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Tenshi Uchiha
Tenshi Uchiha
Stat Page : Tenshi’s Tools
TenCorp (Shop)
Mission Record : Tenshi’s Track Record
Living Clones : Ayane - Kaya
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 218214

D-Rank Days Empty D-Rank Days

Sun May 07, 2023 8:33 am
D-Rank Missions:

Tenshi to the blaring of his stupid alarm. It was the loudest thing he’d ever heard, and yet, it got louder every morning. Maybe he was sleeping too late, maybe he was working too hard during the days, or just maybe he was getting lazy… No way, definitely not that. I just work far too hard every day so it makes it harder for me to get out of bed in the mornings. Yep. That’s definitely it… Tenshi groaned as he finally rolled over to turn the damned thing off. Silence…

With another lazy groan, he was upright and looking out the window of his small apartment home. His mellow mood dropped further when he saw the depressing conditions outside. The sky was a moody dark grey, no signs of joy were creeping through the clouds, Great… Just what the doctor ordered today huh? Well it should be fine as long as I don’t have anything important to do today… I’m not forgetting anything am I?

Shrugging, he walked into his little bathroom and began to brush his teeth, looking in the mirror and wondering why he felt so tired today. Something caught his eye, the reflection of his alarm clock in the bedroom behind him. 5am. That didn’t seem right, he never woke up before 7am, unless he had something to do. The cogs began to work in his brain as he realised. Oh I am an actual moron! It’s MISSION DAY!.

Tenshi rushed through the rest of his morning activities, how could he forget what he had to do today? He had signed up for these missions a week ago and he was finally able to start contributing to the village. Although, he had to admit that his contributions appeared to be quite minuscule. Deliveries, constructions, evictions, nothing truly screamed “I am a Shinobi!!!” After quickly devouring some toast and fruits, donning his uniform and admiring his appearance in the mirror one last time, Tenshi was out the door and into the outside gloom.

Sprinting to the arrival spot, Tenshi started to calm himself. There was no reason to rush, he had set his alarm early just in case something like this would happen. He still had plenty of time. He slowed his pace and ensured that he would not run out of stamina before he even began his missions today. He was going to be very tired by the end of it, deliveries and manual labour were not exactly physically easy tasks. Not to mention evicting a family from their home, Tenshi really was not looking forward to doing that one. A problem for later. First I focus on this stupid soil situation and the first construction job. He was nearing the arrival spot.

Tenshi was greeting by a gruff older man who stood a whole foot above him. He had a full head of long grey hair, tied behind his head into a long pony tail. Regardless of the weather, the man was wearing a tank top, showing off his ridiculously large muscles, bigger than those of Jecht, who was no slouch. The man’s face was hard, but not unkind, his eyes were almost piercing through the young Uchiha as he arrived though. He seemed quite surprised for a moment, looking Tenshi up and down a few times before he finally spoke. “An Uchiha huh? This is a surprise, I thought you lot were far too important for this kind of grunt work. Well no matter, I have six shipments I need delivered, we will take three apiece. The weather is only going to get worse so it’s going to need to be snappy. The addresses are printed on each bundle. The name is Marlo by the way, you can tell me yours after you’re done.”

With a curt nod, Marlo filled a hiking bag with three bundle before quickly walking off. Tenshi took a moment to process everything before gaining his bearings. That was a quick encounter, and he was surprised at how small the packages were, he had assumed the soil would be delivered to larger companies, but it appeared that the clients were just local villagers. This made the job seem a bit easier for the young Uchiha. There was a spare bag for Tenshi to use, so he filled it with the packages, making notes of the three destinations, two were on the north end of the village, not too far from each other. The third was in the south east, Looks like I’ve got some ground to make… He set off to the North.

As he neared the first destination, the weather changed for the worst, it began to rain… With a sigh, Tenshi knew he had to pick up the pace, he had a feeling it would only get worse and he still had a long way to go. He began to run quickly, using rooftops to make his way through quicker. Finally, he arrived at the first destination, a rather large home. He knocked on the front door and waited under the porch, he was beginning to get cold. A very old and grumpy looking man opened the door and saw Tenshi holding the package. Without so much as a thank you, he snatched it out of his hands and closed the door in Tenshi’s face. Well that was, nice… Oh well, it was time for the next one.

