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Keiji Mumei
Keiji Mumei
Stat Page : Green Eyes
Mission Record : Missions
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 500

Training Day [P;Toneri] Empty Training Day [P;Toneri]

Wed Apr 26, 2023 6:02 pm
Keiji woke up early in the morning, feeling a mix of excitement and nervousness. Today was an important day for him, as he was going to meet Toneri at the training grounds in Hoshigakure. The Kage, Ayato, had requested that they both meet up and train together, and Keiji was eager to show off his skills. While he had had an interaction with the Kage already he felt like this was really his starting point at joining the village. Today he could prove his capabilities and show those in power of Hoshi that he belonged here just like everybody else. As he got out of bed, he stretched his arms and legs, feeling the stiffness from the previous day's training. Keiji wasn’t exactly a shinobi yet, but he had been living in Hoshigakure for the past few weeks and hoped his training today would get him started on the right path. He had met Toneri, a skilled shinobi in his own right who had been at the gates of Hoshigakure when Keiji arrived with his parents. He was also at the meeting between Keiji and the Kage as his sponsor. Keiji had been excited to train with Toneri since its recommendation and hadn’t been able to stop thinking about it since. Keiji quickly got dressed in what clothes he had available to him and headed to the bathroom to freshen up. He splashed some water on his face and brushed his teeth, trying to wake himself up fully. He was determined to make a good impression on Toneri, and he knew that he had to be at his best.

As he made his way out of his apartment, Keiji saw that the sun was just starting to rise over the horizon. The sky was a beautiful mix of oranges, pinks, and purples, and the air was still cool and crisp. He took a deep breath and smiled to himself, feeling grateful for the opportunity to train with one of the best ninja in the world. Keiji made his way through the quiet streets of Hoshigakure, nodding politely to the other villagers he passed along the way. He could feel the excitement building inside him, and his heart was beating faster than usual. He had been waiting patiently for this day, and he was ready to show Toneri what he was capable of and his abilities. Keiji reached the training grounds, and could tell he was the first to arrive as no one else was there. He headed to the middle of the training grounds an began stretching to loosen up for the upcoming session as he assumed he would need to be loose for whatever Toneri had in store for him.

[WC: 451]
Ayato Hyuuga
Ayato Hyuuga
Stat Page :

Mission Record :
Summoning Contract : Forest of Dreams Ravens

Living Clones : Natsuki
Familiar : Maneki
Legendary Equipment : Raiment of Eternal Fortune
Stone of Gelel
Remove Taijutsu Remove Kanjutsu Jikūjutsu Default
Remove Earth Water Lightning Remove Default
Clan Specialty : Taijutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 435700

Training Day [P;Toneri] Empty Re: Training Day [P;Toneri]

Wed Apr 26, 2023 7:31 pm

Toneri was tasked with training the refuge to the Village in the training ground. Their name was Keiji Mumei, and they had a strange ability to host black threads inside their body. Toneri was about to share what he knew with them. Or instead, what he was comfortable with. When he went to the gardens, it appeared that Keiji had beaten him to it and was already there. Toneri wore his signature black armor and eyepatch and waved a gloved hand at Keiji. 

"Hello Keiji, I see you've made it here before me," Toneri said, acknowledging the young refuge with a nod. Keiji always looked at Toneri with curiosity and awe. Toneri was known throughout the Village as a powerful ninja, and Keiji might have heard stories about him from the other refugees.

"When we first met, I thought you were a clanless nobody," Toneri said, smiling under his eyepatch, stopping five meters from Keiji. "Another body amongst those who came before you seeking shelter. You wouldn't be the first one who mentioned Axell Florent, either. And yet I remember during the Kage meeting you said you had a unique ability involving black threads," Toneri was impressed when he heard that Keiji was the holder of a bloodline as rare as that. Determination and natural talent. He could see that the young refugee had a lot of potential and could become a powerful ninja with the proper training.

"Care to show me?"

