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Aura Yukimenoko
Aura Yukimenoko
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Kept You Waiting, Huh? [P/NK - Ichigo] Empty Kept You Waiting, Huh? [P/NK - Ichigo]

Mon May 16, 2022 10:58 pm
"Let me tell you a tale."

Two years have passed since Aura's fateful encounter with the Raikage of Kumogakure. Not many people knew her; not by name and not by title, yet when she needed help the most, her prayers were answered. Being kidnapped, and freed from the clutches of her foster home, only to be thrown into another prison was intense for her, but the kindness shown to her by her savior in the coming days ahead helped her to move on from all that ailed her. It helps that despite her upbringing, hope and love always filled her heart, and that let her power through any hardships she'd encounter in her new life as a blooming kunoichi. There was some resistance, even with her new independence at first... but Nobo could not say no to her, truly. At the end of the day, she's her own woman, who needed to make her own choices, even if she herself craved and longed to be taken care of. So time passed, with Aura enrolling into the Academy at the incredibly late age of eighteen. Some topics were easier to learn than others, but overall, two years of development that went by so quickly is not that bad for a late start. Friends were not easily gained in this point of her life, but other than the Raikage himself, she at least managed to bond some with Kumogakure's "Deputy": Ichigo Sato.

At first, their relationship was little more than 'babysitter and child', but over time she did her best to prove to him she could be more than just someone to protect. In fact, their time together was fruitful to her growth as a shinobi, as his skill in Medical Ninjutsu inspired her to pursue this path as well. Sure, she's not the best at just about anything at the moment, but her potential gradually built up to the point she could realistically pass the final exams with just one more day of training. This is that last day of training, and that is why Aura requested her dear mentor to accompany her to the training grounds. With her having grown up physically, to the point she looks like an actual woman, and now that she's on the cusp of gaining the rank of a Genin, it's only natural she'd want one last session to make sure she's got it all down. She had to prove she can do this... not just to Ichigo, or even Nobo, but the entire village. Even one who cannot see the world as others do, can show that they are a truly splendid Shinobi.

It's perfect weather today, at least in her opinion as well - the sun is hidden behind dark, gloomy clouds, with a light drizzle pecking her cheeks and her surroundings in a constant 'drip drop' fashion. Since the sun is not as bright, it wouldn't hurt her admittedly useless eyes as much... though, she's currently wearing a crown that covers her up anyway, for that reason. Funny how she can still feel pain from that before that, huh? Additionally, the cool, moist wind blowing past her luscious white locks really helps soothe her in a time of stress such as this. Despite being confident in her abilities, the need for approval still weighs heavily on her mind, and that will only go away once she's done with Ichigo for the day. With little else to do until he gets here, she sighs quietly to herself and takes a seat against one of the training poles, hugging her knees close to herself and running all she needs to practice today through her head.

"I wonder how difficult it'll be to impress the exam proctor, if I'm this nervous about Ichi so bad..."

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Ichigo Sato
Ichigo Sato
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Kept You Waiting, Huh? [P/NK - Ichigo] Empty Re: Kept You Waiting, Huh? [P/NK - Ichigo]

Sat May 21, 2022 1:05 pm
Dark, gloomy clouds gathered above Kumogakure, the sun briefly peeking through her adversaries but to no avail, it appeared that this time the rain would take it over the rays. Drops fell out of the sky, gently touching his skin. "Raijin, thank you for watching over us today as well" Ichigo addressed one of the Gods they worshipped as he looked up. It would calm him down, the atmosphere and weather as perfect circumstances to go out and work up a sweat. What more could the Deputy in the Land of Lightning ask for? And so he made his way to the Training Grounds, eager to help the next generation of shinobi.

As he arrived, Ichigo could see Aura leaning against one of the many training poles, the young woman clearly a bit nervous for what's to come. The kunoichi, still a student in their academy had requested the blacksmith's son to help her get ready for the upcoming Genin Exams, hoping to succeed and take the next step in her shinobi career. Slowly walking up to Aura's location he'd approach the more than familiar girl, aware she'd be expecting him to show up anytime now. Not dressed in the usual Darkened Skies MK II armor he was simply walking around shirtless, reaveling the many scars on his body while the rain continued to caress his skin.

His footsteps softly on the grass, leaving behind a crunchy sound with each step he took while getting closer to her. "Aren't you happy to see me?" his voice spoke out to Aura, hoping to put a smile on the young woman's face.

