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Relics of the Past (Mission)

Hebiishi Orochi
Himari Hyuuga
Ayato Hyuuga
7 posters
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Hebiishi Orochi
Hebiishi Orochi
Stat Page : Slither on over
Mission Record : Mission Record
Taijutsu Remove Default
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Clan Specialty : Medical
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 13000

Relics of the Past (Mission) Empty Relics of the Past (Mission)

Thu Jan 04, 2024 11:20 pm

It was a warm day on the Vale of Heaven, the land of Haven's border. A gust of wind ruffled Hebiishi's golden hair as he held up a hand to shade his eyes. He was looking for two things. One was the arrival of his teammates at the makeshift camp. The second was for any sign of the missing ninja in the area. He had tracked her up to this point but had settled in not wanting to risk a confrontation without backup. He was a new genin after all, and in some ways, he wondered if he'd bitten off more than he could chew with these missions. But it was too late for concerns now. He was on mission and out from the village which made him more at risk than usual.

In fact, this was the first time he had been out of the village in a long time. He savored the smell of the woods, the warmth of the sun hitting his back, The sounds of nature, no urban noise or sight to be found. His time in the wildlife reserve had made him quite the woodsman, and so his camp was well set up. In a nook with thick foliage to cover it from being easily observed, he sat at the top of a hill and was able to peer out in a variety of directions. His dojutsu served him well here, allowing him an extra look at anywhere someone may think the cover of shadows or darkness might keep them concealed. He was able to use cover better as well, blackness and shade not being a concern for his eyes.

It was when he checked again that he noted some movement in the nearby underbrush. For better or worse, someone was approaching. He just hoped it was an ally shinobi he'd sent for with a borrowed pigeon.

WC: 313
TWC: 313
MTWC: 313/6,000
Stat Page : Joro
Mission Record : Joro Mission Logs
Iryōjutsu Remove Remove Ninjutsu Remove Jikūjutsu Default
Remove Earth Water Remove Remove Default
Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 2500

Relics of the Past (Mission) Empty Relics of the Past (Mission)

Sat Jan 06, 2024 5:33 pm
Joro was finishing up his morning meditation when a messaging pigeon found its way onto the balcony of his apartment. Attached to the bird was a message from Hebiishi stating that he was to meet him on the Vale of Haven and that they had a mission. It also said that they were gonna have two other shinobi along with them, but didn't clarify who. Joro was very excited to see his friend again and partake in another great adventure with him. He was also excited to meet new shinobi who would be joining them, whoever they were.

Joro quickly packed the things he may need choosing to pack light. He had just gotten a new katana and was excited to use it, if necessary. Once everything was ready to go he set off. Heading straight for the meeting place. However, he did take some extra time to put his tea in a travel container since he didn't get to finish it this morning. The warm day in Hoshigakure made the run very enjoyable, Joro always preferred warm weather to cold. As Joro made his way toward the meeting place he was running up the last hill and had to make his way through some thick underbrush. Probably wasn't the quietist of entries that the genin had made. As he finally got out of the underbrush he could see his fellow Shinobi Hebiishi waiting for him. Joro would walk over to him waving as he made his way over and tell him, "Hey! Congratulations on making Genin! I just heard about it the other day that's awesome!! I'm very excited to work with you on a mission again! Also who are the two other shinobi joining us on this mission?"

With that remark, another Shinobi would be making his way towards them. Joro could only wait to see who would be joining them on this mission.

Amikiri Guhin
Amikiri Guhin
Stat Page : Stat Page
Mission Record : Mission Rewards
Remove Remove Remove Bukijutsu Remove Remove Ninjutsu Remove Remove Default
Wind Earth Remove Remove Fire Default
Clan Specialty : Taijutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 154950

Relics of the Past (Mission) Empty Re: Relics of the Past (Mission)

Sat Jan 06, 2024 10:34 pm
Amikiri’s eyes fluttered open as the light of day shot through the trees. He had spent the night sleeping in a very primitive makeshift shelter. It was composed of a large Y-shaped branch leaned against a tree, with sticks laid against it, and bark and moss laid atop that. The shelter provided fantastic protection from wind, snow, and rain, while also providing decent camouflage against would-be attackers.

