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Jun Shibasaki
Jun Shibasaki
Stat Page : Databook.
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Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 183470

Patrol, patrol...patrol Empty Patrol, patrol...patrol

Fri Dec 16, 2022 10:20 am

Jun Shibasaki was at the elemental training facility that he and Saturn helped to renovate, practicing his newly learned element: Lightning Release. He was so far well versed in both his primary element, Fire, and his bloodline advanced element, Sun Release, but this new element was something completely new to the genin. Fire and Sun release were related to each other, as the Fire element is in the Shibasaki’s bloodline element composition alongside with Yang. Lightning was something absolutely different, and the young Shibasaki was struggling so far. The way lightning chakra should be manipulated, the control over it… everything was brand new to Jun. He practiced hard in a morning session, but so far he could only develop 2 techniques with 
this element.

When it was around noon, and the Kumo genin was about to head home for some lunching, a noisy kumogakure raven arrive, carrying a scroll in its talons, which he dropped to Jun, before leaving in an also very noisy way. “Just when I was about to eat…”  - lamented the shinobi. He unsealed the scroll and opened it to read its content. “Great, more patrolling…”

The Scroll:

Jun was incredulous. Just as he thought he would have a free day for training and chilling, he got assigned for 12 hours of patrolling. And worst, he would have to patrol the slums at night. The young Genin already heard some pretty sick stories about that neighborhood by some fellow ninjas at the headquartes. It’s like he was actually afraid; be he knew it wouldn’t be an easy mission and that it would require a lot of focus… and Jun was just feeling lazy today. But duty called, and he would answer it. At least he had time for lunch!

The Shibasaki clansman went toward the trade district wondering who would be part of his squad for this mission. He stopped by a restaurant for some dumplings and Ramen along the way, as he was starving. The young genin absolutely devoured his food, finishing it pretty fast, so he still had some time before the gathering at the rendezvous spot. “Well, let’s take a look around the trade district”.

The young Shinobi left the restaurant ant took his way to the trade district. He wasn’t very familiar to the region as he didn’t use to walk there much, but he had done a couple of missions on the district before, which made him get to know the place better. The village's trade district is the most active part of the town and Jun knew that Vagrants and Criminals will try to use the very busy streets to commit crimes undetected, like pickpocketing and scams.

The genin arrived at the central square of the trade district, 15 minutes earlier. The district was absolutely crowded, so was the square. “Well, I hope they are not late…we’ll have a lot of work to do.”

WC: 535
Stat Page : Saturn's Shenans

Business: Orbital Oddities & Palm Predictions
Mission Record : Missions

Summoning Contract : Dragonflies, Octopuses

Familiar : (MIMAS)

Remove Bukijutsu Remove Kanjutsu Jikūjutsu Default
Wind Remove Water Lightning Remove Default
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 0

Patrol, patrol...patrol Empty Re: Patrol, patrol...patrol

Sat Dec 17, 2022 4:31 am
Saturn was at the Drunken Kage Bar, taking a much needed break from the hustle and bustle of shinobihood. He had been digging into a disturbing case of missing corpses. His bachelor pad was littered with documents he had borrowed from record keepers at a local graveyard. The bodies seemed to disappear at night, and thus he was busy after sunsets working on his case. The only time he got to unwind was early in the day, before ravens came to give him even more work on top. He was seated in his usual table with a girl in a red dress, bragging about some of his recent conquests, explaining to her the intricacies of a sensory bubble he had helped engineer at the border. Of course, he took more credit than he was due. She seemed impressed while he downed his seventh shot. The liquor wasn't hitting him - his tolerance had gone up too high. Just one more will do the trick.. He prayed, and poured another round for the table. That was when it came. A raven with a scroll flew in through the door and landed on his table. "Aw fu-"

