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Dana Senju
Dana Senju
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A Senju gets schooled [Private/Nomo] - Page 2 Empty Re: A Senju gets schooled [Private/Nomo]

Thu Sep 02, 2021 1:16 pm
Drat, Dana thought, she'd put a fair amount of power into that one attack to try and end the fight before it had begun, but it, unfortunately, hadn't worked. She was now stuck without the majority of the most powerful attacks in her arsenal and what little she had left wouldn't be useful in this situation. Since Ai had dispelled the Hidden Mist the moment she heard rumbling and had already started jumping at a small speed of 16, there was a brief moment where Dana could see the girl jumping. The white-haired Senju saw the girl do some kind of Jutsu right as Dana herself finished the handseals for the Exploding Water Wave and the view was completely obscured by the crashing waves.

Dana reacted instantly as a small plan formed in her mind: she needed to keep the girl close to the Tearing Earth Turning Palm and within range. She started doing some more handseals while watching the shadow in front of her mirroring her movements: Hare, Ram, Snake. She activated Moving Earth Core right at the edge of its 10-Meter range, and a 5-meter wide and 25-centimeter thick wall began to grow from the ground right behind Ai at a speed and power of 95, the sounds of its creation being obscured by the sound of the Tearing Earth Turning Palm that was still going on. Due to the similar speed between Ai and the wall, it would have raised itself by about 2-Meters by the time Ai pulled herself across the 3-meters or so straight backward. The result, should Ai not manage to notice and avoid it in time, would be the girl slamming herself backwards right into the wall created by Moving Earth Core.

WC: 290
TWC: 2468
Cosplay Queen Saya
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A Senju gets schooled [Private/Nomo] - Page 2 Empty Re: A Senju gets schooled [Private/Nomo]

Fri Sep 03, 2021 10:16 pm
It was luck that she'd noticed the additional jutsu dana had cast. As she continued towards the apex of her jump, about three meters in the air, she glanced back to check her positioning. Her eyes shifted between the opponent before her and the ground behind to ensure she was still on track, and with the increased jump distance provided by her thread control she would... except there was a wall forming behind her? Wierd. Saya's random need to learn parkour had paid off. She turned in the air, one arm reaching out as the wall flowed beneath her. Planting a palm firmly on the earthen construct her body would invert, legs slipping over the wall as she leaned back, vaulting again to push herself past the edge of the tearing earth turning palm and to safety, which she now realized she might not have needed to speed boost of skillful achievement with a human body in order to make.

As she dodged the potentially fatal wall attack she glanced back, watching for the end of the flowing water. With Exploding water colliding wave having been activated two posts ago, she knew that it would be out soon. that was her chance to strike. The Saya puppet's arms released, the ball joints at the wrist firing off, and when the water faded they would shoot forward. The Saya puppet too would advance when the water stopped, though slowly. She would slide forward a meter at a time, dancing back and forth as Ai took in the scene before her, deciding at each retreat if there was a threat worth pulling the puppet back. The two arms went wide, circling around Dana as they reached out to their max range of ten meters, unless something happened to cause her to pull back. Her intention was clear. She was setting up to wrap the sharpened razor wire around her opponent at the right time, though she hadn't committed yet.

Ai formed four seals. Bird. Dog. Tiger. Bird. She held the jutsu in preparation, knowing that her amplifier would activate on the next jutsu she used. She only had two options, so the next choice could mean winning or losing the battle. Would she really pull out THAT jutsu? Maybe. Saya would have probably used it earlier. With the tools she had, the earth erupting beneath them was a non factor, and Ai knew that she would have pushed the advantage. Saya also had enough power to her chakra to make that call. At current Ai did not. The sheer speed of the ground effect told her that she was fighting at a disadvantage. That brought her back to the bar. In her mind, she was a puppet staring at the empty bar as a man hidden behind the wooden protection found his way through a window and out to safety.

Was this the sensation right before she'd failed her mission? Was Dana her bartender? The similarities were endless. The battle felt like an impossible hurdle that she was just throwing things at to try and stop.

