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Moka Inuzuka
Moka Inuzuka
Stat Page : Link
Mission Record : Moka's Book
Familiar : Wildfire
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Clan Specialty : --
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 500

A Feast for Kings [Mission - D] [P] Empty A Feast for Kings [Mission - D] [P]

Mon Oct 02, 2023 6:28 pm
Moka's heartbeat drummed in excitement as she opened her morning mail. It was an invitation to attend one of the legendary feasts hosted by the Akimichi clan. The Akimichi were renowned for their culinary prowess, and their feasts were the stuff of legends. Citizens from all over the village, including ninjas, were welcome to attend and indulge in a night of gastronomic delight.

The sun was setting as Moka, dressed in her traditional Inuzuka attire, arrived at the grand Akimichi estate. The air was filled with tantalizing aromas that instantly whetted her appetite. As she stepped into the garden, her eyes widened in amazement. The sprawling garden had been transformed into a grand banquet hall, with long tables adorned with platters of mouthwatering dishes of all shapes and sizes.

Moka's excitement was palpable as she marveled at the sight. Towering piles of barbecue, steaming pots of soup, colorful arrays of sushi, and trays of delicate desserts filled the tables. Laughter and chatter filled the air as villagers, ninjas, and members of the Akimichi clan mingled, sharing stories and appreciating the feast.

Hours passed in a blur as Moka reveled in the festivities. She chatted with old and new friends and sampled more dishes than she could count. The night sky above them was painted with a canvas of stars, and the atmosphere was filled with laughter and joy.

As the grand fireworks display lit up the sky, Moka couldn't help but feel grateful for this incredible experience. She was surrounded by friends, indulging in delicious food and witnessing the beauty of the night. It was a memory she knew she would treasure forever.

Eventually, the feast began to wind down as the last firework fizzled out. The once-immaculate tables were now covered in crumbs, dishes, and empty platters. It was time for the inevitable aftermath—the cleanup.

Moka and other villagers and ninjas joined to clear the tables. It was a daunting task, but the spirit of community was infectious. People worked together, passing dishes, stacking plates, and cleaning up the mess with smiles on their faces.

Amidst the feast, Moka engaged in conversations with her fellow ninja. A young Genin named Kenta remarked, "This feast is amazing, Moka! Have you tried the tempura? It's out of this world!"

Moka nodded enthusiastically, balancing a tray of dirty dishes. "Oh, I know! And the barbecue skewers! They're like a taste of heaven!"

As the grand fireworks display lit up the sky, Moka couldn't help but feel grateful for this incredible experience. She was surrounded by friends, indulging in delicious food and witnessing the beauty of the night. It was a memory she knew she would treasure forever.

As they worked together, Moka and Kenta shared stories of their favorite dishes and their adventures as ninjas. It was a moment of bonding over food, a universal language that transcended their ninja training. Moka realized that the Akimichi clan's feasts were about more than just food and celebration; they were a testament to the importance of community and working together. She left the dinner with a heart and a newfound appreciation for the Akimichi clan's traditions.

However, amidst the joyful conversations, Moka couldn't help but overhear hushed whispers from a nearby table. A group of villagers and ninjas were engaged in a discreet chat about a topic that sent shivers down Moka's spine—the perceived brutality of the Kage.

One of the villagers, a middle-aged woman with a concerned expression, leaned in and spoke quietly, "Have you heard the latest rumors about the Kage's actions? They say he's been taking drastic measures to maintain control."

A grizzled veteran shook his head and spoke lowly, "Aokidanza's methods may be brutal, but they've kept us safe from our enemies. Sometimes, that's what it takes in this harsh world."

A young ninja at the same table, however, seemed more conflicted. "I understand the need for strength, but I've heard stories of villages suffering because of our retaliation. It's hard to say if it's justified."

Moka exchanged a troubled glance with Kenta. The Kage was the leader of their village, someone they were taught to trust and respect. It was disheartening to hear such discussions.

Kenta leaned in and whispered to Moka, "It's a challenging situation. Aokidanza's dedication to Konoha is unquestionable, but there are some concerns about the Kage's methods."

Moka nodded in agreement, her expression thoughtful. As they continued, she couldn't help but ponder the complexities of leadership and the shadows that sometimes hid behind the influential figures in their village. It was a reminder that even in celebration, deeper currents were at play in the world of ninjas.

"There is more, the Hokage's rivalry with the Kage of Hoshi Village."

Moka paused in her cleanup, intrigued by Kenta's words. "Rivalry between the Kage? What do you mean?"

Kenta explained in hushed tones, "It's not just a regular rivalry; the word is they despise each other. Their feud had started when they were rising ninja, and now they are both kage. Further conflict could affect the stability of our ninja world."

Moka couldn't help but feel a sense of responsibility, but she also wanted to lighten the mood. She turned to Kenta with a mischievous smile and said in a playful tone, "You know, Kenta, worrying about the Kage and their feuds won't solve anything. We're just kids, after all. Let the grown-ups handle it!"

Kenta chuckled, appreciating Moka's attempt to bring some fun to the serious conversation. "You're right, Moka. We should focus on our training and being the best ninja. Leave the Kage stuff to the Kage."

Moka nodded, her playful spirit shining through. "Exactly! Besides, our mission is to clean up this mess right now, and I intend to be the best dish stacker in the village!"

Kenta grinned, joining in the playful spirit. "Challenge accepted, Moka! Let's see who can stack the most dishes!"

And so, amidst the remnants of the feast and the weighty conversations, Moka and Kenta engaged in a friendly competition of dish stacking, their laughter filling the night as they embraced the simple joys of childhood and camaraderie.


TWC: 1,019
Mission Completed: A Feast of Kings
WC requirement: 1,019/1,000
Mission Reward: 2,000 ryo, 10 AP
WC Claims: 
855 to complete Lightness Skill [145 + 855 /1,000]
164 to Aerial Strip [164/1,000]

20 action points for training with max stats

Current Bonus Action Points Pool: 702
Adding Action Points: 22
New Bonus AP Pool: 724
Marabelle Blossom
Marabelle Blossom
Vagabond (B-Rank)
Vagabond (B-Rank)
Stat Page : The Everbloom
Mission Record : Misson Log: Everbloom
Iryōjutsu Bukijutsu Kanjutsu Default
Remove Earth Water Lightning Remove Default
Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 2500

A Feast for Kings [Mission - D] [P] Empty Re: A Feast for Kings [Mission - D] [P]

Mon Oct 02, 2023 7:01 pm
Moka Inuzuka wrote:


TWC: 1,019
Mission Completed: A Feast of Kings
WC requirement: 1,019/1,000
Mission Reward: 2,000 ryo, 10 AP
WC Claims: 
855 to complete Lightness Skill [145 + 855 /1,000]
164 to Aerial Strip [164/1,000]

20 action points for training with max stats

Current Bonus Action Points Pool: 702
Adding Action Points: 22
New Bonus AP Pool: 724

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