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The Sharks Rebirth Empty The Sharks Rebirth

Fri Apr 19, 2013 10:43 am
Xyxer was now standing at the front of the gates of Tengakure, but they seemed.. taller.. Something weird was afoot.. He looked around and saw some guards, and they were also taller.. at least double his size.. what was going on? Some snickering was heard and he looked down at the ground and then he realized.. he was a toddler. He had used a new jutsu, True Transformation in order to become small, but it had been done subconsciously without any real reason.. perhaps it was Xyxers mind trying to urge him to be kind to people again. After all, his violent tendencies did not help him before. Shouting, his voice higher pitched than it was before, "I demand to see the Tenkage!". Of course, it would be hard for these people to take a 6 year old-looking boy seriously, but they did out of the kindness of their hearts, which Xyxer took for fear. He stood there, in his water-soaked robes that dragged behind him as if they were a wedding dress, the hood of the brown cloak resting against his back and his neck protected by what appeared to be a pop-out collar of the cloak. He was ace.
Yasahiro Yagami
Yasahiro Yagami
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Village : Kemonogakure
Ryo : 27500

The Sharks Rebirth Empty Re: The Sharks Rebirth

Fri Apr 19, 2013 1:08 pm
On guard duty that day was Tengakure's ever vigilant anbu operative Cat. Her tightly fit clothes defined her body perfectly. And her slightly creepy Cat mask searched the plains of Tengakure. When the anbu operative saw the small child her heart melted-she had always wanted children, but her position in the anbu precluded such action. She listened to small boys request and responded in a rather motherly tone: "You are in luck he will be here any moment. However, for now I will ask that you wait here." Shinji was indeed on his way to the village gates. he had taken to inspecting them himself. It had become a nervous habit-call it the need to make sure everyone was safe.

In fact, Shinji arrived just as Cat finished speaking, but he had heard all she had said. Like a ghost he walked up behind Cat who promptly returned to her post. Shinji looked much like a ghost his skin was pale and the signs of lack sleep were wrought into his face-he had looked better. His jeans looked a little too worn and his long sleeved white shirt had a bit of what looked like pasta sauce on it. In a sleepy droning voice he spoke to the soaked boy: "I am the Tenkage...What is it you would like?" He felt as if all he was saying felt mechanical. Like he was not saying them at all, but regardless he waited for a response with a bored look on his face as his one black eye and his other blue eye looked down at the boy.
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The Sharks Rebirth Empty Re: The Sharks Rebirth

Fri Apr 19, 2013 1:15 pm
Xyxer stared up at the Tenkage.. had he been teleported into a game? At the moment it felt like he was pacman who'd just ate a giant pill and was now running around and munching on flashing ghosts.. how weird. It was obvious though that Shinji would not believe it was him, after all, he could hardly believe it himself. "I demand a bowl of ramen!" Before he would say that though, Xyxer would move his hand to the robes of Shinji, channeling a little chakra into them before he would place his FTG seal on it, out of sight of the man. To Shinji, it would look like a natural movement of a young, agitated child.
Yasahiro Yagami
Yasahiro Yagami
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Village : Kemonogakure
Ryo : 27500

The Sharks Rebirth Empty Re: The Sharks Rebirth

Fri Apr 19, 2013 1:35 pm
Shinji did not miss a beat. He allowed the boy to touch his robes-the boy was no doubt looking for some spare ryo. Shinji had done just that when he was a small child in the orphanage. However, the boy would not find any ryo there, so Shinji did not really care. When the boy demanded ramen Shinji gave him a rather puzzled look. Who the hell was this kid? Shinji was on the verge of just telling the kid to get lost, but decided not to. Instead he cracked a easy smile and responded to the boy in the same sleepy voice as before: "Very well, come on kid." With that Shinji turned and walked back into the village giving Cat a nod. This nod would allow the boy entrance into the village-he would be under the watch of the Tenkage after all. Honestly Shinji did not know why he decided to take the boy to get ramen. Maybe it was because he was reminded of himself as a child or maybe not, but either way he now made a beeline for the ramen bar.
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The Sharks Rebirth Empty Re: The Sharks Rebirth

Fri Apr 19, 2013 1:55 pm
Xyxer now sat in the small vicinity of a ramen bar.. it was a decent place, not one he would frequent since he preferred eating fish, but that was not of concern for now. The matter of concern was how Shinji had not recognised his beautiful face.. he may be a kid, but god damn he still had those sexy locks of hair that was as silver as a luminescent moon and the eyes of a god of fertility. But no, Shinji ignored these obvious facts and continued to look like he only just got out of a pool filled to the brim with flour. Xyxer lifted his hand up and spoke to the person that came to take their orders, "I'd like some bread rolls, please." Of course, he had no intention of any other meal. He was just going to use this time to irritate the Tenkage as much as humanely possible.
Yasahiro Yagami
Yasahiro Yagami
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Village : Kemonogakure
Ryo : 27500

