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Tenshi Uchiha
Tenshi Uchiha
Stat Page : Tenshi’s Tools
TenCorp (Shop)
Mission Record : Tenshi’s Track Record
Living Clones : Ayane - Kaya
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 198214

On the rise Empty On the rise

Sun May 21, 2023 1:39 pm


Give a Dog a Bone

Tenshi yawned as he woke up bright and early, it was the start of the week and he was in for a very busy one. He had agreed to take on several missions this week, each one at varying levels of difficulty. Thankfully, he had full confidence in his abilities to achieve his goals for each. As he arose from his bed and began to prepare himself for the day, he thought about the first task he had been granted. An extremely menial E Rank mission, he would have the joy of being a delivery boy for the local butcher, Oh jolly, I sure can not wait to be some errand boy again… Oh well, I guess you gotta do what you gotta do to make it… He finished brushing his teeth and got dressed. He wore his usual red and black uniform, with black closed toe boots and his usual Shinobi gear in his pouch. After stretching for a short bit of time, Tenshi finally popped up and exited his apartment.

It was a beautiful and sunny day today, and he was looking forward to being out and about for it. He did not have to walk far today, the butcher was actually an Uchiha, so Tenshi lived in the same district, a relief considering his task would require him to travel around the village already. After several minutes, Tenshi arrived at the Uchiha Butchery, by far the best butcher shop in the entire village (at least in Tenshi’s humble and unbiased opinion). “Tenshi! Dear boy! How are you feeling this morning? I could hardly believe my eyes when I saw that you would be the one assisting me with my deliveries!” A smile spread across Tenshi’s face, the old butcher had known him since he was a little baby. His mother would bring him here all the time as a child. “Good morning sir, I am feeling great thank you, I have a big day full of missions ahead so I am looking forward to getting outside. Now, where are these glorious goods that I will be transporting?”

The butcher took Tenshi around the back, where his teenage son had just finished loading a cart with a large stack of meat. “Alright my boy, this is a that you can pull to take the order over. I would get you a horse to do it but we aren’t exactly made of money now!” His laugh continued to bellow as Tenshi smiled and walked away with the cart. He was thankful that the Inuzuka clan’s district was not the furthest of walks. After roughly 20 minutes of uneventful walking, Tenshi arrived at the delivery destination, a large building where Inuzuka clan members were walking back and forth from. A middle aged lady noticed him approaching and quickly hurried over. “Oh good you’re here! You are much quicker than the usual dolt they get to bring us the goods, thank you for your hasty work! You do not have to worry about it anymore, we can unload it from here.” She barked out some orders into the building and two burly men quickly came out to assist.

Tenshi stood back as both men began to unload the cart, moving back and forth quickly. After a few minutes, the job was done and Tenshi signed a form for the lady, before grabbing the much lighter cart and heading back to the butcher. His journey back was noticeably quicker, the lack of weight in the back helping drive him forward quickly. After returning to the Uchiha Butchery, he stayed a short while to chat with the butcher, before waving goodbye and heading toward his next destination.

Mission Complete

WC: 621
Tenshi Uchiha
Tenshi Uchiha
Stat Page : Tenshi’s Tools
TenCorp (Shop)
Mission Record : Tenshi’s Track Record
Living Clones : Ayane - Kaya
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 198214

On the rise Empty Re: On the rise

Sun May 21, 2023 2:05 pm
Leafy Greens

After his successful first job of the day being completed with relative ease, Tenshi began walking towards the destination of his next mission. The wind was picking up a little bit which made him smile at first, he enjoyed feeling the breeze against his face and hair as he walked. It was a beautiful and refreshing feeling that he absolutely loved. The smile was quickly wiped away when he realised that the wind was going to be a pain in his backside for the upcoming task. He had to help maintain the parks by collecting the fallen leaves, this would be a bit problematic in the current windy conditions to say the least. On the plus side, the wind was not too intense as of yet, so if he hurried along he would be able to finish the task quickly. Tenshi decided it was in his best interest to pick up the pace, he quickly began running to his destination.

He arrived at his destination after a 10 minute run, it was in the centre of the village. A large park with giant trees scattered all around. His heart sank slightly when he noticed just much work he had ahead of him, there were leaves BLOODY EVERYWHERE. He thought it would only be a couple of trees at the most to deal with, but he was wrong here. Very wrong… Well I guess there is no point in crying about this. In for a penny, in for a pound. Just need to make sure I wrap this up quickly…

Before he could do anything, an elderly man with a long white beard and large smile on his face approached Tenshi. “Good morning young man, I assume you are Tenshi Uchiha. Thank you for arriving so early to assist with this task, I am the man who requested your help here. The job is quite straightforward, there are leaves on the ground, you pick up the leaves and put them in one of these bags, you give me any bags, you finish! Any questions?” The man smiled and waited for a moment until Tenshi shook his head. He then produced several plastic bags and a long claw-like contraption with a handle. When he pulled the handle, he noticed that the claw would grab on whatever was in front of it, at least that would be convenient for him. “Well if there is nothing else, I will leave you to it young man. If you need anything from me at all, I shall be seated at that bench over there. Happy gardening!” He sauntered away and left Tenshi to his work.

