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The Sword that Protects - Page 2 Empty Re: The Sword that Protects

Wed Sep 22, 2021 6:50 pm
Akaboshi listened attentively as his fellow Uzumaki gave him a play-by-play of the events, following what took place when they decided their new Nova Commander. It appeared that although each and every single one of them were famous for their achievements there were also plenty of reasons as to why the white cloak wouldn't fit them. "I guess I'm most suited after all" the redhead spoke under his breath. As Shina finished the kunoichi then reached for her drawer, pulling out a letter before handing it to her clansman. Upon opening it the Jounin would read the message out loud. "He always preferred pen over sword" Akaboshi voiced, clearly touched by Ayato's words written down for him.

Grabbing the letter he would then place it inside one of the side pockets close to his heart. "I guess it's official now" the redhead said with an awkward smile. With his fingers touching the glass in front of him, circling around its edge the Uzumaki would lean back into his chair as he allowed thoughts to fill his head. Thinking back to the events Shina explained Akaboshi began to wonder. "Am I worthy of those words, their trust? Am I able to live up to the expectations? Am I ready?". To become the sword that protects, something he once thought unattainable was now within his grasp. "It only makes sense for a king to wear his cloak" he said with new-found confidence, ready to serve and protect those who put their faith in him.

His back firm against the chair Akaboshi would fix his posture, the cloak, suitcase and Ayato's letter close to him. "Perhaps when the time is right we can meet again, the previous and current Nova Commander, Captain to Kage". Both men were no longer the same. Once boys dreaming about serving their village, unknowing that day would come sooner than expected and now each playing their part respectively. One wearing the White Cloak representing the Seven Swords while the other wore a purple one representing the entire village. Or how each of them finally got to play their part. "I suppose it won't be long now before I meet the others, is there anything that needs dealing with first?". Just as Shina said, the ceremony would follow later.

(WC: 380, TWC: 2145)

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Ayato Hyuuga
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The Sword that Protects - Page 2 Empty Re: The Sword that Protects

Fri Oct 01, 2021 4:10 pm
"Yeah, the man is a wordsmith. He writes these letters with such passion that you'd think his livelihood depended on it." She mused for a second, her finger drumming on the desk. "Although now that he is the Kage, perhaps it does. Oh well."  Shina guessed the words in the letter held some special meaning to dispel Akaboshi's doubts quickly. These two shared a common past as Genin of Hoshi making their way through the ranks. 

"First order of business is that you select two men under your command to assist you with your duties. These are my suggestions, but you are free to look for your subordinates if they do not please you." She pulled a different envelope, with the word OUTER on the cover. "Leonidas and Aemon Yukimura. One is our distant cousin that never awakened the talents of our bloodline, as far as I know. And Aemon is a Hoshimura from the island of Sea Dragon Point. The good ones. His great grandfather won some great battles against Vikings from the Land of Snow. The Old King rewarded their branch with the island and its incomes. And years later, the Hoshimura of Yuki became known as the Yukimura,"

Shina would wait to hear any comments from the redhead before proceeding. "That's a great question," Shina responded to the Nova Captain's second inquiry. " The Kage is about to depart-"

A burst of sunlight entered the office as the door opened abruptly. A man rushed in a Knight in Grey armor, golden hair, and green eyes. Toneri Hyuuga. Shina recognized. His cheeks were red, and the ninja Knight was out of breath.

"My lady Shina. I heard there is trouble at the Gates." He began it was then that his sister emerged behind him, silent as a ghost. "Stein of Konoha is attacking us. Threatening the village and the Royal council." 

Shina shifted in her seat; she could feel her face darken. "Every two years, some lowlife comes to start shit, expecting us to roll over." She slammed her hand on the desk. "Any of ours at the scene?"

"Ayato." That was her worst fear. Always the gallant fool and in the vanguard, Ayato liked the sight of his cloak flapping in the wind.

"Is he alone?" 
"No, Masashi and Seto are with him." That was good. Shina knew that Ayato was ready to depart for Falhalt, so they were naturally the first responders at the scene. "Deputy Hogokage Yasaki has been sighted at the parapets with others. Harold Greymane and Yasha are reading the City Watch."

Toneri Hyuuga put a hand on his sword. "What are your orders?" The boy was an asshole and spoiled beyond belief, but he was not a coward. "Stay put," Shina said, and the Chuunin was taken aback. "If something happens, my place is next to Ayato. I mean Lord Hogokage-"He protested.

"Your place is where I say it is. Ayato is a veteran of fifty battles and you of zero battles, Toneri. The Kage has people on his side as good as you, if not better." The Golden Hyuuga was red with anger or embarrassment. "You are more used to him here if something happens." Shina finally said, not unkindly. She rose and looked outside the window. A few minutes passed, or perhaps they were seconds that left like an eternity. Then a massive giant nearly 40 meters tall made its appearance on the horizon. They were entering through the gates. 

"It's over." Natsuki's voice cut through the tension in the air like hot butter. "The battle is over. We have won. Stein and his daughter are dead. No casualties or injuries on Hoshi's side." It seemed Toneri understood the same. They both had a connection to their brother that transcended time and space, or perhaps it was just the Byakugan. 

"Tsk." Toneri's jade green eyes only then seemed to notice Akaboshi. Then the white cloak in his hand and then the suitcase. "So my brother decided to enlist from within our ranks instead of dirty, contaminated degenerates outside of it." He began pulling a lock of Golden with a gauntleted hand.

