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Akira Namikaze
Akira Namikaze
Stat Page : The Kage's Shadow
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Clan Focus : Genjutsu
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 500

A night on the town, and what a town it is Empty A night on the town, and what a town it is

Sun Feb 11, 2024 9:48 pm
Mission Details:
Akira Namikaze
Akira Namikaze
Stat Page : The Kage's Shadow
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Clan Focus : Genjutsu
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 500

A night on the town, and what a town it is Empty Re: A night on the town, and what a town it is

Sun Feb 11, 2024 10:04 pm
The two walked arm in arm through the city streets of Kumogakure no Sato and his eyes continued to scan the horizon, clocking each individual that they passed by or that passed them. He held onto Asuka tightly, he was slightly... scared. He had spent so much of his life in crowds, one would think that he would have grown used to them, but for some reason they seemed to bring him to a place of overwhelm. The amount of blood in once place, it sung to him, but the melody was something that was more akin to a frightening scream, rather than a gentle soothing call.

This fear had festered with him when they were small. His obsession did cause him to be alienated as a child, even as a young adult, but he tried his best to not let it bring him down. Instead, he embraced the obsession with blood and just pushed away those that would alienate him. It wasn't until he turned twenty that he began to use his looks to his advantage. He quelled away much of his active obsession and adopted this bravado that would mask the inner beast that raged within him. He didn't let Asuka know, he shrugged it off the best he could, being sure to keep up his facade of confidence, airing on the side of arrogance.

If she would ask him if he was okay, he would simply grin and nod. If she analyzed his face, she would see that his eyes were analyzing everyone that surrounded them, he would simply feel their presence and assess any risk that they could be under. He knew that they lived in the village and it was relatively safe, but he never truly felt safe. There was always something hiding around the corner, always waiting to hurt him... or worse.. her. He squeezed her arm again, just once more, and did so tightly. He would make sure not to hurt her, just simply make her feel as safe as possible, while he sat in the discomfort and fear that he seemed to feel on a daily basis.

As they were walking down the road, there was a middle aged lady that waved them down. This is when he would turn on his true charm. He walked up with Asuka still wrapped in his arm, and he would bow his head slightly towards the woman. "Tell me, you lovely creature. What is it that me and my gorgeous friend can do for you today." She would then respond with a slight bow, "My grandchild's birthday is tomorrow and I need someone to deliver some goods for her. Would you be a darling and do that for me?" Akira would take the woman's goods, then her hand, he would bow down and kiss the back of it. After taking a quick and almost unnoticeable smell of her skin he would stand. "My dear, we can certainly do more than just that for you." He would offer her a card and continue, "Just give me a call and I can make you feel just as young as you want. Now let me know where we are taking these items." The woman would blush, hurriedly tell him the location and scurry away, looking at his card as she walked.

He would turn back to Asuka, he would lean in and whisper into her ear. "Looks like we got our first job, little lamb. Care to see where this one takes us?" He would stand straight and start leading her towards the drop off location.

WC: 598
Asuka Hyuuga
Asuka Hyuuga
Stat Page : Recipe Book
Mission Record : Mission Log
Iryōjutsu Remove Default
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Clan Focus : Taijutsu
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 500

A night on the town, and what a town it is Empty Re: A night on the town, and what a town it is

Mon Feb 12, 2024 2:56 am
Akira and Asuka would keep pace with each other as they walked through the streets with their arms held together. Askua primarily looked to the ground and her feet while walking, to ensure that she didn't bump or fall into anything. Luckily it seemed that Aklira knew where the two of them should go. She noticed his tight grip and would simply pat his arm with her other hand hoping to ease whatever tension he held. As they walked she would remain quiet unless he addressed her, she was busy thinking about what kind of ingredients she would buy with all the ryo they would be getting.

Soon an older woman flagged the two of them down and requested that they help her deliver something to her granddaughter for her. Immediately Akira accepted the job and began to attempt to charm the woman. Asuka slid her arm out from his and took a step back, giving both of them some room. A bit exasperated she would turn her body away from the two of them and wait for him to finish.