Tenshi spend the next hour on the task. It was slowly grinding away at his brain, the lack of any form of challenge or stimulation draining him of his sanity. Even walking and delivering the meat earlier had been more enjoyable than this, at least he was working his muscles by pulling the cart. Here, he looked like a criminal performing some form of community service for the village. It was humiliating at best and he often found himself avoiding the eyes of anyone nearby. At the close of the hour, he looked around and noticed that there was nothing left to do, with a happy sigh Tenshi made his way back over to the old man.

The man was already standing and smiling, leading Tenshi down to a horse drawn cart ”Ok lad, just tie up the bag and put it in the back of the cart there, you can leave the tool next to it. Thank you very much for you assistance, I know that it may not be an exciting task for a Shinobi such as yourself, but it goes a long way for us little folk when you help us like this. Please enjoy the rest of your day!” The old man’s words helped Tenshi with his mood. He had not thought of it in that way and it meant a lot to him that he was able to help the villagers. Hmm, maybe this is not the worst thing in the world that I could be doing… With a grin, he turned away and walked towards his next job for the day.

Mission Accomplished

WC: 710
TWC: 1331
Tenshi Uchiha
Tenshi Uchiha
Stat Page : Tenshi’s Tools
TenCorp (Shop)
Mission Record : Tenshi’s Track Record
Living Clones : Ayane - Kaya
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 198214

On the rise Empty Re: On the rise

Sun May 21, 2023 2:27 pm
Maintaining History

Two jobs down already and it was still only the morning, Tenshi felt like he was on one hell of a role today. He had been pushing hard today to get as many of the minor jobs done as possible due to his time constraints. He had a B Rank mission later in the day that he needed to be ready for so time was absolutely of the essence for him. He was excited about that, his first every B Rank mission, but he quickly shook his head as he realised he still needed to complete a couple of other missions before then. Focusing on the job at hand, Tenshi had quite a long walk ahead of him this time, he was heading to the top of Hokage rock. There was apparently some important informational board there that was falling apart, and his assistance was needed in repairing it.

As he began the ascent towards his destination, Tenshi could not help but admire the large carvings upon the mountain face. He had always looked up to the Hokage as he grew up, it was his biggest inspiration in life, and he looked forward to the day that his own face ended up looking over the village he called home. But that was a very long way away, and he had many, many trials and tribulations to overcome in the meantime. For one, he had to repair some downtrodden sign before he could do anything of importance as “Hokage”. Never one to back away from a challenge though, Tenshi would put his all into this task.

Another ten minutes passed as he continued to climb the mountain, the wind had slowed down to a gentle breeze by now. The cool air refreshing him once more as he looked down at Konoha. It was as beautiful as always, surrounded by the lush forest protecting it from the outside world. He had always lived here and could not imagine himself doing so anywhere else, it was unbeatable. After another ten minutes, Tenshi finally arrived at his destination to find a young council woman waiting impatiently for him. Behind her was a visibly decrepit old sign that looked like it had not been maintained for a decade at least. “Finally. You must be Tenshi Uchiha. No need for pleasantries or introductions, I need this sign fixed up as soon as possible. We have an excursion from the academy arriving soon and I don’t want the children asking why some strange man is fixing the sign. Everything you need is here, just make sure it looks good as new.”

Without so much as another word, the lady turned and left, leaving Tenshi somewhat stunned and confused. Well she seems… nice? Whatever, time to fix this bad boy up and move onto my next mission! He walked over to the sign and began to inspect it, he was not exactly a master wood worker, so he was more than relieved to notice that it would not be a difficult job. The only real issue with the board was the base of it, which needed to be removed and replaced with fresh planks, something that had been provided by the people who gave him the task. It did not take Tenshi long to complete the task, carefully using a hammer and nails to ensure the board stayed secure.

No more than five minutes had passed and he had already completed it. He heard voices in the distance after he hammered in the last nail, it sounded like the voices of many young children. Ok then, looks like it’s time for me to disappear before that lady comes back and tells me off! Grabbing the tools, Tenshi decided to make like a tree and rushed away, not even taking any time to admire his handy work.

Mission Accomplished

WC: 642
TWC: 1973
Tenshi Uchiha
Tenshi Uchiha
Stat Page : Tenshi’s Tools
TenCorp (Shop)
Mission Record : Tenshi’s Track Record
Living Clones : Ayane - Kaya
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 198214

On the rise Empty Re: On the rise

Sun May 21, 2023 7:27 pm
The Long Departed

Tenshi was smiling to himself as he made his way down the mountain. He was extremely proud of the work he had already completed today. They may have been somewhat minor tasks, but each one of them had assisted the village in different ways. By delivering the meet, he ensured that an entire clan received valuable resources in a swift fashion, he had also assisted his fellow Uchiha in the process. By collecting the leaves, he had assisted in providing the village with necessary fertiliser to plant crops and other plants. By repairing the sign on top of the Hokage Rock, he had helped maintain the high standard and history of the Konoha, something that every Konoha Shinobi of the Leaf should strive to do. His mood mellowed out as he thought about the next task he had to complete. It was his task to go to one of the older sections of the Shinobi Burial Grounds and clean a row of tombstones.