Speaking of protection, currently he only wore his armor Nise. It was much too uncomfortable to wear Kavacha during the night and Nise did the job, especially with his ability to summon Kavacha at a moment’s notice. In terms of his ability to fight back against these possible attackers, he simply had the weapons in his Sealing Bands. A Universal Projectile, while intended for long range, could manage in a short range confrontation. He didn’t want to use his Great Spear in such a small area, as its size would likely cause it to be too unwieldy.

The dark haired Hyuuga had spent the night in a sitting position, with his back against the tree. It was a tad uncomfortable, but allowed him to be better prepared for any attackers. Amikiri, in his typical early morning confusion, wondered why he bothered so much with protecting himself against attackers. He pondered for a second, before remembering he had been assigned on a mission to recover a rare relic from a roaming missing ninja. Speaking of which, he was supposed to meet up with his teammates today, by noon at the latest.

Of course, Amikiri could’ve easily made the journey from Hoshigakure to their meetup location on foot within a couple of hours, and there was no need for him to have left yesterday. However, he wanted to enjoy the nature around him. Spending his entire life in this beautiful countryside, he always missed it when he was within the urban center that was Hoshigakure. THe dark haired man rose and quickly destroyed his shelter, before he started walking towards his rendezvous point at a casual pace. He thought back to his time as a child, racing through forests and fields, before being called back home for supper. While it had only been a few months since the set of missions he had ventured deep and far into the wilderness, it had felt like an eternity. The beautiful forests, rolling hills, and steep, rocky mountains were always what he would call home. While he walked, he summoned his Kavacha and Great Spear. He strapped his Great Spear to his back, but in a slightly different manner than usual. Amikiri had the handle sticking down and right, with the blade sticking up and to the left. This was almost the opposite of what he usually did, but storing it this way allowed the blade to avoid any risk of being damaged by ground objects. As he put on the helmet for Kavacha, he activated the short range version of his Byakugan, allowing him to maintain maximum visibility even with the helmet on.

As the Hyuuga came within a dozen or so miles of his target, he swapped his Byakugan to its long-range, focused form. He swept the area around him, looking for his teammates. Eventually, the dark haired man found a camp. Cleverly concealed in the terrain of the woods, it was the sign of a fellow experienced resident of the rural and wild parts of Haven Country. He switched back to his short-range Byakugan, observing their exchange of words from a bit of a distance. He couldn’t make out what they said, nor did the Hyuuga yet have the ability to read lips. Amikiri decided to take the chance on if they were hostile and friendly, and walked towards the camp. As he drew near, he took his helmet off and deactivated his Byakugan. When he exited the thick brush surrounding the camp, he would say in a comedic tone, “Well, I hope y’all are here for the mission. Otherwise, I might’ve just put myself in quite the sticky situation.”

WC: 675
TMWC: 1304/6000

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Hebiishi Orochi likes this post

Ayato Hyuuga
Ayato Hyuuga
Stat Page :

Mission Record :
Summoning Contract : Forest of Dreams Ravens

Living Clones : Natsuki
Familiar : Maneki
Legendary Equipment : Raiment of Eternal Fortune
Stone of Gelel
Remove Taijutsu Remove Kanjutsu Jikūjutsu Default
Remove Earth Water Lightning Remove Default
Clan Specialty : Taijutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 435700

Relics of the Past (Mission) Empty Re: Relics of the Past (Mission)

Sun Jan 14, 2024 5:13 pm
As dawn painted the border of heaven with its first golden hues, Natsuki Hyuuga, a seasoned Jounin from Hoshigakure, stood with an air of assurance and readiness. Her silver hair shimmered in the morning light, and the violet depths of her eyes held a silent determination. Adorned in lightweight silver armor, she wore a crimson cloak that billowed gently in the breeze, a visual emblem of her rank and loyalty.