She would jump slightly as he whispered in her ear, a bit spooked by his sudden presence then watch him as he stood back up fully. Admittedly he was a rather ominous person, but she thought it added to his appeal. She would follow his lead once more, again he seemed to know where he was going. However, now walking without holding onto his arm she needed to pay more attention to her surroundings. Thankfully as they exited the area that the woman was in, the crowds dispersed slightly.

At some point, while they walked, rather plainly and in a somewhat monotone voice she’d say ”Akira, I don’t know if you should be hitting on our customers. I don’t want people to think I’m in on it too”

After speaking she’d pull the fluffy scarf she wore, up over her nose slightly in an attempt to hide her embarrassed face. She was never upset with him for what he chose to do with his life, but did he need to do it in front of her? Growing up he always seemed to attract some kind of attention, good and bad, regardless of the source he seemed to relish it. In some ways, she envied his bravado and charm, in others not so much.

She didn’t want to admit it, but she felt a bit of jealousy toward those who attracted his attention. He had always been able to make Asuka feel comforted when she had come to him with any issues and has been acting as a sort of protector for some time. She didn’t know what to think anymore honestly.

Akira Namikaze
Akira Namikaze
Stat Page : The Kage's Shadow
Remove Remove Remove Bukijutsu Remove Remove Remove Remove Default
Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Default
Clan Focus : Genjutsu
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 500

A night on the town, and what a town it is Empty Re: A night on the town, and what a town it is

Mon Feb 12, 2024 10:32 am
Akira would begin walking with Asuka, and he noticed that she didn't have her arm around his anymore. So he simply turned towards her, and picked her up by legs and torso so he could carry her through the village to their drop off location. She spoke about his work with the woman before.

"Oh, my little lamb, they would know that you have nothing to do with my... nightly interests. You are far too sweet and well put together for that. No it takes a rather broken individual to do what I do, sadly. You wouldn't make the cut." He would laugh as he carried her, rest his head softly on her shoulder for a moment to punctuate his sentence.

She would pull her scarf above her nose to prevent her from being seen. "Oh sweet sweet, beautiful Asuka, people know who you are. Anyone who is anyone knows who are just based on your smell alone, you always have had one of the most tantilizing scents of the village." He would lean in close to her ear and whisper, "Makes my mouth water just thinking about it." He would pull back his head and laugh uproariously with a hearty sound.

He carried her to the drop off location, and still with her in his arms, he would knock on the door with his foot. Shortly thereafter a woman answered the door. This woman was younger, seeming to be a minor, she asked what they were there for. Akira smiled a big smile and said in a cheery voice, "Oh you see I have a rather thoughtful gift from your grandmother and I am supposed to deliver it to the most wonderful child in the village. I suppose that is you, my dear." She would laugh and accept the package, he would bow, still holding Asuka, and he would leave for their next adventure.

"I noticed you weren't holding my arm," he would begin speaking to Asuka, "Didn't want you to fall, darling." He would carry her unless she asked to get down, then he would wrap her arm around his if she wanted down. If she truly wanted space, then he would of course grant that.

wC: 368

completion of first mission
Asuka Hyuuga
Asuka Hyuuga
Stat Page : Recipe Book
Mission Record : Mission Log
Iryōjutsu Remove Default
Remove Remove Water Remove Remove Default
Clan Focus : Taijutsu
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 500

A night on the town, and what a town it is Empty Re: A night on the town, and what a town it is

Mon Feb 12, 2024 11:02 pm
Asuka, resigned to her fate would allow him to pick her up, and carry her to the delivery location. She remained silent as they traversed the street, but would linger on his words as they escaped his mouth. She wasn’t hurt by his words and knew that she wouldn’t survive the world as he knew it. Often she wondered how he would have ended up if he had been adopted instead of her. Would he have changed his way, or was this destined to be his fate? As they walked she held tightly onto his shirt, hoping that he wouldn’t just drop her. She would be continued to be flustered until he would release her.

She would giggle slightly as she heard him idealize her station within the village. Nobody knew who she was, really except for her friends and family. She didn’t want people to know her truly, she hated the feeling of being observed and took comfort in knowing she could always hide away from whatever issue she had up to this point. Thankfully Akira was usually there to draw the attention of others so she could remain just a quiet observer.

