heard, a perfect night spent in silence and rest, what more could one really ask for? The initial journey towards the flames did not lead to anything nearly as dramatic as the words of Kitsu had implied.  Despite the whispers of spirits that he had heard, Kaito had yet to see anything that led to any validity of these claims, and he didn’t expect that to change any time soon.
After a ways down the road, and only the starting burning in his shoulders from exertion, they would begin to come upon their goal.  Ren first to act would quickly dole out the tools he had brought and get to work.  “Save some dirt for the rest of u..” He’d call loudly with a joke in his voice offset by the panic in the voices of others.  He’d reach into the pile taking a large handful of dirt.  Turning he look towards where the fire was coming from.  With one hand he would toss the dirt in a large arc.  Reminiscent to the throwing of salt before a match.  The fire was a worthy opponent he’d think as he slapped his stomach before grabbing the entire cart, the small toothpick like shovel Ren had tossed him forgotten.  Ushering people to action rather than their free ride, he’d haul the cart over to where others where digging.  Grabbing ahold of it, for the first time the folks around him would get the guestimation that there was more than fat to the big man. 
Arms like banded steel he would hoist the cart up, spreading the dirt and clay mix at the pace of three men with shovels.  His toes pointed outwards, he’d move in the formation of a Suriashi, figuring a little practice wouldn’t hurt.  It wouldn’t take long for the massive mounds to be moved, and the smaller flames put out.  Some areas still burned but with no place to go it was but a matter of time for the disaster to come to a complete and total close.  It wasn’t until they were finished, that Kaito noticed the far off look that Ren had. 
Moving over he attempted to get the dirt off what had once been his only nice remaining kimono.  Clapping his hands like thunder against his thighs he’d look towards the man, “Pretty woman over that way?”  He’d ask brining a ham sized hand up to shield his eyes from the sun as if to get a better look.  Instead, what he saw was……a beautiful woman…..all be it covered in soot and looking worse for wear.  Damn….sometimes his intelligence scared even himself.  Assuming Ren would go to her aid same as the sumo, they’d both make their way quickly over to the woman, Kaito having lost track of Kitsu. 
It wouldn’t take long to realize that the woman was even more distressed than she looked.  When questioned she couldn’t provide any answers as to what happened.  “I don’t think fire did this…”  He’d say pointing at the tears in her fabric.  They were too clean to have been made by the brush, and it didn’t take a detective to come to the conclusion that a knife had been used.  Looking through the small amount of brush, the sounds of the dying fire around them, he’d look towards Ren.  “When I first got here, got attacked by some….things.  Check it out?”  He’d say with a shrug standing back to his full height.  By this time more people had been able to leave their post and see what was going on.  Looking around most of the people there were just villagers, happy to help with this, but he was uncertain of their capabilities in a fight.  Though, he was there….so its not like they’d need to be.  Smiling at his own confidence he’d begin to trudge through the brush, eyes darting looking for any clues that might be left quite quickly leaving his companions behind unless they were quick to follow. 

TWC - 1406
Kitsunagi Kurosawa
Kitsunagi Kurosawa
Vagabond (C-Rank)
Vagabond (C-Rank)
Stat Page : Stat Page
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Clan Specialty : N/A
Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 500

Of Flames and Memories (B & C IO) Empty Re: Of Flames and Memories (B & C IO)

Fri Feb 23, 2024 1:55 pm
The large man spoke of him being dramatic, something that Kitsu would simply ignore. He knew that he wasn't being dramatic. He knew that the spirits were in danger in this place, everyone was. This fire was simply the beginning of something far grander coming. There was treachery within the flames, something more sinister and something more devastating than some grass being caught on fire.

There was no lightning, and there was rain within the last few days. The grass was no dry enough to simply combust from the sun's heat. With a climate such as the one that resided within the island, there was no chance that this was done through natural means. He was certain that there was at least an element of foul play within this innocent looking grassland fire. His mind continued to race about the possibilities of what this fire could mean and just what was happening on the island that would cause someone to want to burn parts of the plains down. Maybe it was the bandits that Ren had spoken of a few days prior during his and his fellow clone's briefing of the life that they were being brought into.

He was sure of it. It has to be the bandits. Who else would want to burn the home of the prarie spirits down? No one. There was no real reason to debate it. He knew that he was right. He wasn't dramatic, he was right. He knew it. He just needed others to know it to.

When they arrived, he would leap gracefully out of the cart, landing on his two feet with his arm outstretched towards Ren, awaiting a shovel to be placed there or tossed to him. He would receive the shovel, and he would begin lifting the dirt from the wagon that he now stood beside, that also stood beside the fire that was beginning to take hold.