It was nearing midday now and the sun was directly overheard. Tenshi was not feeling fatigued at all which surprised him, he was somehow as energised as when he began his busy day. However, he had a feeling that this would change after this next task took place. Cleaning, polishing and respecting the dead were one thing, but Tenshi was most nervous about passing a very particular tombstone. Tonari Uchiha… I guess it sure has been a while since I last visited my mother… She would probably throw a fit and whack me over the head if she knew I was going to be such a bad son after she passed away. Sorry ma’am, I will make up for my laziness today. A sad smile crossed Tenshi’s face. The thought of seeing his mother’s grave was bittersweet for him. He longed to see her but also feared his feelings that would emerge at the sight of it.

The Shinobi Burial Grounds were quite a while away from Hokage Rock, it took Tenshi half an hour to finally arrive at the entrance. He was greeted by the security guard at the gate, who nodded to him as he opened it up for the Genin. He never understood why they needed security for the dead, it slowed down the process for people to respect their fallen brethren and ancestors. It was a very quiet day in the Burial Grounds today, although Tenshi assumed this would be due to most of the village enjoying their lunch on a beautiful sunny day. For the best to be totally honest. I would rather be on my own as I do this anyway. The dead should be respected in silence and with respect… He began to make his way towards the Burial Grounds office to meet with the contractor.

The office was a rather small and humble building, with a basic design and single window. He politely knocked several times and took a step back to wait for somebody to open the door. It was an old man in a white robe who did so, not exactly what Tenshi was expecting. He assumed that it would be some generic security guard or grave keeper, not a man who liked like some sort of ancient monk. His shock had clearly not gone unnoticed, with the old man raising a wrinkled eyebrow and smirking. ”Ye look like ye’ve seen a ghost ya wee lad. Do not worry yer pretty little head son, I am well and truly a living and breathing human being. My name is Okinawa and I was the one who put out the request for yer role. I take it that yer Tenshi Uchiha?”

Tenshi quickly nodded, “Y-yes sir, my apologies I should not have stared in such a way. It is a pleasure to meet you Mr Okinawa, I am indeed Tenshi Uchiha.” He bowed quickly before continuing, “I was informed that I would have to clean and polish a specific row of older tombstones sir?” As he spoke he noticed something off about the old man. Okinawa was smiling in the usual innocent old man demeanour, but something about his eyes seemed off. Tenshi felt as if those were the eyes of a sage, reading him and seeing through Tenshi’s very being. It was as if Okinawa was looking for something, but Tenshi could not quite discover what it was just yet, he just hoped it was nothing nefarious.

”Oh indeed young lad, it is quite the important task you have here. The dead require the utmost care and respect by those of us who follow them. I have a feeling yer the right man for the job here! The cleaning utensils ye will require are just next to the door here. Grab them and follow me, quickly now!” Tenshi quickly grabbed the bucket and other utensils before following the old man out of the office and up the hill. The Shinobi Burial Grounds were far larger than Tenshi had anticipated. It saddened him to see so many graves of fallen Shinobi, so many lives lost for the sake of the village. He took a deep breath and continued to follow Okinawa, who was extremely spry for such an old man. Tenshi could feel himself constantly speeding up to keep up with him.

”Tenshi Uchiha ey? Ye know, I actually knew yer mother before she passed, an incredible Shinobi she was.” Tenshi was shocked at this revelation, this old geezer knew his mother? Was he also a Shinobi at some point? It explained the suspicious eyes Okinawa had been giving him earlier. Before Tenshi could ask any questions, Okinawa stopped walking and turned around. It was then that Tenshi realised they were in an open plain within the Burial Grounds, the nearest tombstone was over 30 meters away. ”Now I’m sure ye’ve got plenty of questions for me lad, but if ye want answers, they will have te wait. First I want ye te show me what ye’ve got son. DEFEND YERSELF! Out of nowhere and with a swiftness that defied the logic of his old body, Okinawa burst forward at Tenshi.

WC: 1025
TWC: 2998
Tenshi Uchiha
Tenshi Uchiha
Stat Page : Tenshi’s Tools
TenCorp (Shop)
Mission Record : Tenshi’s Track Record
Living Clones : Ayane - Kaya
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 198214

On the rise Empty Re: On the rise

Sun May 21, 2023 8:55 pm
Okinawa was fast, very fast. Tenshi barely got his hands up to guard against the closed fist strike that came at his chest. Blocking the blow, Tenshi was still knocked back and gasped out as he was sent to the ground. “What in the world are you doing old man? Are you crazy!? Seriously this is messed u-“ Before he could finish complaining, Okinawa was upon him again and throwing strikes left, right and centre. Each time, Tenshi barely managed to get out of the way in time or was forced to deflect the blow. Okinawa would chuckle as he threw each strike, just how was this old man so nimble and strong? Tenshi was now certain that he was an extremely old and experience Shinobi, but was more focused on how he would survive this encounter.