It took very little time to arrive at the next house, a couple of minutes at the most. The lady was far nicer this time, giving Tenshi a smile and even offering him to join her for a coffee. Unfortunately, the rain was getting heavier and he had to politely decline before sprinting south. He had one destination left and he wanted to get there before it got really bad. Sprinting and jumping from rooftop to rooftop, Tenshi would not relent. He almost slipped and fell several times, only barely stopping himself from a painful and embarrassing situation. After 15 minutes, he finally arrived at the final destination.

After knocking on the front door, an extremely pretty girl with blonde hair, roughly the same age as Tenshi, answered the door. He was taken aback considering his last two clients. ”Hello, may I help you?” Her voice was as stunning as her appearance. “Oh u-um, yes. Hi. Hello. I er have this delivery for you ma’am. The soil you um ordered? My name is Tenshi by the way.” He sheepishly held out the final package for her. She chuckled and took it from him. ”Thank you Tenshi, I really appreciate it. Please get home quickly, it looks like a storm is coming. Oh by the way, my name is Mara. Please to meet you.” She grinned warmly before closing the door.

Tenshi was smiling from ear to ear the entire way back to the initial arrival point. The rain was bucketing down, but his mood would not be dampened. If all of his missions ended like this, he knew would love being a Shinobi.

Mission Accomplished.

Time for the next one.

WC: 1183
Tenshi Uchiha
Tenshi Uchiha
Stat Page : Tenshi’s Tools
TenCorp (Shop)
Mission Record : Tenshi’s Track Record
Living Clones : Ayane - Kaya
Remove Taijutsu Fūinjutsu Ninjutsu Remove Remove Default
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 218214

D-Rank Days Empty Re: D-Rank Days

Sun May 07, 2023 2:58 pm
Minor Construction Help

As he sped towards the meeting location where Marlo would be awaiting him, Tenshi began thinking about his next mission. He was tasked with assisting in constructing an outhouse for a rental property in the outskirts of the village, not a common task for a Shinobi, but one that would pay him and offer him valuable experience, he hoped. He had been instructed that Marlo was the same point of contact for this mission, which made the process a little easier, Hopefully the grumpy bum has lightened up by now… Although he doubted it.

Tenshi was still practically skipping following his interaction with Mara earlier. He had been working extremely hard to improve his skills as a Shinobi, whilst also maintaining his apartment at the same time. This did not allow him much time to socialise with friends, let alone meet new people. She was a breath of fresh air for the young man. He heard the low rumble of lightning in the distance and sighed, looks like there was a storm on the way, this was just fantastic… Did construction even take place in the wet?

As he approached the meeting point, he noticed that Marlo was not back yet, Ah so I need to wait for him now, just sublime… His good mood was slowly starting to leave him. Tenshi spotted a small covered bench further up that looked convenient. He approached it and took a seat, sighing as he looked out at the gathering storm, this was a sad day indeed. Oh well, I might as well make the most of the situation and get some light reading in. He pulled out one of his Jutsu Scrolls and began to examine it, trying to further understand the mysteries of the famous Great Fireball Jutsu, a skill that his clan was renowned for using with incredible precision.

Half an hour passed until Marlo finally arrived on the scene, Tenshi was about to doze off until the larger man lumbered over, breathing heavily. The usual scowl was upon his face as he looked at the Uchiha, “Do you always just sit on your arse and wait for everybody else to do the work for you?” He seemed angrier than usual this time, had Tenshi messed up somehow and offended him? The Genin was quite confused, however, Marlo’s face softened and he sighed. ”Sorry lad, tough customer put me in a bit of a mood, I should not have taken it out on you. Anyway Tenshi, yes I know your name already, I hope you were able to complete your tasks without too much trouble?” Tenshi nodded.

”Good! Now for the bad news, we still have an outhouse to build out the back of a rental. Apparently the landlord is a right prick and refuses to wait for better weather. Something must have recently put him in a foul mood, can’t imagine what. Anyway there is already another lad there, he has already started the construction, so he’ll just need a hand finishing it up. The tools and blueprint are all there, it should be an easy task to be totally honest. Now get to it quickly, the weather is only going to get worse.” Marlo nodded to Tenshi before quickly heading away, Tenshi took his cue to leave and headed directly towards the address he was given.

The storm was picking up as Tenshi arrived at the modest home, the gate was already open and swinging with the wind. The lawn was quite unkempt and it almost looked as if nobody even lived here, at least not for a while. Shrugging, Tenshi walked up to the front door and knocked loudly. A few moments passed and he did not hear anything, Hmm, that’s odd. I should definitely be expected… He then noticed some movement in the corner of his eye, a shadow moving in the front window, followed by some aggressive shushing. Very weird indeed. Tenshi decided to just go around the back and find the outhouse.