”Akira….. I think you’re the only one who thinks that highly of me. I’m nobody, and I’d like to keep it like that.”

She would look down at her lap that held the package the woman had given them, and then forward out to the crowd of slowly dispersing people. Soon they would come upon the home, and upon knocking a young girl would open the door. Asuka would release the grip she had on Akiras shirt, take the gift from her lap, and then she’d hand it over to the small girl with a loving smile.

”Your grandmother wishes to tell you happy birthday, and that she hopes your day will be as wonderful as you are.”

As they left the home, Asuka informed him that while running errands she had seen that the Thunderpeak Campus was looking for people to come and assist them with a handful of different tasks. If he agreed she would point him in the correct direction, as they walked she’d lay her head on his chest and relaxed a bit realizing he wasn’t going to be putting her down.

However as they approached the campus she would request that he allowed her to walk, stating that she wanted to make a good impression of herself to the workers. If he released her she would stand and fix her flowing kimono. As they continued walking she wrapped her arm around his once more, hoping that would ease his mind.

Walking into the campus, they were greeted by a young man sitting behind a receptionist's desk. Asuka would allow Akira to take the lead in informing the man about why they were there. Soon they would be assigned to their tasks, and they quickly got to work. Combat wasn’t her thing but simply organizing, filing, and copying different kinds of paper work was a a breeze for her. It took her nearly no time at all to zip through the pile that had been assigned to her. However, if she saw Akira struggling she would ask if she could help him. If he accepted she would happily help him complete his pile too.

After they completed their first set of assignments, they were moved to a different section of the campus. While there, they were to help the other assistants in organizing various scrolls, note then file away any scrolls that had seemingly been damaged, and just overall watch over the general area. She would attempt to stay close to Akira as they went about their duties but would say very little unless asking a question to one of the other workers.

Maybe she could work here someday, or try to get an apprenticeship at the nearby hospital. She dreamed of a quiet and simple life, and could easily see herself settling into a cozy job like this. However, she dreamed of being a chef, so although working for the campus would be a great career choice, her passions drove her toward other opportunities.

WC: 699
Total WC: 1156
Akira Namikaze
Akira Namikaze
Stat Page : The Kage's Shadow
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Clan Focus : Genjutsu
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 500

A night on the town, and what a town it is Empty Re: A night on the town, and what a town it is

Mon Feb 12, 2024 11:33 pm
The delivery was made, and as they left Asuka would inform Akira that there was a need for them to go to the local campus, his face would contort, she knew that he wasn't going to want to go, they always made them work on paperwork and things. She laid her head on his chest, and he relaxed a bit. "Ugh. I suppose that's our next destination, then dear." He would say exasperated.

He walked through the village with her in his arms, breathing just a bit easier with her to filter out all of the people's attention. He could still smell the sweat on some people, feel other's heartbeats, or maybe it was in his head? He didn't know for sure, but at the times that he felt too uncomfortable, he would bring Asuka tightly to his chest. He would of course act as if it was no big deal at the time.

They arrived at the campus, and he would set her down as they entered the front door. The smell of blood was replaced by the sterile scent of hand sanitizer and the musty smell of paper and books. He would groan as he leaned against Asuka. "Must we?" He would moan towards her.

A young boy from behind the counter would check them in and they would soon be assigned their tasks. They would be brought to his worst nightmare, a room full of nothing but paper! He would vomit slightly in his mouth., looking visibly in distress. THey were given stacks of things to organize, and he would see Asuka have little to no issue completing her task, but at the same time, he would be completely lost as to do his.

"I think.. No, maybe.. Umm." He would mumble to himself. It was then that Asuka would walk over to him and help him with the task at hand. He would simply rub her shoulders as she got the work done for him. "You surely are the sweetest thing on this mountain, little lamb."

The first set of assignments were completed, and then they were off to organize more... files or weapons, or whatever. Whatever it was it was busy work and he hated it. But again, Asuka would come in and save the day for him. He would hum as she helped him with his task.

