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Naoki Gekou
Naoki Gekou
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The Sharks Rebirth - Page 2 Empty Re: The Sharks Rebirth

Fri Apr 19, 2013 5:09 pm
Shinji would nod back and offer Yozora a seat at the table after responding "I am not too sure, but please take a seat and order something." She would sit down to the boy's left, on the other side of Shinji and order normal sized ramen with eggs and bacon. The Tenkage would ask the kid "So, who exactly are you?". The boy would finish eating a piece of bread and throw the remnants at Yozora. She would swiftly catch the pieces before they hit her, though some small crumbles would still descend on her clothes. At that time the waiter brought her the dish, she remarked at how fast it was, but then unlike these two she actually ordered ramen. As she leaned over her dish going for the wooden sticks used to eat this kind of thing, the kid would speak. "I'm just an orphan.. I don't know where my family is and I'm lost.. My brother's left me.." He spoke in a childish tone, which was not surprising. It made her feel a bit sorry for him, but nothing special. Ready to dig into the bowl she heard him mumble one more thing. "I miss Xyxer.." Yozora would stop right there, her eyes narrowing as Meigan activated again piercing into the kid. Yes, that was him...
"You've got to be kidding me..."
Yasahiro Yagami
Yasahiro Yagami
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Village : Kemonogakure
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The Sharks Rebirth - Page 2 Empty Re: The Sharks Rebirth

Fri Apr 19, 2013 5:47 pm
Shinji could not help, but crack a half smile as the boy threw a piece of bread at Yozora, which she promptly caught-good reflexes. Yozora would then get her ramen, which looked far too plain for Shinji who now only had a few heads of cactus left over. He would have kept slurping up noodles and cactus alike, but he decided to give the small boy some courtesy while he talked, so Shinji put the bowl down. The boy started with a slightly sad story about how he was a orphan, which was honestly no big deal. Shinji himself was an orphan, but the last thing the boy said was a real...zinger: I miss Xyxer. This set Shinji back mentally. So, this boy was Xyer's brother? Was that why the chakra signatures were so alike? Did that even make sense? Regardless Shinji's mind was not making sense-he was unable to see the truth, thus he took the boys words at face value. Had he been his normal self he may have pushed harder for a name and some kind of a back story, but right now he was not his normal self. In fact, Shinji was so engrossed in his introspection that he did not even hear what Yozora said, but right after her he spoke up in a voice that was no longer sleepy, but sorrowful: "I know how feel kid...I know how you feel..." With that Shinji bowed his head a bit, so that his hair came down over his eyes and he was looking at the table. Unconsciously his sharingan activated-so much for all the control he had been trying to exercise. No one would be able to see it with his hair in the way, but it was still active as a testament...a testament to his loss.
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The Sharks Rebirth - Page 2 Empty Re: The Sharks Rebirth

Fri Apr 19, 2013 7:58 pm
It was now that Xyxer was hit once more by a feeling that he had not experienced too much.. but he had felt it just before he died.. He didn't know what it was, but it was there on the day when he had originally got Mangekyo Sharingan. Was it.. sadness? He was now feeling genuine sorrow as he remembered his family, and his childhood friend.. all of them were killed in the Kirigakure attack. Leaning forwarded, Xyxers elbows rested on the table as his hands pressed against his hair, attempting to hide his face as much as possible. It wasn't long after until a thin stream of water trickled down from his eyes.. he was alone in the world.. his parents had not even been spared a merciful death.. and he wasn't there to save them.
Naoki Gekou
Naoki Gekou
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The Sharks Rebirth - Page 2 Empty Re: The Sharks Rebirth

Sat Apr 20, 2013 3:29 am
Yozora was now standing in a dark hall, walls had some sort of exotic design, seemed made of marble and redwood. Slowly one after another candles on the wall would light up as she would walk through the corridor. She knew this place and she knew this wasn't the real world, but it seemed she'd instinctively would come here whenever she had problems, questions or a dilemma regarding her heritage. The transition was always blurry and at first she would not remember everything, sometimes not even herself - it was not unlike waking up in the morning actually - it would all come back slowly. But this time it was fairly fast. By the time Yozora reached the doors at the end of the corridor she had already remembered mostly everything including why she was here.

