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In Search of Relics (IO)(NK) Empty In Search of Relics (IO)(NK)

Tue Jan 19, 2021 11:43 pm
Continuing from this thread

Ban lead Murata to the Kage office building. Ban didn't tell Murata where she was leading her but by now she would probably catch a hint. "In order for us to find Xyxer, we need to talk to the Mizukage. Not only might he have the answer, but he might also be able to give us some resources." Ban didn't believe that the Mizukage would disapprove of this expedition as it benefited the village quite greatly. This would be the first time Ban has ever met the Mizukage, or any Kage for that matter. She was slightly nervous but she wouldn't dare show it. 

Upon approaching the entrance, she would talk to whomever what needed to talk to, whether that was a secretary or guard posted at the front. "We seek an audience with the Mizukage for his blessing for a quest and some intel," Ban would tell them boldly. She did carry all her weapons with her, but she didn't wield any of them in hand, and her shinobi headband shown in the front of her body around her neck like a necklace. The only reason she could be taken as a threat was her large stature. 

WC: 198
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In Search of Relics (IO)(NK) Empty Re: In Search of Relics (IO)(NK)

Wed Jan 20, 2021 9:21 pm
Murata follows close behind Ban, allowing her to take the lead. Her presence as a Chuunin (visibly, on account of her jacket) may offer their impromptu trip some manner of legitimacy, but she is otherwise content to fade into the background for the moment. This is for a few reasons - one, she would like to dedicate her energy to keeping a close eye on her surroundings. Secondly, this is not quite how she would have chosen to approach the issue. That isn't to say she necessarily thinks it foolish - or she would have talked Ban out of it - but her differing inclination would likely water down the effectiveness of the approach.

"A quest?" Murata echoes in a quiet aside, a smile tugging at the corner of her mouth, amused at Ban's wording. "Well, I suppose..."

Kizmaru Senju
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In Search of Relics (IO)(NK) Empty Re: In Search of Relics (IO)(NK)

Thu Jan 21, 2021 3:17 am
Found sitting at his desk, the Mizukage was hard at work signing off on paperwork that seems to continuously pile up day by day. Another quiet day for him, or so he assumed. Little did he know, something was currently happening just a floor below in the lobby area. Two Kirigakure shinobi had barged in to demand an audience with the esteemed Mizukage. the receptionist look up through there own paperwork, tilting their heads a bit in confusion. The two who walked in were both clearly from Kirigakure but they should know by now how these procedures work. Deciding to humor them anyway as to make it so nobody can accuse them of not doing their job, the receptionist asked them, "Do you to have a scheduled appointment, if not I can probably pencil you in for a week from now. I'd just need your names and the reason for the schedule visit." 

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In Search of Relics (IO)(NK) Empty Re: In Search of Relics (IO)(NK)

Fri Jan 22, 2021 7:01 pm
Ban had never dealt with the Kage's office or made appointments before. She didn't know how those things worked as she normally just did the things she needed to do when she needed to. So when the receptionist asked them if they made an appointment, Ban got extremely uncomfortable. "Appointment? These are important details about the previous Kage's whereabouts!" The receptionist continued saying that if they didn't have one that they could get one next week. A whole week? How can anyone be that busy? As much as Ban respected the leadership of Kiri, she clearly didn't know how busy their lives get. Ban turned to Murata in contemplation and sighed deeply. "I guess if we must make an appointment, next week will do just fine." Ban was extremely embarrassed and upset that she would have to wait a week to see that Kage. Perhaps Murata had an idea as she was a chunin. 

WC: 154
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In Search of Relics (IO)(NK) Empty Re: In Search of Relics (IO)(NK)

Fri Jan 22, 2021 10:06 pm
Murata appears perfectly serene. "Next Friday, then? Will the morning do? I have a mission in the evening," she says, casting her gaze sideways to Ban to ensure that she is alright with this time slot. "Please put our reason as a request for access to classified information and a mission proposal. I will be able to submit the associated forms within the next few days."

