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Hebiishi Orochi
Hebiishi Orochi
Stat Page : Slither on over
Mission Record : Mission Record
Taijutsu Remove Default
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Clan Focus : Medical
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 13000

Animals Need Love Too! (Mission) Empty Animals Need Love Too! (Mission)

Sun Dec 31, 2023 12:30 am

Hebiishi was wandering through the city square, an oddity for him. He usually avoided busy areas as it made him a larger target for anyone who recognized and wanted to berate him. However, he was in a quieter area when a dog ran out from a run-down building and rushed at him. His love for animals made him act instinctually. He leaped forward, arms outstretched and hugged the dog fiercely.  It struggled at first, snapping at him, but he held on and used his bloodline to extend his arms to wrap around the dog, looping about its midsection multiple times. As the dog realized he wasn't being hurt its struggles began to lessen until ceasing all together. Confident he had the dog well handled he unwrapped himself from it while still keeping a hold of its collar.

A woman emerged from the building and thanked him profusely. On seeing his talent with animals she explained this was a shelter and asked if he wanted to help out further. Seeing that he had nothing else to do other than brush up on his patrol training he was thrilled to take her up on her offer. Working with animals was always a preference for him as he understood them, unlike people. Animals weren't needlessly cruel. While the animal kingdom wasn't exactly kind it was an understood order, there was no malice or hate in their actions. Two emotions that seemed to be in ready supply in Hoshigakure, at least in regards to him.

He began his work by placing the dog back inside and then going about with some boards and hammering them into place, fixing up the place even if the means were only temporary. The labor was menial and physically demanding but felt good. Whenever he passed the owner he could see a look of relief on her face at his presence, she was clearly overworked and overrun managing the place. Whatever good he could manage today would be well worth it if it gave her and the animals some peace of mind. Thinking of this and working away, Hebiishi would be too involved with his work to notice anyone approaching.

WC: 362
TWC: 362
MTWC: 362/1,000
Stat Page : Joro
Mission Record : Joro Mission Logs
Remove Remove Fūinjutsu Ninjutsu Remove Jikūjutsu Default
Remove Remove Water Lightning Fire Default
Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 2500

Animals Need Love Too! (Mission) Empty Animals Need Love Too! (Mission)

Sun Dec 31, 2023 1:47 pm
Joro was walking through city square during his morning walk sipping some herbal tea he had made just this morning. The sweet smell of the tea was bringing him great peace this morning as he strolled into the bustling square and something through him off he noticed a commotion. Seeing a stray dog bolting through the streets and a boy younger than him shorter too running after it and holding him. He looked to be of the Orochi clan, Joro could see the snake scales on his skin, he figured that he could possibly use a hand because the dog was rather large and Joro was always looking to be helpful when he could.

As Joro started to make his way through the square he had finished his tea. He was almost to the young boy when he saw a woman that looked very overworked, even dreary, come out and talk to him. Joro had finally made it across the square when the boy had started nail down boards to keep the animals in the shelter. It seemed to be a temporary fix, but it would certainly help the woman that appeared very run down.  As Joro finally reached the young boy he tapped him on the shoulder to show his presence to the young boy.
He would say, "Hello there. I'm Joro, Joro Shokku, but I go by Joro. Looks like you could use a hand, mind if I lend you one or two."
The young Shokku would chuckle from the thought of only lending one hand to hold the nails, but he ended his little chuckle with a smile showing he meant to be of use to the young boy. He would wait for the boy to address him and see where he could be of help to him.

WC: 301
Hebiishi Orochi
Hebiishi Orochi
Stat Page : Slither on over
Mission Record : Mission Record
Taijutsu Remove Default
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Clan Focus : Medical
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 13000

Animals Need Love Too! (Mission) Empty Re: Animals Need Love Too! (Mission)

Sun Dec 31, 2023 2:05 pm
As someone tapped him on the shoulder to get his attention, Hebiishi turned with a smile on his face, expecting the owner. Instead, he was faced with a stranger. Surprise went through him, and without him noticing, his snake scales began to appear on his face in response.

"Hello there. I'm Joro, Joro Shokku, but I go by Joro. Looks like you could use a hand, mind if I lend you one or two."

He looked at the newcomer warily, but without any outward sign of hostility from the man, he calmed himself. As he calmed down his scales disappeared once again, with him none the wiser. As he realized the past few moments had begun to stretch between them he responded, "I'm... Hebiishi. You're right, I could use the help, thank you."

