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Toshiro Senju
Toshiro Senju
Stat Page : Water's Avatar
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 44000

What a Day (Goto, IO) Empty What a Day (Goto, IO)

Sat Nov 13, 2021 3:26 pm
A cool autumn's breeze swept across the land of Fire and through the village of Konoha. Many had been out and about doing their own day to day while others had been patrolling the village. It had been quite busy since the indoctrination of the newest Kage, Ishimaru. He did not know the male very well nor had he heard anything bad, but it was good to see some activity in their home now. Walking through the streets of the village had been one Toshiro Senju- Genin. Wearing his normal clothing, he would pull his hood up onto his head as he cradled a set of books in his other arm, heading to one of his favorite reading spots. He didn't have any missions nor did he have to do any patrols so today had been a perfect day for him to relax and get some more reading done. His former teammates always knew he had been a bookworm and if it was up to him, he'd be a librarian or something instead of a shinobi but he thought differently. He either trained or read. There was no middle or other options for him unless he was doing something with his family or friends. His stride continued until he had came to the stairs leading to the Hokage Monument and with a calculcated stride he would make it up the stairs and into the clear view of the village. Taking in a deep breath he would walk to his usual spot and sit underneath one of the trees and slowly he would open one of his books and begin to read. What a good day.

275 WC
Goto Senju
Goto Senju
Deputy Kage
Deputy Kage
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Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 752950

What a Day (Goto, IO) Empty Re: What a Day (Goto, IO)

Sun Nov 14, 2021 2:51 pm
A gentle breeze caressed the silver hair of the Konohagakure's Deputy, the young Senju enjoying the wind softly touching his skin. "Another beautiful day" he voiced, looking up at the clear blue sky. It hadn't been that long since Ishi set out for an important journey, leaving the village into Goto's care. While the Hokage was out doing his best for everyone's future, he would be trying to handle things on his end. No longer suffering from the blurry visions from past happenings during his dreams he could finally focus on the things ahead of them. Slowly but surely better things were to come.

Taking a small breather from keeping the village running the silver haired teenager figured it wouldn't hurt stretching his legs from time to time, which explained why Goto found himself wandering around the Hokage Monument. There had been quite some interesting encounters these last couple of days, experiences the boy would use moving forward hoping they were going to help him shape Konohagakure into what it was supposed to be. Bringing the village back to its former glory, no matter the costs. If it meant restoring the Leaf to what it once was the Deputy didn't mind using less orthodox ways of doing so.

Arriving at his younger sibling's favorite reading place Goto already expected to find him there. "Little brother, I had a feeling you'd be here". With a smile the silver haired started walking over to the tree where Toshiro was busy reading a book, the child's favorite way of passing the time. "What is this one about?". Taking a seat next to the youngest son of their family the Senju would lean with his back against the tree, eyes closed as he enjoyed the gentle breeze of the wind soflty touching his skin. 

(WC: 300)
Toshiro Senju
Toshiro Senju
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 44000

What a Day (Goto, IO) Empty Re: What a Day (Goto, IO)

Sun Nov 14, 2021 3:37 pm
The pages slowly flicked as he read the books with earnest intention as he continued reading on his current subject: The exploits of Tobirama Senju and his brother. The two were the pillars that originally created the Leaf village alongside Madara Uchiha. Many felt that Tobirama had been a bit...Biased against the Uchiha but given their history he could understand why. Many regaled young male as the second coming of Tobirama, for reasons he still didn't understand but maybe it would come in time for him. As the pages turned he had found something that interested him about Tobirama. While his brother was known to use the legendary Wood release that most of his clan were now known for, Tobirama focused solely on the development of other techniques and his water style. The fact has been interesting because from the time he had begun learning about his elemental affinity he didn't feel special in the sense of him being able to one day use Mokuton. Maybe he was like Tobirama. He didn't have the innate ability to use wood release but his niche would be in jutsu development and Water Release. A small smile came across his face as he pictured himself being the one who created a multitude of techniques that would be used throughout the village long after his life had come to an end. In the midst of his thoughts he did not notice his brother coming into the picture until he had heard the familiar voice. Looking up he would smile and give a small nod to the towering giant," Hello big bro. You know this is where I will always been when not doing shinobi duties. It is the most relaxing area of the village in my opinion. How are your duties going," he'd ask as his brother sat down near him.