A small bead of sweat would develop on the ashen-haired shinobi's forehead. He would wipe it off with speed as he continued to try and move the dirt. His work ethic was matched by no one, even if he was new to this world, he was dedicated to show the others that he was more than just a simple clone. He was one that going to be a leader of this place. He was going to have exactly what it took to provide others with the comfort knowing that they were be led by a someone who knew what they were doing.

As he shoveled dirt from the cart, the mountain of a man would begin to lift the cart as a whole and begin spreading it's dirt along the fire's edge. Kitsu felt a bit cheated, knowing that he couldn't do anything close to that. But he wasn't going to be so easily outdone by the man with obvious years of experience to his own few days. He began to work with as much speed as he could muster, even if it wasn't much due to his body still being so new to the world.

Each swing of the shovel he would hoist more of the dirt onto the fire, watching as Takeshiyama continued to throw the dirt far and wide, covering the small flames. A sense of insignificance washed over him. "Damn it." He would think to himself. He knew that he was weak. He wasn't built for strength. But he was going to be the one to proved useful in this group. He would show the others in this village that he was one to be trusted on and relied upon for any uncertain situations that required input from someone with a profound set of skills, even if it wasn't just yet.

The fire had been quelled rather quickly, thanks to the groups hard work and the behemoth's immense strength. But in the cleansing of the plains and the fire therein, they all saw a woman lying there in the midst of the fire. "I knew it!" He exclaimed. He had been counting on this being more than just a mere natural wildfire, this was the beginning of something bigger and he knew it. He rushed over to the woman and he began to examine her cuts in both her flesh and in the dress that she was wearing. "How would this have survived the fire?" He thought to himself.

He began to analyze the situation, realizing that this was no mere coincidence. This fire was started as a means to cover the body. But why would someone do that? It made no sense. The fire was started afterwards? Maybe she wandered into the fire and laid down. Oh it wasn't adding up. He began to think even more, looking at every single detail that he could gather.

"A fire started in the plains, and we find a body amidst the flames that didn't cause this woman to have horrid burns all over her body. This means that her body was placed there after the fire had been placed. But why? They could have just killed her and put her in the ocean where the sharks would have fed on her and nobody would have even known where she was or what they could do. Hmmm. This is troubling."

He would inspect the markings, understanding that a short blade, merely four inches in length based on the width and the depth of the gash in her thigh. She was still bleeding, and it would likely be infected with the fact that she was surrounded by smoke. It was then that he found a set of footprints to his side, ones leading into the forest that was beside the grassland on the plains. He would dart through the brush, following the footprints the best that he could.

He would follow them into the forest, where he could hear the snap of twigs and the whispered chattering among other people. They weren't alone in this forest. The large man would be walking up behind him, and Kitsu would attempt to give hand signals, telling the behemoth to stop in his tracks, and point out to where the chattering he heard was coming from.

Slowly, he would approach the situation, where he would be stopped by Ren. He would attempt to contest, but Ren would tell him that he had done enough and motion him to stay in the edge of the forest. He would begrudgingly listen to the order that he was given and he would wait by the edge of the forest.

When the other two were done with the bad guys, or if they would escape, then he would wait for Ren and Takeshiyama to return to him so he could ask all about what they had seen. One day, he would not have to sit on the sidelines.

WC: 1142
TWC: 2257

Completion of a C rank and a B rank mission
Rewards: 10000 ryo and 50 AP

WC claims:
+22 speed
+2000 words towardsMining Skill
+250 towards Genjutsu Release

Last edited by Kitsunagi Kurosawa on Mon Feb 26, 2024 4:22 pm; edited 1 time in total
Ren Kurosawa
Ren Kurosawa
Stat Page : Link
Mission Record : Link
Living Clones : Kitsunagi Kurosawa
Sakoshi Kurosawa
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Tsukigakure
Ryo : 46800

Of Flames and Memories (B & C IO) Empty Re: Of Flames and Memories (B & C IO)

Fri Feb 23, 2024 2:22 pm
As they continued to haul their way towards the place of the fire, which Ren could tell wasn't terribly scary as the smoke was barely bellowing to the skies above, Takeshiyama commented on Kitsu's dramatic style of speaking. Ren would laugh as he carried the shovels. "He certainly has a certain way of speaking. He is a very passionate person that is for certain." Smiling at the behemoth, the minstrel would laugh. "It doesn't seem to me that the fire is all that bad. But it has been quite wet the passed few days, so I fear this was no ordinary wildfire. Seems a bit man-made to me." He would say as they continued to walk towards the smoke.

When they got to the fire's position, Takeshiyama would shake the wagon, causing the villagers to all leap out of the wagon and get to work. Ren would distribute the shovels to those that were with them, tossing one to Kitsu who was posing there waiting for one. He thought back to the dramatic comment and smiled as he tossed the shovel his way.