She bore the weight of her distinguished accomplishments and a familial connection that tied her closely to the village's leadership. As the sister of the revered Hogokage and one of the great heroes of the present era, Natsuki carried the legacy of a lineage marked by excellence and commitment to the village. This association added a layer of responsibility to her role, as her actions echoed her prowess and contributed to the collective narrative of the Hyuuga legacy within Hoshigakure. The shadow of Ayato's influence, cast across the village as a symbol of leadership and heroism, served as both a source of inspiration and a reminder of the expectations of being part of such an esteemed family.

Natsuki arrived early, a silent sentinel awaiting the genin team she would lead on their mission. As they gathered at the border, she greeted them with a nod, her gaze carrying a sense of recognition despite it being their first meeting. The unspoken familiarity spoke to the interconnected bonds threaded through the village's shinobi.

The morning air carried a faint scent of dew, and the distant rustle of leaves added a serene backdrop to the scene. Natsuki's leadership style emerged subtly, her calm demeanor instilling confidence in the genin team. A hint of humor danced in her eyes, lightening the mood as she prepared to guide them through relics and secrets.

"Morning, team! Natsuki Hyuuga here, your tour guide through relics and secrets. Once we go through the names, we can show the skills. Ready to dive into the mysteries of the day?"

Their objectives included a relic retrieval, a task demanding precision and skill. In Natsuki's experienced hands, the team would navigate the challenges with poise. As the morning breeze whispered promises of a new mission, the group stood on the threshold of heaven, ready to embark on their journey.

[WC: 380]
Hebiishi Orochi
Hebiishi Orochi
Stat Page : Slither on over
Mission Record : Mission Record
Taijutsu Remove Default
Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Default
Clan Specialty : Medical
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 13000

Relics of the Past (Mission) Empty Re: Relics of the Past (Mission)

Sun Jan 14, 2024 8:09 pm
As Joro emerged from the underbrush Hebiishi let out a sigh of relief and let the tension out of his body. It seemed his back up had arrived. He smiled at the man, their recent spar still fresh in his mind, as well as the tea they had enjoyed together afterwards. He still wasn't entirely comfortable with him, friendship was something he had no experience with, but he felt himself getting more used to it. He at least didn't have to worry about clan hate from him. He had shown no sign of despising Hebiishi's Orochi heritage.

"Thank you! I was lucky to pass at all, but I'm thrilled to be a proper shinobi. It seems some in the village have high hopes for me, as I'm surprised by the rank of the missions they assigned me for my first time as genin. I hope I don't let anyone down." He paused for a moment and looked thoughtful, "I don't know who's assigned to the mission. I just sent out a request for help once I neared the Nightingale's base of operations. I knew I wouldn't be enough to capture her on my own. It's a relief to hear we have two others coming."

As he finished speaking he picked up on the noise Joro had seemed to have noticed and two other shinobi arrived at their camp. One was a tough but average looking man who, by his own words, seemed rather carefree. The other was a unique looking, if not beautiful, woman who seemed like she had stepped out of a fairy tale. Her silvery hair, fair skin, and violet eyes gave her an ethereal appearance that almost made one overlook her noble attire and other similar aspects of her appearance.

While both seemed friendly and were clearly from Hoshigakure, Hebiishi's guard went up. However, even with Joro present, he didn't feel comfortable around strangers. He'd learned far too often that hatred could hide in any heart. That it could also wait to strike until an opportune moment, eager to teach an Orochi 'traitor' a lesson. He'd need to keep his eyes wide open, especially considering what they may end up against in this mission. Speaking of...

"Hello, I'm Hebiishi Orochi and this is Joro Shokku." He said while nodding at the red haired ninja, "I've called for help as we're all located very close to the Nightingale's base of operations. I've tracked her here in the hopes that we can recover the relic she's stolen before she uses it for something nefarious. With your aid, I'm hoping we can pull this mission off without casualties on our side. I think you've all been briefed on the artifact she's somehow been able to use?"

He waited a few moments to get a nod of confirmation, suddenly feeling uncomfortable taking charge in the briefing, he was a new genin after all, "Hopefully someone more senior than me can take over from here, who'd like to be our squad leader? Does anyone have a proposed plan of action?"

