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Missing-Nin (D-rank)
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
Stat Page : Malik’s Madness
Mission Record : Malik’s Malicious Missions
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Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 30000

Conflict and Ancestors Empty Conflict and Ancestors

Sun Jul 30, 2023 1:51 am
The Missions:

The day was very young, it was so early in the morning that darkness was still holding onto the sky and the birds were yet to start their songs. There was a chill in the air accompanied by the eerie silence in the streets. Malik made his way towards one of the lesser populated local shrines in Hoshigakure. He had been asked to accompany some Hoshi Shinobi on three missions today, both of which were very important to the village. The large mountain of a man had been surprised when his assistance was requested, these did not seem to be missions for a 'mercenary of hire' to be requested. Perhaps there was a shortage of Shinobi in the village at that time, or perhaps most of them were already busy on missions of their own.

Regardless, he needed the experience, and most importantly, the ryo. The first mission seemed easy enough, it was more like a gardening job than a normal B Rank mission, which Malik found unusual. This village, Hoshi, must place a great deal of importance on respecting their dead and their memories. Malik could not understand it, they were dead, in the dirt and likely never to return. Why waste one's time, effort and ryo focusing on the past instead of looking to the future? He found it foolish, but again, ryo was ryo and he did not plan on missing out on an easy payday.

The second mission brought him less joy though. The large man had initially had somehow managed to get roped into accompanying Marla, the young woman he had met who worked at a local juice stand on a prior mission, to one of Hoshi's many, many festivals that night. He had acted like he did not want to go, but secretly relished the idea of spending time with her, he had grown fond of Marla very quickly, so the thought of spending time with her was something he pounced on very quickly.

This plan was ruined when his assistance was "urgently" requested for a mission that night. He was to work as a guard, patrolling the event to ensure that order was maintained. Malik stood out in a crowd, his enormous height and build placing him head and shoulders above nearly everyone else. This was often a hindrance in many social settings, but it was perfect as a deterrent for aspiring criminals or dumbasses who thought about acting up in his presence. So in reality, he was the perfect fit for this mission and it would likely be more easy ryo, but that did not frustrate him any less about missing out on quality time with Marla. She had been visibly annoyed at him when he had apologetically explained the situation, even making him pay full price for the juice he had bought that day.

The third and final mission was to take place later that night, shortly after the end of the event. They would have to return to the location of their first shrine from the initial mission. This time, it would be for slightly less joyful reasons. There had been many reports of the shrine being haunted around midnight, something that Malik had scoffed at initially, but Marla had informed him that this was likely real. Hoshi was known for its spiritual inhabitants awakening from their slumbers. Malik assumed it was because the decrepit fools had been so obsessed with the dead while they were living. Maybe the underworld was not as fun a place to reside in after your life came to an end. He would find out whether this was true or not that night.

Malik arrived at the location of the shrine for their first mission, it appeared that he was the first one there, giving him some time to sit at a nearby bench and observe the surroundings. It was quite a serene location, there was greenery everywhere, and the shrine itself was nothing to scoff at. It was adorned with many flowers, pillars and jewels, these Hoshi people truly did love their dead. They would need to be careful of that attitude, however, as those who obsess over the dead often found themselves joining them before too long.

TWC: 704
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
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Stat Page : A Griffin Reborn
Mission Record : Link
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Clan Specialty : Bukijutsu
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 13000

Conflict and Ancestors Empty Re: Conflict and Ancestors

Mon Jul 31, 2023 5:49 pm
As Hiroshi approached the shrine of the dead, he couldn't help but feel a somber atmosphere surrounding the sacred grounds. The shrine was a place of reverence and reflection, dedicated to the fallen warriors of Hoshigakure village. The mission details were not explicitly stated on the mission board, leaving him curious about what he was getting into.

Upon arriving at the shrine, Hiroshi found himself alone, with only the soft rustle of leaves and the distant sound of the wind accompanying him. He carefully scanned the area, ensuring he wasn't walking into an ambush or an unexpected threat. After confirming that the coast was clear, he cautiously stepped forward, showing respect for the fallen and the sanctity of the shrine.

The redhead noticed an ornate scroll on a pedestal as he approached the central altar. The scroll had the village emblem, indicating it was an official mission document. Hiroshi carefully unrolled it and read the mission briefing. Hiroshi frowned as he read the mission details. Taking down rogue ninjas was indeed dirty work, but it also involved respecting the memory of those who had fallen in service of the village. He understood the gravity of the task and knew he had to handle it with skill and sensitivity.