The question that came from Goto caused the young male to show his brother the name of the book and then spoke," This one is telling the story of Hashirama and Tobirama Senju- our...i guess great great super great ancestors and the first two Kages of our village. Its interesting because people liken me to Tobirama and i'm still not sure why. Its always nice to read about the past because it gives me a lot to look at objectively as well as finding things that could benefit the me now. I can loan you the book when i'm done with it today if you want to read about someone else that uses Mokuton like you do big bro," one of the few people that he looked up to. While he had a sensei and teammates, Goto was like a goal he wanted to achieve. His brother had been so young but had been making strides that many in their family had not achieved yet.

472 WC
Goto Senju
Goto Senju
Deputy Kage
Deputy Kage
Stat Page : Goto
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 752950

What a Day (Goto, IO) Empty Re: What a Day (Goto, IO)

Mon Nov 15, 2021 8:21 pm
A smile appeared on the Deputy's face as he heard Toshiro inquire about his duties. "You make it sound so serious". In truth it was, but Goto didn't want to bore his little brother with stories about all the paperwork he had been doing lately in Ishimaru's absence. Listening while the youngest sibling of their household talked about Tobirama and Hashirama while showing the book he was reading the silver haired youth was hardly surprised. "Ah yes, our ancestors who meant a great deal for our village and once made it into the powerhouse it used to be". He couldn't help but feel a bit saddened that all they had to be proud of was the past and not the future. But that was about to change soon enough.

Just like his brother's fascination with books Toshiro also had a healthy obession with one of the former Hokage, Tobirama Senju. Goto knew how much he looked up to the man, not only were they from the same clan and did they share the Senju bloodline, they also had the talent for Water Ninjutsu in common. Whereas the older Senju possessed the ability to manipulate the clan's famous Wood Release, the youngest would excel in one of the basic elemental natures. "I know" the Deputy smiled, rubbing Toshiro's hair. "Similar to how you should know you can master the element of water, just like our ancestor. That much I've told you". Goto wanted to lessen the youngest sibling's burden, more than once telling him Wood Release wasn't the end all for those of their clan.

His brother was young, perhaps too young to already be involved in some of the stuff Goto had experienced, but the silver haired Senju decided to slowly test the waters, pun intended. "So what have they been teaching you at the academy? Did the teachers tell you anything about some of the clans that are proficient in the usage of Water ninjutsu?". Depending on Toshiro's answer Goto would share some of his knowledge with the child.

(WC: 340, TWC: 640)
Toshiro Senju
Toshiro Senju
Stat Page : Water's Avatar
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 44000

What a Day (Goto, IO) Empty Re: What a Day (Goto, IO)

Mon Nov 15, 2021 9:33 pm
A small chuckle was the first thing he gave as he looked to his brother and nodded," Well aren't your duties important? You took on a new role within the village and you are the youngest to take the role in this current day and age," he often kept useless information in the case that it became relevant but his brother had been doing something many only got the opportunity to do in their later years. Once his brother had finished his statement, Toshi looked up to him and shook his head," What was once in the past can still be brought into our future. They are simply a reminder that even in turbulent times, we can become stronger and make our village stronger. I am thankful for our past because it shows us what we can obtain in our current lives if we work toward the same goal, even if the path we take to it is a bit different. Wouldn't you agree?," for the most part he was hopeful that a new generation could start where the scars of the past could slowly heal into something stronger...better for them all. As the book was closed he could feel the present hand of his brother tussling the white locks on his head in an affectionate manner, the gesture being more than welcomed and smiled," Yeah. While I don't think I have the capabilities to use wood release, I am excited to see where I flourish in our clan's other skills. Who knows...I could be the next great mind we need to push further."