(WC: 270)
Aura Yukimenoko
Aura Yukimenoko
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Kept You Waiting, Huh? [P/NK - Ichigo] Empty Re: Kept You Waiting, Huh? [P/NK - Ichigo]

Sat May 21, 2022 10:56 pm
It doesn't take long for her wishes to come true. Indeed, the telltale sign of someone's approach soon enters her radius upon hearing the soft, crisp noises of fresh grass being stepped on nearby. At first, she's not entirely sure if it's actually Ichigo, given they were a lot lighter than normal with the lack of armor. The moment she can listen to his voice is when she finally begins to smile, standing up from her spot and quickly rushing over to give her mentor a tight, loving hug. She's in for a surprise when the warm flesh of her friend meets her cheek and arms, garnering a scarlet red blush from the Yuki woman. It contrasts with her own cool touch, and she can't help but linger just a tiny bit more in the embrace before she actually lets go of him, brushing her slick hair off to the side and tilting her head in a way she can hear him better. Her hands go to her front, and she recalls why he's actually supposed to be here today.

"Really happy! But, as much as I'd like to give you the usual niceties, Ichi-san, we're strapped for time- my exam is tomorrow, and I wanna make sure we can get practice done in time for dinner later. I'm making Nobo a special dinner to get us hyped for what I believe will finally be our graduation, so I don't want to be late for that! So, with that in mind, as a review, I've gotten you to come on over to help me with the physical part of the Genin Exams. Since the written test is so dull and pitiful, it's really only the Clone Jutsu and Transformation Jutsu I'm worried about. You know, since I kind of... can't see it. I don't even know how it'll turn out, so it's up to you to help me out. Anyway, lets get started! Why don't you tell me what you're supposed to do, and I'll copy you?" With that, she backs away, and gets in a prepared stance, her hands close to her center as she breathes in and out, trying to get herself ready to mold chakra.

As her keen ears tune into whatever Ichigo decides to do and say, she does get side tracked in her own thoughts a little, grinning ear to ear about what'll happen after today. She knows that her little date night with Nobo is going to be amazing, seeing as she's going all out on the ingredients for their food, and there's also the fact she's fully confident in her ability to pass through most of the upcoming exam with flying colors. Usually, she'd even be worried about her weakest areas, such as Genjutsu, but there's no way that she had to get held back now. Despite her blindness, she's going to show everyone just how brilliant she is, and she'll make Kumogakure proud... or even better, do Nobo proud. After all, he was the one that gave her this new life to begin with, she has to make the best of it!

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Ichigo Sato
Ichigo Sato
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Kept You Waiting, Huh? [P/NK - Ichigo] Empty Re: Kept You Waiting, Huh? [P/NK - Ichigo]

Fri Jun 10, 2022 4:14 pm
An embrace, followed by a surprised look on Aura's face as she noticed Ichigo's shirtless attire. "I could get used to being greeted like this" the man teased the young woman, simultaenously running his fingers through her hair. Much to his relief the Deputy was able to hear his presence caused her a certain happiness, and truth be told, it had been far too long since the two of them had some time alone. However, it appeared the female student had other things in mind. "Of course, your exam". After all, tomorrow was going to be a big day for her as she aimed to finally graduate from the Academy. 

He would listen attentively, paying close attention to Aura's words as the woman enthusiastically talked about her plans later for the day. "Give him a bottle of sake and he'll eat anything" Ichigo laughed out loud, referring to his best friend's appetite. "Anywho, let's see". From what he remembered, it was indeed only the Clone and Transformation Technique that they required in order to complete the test. Unless the proctor was a pain in the ass of course. "Alright, time to demonstrate". He made it sound more impressive than it actually was, but knowing Aura she'd be able to see right through his act.

Walking closer to her he'd break the ice, pun intended. "Watch". He couldn't help but smile a little, aware that she wouldn't mind his usual dad jokes. Ichigo then grabbed the young woman's hands before taking her through the hand seals for both the Clone and Transformation Technique. "There, this one's the easiest", saying so, he'd help Aura form the Ram seal, repeating it a couple of times before moving on to the next one. This time it would be the seal of the Dog, the one necessary to transform into whatever you could think of. "What do you think, not so bad right?". Ichigo would then take a couple of steps back, allowing Aura to give it a go.

(WC: 334, TWC: 604)

Clone Technique
Transformation Technique
Aura Yukimenoko
Aura Yukimenoko
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Kept You Waiting, Huh? [P/NK - Ichigo] Empty Re: Kept You Waiting, Huh? [P/NK - Ichigo]

Fri Jun 10, 2022 11:10 pm
Even if she had her rhetorical sights set on someone else, being close like this with Ichigo hit all the right spots in her carefree mind, especially while she's getting herself some head pats for her trouble. But these thoughts quickly dissipate, because this isn't the time for living out her somewhat odd fantasies of her, Ichi and Nobo all living together in the same house, like in that special volume of Makeout Paradise she once read. She's very thankful to whatever gods may be out there that no one has ever found out that she owns those incredibly naughty titles. Ah, she's getting off track again! It's about time they get started with their training routine, and as her teacher continues going on with their puns and joking antics, she rolls her eyes about the comment involving Kaito and his sake addiction. As if she needed to hear about that again, she has to deal with it so much already!

