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Dana Senju
Dana Senju
Survived 2021
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 12020

A Senju gets schooled [Private/Nomo] - Page 3 Empty Re: A Senju gets schooled [Private/Nomo]

Sun Sep 19, 2021 10:24 pm
"A plain hamburger," Dana nodded sagely, "A fine choice."

After giving her pitch to Ai, Dana expertly hid the sigh of relief when the girl seemed to be incredibly interested in what Dana had to offer. It had worked! Dana was finally going to have some spare money to burn! "Yeah that makes sense, oi use the vines yer sister taught me to get out of bed and brush moi teeth sometoimes." She said with a small smile, suddenly feeling an even greater understanding of Saya. Maybe laziness was just something that was a part of their clan? Actually, Ai was a Senju as well, and she definitely didn't seem lazy at all! Or she was just one of the smarter lazy types who managed to hide it expertly. Who knew.

Anyway, Dana was now caught slightly flat-footed because she hadn't actually really expected the pitch to go so well; she hadn't even worked out the proper pricing yet! She took on a thoughtful expression as she worked it out. The petrol, the sweets, the hot water, the tea bags... Add in potential failures, as well as the fact that she needed to make a small profit in this business venture of hers...

"Oi think oi can do... 4000 Ryo per dose." Dana hedged, open to any negotiation from Ai's part.

WC: 221
TWC: 4234
Cosplay Queen Saya
Cosplay Queen Saya
Survived 2021
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Clan Specialty : ninjutsu
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 58600

A Senju gets schooled [Private/Nomo] - Page 3 Empty Re: A Senju gets schooled [Private/Nomo]

Sun Sep 19, 2021 10:44 pm
"I thought so! When people try to define Ai Senju using only her trademarked meal, I envision it being this. Classic, convenient, and dependable. " She'd left out the considerations of her unremarkableness. It was true, and she found comfort in her ability to blend in where Saya was quite the opposite, but too often people misunderstood her thoughts. The last thing she wanted was her friends thinking that she was being down on herself when she was just recognizing what she considered her most positive trait. Ai was physically vibrating with excitement as she watched the people behind the counter make her food. Were she more adventurous, she would have ordered like.... Bacon and bar b que sauce, or ketchup or something, but this just seemed right for an after training meal. Protein and carbs. For a moment, she considered in depth that thought. Was training in ninjutsu the same as physical training? Was she actually in need of fast burning carbs to keep herself going when she was only exercising her chakra network? Eh. Probably.

"Yea. She's gotten kind of bad about it. Thankfully we're in the village so it doesn't make much difference. With the way she does things, it allows several opportunities for PuppAIt to convincer her to practice her sage mode training just so she can replenish her reserves, which is rediculous cuz she has SO much chakra. She's getting a bit better though I think. Ragnar hasn't stormed out cursing in a few days." As they took their meals, Ai listened to Dana give her pitch. Four thousand ryo?! that was absolutely... A steal. Yes. Saya would LOVE to hear about this.

~Little sister. Dana made a neat new tea. Replenishes chakra reserves? Four thousand a dose, Did you want us to invest?~ Wierdly there wasn't a resposne. Ai waited several minutes, Taking small bites of her burger. As she chewed, She made a bit of an involuntary wiggle of happiness. It was absolutely delicious.

"HEY!!! NO BIKES IN THE TRAINING FACILITY!!!!" Ai knew what was going on the moment she saw a small messenger riding a bicycle rushing through the training rooms towards them. She was a bit thrown off by the realization that the messenger had come from inside the building and not through the door, and her face curled in confusion for a moment before she decided not to worry about it, but As the bell of the bike rung to threaten any in it's path with destruction, she knew this had to be Saya's doing.

"Delivery for Ai senju. " The messenger, a small boy in a bright yellow uniform, placed a large bag of money on the table, and that quickly he was gone.

"Uh.... I think we have our donation? Dunno how much it is... One sec. " She counted the coins quickly. Thankfully she'd convinced her little sister to get some larger forms of currency form the bank last time she'd visited.

"Okay. so..... It appears that we need ten?" Sliding the bag to Dana to count, She would simply shrug. What could she do?

(TWC 5500 giving Ai 40k from Saya and then giving that 40k to Dana)
Dana Senju
Dana Senju
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 12020

A Senju gets schooled [Private/Nomo] - Page 3 Empty Re: A Senju gets schooled [Private/Nomo]

Sun Sep 19, 2021 11:03 pm
Dana hardly even reacted when another messenger arrived with exactly what Ai needed to purchase the tea, completely used to the antics of her fellow Senju by now. That sealed the deal for the theory that Dana had been working on: it appeared that twins did, indeed, possess some form of telepathy.  Dana had had some doubts, and her theory had had its fair share of setbacks towards coming to a conclusion but it was finally done. Dana could rest easy knowing that this particular detective case was shut. Huh, maybe if this whole businesswoman thing didn't work out she could become a world-class detective.