It wasn't long until the fire was dissipated, thanks to their newfound friend's immense strength and ability to move the mass amount of dirt with relative ease. Ren was thankful to the man for having such a skillset, something that he did not have in the slightest. After the fire was put out, during his scanning the horizon, he would catch the sight of a woman lying there in a place that the fire had already passed. While it was curious, he would place a glowing hand, coursing with chakra onto the woman's chest. He would speak to her softly, "It will be fine. I am going to ensure you are healed and feeling more like yourself. We will have to see who had done this to you." He would speak to her, but the words would fall on deaf ears, she was barely coherent.

It seemed to be that Kitsune had already found a trail of some sort as he was sprinting into the forest. Ren would ensure that the woman was healed, and the villagers took her from there back to the village. He would approach the forest's edge, and he woud peer inside with his mind's eye still activated. He would catch up with the large man as well, and he would pat him on the shoulder letting him know he was there. He would smile towards him as he continued walking with him.

He would catch up with Kitsu and he would instruct him to stay back, that this was a job for those more prepared to deal with it. Kitsu would of course argue, but Ren would simply not budge. He would point his finger towards the area that he wanted Kitsu to stand, to which he finally relented.

From there, Ren would continue forward and he would go invisible, just to be sure he wouldn't have to deal with these people running away from them. Before he would, he told the Takeshiyama not to look in this direction for just a moment. He would weave a few hand seals whilst cloaked, and sphere of black chakra would be produced. He would have it form directly in his position after he had found the would be ambushers that were hiding within the brush to the side of the path that they were on.

The bandits would begin to scream as in their mind, they were being drug into the center of the black hole that had just been created. This would simply open up a perfect chance for Takeshi to come in and collect the specimen for whatever trial that they would be in store for.

Once the bandits were gathered, he would release his cloaking technique and he would walk beside the large man for a while. Speaking to him about what he had planned for the rest of the day. He would gather Kitsu, who would excitedly ask about what they had done. To which Ren would explain the process of genjutsu and the dangers that it could be for folks that are uninitiated to it. He would explain his genjutsu that he had just used, the black Hole. He wanted to be sure that his clones were well educated in genjutsu and all their forms, to be sure they could combat it in the field.

WC: 736
TWC: 1741


Rewards: 12000 ryo from B rank + 8000 from C rank missions (Doubled from Beloved Presence)
Additionally 8k from both missions from rank bonus.
Total of 28k ryo from these missions
+100 AP total from missions to the Strength of One hundred Skill
Total bonus AP from skill = 372

WC claims:
+17 speed for Kitsunagi
+1741 towards Parry for Kitsunagi
Vagabond (B-Rank)
Vagabond (B-Rank)
Survived 2021
You've completed the Christmas Event of 2021 and qualified for the last reward, by partisan you are awarded this fancy badge!
Stat Page : Takeshiyama
Mission Record : Mission Log
Remove Taijutsu Remove Bukijutsu Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Default
Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Default
Clan Specialty : Taijutsu
Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 78125

Of Flames and Memories (B & C IO) Empty Re: Of Flames and Memories (B & C IO)

Fri Feb 23, 2024 2:56 pm
To his surprise, there ended up being very little to do.  Having not lived around shinobi, or ever really educated himself on their capabilities it was with a bemused and begrudging acknowledgment he watched them work.  His place was in the dohyo, with all eyes on him.  No under hand schemes or abilities brought forth, but the power of his spirit and the strength of his back.  Even if he had capabilities beyond a normal man thanks to his bloodline, it was still nothing compared to that of a fully trained shinobi.  Once Kitsu and Ren had taken over, he was more than comfortable allowing them to take point from her forward.  Their eyes more honed towards those that dwelt in shadows than his.  Before long Ren seemed to dismiss Kitsu, an interesting observation, but one he stored away as not necessary information at the moment.   Since he had come to Moon, he had only seen one instance of shinobi like skills, and that had been in Junko’s crimson eyes seeing what was hidden.  Now Ren took this and reversed it to make himself the one that was hidden.  In a moment the man had completely vanished, and only due to the thick brush, and his prior knowledge of where the man was could he track him….all be it just barely. 
Heading the mans warning, he lowered his head, so as not to see whatever it was there was too see.  It didn’t take long before the screams start, and instinctively he looked up.  Luckily he had missed the trigger of the genjutsu, but it was clear now what was there.  Two individuals screaming as they desperately clawed at the earth as though they were being pulled towards something unpleasant.  Unable to see Ren, but assuming this was the signal he walked cautiously towards the bandits, only to use less caution when it was clear they had no ability to see him coming.  As he approached the first bandit he would reach and lift him up by the neck of his clothes.  Holding him off the ground he would deliver a hard smack that rendered the man quite unconscious.  Noticing the blood oozing from the ear on the side he had struck, he softened the blow only slightly on the second man ending in nearly the same result.  Grabbing each mans belt, he was able to hoist them from the ground, and carry them in a standard farmers lift back towards the other people that had come to work on the fire. 
He'd toss both men still out of it into the cart that formerly had carried dirt and watch as some people tied them up, even if they didn’t need it.  He guessed they would be out for quite some time.  While he supervised he’d vaguely listen in on the conversation between Ren and Kitsu on something called…Benjutsu……jellutsu……..something about making crap that wasn’t even real so what was the point.  Shaking his head he put it to the back of his mind, filed under things he wasn’t interested in.  Rather, he looked up and saw that most of the day had gone by.  “Lets get going..”  He’d say with a grumble, if they hurried he might just have time to pick up his groceries.
The trip back uneventful, and thanks to the medical medistrations of Ren the woman was able to identify what had happened everything seemed to be coming to a close.  Smiling, with a large pouch of tabcoo, a rather large ceramic jug of sake, and a sack that held enough food to feed an army….or for his dinner, his mood had vastly improved.  “Chankonabe on me tonight boys”  He’d say with a thunderous laugh slapping Ren on the back hard enough to nearly send him toppling over.  Few things could lighten ones mood as spirits and dinner.