Twelve hours of patrol duty was dreadful to think about. It was not unusual for the Genin to work twelve hours, but twelve hours of patrol duty was dreadful to think about. He made his way to the trade district, muttering under his breath as he swigged from his stainless steel flask. The case of the grave robber would have to wait till after his shift. He would have absconded if not for the promising pay. The shinobi was told that he would be paid for overtime. He hoped that he would be paired up with an amicable partner so that he would not be too bored during the long and arduous shift ahead.
He arrived at the district right on time. He was unimpressive with the amount of attention he seemed to pay to the merchants and their customers around him as he bumped into civilians on his way. "Move. Fuck." He slurred at mannerless pedestrians. Suddenly, he heard a loud shout.
An old lady yelled from her stall. A teenager with blonde hair ran through the crowd carrying a tote bag filled with oranges. He did not look back.
Saturn cussed and chased after him. He was considerably faster than the boy ahead, but it proved to be a disadvantage as he could not stop to change directions to navigate the unruly crowd between them. He chased the thief down several turns, jumping atop roofs to keep his eyes on his target.
 When he thought he finally caught up, he put his hand on a boy's shoulder from behind.

He smirked, but he had put his hand on Jun. He had lost his subject on one of the sharp turns.
"Jun?! Perfect! Use your laser eyes! I lost a thief!" He panted, catching his breath.

WC: 495
Jun Shibasaki
Jun Shibasaki
Stat Page : Databook.
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Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 183470

Patrol, patrol...patrol Empty Re: Patrol, patrol...patrol

Mon Dec 19, 2022 10:23 am
Jun was waiting for his assigned patrol partner at the Trade District central square. As he arrived a few minutes earlier, the young genin was analyzing the environment around him, trying to see through the chaos of the most active part in the village. The place was absurdly loud, with sellers shouting around, announcing their goods for everyone around, trying to lure some customers in. The streets were absolutely packed, and discussions between pedestrians that collided with each other were frequent, as space was something scarce and very disputed in the district. “This is a thief’s heaven…” – considered Jun, as he noticed that there were some guys that only seemed to lurk around, observing the people that passed through the busy streets, kind of like if they were waiting for the right target… but those were only assumptions.

As the clock hit 2PM, some weird movements got Jun’s attention. A teenager with a blond hair, much similar to Jun’s own hair, passed nearby the square that Jun was waiting for his colleague running at full speed, dodging and sometimes pushing people from his way, while holding a tote bag filled with oranges. “What the…” Jun turned his head toward the direction the boy went and before could process what just happened, he felt a hand over his shoulder and someone saying “Gotcha!”. When the young shinobi turned around, the was absolutely surprised that the person in question was actually his fellow Kumon genin and recurring mission partner, the fortuneteller, Saturn!

- Saturn, what the hell is going… - before Jun could finish his sentence, Saturn told him about the thief he just lost, the blonde teenager with the orange bag. He smelled a bit like liquor, so Jun concluded that he was, like the Shibasaki clansman himself, caught by surprise by the patrol duty message, probably while hanging at the Drunken Kage Bar, a favorite of his, and that meant Saturn was his patrol partner for today! – Don’t worry, I’m on it!

Jun activated his Tengan, gaining a refined thermal vision. Although the streets were packed, he could localize and lock on the young boy’s thermal signature, as he was the only person running in the middle of the crowded streets of the trade district. The Shibasaki clansman climbed a building nearby and started chasing the blonde thief through the rooftops of the district, as he could move way better from above. After a couple of minutes, the boy finally looked back to see if his pursuer was still on him, and upon not seeing anyone behind him, he finally slowed down. Jun kept stealthily following the boy from above, and he saw a good opportunity to catch him when he entered a small alley.

Jun jumped down, using the walls of the alley and surface walking, and when he was at an acceptable height, he jumped down with a front flip, landing right in front of the boy, who felt backwards on his ass out of surprise. He quickly tried to stand up and run away, but Jun simply tripped him and made him fall again. He was no more than 14 years old, a little bit younger than Jun, and he looked really scared by the shinobi’s eyes, so Jun held him by his shirt and told him:

- It’s over boy, give up… you’re screwing your life for a couple of oranges?

- I…I had no choice…my big brother was really hungry! He made me do it!

- What the…


Jun turned around, while still holding the boy, to see who was the person shouting at him. Indeed, the boy’s big brother was BIG. A gigantic blond guy, very buffed, with something like 2 meters in height, entered the alley through the other side. The monster of a man kept walking towards Jun direction, with his fists closed, not intimidated at all by Jun’s flaming eyes and with a clear intent of hurting the young shinobi who caught his little borther. “Saturn, if there is a time for a surprise from you, it is right freaking now!”.