Closing the scroll, Hiroshi paid his respects at the shrine before tracking the culprit behind the damages. He knew that his experience as a mercenary and familiarity with the shadows would be essential for success in this mission. With a deep breath, he set out to his covert assignment, ready to bring justice to those who disrespected the sacred ground of the fallen heroes.

He turned around and almost stormed off until he noticed a white-haired figure approaching. 

"Howdy," Hiroshi yelled at him, fierce of voice and 10 meters away. "I hope you didn't emerge from the grave, did you? You look like a ghost."

[WC: 313]
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
Stat Page : Malik’s Madness
Mission Record : Malik’s Malicious Missions
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Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 30000

Conflict and Ancestors Empty Re: Conflict and Ancestors

Fri Aug 18, 2023 12:49 am
Malik observed as the red headed Shinobi began to read the scroll on the pedestal, it was quite apparent that this man was a Shinobi, given his attire and demeanour. He was a very tall and muscular man, almost as large as Malik himself, he had clearly seen his fair share of battles. Malik wondered what type of person this mystery Shinobi would be. Would he be a headstrong idiot who would shout out delusions of grandeur and becoming a Kage? Would he be the silent broody type that only responded in grunts and profanities? Would he just be some bumbling fool? Would he be some sentimental fool who would prattle on about the importance of the dead? He hoped it was none of those, although all that really mattered to the large man was that he was indeed a competent warrior.

As he watched the man close the scroll and begin praying to whatever dead idiot lay in the ground, Malik sighed. Sentimental fool it is, just my luck... He thought to himself in dismay. Finally rising from his bench, he began to slowly make his way over to his partner for the day. It turned out that his timing would be ideal, the man turned around and took notice of his approach. Standing as tall and large as Malik, it was not exactly an easy feat to remain hidden from others, so he often just decided to never try it.

Not only was he a sentimental fool, but also a loud one who felt the need to yell out at such an early hour of the day. Malik suppressed a grumble and responded when he was only several meters away. "If there are any ghosts in this forsaken place, I can guarantee that you would have just scared them away. No, I am Malik. I am here to look at some dead people stones and then guard one of this village's many festivals. I take it you will be joining me for these missions today?"

Should the other man respond and introduce himself, Malik would simply give a stiff nod before raising a single hand to indicate it was time to begin. "Well, we have a long day ahead of us, shall we get to work then?" If the man agreed, the two of them would begin moving to the first shrine on the list, Malik praying to some deity or another the entire time for the chance to punch someone in the face.

WC: 416
TWC: 1,120
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
Stat Page : A Griffin Reborn
Mission Record : Link
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Clan Specialty : Bukijutsu
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 13000

Conflict and Ancestors Empty Re: Conflict and Ancestors

Sun Aug 20, 2023 7:25 pm
Hiroshi's smirk lingered as Malik approached and introduced himself, a man whose demeanor was as direct and unyielding as steel. In this unwavering figure, Hiroshi found solace, appreciating the reliability of a partner who cut through the veils of diplomacy. He absorbed Malik's words, his nod conveying an understanding of the tasks that now bound their fates together. Whether Malik embraced this alliance willingly or not, the web of destiny had cast its threads.

"Well, Malik, I suppose I'm your partner in crime today. Or partner in guarding festivals, at least." Hiroshi responded, his words carrying a hint of playfulness akin to the jesters who adorned the royal courts of old.

As they embarked upon their journey towards the shrine, a place where memories intertwined with solemn reverence, Hiroshi couldn't resist a playful remark. He searched for Akaboshi's voice or that of his Kage. All of Hoshi's top brass spoke in the same pretentious way as he could recall. "It seems that my notoriety has yet to reach your ears like a whisper carried away by the wind. I take it you are not much of a history buff. Or maybe you're just not into the stories of notorious bandits turned shinobi." His tone remained light, threaded with a sense of intrigue, as he observed Malik with a glint in his eye.

"But fear not," Hiroshi continued, mischief dancing in his gaze, "for the shadows of my past have been eclipsed by the light of a new purpose. Today, you may trust that my hands will remain clean, or at least, mostly so." A mischievous grin broke through, a hint of his past self resurfacing in jest.

