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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 56100

Fury Unleashed Empty Fury Unleashed

Sat Sep 25, 2021 11:47 pm
Reading through the book, seething rage boiled to the surface. His master was gone, lost to this world forever... and he was sent by... His teeth would clench, as would his fists. All the man could think about was how much he wanted to break something. The closest thing to him was the bench he had been seated on. Nobu would lift it into the air, slamming it down in the open markets, causing it to fracture into pieces and stirring the civilians into a panic. 

"MOVE!" he would shout, demanding a nearby shop keeper to flee before he had been caught in the crossfire. The stand would be lifted and thrown into another, scattering books and trinkets all across the ground. The market's civilians were now in full blown panic, many screaming and others running away to seek help. 

The market was various stalls, formed in a rough circle at about a twenty meter diameter while housed in a larger square roughly twenty-five meters across, the buildings likely used for warehouse storage and some housing. There were four obvious paths that were roads to other areas in the village, once at each end of the square. There was a fountain in the center, water flowing in a perpetual cycle. 

The pupil of Koroshi held his position, waiting to channel his fury towards something - or more accurately someone - that was deserving of such. Hoshi was partly responsible for his masters fate, and so they would have to answer for their actions.
Ayato Hyuuga
Ayato Hyuuga
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Mission Record :
Summoning Contract : Forest of Dreams Ravens

Living Clones : Natsuki
Familiar : Maneki
Legendary Equipment : Raiment of Eternal Fortune
Stone of Gelel
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Clan Focus : Taijutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 435700

Fury Unleashed Empty Re: Fury Unleashed

Fri Oct 01, 2021 1:40 pm
The pale blond-haired Kunoichi was picking her medical supplies for the hospital. “All done, my lady.” The frontman of the pharmaceutical warehouse said and gave the Hyuuga a list of bulk purchases. All bought and paid for by the Hoshi institution. Syringes, IVS, scalpels, and even a couple of new medical beds to replace the old ones that had been left there since Akihana’s era. Her Lilac eyes examined the rest of it at a fast speed, and before long, she handed the list back. “Thank you; everything checks out. Deliver them to the hospital at your earlier convenience.”

“That might be next week.” 
“I’m afraid the Kage can’t wait that long.”
“Then maybe in two-“ he began but noticed Natsuki’s scowl. “ I think we might be able to deliver it later today.”

The  Chuunin patted him gently on the shoulder and made her way towards the market. The day was hot; Natsu was a creature of habit and had multiple copies of the outfit she wore while performing her duties as a Chuunin of the Village Hidden in the Stars. A black tunic decorated with gold, a red cape, and red leggings reaching down to her ankles, meeting her low heel boots. The scraping these boots made as they brushed across the cobbled streets of Hoshi brought a regality to the Kunoichi that some could label as eccentricity. However, a noble must dress like a noble.

The city square was full of life. The air filled with the sweetness of the wine, so much that one could get drunk by it. “People seem to want to have a taste of summer before it flees.” She thought, a sad smile forming on her lips. Then, she saw a peculiar figure—a ragged man 10 meters away from her and holding a book in his hands. Natsu recognized the text from the cover. The god of shinobi. A book she knew all too well. The author might have as well called it the ramblings of a narcissist. Most stuff in there was mainly for comedic relief. Yet, there was no hint of amusement in his face. His brow narrowed down to what might have been a frown.

Crack! An explosion of wood took flight in the air, muffling all the other sounds. Screams followed as people ran past her. She felt her heartbeat rising, a heating sensation rising to her temples. For half a second, she had the mind to leave. “The Hyuuga does not flee.” Ayato’s voice echoed in her head. “Then or now.” 

She took one step and then another. “What’s the problem with you, man?” The Kunoichi would ask, walking and stopping no further than 2 meters away from him. “Is the book not to your liking?” If her path were interrupted earlier, she would react or move accordingly.

WC: 471
Survived 2021
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 56100

Fury Unleashed Empty Re: Fury Unleashed

Fri Oct 01, 2021 7:04 pm
The former Suna shinobi was nearly in a trance, rage completely consuming him. Destroying things felt like it was the right thing in the moment, it felt like it was what would make him feel better... Unfortunately it did not. His master... Koroshi Uchiha, the greatest man he had ever known... That titan of a man... What could he have possibly done? What did he do to anger the village of Hoshigakure? What did he do to warrant the lady known as Akihana Akari to send her soldiers to assassinate him? The various citizens had practically all scattered, leaving him standing there with nobody but himself and his fury. Or at least that is what he thought. He was going to move on to something else, someone else. His body might have lost some of its edge that he once held, but it was more than capable or destroying the surrounding area and, if opportunity presented itself, the faces of those who dared call themselves the leadership of this village. Akihana Akari was his target, but he had no idea where to find her.

He almost did not hear it, the voice of a woman approaching from directly to his right. "What is wrong with me?" He would ask, his tone almost mocking the question. "This village is ruled by those without honor. This Akihana sent assassins to kill my master, and yet when I mentioned I was looking for what occurred not a single person could shed any light as to what happened to him." His head would turn, sitting at an angle as he glanced to the kunoichi approaching. "Did they not know? No... I bet they did. Hoping that I would find nothing and leave. Are you Akihana Akari? It really doesn't matter." She probably was not the Akari, but his mind wasn't thinking straight, muddled by pain and anger. His left hand, mostly obscured by his own body would reach to a kunai. 

He would shift his body slightly to adjust his weight, his eyes spinning and changing to the same crimson hue as his master. A second tomoe would appear, forming beside the first. "Honestly I should just kill you all..." He would mutter, mostly to himself but loud enough for a perceptive ear to hear. "I should bring pain to this village like it has brought pain to me, and if I kill all of you I am sure to take Akihana out in the process." He would launch the kunai at the woman at full speed, aiming directly for her center chest. There were plenty of vitals that could be struck there, even if she managed to attempt to move. Heart, lungs... it wouldn't matter much to him. 