The scrolls of mission reports were the exhausting part, it was even more busy work and his mind was beginning to melt. His hands didn't want to do what they were supposed to. Overall, he was just miserable and wanted to be out there. He wanted to be out... there. In the training facility, with the pain that brought him so much pleasure. He looked down to the paper in front of him.

He brought the paper ever so close to the soft skin of his hand, and he would rip it across his flesh, slicing a small amount of his skin. The pleasure was too much, oh how it ravaged him. It was so raptuous that it put him on the edge. But then he would breathe, and come back to the planet, licking his blood to clean the wound.

WC: 534

Completion of mission 2 and 3
Asuka Hyuuga
Asuka Hyuuga
Stat Page : Recipe Book
Mission Record : Mission Log
Iryōjutsu Remove Default
Remove Remove Water Remove Remove Default
Clan Focus : Taijutsu
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 500

A night on the town, and what a town it is Empty Re: A night on the town, and what a town it is

Tue Feb 13, 2024 12:24 am
Asuka didn’t notice the cut on Akira's finger as she was busy handling both of their tasks. She knew that she would end up doing a portion of his work when she suggested the idea to him but was happy he decided to still come along with her. No matter where she was, she always felt a bit safer when he was nearby. After a few hours of organizing they had completed the jobs they had been assigned and both received their payment. It was dark now outside, but Asuka had one last thing she needed to do.

As they left the building and began discussing the plan for the rest of the evening, Asuka would say

”I completely forgot that I had picked up a shift at the Drunken Kage Bar, I was told they were looking for workers so I decided to take a shift of bartending. I’m sure they’d hire you too, they were looking for bouncers last I knew as well!”

She had worked there a handful of times, enough to know what the regulars liked and how to make a handful of their specialty drinks. While working Asuka’s personality would completely change, she knew that she wouldn’t receive nearly the amount of tips she usually made if she kept up with her shy and meek demeanor. Admittedly she had never informed Akira of her work there, she was a bit nervous to see how he’d react to her shift in personality.

If he agreed, Asuka would lock arms once more with Akira and begin heading to The Drunken Kage. As they walked she began to carry herself a bit differently as if she was trying to get into character. She stood up a bit straiter, slightly puffed out her chest, and held her head high. However, she would remain quiet, and attempt to not look others in the eye.

Upon entering the bar, Asuka would introduce Akira to the manager and assist in landing him a position if he wished. As they spoke Asuka would excuse herself to the back of the building where she kept a change of clothes, and change into her work attire. Upon exiting back into the bar she would be wearing a white, low-cut tank top that hugged her torso snuggly. On her legs she wore a black mini-skirt that stopped halfway down her thighs, however under that she wore tight black shorts just in case she slipped.

While dressed this way, she would attempt to avoid Akira, though she swore she could feel his eyes on her throughout the night. She would attempt to flirt with nearly every customer she came into contact with, making sure to utilize her “innocent” looking face. However, the entire time she acted like this she couldn’t help but feel disgusted by the fact that she was parading herself around like an item on display. She maintained an alluring aura throughout the night in hopes that she would receive a rather large bonus when they closed. After a few hours of money making the bar would remove any remaining customers and begin to close the establishment.

WC: 525
Total WC: 1681
Akira Namikaze
Akira Namikaze
Stat Page : The Kage's Shadow
Remove Remove Remove Bukijutsu Remove Remove Remove Remove Default
Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Default
Clan Focus : Genjutsu
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 500

A night on the town, and what a town it is Empty Re: A night on the town, and what a town it is

Tue Feb 13, 2024 11:51 am
After cutting his finger, he realized that the pain was not nearly enough. He made a mental note of it as he realized he would need to feel something much stronger later. But for now, he had to sort through these mission reports. They were boring, lame, unexciting, and tedious. He hated every moment of it. He wanted nothing more than to go out there and cleave someone's head clean off of their neck, or at least go out and make some money in a much more fun manner.

He sorted through a few dozen when it took Asuka to burn through the hundreds they had given her. He wondered how on Earth she was so good at doing such bullshit tasks. He shrugged his shoulders and realized there was no way he would get all of this done without her help. But of course, being the little lamb that she is, she came over to his station after she was done and helped him with his. To which he would immediately stop working and watch her do the job he was supposed to be doing.

