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Butterfly Effect [Kikuko] Empty Butterfly Effect [Kikuko]

Wed Dec 15, 2021 8:26 pm
The estate remains a buzz of activity despite the Mizukage's absence. A number of the village's residents have been rudely exposed to the serious side of the sweet old grandma that has taken up the Deputy's role, but desperate times call for desperate measures. Fortunately, her guest today will likely only see her sunny side. Chizu has been tasked with identifying the village's brightest fuinjutsu users to take on the techniques that Keita Uzumaki has begun to develop. Saya does not have the appropriate elemental makeup or... disposition to be given such potentially potent techniques at the moment, but there is one candidate that can be trusted with them.

Chizu has invited Kikuko Hayashi to the Mizukage's office, where she is greeted with Murata's cluttered desk, somewhat tidied by the deputy who sits behind it. Before Chizu is Kikuko's files, a cup of tea, and a small dish of saltwater taffees - one of which she will offer to the girl the moment she shows up.

"Kikuko Hayashi," Chizu says, confirming her identity. "Take a taffee, please. We have much to talk about. Would you like a drink?"

Kikuko Hayashi
Kikuko Hayashi
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Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 161300

Butterfly Effect [Kikuko] Empty Re: Butterfly Effect [Kikuko]

Wed Dec 15, 2021 8:55 pm
Today hadn’t been meant to be one of importance, Kikuko had felt. And that was fine. It had started like many others- early, the first glimmers of sunlight drifting through an open window and onto her face as she slept. And from there, after a few groggy moments of coming to consciousness, she was up. Moving through the house, preparing breakfast, waking her father and mother from their slumber. Today was another day where her father would be out on the waters, trawling the sea for Island Countries greatest treasure- its fish. Her mother, meanwhile, had requested her help in hawking their wares at the weekend market. Truthfully, her parents reliance upon her to run their daily business was beginning to become worrisome. She truly loved helping them, and found great joy in the tasks she found herself doing, yet more and more she was beginning to feel like more of a fishmonger or seamstress than a true ninja. What was a kunoichi to do?

Settling herself in for the day, she had made it about ten feet from the door before all of that was thrown out the window. An official summons from the office of the Mizukage. But why? This question would plague her throughout the brief moments she had to go back into the home, apologizing profusely before heading directly to the office. It was unusual for her to be called forth by the administration for any reason. Hells, she had never even met either the current Mizukage nor the previous one. Had she messed up? Perhaps it was about her recent lack of performance in terms of missions. Damnit. How could she have messed up?

Doing her best to distract herself from these thoughts by mulling over the shape of the drifting clouds, which failed, she would eventually find herself before the door of the Mizukage’s office before knocking politely. Once, twice. After a long pause, she would let herself in before letting herself in. Upon being greeted, she would awkwardly pause.

“Thank you, Lady…Mizukage?” It was a shot in the dark, but she wasn’t sure who else would be sitting in the desk of the most powerful person in Kirigakure. Gently picking up a toffee, she would clutch it within a somewhat sweaty palm. “Tea sounds delightful. Thank you.”

If nothing else were to happen, Kikuko would speak after roughly fifteen seconds, shifting in her seat. “So. Why have I been summoned here, exactly? I’ve never been called forth like this, to be honest.”

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Butterfly Effect [Kikuko] Empty Re: Butterfly Effect [Kikuko]

Wed Dec 15, 2021 9:19 pm

"I certainly hope not," Chizu says with a soft laugh, pressing a button on the brass office phone to page the desk and picking up the reciever. "Only the Deputy for a little while, fate willing. Nagisa," she calls gently into the phone, "Could you have somebody bring in a cup of tea for my guest? Thank you."

Chizu studies the girl, unnerving pale eyes of her clan looking for... something. Even without her Byakugan active, it feels like she sees right through you.

"I have been told that you are a gentle soul, Kikuko," she says. Academy records describe a temperament suited for a medic-nin, but no talent for the art. Chizu continues, words dissonant with her gentle appearance. "War is at our doorstep. What is it that you provide to our village? What is your future as a shinobi in Kirigakure, where you are to be judged based on your capacity to do violence?"