If his old battle with Jecht was anything to go by, he knew that he needed to create distance between the two of them. Staying grounded, he began to back away swiftly as he gathered chakra into his eyes, suddenly he activated his Sharingan. His now dark red eyes showed a single Tomoe on each, allowing him to see the old man’s chakra mass. It was larger than he had expected, Tenshi clearly had his hands full in this encounter. Okinawa paused for a moment, “Oh hoh hoh hoo, it looks like the wee Uchiha lad has his wee little Sharingan now ey? Yer mommy would be proud, assuming she didn’t see the pounding that yer about to receive.” Once more he came at Tenshi.

Although it was minor, Tenshi was able to see the strikes coming a little bit earlier this time. His heightened perception warning him of the old man’s incoming blows, Tenshi would use this advantage to duck around them. “You speak about my mother and yet you do not tell me of your relation to her, what are you hiding from me Okinawa? And why in the world are you coming at me so fiercely??” At this point he was just confused, why had the old geezer jumped him, he was clearly fond of his late mother and respected her. This made no sense at all. Having enough of this, Tenshi put his hands together and formed the seal of the Ram, Clone Jutsu! Suddenly, two clones of Tenshi formed on either side of him, each taking the exact same stance as himself.

Before Okinawa could throw his next strike, all three versions of Tenshi dashed forward crossing through each other in an effort to confuse the old man. Okinawa seemed to be able to have a rough idea of where the young Uchiha was, however, the sudden increase in movement was clearly enough to confuse him for a split second. Tenshi used that small window of opportunity to land a clean blow, striking the old geezer across his chin. He then used one of his clones to throw a kick at the old man’s head from the other side. Okinawa instinctively ducked the fake blow and fell right into an uppercut from Tenshi’s left fist, staggering the old man back briefly.

Tenshi and his clones retook their original positions, ready to strike again. Surprisingly, Okinawa simply stood still and laughed. Not in a mocking way, instead it appeared that the old man was actually enjoying himself. “I have ta say lad, yer doing far better than I thought ye would. A mere Genin and yer already showing this level of skil? Tonari would be proud son.” Tenshi watch as Okinawa put his hands up and gestured for the small conflict to stop. Understanding that the old man was being genuine, he released his jutsu, causing his clones to disappear as his eyes reverted to their usual appearance. “Sorry about that lad, I take it ye will be wanting an explanation ey? Well te be blunt, I wanted te test yer skills. I would not be a very good sensei if I could not even beat the child of me former student now could I?”

The revelation shocked Tenshi, this silly old geezer was his mother’s old sensei? Surely this was not true, that being said it made sense considering how much he clearly seemed to know about him. Okinawa just smiled and raised a hand before Tenshi could ask any questions. “I know ye probably have many questions, but hold onto them until after ye complete yer tasks for today. Remember, ye’ve got tombstones te clean!” Without so much as a look back, Okinawa turned around and continued his original path towards the tombstones that Tenshi had to clean. Absolutely stunned into silence at what had just happened, Tenshi slowly picked his supplies up once more before following the crazy old geezer.

For the remainder of the walk, Okinawa refused to answer any of Tenshi’s many questions. Instead, he chose to simply whistle a tune and sing to himself as he trotted on, infuriating the young Genin. Finally, the two of them reached their destination, a row of very old looking tombstones that were in desperate need of cleaning. Okinawa motioned for Tenshi to begin, taking a seat near him and observing for a short while. As Tenshi begrudgingly began to clean and polish each of the tombstones, the old man finally began to speak. The task took him an hour to complete, during that time the two of them spoke of the past. They spoke of Tonari Uchiha and their fond memories of Tenshi’s beloved late mother. They laughed together at the highs, and consoled each other about the lows. Although this old man originally confused Tenshi, he had instantly gained his respect over this final hour.

Finally, the last tombstone was cleaned and polished, Okinawa observed it for a moment before nodding to himself and then Tenshi. “Well done lad, take solace in the fact that ye would make an excellent cleaner if the whole Shinobi thing does not work out for ye!” He laughed as Tenshi sighed, the two began to walk back together, stopping next to a certain grave on the way back. They stood side by side and bowed their heads in front of the grave of Tonari Uchiha, smiles on both of their faces before finally continuing back to the office. Tenshi was happy once more, he had made a new, albeit very unusual, friend and learned more about his hero. Today was shaping up to be a phenomenal day.