He finally found a young man out the back, hammering away at the half-built structure. He actually appeared to be doing a good job, Tenshi was not sure why that surprised him, the man was probably an actual builder. I still don’t know why they even need Shinobi to help out with missions like this, but whatever… The man did not notice as Tenshi approached, clearly the hammering and surrounding storm was drowning out all the other noise around him. Tenshi waited for him to stop hammering for a moment to avoid the man accidentally injuring either of them before tapping him on the shoulder.

“Hey there, my name is Tenshi Uchiha. I have been contracted to help you finish building this delightful little structure!” Tenshi chuckled as he put his hand forward for the other man. The other man took his hand and shook, “Well thank goodness for that, I was worried I would be stuck here on my own for the rest of the day. This storm is kicking my arse and that creepy family inside isn’t helping one bit. Anyway you can call me Corn. Don’t ask, it’s just what they call me and I’ve come to terms with it. The tools are over there, grab some planks and hold them still for me while I hammer.”

As the two you men worked on the structure, Tenshi couldn’t help but feel like he was being watched by somebody in the house behind him, it was an uncomfortable feeling that he couldn’t quite put his finger on. Corn noticed his uneasiness, “You feel it too huh? It’s that family inside the house, they’re as creepy spiders those ones. Rumour has it the landlord is trying to get them evicted, apparently he has a solid reason for it now too. I definitely get a very off feeling about them though, that’s for damn sure.” Tenshi tried to avoid thinking about it too much, instead focussing on not getting his fingers crushed by the occasional wayward hammer strike.

The storm was virtually screaming at them now. The lightning strikes were getting closer to the two lads, coming quicker and louder each time. Tenshi and Corn were working double time, preferring not to become fried chickens any time soon. As the most recent lightning strike landed roughly 100m away from the two of them, the last nail was hammered in and the outhouse was finally complete. “Thank goodness for that, solid job there lad. Now let’s get out of here before we get turned into ash or charcoal!” The two of them laughed as they gathered the tools and ran away from the last lightning strike, towards the construction company’s depot.

As they continued to run, the two spent time chatting and getting to know each other. Corn explained to Tenshi how he was an apprentice builder that worked for Marlo. It appeared Marlo was quite the jack of all trades, owning the construction company as well as a delivery service. It turned out that Tenshi’s next job was also contracted by Marlo, taking place the following day at a restaurant in the village. After dropping their tools off at the depot, the two said a quick goodbye before going their separate ways.

Mission Accomplished.

WC: 1215
TWC: 2398
Tenshi Uchiha
Tenshi Uchiha
Stat Page : Tenshi’s Tools
TenCorp (Shop)
Mission Record : Tenshi’s Track Record
Living Clones : Ayane - Kaya
Remove Taijutsu Fūinjutsu Ninjutsu Remove Remove Default
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 218214

D-Rank Days Empty Re: D-Rank Days

Tue May 09, 2023 7:54 am
Tenshi woke up in far better shape than he had the morning prior. His alarm ringing loudly to signal that it was time for the Genin to put his metaphorical working boots on and get to his third mission. Marlo, the man who had been in charge of Tenshi’s first two missions was once again the contract giver today, the young Uchiha was impressed with the level of hard work that the man performed on a consistent basis. He would make a fine Shinobi, assuming he had the ability of course… In an effort to make himself a bit safer for work, Tenshi decided to tie his hair up in a double ronin-styled bun, probably best not to get it caught up in the construction work. After giving himself a once over, Tenshi was satisfied with his appearance and grabbed a slice of toast on his way out of the small apartment.

The weather was somehow even worse than the day before, the rain was heavier and the storm was louder. It just wasn’t Tenshi’s week apparently, he was just praying that the work would all be indoors, although he somehow doubted that. Marlo had given Tenshi the location of this job already, they were going to be conducting some renovations to a new ramen restaurant chain. “Raku Ramen” or something along those lines. Tenshi sighed, he was not a huge fan of chain restaurants, especially in village like Konoha. It just did not seem authentic and almost took away the mystique of the green village. Whatever, it’s a mission and I need to complete as many of these as possible. Can’t be the next Hokage if I can’t complete a few stupid construction jobs apparently. Seriously are there really no other builders in town or something?! He continued to aggressively munch on his toast along the way.

