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Ryumi Hiyu
Ryumi Hiyu
Stat Page : Ryumi
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Meeting the Master - Page 2 Empty Re: Meeting the Master

Tue May 03, 2022 7:55 pm
Ryumi’s eyes widened as she heard the Nova corps creator state that she was far stronger than him in terms of physical strength. Going so far as to state that she was something that he simply could not reach. It made her give a small smile as she at least got complimented on something she worked her entire life on. It was something that could at least give her more confidence that even the creator of the Nova Corps was weaker than her in pure strength alone. Her scarred face snapping upwards however to pay attention to her new teacher? Sensei? It didn’t really matter what Atarashi was, he was certainly someone that she could look up to as a model shinobi. Yet his words were something to take in and let her understand that she simply was not experienced enough compared to others. Yet how he complimented her made the Hiyu slightly blush as a result of being complimented by her strength from someone notable.

She gave a raised eyebrow at his own explanation as to how he was able to fight against her pure strength by accelerating himself and generating enough kinetic energy to clash with her own blows. It made her almost proud of herself, that she was even able to make the other Hiyu have to use acceleration in order to fight against her. His comment about not looking down on her was kinda funny given her height. Since he literally had to look down slightly in order to meet her face to face. Her dark purple eyes shining with almost admiration of the man before her. He seemed so cool to teach her, especially with how lucky she was that someone else of her clan was able to teach her what she needed to learn. His swift steps surprised her with how fast he was, almost like he flashed into the spot he was in now. It made her wonder if she could ever hope to be able to compete with speed like that. It had to be done, she wasn’t going to simply just have all of her hopes dashed just because she wasn’t that fast enough.

What he brought to her was something that surprised her greatly, a three piece Nun-chucks that she immediately grabbed the Demon country Bo staff. Seeing as it was rather light in her hands she found it to be rather impressive. Something she could easily use and perhaps upgrade as well. Yet almost as if Lloyd had pinched her ear she immediately took a firm bow towards the older Hiyu. Even addressing him in a more formal way to show she was grateful for the gift.

“Thank you so much Hiyu-Sama! I’ll make sure to take good care of it!” She takes another bow before returning the Bo Staff towards its regular Bo staff form. Stamping it into the ground to have it stick there as she heard him speak yet again. Her eyebrow raised with what he was even suggesting that she learn something called Extreme Realm of force? It was rather a surprising Suggestion. Yet her curiosity peaked immensely due to the mention of the Extreme Realm of Force. It sounded like something that she could use, something that could help her in the future as a fighting style.

His sudden clapping of his hands together meant it was time to learn something new from the man himself. It was time to fully learn the techniques of the Hiyu clan and what they can do in battle. She raised an eyebrow at his suggestion of the technique that had her suspended in air with only his hand holding her up. Something that did indeed greatly peak her interest quite a bit. Perhaps it was considered a simple technique since every other Hiyu should be able to learn it with relative ease. Yet Ryumi could be considered no ordinary Hiyu, She could only give Atarashi a thumbs up while beginning to stretch. Now she’d have to focus on trying to move her body rather unnaturally in order to learn this technique that Atarashi had shown her moments beforehand.

“Alright, Mukade No Hitokuchi…. Need to feel like I have to grab something? I’ll see what I can do Sensei,” With that Ryumi took a deep breath inwards, her mind clearing itself as she thought about how she should go about this. Trying to reach out for something would be a bit hard to visualize, yet he said to keep an open mind, focusing on that was the most important part of the raven hair girls lesson in learning this technique.

“Keep an open mind… Keep an open mind….” She whispered to herself, turning her attention towards one of the small rocks that was on the ground. She thought it would be good enough to at least show that she could use this stretching technique. As such her muscled body felt slightly more laxed, her breathing becoming steady as her form was still for a moment. Yet with a sudden snap she felt her arm suddenly extend outwards, snatching the rock with her hand, the feeling was rather intense, like her whole entire body was being used to fuel this one action. The scarred fingers curled up around the jagged rock, slowly pulling it backwards with a surprising amount of control. She certainly seemed to be at least a quick learner, slowly but surely pulling back the rock until it was inside of her own hand. The small rock wobbled in her hand for a moment, Ryumi staring at it before suddenly crushing the stone. Turning her attention back towards Atarashi and giving him a small smile.

“So, I’m guessing that was Mukade No Hitokuchi? Interesting!” She said, a massive grin plastered over her face as she did have to admit it felt fucking weird to use the Hiyu clans Kekkai Genkai like that. But at the same time was totally something she’d use again even for something as simple as travel if possible.