He would drop the book and quickly replace it with a kunai. Placing his hands together a silver wave of energy would start to billow out from the man, various tails of silver chakra forming behind him. He would, for just a moment feel that energy well up inside him and dash towards the kunoichi with intent to kill. As soon as his first few steps the bijuu shroud would vanish as quickly as it appeared. A look of shock would befall the man, causing him to lose focus for the briefest of moments. 

Should he find himself making it within melee range he would aim to slash the blade deep into her neck, aiming to kill her quickly to move on to the next target. 


-20 AP for activation of the Sharingan one tomoe
Ayato Hyuuga
Ayato Hyuuga
Stat Page :

Mission Record :
Summoning Contract : Forest of Dreams Ravens

Living Clones : Natsuki
Familiar : Maneki
Legendary Equipment : Raiment of Eternal Fortune
Stone of Gelel
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Clan Focus : Taijutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 435700

Fury Unleashed Empty Re: Fury Unleashed

Sun Oct 03, 2021 12:05 pm
The man 2 meters away from her was a man with a vendetta against Akihana Akari, one of Hoshi’s founders and former Kage. A woman lost in time. If people let go of the past and focused on the future, everything would have been more accessible. After Stein attacked his hosts, Ayato had put an embargo on the rank of the missing Nin that could enter the city. Whoever that guy was, he couldn’t have been higher than B rank. A threat that Natsuki alone would be able to neutralize. The Kunoichi was a warrior princess and not a poor thing in a tower, waiting for someone to save her.  

“Dance with me then.” She proclaimed, taking her stance, the skin of the Kunoichi turned as black as the midnight sea. A double-edged steel blade took flight in the air, aiming for Natsuki’s heart. The weaker kunai shattered upon clashing with the barrier of tenketsu burst, 1cm away from Natsuki’s tunic, the pieces harmlessly falling to the ground. 

A silver cloak spreading out from the man’s skin overshadowed her successful defense as he flew at her and just as suddenly dissapeared.  “What was that?” She pondered, but before she could process it any further, the man with kunai in hand took a short hook with his right hand from 70 cm from her. 

“Too far away.” Natsuki thought as her lead leg took flight, with her backfoot carrying her weight as her head and upper body shifted backward. The kick, if successful, would hit the troublemaker on his exposed right ribcage, with ribs breaking and piercing his lung.  The liver, the center of blood circulation, would be damaged, causing the haggard to lose focus and drive and mobility from the neck down. Nobu would be kept frozen in position with his knuckles right at his eye level. It would only be for a short time, but that was more than enough. 

That was only the setup for what was to come next. Natsu’s left foot touched the ground immediately after the kick had successfully landed outside Nobu’s right foot and was 25 centimeters away. A strike with her right leg followed, aiming for the body, but when her knee was across Nobu’s midsection, the knee twisted with so much force that Natsuki felt it would snap. The leg’s trajectory switched for the head; the shinbone would slam on the adversary’s temple and with enough force to snap his neck.

In the end, Nobu Sen Katto learned a valuable lesson. The men and women trained to heal are also trained to kill.

Survived 2021
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 56100

Fury Unleashed Empty Re: Fury Unleashed

Tue Oct 05, 2021 7:54 pm
Nobu's rage had allowed him to forget his technique and training. He had only the singular thought in his head to kill. That was no longer the case, blood dripping from his mouth. "Send me to wherever it was you scum sent my master." He would utter, the will to fight on all but drained from him. His body ached, not used to such impact after years and years of nearly no training. 

If she hesitated to finish the job, he would spit at her, blood spraying towards her in a quick burst. "What are you waiting for?"

If she still didn't react, he would weakly thrust his kunai at her face, making it clear that he was going to fight until the end. Until he was once again reunited with his master. The thought of such almost brought tears to his crimson eyes.
Ayato Hyuuga
Ayato Hyuuga
Stat Page :

Mission Record :
Summoning Contract : Forest of Dreams Ravens

Living Clones : Natsuki
Familiar : Maneki
Legendary Equipment : Raiment of Eternal Fortune
Stone of Gelel
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Clan Focus : Taijutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 435700

Fury Unleashed Empty Re: Fury Unleashed

Wed Oct 06, 2021 8:23 am
With the kick combination successfully landing, Natsuki jerked back, cat-quick. "Send me to wherever it was; you scum sent my master."  The behemoth twisted, lunged, and cursed as he fell, sending his kunai point straight at Natsuki’s face. The Kunoichi swept the blade aside almost contemptuously and smashed the other palm against the big man's temple. Nobu went sprawling, blood bubbling from his mouth as his back met a fruit bench with a loud thud. A rain of falling fruits washed over him.

“This is the summer city; even death smells of wine.” She thought and magicked up one of the corpse storage scrolls Toneri had given her. She unrolled it with one quick movement of her free hand. The fuinjutsu formula upon the yellow parchment began to emanate when she fused her chakra with it. A puff of smoke and only a pool of red and smashed fruits were left where the corpse lay moments ago.

TWC: 1059

WC Claims with a 50% LC discount, for jutsu the original knows
Four Sky Palms [1059/1375]

Loot Claims:
Nobu Sen Katto's body and possessions, sealed in a Corpse Storage Scroll
Stat Page : Fu's Fat Stats
Familiar : Archie the Bear
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Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 176650

Fury Unleashed Empty Re: Fury Unleashed

Wed Oct 06, 2021 9:57 am
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