(TWC 3410)
Dana Senju
Dana Senju
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A Senju gets schooled [Private/Nomo] - Page 2 Empty Re: A Senju gets schooled [Private/Nomo]

Tue Sep 07, 2021 10:31 am
Under the cover of the Exploding Water Colliding Wave that was still expanding out from Dana since this was still only the second post in its duration, the white-haired Senju went on to do some more Jutsu during the brief reprieve in the fight. Her clan's enhancer was now over and Dana didn't know if she'd get to use it again in the rest of the fight, she could easily lose in the following 4 post cooldown after all. She also had no idea if her Moving Earth Core had worked like she'd intended but she had a pretty good way to find out. Since her form was completely obscured by the crashing waves surrounding her, Dana's two hands quickly began to do two separate handseals at her maximum speed. Her right hand did the Tiger, Horse, Ram, and then the unique Clone Seal. At exactly the same time her left hand would do the Ram, Tiger, Boar, and finally, Snake handseals to initiate the Hiding Like A Mole technique.

At once, an exact replica of Dana appeared just a meter to the right of Dana in a small burst of smoke that dissipated into the air around it instantly, leaving no sign that this Dana was a clone at all. At the same time, the real Dana - Dana Prime, if you will - sunk into the ground at a speed of 75. It was also at this time that Dana's Tearing Earth Turning Palm would end, mainly since it was coming close to ending naturally but also since Dana didn't particularly fancy the idea of being crushed to death by her own technique. Through the unique senses that Hiding Like A Mole offered her, Dana felt Ai's brief connection with her Moving Earth Core wall as Saya's twin vaulted over it.

As Dana fully sunk into the floor, Dana's clone stepped over her creator's head so she was still standing in exactly the same position that Dana Prime had been in. The prime Dana swam through the ground at a speed of 75 towards where she'd created the wall and then further, staying just a meter underground. Due to their comparable speeds and the fact that Ai would have to move at least 20-meters and 3-meters down to the ground, Dana felt Ai land at the edges of her 20-Meter vibration sense. She quickly swam, quietly and efficiently, so that she was right underneath Ai's landing point, where she could also feel the girl's chakra network through use of Chakra Sensory. Once about 80-centimeters underneath Ai, Dana would quickly do two handseals: Tiger, a gentle Clap and then hold her hands together as two flowers appeared on each of Dana's shoulders. Both flowers grew vines, but only one quietly snaked upwards before piercing right into the bottom of Ai's right foot with a power of 90. Once it pierced it through, the vine would then wrap around Ai's leg with a speed of 90 and holding her to the ground with a power of 90. If Ai had moved at all since landing before this happened, Dana would just follow her under the ground and do the exact same attack, making sure to only do so when Ai's foot was on the ground and not in the air.

Since Dana's water Jutsu had yet to end, Saya's puppet wouldn't have started to move at this point. However, Dana's clone would be waiting there and would prepare the handseals: Tiger, Dragon, Rabbit, and Monkey, holding off on doing the last one for now. She was getting ready to use Nativity of a World of Trees the moment trouble appeared from behind the crashing waves of the Exploding Water Colliding Wave.

WC: 618
TWC: 3086
Dana Senju
Dana Senju
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A Senju gets schooled [Private/Nomo] - Page 2 Empty Re: A Senju gets schooled [Private/Nomo]

Wed Sep 15, 2021 6:45 pm
TWC: 3085
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A Senju gets schooled [Private/Nomo] - Page 2 Empty Re: A Senju gets schooled [Private/Nomo]

Wed Sep 15, 2021 8:27 pm
Cosplay Queen Saya
Cosplay Queen Saya
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A Senju gets schooled [Private/Nomo] - Page 2 Empty Re: A Senju gets schooled [Private/Nomo]

Wed Sep 15, 2021 8:36 pm
The exploding water colliding wave technique wasn't finished when Ai found her resolve. It was a dangerous endeavor, with only a ten meter length behind the two konoichi. She would need to ensure her Size was perfect or she would get hurt herself, but she was running out of option. The Saya puppet circled around the flowing water, easily positioning herself the five meter distance to the side that would put her near the corner to Dana's right, but as she moved the final seal activated. When Dana's technique released, SHe would find her clone's vision still obscured by water as a great flow poured from the Saya puppet's lips. It flowed at an angle that would engulf everything but the five meter section on each edge of the room, tearing through the area just as Dana's jutsu released.