75% discount from Atarashi Teaching.
WC Remaining After Learning Mukade No Hitokuchi:3417
Mid Thread Claim:

Last edited by Ryumi Hiyu on Tue May 03, 2022 8:34 pm; edited 1 time in total
Shinrei Yamato
Shinrei Yamato
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Meeting the Master - Page 2 Empty Re: Meeting the Master

Tue May 03, 2022 8:06 pm
Claiming d rank I assume?

If so then approved

Please spend the rest of your wc before exiting the thread.
Atarashi Hiyu
Atarashi Hiyu
Stat Page : The Faceless Man
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Ryo : 20500

Meeting the Master - Page 2 Empty Re: Meeting the Master

Sun May 08, 2022 4:20 am
Atarashi beheld as Ryumi took the necessary steps to both calm her mind and body to preform Mukade no Hitokuchi. As he’d envisioned, it was no easy task for her, all things considered, this was the first time she heard of the technique. As well as the first time witnessing it. She was a Hiyu abandon in a world without knowledge of her clan’s history, all except for the name. 

Though she is struggling, she’s a fast learner.” Speculated the elder Hiyu. Right hand cussing his chin as he theorized. But his thoughts did not deadline there, he wondered what more this lass could achieve. Her hand would come to grip hold of the rock she was aiming for. It was done. 

Melody of clapping sound the praise of her accomplishment. “Well done. I’m sure in your hands that jutsu will come in handy.” Motioning to stand at her side, he would face outward. “Moving forward. This next Jutsu, a personal favorite. In some cases, a direct assault doesn’t always work, so you’ll need to adapt. Damaging someone from the inside out overtime is the answer.” 

Cracking his eye towards a boulder twenty meters out from them. The air grew still, the environment quiet. Ryumi must pay attention. He was only going to reveal this clan secret to her once. “Your body…is not your only weapon.” With a drag, chest puffs up. Discharging an authoritative scream in the form of a screeching blast. The roar began as a fifteen centimeter thin stream, expeditiously expanding into a cylindrical blast  cone of twenty meters radius at a speed of 100. The landscape itself would shreds from the intensity of the roar and the boulder would web with cracks all the way through. 

Keep your eyes on that boulder.” He commanded. The boulder would shudder with three pulses. The first two would deliver move cracks. The last would shatter it to dust and pebbles. He glanced over to her, his expression a tad bit stern, but carried a lax nature. “We are more than just muscles and tricks. Even our vocal cords are lethal instruments. Do you understand, Ryumi?” He asked, but he knew that she did, at least to some extent. 

This Jutsu is called ‘Dragon Shrapnel Roar’. I created it for Hiyu like yourself. By hardening and crystalizing your voice box you can produce a powerful scream, just as I did. Give it a go.” Conveying the floor to her, it was now her turn. 

TWC: 3,104
Learning the following: 50% off Due to training grounds. 
Dragon Shrapnel Roar | 1,250 A-Rank

New TWC: 1,854
Teaching the above jutsu to Ryumi at 50% off to learn up to A-Rank as well.

Ryumi’s Chakra Signature is Memorized
Ryumi Hiyu
Ryumi Hiyu
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Ryo : 8793

Meeting the Master - Page 2 Empty Re: Meeting the Master

Mon May 09, 2022 10:45 pm
Ryumi shifted her focus from the dust leaving her hands back towards the man who had taught her the technique in the first place. She certainly seemed to have a knack for learning things even when she just saw them. Yet it felt nice to know she was at least succeeding in her own trials as a Hiyu clan member now. Her knowledge of Hiyu arts was certainly limited, not helped with how she seemingly had no idea how to even stretch her body like most Hiyu clans could. Resulting in her having difficulty even using the kekkei genkai to stretch like that.

Yet she felt this slight warmth at the sudden clapping that she heard coming from Atarashi. Was he actually clapping at her because she did a good job learning and paying attention? Maybe he was just trying to give her that much needed encouragement if she was going to at least try harder and harder. No use in insulting someone for a job well done, that was the thought process that always ran through Ryumi’s head whenever someone completes a mission but is partially banged up,

“I’m sure it will be Atarashi-Sensei!” She nodded towards the motion of her going towards his side. Her eyebrow raised as she wondered what was going to happen right now. Perhaps some other kind of Hiyu clan technique? She’d simply have to wait and see for what it was to make her own kind of judgment on the matter. Yet she couldn’t help but get excited again at the thought of being able to do another jutsu so soon!

