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Izu Momochi
Izu Momochi
Stat Page : Needle Queen Page
Mission Record : mission log
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Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 10000

Academy Day for Izu Empty Academy Day for Izu

Sun Dec 10, 2023 3:36 pm

The gentle rain falling into the sky of the morning was harmonically accompagnied by the sea waves sound of gentle crashing into the pale sand beach of the islands shores, brushing away at the land and wetting the sand in rythm, each time sending with them the very soul of the ocean, and the salty fresh air unique to the region to the wide open window of Izu's bedroom. She was eager to have moved and was quite more confortable in the house of her brother Shiro than in her run down slum house, tho she would take time to get used to it.

Today, she was already awake as the sea brought its usual saline smell and fishy vapors to her, as she had a special assignement for the day. She needed to help a teacher of the Kirigakure ninja academy with two things. Firstly, she would accompagny the teacher into the school to welcome a new batch of students, show them jutsu and answers their question. After that, she would accompagny two other students who have issues training into the Kiri training facility, and will teach them a new way to train and to do what true ninja do. As she prepared to go, Izu remembered her day at the academy, and told herself that her goal today would be to make those kid less miserable at the school than she was, as her time in school was quite hard as she lived alone and was either ignored or bullied for it.

As She walked toward the school, wearing her usual ninja outfit of her fishnet shirt, black ninja pants, sandals and dark blue over sized vest, along her hidden mist headband of course, Izu couldnt help but question herself if she would make a good teacher. She knew it wasnt her calling but who knows? Maybe this day as an help to the academy of the hidden rain would be her occasion to know if this was a career path she could take or not? After all, she was young, and a change could be easily made in her life! Maybe she even could amke a difference on the life of those kids? maybe some of them need her as much as she herself needed an Izu Momochi of her age when shewas herself as student. Oh well, this wasnt the time to think about it, as she just arrived at school. 

At the front doors of the academy was a large group of dozens of kids, of all age sex and shape, all eager to learn the path of the shinobi. Izu passed the crowd with the most subtlety she could, before reaching the teacher.

''Hey there miss. Do I go already or?''
asked Izu, unsure on the way to proceed or if she should already get to the kids to answers questions.

''Hello Izu, so good to see you! So yes, if you can already go at them, and entertain them for the time being, it would be great. Tell them the life of the ninja, the way jutsu is important all that!'' replied the teacher, signaling that it was helping them prepare the rest of the day.

Without much hesitation, Izu got outside of the school again, this time facing the group of student instead of dodging them. She wasnt the tallest, but amongst such young and small kids, she was still towering over them enough to get their attention, and the official kiri headband clearly helped her get their full attention too.

''Hello everyone! My name is Izu Momochi, and i'll be of help today with the school personnel to answers questions, present the way of the ninja of the hidden mist to you all, and showcase a few jutsu to show what you could learn at the academy of our respectable village.'' said Izu loudly so that each and every student listened and heard her speak. 

Questions of course flowed at an incredible speed. 'What kind of ninja exist? What jutsu do you know? can I learn to do that like the ninja of Konoha? Will the mizukage be there today? what type of ninja tool exist?, what element got to do with ninjas? etc' All left Izu quite baffled, but after a while she tried and answered everyone with the most accuracy and truthfullness she could, taking her time to answer the kids who raised their hands first and to always answer loud and clear so that eveyone hear her correctly in a way to not get asked the same questions twice. Of course, there were questions who required more details, more informative answers, and some of these answers could be seen as sensitive informations for those who arent yet ninja. With that in mind, Izu answered giving information in a general way, using words that are voluntarily vague and doing what certains calls ''politician talk'' to talk a lot but say not that much information. After the questions seemed to tone down, Izu gathered the students around her in a circle, giving her enough space to maneuver without the chance to hurt or include a kid in the would be display that she was about to do.

''Alright kids! Now that the questions have been answered, I'll demonstrate a few jutsu to you all, the kind of jutsu you could learn at the school of kirigakure! Those techniques are quite basic, but could be the msot usefull you know in the long span of your career as a shinobi of the hidden mist!'' Said in a theatrical way the hyuuga blonde, trying to compel kids the best she could. 

As she weaved handsigns to perform the techniques of clones, 3 clones of herself appeared around her, in a large white puff of smoke that vanished almost as fast as it arrived. The students were extatic, claping and looking awed as the clones disappeared after Izu released the jutsu. 

''You liked it? It could be the thing you learn yourselves at the academy! Go on kids! Become my collegue in the near future! Become shinobis and kunoichis of the hidden mist and make our great nation proud once again, feared for what we really are!'' Said enthusiastically Izu, getting carried a bit on her own opinion and talking maybe cruesomely to the kids. Oh well, cant be all perfect! 

As the students were all in and hyped, Izu bowed down and left toward the inside of the school again, meeting with the teacher once more.

''That was fantastic miss Momochi! Im quite eager and happy to have chosen you as the one to do this class. I think you'll do wonders with the other two who need help practicing and training. One is like you a practitionner of the medical jutsu arts, and he seem to have trouble to remember basics of medicine, as well as the handseals coordination and mastery. If you can help him with it. The other is a little clumsy. She uses weapons, again like you do, and struggle with them, having not a good aim whatsovever and trouble to use it in a efficient way too, she basically is as deadly as a spoon sadly! The academy would be really gratefull if you could solve both their issues.'' said the teacher, eager to see it all solved.

''Its been my pleasure. Perfect, i take good notes of those two cases, and will try my best to help him with his medical jutsu and techniques, as well as her with her weapon techniques and mastery.'' replied Izu, a smile on her face as she was eager to help.