Murata always finds it faintly amusing how allergic to bureaucracy those born and raised in the village are. You would think they'd be used to it by now.

TWC: 229
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In Search of Relics (IO)(NK) Empty Re: In Search of Relics (IO)(NK)

Mon Jan 25, 2021 8:50 am
The receptionist nodded towards the two as they began to pencil in the two of them for an open time slot. As they did so, they had gotten a call from the Mizukage, as he asked for a specific file he had wanted a few days prior. They informed him they would look for the file he requested after they finished dealing with some unscheduled guests asking to see him without an appointment. Feeling curious, the Mizukage tilted his head a bit and asked what exactly they needed from him. The receptionist told him about a mission proposal of some sorts. Giving a small sigh, the Mizukage figured the receptionist was about to schedule an appointment for something that would only take five minutes at best. They were good at doing their job but sometimes, they were a bit too strict. getting confirmed about the file he was looking for, the Mizukage decided to ask the receptionist to send the visitors up towards since he had a bit of free time currently anyway. All he was doing was putting his name on a sheet of paper a hundred or so times so he could afford to do that and have a small conversation at the same time. Honoring the Mizukage's request, the receptionist informed the two they may go through to see him. 

W.C: 223
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In Search of Relics (IO)(NK) Empty Re: In Search of Relics (IO)(NK)

Tue Jan 26, 2021 9:11 pm
In a quick change in fashion, the receptionist would get a call from the Mizukage. Ban couldn't hear on the Mizukage's end but she responded to him about some file, explaining about the two of them in the process. With that, she changed her mind about scheduling them into next week and that they could see him now. Ban was stunned by the quick change of plans, thinking that they would actually have to wait a week to see the Kage. Ban looked at Murata with a surprised look with a hint of anxiety. 

The only higher up Ban has ever met were some jonin and chunin. She thought that she would have to work up the system ladder to even be on the Kage's radar. Obviously, the Kage was still human but with Ban's upbringing being to be obedient to the Kage at all times, even though she didn't know much about the Kage. It made it seem like the Kage's were more than just humans, rather eternal beings made from the image of Kirigakure.

They would get directions from the receptionist on directions to the Kage's office. Ban was too nervous to even open the door, she let Murata open it. As soon as Ban entered the room, she quickly knelt on one knee with her right hand on her heart. "Thank you for meeting with us, great Mizukage." The behavior might seem extremely strange, especially if Murata didn't follow with it or if the Mizukage had ever gotten high praise from anyone. Either way, she did it to respect the Mizuakge. Ban would start with, "we have important information and request for a mission on the former Mizukage." She would allow Murata to fill Kizimaru on the rest of the information as Ban wasn't the one who researched.  

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In Search of Relics (IO)(NK) Empty Re: In Search of Relics (IO)(NK)

Tue Jan 26, 2021 9:43 pm
Well, this is a fine mess.  Ban appears to have entirely lost her nerve. Walking into their leader's office with a pile of newspaper clipping and half-baked theories effectively alone was not what she'd been planning to do with her day. Murata's jaw tightens as she opens the door, the woman doing her best to think fast.

As the first one to enter the office, she also does not have Ban's example to follow. Murata politely inclines her head in greeting to a superior.

"Lord Second."

Murata keeps her eyes trained forwards on the leader of their village. Presuming that Kizmaru is fully decked out in his persona of Aloide Terumi, veiled and/or armored, she is oblivious to the fact that they have met before. Kizmaru will recognize her as the chipper newcomer who had worked with him and Yosei Hisori on an escort mission several months previous.

Murata hears Ban behind her settle into what must be a proper kneel, words carrying extreme deference. The mismatch will do well to make at least one of them look quite stupid. Murata clears her throat, shuffling her papers awkwardly as Ban's words shoves her further into the spotlight. What she has in her hands is... unimpressive. She has one more card held in hand, but she had been unwilling to reveal it to Ban, largely for fear that her efforts in that regard would fizzle out. The consequences for making promises to the Mizukage she could not keep could be far more dire, but there is little else she can think of to justify this reckless visit.