WC: 685
TWC: 1220
Stat Page : Saturn's Shenans

Business: Orbital Oddities & Palm Predictions
Mission Record : Missions

Summoning Contract : Dragonflies, Octopuses

Familiar : (MIMAS)

Remove Bukijutsu Remove Kanjutsu Jikūjutsu Default
Wind Remove Water Lightning Remove Default
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 0

Patrol, patrol...patrol Empty Re: Patrol, patrol...patrol

Mon Dec 19, 2022 3:19 pm
Saturn followed Jun from across the rooftops, jumping from house to house in his pursuit. In order to pivot and make some sharp turns, he had to occasionally jump into the street, and step off of large straw hats, straw hats worn by merchants and customers who cursed at him as he stamped on their heads on his journey. He chased him to an alley with his chakra concealed, and peered down from a building, ready to pounce. That's when he saw Jun catch up and reprimand the boy. And then, as always, and unexpected twist was to come.

"Duncan?" Saturn was atop a roof of a humble Kumon home, looking down at the standoff between Jun and a seven footer. Nah, that can't be Duncan, this bloke's got a full head of hair. Saturn thought to himself, watching on. The village sure seemed to have quite a few tall specimen. He had almost intervened when Jun picked the boy up by his collar. He had seen the amount of violence his recurring mission partner was capable of with his scary laser eyes. However, he had faith that the Shibasaki clansman would show restraint - either that or he himself hesitated to intervene, fearful of catching a laser beam himself. He gulped at the sight of the towering man, presumably the thief's older brother, walking calmly towards Jun. He was scared for the bigger blonde.

They would hear a whirring sound - ventriloquism - coming from behind the trashcan that leaned against one of the walls on either side in the narrow alley. It was the sound of a boomerang. It was intriguing enough to make the imposing man raise his brow and turn his head. That's when the real boomerang came whirring in from above, concealed in his blind spot. Against all odds, the man leaned back in the nick of time, allowing the blunt weapon to barely graze his hair when he contorted his body into an unnatural position. The boomerang was not finished, however. It made a near complete one hundred and eighty degree turn, angled towards the man's head again but he twisted his spine in the most uncanny manner once more, avoiding the second strike as well. He was now bent over with his arms over his head. That's when an orange portal opened on the ground under him and the same boomerang emerged from the ground to hit him square in the nose. When he flinched and leaned back from the force of the impact, the boomerang fell back into the same portal, and another orange portal opened overhead, again square in front of his face and a few meters above. The whirring weapon came down to smack his nose a second time, WHAM!

Then when the man went to grab the boomerang, it was stuck to his face. It wouldn't peel off. The wooden texture on the weapon would seem to be all stretchy when he tugged, unrelenting with its weird suction grip on the man's bleeding nose. It was Mimas holding on tight to the older brother's face, . Overhead, Saturn showed a thumbs up and wink to Jun and the orange thief, and his teeth sparkled. On his back was a wooden boomerang.

After struggling for a good minute, the man snapped the octopus out of his own face. He gritted his teeth together as his strained vascular physique revealed nerves thick as ropes stretching across his bulging muscles. He was even more furious. As he slammed the octopus into the ground, knocking it unconscious, it seemed to splatter into a disgusting purple blobby paint.

"Uhhh, Jun, laser eyes, laser eyes, now, now, now!"

WC: 609
TWC: 1104
Big brother;
Jun Shibasaki
Jun Shibasaki
Stat Page : Databook.
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Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 183470

Patrol, patrol...patrol Empty Re: Patrol, patrol...patrol

Mon Dec 19, 2022 4:27 pm
It wasn’t that Jun was scared about the seven footer coming at him, well maybe a little, but the question was that he did not had much to do in that situation while holding the boy. Physically engaging the brute wouldn’t be wise, even with Jun perhaps having a superior combat technique because of his ninja training, he was not a Taijutsu specialist by no means and the size and weight difference was simply too great. Using his laser eyes was also out of question, as the technique was simply too powerful and would not only butcher the big guy, but could also vaporize any unlucky passerby, and Jun couldn’t afford such risks.