The next question caused the young Senju to tilt his head as he pondered on the particular statement. They didn't go into length about any clans that were proficient in Water nor any clans outside of the historic Konoha based clans so he was at a loss there," No I do not think that they did. I would surely remember if they had, but nothing comes to mind...Why?," the question was enough to pique Toshi's interest as it could have meant that there were others who excelled at using Water as a single element and if that was the case the young inquisitive mind would want to know more.

373 WC
TWC: 845
Goto Senju
Goto Senju
Deputy Kage
Deputy Kage
Stat Page : Goto
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 752950

What a Day (Goto, IO) Empty Re: What a Day (Goto, IO)

Thu Nov 18, 2021 2:32 pm
It appeared his younger brother's interest was piqued upon hearing Goto's question regarding clans that were proficient in the usage of Water release jutsu. "Hm, I suppose it makes sense. The Academy usually only covers basic knowledge after all". It would be more surprising if students were actively taught and introduced to the wide variety of shinobi clans, let alone bloodlines and transplants. Everything the silver haired learned himself had been the result of a lot of experiments and from reading books he found in the Hokage Chambers. Up til now the amount of people he shared his knowledge with was quite limited, so far the only one aware of some of those things would be the female Jounin he met a couple of days ago.

Goto placed Toshiro's book down, hoping his younger sibling would understand what he was about to explain. "Just how our clan, the Senju, is quite talented in using both the element of Water and Earth, some even able to manipulate Wood, there are also other clans with their own specific abilities. The Uchiha and their dojutsu, the Sharingan for example". The Deputy briefly gave a couple of examples, not going into detail too much just yet. He knew it would be a lot to take in which is why he decided to take one step at a time, assuming it would allow the youngest Senju to keep up. "Let's just say your older brother has found a way for us to gain other clan's powers". Assuming he needed to explain a little bit more the silver haired continued.

With the element of Water as the center Goto had just the example needed to make himself clear. "Have you ever heard of the Hozuki? It's a clan with the Tidal Blessing bloodline, those possessing it are said to be incredibly fierce and versatile warriors, having both incredible agility and potent chakra, along with a nearly unrivaled mastery over Water Release. Some are even able to liquify any part of their body at will". Hoping his little brother was still with him the silver haired Deputy would be curious to see what Toshiro would do with this new-found information. "As for how I know all this? Maybe I got my hands on such an organ, who knows". A smile appeared on the Senju's face, proud about the knowledge he gained over a small course of time.

(WC 400, TWC: 1040)
Toshiro Senju
Toshiro Senju
Stat Page : Water's Avatar
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 44000

What a Day (Goto, IO) Empty Re: What a Day (Goto, IO)

Sat Nov 20, 2021 10:09 pm
Hm? Suddenly Toshiro's attention was on the subject at hand as his brother only needed to truly mention something having the proficiency in Water Release that he was looking for the most. He was indeed correct that the academy did not touch much on the bloodline of others, more so to be respectful or even just to let them learn on their own it was nice that his brother was so knowledgeable on the matter. With the book being placed down he listened intently taking in every word and memorizing. His head tilted to the side as he mentioned that he had found a way to gain the abilities of another's clan...what abilities was he about to address? Sure enough he would continue on about a clan known as the Hozuki, an unfamiliar name to the young Senju. He would shake his head and hope that his brother would begin to delve into the history of this clan and what it meant to their conversation. Mastery over Water release...Being able to liquify their bodies at will?! What a fascinating ability and they were good at this huh? The very thought about this caused an excitement to well up in the mind and body as he looked at his brother with those excited lavender eyes," Hozuki...Are you saying if i was able to gain their powers it would help me become a master over Water Release...If that is so then count me in brother! I don't know a lot about it but if its you...I trust you on this. So what do I need to do?," he would ask in excitement. Knowing he could become stronger with this meant he could put his foot one step closer to his only to see what needed to be done.

