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Missing-Nin (B-rank)
Missing-Nin (B-rank)
Stat Page : Stat Page
Mission Record : Mission Record
Summoning Contract : Lineage of the Vermillion Bird
Familiar : Stout The Stoat
Genjutsu Remove Ninjutsu Remove Jikūjutsu Default
Remove Remove Water Remove Remove Default
Clan Focus : Genjutsu
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 14500

Fund Building [Borders] Empty Fund Building [Borders]

Sat Jul 01, 2023 6:14 pm
Mission Details and Rewards:

Manjiro needed some Ryo. Well a lot of Ryo if he was being completely honest. Even if he was apart of the Jashinist Faith and apart of the Chinoike clan that pretty much ran the Jashinist temple he like everyone else still had to pay the full price for the “special” ritual they had going on there. It apparently allowed you to escape death once. To be reborn in case of your untimely passing, it was a weird and probably most likely a scam in every sense of the word but with the teachings that Manjiro had been studying it did seem that some former believers of the faith could escape death and become almost immortal though where those people are no one seems to know so how valid or real these claims were could never be verified which was awfully convenient for the priests at the temple.
Despite his misgivings on the validity of the ritual it was something that he wanted to partake in and for that he had to have the Ryo to pay for it. Which was a whopping thirty-thousand Ryo price tag. Manjiro looked in his wallet and saw a measly four thousand five hundred ryo and knew that he needed to get out there and complete some jobs. He had been out and about with the gang of Missing Nin that followed Mizuki lately getting to know them and what they had to offer but that didn’t help his lacking ryo problem, though it did give him more information about the two rivaling clans and that was at least the main joy of his life right now.
Getting back into the grand scheme of things for his future plans, jobs and he needed many of them. So he simply just undertook any outstanding requests that the temple and the people in the surrounding areas had. Which for now was just a simple group of five requests, a lot seem to come from local crime Bosses that had a request for some basic help like collecting tolls for a bridge, smuggling some goods into one of the many villages that dotted the area, one seemed to be about an unfaithful spouse and the aim of beating that person’s lover black and blue, the others seemed less crime worthy and more focused on helping out local crafters in their day to day activities and seemed to have a chance of receiving some materials along with Ryo.
Manjiro didn’t have any current need for the materials but as he did plan to focus on learning how to wield weapons and with his training with Arantima gathering these things might be beneficial to do. So he was excited to undertake these jobs and all the traveling he would be doing in the area. Now it was time to get ready for the slew of jobs and once he had done his typical routine and gotten all set for the trip Manjiro headed off to the first job of helping with tolls on a bridge. He looked forward to this one only because it was funny that people could simply go another route if they really wanted to but due to laziness they want the fastest route even if it costs them more ryo then it should.
A classic trapping of the human life, what was more important? Your time or material things? Most try to maximize both thinking that it will help them so much in life but honestly if you just enjoyed the simple things more and the experiences going a little bit out of your way on a path to save some ryo was probably at the end of the day the better option, but that wasn’t for Manjiro to point out or even care about because doing what you wish at the end of the day was the best way to live your life just a shame some people only went so far with that teaching.
Heck most of these people who would cross the bridge today could simply just say no and fight their way across the bridge its not like there was tons of guards or bandits to defend it just two stationed on either side to collect from those coming from either place. The fear of death and harm and pain were enough to dissuade anyone who would risk that altercation and possible future ramification from the gangs in the area but still it was there. After all if Manjiro was found in the opposing role compared to his current toll collecting one he would simply fight. Who cares if he dead or got harmed, the experience was enough to wave aside any of those issues and concerns. Maybe if he had been raised in a village under the protection and soft lifestyle of those high walls and powerful defenders he would be sheepish in his interactions with the world and those in it.
Regretfully to some but thankfully to Manjiro he had been raised in the depths of the Jashinist Faith and the Chinoike clan dealing with the possibility of being sacrificed as a good neighbor by his very own family and friends. So to say his perspective was a bit skewed might be quite the understatement. At the end of the day Normalcy was a façade and based on the person experiencing it, after all the normal day for a spider enjoying its catches is chaos and horrifying for those caught in its web. Such a simple flip of the coin on what could be the worst day of you life is just another routine day for someone else just like it was for these villagers who wanted to cross the bridge most of them had gotten so use to the idea of giving up their Ryo to these no name bandits and thugs that thinking to break outside that mold or routine was as foreign as learning how to speak to animals. With his freshly filled sack of ryo from all the toll collection it was time to hand it over to the people it was for and he could continue on his way to the next job, which would be to deal with the unfaithful spouse’s lover. Something about the crushing of a meat and bones was cathartic and Manjiro was itching to see the face of this grown adult’s face as it was smashed by what seemed to be a child due to his height and lankiness.
“Such a grand day for so much fun to be had.” Manjiro said out loud to no one in particular and with a smile as he enjoyed the warmth of the sun on his face on his way to his next destination.
WC: 1122
Missing-Nin (B-rank)
Missing-Nin (B-rank)
Stat Page : Stat Page
Mission Record : Mission Record
Summoning Contract : Lineage of the Vermillion Bird
Familiar : Stout The Stoat
Genjutsu Remove Ninjutsu Remove Jikūjutsu Default
Remove Remove Water Remove Remove Default
Clan Focus : Genjutsu
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 14500

Fund Building [Borders] Empty Re: Fund Building [Borders]

Sun Aug 20, 2023 2:13 pm
Manjiro decided that doing one request for the day was enough and that he would just move on from this So he collected the rewards he was due and went back home.


Claims: +2000 Ryo, +10 AP for the completion of 1 D-rank mission Troll Toll

Converting the 1100 WC into 44 AP
Ayato Hyuuga
Ayato Hyuuga
Stat Page :

Mission Record :
Summoning Contract : Forest of Dreams Ravens

Living Clones : Natsuki
Familiar : Maneki
Legendary Equipment : Raiment of Eternal Fortune
Stone of Gelel
Remove Taijutsu Remove Kanjutsu Jikūjutsu Default
Remove Earth Water Lightning Remove Default
Clan Focus : Taijutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 435700

Fund Building [Borders] Empty Re: Fund Building [Borders]

Sun Aug 20, 2023 3:50 pm
Manjiro wrote:Manjiro decided that doing one request for the day was enough and that he would just move on from this So he collected the rewards he was due and went back home.


Claims: +2000 Ryo, +10 AP for the completion of 1 D-rank mission Troll Toll

Converting the 1100 WC into 44 AP

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