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Stat Page : Kinko
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Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 71000

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Sun Jun 18, 2023 12:24 am
Kinko had finally completed his hospital...more like a shrine. The man could not work for free but he could not charge these poor folks, so what else did they have? Recognition, perception, opinion, Kinko could win those. Those were important enough to him for him to explore, evaluate, and obtain. Most people would not be as interested in that stuff as Kinko but he lived through his ego. He lived through how he will be remembered. Regardless, he knew he needed to spread the word, spread the stories and the lore. He needed to develop his persona, someone to who he was going to be. Even though this place was a ghost town, there were still enough humans to call it a town. Soon, he would find himself down the main street of the remaining town, not too far from his room in Yugure and even closer to his new room at his hidden shrine. Kinko knew the first place to start and the first place to spread the rumor. The bar.

Kinko quickly found himself in the bar. It was an old shoddy bar, enough for a few people to enjoy the moments they had here. A few casual tourists but mainly locals. The bartender had owned this bar since what seemed the beginning of time. There were the usual regulars, a few locals that had enough time and coin to spend it with each other. Still, only 5-6 people were here. Plenty for Kinko to begin. The man was not a complete stranger to these parts but was still relatively new, and clearly one of the most affluent. Kinko had more than enough money to buy this bar, and probably the entire town but that was not the point of his visit. He went and found an empty seat and waited for the bartender to take his order.

Soon, Kinko found himself ordering a small simple liquor, local to the area. One that was unique to this area. Kinko was not a huge drinker but was trying to do himself some favors. Soon, Kinko ordered another one and with that, began to tell the bartender about the new services. "Hey, have you heard about the new shrine at the forest? It was randomly built and is said to be built by the Gods, a minor God of healing. I have not found out who but apparently she can heal anything." He said as his cheeks began to turn rose from the alcohol. The bartender gave a bit of a skeptical response, along the lines of why now? why us? and generally not buying the response. The bartender has heard of several new things happening around the town, such as the invasion of vampires and the like. Kinko ordered another drink as his lightness began to show. "Look man, I do not know what else to tell you. All I know is that the shrine is there and if you need help, where else are you gonna go?" He said with a chuckle, it was a simple checkmate because there truly was no where else. Kinko pulled out a coin, "I will even pay for your first tribute." He said as he placed it on the bar for the tender to accept. Kinko had heard of some hangover cures and was certain he could help. Kinko took the final swig of his drink as he realized he had taken 3 drinks in a relatively fast time and being a lightweight, he recognized that his time was over. He was going to need to finish up but he was interrupted before he could leave, not to be robbed but to be questioned.

This new local had a few questions but was certainly more optimistic, explaining that his mother was ill and needing of help. Kinko responded friendly with general directions of what he was 'told'. Kinko kept it vague but enough to tell the man and give him hope. It seemed that the more the two spoke, the more everyone in the room believed the story. Kinko was just hoping that not too many people knew. He did not want to get overloaded with work, not that he could not do it but he did not want to lose the management of it. Running a hospital can be a logistical nightmare, being the vampire he is, he explained that blood can often be a tribute but mainly work hours are at night. Something unique to this shrine, especially for obtaining medical help. Kinko recognized and told the story that the shrine may be lit to help those find their way. Kinko knew he needed to add that.

Kinko then found himself paying for his drink and often the same man a token to begin a tribute to the goddess. Kinko then began to exit the bar and he saw the same lady that he saw a few nights before. The one who helped him with the mayor. Their interaction was quite brief but Kinko wanted to ensure her of the new shrine. Especially because Kinko offered medical supplies through the shrine, since this town was low on medical supplies. Kinko could not offer medical training but maybe some general advice. Kinko was hoping that he could train her to maintain the shrine and in exchange, continue to help and serve the village. Kinko needed it to be sustainable though. The lady seemed like she was willing to help but clearly, trust needed to be built and more questions needed to be answered. Kinko felt good coming from the conversation...not just from the alcohol. Kinko wanted to make sure that these people knew that he was telling the truth. Kinko was sure that this lady believed him, especially since she has seen his work before. Kinko knew that he could trust her, even if he needed to change and alter his appearance to match the spirit he is trying to become. The young vampire did not want to become a new person but just wanted to help those who needed it.

Kinko knew these people would accept the help but they were generally mistrusting. He felt good about how this went and was sure that some people would not really believe it but Kinko will be ready to change their minds...and count their blessings. He was certain it would only take a few hours for a middle aged mom and a bartender to spread the word, they were doing his work for him. Kinko just needed to make sure he was ready when his name was prayed.

The lady would accept the news with a fantastic smile and seemingly overjoyed. Kinko figured that he told enough people. He was sure that the bar would continue talking about the new opportunities and this lady would begin to tell the other political figures of the town. Kinko was aware that there was no newspaper for the town but consider printing some pamphlets, perhaps, sent by the monks of the nearby temples. Of course, even if it was black magic or a demon, most people would accept the help because they had nothing else. Kinko felt good about this and was sure that the shrine would spread like...a health religion.

Kinko needed to make sure that people really believed him and that he was not some drunk just telling stories, while he was not drunk he did drink a little more than he had planned. He knew that he was going to have to keep making trips to enforce the story but he knew the seedling had been placed. He knew someone SOON was going to challenge the shrine and it's capabilities. Kinko did not know when or who but he knew he needed to be ready to answer the prayers...Kinko was now...a goddess. One would have never imagined that his life would have become this way.  

[2,000,+25%) (2500 Ryo) / (10, +25%) 12.5 AP]
[25% Stat bonus - 1,313 Required for B ranked Cleansing Aura]
Ayato Hyuuga
Ayato Hyuuga
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Summoning Contract : Forest of Dreams Ravens

Living Clones : Natsuki
Familiar : Maneki
Legendary Equipment : Raiment of Eternal Fortune
Stone of Gelel
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Clan Focus : Taijutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 435700

News New Healthcare! Empty Re: News New Healthcare!

Sun Jun 18, 2023 4:10 am
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