Mission Accomplished

WC: 1080
TWC: 4078
Tenshi Uchiha
Tenshi Uchiha
Stat Page : Tenshi’s Tools
TenCorp (Shop)
Mission Record : Tenshi’s Track Record
Living Clones : Ayane - Kaya
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 198214

On the rise Empty Re: On the rise

Mon May 22, 2023 10:46 am
A display of talent

Tenshi took his time leaving the Shinobi Burial Grounds, his day had been extremely enjoyable thus far. Okinawa had truly lifted his spirits as they talked and reminisced about his late mother. Tenshi made a mental note of coming back more often to spears to the crazy old geezer. With a smile and a wave, the Genin departed and began walking back towards the village Shinobi Training Grounds. It would be another considerable walk through Konoha, and although he was getting a little bit tired, Tenshi still felt extremely energised. His day had been very productive, and the young Uchiha was proud of that, but he did not have time to celebrate.

His first true test was up next, Tenshi’s first ever B Rank mission. He was almost giddy with anticipation. He had waited so long for an opportunity to truly showcase his skills, although admittedly he was hoping for something a little bit more exciting than a talent show. The event was meant to showcase the young children, and their skills and talents in front of their peers and parents. It reminded Tenshi of when he had performed at a similar event when he was a boy. His mother had taken him and he had wowed the crowd by performing a Clone Jutsu, albeit a very poor one. He remembered the look of pride on Tonari’s face, it was a look he could never truly forget.

Roughly 20 minutes passed as he continued to walk, it was nearly 3 PM now but Tenshi was still quite early for the event. He walked passed the Ichiraku Ramen shop, shrugging and deciding to pop in quickly for a meal, he had not eaten all day and his stomach had just reminded him of that. Ordering a spicy ramen bowl, chatting and laughing with the Ramen man who was a staple of their village. Flirting with his daughter whenever he walked off to do something, and then quickly changing the subject whenever he would return. A short while later, Tenshi thanked them both for their service, paid for his meal, and then continued towards the Training Grounds. He felt far more energised now, ensuring that he did not eat too much. It would not go well to get a stitch while performing on a B Rank mission after all…

Passing through the Uchiha District on the way to the Training Grounds, Tenshi was delighted to see several young Uchiha training together with their parents watching on. It was clear that they were getting ready for the talent show, each of them was focusing on a specific type of skill or technique, Tenshi assumed that this would be their talent of choice for the event. A few of the parents recognised him as he walked passed them, calling out and waving, Tenshi responded in kind as he continued forward.

He unfortunately did notice, however, a rather unhappy looking father in the group. Barking orders to his daughter and getting angry whenever she was unable to perform to his standard. This was the type of parent he had been hired to keep in check for this task, Tenshi’s eyes narrowed as he walked away. He had never understood these overzealous parents, it was as if they lived vicariously through their children. It placed an unnecessary level of stress and toxicity upon the kids, something that would undoubtably hinder their progress as Shinobi, as well as their social lives. Tenshi sighed as he continued to the Grounds.

Tenshi arrived at the training grounds early, ready to help set up the stage and prepare for the event. He was greeted by several academy staff members who were all clearly very excited for the talent show. Although excitement and stress often swapped in and out as they were preparing everything. They had worked together brilliantly to set up the stage, a large platform with plenty of space for the children to show off each of their skills. A sound system, which was connected to a microphone that the MC for the day was warming up on. There was also a rather large seating area, Tenshi gulped at the thought of just how many people were going to be there today.

Tenshi could not help but feel proud of the academy staff, they were truly taking their roles seriously and had gone to great lengths for the sake of the future Shinobi prospects. They were all working together to make the event a success, Tenshi knew that he had an incredibly important role, keeping the peace. If the Uchiha father that he saw earlier was anything to go by, he expected that he may have his hands full. With another sigh, he shook off the feeling and looked around to find a supervisor.

And important looking lady with a clipboard was moving around the grounds, giving out orders to each of the staff members. Walking up to her, Tenshi found himself waiting for several minutes as she stuck a finger up at him, signalling for him to wait a moment. Eventually, she had given out all of her orders before turning to the Uchiha, ”Sorry about that, as you can tell we are quite busy at the moment. I take it that you are Tenshi Uchiha yes? Perfect. I am glad to see that you have the incredible talent of actually arriving at these events early. It always helps when you have time to prepare for these things, it means you spend less time running around like a headless chicken. My name is Shiyo and I am the head supervisor for the event. Pleasure to meet you, now follow me as I show you the facilities.”

Shiyo walked Tenshi around the Training Grounds, which had received a complete makeover for the event. The staff had truly gone above and beyond for these kids, and Tenshi was extremely impressed. She showed him where the stage hands would be working, an area restricted to staff only, “Of course you are allowed to enter all staff areas, we can not have you restricted when you have a job to do. Aside from ensuring that none of these crazy parents do anything out pocket, we also need you to assist with security. Sorry for the whole double duty thing, but it would be greatly appreciated!” Shiyo continued to show him around.