Getting to the advanced training facility was quite easy, the traffic of the day wasnt that bad, and the streets were less crowded, giving izu extra time as she arrived in advance. She placed onto the field 2 dummies of different type each. One was a dummy for medical practices, with organs and soft plastic and rubber tissues that simulate organs and skin, and the other was more hardy, a dummy for weapon practice, checking accuracy but also lethality, with the internal organs being monitored by a mechanism that checked the letal force of blunt strikes as well as the penetrative force of sharp strikes, noting both witha grade to see if they were deadly or not.

After a while of waiting, the two students arrived. Izu was waiting for them with her arms crossed, her face impatient but determined to make them able bodied shinobi of the hidden mist trough and trough, no matter what it took.

''Welcome both of you. I'll help you today to fine tune and practice your styles and specialties both of you. Im Izu. What about you two?'' asked the older genin, trying to first have them present themselves.

''My name is Toka ma'am! Im eager to learn medical with you, i struggle with knowing what handsigns to do and where to heal, and also what kind of jutsu i should learn as a medical for my team!'' said the first, named Toka.

''My name is Juji, nice to meet ya Izu! I want to learn to master the needles, and be a senbon user. I've heard about you and your unique way of fighting with them! Im eager to learn.'' added the little girl.

As Izu nodded in aknowledgement of both of their presentation, she started with Toka, the young medical student.

She showed him on the dummy the actual placement of the organs, and how to properly heal injuries of variable size and nature, trying to also show him the several and numerous tenketsu points. Mastering the tenketsu system was quite harduous and long, as it was a pain to memorize them all and to apply them with precision in combat to either help or maim an ally or an ennemy, but once learned, it was one of the most usefull thing Izu knew. ''There, if you press here, the target air ways close. Now you can combine that with others tenketsu points in the system to either prevent an ally for breathing in poisons or the like, or even to hold their breath longer underwater, but on an ennemy, you can also target it to make them choke and loose consciousness.'' said Izu, at first showing him the basic medical knowledge. After a while, she showed him the multiples handsigns that existed, each one by one, and showed them also in a way to be done with only one hand. ''Here. This way you can do it with only a single hand. it is one of the msot hard thing to do, but if you master enough your own balance of chakra and how to use it efficiently, its easy to do and can save your life, or ruin the life of your opponents.'' added the young hyuuga. 
As he also asked what jutsu he should learn, Izu pondered for quite a while before finnally setting on the one she wanted to suggest. ''Idd recommand Mystical palm to heal, and to hurt if you can learn to do chakra scalpel. This techniques could also help you perform transplants should one of your fellow ninja get hurt.'' added the blonde genin, acting as a sensei in this case.

As she turned toward the young girl, Izu got out of her shinobi pouch a handfull of senbons, and stood about 10m in front of the weaponry dummy made specialy for that occasion. ''So, when you throw, you dont want to take your time to aim. You need to make your body be one single entity, your eyes part of the same thing as your hand doing the throw. If you focus only on the hand throwing right and strong, without the eyes, it will miss, and the reverse will miss too. Once you have that, you can only visualize you hitting the thing you are aiming at and throw without waiting. make it connect with the place you aim for.'' said izu as she threw 4 senbons, all jamming themselves into the head of the dummy.

''okay my turn.'' said the girl, throwing senbons too. At first, she missed, and Izu corrected her. ''You are taking too much time. Your movement should be only started once you know what to throw at, and your body should be one with itself at any moment violence is potentially there, especially in a mission or a training. Try again.'' added Izu toward the little girl. This time, she threw her last senbon with a deadly precision, making it stick right into the heart cavity of the dummy. As izu clapped her hand in approval of the students good job, she bowed to them and thanked them for their time.

''It was a well spent training for you two. You need to keep practicing, but with those tricks in hand you have everything to succeed and make the village hidden in the mist proud. Keep up the good work!'' said Izu toward the kids as they then left the training ground. Without much delay, Izu too left, and went back home, walking silently with the sound of the waves crashing again on the beach of the islands.



2 D rank mission completed, +4000 ryo, +20 AP

Last edited by Izu Momochi on Thu Dec 28, 2023 9:57 pm; edited 2 times in total
Marabelle Blossom
Marabelle Blossom
Vagabond (B-Rank)
Vagabond (B-Rank)
Stat Page : The Everbloom
Mission Record : Misson Log: Everbloom
Iryōjutsu Bukijutsu Kanjutsu Default
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Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 2500

Academy Day for Izu Empty Re: Academy Day for Izu

Wed Dec 13, 2023 8:18 am
Izu Momochi wrote:


2 D rank mission completed, +4000 ryo, +20 AP

claims will be made later


Note: Per User's Stat Page as of 12/13, Bonus AP of 402 + 20 is now 422/1,000 Bonus AP
Izu Momochi
Izu Momochi
Stat Page : Needle Queen Page
Mission Record : mission log
Iryōjutsu Bukijutsu Remove Default
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Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 10000

Academy Day for Izu Empty Re: Academy Day for Izu

Thu Dec 28, 2023 9:56 pm
at 25% discount for max stats, learning the following:

64 remaining WC going towards hidden Arms from this thread (101/750)
Marabelle Blossom
Marabelle Blossom
Vagabond (B-Rank)
Vagabond (B-Rank)
Stat Page : The Everbloom
Mission Record : Misson Log: Everbloom
Iryōjutsu Bukijutsu Kanjutsu Default
Remove Earth Water Lightning Remove Default
Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 2500

Academy Day for Izu Empty Re: Academy Day for Izu

Thu Dec 28, 2023 9:57 pm
Izu Momochi wrote:at 25% discount for max stats, learning the following:

64 remaining WC going towards hidden Arms from this thread (101/750)

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