"Whirling waters of wowness." She lept as the technique released, her skillful achievement giving both movement speed and jump distance. As nearly the entire room was engulfed in suiton that moved at a speed of 80 and power of 130, the floating suiton specialist continued floating upwards. at an angle behind her. Her feet caught on the wall ten meters behind her, and she pushed off again to float foward. This gave her the time that she would need.

As she soared above the technique that engulfed nearly the entire room Ai held her breath, hoping she wasn't too early. When she saw the two streams circle around however, she knew she was safe. While it would be impossible to consider using the bulk of the technique as a standing space due to the way the water moved violently, The top of the technique profivided a safe spot, and as her feet glowed with blue chakra, the surface walking technique keeping her safe from harm, she looked through the water to find her opponent.

She would move towards the space where she knew dana had been, stopping if she didn't see the girl, or if the girl did something that would push a threat against either herself or her puppet. At about the ten meter mark between the two she would slow unless something else stopped her action, and determine her next plan of action based on what her opponent did. Of course, she would be careful to make sure that she didn't kill her friend, Eyes held on her opponent watching to make sure she didn't seem too beaten up if she was caught in the massive suiton technique, but she really wanted to win. Saya had not yet lost a spar, and she wanted to prove she could be just as tough as her little sister. Her purpose in life actually required it. Unfortunately, with her booster fading soon, her amplifier used, and most of her techniques gone, it seemed this fight would be coming to an end very quickly. Could she actually find the ace she needed to take the win. or would Dana's superior stats prove too much to overcome?

(TWC 3913)
Dana Senju
Dana Senju
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A Senju gets schooled [Private/Nomo] - Page 2 Empty Re: A Senju gets schooled [Private/Nomo]

Sun Sep 19, 2021 11:58 am
The clone watched with disinterest as its creator's Exploding Water Colliding Wave finally finished its duration to reveal the battleground proper. The clone held off on the final seal as it considered what to do next. The fight hadn't gone on long but boy was it already feeling tired. It watched with weariness as water devastated the battlefield, coming all the way from Ai still up in the air. The clone's fingers twitched in anticipation to finalize the handseal and then realized that it really had no desire to see the fight continue. While it was clear Dana had the advantage in pure chakra density, Ai had been expertly maneuvering herself through all of Dana's attacks. Dana's clone couldn't really see an end to the fight so she simply stood and did absolutely nothing whilst Ai's whirling waters absolutely evaporated her feeble clone body.

The original Dana was just chilling underground whilst she waited to enact its plan that, now that she thought about it, was quite a bit violent. Ai didn't have the same capability to heal herself that Dana had, which wouldn't have led to a pretty outcome if her plan had come to fruition. Combined with similar feelings of fatigue to her clone, and also all the new memories... Dana was perfectly fine calling this a draw. She would then proceed to wait underground for whatever all that ruckus was above ground - which she could feel the vibrations of -  to quiet down. If it stopped, Dana would rise to the surface.

Her head popped above the surface and her body quickly followed. She brushed her garrish dress which she had forgotten to change out of for the spar and looked around for Ai. If she spotted her, Dana would wave and shout out "Pause! Oi don't know about ye, but oi'm absolutely knackered!" She reached up to her hair and shook it a bit to get some of the loose clumps of stubborn dirt out, "How aboot we call it a draw?"

She looked around and breathed a let out a small sigh. Turns out getting into fights was pretty tiring, who'd a thunk? Suddenly, an idea from several days prior resurfaced into her mind. She'd been experimenting with bizzare food combinations and had come across the strange-tasting petrol-based tea. Dana didn't know how, but she recalled it somehow revitalising her energy reserves after a rather draining day of sitting and doing nothing. Something like that would be perfect for right now, but she, unfortunately, didn't have the funds to make it at the moment.