When he discussed how a direct assault on someone usually wasn’t the best option when it came to people. He gave her a jutsu that was invaluable in the right hands. As the rattling of the body would easily be enough for someone to become all kinds of messed up. So Ryumi began to focus, her eyes zeroing in on what Atarashi was even doing in this scenario. Just what did he mean by those words to her about how your body isn’t your only weapon, however that was stopped by the sudden scream she heard escaping his lips. However it wasn’t a scream, it was almost like a fucking ROAR bellowing out of Atarashi’s body.

Seeing the boulder before her along with the landscape being torn to shreds by the sudden cone shaped stream escaping Atarashi’s mouth. She was dazzled by the simple art of roaring when someone was able to deal so much damage to them. Yet the boulder in front of her seemingly cracking and then shattering into tiny pieces was such an extreme potency for a jutsu like that. Almost as if it destroyed the boulder simply from the inside out. Ryumi only could gaze upon the destruction before Atarashi pulled her back in it seemed for some more types of training. Lest there be an issue in the future where she needs a good long ranged attack to fight besides her fists. Especially since she doesn’t know she can use air to punch things instead. So what she focused on was what he had told her beforehand. That she needed to calm down and focus when it came to this kind of Jutsu and what it could mean for her. His explanation of the jutsu was something however that caused the girl to go stone faced in confusion by what he meant. But it didn’t mean that she couldn’t just give up, she needed to instead focus on the mission at hand.

Taking a deep breath with the information that she had acquired from seeing the man before her give her the best kind of example he could give her. It’d make sense that she’d be able to at least acquire siad jutsu in return. She simply just had to focus on somehow crystalizing her own voice, which was going to be the hardest thing about this whole entire process that she could possibly do. Yet it wouldn’t deter her from the final goal of the training, and that was to prove that she wouldn’t quit just because she didn’t know something. This certainly however was going to be a long day of trying to somehow produce the right kind of effect that Atarashi would think was useful.

Ryumi took a deep breath as she slowly began to try and crystalize her own voice box in order to create the same kind of effect that Atarashi was able to cause. Yet the only thing she could do was think back on what Lloyd had taught her when she was rather young and still inside of the church. Reminding her about how to simply channel chakra into her blows for simply a better effect on them. Yet controlling chakra or even something like a Kekkai Genkai was still rather troublesome for the girl, even now with a pretty good teacher she still definitely was struggling when it came to controlling her own power and chakra.

Yet Ryumi could not falter from something as simple as this. It would not stand for her to simply not be able to do that Dragon Shrapnel Roar, something that she should be able to do as a Hiyu clan member. Her own breathing slowly but surely began to calm down as she had to focus on dealing with the voicebox first. Something that was the whole crux of the jutsu itself. So she’d focus, trying to manipulate her throat's own strength as she could feel her voice box begin to tighten in slight pain. It seemed she had found the spot where the jutsu could actually be used. Noting that the pain was something that would be lessened over time, this first time use of the jutsu would certainly be a painful one.

Channeling her chakra forth straight into her own throat, she’d focus for a moment to make sure that Atarashi could watch as she’d take feel that power rising from her stomach directly into her throat, allowing her throat and voice box to crystallize in a meager form. Before suddenly she let out a deafening roar from out of her own mouth. She knew she wouldn’t be able to speak for the rest of the day as the small cone that spiraled out of her mouth, followed by a similarly sized blast shredding the ground in front of her. It made Ryumi feel proud that she was able to come so far with only a few bits of training under her breath. Even if the Dragon roar was going to destroy her voice after it’s first use. She was fine with it, so long as it meant that she could at least use it.

Once the jutsu had finally dissipated, Ryumi only turned her head directly towards Atarashi, chuckling with a very hoarse voice, she was straining to even try and laugh or even breath. She felt like her neck was slightly swollen from doing that for the first time. She must have done it wrong for her to nearly lose her entire voice like that. However she’d try and speak, resulting in her almost sounding like a croaking frog then anything.

“So- I-... Did… Good on…. That one….” Her voice sounded like she had just got done gargling gravel. She was massaging her neck for a moment, trying to see if perhaps there was a Hiyu technique that could help with her own throat soreness. At least Atarashi had something funny to watch as she continuously tried to help heal her own voice. Yet she could only make out slight croaks here and there with each minute passing.


