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Kikuko Hayashi
Kikuko Hayashi
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Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 161300

A Question and a Letter [Keita] Empty A Question and a Letter [Keita]

Sun Sep 26, 2021 10:57 pm
It had been some time since the salon. And yet still, there was a feeling that burned inside of Kikuko’s chest.

It wasn’t shame- although that had been an emotion that she had struggled to deal with for some time afterwards. The feeling of inadequacy that she had experienced after her lost against Rentei, even in a three versus one situation when backed up by Hiroyuki and Mitsu, had shifted into something different with the gaze of time and experience. Temporal distance had helped her get over the initial feeling of wanting to simply turtle away and hide- a feeling that she normally hadn’t experienced due to her upbringing and methods of learning. No, it was not a feeling that she wanted to experience again, but that was not what this was about. No.

Rather, it was what she had ‘gained’ from the event. Kikuko had learned...what, exactly? From the whole event. A day for the passing of knowledge from person to person, for the senior members of village to pass on to the next generation. And yet, Kikuko had learned not a singular new technique. Certainly, Travin’s instructions upon the finer points of releasing oneself from genjutsu was valuable knowledge, but their conversation had never gone far enough into depth about the delicate art of space/ time manipulating techniques to be considered ‘groundbreaking’. Without sounding too callous or ungrateful, she was still unhappy with her takeaway from the moment. Here she was, a Chunin, and yet to her own eyes she was completely unready to stand at the level that was expected of her. How was it that she was rewarded such a rank, with ninja such as Saya still at the rank of Genin? It didn’t make sense. She needed to get better.

But then that same kunoichi had provided a missing link. A name, a connection, the understanding that perhaps there was somebody out there that could help her. An expert in the art of fuinjutsu, the very man who had organized the event. Was it a long shot? Yes. But she would take it regardless. So, penning a letter in the best handwriting she could manage, she wrote.


To One Keita Uzumaki,

‘My name is Kikuko, a Chunin of Kirigakure no Sato. You may recognize me as being one of the attendee’s of the recent salon meeting, specifically among the combatants to train with one Travin Rentei. It has come to my attention through a trusted source that you are among one of the foremost experts of Fuinjutsu within the village, and so it is that I ask you if you are willing at some point to provide some form of tutelage on the subject. I find my knowledge at this point to be unsatisfactory as compared to the rank and responsibility bestowed upon me by the village. If you are willing to indulge me in this, I will be waiting outside the shinobi training facilities for the next week from 12pm to 3pm, sitting at the left bench.’

Thank you,

Kikuko Hayashi
Kirigakure Chunin


It was embarrassingly formal. It made her feel ridiculous, and her cheeks burn. Yet she had did it. Why? For something as simple as her own hurt pride? No, it was more than that. Beyond the moment’s stinging wounds, she still wanted to know. To learn more, to experience. What had the senior ninja picked up in his time that he might be able to bestow upon her? The more she thought about it, the more that she felt those fears evaporate. Even if it was something ever so simple- something as simple as the mastery she had grasped upon the release of genjutsu techniques- it would be yet another valuable pebble of knowledge on the mountain that was her ‘self’. A fleeting moment, nothing more, could still eventually become something great.

So she would sit, and wait. Her lunch having been consumed, she would quietly read a book at the bench while looking up ever so often at the passing crowds. Come, or to not come. Their was one half of the equation here that she simply could not control. How would the Jonin respond to her letter?

Kikuko Hayashi
Kikuko Hayashi
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Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 161300

A Question and a Letter [Keita] Empty Re: A Question and a Letter [Keita]

Sun Oct 03, 2021 4:58 pm
Ah, here it was. Or rather, here it wasn’t. Day after day did Kikuko return to this spot, this bench, and wait. Day after day, nobody appeared.

Had her letter not been delivered properly? Or had the fuinjutsu master decided that it was not worth it to appear? She didn’t know either way, although to say that she wasn’t disappointed would be a lie. The chance to learn from one above her had been one she had looked forward to wholeheartedly, and the fact that she was unable to left her feeling despondent.

But she could train, she realized. On her own, in the moments of waiting on that park bench. Slowly, carefully absorbing nature chakra from the world around her until butterfly wings bloomed out of her back like works of art themselves. With the work and precision of a metaphorical surgeon, breaking and dispelling each seal she had upon her. And then, with careful work, reapplying each seal.

The ones upon her palms were always the easiest. She wasn’t naturally ambidextrous, but she had forced herself to learn over time- it wouldn’t do for her to be unable to use her non-dominant hand in an emergency. Two diamonds, one on the left and the other on the right. Indistinguishable at first glance, but their functions were simultaneously opposite and yet intrinsically linked. Still, to know how it had been used against her by Don’t allow yourself to get lost in such thoughts.

Another seal, at the base of her spine. Normally hidden under her clothes, it wasn’t easy to spot- and rightfully so, that wasn’t the point. Never had she been forced to use the protective matrix in combat, and she was rightfully happy for such good fortune. Still. She could never been too careful.

And finally, a new addition. To her throat, a seal she hadn’t placed before- the Breath Seal formula she had tested in the lake so long ago. She didn’t expect to have need of it, and would likely dispel it later- and yet it didn’t hurt to have it whatsoever.

Finally done, and covered in more ink than when she started, Kikuko would release the technique- feeling a quiet relief as she did so. And yet, there was nobody in the crowds to greet her. No mysterious stranger to teach her the ways of her art.

Ah well. There was always another answer. Always another day. And with that, she quietly strode off back towards her home, a quiet resolve rumbling in the bottom of her stomach.


1212 words

Claiming as follows:
562 words to upgrade Touch Explosive from B Rank to A Rank [562/562]
Remaining 659 words to Chakra Storage Seal [659/1500]

Placing the following seals with Butterfly Sage Mode and Fuinjutsu Amplifier Active:

Seal of Absorption: 125+50 (175) Power, 125 Speed (+50 applies to Power)
Seal of Redirection: X Base Power, X+50 Base Speed (X due to rules of jutsu, +50 applies to speed)
Seal of Protection: 115+50 (165) Power, 115 speed (+50 applies to power)
Breath Seal: (No Change, does not use power or speed)
Kita Hajime
Kita Hajime
Survived 2021
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A Question and a Letter [Keita] Empty Re: A Question and a Letter [Keita]

Sun Oct 03, 2021 8:02 pm

(In the future though, would you mind mentioning your max stat discount in claims? Thank you!)
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