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Missing-Nin (B-rank)
Missing-Nin (B-rank)
Stat Page : Stat Page
Mission Record : Mission Record
Summoning Contract : Lineage of the Vermillion Bird
Familiar : Stout The Stoat
Genjutsu Remove Ninjutsu Remove Jikūjutsu Default
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Clan Focus : Genjutsu
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 14500

Fanatics Need Money Too Empty Fanatics Need Money Too

Fri May 19, 2023 12:57 am

What did you think Manjiro, a uninitiated Jashinist, did for most of his day? Would him doing “jobs” given to him by the priests be your first guess? Or maybe you think that he would be out in about spreading the word of Lord Jashin? Well it actually comes to be a mix of both of those things. The priest in the temple didn’t care much for freeloaders and if you were spreading Lord Jashin’s name, or helping around the temple they didn’t want you there. So instead of getting on their bad side especially since at some point he would need to rely on them to help him become a true Jashinist from what he could find in the records.
So here he was out looking for jobs to do even if it ended up just being some dumb escort job that everyone seemed to be doing all the time around here, though it made sense the more he thought about it as people were regularly taken for the temple’s rituals and sacrifices to our Lord Jashin. Lo and behold there was an escort job needing someone to help out with. Looking over the details it seemed some elderly woman was trying to travel from one village to the nearby one to go to some family function. The pay was meager but it was enough to get the priest off his back for a little bit, so Manjiro went to the place listed in the request to get this on its way.
The old woman stood there, hunched back and white hair pulled back in a pony tail relying on a cane to keep her from falling over. This trip was going to take all day if Manjiro went through with it, “Excuse me, I’m here to help with your escort request.” Manjiro said as he called out to the woman holding up the paper he had snagged off the board, the old woman moved slowly squinting and adjusting her glasses looking at the blonde haired young man approaching her, “Well, well, well aren’t you a handsome young man,” She complimented Manjiro reaching into her pocket to pull out some salt taffy holding it out to the psychopathic fanatic. A smile spread across Manjiro’s face, he found this woman interesting and well worth keeping around for a bit longer. She might even end up being given Jashin’s teaching personally by being such a good neighbor.
Taking the sweet out of her hand gently he held out his arm for her to grab and awaited to match her pace till they arrived wherever she wanted to go. The old woman though before wanting to leave held out the money to Manjiro paying him well before the job was even started, this was a bit confusing and normally Manjiro would have just taken the money and left marking it as a lesson to not just trust anyone but the woman had already gotten on his good side so he just pocketed the money and continued unto their destination. The hours passed and the sun was beginning to reach the horizon with dusk quickly approaching. They arrived in the nearby village and with a few more directions they had arrived at the family reunion, it seemed the family themselves had planned the reunion to start much later in the day specifically cause they knew how long it would take for their grandmother to arrive from the next village.
It was heartwarming to see family looking out for family with Manjiro missing his own family and the good times they had with enacting Lord Jashin’s teachings upon others and their own relatives. With this task completed, Manjiro thought about how much fun it would be to return home and give Lord Jashin’s gift to all of his family so they may be there with their Lord. Though for now Manjiro wanted to make some more money so that the priest would leave him that much more alone.

WC: 664
Missing-Nin (B-rank)
Missing-Nin (B-rank)
Stat Page : Stat Page
Mission Record : Mission Record
Summoning Contract : Lineage of the Vermillion Bird
Familiar : Stout The Stoat
Genjutsu Remove Ninjutsu Remove Jikūjutsu Default
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Clan Focus : Genjutsu
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 14500