TWC 344
Kikuko Hayashi
Kikuko Hayashi
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Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 161300

Butterfly Effect [Kikuko] Empty Re: Butterfly Effect [Kikuko]

Wed Dec 15, 2021 9:33 pm
The deputy? Okay. Okay, that made a lot more sense. A summons from the deputy, while severe, still had less pressing and somewhat worrisome connotations than otherwise presented by a direct summons from the Mizukage. That of course, still left her actual reason for the summons up in the air. Brown eyes meet those pale ones, staring for a few seconds before looking away nervously.

There was something different about her gaze, far from that of Mitsu’s. While she didn’t know the Hyuuga for that long, there was an experience and calculating behavior in the woman’s eyes that went beyond the abilities of a bloodline. It was experience, deduction, pure and simply reasoning happening right in front of her. It made her feel a bit like a rabbit in the hunting range of a hawk- and she was wondering at what point she might have to jump or bolt to save her own life.

Still, here she was. “A gentle soul? I’m not sure how to respond to that without sounding either full of myself, or refuting that outright.” Kikuko would smile, before frowning slightly. What she had been asked was a serious question, one which she had no right answer to. War. She had anticipated it, to an extent. With the recent happens, and the public announcements being sent into the village, soon enough conflict was shining on the horizon. And what was she to do about it? What would be her goal among it all?

“Well. That depends, Lady Deputy. Would the village rather see me as a wall, or a weapon? Or something else entirely?”


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Butterfly Effect [Kikuko] Empty Re: Butterfly Effect [Kikuko]

Wed Dec 15, 2021 9:40 pm
Chizu smiles. "You are welcome to be full of yourself, dear. Thank you," she adds, as one of the staff enters the office to place a cup of tea in front of Kikuko. It smells very nice. "Please savour it. Our Mizukage has a lot of apologizing to do before we'll be getting any more of that blend."

The deputy sips her own tea, contemplating the girl's evasive response.

"What do you want to do, Kikuko?"
Kikuko Hayashi
Kikuko Hayashi
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Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 161300

Butterfly Effect [Kikuko] Empty Re: Butterfly Effect [Kikuko]

Wed Dec 15, 2021 9:49 pm
The Deputy’s response had been somewhat surprising, and yet somehow not. It made sense that a woman in her position would grant praise upon those below her, and yet still she was not sure how to take it. She simply ‘was’ how she was. Was that something worthy of note? Well, she would attempt to take it in stride, as always.

Taking a long, deep sip, she would let the hot liquid dance upon her tongue before swallowing. It was delicious. Not too delicate, nor too overpowering. While she normally took her tea with sugar, this was just right the way it was. Perhaps she would find out how to procure some more, despite whatever mystery circumstances were involved with its procuration.

“What I want…”

And then her voice would die out for a moment. Something unreadable in her gaze. Inhale, exhale. And then.

“I want to wake up in the morning and smell the sea breeze. I want to walk the streets of the land I was born and see children laughing in the streets. I want to look to the horizons and expect only fisherman coming in with the catch of the day with no fear of warships or brigands. I want a quiet life, one of exploration and learning this worlds innumerable mysteries. But.”

But life never worked out that way, didn’t it? Things got in peoples way. Circumstances, ambition, conflict all mixed together into the soupy conflict known as ‘reality’. And this was the reality that she lived in right here, right now. “But I know that right now, everything I hold dear is at risk. That because of the actions of a few people, so many are going to die. And that people are afraid, even if they hide it well.”

“I want to protect this land. I want to protect this world. I want to see it flourish. Even if it costs my everything. I know I’m only one girl. But even still.” She would finish quietly, lost in thought.

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Butterfly Effect [Kikuko] Empty Re: Butterfly Effect [Kikuko]

Wed Dec 15, 2021 10:28 pm
Chizu listens, the old woman's gaze even and attentive. It may be a mystery what she is thinking, but just from her expression Kikuko will know that she is listening.

"The way of Kirigakure was blood and steel," she says. "But Kirigakure is dead. We succeed it, we bear its name, but as any child, our village is not the same as its parents."

"When the Leviathan came to these islands, to erase their history in vain attempt to bring back the dead, I was already long past the days where I could put up a real fight. I had lived my entire life in service to the people here. I continue to do so. Whatever it takes."

Chizu reaches to draw something from her person - an old, but well cared-for hitai-ate on white cloth. It is stamped with spreading palm leaves, an emblem seen in stolen glimpses around the villages, a symbol from years gone by. Shimagakure. Chizu takes Kikuko's hand in hers and gently presses the headband into it.