"Now, my towering companion, lead the way. We shall pay homage to the fallen and safeguard their hallowed memory." As they embarked on their solemn mission, Hiroshi's curiosity remained, much like the ripples on the surface of a calm river, silently wondering what kind of partner Malik would reveal himself to be – a sentimental soul or a character of unexpected depth.

[WC: 338]
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
Stat Page : Malik’s Madness
Mission Record : Malik’s Malicious Missions
Taijutsu Remove Default
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Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 30000

Conflict and Ancestors Empty Re: Conflict and Ancestors

Mon Sep 04, 2023 6:32 am
Malik did well to hide the annoyance he felt towards Hiroshi's first statement. Not at the words themselves, but at the playful demeanour of which they were spoken with. In his own defence, Malik was not quite used to such droll and mundane missions, he had lived his life on the edge up until he entered Hoshigakure. Grand battles and whatnot. Regardless, this was the current hand that he had been dealt and he would go along with it for now.

"Indeed, I suppose it is time for us to journey onwards in our very humble and meaningful objectives." He spoke with an obvious tinge of boredom, noting that Hiroshi was probably not the sort to mind. The man continued to speak as the two of them began to move. He could feel Hiroshi's eyes on him as they moved to the first shrine, speaking with a fairly light tone. The man was testing him perhaps? "It has not reached me, no. I am sure the infamous deeds of the Great Hiroshi are something to marvel at, of course."

Malik could not help but let out a chuckle, "I would be quite surprised if your hands were anything but clean after these mundane missions. I doubt that we will receive much opposition from the shrines and tombstones of Hoshigakure, although perhaps we should be careful of the terrifying pollen that ravages the air around us." His face was straight as he spoke, but Malik's words were wrapped in sarcasm, almost to the point of playful.

He raised an eyebrow as he continued to speak, "But I must say, you have sparked a level of curiosity within me. What exactly is your notorious story that I have clearly missed out on?" Sarcasm aside, Malik was still interested in getting to know who he would be working with today. This man Hiroshi could turn out to be a powerful ally in the future. Or on the flip side, he may end up becoming a dangerous foe, it would do Malik well to know him better either way.

As they approached the shrine, Malik noticed that it had been left in a state of disarray, rocks and garbage littered the ground surrounding it. It appeared that not every humble citizen of Hoshi felt the same sense of nostalgia and respect for the dead as he what had initially been led to believe. With a sigh, Malik would walk over and begin to clean the mess, throwing the rubbish in a nearby trash can whilst also rearranging the rocks around the shrine, where they had initially sat.

WC: 433
TWC: 1,553
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
Stat Page : A Griffin Reborn
Mission Record : Link
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Clan Specialty : Bukijutsu
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 13000

Conflict and Ancestors Empty Re: Conflict and Ancestors

Mon Sep 04, 2023 4:31 pm
Hiroshi couldn't help but appreciate the dry wit in Malik's responses. It was clear that their partnership would be interesting, with the potential for humor amidst the solemnity of their task. As they approached the shrine and Malik took it upon himself to clean up the mess, Hiroshi observed him respectfully. The man might appear unyielding and fierce, but there was a sense of duty in his actions that spoke volumes.

"Well," Hiroshi began, his voice carrying a touch of warmth, "my notorious story, as you call it, is a tale of a young bandit who once roamed these very lands, causing quite a stir. A skilled thief, some might say. But you see, even thieves can have a change of heart." He chuckled lightly, reminiscing about his past, which now felt like a distant dream.

"While it's true that I have a history with the shadows, my time as a merc has given me a new purpose – a chance to leave a different mark on this world, one that honors the fallen and preserves the memories of those who came before us." Hiroshi joined Malik in cleaning the shrine, arranging rocks, and picking up discarded offerings. It was a small act of devotion to those who once called this place sacred.

"As for the pollen," he added, a sly grin forming on his face, "it's a formidable adversary, I assure you. You'll learn to respect its power in due time." Hiroshi's tone was playful, acknowledging the triviality of their current mission while maintaining a sense of duty.

As they continued their work, Hiroshi couldn't help but admire the juxtaposition between their personalities and the shared sense of purpose that bound them together. Malik might be a man of steel, but Hiroshi sensed a layer of depth beneath that exterior, a quality he was eager to explore further during their partnership.

