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Stat Page : Kinko
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Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 71000

Vagabond's Validated Assistance Empty Vagabond's Validated Assistance

Fri May 26, 2023 2:29 pm
Vagabond's Validated Assistance:

It was no secret that Yugakure is quite abandoned, a literal ghost town. There is not much that goes around here. Most people who live here have been here for ages, centuries. More importantly, while there is not much here, there is not elsewhere for them to go. This town and it's folk cannot afford much. Their livelihoods are simple but secured. They know entirely what to expect, when to stay indoors and who to avoid. Living here for the commonfolk is not entirely difficult, such cannot be said for the wanderer or...vagabond.The leadership of Yugakure is quite sparse but in existence to handle the smallest issues. These roles and designations come with little more than a letterhead when conducting formal correspondence with other governmental entities. Typically, the leadership is formed of the elderly who have resided here their entire lives. They accept mail, apply for small government projects, and attempt to maintain the sense of community they have. Of course, while trying to obtain the ryo of the lost wanderers.

Without regard, there has been a substantial increase in violence towards the elderly in Yugakure. This was usually not the case but when tourism dies, the money dies. The weak feed on the weaker. A small group of bandits have been pirating their way through homes, localities, and provinces along the stretch that includes Yugakure. The power of these bandits is usually never challenged, as there are not many heroes around here. Kinko, a new resident of the...area had begun to show his face around here more often, even if the locals would not. These locals did not know Kinko's long plans and Kinko realized and recognized that these folks need to be warmed up to. He was certain that most forms of trust had been lost to the new faces. Though, this time was different. As Kinko walked through the foggy alleyways of Yugakure, which was only a few streets anyway, he felt a strange presence in the air. While Yugakure was typically sad and desperate, this feeling was more than that. More than desperate...almost fear based. It was not long before Kinko's attention was taken as he watched a little girl with a pail of water run from outside of her shabby shack. The girl must have not been more than 8 years old, the pail of water was spilling and splashing all over her as she tried to maintain her balance, strength, and quickness. Kinko looked for parents and was quite confused. The frustration from the girl was clear as her body could not move the water as her mind wanted.

It would not take long before Kinko made his way to her, offering to help pick up the pail by...simply picking it up. She was quite surprised, startled. A Yugakure resident never leaves their guard down, that is how focused she was. "What is the problem?" Kinko asked as he effortlessly picked up the pail of water. "My Grand father !" She said not in a panic of immediate concern but one showing a long lasting issue. The girl grabbed Kinko's hand and pulled him towards the building. From the looks of it, they were going to where the 'mayor' lives. Kinko ensured that little water escaped the pail as Kinko was beginning to realize what was happening. The old man must be sick but why would he need this much water ?

It took only a moment for the two to arrive, the young girl kicked out the door and pushed Kinko inside. Kinko was a little uncomfortable barging into a home like this but he was certain it would be okay. "Grandpa!" The young girl yelled as she ran towards the backroom with Kinko following. The door to the backroom opened to find a older man on his bed, his bandages draped with blood, wrapped around his torso, head, legs, and arms. It looked like he was alive but surely beat to a bloody pulp. Another lady was by his side, it must have been the daughter. "Sorry!" Kinko shouted as he entered into the room, Kinko was sorry for showing up unannounced, not sorry for anything else. The lady was clearly shocked and confused as well. "Who are you?" She demanded to know. "You can call me Kinko, I have been sent to assist..."Kinko not actually knowing the name of the man, "...With medical procedures that require important skills." Kinko said in an authoritative way, a way that he could not be denied. The man was unconscious at this time.

"I am here to help. I know medical jutsu." The eyes lit up on both the women in a way that Kinko had never seen before. Surely, the two had struggled their entire lives with hope but now they see it in the flesh. Obviously, the lady was not going to continue to question the young vampire. Kinko's eyes adjusted around the man, "He seems stable, we will need to check his internals." He said in a confident way. Kinko walked over to the side of the bed with the pail of water, dipping his hands in the water for a basic cleanse. He began to unwrap the sticky, dried, squishy, infected bandages from the head of the man. "Can you explain who has done this?" He said while continuing to inspect the head wound. It must have been a few days old but still, this man was in critical condition.