"Oi, AI! Do ye fancy a small boite te eat at the bar? Oi wanna make a buisness proposition." She said in a rather jovial manner towards her friend, like she hadn't just been shooting water and earth at her a minute or so ago.

WC: 476
TWC: 3561
Cosplay Queen Saya
Cosplay Queen Saya
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A Senju gets schooled [Private/Nomo] - Page 2 Empty Re: A Senju gets schooled [Private/Nomo]

Sun Sep 19, 2021 9:25 pm
The clone dissipated into nothingness. That would generally be a pretty standard occurence in a fight. Nothing to be too worried about as shadow clones and their variants are just chakra constructs after all. No one who is aware that it's a clone would even bat an eye at the occurrence in a combat situation. Ai was not aware that this was a clone. That brought her face to face with some very unfortunate realizations.

"SHIT SHIT SHIT CRAP. oh no oh no oh no... What did I do. " The living clone twin of Saya was only half way into the full realization of what had happened before she was messaging her little sister. Half way into a screaming distressed call for help because she'd accidentally killed their friend, with her concentration on Whirling waters broken the moment the clone dispersed, Dana just kind of.... appeared.

".....AND I DIDN'T MEAN TO BUT I KIND OF KILLED DA--oh. wh. scratch that. Uh.... Everything seems to be fine I think?" She watched the girl float up from the ground below. That made her feel better. Not only was she not murdered brutally in what was meant to be a friendly spar, but she hadn't even been harmed. This must be hiding like a mole or some variant. Thinking about it... Had saya taught her that? It was a bit reductive for Ai to just assume that everything Dana knew was given to her by Saya. Reductive and incorrect, but it was a fair assumption given that she hadn't actually SEEN dana use a jutsu that Saya hadn't learned... or at least she didn't think she had? Honestly there was so much other stuff she'd been concentrating on recently that it was kind of hard to say.

"YOU AREN'T DEAD! I thought i'd killed you. Like to death. " She'd give Dana time to respond, listening to her suggestion that the battle had tired her out. That actually made alot of sense. They'd been pushing combat for several minutes, and while they were both powerful in their own rights, THey weren't exactly on her sisters level. Checking her own chakra pool, she found that it was lacking a bit more than she'd have liked herself. With the adrenaline of combat finally gone, she realized that she was definitely also a bit tired.

"Draw sounds pretty good. Honestly I haven't had much to eat today. Can we get ANYTHING but Mappo tofu? Bless my little sister's heart, I don't know if I can keep eating the exact same thing every meal of every day. I dunno how she even does it..." She was a bit interested in what came next. What buisiness proposition could she have for the lower ranked sister of the puppet princess?

"Whatcha got? Need some clothing made or something, cuz I think yagami would be far better to talk to about that stuff but I suppose I can see what i can do? " The problem with being in a team whose hands are in so many proverbial pot is that you can never truely be sure what someone is trying to ask you about until they get very specific. Team puppet's skill list was so varied that it was hard to tell which way this convorsation was going.

(TWC 4461)
Dana Senju
Dana Senju
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A Senju gets schooled [Private/Nomo] - Page 2 Empty Re: A Senju gets schooled [Private/Nomo]

Sun Sep 19, 2021 9:51 pm
"Perfect! Oi was thinking about getting some tofu cause oi enjoyed it soo much last time, but we'll see what's at the bar!" Dana beamed at her friend. She was upset that her clone disappearing had caused such a reaction from Ai and she very much wanted to make it up to the girl. She'd learned her lesson about how much other people valued her life when she'd stabbed herself in front of Niko as a prank, and now disliked accidentally upsetting her friends. If she didn't want to upset Ai any further, Dana totally would have pushed them to eat the Tofu, but she could definitely go without for the time being if it was what Ai wanted.