"And here you are, with questions as usual." The next room was different. At first it felt like she walked outside of the tower, but then she realized that there was no ground, only the night sky all around. Actually there was floor and walls, probably ceiling too - all dark with colorful dots, looking just like the sky outside of the tower. For a moment Yozora stopped, she looked around to try and figure out the room layout and good thing she did it too. Because it was no room, it was an abyss. There were walls, but only one path into the center of the room, everywhere else was emptiness leading only down... or up, who knows with this tower. So, simply put it was a tower inside a tower. The walls would extend as far up an down as Yozora could see. And the floor was only couple meters wide going straight forward, then rounding up into a ten meter wide circle at the end, that's where it was waiting. It was all very confusing because everything looked the same. Making careful steps Yozora walked into the center of the room, where Yuumei was standing. Without much delay she would go straight for the answers she wanted. "Is such a thing possible? Or are my eyes deceiving me?" She tried to imagine what she saw and suddenly an image appeared next to them showing the kid and Shinji behind him. It was stopped at the exact moment she looked at him after the kid mentioned Xyxer. "This boy's chakra looks unusually familiar and I'd say he was Xyxer himself, but his appearance..." Yuumei seemed a bit hurt. "And you came here for that?... Look, your eyes have not yet reached their true potential. In fact what you have now is merely the first step of a long road. You are not supposed to be able to tell who he really is at this point... And from what I understand the kid said Xyxer was his brother, it that really so hard to piece together?" Yozora turned her head down a bit. Yuumei was probably right. Because she did not know Xyxer having a brother, it does not mean he did not have one, though she doubted somebody like him could have a decent brother. Which was not her place to make assumption either, as she had no siblings herself.

Returning into the reality, where but a single moment had passed, she was still glaring at the boy. Shinji spoke in a sadness filled voice "I know how feel kid...I know how you feel..." Then he would look down, his hair falling over his eyes. It was strange to see him this way. The girl tried to act indifferent, picking up her bowl of ramen and would ask the boy before digging in. "Hm... I did not know Xyxer had a younger brother. Then again I did not know the man that much, what was he like? Did you love him?" At all times her Meigan would be pinning the boy to the wall. If someone was to look into her eyes, they would notice her eyes being slightly different than normally.
Yasahiro Yagami
Yasahiro Yagami
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Village : Kemonogakure
Ryo : 27500

The Sharks Rebirth - Page 2 Empty Re: The Sharks Rebirth

Sat Apr 20, 2013 2:22 pm
Shinji was oblivious to all that went on. He did not notice the boy's own out break of sorrow. In fact, it was the words of Yozora that brought Shinji back to reality and caused him to raise his head once again. Although something would be off or rather on as it were: his three tome sharingan would still be active in his right eye. In his left eye was his natural brilliant blue eye and in the right the blood red of the sharingan. Shinji's voice took on a rare air of seriousness as he now talked: "Don't worry kid. I'm going to get the ones that took your brother. I can promise you that." After saying this Shinji knew that what he said was out of place and did not really match with what Yozora said at all. Then again Shinji did not care. He did not often care as of late. So, after saying this Shinji snagged a piece of cactus that lay at the bottom of his bowl and chewed on it thoughtfully. All the while his eyes stared down at the boy who sat across from him. Honestly Shinji did not know if he could continue being Tenkage if he was consumed by revenge-it would be bad for the village if he pulled them into his minds path of vengeance. These internal worries would not show on his face, no. His face would remain its sleepy self, but inside he was torn and this small boy was not helping in the least.