[WC: 321]
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
Stat Page : Malik’s Madness
Mission Record : Malik’s Malicious Missions
Taijutsu Remove Default
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Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 30000

Conflict and Ancestors Empty Re: Conflict and Ancestors

Tue Sep 12, 2023 2:38 am
Malik listened silently as Hiroshi spoke. Out of habit, he rarely showed the emotions he felt, it often meant that he had lost control of himself when he did so, which was never a good time for those around him. Hiroshi's story appeared to be one of redemption, at least to an extent. Malik could not help but think about himself and his own past in comparison. Where this man had gone from a skilled thief to a rather good willed mercenary, Malik could not truly see a path of redemption for himself. He felt trapped in the darkness that was his rage, something he felt would be almost impossible to move and leave behind in his life. But Hiroshi's words did resonate with the large man. Was that the feeling of hope? Or purpose? Or perhaps he was just feeling hungry...

"Truly an inspirational tale, although judging by your appearance you were clearly more than just a thief. Sneaking in to homes and other targets is probably not the most effective course of action for a man who likely could not even fit in most of them?" Malik did not respond to Hiroshi's words about honouring the fallen who came before, as it was not a sentiment that he shared. But the fact that he was a mercenary DID pique his interests.

"So then, is this mercenary work of yours in Hoshigakure going to be a permanent situation? Or do you plan on moving on at some point?" It was something that he himself had been considering for his own future. "The hospitality here has been quite comfortable and my hosts have been, for the most part, warm and welcoming. But I do not believe that this is the life for me. I almost feel... trapped within village walls. So many rules and regulations to abide by. I understand the reasons behind them of course, but I do not believe that they are fitting for a person such as myself. Not all of us are able to shake the demons of our past, some of us end up becoming them..."

Malik chuckled at Hiroshi's joke, pollen had never been one of his adversaries, something which the large man was grateful for. "As a man who has had to sleep in the woods, often in trees, I can safely say that pollen has spared me her cold and frustrating embrace. It would be quite inconvenient for somebody such as myself after all."

After a short while, the shrine was finally fixed, with everything placed where it was originally situated. Giving the area a once over, Malik would await for Hiroshi to be ready before setting off with him to the next location. As they ventured onwards, Malik would ask his partner a short yet simple question. "Hiroshi. Do you hail from a specific clan or bloodline?"

WC: 476
TWC: 2,029
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
Stat Page : A Griffin Reborn
Mission Record : Link
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Clan Specialty : Bukijutsu
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 13000

Conflict and Ancestors Empty Re: Conflict and Ancestors

Sat Oct 07, 2023 9:37 am
Hiroshi couldn't help but appreciate the candidness with which Malik approached their conversation. The man might be stern and direct, but he was refreshingly honest, a quality that Hiroshi found intriguing.

Chuckling at Malik's remark about his size and the impracticality of sneaking into small spaces, Hiroshi replied, "You have a point there. My career as a thief had its limitations, but it also honed my skills in ways you might find surprising. It taught me to be resourceful and adaptable, which has come in handy more times than I can count."

As Malik questioned Hiroshi about his plans in Hoshigakure, Hiroshi's gaze turned thoughtful. " I've been putting bread on the table for the most part, but I won't rule out the possibility of new horizons. Life has a way of surprising us." His words held a hint of ambiguity, leaving room for the uncertainty of what lay ahead.

Listening to Malik's musings about feeling trapped within village walls and the demons of the past, Hiroshi nodded in understanding. "I can relate to being constrained by rules and regulations. I appreciate missions like this: a chance to step outside the norm and make a tangible difference. As for our demons, we all carry our burdens in one way or another. It's how we choose to bear them that defines us."

Hiroshi couldn't help but smile at Malik's humor regarding pollen. "Ah, the perks of being a man of the wilderness. I can see how pollen might be the least of your worries."

With the shrine restored and their journey continuing, Malik's question about his clan or bloodline caught Hiroshi's attention. It was a joint inquiry among shinobi, and Hiroshi had his own story.

"My lineage is not tied to any particular clan, as I come from humble origins," Hiroshi began, his voice tinged with nostalgia. "However, I possess a unique bloodline within my family, the Natural Berserker. It allows me to tap into a wellspring of natural energy and undergo a Senjutsu transformation. It's a power quite different from the conventional techniques you might have encountered. My abilities result from hard work, training, and perhaps a touch of natural talent."

