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Dana Senju
Dana Senju
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A wonderful extravaganza [Missions/Nomo] - Page 2 Empty Re: A wonderful extravaganza [Missions/Nomo]

Fri Aug 20, 2021 9:45 pm
Dana would watch in confusion as the girl managed to completely mess up all three of the techniques that Dana had attempted to teach her. Well, she might have gotten the Genjutsu Release one right but Dana had zero way to tell if she had. However, the fact that the girl had somehow managed to spray water out of her mouth after attempting to use the Genjutsu Release wasn't exactly promising to the results. No matter! Whoever said that Dana was a horrid teacher was obviously wrong, and should feel bad about spreading such misinformation.

"Do ye need any more instructions?" She trailed off, completely unsure if the girl was messing around with her or was just lost in her own world. Dana had been under the impression that Ai was the more responsible of the twins, but it seemed that assumption was marginally incorect. While nowhere near as much, Ai seemed to get lost in her own personal world just as often as Saya did. In fact, Ai was probably more comparable to Dana in that regard. She could relate to trying to perform a handseal and paying so little attention that she accidentally invented a completely new handseals that did nothing. It was a remarkable skill that should be praised, in Dana's humble opinion.

Perhaps she should actually demonstrate the seals properly? Her hand came together to form the hand seal to the first Jutsu: Tiger. Then they came together to form the Dog one. Making sure Ai was paying attention, Dana would then do the Rat and Dog handseals in succession, moving slowly enough that hopefully, the girl could still see them. Dana remembered the time when Saya had tried to teach her the handseals to a Jutsu by moving at incredibly fast speeds that she couldn't even track them, so she was trying to not to repeat that error.

WC: 313
TWC: 1936
Cosplay Queen Saya
Cosplay Queen Saya
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A wonderful extravaganza [Missions/Nomo] - Page 2 Empty Re: A wonderful extravaganza [Missions/Nomo]

Fri Aug 20, 2021 10:00 pm
"Uh no no. I've got this down easy. Does water always spout from your mouth when you use genjutsu release? maybe i'm just so good at the jutsu even though its my first time that I've gained an extra effect?" She knew that water release wasn't a part of genjutsu release. The technique didn't even have an elemental affinity. What was remarkable was her ability to create suiton chakra for a non elemental technique without actually molding the chakra into suiton chakra. As your humble semi-omniscient third person narrator even I don't know how she managed that one. It was almost like she and Pinochio had swapped themes for a short time, Ai failing spectacularly at a simple technique as Pinochio was having the time of his life in a tatoo parlor. Sorry, that was spoilers.

"Yea... Maybe I do need a bit more help. I can't get the armadillo seal out of my head and its making storage displacement really dificult. Is there an armadillo seal or am I just doing this that badly? It really kind of hurts my hands. " The seal she held, and for some reason had been holding the entire time she spoke was something out of a horror movie. Her thumbs were linked so tightly that they bent one another back. Her fingers curled completely in on themselves, causing her elbows to raise as she creates the space needed to impressively tie her fingers into awkward knotts that looked both painful and incredibly dificult to undo.

(TWC 1556 MWC 769)
Dana Senju
Dana Senju
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A wonderful extravaganza [Missions/Nomo] - Page 2 Empty Re: A wonderful extravaganza [Missions/Nomo]

Fri Aug 20, 2021 10:14 pm
"Uh... No, as far as oi know it doesn't..." She responded slowly, blinking. It was actually incredible the extent that Ai had managed to feck up one of the most simple of Jutsus. Dana wasn't even mad, just genuinely impressed at the display. If she ever had students - and wasn't that a weird thing to imagine - Dana was definitely going to tell them the story of someone who attempted Genjutsu Release and ended up coughing up a bunch of water. Was there even a correlation between the two events? Or was this one of those unexplainable things that happened where the answer would never become clear, even after several years?

Even Dana, someone who rarely understood pain, had a slight wince on her face when she saw the bizarre position Ai had managed to get both of her hands into. That couldn't be healthy so Dana undid the own handseal that she was holding and attempted to pry Ai's fingers apart so they could actually resume blood flow. If this was successful, Dana would begin to wonder how she could possibly help Ai out of this strange conundrum she'd gotten herself into. Hmm, maybe it was the fact that Storage Displacement used the Rat and Dog hand seals? What were Armadillos if not a strange cross between a Rat and a Dog? Dana suddenly lit up when she had an idea.

"Maybe try doing the handseals one handed!" Using her left hand, Dana reached up with her left hand and tried to enclose her fist around Ai's so she couldn't use her left hand, then with her right hand she held it up in front of Ai so she could see closely. "Okay, let's start with the Rat seal." Which, with one hand, was as simple as pointing towards the sky. When Ai was confident with that one, Dana continued on to do the Dog seal. Which was arguably easier and just consisted of holding out one hand with the palm face down. Once it looked like Ai had gotten them down, Dana would let go of Ai's left hand and do a small clap.