Suddenly, his patrol partner did what he always does better: a flashy, flamboyant, complicated and full of portals manuever. First, ventriloquism, calling the brute’s attention; then, a boomerang came flying out of nowhere. It was a perfect throw, right at the brute’s blindspot, but somehow he actually dodged the boomerang, barely grazing his hair when he contorted his whole body into a very freaky way. Lucky? The boomerang did what boomerangs should do and turned around in a nearly 180 degrees angle and as heading toward the brute’s direction once again, but one more time the gigantic fella moved in an unorthodox way, contorting his whole spine and avoiding the weapon. “Something isn’t right, someone that size shouldn’t be able to move like this”. But Saturn was still full of surprise, and with the help of his portals, he actually manages to hit the big guy in the noose, BANG! Another portal opened and BANG, another strike to the noose.

The teenage thief’s big brother was rocked but the strikes, but somehow still on his foot after two vicious strikes to his face. He went to grab the boomerang and that’s when Jun was again surprised by Saturn: the boomerang was actually the eccentric Shinobi’s familiar, Mimas, in disguise. The octopus wrapped his tentacles around the brute’s head, covering his whole.
Thinking it was done, Jun looked overhead at Saturn, who winked at him, thinking it was all over. But the big fella simply snapped the octopus out of his own face and threw it hard at the ground, knocking the poor octopus out. And now he was more pissed than ever, coming at Jun in a very scary way.

The young genin had no choice but to release the blond thief from his hold to focus on his big, big brother. But what could Jun do in such a tiny space against such a massive foe? As he approached the young genin with a vicious look on his eyes, Jun took a deep breath and analyzed the environment with his doujutsu, trying to find a way out of that mess without leaving any casualties behind. That’s when he saw a metal fire escape ladder attached to the side of a building overlooking the alley they were standing at. “That may do the trick…”

The Shibasaki clansman did some quick handseals and his Tengans started to shine even brighter, he looked up towards the stairs before he shot from both his eyes a powerful beam of pure solar chakra.  Jun precisely aimed toward the ladder supports attached to the wall, slicing them like butter upon contact with the cylindrical laser beams. Just as the gigantic guy as one feet away from Jun, ready to absolutely destroy him, the whole fire escape metal structure came crashing on top of the brute, who was finally knocked down with a shit ton of metal piled on top of him.

- Now it’s done! – Shouted Jun towards Saturn, while giving him a positive signal.

But just as he looked around… where the hell did the boy went? The little thief actually seized his opportunity to slip away in the middle of the confrontation and vanished. Even with his tengan’s visual prowess, Jun could not locate the boy or his thermal signature. “What a smart little prick…”.

WC: 665
TWC: 1885
Stat Page : Saturn's Shenans

Business: Orbital Oddities & Palm Predictions
Mission Record : Missions

Summoning Contract : Dragonflies, Octopuses

Familiar : (MIMAS)

Remove Bukijutsu Remove Kanjutsu Jikūjutsu Default
Wind Remove Water Lightning Remove Default
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 0

Patrol, patrol...patrol Empty Re: Patrol, patrol...patrol

Mon Dec 19, 2022 5:24 pm
Saturn lost sight of the boy as Jun's blazing eyes came into focus. Although he was mildly scarred by the gory outcome of his last encounter with Jun's power, he was eager to bear witness to the spectacle that was his compatriot's laser eyes in full gory. He was crouched at the edge of the roof, peering in while also wincing and covering a part of his face to shield himself. He flinched when Jun's eyes irradiated with solar energy and shot out a beam towards the metal ladder that was attached to the building he was perched on. The collateral damage to the lateral side of the building was clear, and the beam narrowly missed Saturn's boots. He shrieked slightly, but when he saw how Jun had aimed at the ladder, he disguised his frightful scream as a wicked laugh. "Yeah, bitch!" He screamed out in joy, punching the air as the pile of metal struck the big, big brother knocking him out cold for good. He teleported down with Instant Transmission to avoid taking fall damage.