She mentioned they needed to go to the Drunken Kage bar, as she had picked up a shift there for later that evening. His eyes widened, and his face brightened, "Now that sounds like a much more interesting time than what we are..." He looked towards the scrolls in disgust, "Currently doing. Let's go!" He grabbed her by the arm and whisked her out of the tedious paper room and out onto the streets of the village.

They walked to the bar arm in arm, and he noticed a few women standing on the side of the street; he took a mental note of their existence, "Working my corner while I'm gone, eh? That bitch." He would think to himself as they walked. Asuka was pretty quiet when they walked, but her walk became more pronounced, which was the best way he could think of it. "Darling, darling darling. I'm sure you'll get all the attention with that little walk."

They arrived at the bar, and she would speak with the manager about him working tonight. The manager agreed and asked if he wanted to perform as a bouncer, but he would return to the manager with the request to operate the bar alongside Asuka. He had tended one many times before, even if it was his own. But he knew his way around the drinks. The manager agreed, and this is when he would shed his overcloak.

He revealed a button-up shirt that was only buttoned halfway to show his midsection. He would let his long, crimson-red hair down over his shoulders, cascading from his head down to his back, and he rolled up his sleeves so the people could see the tattoos going up his forearms into his biceps and triceps. He saw Asuka walk back out in a change of clothes, and his heart stopped for a moment before he manually started it up again.

He would look at her with a sly, mischievous side-eye. "Well, the little lamb has shaved some of the wool, I see. My my, I must say your big bad wolf has now seen his prey, and he loves it." His wolf-like eyes would take on a different look to them. He would laugh at first, but then a sudden shock rushed through his head. The pain was minor, but it was enough to get him going. "Oh my." He said as he rubbed his eyes with his hands. The pain went away, and the two were behind the bar together.

The next few hours would go along as expected, the two flirting with every bar member. The men would generally prefer her, while the ladies would like him. But of course, this wasn't Akira's only goal. With every check he would pass out, he would hand the women, and even the men a card. It was his business card for his more after-hours type of work. Many of the women, and even some of the men, looked interested in his approach; he received many numbers for his little black book that night.

But there was one. There was a man who just seemed not to know when to stop. He would drink and drink. Then, he began to bother Asuka. He would jeer at her and say very unwelcoming things to her. She was a pro and handled it the best way he could, but Akira was a different story. The man would knock over a glass on the bar, demanding that Asuka pick it up, and that was his limit. Akira walked over to the man and stared at him in the eyes; his own deepened with desire, and that pain shot through his skull once again, but this time when he opened them. He could see something far different; he saw the man's organs and the very blood that coursed through his veins.

This had awoken something primal within him. He grabbed the man by his collar, picked him up, and dangled him. He carried the man out of the bar and tossed him out of it. The drunkard stumbled to his feet, but seeing the look of hunger in his eyes, he became fearful and left.

Akira returned to the bar, reentered the room, and continued the party. His eyes would be transformed, and the people seemed to think it was fascinating. But his personality would be slightly changed; the sight of all of these people's blood caused him to feel hungry. A desire that couldn't be sated.

By the night's end, he had his black book with dozens of new numbers, and the strange ability to see people's inner organs and blood. He tried to turn it off, but some of him didn't want to. He never cared for seeing people's faces; he only wanted their blood, and now, he had gotten his wish. This, of course, changed if Asuka approached him. He would snap out of it and respond to her usually, as generally as he could around Asuka.

WC: 1019
TWC: 2519

Completion of missions 4 and 5
Asuka Hyuuga
Asuka Hyuuga
Stat Page : Recipe Book
Mission Record : Mission Log
Iryōjutsu Remove Default
Remove Remove Water Remove Remove Default
Clan Focus : Taijutsu
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 500

A night on the town, and what a town it is Empty Re: A night on the town, and what a town it is

Tue Feb 13, 2024 12:56 pm
As the night came to an end Asuka would approach Akira and thank him for helping her with the disorderly man before. ”I wanted to thank you for standing up for me before, I’m really lucky to have you by my side.”