Finally they arrived at another backstage area that looked like a preparation zone. “Now. This here is by far the most important area of the entire event, the children will be spending most of their time preparing for the event here. Absolutely nobody but the children, yourself and academy staff are allowed to enter here! If you see a parent, sensei or sibling trying to enter, you turn them around a make sure they find their seat instead. I do not care if you have to smack them around a bit either, this is the most important role of the entire event!” Tenshi nodded seriously, this was clearly the entire purpose of his mission, everything else came secondary. The safety of the children was of the utmost importance here, and he would not allow some crack pot parent to jeopardise this.

Shiyo finally brought him back to the main area, standing next to the bar. Thankfully, the bar was only serving food and non alcoholic beverages, he shuddered to think of the headache he would have gotten by having to deal with drunk parents. After ordering him a drink on the house, Shiyo gave Tenshi a lanyard which signified his role for the event. With a quick nod, she walked off to continue with her other duties, allowing Tenshi some time alone to enjoy the drink and walk around. As he did so, he got the opportunity to meet many of the academy staff members who were still setting up. He took the time to introduce himself so that they would all know who he was before the event took place. He explained his role to each and also took some time to get to know each of them, hoping to make them all comfortable. Suddenly, there was a loud whistle to signify that the venue would be opening.

Tenshi quickly walked to the entrance of the preparation area as the children and their parents began to arrive. There was a very loud and excited buzz in the area as people streamed in, some academy staff directing traffic to the prep area. Tenshi stood next to the entrance with his arms crossed and waited until the first parent and her son arrived. He signalled for the mother to stop, allowing the child to walk in on his own, several staff members were already inside to greet the children and show them around. He instructed the mother to find her seat in the main area and continued to repeat the process as more people arrived. He was greeted with mixed reactions from different parents when they were informed that they could not enter the prep area. However, nobody caused any problems aside from having an attitude about it all.

Finally, a familiar face arrived at the entrance. The loud and angry Uchiha father from earlier was there with his daughter. Tenshi performed the usual greeting and action, however, the man was almost instantly furious. “What the hell do you mean that I can’t enter? Who do you think you are? I just want to make sure my little girl is ready for her performance! You need to check your attitude junior before I give you a smack!” Tenshi’s kind demeanour changed the moment he received the threat from the father. Without a second thought, Tenshi activated his Sharingan and took a step forward, looking the man eye to eye.”Sir I am going to say this once, and once only. Please turn around and find your seat now, before I remove you from the venue. You will not receive another warning.”

Tenshi was thankful when the man nodded reluctantly and turned to his daughter. He whispered something in her ear that caused her to seem quite unhappy, before turning around and stomping off. The girl looked uncomfortable as she walked into the prep area, Tenshi made a mental note of that before continuing the process with the remaining people that made their way to the entrance. Once all the children were in the prep area, he walked in and closed the door, locking it so no parents could sneak in and cause problems. He looked around for a short while, keeping an eye specifically on the young girl from earlier.

He had been warned of the parents in the mission statement, however, Tenshi noticed that some of the children were already trying to sabotage other kid's performances. He saw a group of three boys whispering something to each other and then pointing towards another small girl practicing on her own in the corner of the prep area. Tenshi knew that this was not going to be acceptable behavior and decided to take action. The three boys surrounded the girl and rolled their sleeves up, Tenshi heard the usual bully threats as he approached. The young girl looked as if she was about to cry as the boys continued to bully her, threatening to hit her before Tenshi reached them and crossed his arms. Activating his Sharingan once more, Tenshi cleared his throat, “Ahem, well well well… It looks like I’ve found three volunteers to clean up the entire stage after the event. Lucky me huh?”

The boys turned around quickly, apparently not expecting to find a menacing Shinobi with red eyes standing over them. With a loud yelp from each of them, they quickly ran away screaming. Tenshi deactivated his Sharingan and chuckled as the little girl, who introduced herself as Saru, in front of him smiled up at the Uchiha. He gave her a little fist bump and walked away, content that the three boys would not be causing any problems. As he looked around, it was clear to him that he had also placed the other kids on notice, they all seemed more focused on their own training than those around them. Satisfied, Tenshi took his place between the prep room and the stage area. This allowed for him to see both areas and keep an eye out for any trouble.

From his observations, Tenshi noticed that there were two popular choices for the most talented child of the event. One was a young boy called Tanjiro, the other was a girl named Selina, and she just so happened to be the Uchiha with the angry father. Tenshi ensured to specifically keep an eye out for both children and their parents, if anything were to happen, it seemed like that they would be the ones to initiate it. He had gotten a handle on the abilities and personalities of both parents, Tanjiro’s mother seemed like a kind hearted woman, she also was not a Shinobi which made things easier for him. Selina’s father’s attitude was quite obvious already, but Tenshi had figured out that he used to be a Shinobi when he activated his Sharingan, thankfully he did not appear to be very powerful.