As the duo discussed their pasts and abilities, something in the air had shifted. He suddenly picked up on a sight that sent a shiver down his spine. Amidst the trees, a figure dressed in pure white moved with an ethereal grace, its form seemingly translucent, like a ghost wandering the woods. Hiroshi's eyes widened, and he nudged Malik discreetly, directing his gaze toward the mysterious apparition. The forest held secrets, and at that moment, it seemed they were about to encounter one of its enigmatic mysteries.

Hiroshi couldn't resist a sly grin as he whispered to Malik, "Well, our festival guarding duties just got a bit more... spirited."

[WC: 482]
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
Stat Page : Malik’s Madness
Mission Record : Malik’s Malicious Missions
Taijutsu Remove Default
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Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 30000

Conflict and Ancestors Empty Re: Conflict and Ancestors

Tue Dec 26, 2023 10:47 pm
Malik let out a small chuckle as Hiroshi explained how he had learned and progressed as a thief, regardless of his large stature. Although Malik rarely had respect for thieves, often viewing them as small cowards without strength, he knew that Hiroshi did not exactly fall under that category. Not only was he of a similar size and stature to Malik himself, but the man was clearly extremely capable as a Shinobi. He would prove to be either an extremely valuable ally or a devastatingly dangerous enemy. Either way, he truly had Malik's attention.

Malik could not help but raise an eyebrow to Hiroshi's response about whether or not he would leave the village. It appeared to be deliberately open ended, clearly the man was not willing to make a decision on the matter any time soon, or he just did not want to tell Malik about it. Either way, the large man would not comment on it, respecting his companion's privacy on the matter. It made no difference to him as Malik had spent most of his life moving around the world alone, although a traveling companion did not seem to be the worst idea, assuming their ideologies were aligned. He had a feeling their thoughts and opinions on many things would differ greatly, however.

Malik laughed at Hiroshi's comments regarding the wilderness and its dangerous amounts of pollen, before listening seriously to the man's response about his origins. He spoke of berserkers and natural energy, something about Senjutsu as well. Transformations? This caused him to stop suddenly, he had never heard of any of these things, but they interested him greatly. "Natural Berserker? That sounds quite remarkable. I have never heard of these things, natural energy and Senjutsu transformations, but they sound incredibly powerful. Is it... possible to learn this power?" Hiroshi had Malik's undivided attention, he absolutely HAD to achieve this power somehow.

Suddenly, the two large men both appeared to sense something odd in the air, an extremely unusual and almost unsettling feeling. It almost felt, unnatural? What could it possibly be? Scanning around after being nudged, Malik spotted what Hiroshi had also seen mere seconds earlier, something completely unprecedented. Was it... a ghost? He had always believed them to mere myths or fairy tales told to scare children and other gullible adults, but his eyes could not deny what was right in front of him. This being was even hovering centimetres off the ground as it moved gracefully through the trees, its form not entirely concealing the flora behind it... DIRECTLY behind it!

"Well I'll be damned. This is either an extremely intricate Genjutsu or we are witnessing a real ghost..." Malik contemplated what to do for a moment, remembering that one of their missions for tonight was to subdue a wondering being, but he had not planned to do so until later... "Let's go have a chat with a translucent friend, shall we?" He said with a smirk to Hiroshi.

Quickly moving forward, Malik would lead the way on a path that intercepted that of the wandering ghost, the being appearing not to notice them until it looked up, causing it to stop in its tracks. Upon closer inspection, Malik was shocked to notice that the being had feminine human traits, with some exceptions. Her eyes were a gem like orange and her mouth had been sown shut. She had long flowing hair, which was slightly darker than the rest of her near white complexion. To top it all off, she was wearing a long white dress, it appeared to be a wedding dress...


Something about this dead woman seemed familiar to Malik, but he could not quite put his finger on what... He recognised her from somewhere. "Well now Hiroshi, it appears that we have stumbled across a lost little ghost. Who are you? What do you want? Are you the being in question that has been terrorising the people in the area? And most importantly... do I know you?" Malik was full of questions, but what he cared about most of all was his last one. He needed to know why he recognised her.