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Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 71000

Vagabond's Validated Assistance Empty Re: Vagabond's Validated Assistance

Sun May 28, 2023 6:08 pm
Kinko continued to remove the bandages to show that the man's head was gashed fairly severely. Kinko did not let it phase him nor did he react at it outwardly. Inside, he grimaced, the wound was quite serious and it was the first one he started to attend to. He hoped the others would not be as bad. Kinko could see the two others in the room look away, they could not bear to lay witness to the wounds given to this man. Admittedly, Kinko should have waited until he obtained an answer. "Who did this?" Kinko said asking again. " was the..."The lady began to drop a tear, rolling down her cheek. "The raiders. They have been coming recently, and a lot more lately. No one realized that he were paying ransom. When the tourism...stopped...mainly threats of ghost tours...the money stopped. These bandits have been coming after the mayor. He is an old man, he cannot defend himself. These bandits barely even know how to hold weapons !" She yelled in frustration, almost shaking, almost scaring the child. Kinko would generally not allow children in here but she was more than aware of what is happening. Clearly and obviously, Kinko was upset with the situation. His nature was not necessarily one of a medical ninja because his immediate reaction was focused on stopping these bandits, instead of saving the man. "Do you know when they will come back?" Kinko said as he splashed some water on the wound. This wound was quite serious, it is a wonder that the man is alive. "How many days has it been?" He added.

The lady shook her head, "They have been coming a lot lately, almost every day but we do not know. And this just happened last night," She said as she gently wiped some dripping blood from the man. Kinko, a vampire would never feed in this situation, he never even considered it. This would feel problematic and shameless, almost like an alcoholic raiding the fridge. "My name is Kinko. It is a good thing I got here in time, there surely must be some internal issues." He said as he placed his hand over the wound. The lady smiled with almost a chuckle, "I am the village nurse. I have barely any supplies and all my knowledge is practical. I am not anything more than a mother." She said in a desperate tone. Kinko looked up for a second and smiled at her, showing his natural fangs. Without a moment of hesitation, Kinko performed Snake > Ox > Tiger > Ram > Rat and the aura around his hand turned into a calming turquoise, not too bright, not too wide. The two gasped in awe. The young girl said, "wow, he must really be good!" Kinko let out a slight chuckle as he focused healing the wounds of the man. Kinko was sure he would have enough chakra to keep the man alive and to heal him. he was just hoping he would also have enough chakra to fight anyone off that may come.

It was no secret that the man was going to need a lot of work. Typically, a man in this condition in a village like this would generally be left for dead; there would be nothing anyone could do. However, luckily for him, Kinko was in town. Kinko was seeing the effects of the medical jutsu take place. The wound beginning to heal and Kinko could feel life. The man was accepting the treatment handsomely. Kinko wanted to explore the wounds of the man more but needed to make sure this wound would be taken care of. He figured this would be the worst. He figured this would keep him the most stable. Kinko was concerned about a few potential issues, but was confident he would be able to manage. From a strategic point, they were very vulnerable and Kinko knew it. Another issue was, it is generally best for treatment to occur all at once, instead of stopping and starting. However, with both hands covering the wounds, Kinko felt he had a strong pace to ensure the life of this man, the mayor. The selfishness in Kinko wondered if he would become a hero from this, maybe a local legend, maybe a local spirit. His mind wandered for a moment as the routine maintenance of the jutsu required only an auto pilot mind...Maybe...Kinko would make himself a spirit here. He knew this place needed the help. He wondered where Kana and Yazui were, he could really use their help about now.

The mans eyes started to open a bit. Kinko knew this would happen but the man would be faint. The young girl shouted, "Grandpa!" As both girls stood at attention. He was not entirely responding to the girl, fighting to regain consciousness. "Get him water." Kinko ordered the young maiden, as she quickly fetched a cup to bring the man's lips. "Don't worry. Everything will be okay." Kinko said in a reassuring way, more for the boost of his ego and confidence than the quelling of anxieties and fears. Kinko was almost finished up with this wound, it should not take much longer to complete the examination. Kinko was just wondering...mainly one would arrive for the remaining ransom.


50 AP used

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Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 71000

Vagabond's Validated Assistance Empty Re: Vagabond's Validated Assistance

Mon May 29, 2023 10:08 am
Kinko continued to utilize his chakra to help the wound heal. The progress was slower than usual but was present, this is simply a testament to how vicious the beating was. The man must have been hit by something metal but not entirely fatally. Perhaps, the blunt side of a sword. The man was clearly trying to wake up and while alive, Kinko wanted the man to rest more than anything. Kinko was not going to learn much of anything of importance from this man right now. The turquoise color from his hands matched his eyes, as the two were focused on the wound. Until, the door kicked open. "Ugh." Kinko thought, what now?