The white-haired girl could scarcely hide her excitement as Ai slid the bag of Ryo over the table towards her; Dana's first profits! She didn't whoop in excitement, but she came close. Not about the amount of money - Dana couldn't care less about that - but because it was proof that she was moving up in the world. Soon she'd be climbing the rungs of Kirigakure's corporate ladder and there was no one that could stop her! She counted the money quickly and efficiently before doing some handseals and putting it in her Storage Dimension, the bag disappearing into dozens of particles. "Enough for ten!" Dana took a big glug of water and then extended a hand towards Ai with a grin, "Pleasure doing business with ye! Oi can probably get the ten ye need in two days. Wanna meet here again?"

She stood up, smiling excitedly. She couldn't wait to get started on the order for her first customer! "We should have a rematch sometoime soon as well! And oi best be off! See you soon!"


WC: 285
TWC: 4519

+ 40k Ryo from Nomo
4519 - 2750 - 150 = 1619
30 AP (60 Already claimed with 3000 WC)
1500 words for Earth Flow River
Cosplay Queen Saya
Cosplay Queen Saya
Survived 2021
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Clan Specialty : ninjutsu
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 58600

A Senju gets schooled [Private/Nomo] - Page 3 Empty Re: A Senju gets schooled [Private/Nomo]

Sun Sep 19, 2021 11:29 pm
It was ironic that Dana would be considering the reality that twins had some form of inate telepathy. Ironic, but also generally nonfactual. Thankfully a) Ai had no clue that she was thinking this, and b) There was no way that should would make this assumption about two girls who went form sharing the same mind to being in both a twin sibling and creator chakra based creation relationship would apply to all twins. Yes, that would be a rediculous leap to make. Granted, Ai and Saya DID actually have a telepathic bond that was usable to varying degrees of success no matter the distance. That was less a twin thing and more a product of Ai's creation though. When she was just a puppet, though Dana had no realization that there was a shift it seemed, The two girls literally shared each other's minds. There was no way one couldn't know what the other was thinking because Ai was a literal extension of Saya's consciousness. Now that she was a real living mokuton infused chakra construct of her previous pupeteer(whew. Dear listeners that is quite the mouth full) She was given a mental link directly to Saya's brain that allowed them to communicate through telepathy as long as they were in the same country. Outside of that distance, however it was more of a sending sensations type of situation. Heh. Alliteration.

"Awesome! I'll try my best to not let Aya drink them like regular energy drinks.... Which reminds me. I need to order another pallet of gfuel.... I'll definitely have to do that when I get home. She makes her cofee with it? She says that and about half a bottle of honey makes it go down easier, but really she just likes that after a cup she can taste colors. Helps her keep up her energy when she decides to stay up to all hours of the night, and it probably doesn't have any bad effects. " She thought about the timing. There was a tournament happening soon, and she knew her little sister was going to do everything in her power to convince her to enter. THankfully through the power of role playing magic, They had the time for Dana to get her stuff together, make the batches she needed and get them back to her without having to worry about it being too late.... probably.

"Two days should be just fine! I know Saya will be antsy to get her hands on it as quick as possible, but I'll definitely need some for the tournament. After that It's all good! Hey. Maybe we'll end up against one another in the bracket. I hope not though. You are a pretty tough fight. " She was already considering how she could have fought differently. Dana's technique power was the problem. IF she could find a way to finess her way around that, she was certain she could nab a kill. Oherwise, there was always the option of trying to run her out of ap. "

(TWC 6004 claiming 15 chakra, 14 spe, 4 str. caliming saya's second ai puppet for Ai. Taking 40k ryo from saya, giving it to Dana, putting 551 towards soul expulsion(2500/2500) putting 2500 into double mastering whirling waters of wowness with 50% clone discount(1250/1250X2)
previous training 1500 towards practiced performance with a human body (1500/1500) 750 towards temporary paralysis (750/750 with clone discount) and 703/1000 for clan pureblood exit topic closed
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A Senju gets schooled [Private/Nomo] - Page 3 Empty Re: A Senju gets schooled [Private/Nomo]

Mon Sep 20, 2021 12:07 am

Make sure to exchange Ryo correctly and put it on your stat page.
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