TWC - 2047 (TWC for mission is 6045/5000)


B rank 30 AP converted to 1.5k ryo
C rank 20ap converted to 1k ryo
B rank mission - 6k ryo
C rank mission - 4k ryo
2 missions at B rank = 8k
So a total of 20,500 ryo gained

2047wc towards mastering Eruption

Prev topic had 2400 going towards mastering eruption.  so 3750 to master it for power overwriting my previous mastery slot for speed on blue Oni scatter. I believe this leaves me with 600 some extra words but I’m fine with those just going to the winds.
Ayato Hyuuga
Ayato Hyuuga
Stat Page :

Mission Record :
Summoning Contract : Forest of Dreams Ravens

Living Clones : Natsuki
Familiar : Maneki
Legendary Equipment : Raiment of Eternal Fortune
Stone of Gelel
Remove Taijutsu Remove Kanjutsu Jikūjutsu Default
Remove Earth Water Lightning Remove Default
Clan Specialty : Taijutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 435700

Of Flames and Memories (B & C IO) Empty Re: Of Flames and Memories (B & C IO)

Sat Feb 24, 2024 7:09 pm
Takeshiyama wrote:
TWC - 2047 (TWC for mission is 6045/5000)


B rank 30 AP converted to 1.5k ryo
C rank 20ap converted to 1k ryo
B rank mission - 6k ryo
C rank mission - 4k ryo
2 missions at B rank = 8k
So a total of 20,500 ryo gained

2047wc towards mastering Eruption

Prev topic had 2400 going towards mastering eruption.  so 3750 to master it for power overwriting my previous mastery slot for speed on blue Oni scatter.  I believe this leaves me with 600 some extra words but I’m fine with those just going to the winds.

Ayato Hyuuga
Ayato Hyuuga
Stat Page :

Mission Record :
Summoning Contract : Forest of Dreams Ravens

Living Clones : Natsuki
Familiar : Maneki
Legendary Equipment : Raiment of Eternal Fortune
Stone of Gelel
Remove Taijutsu Remove Kanjutsu Jikūjutsu Default
Remove Earth Water Lightning Remove Default
Clan Specialty : Taijutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 435700

Of Flames and Memories (B & C IO) Empty Re: Of Flames and Memories (B & C IO)

Sat Feb 24, 2024 7:21 pm
Ren Kurosawa wrote:

WC: 736
TWC: 1741


Rewards: 12000 ryo from B rank + 8000 from C rank missions (Doubled from Beloved Presence)
Additionally, 8k from both missions is from the rank bonus.
A total of 28k ryo from these missions
+100 AP total from missions to the Strength of One hundred Skill
Total bonus AP from skill = 372

WC claims:
+17 speed for Kitsunagi
+1741 towards Parry for Kitsunagi

Marabelle Blossom
Marabelle Blossom
Vagabond (B-Rank)
Vagabond (B-Rank)
Stat Page : The Everbloom
Mission Record : Misson Log: Everbloom
Iryōjutsu Bukijutsu Kanjutsu Default
Remove Earth Water Lightning Remove Default
Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 2500

Of Flames and Memories (B & C IO) Empty Re: Of Flames and Memories (B & C IO)

Mon Feb 26, 2024 4:24 pm
Kitsunagi Kurosawa wrote:

WC: 1142
TWC: 2257

Completion of a C rank and a B rank mission
Rewards: 10000 ryo and 50 AP

WC claims:
+22 speed
+2000 words towardsMining Skill
+250 towards Genjutsu Release

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