Presuming she is given the go-ahead to speak in some manner (verbally or through body language communicating expectation), she begins to speak.

"We have come to express a personal interest in joining the investigation into the disappearance of Xyxer Gyojin, presuming one has existed," she says. "I would like to request access to appropriate records, as well as coordinates to the location of Old Kirigakure. I believe that given a few weeks and a little more information, I will be able to confirm his status through use of my sensory techniques, and potentially recover the assets he departed with."

She does not need to spell out what 'assets' she means. The allure of Samehada will be no small temptation, if Aloide is like any previous Mizukage.

TWC: 622
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In Search of Relics (IO)(NK) Empty Re: In Search of Relics (IO)(NK)

Fri Jan 29, 2021 6:19 am
Wearing the steam armored hat disguised as the Mizukage hat that concealed his face and robe as well as his steam armor underneath, the Mizukage awaited his guests to turn up in his office any second now. As he did so, he continued to work on his documents previously as he didn't have anything else to do. Upon their arrival, the Mizukage put his pen down in order to greet them. Paying full attention to the duo who entered his office, one of them began to speak. According to them, they claimed to have some kind of information regarding the previous Mizukage that they needed permission from him to investigate. Admittedly, the current Mizukage was curious but at the same time, worried about where they were getting this information and why they wanted to do this kind of activity in the first place. After the brief sentence, they had passed over the reins of explanation to their partner for them to keep it going to which the Mizukage turned his attention too. Getting the full explanation from this one, it seems they were doing this out of personal venture and requested permission to view files that were considered quite confidential. As amusing as it was, he figured eventually he'd have to send out search parties.

The problem was, even the current Mizukage didn't know where the location of the old Kirigakure ruins were. After all, it was destroyed when he was but a child. There might be some files in the library or the intelligence agency for this kind of thing but he never formally looked. Still, recovering the legendary relic the previous Kage once had would greatly bolster the morale of the village and he would very much like to see it once in his lifetime. Leaning back in his chair, it fell on him to make the decision on whether or not to let them go. Closing his eyes briefly, he let out a sigh as another opportunity like this wouldn't surface. Uneasily, he gave his response of, "Alright, fine. I've always contemplated how I wanted to go about this anyhow. You two have my express permission to look up files you need pertaining to your investigation and even learn a technique or two that may aid you. Unfortunately, I'm unsure if we have any data that may aid you on figuring out the location of where Kirigakure used to be but feel free to search. Now then, how many of you will be going on this trip in total? Surely, it just can't be you two alone."

W.C: 430

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In Search of Relics (IO)(NK) Empty Re: In Search of Relics (IO)(NK)

Sun Jan 31, 2021 8:36 pm
Ban rose from the ground, a little embarrassed that she kneeled and Murata didn't... Oops. She never knew the formalities for a Kage. Thankfully, Kizimaru didn't seem to notice/care about the embarrassing moment. 

The Kage contemplated the offer that Murata explained. In the end, he granted the two to go on this mission, admitting that he wanted to do this before. Ban nodded, thankful for the Kage's acceptance. Now they had the recourses to investigate the whereabouts of the old Mizukage and the location of old Kiri, a place that even Kizimaru didn't the location of. 

However, in giving his blessing, Kizimaru mentioned that it couldn't just be the two of them. Ban didn't think of that, originally thinking that it would just be her and Murata going on this mission. But this was an easy fix. "Though we didn't quite think of additional members on the mission, we can certainly gather willing shinobi to head with us on the mission." Ban had a couple of people in mind that bring along with the mission- people she trusted from previous missions. Gonk came to mind at first. Ban had been impressed with his leadership skills on the mission with him on the shipment protection mission against pirates. "We can let you know what the team will be once we gather a crew. If you give us the permission to use some fellow peers." Ban bowed her head in the request. She would let Murata know about some candidates that she had in mind once the Kage gives them permission. 

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