"I knew you had it in you, Jun." He said unconvincingly, pointing at his comrade before looking out in the distance for a brief pause. "Oh?" He could not see any sign of the orange thief. He was far too distracted by the show. He formed hand seals in quick succession, and his eyes rolled back into his skull before three ravens circled overhead. They cawed before dispersing in three different directions, spiralling out. Saturn stood still, the white of his eyes looking up at the midday sky. After a couple of minutes, his blue eyes came back into their place. "He's gone. That prick. You shoulda chopped his legs off.." He cursed, on the fence between sarcastic and dead serious. He walked over to the unconscious big brother and crouched down, prying the metal ladder off of his torso before checking his pocket. He got a hold of his purple froggy wallet and turned it inside out, spilling no less than ten thousand ryo and some change. He grinned at Jun, he hoped that he would be complicit in this act and bag himself some extra ryo as well, after paying the forsaken merchant, "How much do you think a bag of oranges cost?"

 Just as the Sun was setting early in Kumon skies, the patrol officers were headed to the Residential Areas. The village's residential area was usually quiet and peaceful. Quite a few of the occupants of local flats would be out on missions of their own, or busy in the trade district making a living. As they walked through a narrow street, a black cat would block their path. It was crossing the road, but now it stopped in the middle to glare at the duo. Saturn looked back at the animal with a burning ferocity in his own eyes not much less tenacious than Jun's Tengans. He opened a blue portal under the cat, and the feline reappeared out of an orange portal behind the two Genin.

"It's bad luck if a black cat crosses your path."

He lectured his comrade as they walked.

They had barely made it past a couple blocks when it would appear that they were met with their next obstacle. 

The two were just about to make a right turn into the next street when Saturn stopped himself and Jun, hiding behind the cover of a large balsam fir tree. He pointed to the roof of a house across the road, carved into a sloping cliff. Right there, creeping on the orange tiles of the roof was a suspicious young boy. He was peering down the chimney of the old house, and when he lifted his head up to reveal his blonde locks, he seemed awfully familiar. Come to think of it, the black plastic bag that he clutched with his right fist seemed like it was filled with oranges. 

"Look who's here..."

Saturn looked at the Shibasaki clansman, looking tempered and restless, resisting the urge to ask him to shoot the bandit down before he noticed them.

WC: 686
TWC: 1790
Jun Shibasaki
Jun Shibasaki
Stat Page : Databook.
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Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 183470

Patrol, patrol...patrol Empty Re: Patrol, patrol...patrol

Tue Dec 20, 2022 9:24 am
Jun’s plan did work out, and he took care of the big, big brother of the Orange thief. But the thief itself was gone. Yes, it was a minor felony, just an orange theft, but Jun learned that Kumogakure no Sato had 0 tolerance when it came to crimes within their own village. The young shinobi wasn’t thinking about physically punishing the boy by himself, but rather he wanted to give a little scare to the boy so he would learn not to steal again.

As Saturn examined the knocked out big fella, Jun was still trying to locate the boy’s thermal signature, to no avail. Jun was intrigued by the boy’s skills on robbing and escaping, even from shinobi, and also about the big guy’s uncanny body movements when avoiding Saturn’s boomerang for the first two times. Not only that, but while the orange thief was a frail and small boy, his brother was absolutely gigantic, with the only thing in common between both of them being their blond hair.

Saturn took out of the big fellas’s body his froggy waller and turned it inside out, spilling no less than ten thousand ryo and some change. That was a lot of money for someone that asked his own little brother to steal some oranges so he could eat. Saturn proprosed to Jun that they kept the money, after paying the orange merchant for his monetary loss.

- Hell yeah, that guy wanted to kill us, it’s only fair that we keep his money as a compensation!

Shortly, the Kumogakure police force arrived and arrested the big fella, who was still stunned when handcuffed and transported away. After all this madness, it was almost time for Jun and Saturn patrol shift in another area of the village: the residential area.

Both patrol officers were walking towards their second patrol area, when a black cat would block their path. Saturn used again his portal technique, this time removing the cat from the way and placing him behind the duo through a second portal.

- You’re quite superstitious, eh?

Saturn started lecturing Jun as they walked through a few blocks of the residential district, explaining about the bad luck attracted by black cats and how you should never cross their path, when the eccentric ninja stopped himself and Jun, quickly hiding behind a large tree, abruptly pulling Jun towards the hiding spot as well. He pointed in the direction of a house across the road, carved into a sloping cliff. There was what seemed to be a boy standing on the roof, peering down the house’s chimney in a very suspicious way. When he lifted his head up to reveal his blonde hair, Jun had no doubts: it was the little thief from before. 