He purposefully left out his last name, knowing the association with his clan could only lead to trouble. He finished hammering in the board he had been working on. "If you could help me round up the animals I think we'll have made the building owner's week. After that would you like to help me with some patrol training? Are you a shinobi as well?"

He tensed after he finished speaking, still unsure of the man. He was prepared to bolt if he needed to, but he eyed the man doubtfully. If it came to that, the man looked fast, so he might not escape. If the man accepted, he would enter the building with him and begin rounding up the animals. Still unaware he had exposed his clan already, he would avoid using his body extension talents like he had on the first dog to avoid any further incidents.

WC: 283
TWC: 645
MTWC: 946/1,000
Stat Page : Joro
Mission Record : Joro Mission Logs
Remove Remove Fūinjutsu Ninjutsu Remove Jikūjutsu Default
Remove Remove Water Lightning Fire Default
Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 2500

Animals Need Love Too! (Mission) Empty Animals Need Love Too! (Mission)

Sun Dec 31, 2023 3:35 pm
As Joro tapped the young man's shoulder he turned having a smile on his face that quickly turned to surprise. After he had looked upon Joro he seemed to calm down and politely replied to Joro and asking him a question saying this, "I'm... Hebiishi. You're right, I could use the help, thank you.". With this jovial response Joro felt he had gotten off to a good start with Hebiishi.

Hebiishi went on to say, "If you could help me round up the animals I think we'll have made the building owner's week. After that would you like to help me with some patrol training? Are you a shinobi as well?".

Joro responded by saying, "That sounds like a wonderful idea I don't have anything planned for the day besides a run later tonight! And yes I am a shinobi as well. I am a Genin here in the Land of Haven. Let's go see where we can be of use!".

Joro and Hebiishi walked inside it seemed that Hebiishi was either sizing up Joro or Joro looked funny either way it didn't seem to bother Joro in the slightest. Joro tried to provide a calm relaxed demeanor to put the boy as ease as they had started to collect the animals. Joro took one side of the shelter and Hebiishi took the other side they planned to meet in the middle when all of the animals had been collected. To start off, Joro had found this small bird that was resting on a shelf full of supplies. As the bird noticed Joro's presence he tried to fly away and Joro tried to quickly gather the bird up but he missed the bird getting away and perching again. This next time though Joro was smarter he slowly made his way behind the bird and before the bird could even react Joro had him in between both of his hand's and put him back into the bird area of the shelter to be with his friends. With his success of catching the bird Joro wondered how it was going for Hebiishi on the other side of the shelter?

Hebiishi Orochi
Hebiishi Orochi
Stat Page : Slither on over
Mission Record : Mission Record
Taijutsu Remove Default
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Clan Focus : Medical
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 13000

Animals Need Love Too! (Mission) Empty Re: Animals Need Love Too! (Mission)

Sun Dec 31, 2023 4:00 pm
Joro seemed to be focusing on a bird to start and Hebiishi felt himself relax a bit. You could tell a lot about someone based on how they handled animals. You had to have some sense of empathy to connect with them well and Joro seemed to be doing a fine job. Hebiishi lost the tenseness in his expression and let a small smile slip on instead. His focus at first was on the reptiles. There was only one or two, but of all animals, he connected with them the most. It was quick work, once he established eye contact with them they tended to settle right down, and he swiftly moved on to the many cats and dogs. The easy ones he merely had to lift and return to their kennels, the more difficult ones he hugged until they were soothed. The odd one he would extend his arms around for extra grip when he thought no one was watching. With Joro's help, they were done far faster than he would have been on his own.

As they finished he gave the man a small, but genuine, smile,"It always feels good to work with animals. I've always understood them well, honestly more than I do most people. Thank you for the help. If you're still up for the patrol training I know a place nearby we can use. With you being a genin I'm not sure I'll keep up but I can always use the practice."

With that, if Joro was willing, he would lead him out of the city square towards the outskirts of town. Before long they would arrive in a clearing. He'd quickly pull a flag out of his pocket and set it in the center of the field.

"If you can guard the perimeter of the field I'm going to see if I can break past you and get this. No holds barred for this exercise, I'm going to go all out if that's okay!" He said, his excitement palpable. This was his first time practicing with another person. Even in the academy, he was always on his own, only partnered if a teacher forced them together. He hoped he was as good as he thought, but no amount of training on your own could prepare him for an actual spar with someone else, and a genin no less! He already had a strategy in mind, he just prayed it worked.