Roughly 20 minutes later, Tenshi finally arrived at the restaurant. He quickly made his way in through the front doors and took a moment to shake off most of the rain. He really needed to invest in an umbrella or something similar. Tenshi took another moment to scan the interior of Raku Ramen. It was very typically designed as a chain-restaurant. Squeaky clean white interior, eye-catching red and yellow colour scheme surrounding it, loud noises coming from the machines as the food was being mass produced. Looking around, Tenshi noticed that there were quite a few customers around today, the breakfast rush was clearly in full swing. In the corner he saw who he was looking for.

Marlo was already there and he was joined by a familiar face from the day before, “Corn! Good to see you again today, same to you Marlo!” The Genin smiled and waved as he made his way to the two men sitting in a booth, finishing up a meal. Corn looked up first and waved back, still with a mouthful of ramen, “PHENSHI! Pho gud to phee you!” Tenshi tried not to laugh, “You may want to swallow that first, my friend! Marlo was far less impressed, rolling his eyes and then giving Corn a smack on the back of the head before nodding at Tenshi, “Good of you to grace us with your presence again, Lord Uchiha. We have yet another honourable task ahead of us.” The sarcasm was oozing off of the large muscle clad man. “Anyway, the owner should be here any seco-speak of the devil.”

A plump old man with a rather greasy looking goatee and very few strands of hair on his head came up behind Tenshi. The man was quite clearly foreign, with a very fair complexion and white facial hair to match, his clothing was even worse. He was wearing a very bright white suit jacket and slacks, matched with a white shirt and equally painful pair of white dress shoes. He was extremely jolly and practically bouncing around when he got to the three men. ”Ah gentlemen! Absolutely good jolly of you to make it here today, I wholeheartedly appreciate your assistance today! They call me General Flanders, although you can simply call me The General!” He gave a mock salute that would not put many warriors to shame. Tenshi could practically feel Marlo rolling his eyes behind him, it took a lot of effort to not chuckle at this ‘General’ himself.

The General led them out the back to a covered area which contained a very large and bright “Raku Ramen” sign. ”Well you see gentlemen, this sign needs to go up on top of our building for the whole village to see! Raku Ramen is going to take over the culinary world, and the conquest starts here in Konoha!” Flanders was quite clearly very proud of himself, the red on his face being the first bit of colour that Tenshi had seen since they met. “I will be inside until your task is complete, please do not be shy if you need anything, I am here to help. I must sincerely apologise for having you do this on such an awful day, but business IS business as they say, hueh hueh!” All three of them shook their heads as Flanders sauntered off inside.

“Well now that the moron is gone, it’s time to get this show on the road lads. I don’t want to waste more time here than is necessary. The weather is getting worse and I have other things to be doing, namely getting inside and grabbing a warm drink.” Marlo was practically yelling over the sound of the rain and thunder. The job was broken up into four different tasks:

  1. First, the three of them would set up a winch system that they would use to carry the sign up.
  2. Second, Corn would hook the sign onto the winch.
  3. Third, Marlo would lift the sign up by pulling on the attached rope.
  4. Fourth, Tenshi would be on top of the building to attached the sign so they could all go home.

The job took a total of an hour to get down. Twice as long as it should have taken if not for the weather. Marlo and Corn could barely keep themselves upright, slipping over far too often because of the mud surrounding them. Tenshi managed only due to his ability to imbue chakra into his feet to remain standing. This was also the reason he would be at the top to attach the sign, a job far too dangerous for any normal man to conduct in these conditions. The only hiccup along the way was when Marlo slipped while pulling the rope, almost crushing Tenshi under the sign being raised above him. Corn managed to grab the rope in time to save the Genin from a very painful fate. Finally, sign was installed and the three of them were safely indoors. The General was almost squealing with joy, his masterpiece was finally complete.

“Thanks for all your help lad. You’ve been a lifesaver, greatly appreciate it all!” Marlo and then Corn shook Tenshi’s hand before the three of them said their goodbyes and parted ways. It was time for Tenshi to undertake the mission he was looking forward to the least. He sighed as he made his way to the next meeting destination.

Mission Accomplished.