Atarashi Hiyu
Atarashi Hiyu
Stat Page : The Faceless Man
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Meeting the Master - Page 2 Empty Re: Meeting the Master

Tue May 17, 2022 4:27 pm
The Hiyu elder watched on as Ryumi engaged the task of performing the roar. More importantly, he honed in on her chakra to grasp a better understanding of her utilization of the technique. She struggled, but not only did she struggle she found isolating a particular part of her body quite difficult. More so than stretching an arm, he would assume. But none the less, she managed to do it. 

He clapped, praise were in order for the accomplishment. “No need in worrying about your voice box, it will fully heal itself before long. It’s like working a muscle you never knew you had.” with that being said, the elder moved to position himself before her, 3 meters in front of her. Usually he would decide to wait, due to the strain that the roar does to one’s voice, but Ryumi seemed eager, so why do that. 

So tell me, Ryumi, have you ever been faced with despair? All signs of hope being ripped from you. Left as as shell, hopeless and small.” He asked this, though he was certain that he already knew the answer to the question that was proposed. 

TWC: 2,046
Ryumi Hiyu
Ryumi Hiyu
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Meeting the Master - Page 2 Empty Re: Meeting the Master

Thu May 19, 2022 9:10 pm
After Ryumi had finished practicing the use of the Shrapnel Dragon Roar, her voice box began to indeed heal itself as she was focused on Atarashi at the moment. Seeing how mediocre she was at trying to do the clan's techniques made her feel this sense of…. Pride? It was this feeling that she was getting through this with only her own hardwork and merit. She disliked the idea of simply being able to learn almost anything on the spot. Yet she knew at least a few taijutsu techniques that would help her out immensely in the future when the time came. Especially with the Dragon Shrapnel Roar now a long ranged attack that did not require her own fists.

His slow and sudden clapping of his hands broke Ryumi out of her own mind for a brief moment. Glancing towards Atarashi with a small hopeful smile as he walked towards her. Resulting in the smaller ninja to fully stand upright. Not really gaining many inches due to her rather short stature. She was almost like a really tall Goblin some could say, yet her body carrying boundless amounts of scares and muscles would have others believe differently.

The sudden slapping of that question directly at Ryumi left her face aghast with sudden memories flowing through her mind like a breaking dame. Remembering that fateful night where she had nearly been assaulted by the priest. Then later meeting two other Hiyu clan members who were later identified as her own parents. Certainly going to kill her without a second thought. Each thought hit her like a tidal wave, and most of all was seeing Lloyd. The one who had protected her was blinded in one eye and had his own spine fractured as a result. Using his own funds to secure her recovery at the cost of his own.

“You have a way of helping me in case I ever do come across that feeling again I bet? You are seemingly the master of all things body focused.”

Her lips quivered at what he potentially had next in store for her, or perhaps he’d just piss off and say “Find it yourself.” Which wouldn’t be that awful, especially with how he had helped her so much in just a few short hours.

Atarashi Hiyu
Atarashi Hiyu
Stat Page : The Faceless Man
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Meeting the Master - Page 2 Empty Re: Meeting the Master

Wed Jun 08, 2022 10:32 pm
Atarashi would pause, eyeing the young Hiyu lass for a moment. She was an eager one, that much was for sure. He smiled, convincingly. His inquiry was responded to with such excitement. In such a short period of time this child managed to place him at a level of high regard. “You could say that, I suppose. But I think it’s a bit more…complex than that. Here, allow me to demonstrate for you.” 

The about him gradually thinned. His chakra slowly seeped out from his being until it was pouring like a running faucet. His being then emits a murky, sinister black and purple aura. The aura grew in size, reaching up to 10 meters in radius in all directions. 

Upon seeing such a thing one would discover a different in their power. This skill that he was demonstrating to her was none other than the display of power, a shinobi’s raw power to either inform someone that they were in over their head, to to humiliate them. At the moment his power sat at 600 compared to her, who sat at 231. That put them at a difference of 369. 

This is me holding back, right now, I’m merely exerting a power over yours. From what I can tell, you’re not too far from that of a Chunin. You just need to hone yourself a bit more. Reaching your base limits will close the gap greatly… when using the Display of power, you are projecting your latent power onto your opponent. Showing them that you are more than just a capable shinobi. You are power itself. Should they be too weak, you will see it and so will they. Your battle auras will clash and the stronger of the two will dominate. However, this does not mean for you to get cocky. They may have a weaker aura than you, but they could still end up being your better. So never allow your own power to go to your head and run wild.” He ended his demonstration. He would gesture for her to try her hand at the very skill she just witnessed. 