WC: 407
TWC: 1,052
MTWC: Exceeded
Stat Page : Joro
Mission Record : Joro Mission Logs
Remove Remove Fūinjutsu Ninjutsu Remove Jikūjutsu Default
Remove Remove Water Lightning Fire Default
Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 2500

Animals Need Love Too! (Mission) Empty Animals Need Love Too! (Mission)

Mon Jan 01, 2024 3:22 pm
As Joro finished on his side of the shelter and made his way to the middle he met up again with Hebiishi. He had just finished with the last dog as they met in the middle having finished the task in a quick manner.
Hebiishi smiled at Joro and offered, "It always feels good to work with animals. I've always understood them well, honestly more than I do most people. Thank you for the help. If you're still up for the patrol training I know a place nearby we can use. With you being a genin I'm not sure I'll keep up but I can always use the practice."
Joro replied with saying, "Of course don't mention it! And that sounds like a good idea! After you."
They then made their way towards the clearing and Hebiishi took out a red flag and set it on one side of the field and ran to the other side leaving Joro by the flag. Then Hebiishi laid out the rules towards the sparing match they were about to undertake.
"If you can guard the perimeter of the field I'm going to see if I can break past you and get this. No holds barred for this exercise, I'm going to go all out if that's okay!"
Joro replied by saying, "Sounds good! I'm definitely not gonna take it easy on you even though your a rank below me. So give me your best shot!"
Joro readied himself for whatever Hebiishi was willing to throw at him and defend this red flag from him with everything he had.

MTWC: Exceeded
Hebiishi Orochi
Hebiishi Orochi
Stat Page : Slither on over
Mission Record : Mission Record
Taijutsu Remove Default
Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Default
Clan Focus : Medical
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 13000

Animals Need Love Too! (Mission) Empty Re: Animals Need Love Too! (Mission)

Mon Jan 01, 2024 4:42 pm
"Sounds good! I'm definitely not gonna take it easy on you even though your a rank below me. So give me your best shot!"

As Joro shouted his challenge Hebiishi gave him a big smile, and then turned around and ran for the trees! This was supposed to be patrol training after all. His knowledge from growing up in the wildlife reserve came in handy far more than his ninja training. Using basic woodcraft he fled deep enough to ensure he wouldn't be followed. Joro needed to stay and guard the flag after all. Once sure of his safety, he nodded to himself in determination and then began a stealthy return to the field perimeter.

It was likely Joro was patrolling, but Hebiishi didn't peer in to see where he was as of yet. He instead found a tree that was medium distance from the flag, to avoid being too close and under obvious suspicion. He pocketed a few choice rocks from the ground and then he climbed up, slow and careful. But at one point in his ascent he pierced his hand on a broken branch and almost cried out. He had to bite his inner cheek to stop himself. He wouldn't embarrass himself as a shinobi, not now. Once he settled himself at his target height he looked at the wound. It wasn't large but it was deep and bleeding. With a frown he flicked his hands through the hand seals Bird - Boar - Dog, casting the d-rank version of bodily restoration. He watched as the wound closed over. With a flex of his hand, the pain was gone. To be a ninja was to be a wonder. To this day he was still amazed at what a simple jutsu could do. He then turned to focus on the task at hand.

He peered out from his cover, trying to locate Joro and the flag. His strategy was simple, but sometimes it was the simple plans that worked best. Once he located the genin he would take two stones from his pocket and ready them in each hand. He had a good arm on him and knew he could make a throw over the small field. It looked to be about just over twenty meters wide. Once he was sure Joro's attention was elsewhere he would throw the rocks, one quickly and the other with a small delay after it. Once they crashed into the other side, making obvious noise he would launch from the tree as Joro investigated.

He figured the man was fast, but all he would need is a moment of distraction to get to his goal. After all, he was quick too, he had had to be to escape his many tormentors over the years. As he landed on his feet and ran towards the flag he would keep his attention laser focused on his competitor, prepared for any retaliation.

WC: 485
TWC: 1,537
MTWC: Exceeded

Stats (needed for every spar):

Stat Page : Joro
Mission Record : Joro Mission Logs
Remove Remove Fūinjutsu Ninjutsu Remove Jikūjutsu Default
Remove Remove Water Lightning Fire Default
Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 2500

Animals Need Love Too! (Mission) Empty Animals Need Love Too! (Mission)