Fanatics Need Money Too Empty Re: Fanatics Need Money Too

Fri May 19, 2023 1:36 am
With no reason to leave the small village he had escorted the old lady too for their family reunion Manjiro first needed to find a place to stay for the night and then he needed to look for some work to do while he was in the area. After all this was far away from the temple when it came to villages so they would be less wary of strangers, so more jobs were opened up to him. Something about kidnapping people really put others on edge even if you weren’t the one who took their kid.
Loud noises and the sounds of many people filtered through the town as Manjiro grew closer to the center of town most homes had their lights off but one place was in full force which wasn’t surprising as it was of course the local tavern, where every drunk, seedy individual, weary traveler, and thug would be spending their night and money at. If he was lucky he could find some idiots to get some more money on the side.
Entering the establishment caused a few quieted voices to the arrival of this random person no one had seen before and the added effect of someone who looks so young and small, it was like seeing a baby appear in the den of a wolves. These fools happened to judge by appearance and not circumstances, though there were a few people in the back of the tavern that figured if someone of his size and age was out and about in a place like this he probably had the ability to do so, this wasn’t shared with the less knowledgeable as when a lanky thin weasel of a man tried to put his hand on Manjiro to push him out of the building, that man was granted a freshly broken wrist. With a quick grab and toss the man was launched out the building by Manjiro cementing his allowance in the tavern just as quickly as he had arrived.
A cheer went up to the show of strength and power as it was one of the few things around here that actually mattered. With that Manjiro found a table with others at it and ordered a drink for himself, the group looked at him and with a raised eyebrow and a nod towards him the “leader” of the group addressed the new addition, “You look like someone who knows how to get a point across, you want to help us with a quick job dealing with a person just like you had to a moment ago?” The man asked as he drank from his mug, Manjiro looked at the group with a  neutral face and once his drink arrived a friendly smile spread on his face, “If you pay well enough then we can really make this a enjoyable meeting.” He said as he chugged his drink. With another gesture he ordered another drink, the leader nodding along to the words the young man said as he enjoyed seeing someone who could chug their drink and handle their alcohol. “Standard rate, 1k ryo and the enjoyment of dealing with weasels. This man keep dodging his payments and all we need you to do is make sure he pays his debt. Beyond killing him you got free reign on how you get him to do it.” He offered as he enjoyed his drink, his boys weren’t quite equipped to catch this “client” of theirs but he had a feeling this blonde haired boy could do it.
Manjiro nursed his second drink, thinking about if the torture of this man would be more enjoyable then trying to find another job during this time and when he figured it was going to be the most fun he could find around here he nodded his head in agreement, “Sounds good, just let me know where he lives or where he frequents and where to find yall so I can get paid and I’ll have it completed by tomorrow afternoon.” He offered and with an outreached hand they shook on the agreement. Now it was time to drink and enjoy the night. To which they did fully.
The next morning found Manjiro up and about probably far sooner than anyone would have expected given how much he had consumed the night prior. Until you drank alcohol infused blood you haven’t really enjoyed a good brew but that wasn’t something that Manjiro was going around telling people. He was heading to his place of work for the day and he had the direct approach in mind which was bust open the door grab the man quickly and drag him through a nice routine of premium torture till he begged to be allowed to pay his debts quickly. Fortunately that’s what the day had in store, he cleaned the blood off his garments and went to the place to get paid to which the group was impressed having seen the work that Manjiro had done to the weasel earlier. Now that he had completed another job it was time to head back to the temple and get some relaxing underway.
WC: 859
TWC: 1523
Missing-Nin (B-rank)
Missing-Nin (B-rank)
Stat Page : Stat Page
Mission Record : Mission Record
Summoning Contract : Lineage of the Vermillion Bird
Familiar : Stout The Stoat
Genjutsu Remove Ninjutsu Remove Jikūjutsu Default
Remove Remove Water Remove Remove Default
Clan Focus : Genjutsu
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 14500

Fanatics Need Money Too Empty Re: Fanatics Need Money Too

Fri May 19, 2023 1:50 am
The day was nice and the weather seemed to be keeping with the enjoyment, a warm breeze and a only slightly cloudy day where the shade of the clouds gave that nice passing shade and made the hours of walking he was going to have to do to walk back to the temple pleasant.
Out there on the road were plenty of people of all kinds, weird, normal, crazy, suspicious, raving, fanatic and so many more that’s why when Manjiro came across this individual in a heavy and thick black leather cloak that seemed to draw all the heat to himself while acting as if this was the best way to stay out of sight, this would have helped at night but it was in the middle of the day it was weird and most people were just simply ignoring the person but not Manjiro he stood in there way, “Oh weirdo what you doing?” He asked plainly not moving from the path blocking the weirdo in the cloak this seemed to panic the person as rustling could be heard underneath that cloak and a peak of a box of some sort was seen which seemed to panic the person even more.
An old and young voice could be heard it was a weird sensation it both sounded feminine and masculine like two people were talking in perfect sync. It was like one of those feelings when he prayed to Lord Jashin. A surreal almost mythical moment, the person or thing under the cloak offered a deal of ryo for his silence of seeing them or it. The pouch landed in front of Manjiro with a thud, he picked it up taking his eyes off the thing in front of him with a glance back to where the thing had been stood nothing. No matter where he looked with or without his Ketsuryugan he saw nothing. So Manjiro shrugged and continued upon his way thinking about this interaction and the basically free money that he had gained. A fulfilling and easy way of living his life, just like Manjiro wanted it. It was hours later and much walking and walking till he arrived back at the temple to which he showed the money he had earned while he was out to which the nearby priests nodded there head glad to see he was providing his share when needed and wasn’t some weak freeloader only chasing Lord Jashin’s teachings and not following them.
Manjiro entered his “room” which was basically just four walls and a bed made of stone with some hay over top of it and a thin blanket, though Manjiro tended to use his jacket as a cover at the end of the day allowing the blanket to be rolled up into a pillow of sorts. He tied his pouch of Ryo to string around his chest making it more difficult to steal while he slept.

WC: 487
TWC: 2010

+3000 Ryo, +15 AP

Stat Claims: +20 Stats [+20 to Strength]

+2000 WC towards Blood Release 0/2000 > 2000/2000
Guren Chinoike
Guren Chinoike
Survived 2021
You've completed the Christmas Event of 2021 and qualified for the last reward, by partisan you are awarded this fancy badge!
Stat Page : The Big Blood
Living Clones : Zidane
Remove Iryōjutsu Ninjutsu Remove Jikūjutsu Default
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Clan Focus : Genjutsu
Village : Kemonogakure
Ryo : 25000

Fanatics Need Money Too Empty Re: Fanatics Need Money Too

Fri May 19, 2023 6:00 am
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