WC: 508
TWC: 821
MTWC: 2,192/6,000

Last edited by Hebiishi Orochi on Mon Jan 15, 2024 9:11 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : typo)
Stat Page : Joro
Mission Record : Joro Mission Logs
Iryōjutsu Remove Remove Ninjutsu Remove Jikūjutsu Default
Remove Earth Water Remove Remove Default
Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 2500

Relics of the Past (Mission) Empty Re: Relics of the Past (Mission)

Mon Jan 15, 2024 9:04 pm
As Joro was listening to his friend Hebiishi response, "Thank you! I was lucky to pass at all, but I'm thrilled to be a proper shinobi. It seems some in the village have high hopes for me, as I'm surprised by the rank of the missions they assigned me for my first time as genin. I hope I don't let anyone down. I don't know who's assigned to the mission. I just sent out a request for help once I neared the Nightingale's base of operations. I knew I wouldn't be enough to capture her on my own. It's a relief to hear we have two others coming.". At this he saw the two other Shinobi one an average sized guy with a tough demeanor. As he approached he stated in a comedic tone, “Well, I hope y’all are here for the mission. Otherwise, I might’ve just put myself in quite the sticky situation.”. Both shinobi were of the Hyuuga clan because of their visual prowess the Byakugan. Joro wondered when he would unlock his clan's dojutsu he felt it was coming but started to grow impatient. The other shinobi a tall fair woman of the Hyuuga clan with silver hair that shined in the morning sun and violet eyes that Joro would probably get lost in if he looked to long. They were of similar age maybe he was a bit younger. She walked over having an aura of power and exuding an air of elegance. Having been distracted for the last few moments Joro jumped back to reality hopefully he didn't get caught. He quickly realized though that Hebiishi had already introduced himself and Joro. Joro didn't know what to make of having his comrade introduce him before he got the chance but he decided to not worry too much about it. Joro quickly flashed a charming smile and waved at the new comers.

Hebiishi began talking again about the mission stating, "I've called for help as we're all located very close to the Nightingale's base of operations. I've tracked her here in the hopes that we can recover the relic she's stolen before she uses it for something nefarious. With your aid, I'm hoping we can pull this mission off without casualties on our side. I think you've all been brief on the artifact she's somehow been able to use?". After waiting a few moments Hebiishi continued by stating, "Hopefully someone more senior than me can take over from here, who'd like to be our squad leader? Does anyone have a proposed plan of action?". Joro agreed with Hebiishi's remark although he was also a relatively inexpierenced shinobi compared to the other two it seemed. He felt that he probably wasn't ready to lead a mission of this caliber just yet. But that was hopefully his end goal to reach a place of power and respect within Hoshigakure. As Hebiishi finished the young woman stated, "Morning, team! Natsuki Hyuuga here, your tour guide through relics and secrets. Once we go through the names, we can show the skills. Ready to dive into the mysteries of the day?". So he finally got a name for the young woman Natsuki huh? It seemed though that she was probably going to be the mission leader. She definitely seemed the most experienced and powerful out of the group. With that Joro assumed they would be getting to the showing of skills soon enough. He felt that the new skills he just picked up would be of great benefit in this upcoming mission.

TWC: 907
Amikiri Guhin
Amikiri Guhin
Stat Page : Stat Page
Mission Record : Mission Rewards
Remove Remove Remove Bukijutsu Remove Remove Ninjutsu Remove Remove Default
Wind Earth Remove Remove Fire Default
Clan Specialty : Taijutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 154950

Relics of the Past (Mission) Empty Re: Relics of the Past (Mission)

Mon Jan 15, 2024 10:17 pm
As a young woman who looked to be the same age as the dark haired Hyuuga arrived at the site, it seems all four members of the team had fallen into place. Amikiri silently and internally chuckled at the astronomically strange timing of it all, with the three of them having stumbled upon Hebiishi’s camp almost simultaneously.

Amikiri eyed the new member of the group. He heard her talking, but he didn’t really understand her words. He did not intend to be rude, he was just too busy focusing on her face and hair. There was something about it that was strikingly familiar. As the silver and gold haired Hyuuga finished speaking, Amikiri would say, “You know, this may sound weird, but I swear I recognize you from somewhere. I think it’s a bit of your face structural or something, as well as the hair color. Do you happen to know or be related to a Toneri Hyuuga? You two seem strikingly similar.”