Not only that, but he was holding a plastic bag full of what seemed spherical objects, most likely the oranges he stole earlier.
Jun could not believe the coincidence of that, and also that only a few hours after escaping the law, the young thief was already stealing again. “This time he won’t get away”. As the boy started to climb down the old house roof, Jun swiftly moved toward the boy direction. When he finally jumped down to the ground, he was once again surprised by Jun waiting for him with his arms crossed, falling back on his ass.

- You’ll never catch me! – shouted the boy, throwing the orange bag into Jun’s face before quickly standing up and running at full speed.

Jun dodged the incoming bag, and started again pursuing the thief. As the streets in the residential district were way less busy, Jun could easily follow the teenager at ground level. The boy ran for a while, before entering a dead end alley, with Jun still running behind him. Upon entering the small alley and realizing there was only a wall in front of him, the boy turned around, facing Jun with a great amount of despair on his face.

- Come on boy, It’s you and I in an alley once again… let’s make it easier this time and I promise you won’t be harmed.

But the boy wasn’t buying it. With his trembling right hand, the took out from out of his pocket a small green pill. “What the hell is that…” -  but before Jun could find out, the boy tossed the pill into his mouth and swallowed it. “Please don't be cyanide…”. 

And it wasn’t… after just a few second after taking the pill, the boy’s whole body started shaking, hi started to sweat like crazy, and suddenly, the boy started to grow up right in front of a dazzled Jun. Not only that, all his muscles started to bulk up and all his veins started to show up while getting thicker and thicker. The boy started to scream in pain as his whole body was just contorting itself as the boy kept growing and becoming very, very muscular. This whole vision made Jun absolutely immobile, as he watched on the bizarre transformation… and after just a few moments, the growth stopped, revealing a brand new orange thief: he was now 7-feet tall and had big, gigantic muscles, with his veins looking as thick as a tree trunk, much like his big brother. Once again, the patrolling duo would have to deal with a monster of a man.

- Oh, shit... here we go again!

WC: 905
TWC: 2790
Stat Page : Saturn's Shenans

Business: Orbital Oddities & Palm Predictions
Mission Record : Missions

Summoning Contract : Dragonflies, Octopuses

Familiar : (MIMAS)

Remove Bukijutsu Remove Kanjutsu Jikūjutsu Default
Wind Remove Water Lightning Remove Default
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 0

Patrol, patrol...patrol Empty Re: Patrol, patrol...patrol

Wed Dec 21, 2022 1:26 am
"That sure ain't Santa..." Saturn growled, keeping his voice low to avoid alerting the boy before Jun made his move. He wanted to be sure to apprehend the culprit this time, and decided to stay back in case the boy found a path to slip away from his partner once again. His arms were crossed as he stayed a full ten meters behind Jun, watching the situation develop. The boy was cornered once again, and his big brother wasn't around to save him anymore. It's over.. He thought, snacking on a biscuit he had bought with the ryo he confiscated earlier. His pupils contracted with displeasure at the sight that he would witness next. A green pill. "Aw fuck no," He tensed up, expecting the worst. The boy gulped it, however, before the Genin could stop him. The uncanny episode that the boy had next only worsened his worries, he was convinced that it was nothing less than poison. "Really? Over a bag of oranges?" To his horror, it would turn out to be something far worse.

The boy's spine contorted in inexplicable angles, twisting at the vertebraes as his skeletal structure morphed ahead of his muscularity. His veins would stretch and twist to wrap around his new, bigger frame as his bulging flesh filled up the empty spaces between. When he was finished, he was even taller and more built than his brother had been. Saturn gasped, the scoffed, spitting on the floor before putting one foot ahead of the other, getting into a fighting stance next to Jun. "Stand back, Jun. You handled his brother last time, so let me get this one." He cracked his neck, gesturing at the big boy to make the first move, but he swung his hand through the air with his kunai in his clenched fist as soon as the boy twitched his arm. This swing was cause an air current to form in the space in front of him, its disruption invisible to the naked eye but noticeable as a slight breeze against the skin. It was a technique called Soft Wind Blowing, that he had hoped would help slow the thief's movements.