"Right now we face the consequences of where the First has lead us," she says. "When we come through the other side, we will have the opportunity to choose who we will be as a village, no matter what name it may carry. That is what the Second has granted us, whether he knows it or not. This headband is a personal gift from me. Do not do disrespect to our Mizukage by wearing it on official business, but please keep it safe and let it serve as a reminder."

Unlocking a drawer in the desk, Chizu draws out an ornate box, lifting it gently on to the table.

"As for why I brought you here... what we see in you is passion. I have a project for you." Chizu draws three scrolls from the box. "I would like to offer you a promotion to Jonin of Kirigakure, and two of our village's secret techniques to aid you in keeping yourself and our village safe. If you accept this position, your first assignment is this." She points to the scroll in the center. "You may take this scroll from the office for personal study. It contains an advanced fuinjutsu technique developed by Keita Uzumaki. I would like you to push it further, and explore what potential it holds."

"As for the other two scrolls - they are the Tempest element, which will be necessary to fully understand and put into use what Keita has started. The second is the Great Water Shark Bullet."

TWC 843

-2,500 ryo from village coffers for Shinobi Headband with Shimagakure's symbol, gifting it and a Scroll of Divine Calligraphy to Kikuko

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Kikuko Hayashi
Kikuko Hayashi
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Village : Kirigakure
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Butterfly Effect [Kikuko] Empty Re: Butterfly Effect [Kikuko]

Wed Dec 15, 2021 10:46 pm
And there she was. Her heart spilled upon the floor, a beating in her chest, in her soul. Was it inappropriate? Normally, she would never have shared as much as she did. And yet something about today felt as though it was important that she did. That if she hadn’t spoken the way she had, she would have regretted it for the rest of her life. Did she feel that way, for real? Yes, she did. There was no reason for her to second guess her honest feelings for something as tenuous and ever changing as ‘propriety’.

Listening to the story of the Deputy, Kikuko could almost see the events in her minds eye. She had heard the stories from her parents, from those older than her, but to hear it told once again was to bring her into a time before herself. To live here, in these times, was to inherit a legacy from those past. That did not mean, however, that she was beholden to follow in the direct footsteps of those before her. It was her duty to follow her own path, to tread in her own direction. As daunting as it was, she understood that now. Better than she had before.

Gently taking the headband into her own hands, she would press her thumb against the palm tree engraving. Shimagakure. This right here was history, within her own delicate hands. A banner whispered on the wind, felt in the grains of the earth, and yet only memory. No. It was alive, beating, all around them. In hearts and minds, if not name, it continued to endure here and forevermore. That was the power of an ideal that spread beyond nations, beyond borders.

Still, the offer she was being given was incredible. Beyond her wildest dreams. Sitting there in shock, she would be quiet for a long, palpable moment before finally speaking.

“I thought he considered me worthless.” She quietly whispered. To wait as long as she did upon those benches, day after day, looking for a mentor who would never come. Why her? Was it his choice for her to continue his work? Whether or not it was his intention, she felt the weight of its responsibility come down upon her. This was what she wanted. To explore the limits of chakra, and find what exactly lay on the far end of the vast world it offered. She would blink once, twice, three times. Certainly not to dispel any tears.

“What can I say? I’m humbled, and honored. I accept this task.” Gulping, she would gently slide it to herself. A hand ghosting over each of the objects, not yet opening any for now. It wouldn’t do to become lost in her studies immediately. “I won’t let you down.”

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Butterfly Effect [Kikuko] Empty Re: Butterfly Effect [Kikuko]

Wed Dec 15, 2021 10:51 pm
Exit, granting Kikuko Jounin rank and access to GWSB and Tempest element in addition to what's stated in above post. Training 16AP for Murata with 843 WC.
Kikuko Hayashi
Kikuko Hayashi
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Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 161300

Butterfly Effect [Kikuko] Empty Re: Butterfly Effect [Kikuko]

Wed Dec 15, 2021 10:54 pm
Gathering up her new supplies, Kikuko would exit the room after being dismissed with a spring in her step. This was a whole new world- and yet, a world filled with opportunities. What would she discover, in the coming months? Only time would tell.




Claiming as follows:

Jounin Rank
Tempest Element [1500, due to Maximum stat bonus]
30 words to Divine Calligraphy [30/2000]
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