After he finished talking, the dark haired Hyuuga surveyed the group. Amikiri appreciated Hebiishi’s review of the details. As the saying went, measure twice, cut once. From what the dark haired Hyuuga observed of this man, he seemed to be a fellow man of practicalities. While the blond haired boy seemed to be half a decade Amikiri’s junior, he stood around the same height as he did.

Surveying the last member of the group, Joro Shokku was quite the large figure. At six feet tall and over two hundred pounds, his physical presence seemed to fill whatever room he was in. However, his social presence was quite minimal, as it seemed that he let Hebiishi do most of the talking for him.

At this point, Amikiri realized he had done a bit of surveying, but not a whole lot of introducing. He said, “Well, my name is Amikiri Guhin. In regards to what we should do, I think our choice is quite simple. I’ve never been a fan of thieves. They take the hard work of others, not just stealing money, but also stealing someone else’s blood, sweat, and tears. Not only are we here today to deal with a thief, this thief is a particularly dangerous and possibly violent one. I say we treat this mission as act first, ask questions later.”

His right hand drifted backwards, moving towards his Great Spear. He did not mean to intimidate or threaten his teammates with this move, simply to display his intent for this ‘Nightingale’ figure.

The dark haired Hyuuga never thought of himself as a particularly violent man. However, he did have a deep, seething hatred for thieves. As he had said, they stole more than just money, they also stole someone’s hard work and passion. Additionally, the last time he had dealt with a missing ninja was Isomo. As much as Toneri told him to move on, Amikiri still knew he had made the wrong choice not arresting Isomo at that very moment. He was not going to let that mistake happen again. This was not the time for them to be paused by their doubts, this was a time for them to act.

WC: 528
TWC: 1203
TMWC: 3311/6000

Heifu Jōnetsu likes this post

Ayato Hyuuga
Ayato Hyuuga
Stat Page :

Mission Record :
Summoning Contract : Forest of Dreams Ravens

Living Clones : Natsuki
Familiar : Maneki
Legendary Equipment : Raiment of Eternal Fortune
Stone of Gelel
Remove Taijutsu Remove Kanjutsu Jikūjutsu Default
Remove Earth Water Lightning Remove Default
Clan Specialty : Taijutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 435700

Relics of the Past (Mission) Empty Re: Relics of the Past (Mission)

Tue Jan 16, 2024 5:00 pm
As the new addition to the team, a young man with dark hair, arrived, Natsuki Hyuuga couldn't help but notice the strangely coincidental timing of their gathering at Hebiishi's camp. The oddity of it all prompted an internal chuckle from her.

Amikiri's attempt to recognize her face and hair left Natsuki amused. She responded with a playful smile, "Well, I hope the familiarity is a good thing. Toneri's my brother, so the family resemblance is strong, it seems."

Taking a moment to survey the team, Natsuki shared her thoughts, "Ah, the complexities of teamwork. You've got a practical one," nodding at Hebiishi, "and a man of few words," glancing at Joro Shokku. "Now, Amikiri, you're not just against thieves but against those who steal blood, sweat, and tears. I like the way you think."

Her gaze shifted towards the camp and continued, "So, shall we dance with this 'Nightingale'? I say we make our moves and let them hit the right notes when they realize the show has started." Natsuki playfully tapped her fingers against her sword, emphasizing her readiness for action. "Let's bring some harmony back to this melody."

With that, Natsuki stepped forward, her silver hair catching the sunlight. "If they're expecting a silent night, we'll give them a symphony they won't forget," she added, her tone carrying a blend of determination and a hint of mischievousness as the balance to the melody of justice was bound to be restored.

