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What a Day (Goto, IO) - Page 2 Empty Re: What a Day (Goto, IO)

Fri Nov 26, 2021 5:41 pm
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Goto Senju
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What a Day (Goto, IO) - Page 2 Empty Re: What a Day (Goto, IO)

Wed Dec 01, 2021 3:31 pm
Goto was relieved to hear his younger brother didn't suffer from any side effects of the surgery, a sign the procedure went better than he could have hoped for. The silver haired expected at least a little bit of discomfort but it turned out he didn't need to worry after all. Slowly opening and closing both of his eyes the oldest of the Senju sliblings tried to adjust to the new dojutsu to the best of his abilities, having already experienced the same feeling before the first time he underwent a transplant and implanted a Sharingan, the crimson eye belonging to the Uchiha clan and something they were most famous for. 

Not activating the Ketsuryugan just yet Goto listened as Toshiro had gotten curious about how his older brother possessed all that knowledge regarding different bloodlines and their abilities. It was a question he saw coming, it wasn't exactly as if he could simply act like it was a common thing for everyone to know nor would the deputy be able to claim it was simply done through ninja magic. "Our Hokage showed me a book with a little bit of information and from there I started experimenting and teaching myself about all the different DNA, cataloging and writing down everything I learned. But I'm afraid there are still a lot of them I don't know about" the silver haired would say with a smile. 

Taking a seat, leaning against one of the trees nearby Goto started wondering just how much more that was to learn, so far he had discovered a handful of bloodlines, Uchiha, Kaguya, Ketsuryugan, Hozuki,.. but those were most likely only the top of the iceberg when it came to all the DNA that was out there in the world. The Senju then directed his attention back towards Toshiro, inquiring if there would be another reason as to why the question got brought up. "Why? You don't think your big bro got himself involved in some scummy business do you?". With a smile he'd run his hand through Toshiro's hair, aware of how curious he could be.

(WC: 351, TWC: 1451)
Toshiro Senju
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What a Day (Goto, IO) - Page 2 Empty Re: What a Day (Goto, IO)

Thu Dec 02, 2021 12:10 am
So that's how it was. The Hokage had placed him on the path but he knew his brother would continue to learn all that he could and in turn so would the youngest. It sort of bothered Toshi that there was more to learn but that also made him happy in the sense that he could find out about it as well. The more knowledge he accumulated the more he could do for himself and the village...What if he became the next purveyor of knowledge for the village. The thought was tempting but he wasn't going to get ahead of himself. At the moment he still couldn't feel his body being at one hundred percent yet, but slowly he could feel the effects wearing off and his body returning to its normal state. There was a lot to be done after this and he was honestly excited to train his body to learn how to use the Hozuki Bloodline. Thoughts of impressive techniques, abilities that only he would know began to fill his mind but first he needed a clear understanding of the bloodline," Do you think there would be some knowledge on the Hozuki somewhere in the village that I could look at? I want to assure myself that I know all there is to know about it before I delve into techniques and abilities for myself. Never hurts to know more than you need to right?," it was almost a question for himself but also for his brother as well as he sat and pondered on the thought. The ruffling of his hair caused him to chuckle slightly as he shook his head and replied to his older brother," Its nothing like that big bro. Its just that i've never personally heard of it and it hasn't came up in any of the books that I have been reading so you had to have gotten it somewhere. I know you wouldn't dabble in anything scummy," it was honestly the truth though.

He held Goto in a higher regard than most due to them being siblings but also because he looked up to him as a role model. It wouldn't break his heart or anything if Goto was involved in something that was bad or wrong, yet he would be disappointed that he chose to go down that path. After a couple more moments he could feel the effects of the anesthesia wearing off and once he could feel his body once more he would stand up, slowly, before looking down to his hands and smiling," I'll master this and once I do I will be one step closer to my goal. Even the basics have their purpose and I intend to make sure they are all properly mastered. After that I will inquire more about what I can do to get stronger and hopefully soon I can stand by your side as equals if the time comes...which honestly I hope we don't have to fight. Means we could lose more people we care about," he knew in the world of the shinobi there would be fights. It was inevitable. But he didn't want to be the one to bury his brother or any of his other friends.

539 WC
Goto Senju
Goto Senju
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What a Day (Goto, IO) - Page 2 Empty Re: What a Day (Goto, IO)

Fri Dec 17, 2021 6:31 am
It seemed his younger brother's curiosity once again got the better of him, Goto smiling as Toshiro inquired about possible tools that could potentially help him understand the Hozuki clan and its bloodline more.  In truth it was something the deputy expected, the youngest of the siblings always thinking a couple of steps ahead in order to adjust and get used to the Tidal Blessing the boy now possessed. "There's a book that could help you, it's been around for many years now and contains information on how DNA and Kekkai Genkai are related". The silver haired went on to explain that even someone not well versed in medical ninjutsu would be able to understand most of what is written inside the book and how DNA could be altered to allow a person to develop the bloodlines of other clans. "Of course it won't hold all the secret information about every existing clan but it could help push you in the right direction when you're trying to come up with or learn techniques pertaining the Hozuki". Goto was curious to see what his brother would be able to come up with once he gained a full understanding of the foreign and new DNA coursing through his body.