[WC: 240]
Keiji Mumei
Keiji Mumei
Stat Page : Green Eyes
Mission Record : Missions
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 500

Training Day [P;Toneri] Empty Re: Training Day [P;Toneri]

Wed Apr 26, 2023 8:27 pm
Keiji was mid stretch when he heard a familiar voice come from behind him, he smiled and turned to Toneri and bowed to the Hyuuga. He popped back up from his bow, "Good morning Toneri-sama, I hope today finds you well." Toneri could probably tell that Keiji was excited  about their upcoming session and was eager to get started. Keiji nodded along intently as Toneri spoke to him about their initial meeting and frowned slightly at the mention of his black threads.

For most of his life, Keiji had hid his abilities from others in fear that he would be seen as a monster. While he wasn't old enough to remember how his parents and himself were treated when they had to flee their village, the story his parents told him did not paint a very nice picture and imprinted a stigma in the back of hid mind about using his abilities. He was happy here in Hoshi and had truly grown to appreciate the time he had spent here even if it hadn't really been that long. Keiji trusted in the Kage and Toneri however, and believed their words of encouragement and the eagerness they showed at wanting to see the full measure of Keiji's capabilities.

Keiji nodded to Toneri atfter his request to show his abilities. He moved about 5 meters back from Toneri to be about 10 meters away from him. He turned and faced a tree that was on the edge of the training grounds a little less than 20 meters away. Keiji closed his eyes and took a deep breath before he rolled his sleeves up and extended his right arm out in front of him. His forearm separated in the middle and 15 of the infamous black threads shot out and in the direction of the tree. The threads pierced the middle of the tree and were stretched out completely. Keiji looked over at Toneri, "Well, what do you think?"

[WC: 327]
[TWC: 778]
Ayato Hyuuga
Ayato Hyuuga
Stat Page :

Mission Record :
Summoning Contract : Forest of Dreams Ravens

Living Clones : Natsuki
Familiar : Maneki
Legendary Equipment : Raiment of Eternal Fortune
Stone of Gelel
Remove Taijutsu Remove Kanjutsu Jikūjutsu Default
Remove Earth Water Lightning Remove Default
Clan Specialty : Taijutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 435700

Training Day [P;Toneri] Empty Re: Training Day [P;Toneri]

Fri Apr 28, 2023 5:00 pm

Toneri watched in awe as Keiji demonstrated his ability with the black threads. The way they shot out from his arm and pierced through the tree was impressive. Toneri approached the tree and examined the threads stretched out between the tree trunk and the point where they had hit it.

"That's quite an impressive ability," Toneri said, returning to face the young refuge. "The precision and control you have over those threads are remarkable." Toneri could see that Keiji had a natural talent for using his ability and was excited to see how he could develop it further with proper training.

"But remember," Toneri continued, "A bloodline ability is only as powerful as the ninja who wields it. You must continue to train and hone your skills, both with your ability and as a ninja in general. Chakra control is not something that can be learned overnight. It takes time and practice to master." Toneri said, reassuring Keiji.

He demonstrated how to focus and control the chakra through two exercises: tree-climbing and water walking. Toneri effortlessly walked up the trunk of a nearby tree and walked on the surface of the nearby pond without sinking. To the eyes of the uninitiated, those would have been the most impressive of feats, but Toneri, it was no different than snapping a pair of chopsticks.

"I wonder, Keiji," Toneri said, looking at the sky. "Were you not curious when the Kage mentioned it was not his first time seeing a ninja with your ability?  You complete Surface Walking, and I will tell you the story.

[WC: 263]

Keiji Mumei
Keiji Mumei
Stat Page : Green Eyes
Mission Record : Missions
Remove Remove Jikūjutsu Default
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 500

Training Day [P;Toneri] Empty Re: Training Day [P;Toneri]

Fri Apr 28, 2023 6:57 pm
Keiji held his breath while Toneri examined his arm and the tree that he had attacked. A feeling of relief rushed over him as Toneri seemed to approve of what he saw. The feeling of relief was quickly overtaken by pride he was praised for the mastery that he had over his ability, which had always felt like second nature to him when he used them during his every day tasks. Keiji listened carefully as Toneri began to discuss bloodline abilities and chakra control. Keiji didn't know much about bloodlines or chakra, but Toneri seemed to know quite a bit and he knew he was lucky to be learning from him.