She’d give him a small bow, and flash him a rather cute smile. Her words were honest, as a kid he’d often assaulted those who had bullied or harmed her, and she found comfort in being around him. During the night she had noticed the change in his eyes but didn’t inquire about it for the time being, he seemed to not be upset by the change so she decided to drop it for now.

After the closing preparations were finished, Asuka would walk into the back once again and change from her work clothes to the heavy kimono she had worn previously. Finally, she felt comfortable once again and was happy to be enveloped by the soft fabric that clung to her body. She then would walk back out to the front and receive her payment from the manager. After saying her goodbyes, she would walk outside of the bar and into the chilly air.

Her legs felt heavy as she walked and she could feel her eyes starting to get heavy. This was the most work she had ever done in one day, and shifting her personality like that took a lot out of her. Mentally she was done and was nearly there physically. She craved her plush bed in her small but comfortable home and was relieved to finally be able to make her way home.

If Akira had followed her he would notice that she looked seemingly exhausted. She would yawn slightly and rub one of her eyes before looking at him and in a sleepy voice saying…

”Care to take me home? I hate walking alone at night and would feel much safer if you would accompany me. Also, you know if you’re tired, you’re always welcome to stay as well.

Regardless if he decided to join her or not Asuka would slowly begin wandering back home. Due to her exhaustion, she would nearly trip or stumble occasionally but was able to keep herself on her feet.


Total WC:2061

Mission Rewards:
Delivery Service (Pt. 1) :1000Ryo / 5AP
An Extension of Yourself: 1000 Ryo / 5 AP
Research Grunt: 1000 Ryo/ 5 AP
Books, Books, Books: 1000 Ryo/ 5 AP
Bar Duty: 1000 Ryo/ 5 AP
5,000 Ryo /25 AP

Mission rewards doubled from Beloved Presence
Reward Total: 10,000 Ryo / 50 AP

WC Claims: Previous Training Here
1000/1000 Bodily Restoration C Rank
1462/1500 Tenketsu Needle B Rank
Akira Namikaze
Akira Namikaze
Stat Page : The Kage's Shadow
Remove Remove Remove Bukijutsu Remove Remove Remove Remove Default
Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Default
Clan Focus : Genjutsu
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 500

A night on the town, and what a town it is Empty Re: A night on the town, and what a town it is

Tue Feb 13, 2024 2:00 pm
His little lamb would thank him for standing up for her, and he would simply bow lightly. "As always, anything for you, my little lamb. Now how about we get outta here? The air is brisk and you seem to be a little tired, eh?" He would finish cleaning and wait for her to get changed out of her work clothes and into her usual.

"You know, darling. That attire you wore before suits you, but in my opinion, your usual dress really makes you look stunning."

The night was done for the majority of the world, but this is truly when his night would begin. There were several women who had given him their address, and he was not one to disappoint his customers. He saw that his sweet, soft, and timid lamb was stumbling on her feet a bit, he decided that his clients could wait for a little while.

He grabbed Asuka, same way as before, carried her as a groom with a bride, and brought her home. "I would love to take you home, love. All you need is ask and I shall do it." He would carry her to her front door, prop her up so she was cradled in his left arm, open the door with his right. He would walk in, and lay her on her bed and sit beside her until she slept, singing a soft tune until she ceased to stir.

When he was sure that she was asleep, he would kiss her on the forehead and walk out of her home, ensuring it was locked behind him. He would then go about his normal nightly routine, and care for his many clients. He didn't love the idea of leaving her alone, he would stay up during his nightly activities and think of her safety, but he needed to make his own money, and this is the way he knew how.

WC: 320
TWC: 2839

+28 Strength
+822 towards Awakening Ketsurygan (complete) (previous Progress)
+2000 towards Beloved Presence (complete)
Dumping remaining WC

Mission Rewards:
Delivery Service (Pt. 1) :1000Ryo / 5AP
An Extension of Yourself: 1000 Ryo / 5 AP
Research Grunt: 1000 Ryo/ 5 AP
Books, Books, Books: 1000 Ryo/ 5 AP
Bar Duty: 1000 Ryo/ 5 AP

Total: 5,000 Ryo /25 AP
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