{Sorry for the meh post.}
Gilgamesh Uzumaki
Gilgamesh Uzumaki
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The Sharks Rebirth - Page 2 Empty Re: The Sharks Rebirth

Sat Apr 20, 2013 2:34 pm
And it happened once more.. Xyxer substituted his sorrow with anger. He wanted to kill everybody within the store.. and he would have if this was all happening in Kirigakure. He wanted to feel the adrenaline again of killing.. Digging the tips of his fingers into his scalp, he'd force himself to resist that urge, but he could no longer keep playing this trick as it made him feel like he was mocking his family.. His body grew in size almost instantly, so now he was once again the old Xyxer, sitting in a small ramen place.. Although his eyes were still glassy from the water his face retained the deadly serious composure he had always had. His only dream now was to sink the entire shinobi nation.. Just like what happened to Kirigakure. But that dream would not be accomplished in a night, and so Xyxer simply spoke, "I hope you had a nice trip and enjoyed the scenery outside of the window, Shinji."
Naoki Gekou
Naoki Gekou
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The Sharks Rebirth - Page 2 Empty Re: The Sharks Rebirth

Sat Apr 20, 2013 3:10 pm
Yozora pretty much got ignored. The kid was crying and Shinji did not seem to be paying attention to her question. Well, it wasn't directed at him, after all. "Don't worry kid. I'm going to get the ones that took your brother. I can promise you that." As he said that, Yozora noticed his right eye. It was... well, actually it was a Sharingan, third stage. She knew a lot about doujutsu, as she had done tons of research on the topic trying to identify which one was hers. Sharingan was one of the most common as well known doujutsu out there. But it was surprising to see Shinji have one. Especially since she was sure he did not have it the last time. Suddenly something changed. Her attention was on Shinji's eye, when she noticed the kid move. He was changing his shape, growing. In but a moment he became her age, if not older. And the face.... Actually she had no idea who it was.
Yasahiro Yagami
Yasahiro Yagami
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Village : Kemonogakure
Ryo : 27500

The Sharks Rebirth - Page 2 Empty Re: The Sharks Rebirth

Sat Apr 20, 2013 3:47 pm
Shinji about fell out of his seat as the boy transformed. In fact, as the boy transformed Shinji's sharingan deactivated leaving naught , but a black pupil in its place. It was spitting image of Xyxer and the words the man said revealed that it was in fact Xyxer himself back from the grave-maybe he was a freaking zombie. Regardless Shinji was happy to see that Xyxer was back. He did not question how it happened. He was about to say something when anbu operative Cat appeared behind Shinji and whispered something into his ear. With her words Shinji's face darkened slightly-it seemed that he would have put off his reacquainting with Xyxer apparently there was someone at the gates. As of late Shinji had taken village security rather seriously and liked to attend to most things personally. Although on the other hand he did not feel fond of just up and leaving, so why not invite these two along with him? Apparently it was naught, but one person. Speaking up in his sleepy tone once again he invited both Yozora and the reborn Xyxer: "I know this is a bad time, but I have some matters to attend to at the village gates and I would be honored if you two would come along with me." He did not give the other two too much time to decide, but hopefully they would come along. With that Shinji paid the waiter for all the food that had been ordered and went on his way. His destination being the village gates where somebody was looking for him.

Gilgamesh Uzumaki
Gilgamesh Uzumaki
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The Sharks Rebirth - Page 2 Empty Re: The Sharks Rebirth

Sat Apr 20, 2013 3:49 pm
Xyxer picked up a single bread roll before he followed suit of Shinji, moving calmly as if he was a monk. Although on the outside he may have seemed like he was completely at peace with the world it was quite truly the opposite.

Naoki Gekou
Naoki Gekou
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The Sharks Rebirth - Page 2 Empty Re: The Sharks Rebirth

Sat Apr 20, 2013 4:02 pm
Apparently the new face of the kid was quite a shock to Shinji, who even fell from his seat. But the situation did not get to develop much, as right after that one of Shinji's ANBU landed nearby whispering something in his ear. "I know this is a bad time, but I have some matters to attend to at the village gates and I would be honored if you two would come along with me." With that he paid for their orders and together with the other person left. Yozora grabbed the last bite, thanked the shopkeeper and followed right after them. To the gates!

[8 CD posts with Tenkage]
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