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Stat Page : Dracoso Hehane
Mission Record : Learning Path
Summoning Contract : The Okamis of the Haze
Familiar : Sutsui Hehane
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 88570

Measuring through Effort - Page 2 Empty Re: Measuring through Effort

Sat Sep 24, 2022 1:45 pm
Dracoso would nod to his comments about the shop and respond, "well, I have already put down a portion of money towards it and I am just awaiting the construction orders to start. Some of the items I plan to make will be more focused on paralyzing or weakening an opponent in the hopes to avoid outright having to kill them. Other items that I plan to create may simply be aesthetic or used outside of combat, such as dyes for the hair and non-natural skin colors. With the right working, we may be able to even create hazards in combat or easier delivery systems for certain elements to help ninjas caught in tough spots, rather than needing to rely on jutsu to create what they need. If we can find a good method for material gathering, I would also appreciate any help with that as I know it takes some time to gather materials at the moment."

Dracoso would raise an eyebrow at the last parts of his statements about putting individuals in charge of things and any further questions. "Well, I would be curious who it is that you are putting in charge of things, as I am not sure Karma would have much mind for creating things at this time. I think there have been a few others who have shown up recently, but I would like to meet more of the individuals who I may be acting as a teacher for in time." He would scratch his chin again as he thought on other questions. "I suppose, I would want to know what the new advancement requirements will be for moving up the ranks. Both for myself, and for those who I teach if that is their goal. I was curious if there are any policies or plans to have events of our own or if you have thoughts on what direction you are imagining Kiri taking. It would help me with considering mission requests for upcoming ninjas and what requests to put up for more experienced ninjas as well."

He wanted to keep it succinct, but his mind continued to throw up thoughts that he wanted to question. "I would also want to know if we do have any general plans for how we interact with other villages and what our rules are on travel. I put in a good bit of effort at the beach activities and was awarded with several travel tokens, so if we do ever need to rapidly travel for any kind of event, I am happy to help there as well. Otherwise..." One more thought came to mind as he was finishing, "how long will it be before you feel we might be back up to full strength in terms of village activity?"
Shikami Shinkou
Shikami Shinkou
Stat Page : Shikami
Mission Record : Road to A-rank
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Clan Focus : Genjutsu
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 113000

Measuring through Effort - Page 2 Empty Re: Measuring through Effort

Sat Sep 24, 2022 8:36 pm
Shikami listened to Dracoso, seemed he had everything set for the shop other than materials, to which Shikami would jot down once more, to remind himself to find a way to help supply him with the materials he required. Shikami would than listen to Dracoso's worry with the statement about people in charge of different things, to which Shikami would shake his head and wave his hand when Dracoso brought up Karma " No Offense to the little lady, but I need her to achieve Chuunin before I put any responsibility on her shoulders like that. No , for example, Lady Chizu who you just saw not long ago, she is the current Deputy kage, while it might be a demotion, her Byakugan as a Hyuuga would be amazingly handy for our Sensory unit to be able to Utilize." At that time Shikami would look out the window and nod. Two Shinobi suddenly appeared within the room each wearing a Mask.

"This is Romp and Dreamer, My ANBU. Romp here started off as a Gate Guard. He still does that from time to time, but I plan on placing them in other personas in different locations to help me run the village in various manners. I have others more than just them to call upon. However they will mostly be just ANBU for me to call upon when required. Others are various Jounin, Chuunin and Genin that we do have left, or rather Prospects for those positions." Shikami would look back over his shoulder to another list he had sitting on his desk that he had yet to get all the way through. "It is just a matter of deciding which ones to allow within the ranks of Kiri's Shinobi and where to place them to optimize their skills." Shikami would back at Dracoso and offer him a warm smile.

"Enough on the duties that your Kage is currently Shirking at the moment, Do you have any other questions or concerns that we may address before we separate ways at this juncture." Shikami would be waiting patiently for Dracoso to bring anything up on his end of things.
Stat Page : Dracoso Hehane
Mission Record : Learning Path
Summoning Contract : The Okamis of the Haze
Familiar : Sutsui Hehane
Remove Remove Iryōjutsu Remove Fūinjutsu Remove Remove Remove Remove Default
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 88570

Measuring through Effort - Page 2 Empty Re: Measuring through Effort

Sat Sep 24, 2022 9:22 pm
Dracoso would nod as he listened to Shikami's words. The new individuals appearing and disappearing as Shikami explained the situation made Dracoso realize just how much was already in place but did not stand out too obviously for the public eye. He had worked with the ANBU and the local guards for many of his missions in the past, but he felt more at ease knowing that there were specific individuals put in charge of the future growth for these aspects of the village.

He shook his head as Shikami asked about any further questions or concerns and Dracoso would stand. "I think that pretty much covers everything. I will continue my training to learn as much as I can and hopefully build out a respectable business. If you want to combine it with anything from the R&D division, just let me know and we can collaborate on it." He would listen to the Kage's response and then smile and say, "well, I will leave you to your new duties. Keep an eye out as I may be dropping a few mission requests for Kiri ninja in the near future. Hopefully that will inspire more recruits into interesting tasks."

Dracoso would head out after hearing any further words from the Kage and head off for home. He wanted to start learning from this scroll as soon as possible and gain whatever abilities he may need for the near future.

WC (P#)
P1: 138
P2: 513
P3: 447
P4: 1120
P5: 834
P6: 463
P7: 329

TWC: 3844 (rounded to 3825)
Stats Maxed, AP Maxed - 25% discount on learning

Advanced Element - Tempest - 1000 (50% discount as learned from Shikami)
C Rank - Tempest Release: Single Cell - 750 (originally 1000)
C Rank - Tempest Release: Storm Sphere - 750 (originally 1000)
A Rank - Water Heavens Convergence - 1325/1875 (2500 original)
Stat Page : Fu's Fat Stats
Familiar : Archie the Bear
Remove Remove Remove Bukijutsu Fūinjutsu Remove Ninjutsu Remove Remove Default
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Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 176650

Measuring through Effort - Page 2 Empty Re: Measuring through Effort

Mon Sep 26, 2022 12:39 am
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