Keiji was entranced by Toneri walking up the tree and then across the nearby pond, as he had never seen anybody do that before. The conversation turned to others in the village with the same ability as Keiji, which got him to perk up a bit. He nodded to Toneri, "I am very much interested in this other ninja with the same ability as me, I have never met anybody like me and feel i could learn a lot from them if possible! Do you happen to know anything about my abilities or what i might be capable of?"

As Keiji listened to Toneri he began attempting to walk on the pond just as Toneri had shown him. He began to mold his chakra into his feet as Toneri had explained it and just did what he usually did when he wanted his black threads to do something. He found that it was not as difficult as he thought it would be and after stumbling a bit in the shallow water near the shore and began running across the pond in a near all out sprint. A large smile appeared on his face as he hadn't had this much fun in a long while.

[TWC: 1093]
Ayato Hyuuga
Ayato Hyuuga
Stat Page :

Mission Record :
Summoning Contract : Forest of Dreams Ravens

Living Clones : Natsuki
Familiar : Maneki
Legendary Equipment : Raiment of Eternal Fortune
Stone of Gelel
Remove Taijutsu Remove Kanjutsu Jikūjutsu Default
Remove Earth Water Lightning Remove Default
Clan Specialty : Taijutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 435700

Training Day [P;Toneri] Empty Re: Training Day [P;Toneri]

Mon May 01, 2023 4:21 pm

Toneri smiled as he watched Keiji make progress with his chakra control. "Good job, you're a natural. With some more practice, you'll be able to join the village's elite before you said blueberry," he said encouragingly.

He paused for a moment, considering Keiji's question about his abilities. "Well, based on what I've seen today, your threads seem quite robust and precise. With proper training, you could learn to manipulate them in various ways, such as using them to bind or cut your opponents. " The ability to control them precisely also suggested that they came with free manipulation, a valuable skill for any ninja.

Toneri could see the joy on Keiji's face as he sprinted across the pond, and he couldn't help but feel a sense of pride in his pupil's progress. It was finally time to address the elephant in the room, the ninjas with similar abilities. Toneri nodded. "Yes, there were few others in the village with abilities similar to yours."

Toneri's expression turned serious as he listened to Keiji's words. "Stein of Konoha... Most have heard that name before. He was once a respected village ninja but went rogue and became an S-rank missing ninja some fifty-odd years ago. Then one day, he shows up at our gates, seeking asylum. I didn't know the details of his abilities, but I did know that someone who made their way to the top of the criminal underworld was beyond the point of redemption, and we needed to be prepared for anything. But our  Kage welcomed him into our Village, believing everyone deserved a second chance. Because if you can't trust the international criminal, who can you?

He paused for a moment, thinking. "The last part was a joke, by the way." Toneri clarified. "The Kage gave Stein a chance despite his horrible reputation. Then one morning, when Ayato and the Nova Corps were expected to be leagues away hunting Axell Florent for the umpteenth time, Stein made his play of power and tried to seize the village. Imagine Stein's surprise when he found them at the gates waiting for him. After a short fight, Stein had his head blown off by a vacuum projectile for all the village to see.

The anger in Toneri's voice became noticeable even to him. If it was because he refused to go out there and fight alongside his brother and the Nova Corps or because those jackboots fucks hadn't heeded his warning in the first place, he could not say. He figured he should dial it back; he was th teacher. 

"Stein was a dangerous individual who posed a significant threat to the village—repaying the trust given to him by the Kage with betrayal. However, it's important to remember that not all people with bloodline limits are like Stein's. It's important to judge each individual based on their actions and character rather than making assumptions based on their abilities alone."

If Keiji had any questions, Toneri was ready to address them. Otherwise, he would offer to return to training. 

