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Stat Page : Fuse Fun
Mission Record : Fuses's Track Record
Familiar : Companion: Shiyuko
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Clan Focus : Hidden Clan
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 31500

First Trees, now Squirrels?! Empty First Trees, now Squirrels?!

Fri Sep 22, 2023 9:42 pm
Mission: Finding Furry Friends

Of course, it would come back to bite her in the end. Her mother was already a bit angry at the fact that she had started a fire in the Great Canopy of Konoha. Finding out that the squirrels were upset as well and being led by one very large one who had suddenly turned up was just adding fuel to the fire. At least her fire had been a controlled burn that was set in a pit. Sadly, the ninjas in charge of the mission were also not happy that she had dug a rather large pit in the middle of the park either....

Either way, Fushon was on her way back to the park to figure out how to handle the uprising of nature which had come forth in response to the trees being harassed. From the stories Fushon had heard so far, the squirrels had first responded to someone attacking their trees late at night. This had caused the majority of them to be on high alert and to become easily irritated by those spending time too close to the trees. The gathering and burning of leaves seemed to have set them off worse. She heard that they had begun to gather in numbers and even taken up a leader, the very large one, to create some kind of resistance against people entering the park.

She had fought tigers and dealt with spirits in the past. Once or twice, she had wrestled with bears and had to restrain horses at her own family homestead. She knew squirrels were annoying, but she wondered just how much trouble they could cause. She imagined them throwing acorns or chasing children, but nothing really dangerous or deadly. With a soft chuckle, she headed into the park and stretched as she felt like this mission was going to be a rather quick one. She was going to be disappointed.

The first thing that she noticed was that the park was abnormally silent. There would usually be a few individuals walking along the paths and others napping beside a tree or two. The pit she had dug appeared to be already covered up and new signs reading "DON'T BURN LEAVES" were spread all along the paths. Choosing to be ignorant to their existence, Fushon jogged down the main path in the search of any signs of life. 'It can't be so bad that even the higher-ranking ninjas wouldn't want to come in here...' she thought to herself.

As if to answer her thoughts, a loud creaking noise sounded through the trees. Fushon turned towards the noise, acting purely on reflexes to lower her body to the ground. A moment later, a log trap came swinging only a few inches above her body. If she had not ducked, she could have been thrown across the park. A moment later another creaking noise sounded, and several dozen acorns came barreling at her. With some quick footwork and jumping from one tree to the next, Fushon was able to avoid the sudden volley of attacks.

As each attack finished, another suddenly sprung up. From waves of leaves splashing her face to a random bucket flying past her head. She was confused as to exactly what was going on. At one point she thought she saw a boar thrown through the air in her direction before disappearing in a cloud of branches. Getting tired of these antics, Fuse landed on one foot and kicked off in the opposite direction she had been heading. She started to randomly redirect herself, trying to confuse her opponents, wherever they were.

As quickly as that thought came, she was suddenly soaring over a small platform of leaves covered in oddly colored bark. She looked closer and realized that the bark she was looking at was alive and moving. Another quick motion from a branch and she dropped down into the center of the platform with a resounding thud.

The air was thick with silence for a moment. Only the soft cracks of attacks elsewhere coming to completion. As one, the squirrel horde turned to face the young Inuzuka girl and seemed to tense in preparation for attack. Fuse looked from one to the next, thinking on the torment they had just put her through. Her body tensed as she took a very slow, deep breath in front of the squirrels and released it, letting her chakra flow through her. Her eyes steadily went white, and a yellow aura began to emanate from her body, expanding out amongst the squirrels. The horde seemed to hesitate for a moment before stepping away. Fuse was not going to give them an option.

From a distance, many villagers heard the sounds of terrified squeaking amongst the park and some even reported the angry screams of a young girl. The park was very silent for the next day or two as people began to venture back into the small forest. It was peaceful again as some heard that the leader of the squirrels had been defeated and handed in to the mission board as evidence of a completed mission. The local animal control came to deal with the situation and took away what appeared to be a very heavily sedated squirrel.

When Fushon returned home, she informed her mother of her success, only to be told to not attack wildlife. Fushon decided that she was still sick of nature.

Reward: 1000 Ryo + 5 AP
Total Wordcount: 904
Stats Maxed - +18 AP

Jutsu Learned:
1500/1500 - B Rank - Ninjutsu Amplifier (834 added to the 666/1500 from Nature is about Freedom, not Forestry)
Ayato Hyuuga
Ayato Hyuuga
Stat Page :

Mission Record :
Summoning Contract : Forest of Dreams Ravens

Living Clones : Natsuki
Familiar : Maneki
Legendary Equipment : Raiment of Eternal Fortune
Stone of Gelel
Remove Taijutsu Remove Kanjutsu Jikūjutsu Default
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Clan Focus : Taijutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 435700

First Trees, now Squirrels?! Empty Re: First Trees, now Squirrels?!

Sat Sep 23, 2023 5:50 pm
Fushon wrote:Mission: Finding Furry Friends

Reward: 1000 Ryo + 5 AP
Total Wordcount: 904
Stats Maxed - +18 AP

Jutsu Learned:
1500/1500 - B Rank - Ninjutsu Amplifier (834 added to the 666/1500 from Nature is about Freedom, not Forestry)

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