The ghost did not respond, instead she continued to look at Malik in the eye, it was at this point that he realised she was scared. No. Terrified. What could bring her to such fear when she was already dead? "Answer the questions. I have never fought a ghost before but do not think for a second that I will not try something new." His words and methods were direct, but his patience was also wearing thin. He and Hiroshi had jobs to do and dealing with this being was potentially one of those tasks.

As he took a step forward, the ghost shrunk back slightly, finally speaking. Although speaking was not the most accurate description. A voice came from where her mouth was, but her sown lips did not move. It was a sad and chilling voice, one that had known true pain or terror, this ghost did not die peacefully. "Stay away from me, monster... I was slain by one beast and am now pursued by another... I do not need a third to make my afterlife more miserable than my death... Everything taken from me on my most important day... The love of my life taken from me in front of my eyes... He asked for my help as the bear tore him apart... I ran... I did not make it far... Outside the hut I saw you free the baby bear... Now my beloved haunts me... All because of you... Because of YOU... BECAUSE OF YOU!"

The dead woman began charging towards Malik, full of rage and bloodlust, but before she reached him a bone chilling screech came from deeper into the forest. With a gasp, the ghost froze for a second, before dashing away as quickly as possible, disappearing into the distance in mere seconds. Malik had not moved a muscle since she began speaking. His eyes were wide, but not full of fear. They were full of understanding. A final realisation of who this woman was and why she was familiar. Shocked as to how she had recognised him too.

After a lengthy pause, Malik regained his composure before turning to Hiroshi, his face and heart rate now back to normal. "I take it you will want to know what the hell that was about then..." He took a deep breath before explaining. "When I was wandering through the country borders, before I was invited to enter Hoshigakure, I took several jobs. One of them involved a wedding. I will not go into many details, but the job was not a pleasant one. It involved a trapped bear cub and an angry mother. I did what I had to do, but I had no idea that I was seen... I guess all of our actions have consequences, both living and dead..."

Malik would wait to hear any of Hiroshi's responses or opinions silently. His mind was still racing as to what had just occurred. After a short while, he would speak up again. "Anyway, enough of that, our job here is done for now. The festival has started and we will be late if we lollygag around here any longer. Shall we make our way over there?" Malik would wait for Hiroshi before walking with him over to the location of the celebration, choosing to walk in silence for the entire way over.

When they arrived, the festival had apparently just begun. A large crowd was already forming as the stars sparkled in the night sky above them. Malik sighed at the thought of being surrounded by so many people, but it was what it was. He would turn to Hiroshi and speak. "From my understanding, we are only required to be here for an hour before we are replaced by another guard shift. Let's split up to cover more ground, I am sure the both of us are more than adequate to do this solo." He would then proceed to move to the west end of the crowd, scanning around for any form of trouble.

The swarm of people would move out of his way as he approached, something he was very much used to. It was perfect really, half his job was already done for him as his mere presence was a deterrent for trouble makers. After half an hour pass without incident, Malik heard yelling not far from him. Quickly moving through the parting crowd, he heard a very familiar voice. "Listen up jerk, if you touch me again I'm going to break the hand you use to do it! No, shut up! You don't get to speak, get out of my face!"

Hearing Marla's angry voice encouraged Malik to quicken his pace pushing through the last of the crowd to see the back of her long blonde hair. She was facing away at some drunk old idiot who was yelling incoherently at her. Neither was listening to a word the other said. Clenching his fists, Malik would walk up so he was a meter behind Marla, looking over her into the eyes of the drunk fool. The man began to visibly shake at the sudden appearance of Malik, taking several terrified steps back before simply turning around and sprinting away through the crowd, screaming of a monster.

"How many times am I going to be called a monster today..." Marla jumped slightly at the sound of his voice before turning around and looking up at him. Her initial shock was quickly replaced by bratty frustration. "I hope you aren't expecting a thank you. I didn't need your help, I had that covered Malik. Anyway go away, I'm not talking to you at the moment. You can come apologise at the Juice Stand tomorrow." With a simply pout, she turned and walked away dramatically, although could not help herself in turning her head to look back at him for a quick second. Sighing, Malik would continue his duties for the remaining half hour, dealing with any other incidents that he came across before returning back to the place that he and Hiroshi had arrived at.

He would speak to Hiroshi when he ended up arriving. "Well that patrol was... eventful. How was yours? Shall we head back to the shrines and deal with this apparent haunting issue? I have a feeling the lady we saw earlier is involved to some extent."