As the talent show began, Tenshi watched in awe as each of the young Shinobi in training performed their various skills and talents. There were juggling acts, acrobatics, kunai and shuriken throwing, taijutsu and even some impressive ninjutsu displays. Tenshi could not help but remember how nervous he had felt about his own performance as a child. He had been practicing a new jutsu for weeks, but he had not been sure if he was ready to show it off in front of everyone. He was glad to see the hard work of all these children was paying off.

The children would tend to gather around Tenshi and watch from his position as each of them would perform. It brought a smile to his face to see the excitement in each of their eyes as they discovered the abilities of their peers. The three bullies from earlier were even watching when Saru’s name was called out. As her turn approached, Saru took a deep breath and stepped onto the stage. She smiled at Tenshi as he nodded encouragingly to her. He could almost feel her heart pounding in her chest as she began preparing to perform her jutsu. She was extremely shy, and stuttered as she explained how it was a jutsu that her older sister had taught her. The crowd laughed as the poor girl was barely able to get her words out, the nerves were evident on her face. The three bullies were also snickering to each other along with them. There was absolutely no laughter as the next words came out of Saru’s mouth, “SUMMONING JUTSU!”

Tenshi felt his jaw drop, along with the collective jaws of everyone else watching, as a bright blue hummingbird appeared. How had a girl so young performed a Jutsu that Tenshi himself had only just learned? She seemed to be some sort of prodigy, and the entire crowd knew it. They erupted with cheers and applause, as did the children watching from the back. Even the three bullies could not help but clap in shock. The loudest of them all were two women in the crowd, a mother and what appeared to be an older sister. Tenshi instantly raised an eyebrow when he saw her, she was absolutely gorgeous. Not only that, it appeared that she was a great teacher, Saru had done an extraordinary job today. He gave her a high five as she came back through the curtain.

More children continued to perform on stage. As one boy walked on, Tanjiro walked up to the curtain to watch, it appeared they were good friends. In the corner of his eye, Tenshi noticed some suspicious movement. Selina was attempting to sneak over to where Tanjiro had been training, she had something in her hand. Quickly and quietly, he snuck up behind her to see what she was up to. Selina was walking up to what appeared to be Tanjiro’s water bottle, he noticed that she was holding a vial of liquid in her hand. “That is enough of that Selina, give me the vial now please.”

The young girl jumped as she turned around, clearly caught off guard. One look into his eyes and she lowered her head in shame and handed the vial to Tenshi, placing it into his outstretched hand. Tenshi walked her back to her own prep zone and began to question her gently. She admitted that her father had told her to pour the vial into Tanjiro’s drink when he was not looking. He had told her it would only give him a small tummy ache, upon inspecting the vial, Tenshi noticed that the effects would have been far more serious. The vial smelled of a poisonous plant that grew out in the forest surrounding the village. He had learned about it in the academy, he was extremely shocked to discover that this man would attempt to poison a child for the sake of a children’s talent show. After giving her a light scolding, Tenshi let Selina continue with her training.

Finally, it was Selina’s turn to perform, she walked passed Tenshi, who had retaken his position by the curtains. He gave her a comforting nod and wished her luck, this seemed to lift her mood. Tanjiro was there and also wished Selina luck, he appeared to have a lot of respect for her, and this seemed to catch her off guard. But a warm smile crossed over her face as she walked onto the stage. Tenshi noticed that her father was sitting down with his arms crossed. Selina began to explain her talent, it was a fire-based technique that she had been working on for a long time. Facing above the audience, she performed three quick hand seals, Snake - Ram - Tiger, and the blew out a very respectable fireball jutsu for someone her age. The crowd cheered loudly, everyone was clapping except for her own father. His expression had not changed at all.

After she finished, Selina could finally see the look of amazement on the faces of the audience. She gave a big smile and waved to the crowd before turning around. Tenshi felt a rush of pride and satisfaction as she stepped off the stage. She gave a high five to Tanjiro and they both joked about it being his turn next. Tenshi was confused by what they meant. After a few more performances, it was finally Tanjiro’s turn. He walked on stage and explained his own performance. All of a sudden, he also performed a fireball jutsu that was virtually identical to Selina’s. The crowd cheered once more, Selina included, and Tenshi looked on in disbelief. That was two children now who had already learned the basics of the fireball technique, he was definitely not at their level as a child.

One person who was not happy at all was Selina’s father. He was on his feet but he began yelling at Tanjiro, everyone around looked at him in shock. He began accusing the boy of cheating and copying his daughter’s superior technique. Tenshi activated his Sharingan once more, just in case something went wrong. When Tanjiro’s mother started telling the man to leave her son alone, he got even angrier. Out of nowhere, the crazy man snapped and faced Tanjiro once more. To Tenshi’s disbelief, the man began to imbue chakra and formed three familiar hand signs, albeit very slowly. Snake - Ram - Tiger.