"Well, congratulations, Akaboshi, sire, your first mission accomplished." He turned around and stormed outside of the office. "Nova Corps, my foot." He said loud enough so everyone would hear him. "Toneri!" Natsuki let out and went after him before her steps came to a sudden halt. She turned around. "With your permission, my lady, may I go after him?" Shina nodded in agreement. 

"Now that this is over.." Her blue eyes met Akaboshi's. "Are you feeling ready for your first war council meeting as Nova Captain?"

TWC: 2947

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The Sword that Protects - Page 2 Empty Re: The Sword that Protects

Tue Oct 05, 2021 9:06 pm
And so their conversation progressed, the topic of those who'd be serving under his leadership brought up. Two names were given, one belonged to both Akaboshi's and Shina's cousin, an Uzumaki who had failed to awaken the powers of their bloodline. "Leonidas. I heard of such a warrior among our clansmen". The second individual appeared to come from a noble family, a Hoshimura whose great grandfather distinguished himself in a battle against the Vikings many years ago. It was back when the Old King still ruled the lands and the man eventually granted them an island, ultimately becoming known as the Yukimura. "I'm sure they'll serve me well, I will treat them as my brothers". Even though both men were supposed to act like his subordinates the Nova Captain wasn't one to behave as a master over his servants. A treatment befitting of those serving the Seven Swords.

Just when they were about to move on to a different topic a sudden interruption found its way to the Leader Chambers, the door opening abruptly. "Toneri". Ayato's brother and not exactly the type to keep his dislike for Akaboshi a secret. The young Hyuuga rushed in, completely out of breath but still able to convey a worrying message. Upon hearing the news the Nova Captain clenched the sides of his chair, a reaction due to him wanting to help his friend. Knowing better than to jump into a battle he know nothing about the Uzumaki calmed down, continuing to listen to Toneri's report on the matter. "Who on earth does this fool think he is attacking us like that". Anger took over again, the urge to end that poor excuse of a human being's life for as far as he could still be considered one.

Time would pass, moments where they were out of the blue waiting for an update to arrive. And then, finally. News of a positive outcome, one with Hoshigakure as its victors and Natsuki as the announcer. Enemies slain and heroes arised. What followed then was a sigh of relief, allowing Akaboshi to sit down comfortably in his chair. Once things had settled down it was time for the Hyuuga siblings to take their leave, but not without Toneri's dislike for Akaboshi showing once more. "Don't worry younger brother, you'll be seeing this white cloak of mine often from now one, that I'll make sure of it". Once his sister Natsuki left the room as well Shina would pick up where they left off, the war council as the next topic at hand. "After what just happened I'm sure it'll be a piece of cake compared to that" the Uzumaki smiled, waiting for what's to come next.

(WC: 450, TWC: 2595)

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The Sword that Protects - Page 2 Empty Re: The Sword that Protects

Mon Oct 18, 2021 3:04 pm
Akaboshi was just as upset as Toneri about Stein betraying guest rights and attacking his hosts. However, unlike the Golden Hyuuga, who had become Red Hyuuga from the blood rising to his ears, the Nova Commander withheld his emotions a bit better. The relief on his face as news of the victory filled the room was barely noticeable. But noticeable enough for the master of whispers to catch it.

He and Toneri exchanged back casual banter, as was usually the case with these two. Ayato's existence constantly shook their relationship. Akaboshi was the brother he had chosen, and Toneri the brother he had been given. Shina knew that the younger Hyuuga always felt wronged and disrespected by nearly every decision his brother made and involved Toneri.

"Someone else getting a promotion instead of him was slight in his book." She smiled at him, a wicked smile. "Lord Seventh told me once that Toneri kept a literal book of the slights he had suffered. Only half-jokingly." Once the dust settled from whatever that was, the next move was in order.

"You know, I have grown out of Akihana's all-accepting talk. I'll probably advocate for an embargo on anything above C-rank missing-nin that tries to cross our gates. And maybe the creation of a Bingo Book too, the gods of this land know we need one."


WC: 206
TWC: 3157

Mission Rewards: 20,000 ryo and 100 AP (doubled for Natsuki and Toneri from skill Beloved presence)

Claiming with 25% max stat discount
-Ayato: 1502 to finish Vacuum Burst: [1502+560 = 2062/2062] previous progress
-Toneri: 1313 to Earth Shaker: [1313/1313]
Claiming with 50% LC discount for the jutsu the original knows
-Natsuki: 316 to finish Four Sky Palms [316+ 1059= 1375/1375] previous progress

Discarding the remaining 26 words

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The Sword that Protects - Page 2 Empty Re: The Sword that Protects

Mon Oct 18, 2021 3:45 pm
Nova Captain
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The Sword that Protects - Page 2 Empty Re: The Sword that Protects

Thu Oct 28, 2021 10:41 am
Now that peace had returned to Hoshigakure it was time to go back to the order of the day, for as far it would still be needed considering the most important subjects had been touched upon. "I've known him for quite some time now, I'm sure he'll come to like me some day" the redhead joked about Toneri's behavior towards his own person. The meeting almost came to an end, the white cloak firm around Akaboshi's body and the suitcase with other valuables around the man's wrist. "Agreed. If today showed us anything it's that we're in need of something that allows us to keep check on possible threats to our village". And perhaps a Bingo Book would be the solution to their problem. 


(TWC: 2719)
Claiming with 25% max stat discount:
- Promotion to Nova Commander
- 1875/1875 Nevermore
- 375/375 Gordo
- 375/375 Jerry
- Mission rewards (10000 + 500 Jounin bonus ryo, 50 AP)

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The Sword that Protects - Page 2 Empty Re: The Sword that Protects

Thu Oct 28, 2021 11:39 pm
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