"Help!" A man's voice cried out, "Shito!?" The lady exclaimed. She rushed out of the room with the little girl following. Kinko wanted to say something but did not sense any significant other forms of chakra. He must be alone. Kinko could hear the gasps and rumblings from the front room, and soon the trio would come back marching and crashing into the room. The two women assisted Shito through the building and into what is now the hospital of Yugakure. Unbeknown to Kinko, this man, Shito, was the mayor's son. Another prominent figure who refused to leave, like most of the youth. Kinko could see that this man was not beaten but was struck with an arrow, from behind. Savages!

Soon Shito would collapse himself onto the edge of the bed, where his knees were on the floor and his torso and chest laid on the bed, giving Kinko the best vantage point to work. Kinko knew this town was in trouble, they were sniping him. Kinko could not tell if it was a crime of opportunity or if these bandits were pity enough to track Shito down. His hands never left the head of the mayor, his head and eyes shifted trying to get the best angle to see what has happened. "So, the arrow came in from the back and it's very close to the heart. Luckily, the arrow head is all the way through. It is barbed so that could have been an issue." Kinko did not want to mention the severity of this wound, it was quite fatal. Any slip up could cause the death of this man.

Kinko looked towards the 'nurse'. "Grab a kunai and cut the arrowhead off." She quickly grabbed the only one that Shito was carrying and confirmed the position of the arrow with Kinko before slicing it off. "Easy." Kinko said as she started to get too rough with it. The grimacing from Shito was apparent. It was clearly easier to work with unconscious people. Kinko nodded his head in support. "Now, I need you to pull the arrow out from his back. Pull it gently but firmly and hopefully in one full swoop." She nodded her head in agreement and exhaled before yanking the arrow out from his back. Before too much could escape from the wounds, Kinko dropped and clasped both hands around the wound, one on his chest and the other on his back, effectively treating both sides of the wound. "Keep an eye on gramps, he should be okay but we don't want him to fade." Kinko said with his first bead of sweat dripping. He was not tired or exhausted, he was just busy. Kinko knew he could work this pace for a little longer but he was going to need to rest at some point, especially because he wants to stay vigilant for any thieves, or bandits.

Kinko could see this wound was healing at a much faster rate. The wound would have been fatal if not treated so quickly. Kinko thought about the village nurse would have a chance to keep him alive but that chance would not be anywhere close to the chance Kinko is giving him. Kinko smiled to himself knowing he was giving A class medical services. You don't see this skill everywhere, clearly not here. Kinko looked back at the young girl who was simply watching in awe. Kinko could see the desire in this young girl's eyes. A very transformative moment for her. Kinko was glad he could be apart of that moment but never wanted that moment for her.

Kinko continued to close the wound and stop the bleeding. He could hear the sigh of relief from the exhales of the man. His heart beat did not race as it initially was. Kinko was glad he was able to bring a sense of relief to the mayor's son. Now, Kinko wondered how long he could sit on this man before working on the father. Shito was seemingly becoming much more stable. Surely, the village nurse would be able to take it from here. And, Kinko figured Shito would just need a few days rest and he would be perfectly back to normal. Kinko could heal someone to be almost perfect but not in these conditions. The mayor's wounds were much more important at this time.


50 AP used - 900 AP Left.

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Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 71000

Vagabond's Validated Assistance Empty Re: Vagabond's Validated Assistance

Sat Jun 10, 2023 3:42 pm
Kinko waved Shito to rest in another room, to simply deter from the crowding of the room. Shito accepted and acknowledged as he was concerned about his father's condition. Kinko resumed to examine the reminder of the mayor's body. Finding general bruises, scrapes, and soreness but nothing else of significant concern. Kinko addressed any issues of internal bleeding, organ failure, or other forms of issue that would require emergency or urgent care. Kinko would acknowledge this man would need to recover much longer than Shito and will likely want some form of pain reducers. Kinko was glad to see the rest of the man was okay, and accepted the work done to the most dangerous wound to be acceptable. This work had healed the mayor to a position in which the man would be in stable condition. Of course, he would need to rest and remain under the supervision and care of a loved one but is on schedule to recover to full strength. Kinko was glad to confirm no long lasting signs of any brain swelling, injuries, or damage. The man may be concussed but Kinko could not confirm nor deny due to the state of the man.