Display of Power (DoP) [Revamp]
Ryumi Hiyu
Ryumi Hiyu
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Meeting the Master - Page 2 Empty Re: Meeting the Master

Sat Jun 11, 2022 4:00 pm
Her own body was shaking slightly with each passing moment inside of the murky abyss of her mind. Her own purple orbs slightly glowing as she was beginning to try and concentrate on what he was saying. A slight ringing in her ear at the amount of exertion she had for that shrapnel roar. She certainly had to keep that under control, and to also train her own body so such a thing could not happen again. Sweat pouring down her face, making a slight dripping sound pound at the ground below her. This certainly had been an interesting day of sorts. Definitely something that she would remember as a result of the teacher standing in front of her. He had taught her so much about what she was and who she was now. A part of a clan that had actual meaning and even their own form of techniques for their own Kekkei Genkai. Yet it was those few words that slipped out of him that had her confused on what the old man in front of her would even do. Her figure stiffened for a moment, body shaking like a dame barely able to hold the sudden invasion and pressure of her superiors' chakra thumping down across her whole body.

That massive aura expanding to about 10 meters immediately affected the girl in front of Atarashi. Her movements skidded to a screeching halt from the sheer power on display. His aura was crushing, almost like the bottom of the ocean. That sheer raw amount of strength placed the young Hiyu right on her knees with a sudden crunch of her knees falling on the ground like a bag of bricks. He felt so strong, so chilling to the bone with how strong he actually was in front of her. This certainly was no trick that one could play on another. This was simply his sheer, raw energy bombarding her with pressure so great it felt like being compressed by the ocean itself. She could barely breathe with the pressure seeping into her lungs. Almost beginning to lose consciousness as he explained what this technique even was. It felt so crushing that she could barely hear his explanation of what exactly it was. But she had to listen for her own good if she even wished to compete in the future with others who had this kind of strength and knew how to show it. The technique was known as Display Of Power, which was a rather cheeky name in comparison to a few others she heard. His explanation also stated that she was close to the strength of that of a chunin. That filled her up with a  sense of pride she never even knew she actually had. It felt good to actually be called that, the level of a rank one step ahead of you. So it seemed that she had more work to do for the one that she’d call Sensei, slowly working her way back onto her feet. Her body is still feeling the intense pressure from before. Ryumi slowly stretched out her arms as they fidgeted slightly, almost as if they had been influenced by that display of power.

Yet even as that chilling feeling that surrounded her entire body slowly began to fade into nothingness. She didn’t really know how to do the same kind of display that he could do. She could easily fail and end up releasing a ton of chakra and energy. Expending it and making it so that she couldn’t really show what kind of power she truly held. Yet even now it was going to be difficult with the level of chakra control she had. But she had to manage it, especially with how Atarashi was expecting her to show her own display of power right in front of him. So it seemed she’d have to show it, that she indeed could put on that kind of display in front of him. Her body began to slowly but surely leak out the chakra required to perform the ability itself. Instead a purple chakra began to flow out from her own body, trickling into the small aura of chakra was the flaming red that most associated with that of fire itself. The burning passion laid deep within the bedrock of her own soul. It was in that regard that she had a vast talent for, the power she held within her must have been good enough for Atarashi to even consider teaching her. Yet she was just proud now to actually show her sudden display of how strong she actually was in front of the founder of the Nova corps. Her slightly tan skin flexing and contorting while showing off the skill she had just learned from him. Beginning to envelop and surround the founder with a slight feeling of warmth. If he weren’t so strong or if she became stronger, potentially it would feel like a burning session for the individual. But Ryumi slowly but surely stopped what she was doing. Her body was shaking as she couldn’t hold onto herself for that amount of time. All of the training seemingly hit her all at once as she felt so tired.

She could barely hold onto Consciousness as she’d end up falling onto the ground due to exhaustion. She felt so tired, her chakra had been almost all used up in the training that had transpired. From learning all these new techniques to simply growing stronger. She was thankful that Atarashi was indeed there. Especially since he had such a wealth of knowledge that she could ask in the future about other Hiyu clan techniques. Yet for now she could only think about finally sleeping after such a long day's work. Her body relaxed as the final waves of exhaustion hit her. Lulling her to sleep and passing out on the floor. Hopefully Atarashi didn’t see weakness in this, as that was the last thing she wanted to do.

Ryumi Hiyu
Ryumi Hiyu
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Wed Jun 29, 2022 10:11 pm


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Thu Jun 30, 2022 3:51 pm
Approved for Ryumi
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