WC: 1,752
TWC: 3,781
TMWC: 5,235/8,000
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
Stat Page : A Griffin Reborn
Mission Record : Link
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Clan Specialty : Bukijutsu
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 13000

Conflict and Ancestors Empty Re: Conflict and Ancestors

Sun Jan 21, 2024 2:59 pm
Hiroshi observed the unfolding situation with curiosity and concern as Malik confronted the ghostly figure. The revelation of the woman's tragic backstory and her connection to Malik left an uneasy weight in the air. He listened intently to her tale of loss and suffering, understanding the haunted echoes of her past.

As the ghost charged Malik with rage and bloodlust, Hiroshi remained composed, prepared to intervene if necessary. However, a bone-chilling screech from deeper in the forest halted the spirit in her tracks. Now frozen in fear, the ghost quickly retreated, disappearing into the distance. Hiroshi noted Malik's wide eyes, not filled with fear but with understanding.

After a lengthy pause, Malik regained his composure, addressing Hiroshi and sharing the haunting backstory of the woman. The revelation that his actions from a past mission had unintended consequences, impacting the afterlife of the ghost, left Hiroshi in contemplation.

"I take it you will want to know what the hell that was about, then..." Malik began, explaining the connection between him and the ghost. Hiroshi listened in silence, absorbing the weight of the revelation. As Malik proposed moving on to the festival, Hiroshi nodded in agreement.

The festival, a lively and crowded affair, awaited them. Malik suggested splitting up to cover more ground during their guard duty. After a while without incident, they heard Marla's voice in a heated exchange. Malik moved swiftly to intervene, dispersing the trouble with his mere presence. Marla, though ungrateful, made it clear that Malik's assistance wasn't required.

The remaining patrol time passed without major incidents, and Malik approached Hiroshi when they regrouped. "Well, that patrol was... eventful. How was yours? Shall we return to the shrines and deal with this apparent haunting issue? I feel the lady we saw earlier is involved to some extent."

Hiroshi nodded his mind still processing the ethereal encounter. "Agreed. Let's return to the shrines and see if we can uncover more about this haunting. There might be a way to restate this restless spirit and find a resolution for all parties involved.

On the way back and for most of his patrol, Hiroshi thought about how everyone had their ghosts. He carried the weight of his secrets, a burden that lingered in the recesses of his consciousness from a past life. Yet, that life wasn't his; it belonged to the Griffin. The name echoed through history as a raider who clashed with the Yomiyama, the Hoshimura, the Pendragons, and the clans that laid the foundation for Hoshigakure. The Griffin lost the battle on the outskirts, sought refuge in hiding, mourned a brother lost to Axell Florent, and ascended to leadership after the Jaws of Grimma, leaving turmoil in his wake.

Behind the village gates, the Griffin tried to escape notice, only to be apprehended by Shina and Akaboshi. His final chapter ended with execution for the crimes committed. However, Hiroshi was a different man. Born in Iwagakure, a village razed to the ground, he now found himself navigating a life of odd jobs under the watchful eye of Hoshi's high command, distancing himself from the shadows of the Griffin's haunting legacy.

"About earlier and Nature Chakra Proficiency." Hiroshi's voice was filled with fascination and excitement, leaning in as if sharing a well-guarded secret. "Most shinobi spend years trying to master it, but guess what? I was born with it."

"But here's the kicker," Hiroshi continued, "Sage Mode. Nature Chakra Proficiency is the key to unlocking it. This skill adapts to the user's style. So, Sage Mode molds itself to suit your needs, whether you're a flashy ninjutsu specialist throwing lightning bolts or a bare-knuckle brawler. Imagine the possibilities." Hiroshi grinned, conveying the exciting prospect before them.

"I'm not one to auction off my organs for a quick payday," Hiroshi began, offering a discerning look. "But there are those who delve into such dealings. Take, for instance, the infamous Vulture of the Terumi. Kicked out of the village under the guise of honoring Hoshi, he carried on his illicit pursuits, even donning the title of Mizukage. Many of his Vulture's talons shadowed him to Kiri, where the morbid trade persisted. Despite the Land of Heaven now purged of much of his influence, remnants of this unsavory business linger in certain corners."

[WC: 710]
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