297 WC
Goto Senju
Goto Senju
Deputy Kage
Deputy Kage
Stat Page : Goto
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 752950

What a Day (Goto, IO) Empty Re: What a Day (Goto, IO)

Fri Nov 26, 2021 12:36 pm
A smile appeared on the deputy's face as it was just as he expected. Goto would notice his younger brother's interest in finding out more about the Hozuki clan and the bloodline their members possessed. The older Senju had finished explaining bits and pieces, informing and sharing knowledge with Toshiro as he gave the youngest sibling a quick rundown on Tidal Blessing and its possibilities. Aware of certain goals his brother had in mind, one of them being to become a true master of Water release, the silver haired youngster knew there's no way he'd decline any offer that entailed growing stronger in order to follow into Tobirama's footsteps.

Goto would suddenly stand up, wiping the dirt of his clothes before speaking once more. "If that's truly your wish then your older brother will help you out with this". A gentle smile followed by an explanation on what was about to happen. The deputy told Toshiro about how transplants required a surgery in order to replace one's own DNA with that of someone else. And in their case that would be no different. In order for the youngest sibling to attain the Tidal Blessing bloodline of the Hozuki clan, Goto had to transplant a body part into the child. "Try to stay like that and remove your shirt" the silver haired suggested, the youngest sibling with his back against a tree.

Assuming the child agreed Goto would form a couple of hand seals, hands glowing blue from channeling medical chakra to his fingertips. Placing his palm on Toshiro's right side he'd use the technique to numb his brother's body, helping him to deal with the soon to follow pain. Allowing the anesthesia to take effect he then continued with the procedure, revealing a Hozuki kidney that would be used as they proceeded the surgery. The deputy's hands were still glowing, a sharp blade having started forming around them before he'd make a small cut big enough to replace the youngest Senju's organ with that which would grant him the Tidal Blessing bloodline.

Finishing up he would use a third jutsu to increase the healing speed, closing any wounds caused by the surgery. "You might feel a bit groggy for a while, so rest up for the time being". In the meantime Goto had repeated the process as the silver haired replaced his left eye with a Ketsuryugan, a dojutsu he received through mysterious means. Once done the teenager took a seat next to Toshiro, checking on how he was feeling after undergoing surgery. "Not too much pain?". The deputy himself was in need of a moment as well, although it had been the second time one of his eyes was replaced he still wasn't used to the feeling just yet.

(WC: 460, TWC: 1100)

- 10 AP Chakra Anesthesia
- 40 AP Chakra Scalpel
- 40 AP Mystical Palm
Toshiro Senju
Toshiro Senju
Stat Page : Water's Avatar
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 44000

What a Day (Goto, IO) Empty Re: What a Day (Goto, IO)

Fri Nov 26, 2021 5:40 pm
Toshiro had listened very intently as Gojo explained what would happen next, a simple surgery to give him the abilities of the supposed Hozuki clan. It was enough to be a birthday present for the next ten years at least. Everything that had been explained had been understood by the studious Senju and he would follow his brothers instructions, sliding his finger down his shirt which had a micro-zipper on it for easier removal. Laying back down he would let his brother get to work, the jutsu that he had been using definitely made him feel as if his body had been lighter than a feather. It took him no time at all to remove the kidney and replace it, and once he had been done he smiled and tried to get up but he couldn't. With a small oof he would chuckle and look around for his brother who had still been in the same area," I feel absolutely fine...Though my body doesn't want to move much, it feels a little different. If I could describe almost feels as if another force, another chakra, is melding with my own. Almost like a maelstrom or surge of water in a calming sense," he could only explain it as such at the moment, but he was sure that there was more to come. He didn't see what exactly his brother had done next but he did have a question," How did you come about learning about all of these bloodlines and how to use them," it wasn't a knowledge that Toshi had within his own repertoire and that made him curious as to what all his brother knew.

278 WC
[Rolling for successful transplant]
Toshiro Senju
Toshiro Senju
Stat Page : Water's Avatar
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 44000

What a Day (Goto, IO) Empty Re: What a Day (Goto, IO)

Fri Nov 26, 2021 5:41 pm
Rolling for Hozuki Transplant. Don't screw me system
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