[WC: 511]

Keiji Mumei
Keiji Mumei
Stat Page : Green Eyes
Mission Record : Missions
Remove Remove Jikūjutsu Default
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 500

Training Day [P;Toneri] Empty Re: Training Day [P;Toneri]

Mon May 01, 2023 8:39 pm
Keiji smiled at Toneri's encouragement and words of affirmation. His ears perked up as Toneri went over the different uses of his black threads and thought back to how he previously used his threads for his daily chores and moving about the forest. He looked down at his arms and agreed that  his threads could definitely be used in thousands of different ways especially against people, even if he had not thought of using it against people before. While he was lucky enough to never have to hurt anyone he knew he would be capable of it, especially if his parents were in danger. And now that he was becoming more and more a part of Hoshi village he could see himself hurting people who would cause harm or try to invade the village.

Keiji was pulled from his thoughts at the mention of others who utilized the black threads like he had. He had never heard of the name Stein before, but could tell from Toneri's tone that this was someone not to be messed with and put a bad taste in a lot of people's mouths. Which was unfortunate for Keiji, being a new member of the village, he wanted things to go smoothly, but couldn't but think at how this might not bode well for his future here. Would his story end similarly to Stein's or could he forge his own path and give people a positive experience when it came to his bloodline. Keiji was positive in himself and knew that he wouldn't end up like Stein, he would use Stein's tale however as a story of caution of what could happen if someone turned against Hoshi.

Keiji chuckled at Toneri's and nodded to him in acknowledgment of his joke to show that he heard it and understood his sarcastic meaning. Keiji smiled at Toneri's comment about judgement, "I feel i have been judged almost all my life based on my abilities." Keiji had stopped running around the pond and was now working his way up a nearby tree just as he had been shown earlier. He yet again stumbled his first few steps but then found that it came to him just as quickly as the water walking did. He looked to Toneri for some sign of approval and would continue climbing the tree for a few minutes before jumping down from the tree and walking over to Toneri.

"I am curious Toneri, you had mentioned that Stein was dangerous and posed a significant threat to the village, why was he so dangerous?" He would look and listen intently to Toneri for his response. After he got whatever answer he was or wasn't looking for he would follow along with whatever training Toneri has in store for him.

[WC: 463]
[TWC: 1556]
Ayato Hyuuga
Ayato Hyuuga
Stat Page :

Mission Record :
Summoning Contract : Forest of Dreams Ravens

Living Clones : Natsuki
Familiar : Maneki
Legendary Equipment : Raiment of Eternal Fortune
Stone of Gelel
Remove Taijutsu Remove Kanjutsu Jikūjutsu Default
Remove Earth Water Lightning Remove Default
Clan Specialty : Taijutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 435700

Training Day [P;Toneri] Empty Re: Training Day [P;Toneri]

Sun May 07, 2023 10:54 am

Toneri observed Keiji's progress as he climbed the tree, pleased that his chakra control was improving. He nodded in approval as Keiji approached him.

"To answer your question, Keiji, Stein was dangerous for several reasons," Toneri began. "First, he possessed powerful abilities and had honed his skills over time. He was skilled in ninjutsu and iryojutsu, making him seem a formidable opponent in battle."

Toneri paused, choosing his words carefully. "But what made him truly dangerous was his betrayal and thirst for power. He historically turned against the villages that had once welcomed him, seeking to take control of himself.  That level of ambition and disregard for others' lives can lead to devastating consequences."

Despite being soundly defeated, there was a lesson to be learned there for all those in the village. Don't welcome the worst aspects of the ninja world with open arms, from inside or outside the village. If dirty work needs to be done to neutralize this kind of potential threat, even if that doesn't necessarily fit the ideals of Hoshi, then so be it. Toneri would fancy leading such an attempt after slaying Axell Combat in single combat and succeeding where his brother had failed. 

He sighed, his expression growing more serious. He figured he would recite what the Hogokage would say. "It is important to understand that power can corrupt even the strongest individuals if not tempered with responsibility and a sense of justice. We must always strive to use our abilities for the greater good and to protect those who cannot protect themselves."

Toneri placed a hand on Keiji's shoulder. "You have a unique ability, Keiji, and it's up to you to decide how to use it. And it doesn't end with shooting black threads at a tree trunk." Toneri smiled a smile that was between reassuring and wicked. "Your unique body constitution allows you to assimilate hearts and learn the elemental affinity of its original holder."