Kinko's eyes widened, it was happening. No one else knew, these guys were good. Kinko was ready and slowly made his way to the wall adjacent to the window, that is where the attack was coming from. The two others in the room saw Kinko act strange. Kinko had barely a moment to react and tried waving them out to safety but the sound of the glass crashing caused screams from both of the two in the room. A bandit, someone who must have been trained in espionage or stealth appeared from the window. This bandit was no shinobi but Kinko would give him credit for being more skilled than the average bandit. Kinko in his confidence knew this bandit was no match for him but still, his most private heart was cautious. There was no telling with random encounters but most importantly, there often were no second chances. Kinko was lucky that with his sensory and enhanced perception, he was able to foresee the attack but still, only by a moment. Most individuals would have been completely ambushed. Within the moment, Kinko formed his handseals in the corner of the room. The bandit assassin paid more attention to the two ladies, as they scurried out of the room, then focused his attention towards the man, lying on his presumed deathbed. But, Kinko would soon put a halt to this, as his hands grew a chakra aura, a deadly weapon.

Kinko rose his hand to strike the bandit's back, the bandit did his best to turn but it was simply too late. He was not aware of his surroundings. Kinko had positioned himself in a way where he could activate his jutsu with minimal attention. Of course, the girls, lying dad man, and noise in general helped. Kinko thrust his hand towards the man's spine, severing. In the inertia, the man's swinging body was also cut through internal organs. The bandit let out a noise consisting of a man's last breath and shriek. Surely, most people had never heard such a noise. Further, the sound of the bone crunching and cracking between each other was traumatizing in it's own right. Almost as bad as watching the way the man fell on the ground in an uncontrolled thud. The man's spinal cord was severely cut, there was almost no life in him, only enough for him to know that he could not feel his own body. Enough to see that Kinko stood over him, Kinko assumed that the man was medically able to speak but Kinko was assuming the man was in such shock that he essentially was paralyzed from the cut and above. Kinko slowly dropped to his right knee and showed his fangs...quickly clenching onto the man's neck. Draining the blood from his body, soon the man went from alive to dehydrated, from red cheeks to a distributing pale.  

The incident only took moments. Probably faster than it would have taken for this assassin to kill the mayor. Kinko was surely grateful that the two ladies fled because he did not want them to see. Kinko found a moment to relax and calm down from the event, as he sensed no one else of danger around him. Kinko wondered if the man was sent to finish the job on the mayor, the son, or both. And, was surprised that the man was sent alone. This guy must have been good at what he does. Regardless, the man weighed a fraction of what he weighed seconds before entering the window, as Kinko had sucked the living soul out of him. With that, Kinko could sense the ladies coming back into the room, being escorted by the injured son. Kinko grabbed the man with both hands and suplexed the corpse out of the window, as far as he could. Kinko did not want the others to see. As the three entered the room, they witnessed the young vampire fling the body outside the room. He smiled back towards the trio as they stood speechless as Kinko tried catching his breath. "Well, that should send a message." He said with a chuckle to soften the mood. Truly, the trio would not realize the true message being sent. That this village was being protected by creatures that were able to mutilate a body in the way Kinko did, also known as vampires. Kinko was quite proud of himself and he had not realized what today would have become.

While gathering his breath, Kinko stated, "I believe everyone here will be safe for awhile. Further, I believe the mayor is in a stable condition as I conducted an examination of his wounds. Please change the bandages as needed and make sure he stays hydrated. Administer reasonable pain medicine, as he...will likely need it. I do not believe there is any damage to the brain and he should be walking after about two weeks. As for you, you should be up and running within a few days but nothing physical for a few weeks, as well. Let me know if you need funds or assistance for the window. I will be happy to oblige. Other than that, I believe you all have everything you need to be successful and if you need me, you know where to find me." Kinko saying this knowing they don't. "We live amongst those who praise us in places those do not travel." Kinko said as he nodded towards the treeline, the temples of Yugure.

With this, Kinko fled the scene.

50 AP used - 850 AP Left.



[Claims: (Maxed Stats, +37 AP) 30 AP + 50%(professional mission) = 45 AP (45+37=82 AP)
9,000 Ryo.
2,500 words to learn  Chakra Enhanced Strength
1,000 words to learn Summoning technique

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Ryo : 176650

Vagabond's Validated Assistance Empty Re: Vagabond's Validated Assistance

Sun Jun 11, 2023 12:08 am
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