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Saya Kirihara
Saya Kirihara
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Surrealism [Kinko] Empty Surrealism [Kinko]

Tue Jun 13, 2023 5:36 pm
The young woman was walking. Just walking. Her head did not swivel around like most would when they have entered a new area, particularly one that was surrounded by thick trees that seemed to go on forever. Amethyst orbs took everything slowly as if what it was seeing was not real. It didn't feel concrete despite being in the small building for an entire night and for most of the early morning. The mysterious lady who had found her and offered shelter for the night had gone and disappeared. Saya thought it would be more appropriate to try and find the same woman again, but found herself leisurely strolling through the forest after leaving the provided lodgings. There was no rush to find her.

"Where am I...?" She would ask herself as she took in tree after tree after tree.

From what she could discern this particular sanctuary was located in and hidden very well in the thicket of the woods. It was no wonder that she had not being able to see the structure from afar when she had been on the path "outside." Saya hummed to herself, coming to a stop at a jutting root that could be used as a bench. She didn't take a seat but merely continued to turn in place. Her floral yukata swooshed lightly with her movement. While the grove was spacious and certainly able to hold randomly placed buildings, it was a ghost town. Why were there buildings if there were no people to occupy them?

She shivered under the sun's rays, a somewhat chilly breeze passing around her. In her entire time there (a grand total of twelve hours) she had yet to see anyone else meander about. Was it only just her and that lady? As if to answer such a question another gust of wind picked up and whipped through her blue-purple hair, the braid almost coiling to the front to whack her on the forehead. Thankfully, it did not reach, but Saya did bring up her arms and squeezed her eyes shut for just a second to keep any dirt from flying and getting into her eyes.

Ah, fudge.

This had been a trap, wasn't it? She was going to die. It was almost logical to conclude that she had been brought into some sick game of sorts for that lady. Saya swallowed and began to narrow her eyes at her surroundings. Perhaps there were others, already waiting to cut her down in some sort of battle royale, as farfetched it may seem. The former kunoichi could tell that much when she had tried to pick up on any abnormal crunching of leaves or the soft shuffling of movements. Still, nothing.


Right. Food. Sustenance. That was important for survival. Saya had a couple of day old onigiri back in her satchel, but she wouldn't touch it just yet if she could find some edible fruits or something.

Ever cautious now Saya began to make her way towards another dwelling (or was it a shrine?) a few hundred yards away. She tried to keep her footsteps quiet, muscles coiled and ready to strike if anything were to jump out and attack her. Her back pressed against the timber as she tried to peer around the edge. If there were any food things there, Saya gave a quick prayer and an apology for anyone that was managing the building or shrine because she was going to steal whatever was there that was available to eat. Another growl, this time louder and embarrassingly echoing in the empty air.

"Damnit. I'm hungry..."


Last edited by Saya Kirihara on Mon Aug 28, 2023 10:21 pm; edited 1 time in total
Stat Page : Kinko
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Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 71000

Surrealism [Kinko] Empty Re: Surrealism [Kinko]

Sat Jun 17, 2023 12:00 am
Kinko felt, smelt, heard, and sensed the presence of a new person. This person was someone knew, not dangerous though. Kinko knew this as Kinko knew this person was a guest of Mizuki. He sensed it as the two first appeared together. Her scent was getting closer and closer, one of a human. Kinko always appreciated the human was become more rare around these parts. Kinko could not continue to feed off the humans as much as he wanted to. Regardless, the social vampire took an exhale and was not in the mood to be social. He stood frozen as the lady continued to creep up towards him. Kinko had just almost finished this own shrine and was really hoping to not be asked too much about it. He could sense the heartbeat from the kuniochi, who had little chakra reserves but still some. Kinko was assumed a few things from her scent, chakra, and other senses. It appeared as Kinko was getting his first prayer...

Kinko walked over to one of the windows, close above to where the girl had placed her back against. The wooden window was closed. Kinko sat there for a moment, wondering what to do. Should he jump out and scare her? Should he introduce himself? Should he ignore her? Kinko took an exhale, all these choices and he only had the opportunity to live this moment once. How would he know if he picked the right choice ? With little more hesitation, Kinko spoke through the wooden window. "Come in." He said in almost a ghostly monk way. Perhaps the shrine was haunted. It was not really what Kinko intended but it was just how it came out.