By the time the big boy took his second step towards Saturn and Jun, the Genin formed handseals in quick succession; Rat - Ram - Snake - Tiger - Bird. Aiming at a spot between him and the advancing brute, but far enough to have no effect on his teammate, he called forth a field of space time energy from the ether - summoning a disruption field that seemed more visible to the eye than his soft wind. The ground below the big boy cracked as the field of chakra worked to keep his spine locked in place, immobilising him. Saturn then pointed his kunai at the boy's chest, taking aim at his heart, before exercising restraint. "It's over, boy. It's time to meet your brother in juvenile detention." He was confident, but the thief would not relent. His bulging muscles and rope like veins strained even harder, and his eyes rolled into the back of his skull - Perfect Body. He roared as he broke free from the restraining forces Saturn had cast on him. "Impossible!" Saturn blurted out, as the big boy leaned forward and made a mad dash directly towards the duo - Bull Rush!

 He barely had the time to react. When the boy swiped his hand to grab the fortuneteller, he disappeared in the nick of time using his Instant Transmission. Appearing directly overhead, about five meters above the swiping thief, Saturn slashed his kunai to send a wave of piercing air flying down at the assailant - Glass Shard Swing. The boy turned to face the back of his forearm towards the incoming slicing wave. The sharp invisible edge sliced his arm open, exposing a gaping wound before his gritting teeth morphed into a smirk and a wicked grin. He had tanked the attack with no difficulty. His other arm was already cocked back, ready to punch. Saturn cursed when he saw the other arm extend, punching a wave of energy upwards using Taijutsu Puncture to counter his own attack. Getting out of the way would mean exposing the side of the house behind him to a devastating blow. There was no escape.

 He crossed his arms in front of him and took a direct hit. He was able to use Parry to nullify the power of the heavy punch, helped by the debuff that the big boy suffered from Soft Wind Blowing. He landed with his pirate boots on the side of the house behind him using Surface Walking, and looked down at the boy with disgust. "That was reckless, you prick!" Saturn pulled out an axe from thin air, cocking it behind his head to feint. When the boy lifted his good forearm up to defend, Saturn extended his kunai out in front of him and used Sacred Spear to form a chakra based extension of the edge of his kunai that rapidly accelerated towards the brute. The weapon pierced right through his bone, and chest, and then the ground behind him. 
 And then the boy disappeared in a cloud of smoke. It was a shadow clone.
"Shit." Saturn cussed, retracting his kunai. He was irritated, but also relieved that he was not forced to take a life of a young boy over some oranges. "Damn it! When the fuck did he pull that one?"

WC: 907
TWC: 2697
Jun Shibasaki
Jun Shibasaki
Stat Page : Databook.
Remove Ninjutsu Remove Default
Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Default
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 183470

Patrol, patrol...patrol Empty Re: Patrol, patrol...patrol

Wed Dec 21, 2022 9:26 am
As the orange thief’s transformation was complete, the formerly frail, skinny teenage boy turned into an Ivan Drago doppelganger out of nowhere. “What the hell is going on in here…is there a new drug in town?”. The now monstrous thief as ready for a fight with his pursuer, but before Jun could make a move, Saturn stepped forward a took the lead to face their new foe, telling Jun to stand back.

- Alright, he’s all yours my friend! – said the relieved Shibasaki clansman;

 The brute started to come towards the pair o shinobi, and soon a fight ensued. Saturn showed all his space-time skills, immobilizing the brute with some kind a force-field that amazed Jun… but it wasn’t enough. The boy’s new physique came along with absurd strength, and he freed himself from Saturn’s jutsu with his sheer power while roaring like some kind of animal. His muscles grew even bigger and his eyes rolled into the back of his skull. “Is that… perfect body? How can he…”.

The thief came running towards Saturn in full speed, in some kind of bull rush, and would viciously destroy Saturn if the fortuneteller did not teleport himself out of harms way. Saturn sent a wave of piercing air flying down at the assailant, but the brute once again tanked Saturn’s technique and in an insanely fast manner, counterattacked with a powerful Taijutsu punch technique, which was blocked by Saturn. This attack pissed Jun’s patrol partner, who attacked the thief with a powerful bukijutsu technique, producing a condensed ray of chakra that mimicked Saturn’s kunai edge in shape, greatly increasing the weapon’s range and going toward the boy chest, that was open due to Saturn faking throwing his axe at him.