WC: 1215
TWC: 3613
Tenshi Uchiha
Tenshi Uchiha
Stat Page : Tenshi’s Tools
TenCorp (Shop)
Mission Record : Tenshi’s Track Record
Living Clones : Ayane - Kaya
Remove Taijutsu Fūinjutsu Ninjutsu Remove Remove Default
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 218214

D-Rank Days Empty Re: D-Rank Days

Fri May 19, 2023 2:13 pm
Tenshi found himself walking very begrudgingly towards a meeting point in the village centre. He was on his way to meet with the client for his final mission of the day, a notorious landlord known for his lack of empathy toward his tenants. The man had many enemies, and yet he was extremely well connected, and therefor, untouchable by the people he hurt. Tenshi clenched his fist as he continued to walk. Had he known just who he was working for, the young Uchiha Genin would never have agreed to this mission. The Vulture, his despicable client’s nickname throughout the village. After overcharging and bleeding his customers dry, the Vulture would pick at whatever was left of the poor victims, until the very last scraps were gone, before kicking them to the curbs to starve and die. If only I could do something about it, I’m just not powerful or respected enough to make a difference yet, and my job is to protect the people of this village, even a piece of garbage like the Vulture…

Tenshi found himself frowning as he thought about how his mother would react, were she alive and knew what he was being forced to do. No, she would understand. She never told me about what missions she had to undertake, but I know that look in her eyes when she would return from an especially long mission. They were filled with pain and regret. We have a duty. No matter how much we may despise it at times… He sighed as the rain from earlier poured down once more, the universe was just refusing to give Tenshi a break today. He picked up the pace towards the village centre. Not many people were out today, understandably so, but there were still many stragglers darting to and from work.

As Tenshi approached the centre, he noticed a short and extremely ugly man in a vomit green suit standing under an umbrella. The umbrella in question was being held by what appeared to be his butler, Tenshi noticed that the butler was not being covered by said umbrella. I wonder which one happens to be the Vulture… He seems even more foul in person, which is astounding considering his already foul reputation. Oh well, I may as well get this over with quickly… The Vulture was snickering and rubbing his hands together as he spoke with his butler, it was clear the two were talking business. Tenshi could barely pick up a few words as he neared the two, the rain making eavesdropping very difficult. “…let them suffer, they haven’t paid… good, make sure she collects my suit…” It sounded like the usual rich asshole nonsense to Tenshi.

The butler gave a quick cough as Tenshi approached, prompting the Vulture to shut his mouth and turn around. ”Ah you made it, I thought I’d be waiting out here for the rest of the day. Time is money ya know!?” Tenshi barely managed not to roll his eyes at this, composing himself and just nodding, he wanted this over with as soon as possible. Raising a hairy eyebrow, the Vulture continued, ”Oh the quiet type aye? Well whatever, that serves my purpose better anyway. I’m sick of hearing people run their mouths for no reason anyway, it interrupts my speaking time! Anyway, let’s discuss the job. As you’re aware, I have a bit of an infestation problem at one of my properties. The filthy tenants haven’t paid rent in five months and are refusing to leave!” Tenshi was barely able to hold it together at this point, but soldiered on as he listened.

The Vulture continued, ”So anyway, I need ya to get the grubs out of my home, by whatever means necessary. I want to renovate the property so I don’t even care if you cause any damage to the structure. All the furniture and utensils are theirs also, so do whatever you have got to do to get them off my property for good. My butler will give you the address, see it done!” With a huff, he finally stopped speaking and the butler handed Tenshi a rolled up letter. The two of them turned and walked off without so much as a thank you or goodbye, For the best, I don’t exactly want to waste my breath on that leech. Anyway let’s see the location of the poor family who’s lives I am going to be ruining- OH…” Tenshi sighed in sadness as he read the address. It was the home were he and Corn had built the outhouse, he was now far more grateful that he had not met the tenants yet, he didn’t want this to be any harder than it needed to be.

It took Tenshi a suspiciously long amount of time to get to the home, his impending guilt weighing heavy on his shoulders and slowing him down. He even stopped for a moment when he was around the corner, fighting himself to continue forward and complete the mission. It was torture for him, he wanted to protect those who could not protect themselves, not work as some sort of loan shark for a corrupt pig. But if he could not even do this, he knew he would fail as a Shinobi, and the thought of that is what drove him forward. The gate was still open from yesterday, though it was still swinging back and forth due to the heavy winds. Tenshi approached the door and took a deep breath, before finally banging on the door and calling out, “Excuse me! I have been tasked with removing you from this property by the landlord. I understand that you have already been given notice in the past so this should not be a surprise. Please exit the home with your valuables and walk away peacefully!”