The Shrine was of decent size, enough for a place to prayer, place tribute, and meditate for a small gathering of around 10 people. The furnishing were clearly newer than the village and the varnish was fresh. The shrine was quite open, generally with one open atrium and a simple backroom and a quite secret loft, that allowed the most beautiful view of the moon. The atrium had a small table for tribute, which contained fresh food such as fruits and berries, pastries and bread, and other forms of snacks and food. There was a small statute of symbols of the Kyuketsuki at the end of the shrine, similar to a church. Symbols of the Kyuketsuki were found around the room with the dark wooden walls and accents providing cover from the light. Kinko would stand next to the statute, which was supposed to represent him. He would await the appearance of the female, one who he could sense the entire way. The man stood 5'9 around 160 pounds, quite lean, with burgundy gloves and boots. A long black cloak and a pair of piercing turquoise eyes. Kinko eagerly awaited the first patron of his shrine. It took only moments for Kinko to appreciate the moment, and appreciate whoever this person was. Hopefully, he would not have to kill her, as Kinko truly did not want his identity to be discovered as the patron saint of this shrine...

Saya Kirihara
Saya Kirihara
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Surrealism [Kinko] Empty Re: Surrealism [Kinko]

Sat Jun 17, 2023 7:25 pm
She thought she was alone. Her senses didn't give her any indication that anyone else in the immediate vicinity. Saya could trust herself that much, at least. However, her body stiffened and locked at the sound someone inviting her into the - now that she observed it in full - sanctum. Forcing her body to try and relax the woman pulled herself up from her slight crouch and walked from the side she was hiding from before entering the shrine. And what a shrine it was. The space was fairly roomy with symbols that she was not familiar with. Further in was a statue and a man, whom she figured was the one that encouraged her to enter.

Wary and still convinced that anyone that she met was out to kill her, Saya attempted to exude an unintimidated stance. Most of the time it worked on other civilians and ruffians, but from how the man was dressed and standing nonchalantly by the statue she probably didn't seem like much. Either way, it bolstered her. She cleared her throat, "Ahem, hello." Then raised her hand in greeting from the doorway. He was obviously taller than her with dark hair and a pair of uniquely colored eyes.

It seems that this place was not as desolate as she had suspected. Her own lavender orbs darted around the interior, taking note of the furnishings and their positions as well as another opening that might lead to another room or something. There was no item available for her to use as a viable weapon. It was during these times that Saya cursed her decision to have resigned as a ninja. All of her skills, strength, and speed had deteriorated to barely stronger than the average person. The only thing she was grateful to have retained were muscle memories that continued to show themselves from time to time.

The food laid out on the altar in the front was not lost on her. Saya swallowed thickly, licking her lips. Food. Her gaze flickered again, to the figure standing in the front. It was obvious to her that the food was not for taking as they were offerings to whoever this shrine was dedicated to, and while she was not a religious person, she still respected the various gods and goddesses that were worshipped in their world.

"I hope I did not interrupt you if you were in the middle of, uh," Saya started off strong before stumbling. What was that term - prayer? Devotion? "Ah, paying your respects." A second pause. "I'm new here. I arrived just yesterday and the lady that allowed me to stay kind of disappeared on me, so I'm not sure ... Sorry. You probably do not know who I'm talking about. Anyways, would you be kind enough to direct me to a marketplace here?" Only after she had said that, Saya began to device a way for her to escape if this guy wasn't as non-hostile as he seemed.

TOTAL WORD COUNT: 601 + 495 = 1,096
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Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 71000

Surrealism [Kinko] Empty Re: Surrealism [Kinko]

Sun Jun 18, 2023 12:45 am
Kinko could HEAR the heartbeat of the nervous woman as she responded to his voice. It let a slight curl of Kinko's lips expose the laughter hiding within his soul. She was clearly in a stage of nervousness...not panic but almost. She appeared very cautious but still open, perhaps, aware. Kinko gave a pretty blank expression, more awaiting her to act than him to act. He gave a quick wave back to introduce a level of friendliness but watched as the young lady stood across the man. Kinko already had fun watching her...trying to understand where she was. Most people were unaware of this place, which made it fun for Kinko as well. He recognized the lady's reaction to the food. His eyebrow rose and he tried to hide his smile from the general reaction. Kinko finally let out the smile as the girl fumbled with the word she was trying to find. Kinko closed his eyes and nodded strongly, 'Yes..paying respects to myself.' He thought to himself as he could feel the confusion in the room. 'I am aware.' He thought as he knew she was clearly new to the area but he also knew of the lady she was talking about.