[WC: 242]
[TWC: 622]
[TMWC: 3533]
Hebiishi Orochi
Hebiishi Orochi
Stat Page : Slither on over
Mission Record : Mission Record
Taijutsu Remove Default
Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Default
Clan Specialty : Medical
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 13000

Relics of the Past (Mission) Empty Re: Relics of the Past (Mission)

Tue Jan 16, 2024 11:19 pm
Hebiishi noticed Joro give Natsuki a long look. It took him a few moments to venture a guess as to why. Was he... checking her out?!? He almost hit his friend to bring him back to reality, but luckily Joro got there on his own. He hoped his suspicions were wrong. There was no room for anything but professionalism on a mission especially one like this, outside of the safety of their village walls and out in the real world. But it wasn't his place to teach, especially when he himself would be stepping beyond professionalism to ensure he didn't get a kunai to the back.  

He was pleased with both of the newcomer's responses and hoped he could trust their own professionalism on this mission. However, he did give a solid nod to Natsuki as it seemed she was naturally taking point as squad leader.  Once their introductions were fully out of the way he led them from the campsite and into enemy territory. Moving in the woods felt natural to him, like a second home and he was glad to move to work off some of his nervous energy. He was on guard though, not knowing when they could step foot into an ambush. But before long they came into a clearing he recognized.

He signaled the others to stop, despite the clearing appearing like nothing was out of the ordinary to the naked eye. He walked around and tapped his foot surreptitiously. After a few minutes passed he heard a metallic clang and began to dig around the dirt. With a bit more searching he pressed a button and the grass parted to reveal a long stairway descending underground. This was as far as he had been so far, getting lucky in his discovery of the base while tailing the Nightingale at night. The cover of darkness had made her drop her guard and his dojutsu allowed him to not miss a single one of her actions, with them being as clear as if it were daylight. At this point, he signaled the others to lead the way and dropped to the rear guard. Someone more experienced and with better combat potential should lead their way into the unknown depths.

WC: 373
TWC: 1,194
MTWC: 3,906/6,000
Stat Page : Joro
Mission Record : Joro Mission Logs
Iryōjutsu Remove Remove Ninjutsu Remove Jikūjutsu Default
Remove Earth Water Remove Remove Default
Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 2500

Relics of the Past (Mission) Empty Re: Relics of the Past (Mission)

Wed Jan 17, 2024 3:36 pm
As Joro was listening to the other two shinobi introduce themselves he felt he should probably get along with introducing himself as well. At first, he didn't know how to go about it sometimes he struggled in some social situations due to his anxiety. So he just gave Amikiri a firm handshake and smiled at him saying " Always nice to meet someone who sees the world for not just the exterior but what it took to make that interior." With that, Joro took his attention off Amikiri and turned towards Natsuki. "Oh dear", Joro thought she was one lovely shinobi. At that thought Joro did his best to remain subtle offering a handshake to Natsuki. While he was shaking Natsuki's hand he said, "It's a pleasure to meet someone radiating such elegance. Also I'm Joro Shokku but Hebiishi already pointed that out." at that he winked at her with his right eye and flashed another charming smile towards the Jonin. Joro remained calm during this exchange but inside he was fuming at himself, Really man a wink? She's probably gonna shrug you off, your probably just this week's cocky guy that is attempting a flirt! With the additional responses from the group, Joro only nodded ready to get the mission underway he could see Hebiishi eyeing him at his latest attempt at chivalry.

At this point, Hebiishi led them from the campsite into enemy territory. Moving through the woods Hebiishi seemed to glide through them Joro had always enjoyed walking through the woods but Hebiishi glided through it. At this point, Joro was ready to go if anything popped up they were in enemy territory after all. Hebiishi signaled the others to stop, despite the clearing appearing like nothing was out of the ordinary to the naked eye but maybe he saw something they hadn't. At that, Hebiishi started to tap around with his foot till there was a metal clang and he began to dig. Joro felt he should probably help his friend. He started to dig then and wondered what they could be digging for. As they kept digging Hebiishi found a button and pressed it parting the grass in the area and opening to a long stairway descending underground. At this discovery Joro felt the team must proceed with extreme caution he nodded with Hebiishi that they probably shouldn't be the ones leading them down into the tunnel considering they were the least experienced. At that, he let the other two of their teammates lead and Hebiishi and himself covered the rear of the group. Who knows what could be lurking in the depths?

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