[WC: 326]

Keiji Mumei
Keiji Mumei
Stat Page : Green Eyes
Mission Record : Missions
Remove Remove Jikūjutsu Default
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 500

Training Day [P;Toneri] Empty Re: Training Day [P;Toneri]

Sun May 07, 2023 12:19 pm
Keiji's eyes widened at Toneri's final comment and it left him in a slight state of disbelief. He had been looking at Toneri intently but his gaze shifted downwards to his body. He placed his hand on his chest and looked back up to Toneri, "so i have to kill people to become stronger?" While the thought of killing someone may have been somewhat of an after thought in the shinobi world, Keiji was not yet a shinobi and killing was not something that was at the forefront of his mind. Clearly his mindset would have to change, he knew he would kill to protect his parents and Hoshi was starting to become a place that he would kill for, if the necessity arose. "Do you know Toneri..." Keiji paused a moment to think of how to phrase his next question, "how does my body assimilate a heart?"

Keiji would listen to Toneri's response, but he couldn't think of anything he could say that wouldn't make him feel like a monster. Perhaps the people that ran him and his family out had the right idea. Keiji wouldn't want to have to worry about someone coming to them in the darkness of night and stealing their heart. Even if he meant no one any harm it would be hard to trust someone like that, especially if there were others with the same abilities giving it a bad name. A smile appeared on Keiji's face, he had a new mission for himself, to prove to others that those with his abilities could be good and weren't meant to just be feared as monsters. He could seek guidance from Toneri and others like him in the village and become stronger by protecting the village, he could "collect" his hearts that way if he needed to, cause he knew he would need to become stronger to protect the village so it seemed taking hearts would be inevitable. When Toneri finished his explanation of the hearts and how they worked, he would do whatever was commanded to him by Toneri for the remainder of his training session.

[WC: 353]
[TWC: 1909]
Ayato Hyuuga
Ayato Hyuuga
Stat Page :

Mission Record :
Summoning Contract : Forest of Dreams Ravens

Living Clones : Natsuki
Familiar : Maneki
Legendary Equipment : Raiment of Eternal Fortune
Stone of Gelel
Remove Taijutsu Remove Kanjutsu Jikūjutsu Default
Remove Earth Water Lightning Remove Default
Clan Specialty : Taijutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 435700

Training Day [P;Toneri] Empty Re: Training Day [P;Toneri]

Thu May 18, 2023 5:18 pm

Toneri understood the weight of his words and their impact on Keiji. He could sense the conflict and confusion in Keiji's expression. He gently removed his hand from Keiji's shoulder and met his gaze with understanding.

"No, Keiji, you don't have to kill people to become stronger," Toneri said firmly. "While it is true that your unique body constitution allows you to assimilate hearts and gain the elemental affinity of its original holder, there are other ways to grow stronger and develop your abilities. Killing should never be taken lightly and should only be done as a last resort to protect yourself and others."

He paused, choosing his words carefully. "Assimilating hearts is an option, but it is not your only path. You can develop your skills, train rigorously, and seek guidance from experienced ninjas like myself to enhance your abilities. There are various methods to grow stronger without resorting to taking lives."

Toneri took a moment to gauge Keiji's reaction, hoping to alleviate his concerns.  "The process of assimilating a heart is complex and delicate. Transplants require advanced knowledge of medical ninjutsu and precise chakra control. It's not something to be taken lightly, and it should only be attempted under the guidance of a skilled medical ninja. However, it said those with Earth Grudge Fear can do it instinctively.

Then there is the issue of supplying the hearts.  Transplants for the sake of power and putting someone else's bloodline in your body are banned practices in Hoshi before certain ranks. However, hearts hold no such bloodline. For better or worse, Hoshigakure never had a shortage of enemies, which meant no shortage of corpses in the morgue. 

He gave Keiji an encouraging smile." I can inquire about getting a heart that no longer beats in someone's chest. Once you complete your training and develop your abilities through righteous means, of course."

[WC: 305]

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