His eyes wandered in confusion for a few moments. "Ah. So, you did not come seeking blessing?" He said...initially about the medical services but then offered his arm pointing to the food on the table. Kinko had a few questions about and for the lady but he was perfectly willing to wait and be patient. Of course, he knew the two would meet ago. "If not, the market place is back off the main road, you can cut through the woods by following the small creek. Though, why are you going to the market place?" Kinko let a moment pass before continuing, "Is Yugure missing something? Did Mizuki send you?" He said with a smile knowing he would shock and confuse the girl. She did not realize but Kinko was one the same team and he knew a lot more than what she may have thought. His smile had exposed his fangs, a classic clue for a Kyuketsuki. Kinko was glad that he was going to be one of the tour guides of the underworld. "Kyuketsuki Kinko." He said to confirm any suspicions and clarify any smoke in the air. If the unnamed girl had not accepted the food, Kinko would nudge his head towards the food, offering it. Usually, the food was for the Goddess but Kinko (the Goddess) can make an exception, from one to another.

Saya Kirihara
Saya Kirihara
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Surrealism [Kinko] Empty Re: Surrealism [Kinko]

Wed Jun 21, 2023 1:59 am
The sleeves of a yukata were supposed to be a point of fashion and were used for various practical reasons. One of them being: she could hide the shift of her hands. Saya had been extending and rolling her digits, stretching and retracting them as if warming up the miniscule muscles for something. In the past, the girl would have practiced such exercises so that her throwing technique wouldn't be so stiff and her weapons would be sailing through the hair without losing momentum. However, it was just movements of the past now and somewhat of a tick. In the back of her mind she knew that it should be something that she should stop lest it gave her away (not that she was any type of threat with no shuriken or kunai on her person).

Still, Saya did perk up at the question. Blessing? Her lips curled into a wary smile. She shook her head at the inquiry. "Ah, no... I'm not here for that," the young woman confirmed just before the man gave the directions to where the market was. Despite not knowing what could be considered the "main road" or where the "small creek" was, Saya made sure to mutter and repeat it under her breath twice to try and commit it to memory. She'll figure it out. Hopefully. After she left this shrine and the guy presiding over it, Saya was determined to find breakfast.

"To find food?" Confusion laced through her wording, changing her statement into a question because why else would she go to the marketplace if not to find a meal for herself. Saya blinked, now tilting her head in query with the additional questioning.  "Pardon - Yugure? Mizuki? I don't think I've met any of those people before. Er, well. Maybe... Do you mean the lady I was with was Yugure? Or Mizuki?" Those were the first time she had ever heard of those names. Was the lady that she had come with named Yugure or Mizuki? Now he was saying another name, perhaps. Saya thought it was, anyway.

"Saya. Saya Kirihara," she would introduce herself, hand coming up to tap against her chest. Then she would shake her head in rejection. "And it's okay. It's disrespectful to the deity if I took their offerings. Thank you though." Saya was sincere in her refusal. Again, she wasn't religious or any of that sort, but she was taught manners.

TOTAL WORD COUNT: 1,096 + 405 = 1,501
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Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 71000

Surrealism [Kinko] Empty Re: Surrealism [Kinko]

Tue Jul 04, 2023 10:21 am
Kinko’s eyebrow rose in more confusion, rose higher and with more intensity than before. The man took another look at the woman, tilting his head to the left to get a new angle. Was she really new? Her heartbeat patterns matched with the new person who came with Mizuki. Did Mizuki not say anything? He knew there is not much of a point for Mizuki to be stealing people. The young God was not sure entirely what was going on but he was determined to find out. Kinko could see the mutual confusion. His eyes widened as he responded to her, with almost a shake of the head…There was not much food at these markets. More like scavenging food. Kinko took a moment to regather himself. ‘Saya.’ He thought a few times to try to remember. Then Saya made Kinko raise his eyebrow once more. While most people did not know, and the shrine was relatively new, Kinko was willing to bypass this topic. But, would have expected someone from Yugure to know. Regardless, Kinko replied with a quick bow.