The Sharks Rebirth Empty Re: The Sharks Rebirth

Fri Apr 19, 2013 2:10 pm
Shinji now sat across from the odd diminutive boy. He silently listened as the boy ordered. How odd that one would order bread in a ramen joint-not that he really cared. It was just odd. When the waiter came to get his order Shinji spoke up in his trademarked lazy off handed tone: "I will take the house special and some orange soda." The waiter quickly left to get their orders ready in the mean time Shinji turned to the small boy across from him. Not wanting to be weird he decided to inquire about how the boy came to Tengakure: "So, where did you come from? I rather doubt one just shows up on my doorstep with clothes soaked as they are and does not have some kind of a story. So, whats yours?" With that Shinji lay back in his seat and watched a few passerbys as they went about their business in the grand city of Tengakure.
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The Sharks Rebirth Empty Re: The Sharks Rebirth

Fri Apr 19, 2013 3:08 pm
The waiter walked by and carefully placed the bowl of bread rolls in front of Xyxer, to which his face lit up as he looked at them. He truly did feel like a kid. Eating one slowly, he'd smirk at the man's inquiry before he spoke "I got drowned but somebody kicked me back out of the water. It sucked. My body's still aching." Of course, he had left some cryptic clues as to whom he was, but that was only to add to his amusement at the time.
Naoki Gekou
Naoki Gekou
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The Sharks Rebirth Empty Re: The Sharks Rebirth

Fri Apr 19, 2013 3:48 pm
The day was more or less like any other. Recently Yozora got sick of being home, or training, or back home. She decided to take a walk in the village, a place she tried to avoid, especially the streets. Walking on the dirt? That's for fags... All the cool people use rooftops... But not today. Today she was walking. Both of her swords were on her back, Shigure's hilt resting over her right shoulder, while her heirloom katana's hilt was over her left shoulder. Yozora's Meigan was active as she hoped to see something interesting. Suddenly she noticed a familiar aura. Something she was sure she had seen before. Looking back Yozora saw a ramen shop. Inside were two figures. One of them was obvious - it was Shinji, the Tenkage. Yozora had met him before. But it was not he who's aura she noticed. In fact last time they had met, she had not yet developed Meigan, which is why she did not know what his chakra looked like. The second figure however... The person was small, like a kid. They were talking about something, which Yozora did not catch. Finding a moment when they were both silent, so not to intrude, she walked in. "Hey there, Shinji... Never got a chance to congratulate you on becoming Tenkage." She paused for a moment, nodding to both of them and giving a chance for Shinji to respond. Then slightly gestured inquiring "Who's your company?"
Yasahiro Yagami
Yasahiro Yagami
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Village : Kemonogakure
Ryo : 27500

The Sharks Rebirth Empty Re: The Sharks Rebirth

Fri Apr 19, 2013 4:14 pm
Shinji was about to express concern for the kid who had just talked about how he was almost drowned, but someone interjected before he could. It was a feminine voice that now spoke. As the voice spoke Shinji's head slowly turned to put a face to the words. He knew he had seen this face before and the blue hair was a good hint, but he could not quite place the name. Was it something with a Y? He was pretty sure it was. Thinking back to his chuunin days it came back to him: Yozora. That was the name. Just as she finished speaking Shinji made use of his passive minds eye of the kagura and memorized her chakra, but as he did this something else came to his attention...something impossible. The small boy's chakra seemed eerily familiar. This slight jolt left Shinji to give Yozora a mere nod of thanks and acknowledgement to her congratulations and greeting. Luckily he was able to find words to say by Yozora's second question. Answering in his same lazy tone Shinji responded to Yozora: "I am not too sure, but please take a seat and order something." Shinji hoped that Yozora would be better able to relate to the small child considering her age, which was worth it or at least Shinji thought it was. His voice was now directed to the small boy: "So, who exactly are you?" At this point the waiter came by and handed Shinji a bowl of what seemed to have cactus floating in it-odd. With a slight shrug Shinji started slurping up the cactus ramen as he waited for a response from the small child.
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The Sharks Rebirth Empty Re: The Sharks Rebirth

Fri Apr 19, 2013 4:44 pm
Xyxer noticed a girl from before.. it took him a few seconds to place the face.. this was the girl that he had injured! Right before the chuunins as well, oh, that was a hilarious event. He had no doubt that she was still a genin, a small smirk cracked on his lips as soon as he saw her, remembering that event. He now decided to use a new jutsu he had learnt upon his revival.. passively using minds eye of the kagura to record the two chakra signatures of the people he knew, he'd smirk a little to himself since he now felt like a spy. Gingerly eating one bread roll, he'd throw the remnants of the bread at the head of Yozora, to reinforce the childlike behaviour. "I'm just an orphan.. I don't know where my family is and I'm lost.. My brother's left me.." the child looked downwards before sniffling and mumbling to himself, "I miss Xyxer.."
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