By then both Senju stood up, the effects of the anaesthetic completely worn off. In his mind the deputy already planned on doing the same as Toshiro, research the bloodline and powers granted by the Ketsuryugan, hoping it too helped him develop new abilities which he could use to protect the village and his loved ones. "I have a copy at my office, you can have that one since you love to read anyway" he would say in response with a smile. The silver haired listened as the youngest sibling promised to work hard in order to master the Tidal Blessing bloodline, aiming to become strong enough in case a day would come where they had to fight. "The purpose of all war is peace, sometimes we have to fight so we might live peacefully. In order to secure that everyone needs to prepare". Of course it went without saying that the deputy himself preferred living without any worry but even a fool knew there were always going to be dangers lurking around every corner. All everyone could do was try their best and make sure they were ready for what's to come. 

(WC: 400, TWC: 1851)
Toshiro Senju
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What a Day (Goto, IO) - Page 2 Empty Re: What a Day (Goto, IO)

Sat Dec 18, 2021 7:10 pm
The moment he had heard the words come out of his mouth, Toshi was immediately happy to hear about it. A book that would allow him to read more on the bloodlines and how they functioned. He didn't expect it to have everything under the sun about them, but just getting the basics would allow him to further his own research and on top of that put him in a position to actually find his own branch of study. He would nod to his older brother and give him a rather small hug before speaking," Thank you Goto...I really do appreciate this and I will make sure I do my best to make you and the village proud," it was a promise he would not normally make to people, but to the one who had been guiding him all this way and his role model he would definitely do his best. He knew what the process of war was and the reason many had waged it for. It was no surprise that the land of fire had been the spearhead of a lot of wars in the past hundred years or so, the most prominent to mind would be Viper Uchiha, but even then...look at the state of Konoha now. Maybe there was a war that shouldn't have been fought but because of Karma it came about full circle. The thought was rather daunting but it wasn't something he would put much stock into at the moment. Not answering his brother yet, he would finally begin to stand up as he rolled his shoulders. The feeling of his body had fully been back and now was the time to test the waters. Looking back to Goto he would imagine his brother would know something about the bloodline he had just given him," Do you know any of the Hozuki techniques? I mean not personally since I don't think you have the bloodline, but do any come to mind?," he'd ask of course.

332 WC
Goto Senju
Goto Senju
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What a Day (Goto, IO) - Page 2 Empty Re: What a Day (Goto, IO)

Tue Feb 08, 2022 1:09 pm
As expected from his studious little brother, yet another question related to the Hozuki and their bloodline. This time it appeared Toshiro inquired about some of the techniques the clan was known for and if Goto possessed information pertaining to said jutsu. "Hm, let's see. There are a couple I can think of". To be more precise, a total of three techniques came to mind, each of them serving a purpose, or so he would explain. The silver haired Deputy would begin by addressing the first one, briefly going over what he knew about it. "This particular jutsu is a fun one, it's called the Water Gun Technique. You simply point your finger in the shape of a gun and fire a water bullet from the tip of your index finger". All in all it was a rather basic technique and nothing much to it, quite easy to perform once you got the hang of it.

Next on the list would be the Great Water Arm Technique, a jutsu that enhances one's physical attributes while also causing the Hozuki's limbs to expand due to gathering and compressing water inside their body. "But you can't use that one without what might be the signature technique of the Tidal Blessing bloodline" the Senju voiced after having talked about the jutsu before proceeding with the third and final one, Hydrification. "That's the one I told you about when I explained the clan's strengths, it allows a Hozuki to transmute their body into water, either completely or partially as their body takes on properties of water. A great way of defending yourself, I'd say". Having finished his little explanation and sharing whatever knowledge he possessed, Goto could only hope it would turn out to be of great value to Toshiro. "Once you have mastered those three techniques you'll be one step closer to becoming your own version of Tobirama" the deputy referred to their ancestor with a smile.

(WC: 324, TWC: 2175)
Goto Senju
Goto Senju
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What a Day (Goto, IO) - Page 2 Empty Re: What a Day (Goto, IO)

Fri Jun 10, 2022 7:21 pm
Once both Senju brothers had recovered enough to stand up their own two feet again, Goto would pick up Toshiro's book and head back home. "Come, I'm sure our parents are wondering what's taking us so long" the silver haired smiled at his younger sibling. He would advice him to keep the Hozuki bloodline a secret for now, knowing it would only worry their mother. However, the Tidal Blessing was something more than a gift.


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What a Day (Goto, IO) - Page 2 Empty Re: What a Day (Goto, IO)

Sat Jun 11, 2022 1:57 am
Toshiro Senju
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What a Day (Goto, IO) - Page 2 Empty Re: What a Day (Goto, IO)

Tue Jun 28, 2022 12:21 pm

TWC: 2,566
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> 66 words into Water Gun
Shinrei Yamato
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What a Day (Goto, IO) - Page 2 Empty Re: What a Day (Goto, IO)

Tue Jun 28, 2022 3:08 pm
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