Tue Jan 02, 2024 12:36 am
Joro was looking upon Hebiishi excited for the opportunity to spar with someone. He was really gonna be able to let loose. Suddenly though Hebiishi left he had disappeared into the woods. Joro didn't see where he could be going because they were sparing but nonetheless he felt that Hebiishi obviously had a plan. Joro's plan however was to use his speed and ability to use the clone technique to make sure that the boy wouldn't be anywhere near the flag. Shortly after Hebiishi left into the woods Joro made 4 clones using the clone technique and the handseal Ram. He had the clones circle around the red flag and move around so Hebiishi was not able to tell who was who. Some time passed by and still Hebiishi had not returned Joro was starting to think that he left but then he heard a noise in the distance. He thought it was probably Hebiishi but it seemed all to easy to just hear a noise from the boy he had to be smarter than that right? So he sent two of the four clones off to investigate while he and the other two clones would stay and guard the flag. As the two clones left, Hebiishi leaped out of the tree. The noise had been a decoy to set Joro off the incoming surprise attack from Hebiishi. Quickly Joro had him and the two clones he left behind sprint towards Hebiishi weaving in and out from one another so Hebiishi couldn't tell who was who. As they reached Hebiishi the real Joro came across him from behind one of his clones and hit Hebiishi with a left jab to his chest and a right cross to his stomach due to his speed advantage. Dealing 6 damage to the young boy. One of his Clone had been used up during his attack he then gained space and stood in an athletic stanc waiting to see what Hebiishi's next move would be.


Stats for Spar:
Clone Technique: 20 ap for 4 clones
Ap Usage: 380/40

Hebiishi Orochi likes this post

Hebiishi Orochi
Hebiishi Orochi
Stat Page : Slither on over
Mission Record : Mission Record
Taijutsu Remove Default
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Clan Focus : Medical
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 13000

Animals Need Love Too! (Mission) Empty Re: Animals Need Love Too! (Mission)

Tue Jan 02, 2024 2:10 am
It seemed Hebiishi had made his move too soon. Joro had created clones to help him guard the flag. While he had sent two to check out the noise he'd created that left three to keep guarding the flag,  As he landed and darted for it, they came after him. Being far closer than he had hoped, he knew a confrontation was imminent. As he got about halfway to the flag he skidded to a stop and assumed a battle stance.

The problem was that he couldn't tell the difference between the clones and the real Joro. While his bloodline gifted him with dojutsu, it didn't give him chakra vision and help in this context. As they came into proximity he hoped for some sign of who was real. However, in the shuffle, he had lost sight of the third Joro, and he crashed through a clone and hit him in the chest and stomach. Crafty. He thought even as the pain took him. It was with those blows he began to realize the difference between them. The other genin seemed to be faster than him, not extremely, but enough to put him in that regard. However, Hebiishi thought he might be a bit stronger than him, leading to an interesting match up. Who would win?

He kept his eyes on the real Joro this time, as he let a clone disperse and stepped back into a defensive stance. It was then he flung himself at his opponent, determined now that he had lost the advantage of his clones. He would perform a wide, but obvious, swing at the man's face, but as Joro responded Hebiishi would use the move as a feint to draw out his response. He would use his bendable body to snap his arm down in a way impossible for most humans and strike at him in his torso while also bringing in his other arm in tandem for another hit. This was turning into a fistfight now, and the man's speed wouldn't help him as much in close quarters, or with reacting to his feint.

Beyond this maneuver, he would be ready and waiting for the man's reaction.

WC: 363
TWC: 1,900
MTWC: Exceeded

Stat Page : Joro
Mission Record : Joro Mission Logs
Remove Remove Fūinjutsu Ninjutsu Remove Jikūjutsu Default
Remove Remove Water Lightning Fire Default
Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 2500

Animals Need Love Too! (Mission) Empty Re: Animals Need Love Too! (Mission)

Tue Jan 02, 2024 10:33 am
Joro had reacted well to the suprise attack from Hebiishi but now he was being put back on his toes. With Hebiishi swinging wildly only for it stop mid way through the punch. He then cordinated himself making Joro unable to block the next two blows from Hebiishi because he was worried about blocking instead of dodging the initial wild swing. Rookie `Mistake. After the boy had landed the initial two moves both of Joro's clones had arrived back and he quickly seperated himself from Hebiishi. His plan was to use a similar technique with his clones by using them as a distraction by circling around him so as to not be able to tell who was who. Then the plan would be to charge all of the clones from four different directions each showing a sign that they were going to attack him in various ways. Joro would come from behind choosing to try a sweeping kick with his right leg and if successful while in the air Joro would throw a right cross to his stomach and after he landed another left jab and cross to his chest and stomach. This maneuver would be reliant on his slightly superior speed as well as the action the clones would be taking to surprise where Joro would be positioning himself. The interesting thing will be to see how Hebiishi will be able to combat this attack. After Joro would attempt this maneuver he would wait to see what Hebiishi will do.


Clone Technique Upkeep: 5
AP Usage: 375/400
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