- You’re going to kill him that way…

The extended weapon pierced right through chest, and then the ground behind him.  And then the boy simply disappeared in a puff of cloud of smoke. It was a shadow clone, what made Jun even more suspicious. “That weird green pill… Could it be that in addition to increasing a human's physical abilities, it also grants people ninja abilities? How is this even possible…

Jun checked around with his Tengan, but once again the boy just vanished from his doujustu’s range. When looking back at the spot where Saturn faced the monstrous orange thief, Jun noticed a small, white piece of paper that resembled a business card. 
He approached the object and picked it up, and it was indeed a business card

The Business Card:

- Well, looks like there’s a place for us to visit during our patrol shift in the slums… do you think that this Green Dream is that weird pill the boy took before turning into a giant? – asked Jun, while showing the recently discovered business card to Saturn – So, let’s wrap things up here in the residential district and check it out.

WC: 530
TWC: 3320
Stat Page : Saturn's Shenans

Business: Orbital Oddities & Palm Predictions
Mission Record : Missions

Summoning Contract : Dragonflies, Octopuses

Familiar : (MIMAS)

Remove Bukijutsu Remove Kanjutsu Jikūjutsu Default
Wind Remove Water Lightning Remove Default
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 0

Patrol, patrol...patrol Empty Re: Patrol, patrol...patrol

Thu Dec 22, 2022 2:07 pm

Saturn had reacted late to his friend's words of caution, and he winced when he saw his blade pierce the clone. To his relief, his attack did not seem to be lethal. He was duped.

He walked up to Jun and peered in to read the business card that he had found. He raised his eye brow and hummed, the green pill seemed like a great product. There was a number on the back of the card. As far as finding the orange thief, it was a good lead.

"It sure seems like it." Saturn nodded in agreement, "There's nothing much else going on here. Shall we head to the slums?" Before the two could depart, an old lady from a neighboring house would walk out from her residence. Upon seeing their Kumon headbands, she seemed relieved. "You've got to help me. A thief..." She panted, "He stole my T.V.!"

"Storage displacement..." Saturn said out loud, "It was the orange thief. We'll catch him!"

The two would stop at a payphone on their way to the slums. Saturn dialled up the number on the business card for Green Dream Clinic.

"Moshi moshi?"

"Do you want a muscular body without doing a single workout? Do you want to be a shinobi without going through the excruciating training? Then all you need is THE GREEN DREAM. Book your medical appointment with us and be part of the DREAM!" The ringtone played first, before a man picked up the phone,

"Green Dream Clinic, how may I assist you?"

"This is the Ichigo Sato Institute of Medicine, requesting you to send over a copy of the patent for the green pill? And your medical license as well while you're at it."


There was silence, followed by a beep, and then panicked screaming,

"Shigeo! Get outta here! We're leaving! Pack everything!"
"Oy, Hageyama, did you cut the call? Shit!"


Saturn winced, looking over at Jun, "Well, that backfired..."

 The duo would make it to the slums around 10 P.M. as they had planned. The streets were loud and rowdy, littered with local bars and drunkards. Crackheads eyed them as they walked, holding their hand out for some spare change. Saturn would walk past them, not making any eye contact whatsoever. Children played on the roads, running around kicking tires with sticks while holding hands and singing. Just about every road had a man or woman laying on the ground, sleeping without a care in the world.

 They made their way towards twelfth street, but would only arrive at sixth street when a hefty man stepped in front of them. He was about six foot two, and jacked but not quite as buff as the orange thief. He seemed confident. "You there. Empty your pockets. Both of you." He demanded.

Why does this feel familiar...

Saturn wondered, reaching into the pocket of his jacket. He pulled out a glass jar, filled with dirt.

"All I've got is this jar of dirt. I'll sell it to you for ten thousand ryo."

"Huh? You don't understand the situation you're in, do you, punk?"

He reached into his pocket, and pulled out a familiar green pill.

"Wait, hold on. I might have some spare change, just give me a second.. We have ryo. Jun, tell him." Saturn held his hands out in front of him defensively before reaching into his pockets, pulling out two hundred ryo. Upon seeing the amount in his hand, the thug seemed even more infuriated, before tossing the pill right into the back of his mouth.

WC: 593
TWC: 3290
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