"Let's go to the juice bar first! We can talk business there." Dana said, sounding totally professional and cool. She had dreams of becoming a proper businesswoman, and it was awesome to see that dream coming about. She had what many didn't: valuable organs. It perhaps wasn't the most... Humane ways of accruing wealth, but Dana wasn't the kind of person to care about that! If Ai accepted, Dana would make way to the juice bar where she had seen Ai previously. Once there, she would turn to her fellow Senju and say, "What do we want te eat? Moi treat, please." She asked. Despite knowing that Ai and Saya were probably much more wealthy than she was, Dana wanted to be the one to treat someone to something for once. It was the least she could do after giving Ai the scare earlier.

Dana herself would order a delicious avocado on toast and then attempt to sit down at a table with Ai, after ordering and paying for whatever the girl had asked for. She took a bite out of the toast, hummed in satisfaction, and then went full business mode. What this meant was that she steepled her fingers and placed them in front of her face. "Oi've recently stumbled across an awesome new way to make snacks and drinks. Moi first recipe was a special blend of tea that restores yer energy reserves more substantially than the soldier pill! However... Oi don't yet have the funds to make this tea."

She leaned forward, getting ready to deliver the pitch: "How would ye loike to make a small investment of Ryo to help me get started? In return, I can promise to deliver you a small batch of this tea to use whenever ye need it!" She leant back and awaited Ai's response. However, the temporary illusion of a professional salesperson was quickly broken when she started wolfing down the rest of her avocado on toast.

WC: 452
TWC: 4013
Cosplay Queen Saya
Cosplay Queen Saya
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A Senju gets schooled [Private/Nomo] - Page 2 Empty Re: A Senju gets schooled [Private/Nomo]

Sun Sep 19, 2021 10:11 pm
"it's great. Don't get me wrong. It's just like. When I say that she eats it every meal i'm NOT joking. She's somehow convinced the old lady who runs the stand outside of our house to open the stand for breakfast time. The poor woman opens up at ten am now so Saya can get her breakfast Mappo tofu. Thankfully i've convinced her to add some variety into the mix. Sometimes she has rice, sometimes she adds Cabbage and carrots. It's a work in progress...." While it was a bit excessive to convince the woman to open early it wasn't "really" a bad thing. She had a little cot in the back of her stall, so she just kind of ends up hanging out until Saya wakes up, making food for team puppet, and then taking a nap until her actual opening time. She'd suggested maybe adding Congee or other poridges to the menu to pick up some extra cash, but realistically Saya was single handedly funding the shop and elevating the woman to the higher tiers of wealth, so she couldn't complain but so much.

They headed back through the facility, to the large bar area where food and drinks were sold. At first everyone in the area cleared out like there was a fire, but as Ai allowed the chakra threads to reveal themselves, the workers realized it was the good sister and they weren't in danger, and the protective metal barrier only closed outside of buisiness hours or in case of Saya clacked back open.

"Yanno. I never really thought about it. I'm gonna go super crazy. Get something I've never had... SOmething that defines who I am as a person..." She looked over the menu. There were a million juice drinks and smoothies on the left list, but she wasn't really that thirsty. Her first goal was finding the perfect meal, and it only took her moments.

"Ok. Bare with me. THis might be a bit crazy but.... Can I get a hamburger, plain, and.... A glass of water with ice. No. Extra ice." She was EXCITED! This was exactly what she needed. A super lavish meal that was hand picked to fit her personality and style.

"Oooh. I do love a nice tea. Wait. A tea that also works in the same way as a soldier pill?! That... That sounds amazing!!!! I bet my little sister is going to be SO excited to find out about this. She has a habit of investing heavily in everything that she finds mildly interesting, and she also has a horible habit of overexpending herself because she's so reliant on Ninjutsu and puppetry. Seriously. She uses techniques for EVERYTHING! I caught her using a chakra thread movement jutsu to bring herself to the kitchen for a glass of water the other night at like midnight. It's really become a problem. " Her explaination wasn't great. She said that she didn't want to open her eyes or she'd wake up too much, and that she knew the house better through chakra thread control than just walking. I mean. It was true, but it was sketch.

(TWC 4985)
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