For some reason, Tenshi was not shocked about the fact that this would not be very straightforward. “Shut up and go away you bastard! We live here and we’re not going to leave because some lackey of the Vulture told us to! Stop wasting your time and piss off!” The gruff voice from within came from a man, a very angry man. Tenshi sighed and called out once more, “Sir, I understand that this is not going to be easy for you, but I am no longer asking. Exit the home now or I will be required to use force to make sure that this happens. You have until the count of five.” Tenshi closed his eyes as he slowly began to count down, he was praying that the family would just listen and exit. He did not want to force anyone out of their homes with violence, but he knew that it was likely about to resort to this. He finished his count and opened his eyes sadly when there was still no response from within.

Tenshi walked over to a window which had been bolted shut and covered with boards and planks. This appeared to be a fresh job as he had not noticed this the day before, it was clear that was expected. After inspecting the boards, he noticed that the had not been hammered in very well, it appears the family had rushed with this due to a lack of time. With a bit of effort, and more than a few kicks, Tenshi managed to break a hole into one of the boards, allowing him to see within the home. There was furniture, planks and firewood everywhere, they were clearly in the middle of attempting to fortify the home. He called in through the hole, “I am going to set this house on fire now. If you continue to be stubborn you will be placing your own family at risk. It is time for you to exit the building.” Tenshi sighed one last time, before taking a large breath, performing the hand seals, and then blowing directly through the hole. Great Fireball Jutsu!

The home began to catch fire instantly. All the furniture and wood ensure this would happen as Tenshi took a few steps away from the home and waited. He heard angry shouts from within for a short while before the family finally opened the front door and ran outside. There was two parents and a young daughter holding a small plush Shinobi toy in her arms. As the mother and father began screaming profanities, Tenshi turned around and began walking away from the building inferno within the house. At last, he was finally grateful for the heavy rain, it could cover his tears as we walked away from his biggest shame to date.

WC: 1445
TWC: 5058
Tenshi Uchiha
Tenshi Uchiha
Stat Page : Tenshi’s Tools
TenCorp (Shop)
Mission Record : Tenshi’s Track Record
Living Clones : Ayane - Kaya
Remove Taijutsu Fūinjutsu Ninjutsu Remove Remove Default
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 218214

D-Rank Days Empty Re: D-Rank Days

Fri May 19, 2023 3:33 pm
Claiming 8000 RP for mission completion (4000+8000 = 12000RP)
Claiming 40 AP for mission completion
Using 2000 WC to claim One Tomoe Sharingan
Using 1000 WC to claim Summoning Technique
Using 2000 WC towards claiming Two Tomoe Sharingan (0/4000 -> 2000/4000)
Ayato Hyuuga
Ayato Hyuuga
Stat Page :

Mission Record :
Summoning Contract : Forest of Dreams Ravens

Living Clones : Natsuki
Familiar : Maneki
Legendary Equipment : Raiment of Eternal Fortune
Stone of Gelel
Remove Taijutsu Remove Kanjutsu Jikūjutsu Default
Remove Earth Water Lightning Remove Default
Clan Focus : Taijutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 435700

D-Rank Days Empty Re: D-Rank Days

Fri May 19, 2023 3:38 pm
Tenshi Uchiha wrote:Claiming 8000 RP for mission completion (4000+8000 = 12000RP)
Claiming 40 AP for mission completion
Using 2000 WC to claim One Tomoe Sharingan
Using 1000 WC to claim Summoning Technique
Using 2000 WC towards claiming Two Tomoe Sharingan (0/4000 -> 2000/4000)


Tenshi Uchiha likes this post

Tenshi Uchiha
Tenshi Uchiha
Stat Page : Tenshi’s Tools
TenCorp (Shop)
Mission Record : Tenshi’s Track Record
Living Clones : Ayane - Kaya
Remove Taijutsu Fūinjutsu Ninjutsu Remove Remove Default
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 218214

D-Rank Days Empty Re: D-Rank Days

Mon May 22, 2023 7:02 pm
Claiming stat points because I’m a silly goose!

Using 3,000 WC to claim +30 to Vigor (70 + 30 = 100 Vigor)
Using 2,000 WC to claim +20 to Speed (25 + 20 = 45 Speed)
Ayato Hyuuga
Ayato Hyuuga
Stat Page :

Mission Record :
Summoning Contract : Forest of Dreams Ravens

Living Clones : Natsuki
Familiar : Maneki
Legendary Equipment : Raiment of Eternal Fortune
Stone of Gelel
Remove Taijutsu Remove Kanjutsu Jikūjutsu Default
Remove Earth Water Lightning Remove Default
Clan Focus : Taijutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 435700

D-Rank Days Empty Re: D-Rank Days

Mon May 22, 2023 7:38 pm

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