"Pff, alright, you big doofus. Just show me what to do already! I'm waiting~" She doesn't even need to wait for long either, as she soon finds herself being grabbed by the hands to physically form the seals with his guidance. Man, why did he have to know how to push her buttons so easily? No matter how much she can get through his fake attempts at bravado, she could never get over him somewhat babying her still. This is old news to her, and while she appreciates the in-depth help at display, it fails to hide her from the crimson blush blazing on her puffed up cheeks. "One of these days, maybe I'll get a little respect around here!" she'd think internally, though in reality there was no mistaking that she doesn't mind it all too much. It just strikes her as odd that, even though she has finally began to grow up, no one has seen her for what she believes she is yet. Soon, she will have to change their minds. There's more than meets their eyes, to this lady without the ability to see through her own!

"Hmph... alright, I guess you just want me to do it for you, instead of actually getting more insight on it. Perhaps you think I got it down already? Then get ready, because I still don't know what any of this is going to look like, Ichi." Determination possesses her features, waiting for the deputy to take a step back before she brings her hands back together. Inhaling deeply, then exhaling just as much, she focuses her energy to her center, and carefully forms the Ram hand seal, just as practiced and showcased. She feels the chakra course through her veins, swiftly causing a poof of pure white smoke to appear to the side of her. When it fades away, Ichigo is greeted to both a beautiful, and admittedly creepy sight; obviously, it's a complete visual replica of her, just as the Clone Jutsu is used to create. The details on display here go down to the miniscule amount of wrinkles present on her, with the eloquent design of her clothes intact, the plush softness of her pale skin, no height differentiations, her gorgeous locks, and of course that pretty face of hers, even if it is hidden underneath her crown. The only problem? It's a problem that has been occurring ever since she began studying; a lack of color. Her clone is totally white, making it look like a porcelain doll more than herself due to it. The only improvements he can tell from her previous showings is just that its form is defined a lot better than in the past, so at least she improved there.

Figuring there was no use in simply waiting on her mock proctor's reaction to the clone, she immediately forms the Dog hand seal right after, resulting in her also being clouded in smoke. Similar to her clone, when he can see what she has transformed into... well, it's like looking into a mirror! Or, at least, a lopsided mirror that cannot capture any color. Obviously, at a student's level of chakra control and expertise in their craft, they can't really master the Transformation Jutsu to eliminate its abundant flaws. As such, his hair is spiked up in only a little bit of an odd way, but not impossible; his left arm is an inch shorter than it should be; and since the crown cannot be seen on her, he gets a rare glimpse of her cloudy, baby blue eyes that are almost always hidden these days. Not that there was any shame that she's attempting to stow away, it was just mentioned that the sun wouldn't harm her as much if she wore something to cover herself up. Either way, those beautiful, almost endless voids are more than likely completely unlike his, not that she'd ever be able to know that. Point is, her technique is flawed, but it can be chocked up to her blindness, and the fact she's just an academy student.

"So, what do ya think? Am I looking... ice, Ichigo?" Aura snickers in a mocking tone, making a terrible impression of his voice to make her own dad joke all the more hilarious. She couldn't stay embarassed or mad at him, really. He was like a big brother to her these past two years, so it was only natural she'd play along with his pranks, despite clearly wanting to be a mature, dignified woman. In the back of her mind, she's hoping that she has done what could possibly be needed to get her into the ranks of Genin, so she could no longer be blocked from learning all the much more interesting techniques, and be able to go on missions with her peers, or even Nobo and Ichi if they had literally nothing else better to do for whatever reason. A girl can dream, yeah? That being said, whatever he says or does at the end of her showcase and question, there was not much else to do today, whether it mean she needs to make sure she has everything down perfectly for tomorrow, or that she's great and can relax after setting up her date night when she goes home. She'll hold Ichi's hand to be led out of the training grounds, whenever he's ready to, and their days can go on from there.


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Last edited by Aura Yukimenoko on Fri Jun 10, 2022 11:16 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : editing claims)
Shinrei Yamato
Shinrei Yamato
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Kept You Waiting, Huh? [P/NK - Ichigo] Empty Re: Kept You Waiting, Huh? [P/NK - Ichigo]

Mon Jun 13, 2022 11:58 am
Ichigo Sato
Ichigo Sato
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Kept You Waiting, Huh? [P/NK - Ichigo] Empty Re: Kept You Waiting, Huh? [P/NK - Ichigo]

Mon Jun 20, 2022 8:05 am
Much to his relief Ichigo noticed how Aura was able to perform both techniques fairly easily, the Clone and Transformation no match for the blind Kumogakure kunoichi. As the two academy jutsu were being executed, she added her own little touches here and there, as expected from his student. "Yes, very cold" the deputy joked in response. He would then grab her hand and lead them out of the Training Grounds. "I believe you're ready for your exam now". Soon, Aura would finally graduate. 


(TWC: 688)
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Kept You Waiting, Huh? [P/NK - Ichigo] Empty Re: Kept You Waiting, Huh? [P/NK - Ichigo]

Mon Jun 20, 2022 6:41 pm
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