“Saya.” He said as he waltzed closer towards the table, picking up a sweet roll from the table. “I am the deity.” He said as he took a bite from the roll, showing his fangs. Kinko did not really explain what this meant or what this entailed; he was sure most people would be confused but Kinko did not find any explanation owed or important right now. Of course, Kinko was not ACTUALLY a deity, just simply the power behind the blessings of the shrine. The newly found shrine had symbols of healing, medicine, and health, and medical advancement plastered all over the walls, engraved in doors, and hanging from the ceiling. Another medical ninja would be able to perceive the symbols, knowing this shrine to be more of a hospital…more importantly, a short staffed hospital. There was always room in the mythos for more minor Gods.

After swallowing, Kinko nodded his head in approval of the food, and waved her one more time to accept the invitation, if she so wanted to. “I am sure Mizuki brought you here. I am not entirely sure why.” Kinko said while almost shrugging his shoulders, going in for another bite. “Are you aware why?” He said, questioning her presence. Most people do not just come here; there was usually a reason or a purpose. Kinko wondered what Mizuki had for Saya. Kinko did not sense much chakra or energy from Saya, she was not brought here for any fighting ability. Kinko wondered what other abilities she had.

Perhaps…she was just here for company…even if she did not like being in Kinko’s company…

Saya Kirihara
Saya Kirihara
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Surrealism [Kinko] Empty Re: Surrealism [Kinko]

Mon Jul 17, 2023 2:44 pm
There was another thing she prided herself in, and that was being observant enough to read body language. She could tell that the man in front of her, Kinko, was starting to question the situation by the tilt of his head and the query in his bright eyes. Now, they were just two confused people in a shrine. Both of them seemed to have a different understanding of what the other was trying to figure out. Kinko seemed to think that Saya had to have some kind of information on where she was at - a briefing from Mizuki - which only led Saya to become more lost at the presumptions he was making. It did take a bit of a minute for both individuals to clear up the air between them with Kinko taking the first step, literally.

"Oh, well," Saya started, blinking and taking an automatic step back from the approach. The instincts in her wasn't telling her to bolt out of there yet, but the feeling was building up the more he closed the gap. It was only when he stopped in front of the offering table to take a bite of his own contributions (not sure if he placed them there himself or there were others who actually dropped by to ask for his blessings) that she felt remotely okay being in the same space as he. Her brows drew together, processing the information he gave. Wasn't it rather arrogant of him to claim to be a deity? Much less being the one to be attending to his own shrine. "You're rather full of your --- " Though it did not produce any sound, there was a rumbling in her abdomen that suggested she take his offer. "Actually, you know what, I'll accept. Since you're the God of this shrine and I'm really hungry."

Trying to shake off the nervousness Saya was the one to move forward this time. As she did so Saya was finally able to take notice and recognize some of the symbols etched on the sides of the walls and other surfaces. Medical and healing characters and signs that she used to practice drawing back when she trained with her mother. Ah, so Kinko must specialize in the medical arts. Once she reached the table full of goodies, Saya made sure to stay on the opposite side and keep some semblance of distance between them.

If she were being honest with herself, Saya was more than convinced that she could possibly die by food poisoning or the guy could just slit her throat while she was too preoccupied with the meal. But that's the way it was going to go, she would at least want something in her stomach. Cautiously, she picked up a sweet roll as well and took a bite. She chewed a bit, slowly and waiting to see if she was going to drop dead. Fortunately, she didn't.

"Thank you, you know, for the food," Saya did a little gesture with the roll in her hand and shuffled a little to the side. However, the point of conversation she wanted to go over the most was Mizuki. So, the lady's name was Mizuki. "Couldn't she have just... taken me in because I needed a place to stay for the time being? Does this Mizuki need to have a role or purpose for me to be taken in?" It was obvious to her now that her benefactor was the leader or someone high in the rankings in this place. Seeing as Mizuki herself didn't off her, she supposed that no one of lower standing would do anything to harm her.

TOTAL WORD COUNT: 1,501 + 606 =2,107
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