Shockingly Saru’s older sister appeared in front of Tanjiro, preparing to block the incoming technique. Tenshi quickly dashed between her and the crazy man, performing his own seals far quicker with the assistance of his Sharingan. Both of them release a fireball jutsu at the same time, Tenshi angled his a bit higher. When the two collided, Tenshi’s was far superior, clearly this man was a once failed academy or Genin Shinobi. The skill difference made this a comfortable win for Tenshi. Thankfully, nobody was hurt thanks to the angle at which he had aimed his own technique, Saru’s sister had also moved Tanjiro out of harms way.

Absolutely incensed, Shiyo appeared with several police men in tow, yelling out about arresting the man. The police detained him, with Tenshi giving them the vial and explaining how the man had coerced and tricked his own child into trying to poison the young boy. He was taken away in disgrace as the talent show commenced once more. The rest of the talent show went off without a hitch. Tenshi was relieved that there were no more incidents of parents trying to sabotage other children's performances.

Finally, it was time to announce the winner. The crowd erupted once more as Saru’s name was announced in first place, her mother and sister cheering at the top of their lungs. Tenshi himself could not help but be overjoyed, she had clearly deserved it. Selina and Tanjiro received an equal second place, both of them with massive smiles on their faces as the crowd cheered once more. The MC made a joke about Tenshi receiving an honorary award for his own little display, which made the Genin blush and laugh along with the crowd. He noticed Saru’s sister catching his eye for a moment, causing him to blush before looking away.

As the event came to an end, Tenshi felt a sense of accomplishment. He had helped make the talent show a success, and all the young up and coming Shinobi had been given an equal opportunity to showcase their skills. He congratulated Saru in the prep area and reassured Selina. She had done nothing wrong, and her abilities were incredible. She absolutely had the right to be proud of herself tonight. All the children left the event with large smiles painted across their faces.

Against the protests of Shiyo and the other academy staff, Tenshi volunteered to stay back and help them with the cleaning up portion of the event. He joked and laughed with them as they recalled the events of the night that had just transpired. They even began calling Tenshi “The Great Flaming Protecter” as a joke. Shiyo was thanking him profusely for his work after they finished cleaning up. She had almost had a heart attack when she saw the old man attempting to attack a child. Her career would likely have been over had it happened and, even worse, Tanjiro could have been seriously injured. She gave him a bag filled with many refreshments left over at the bar, which he accepted gracefully before departing.

As he walked home, Tenshi couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement for his future as a Shinobi. He had completed several important tasks today and done a fine job for each. He was truly proud of himself and could not wait to talk to his team mates to tell them the great news. He knew that he still had a lot to learn and a long way to go, but he was confident that he had what it took to become a great Shinobi, and one day, an even greater Hokage. With a smile on his face, Tenshi looked up at the sky where his mother was likely watching from, and whispered, "I'm ready for whatever comes my way!"

Mission Accomplished

Exit Thread

WC: 3922
TWC: 8000
Tenshi Uchiha
Tenshi Uchiha
Stat Page : Tenshi’s Tools
TenCorp (Shop)
Mission Record : Tenshi’s Track Record
Living Clones : Ayane - Kaya
Remove Taijutsu Fūinjutsu Ninjutsu Remove Remove Default
Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Default
Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 198214

On the rise Empty Re: On the rise

Mon May 22, 2023 11:30 am
Claiming 13,000 Ryo (2,000 + 13,000 = 15,000)
Claiming 65 AP

Using 2,000 WC to claim Two Tomoe Sharingan, already had 2000/4000 WC progress from here (6,000 WC left)
Using 250 WC to claim Genjutsu Release (5,750 WC left)
Using 250 WC to claim Fear Pull (5,500 WC left)
Using 250 WC to claim Mind Read (5,250 WC left)
Using 5,150 WC towards Three Tomoe Sharingan (0/6000 -> 5,150/6,000)

Ryo Purchases:

Spending 6,000 Ryo to claim the B-Rank summon Malloxis (15,000 - 6,000 = 9,000 Ryo)
Spending 4,000 Ryo to claim the C-Rank summon Rellgar (9,000 - 4,000 = 5,000 Ryo)
Spending 2,000 Ryo to claim the D-Rank summon Vrox (5,000 - 2,000 = 3,000 Ryo)

Using 6,100 WC to claim +61 points in Chakra (39 + 61 = 100 Chakra) (1,900WC left)
Using 1,900 WC to claim +19 points in Vigor (40 + 19 = 59 Vigor)

Last edited by Tenshi Uchiha on Mon May 22, 2023 6:50 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Fixed)
Ayato Hyuuga
Ayato Hyuuga
Stat Page :

Mission Record :
Summoning Contract : Forest of Dreams Ravens

Living Clones : Natsuki
Familiar : Maneki
Legendary Equipment : Raiment of Eternal Fortune
Stone of Gelel
Remove Taijutsu Remove Kanjutsu Jikūjutsu Default
Remove Earth Water Lightning Remove Default
Clan Specialty : Taijutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 435700

On the rise Empty Re: On the rise

Mon May 22, 2023 6:24 pm
You can claim 80 stats in addition to the rest of your claims!

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