"Now try them one after the other! Try only using one hand!"

WC: 371
TWC: 2307
Cosplay Queen Saya
Cosplay Queen Saya
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A wonderful extravaganza [Missions/Nomo] - Page 2 Empty Re: A wonderful extravaganza [Missions/Nomo]

Fri Aug 20, 2021 10:22 pm
"Right yea. it's definitely not an elemental technique, so it would be weird for that to happen. Clearly I just uh. Drank too much water right before and--no. I honestly don't know how that happened. " She'd almost fallen into a bad habit of pinochios. That threw her for a loop. Saya generally didn't make mistakes often. Ai was usually very humble about when she was right or wrong, but Pinochio.... That boy could say the sky is purple while looking at it and still not believe he was ever in the wrong. Hopefully a series of unfortunate events would shift that mindset so that he could learn form them instead of pushing the blame off on someone else. This is foreshadowing.

The two girls managed to get Ai's hands untangled. It took some effort. "I have decided that armadillo seal is not a good one to use. Back to the drawing board on that one. " Refocusing her resolve she would try once more. Things wen't quite a bit better with Ai only having one hand to viably attempt with. The odd issue of doing two hand seals at the same time and them not working because of a question in the system that hasn't been answered meant that she was able to easily form the seals, and the technique completed. She focused on chakra rotation as she cast genjutsu release again, and she was even able to make a small black dot appear on the hand Dana was using to stop Ai's other hand.

(TWC 1810 MWc 1023 second mission complete)
Dana Senju
Dana Senju
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Ryo : 12020

A wonderful extravaganza [Missions/Nomo] - Page 2 Empty Re: A wonderful extravaganza [Missions/Nomo]

Fri Aug 20, 2021 10:36 pm
"Perfect! Dana did a small golf clap when her friend finally managed to figure out how to do all the Jutsu that Dana had showed her. So excited was she by her friend's success, Dana completely forgot that she had shown the girl how to do the Mark Seal, and thus forgot that Ai had probably placed one on her. It didn't really matter, though, since now Ai would always know when she was within 100m of Dana, even if Dana wasn't aware of this seal. If she was aware, though, Dana would be positively ecstatic! Now, Ai would always be able to find her... Kind of! The Mark Seal wasn't very precise in its tracking abilities.

"Now it's time fer us to do the third mission!" Dana said excitedly. She wasn't sure why but she felt like the past couple of minutes had absolutely shot by, compared to the previous minutes she'd spent on the other mission. It was like she'd been struck with a sudden burst of energy and it was making time pass faster, if that was how the world even worked. Who knew? Regardless, she reached into the pocket and pulled out the last mission slip. "Apparently there's some been some misinformation spread about the village about an upcoming war, and it's up to us to try and quell these rumours before they get out of hand. Sounds interesting, any idea where we should start? Have ye seen any protest crowds recently?" She added in a semi-joking tone.

WC: 253
TWC: 2560
Cosplay Queen Saya
Cosplay Queen Saya
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A wonderful extravaganza [Missions/Nomo] - Page 2 Empty Re: A wonderful extravaganza [Missions/Nomo]

Sat Aug 21, 2021 10:29 am
"hah! I did it!!" She beamed with pride as she realized she'd figured out the jutsus that she's been struggling with so hard. Then, a small spout of water poured from her lips again. Close enough. She would take some time after they were done with their missions to figure out how and more specifically why that oddity kept happening, but they had to stay on task to finish their responsibilities first.

""Right. That. That sounds wierd. Who would ever want to fight against Kiri? I mean I know there was that war long ago, but since then I have to assume we've been all good. THe new mizukage isn't an absolute phsycho like the last. " Here is an interesting situation. The question was about protests seen in the village, but the intention was to ask about protests about war issues in the village. How would one answer a question that technically had two different responses?

"Well... I've seen a few protests in the village, if i'm being honest, but they weren't because of thoughts of war. They were mostly group gatherings to protest a certain ninja's tendency to put on over the top performances in public spaces. Theres a poll going around about whether ninja should get additional training in how to 'not act like petulant little children' apparently. It's got my little sister's face on the cover page. Haven't heard anything about a war until right now though. Maybe we should head to the village square and see if theres a plot convenient group of people with signs that happen to be there?"

(TWC 2075 MWC 265)
Dana Senju
Dana Senju
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A wonderful extravaganza [Missions/Nomo] - Page 2 Empty Re: A wonderful extravaganza [Missions/Nomo]

Sat Aug 21, 2021 6:45 pm
"Plot convenient group of people sounds like a good idea!" Dana chuckled, not almost breaking the space-time continuum this time since it was just a harmless joke between friends. It was somewhat upsetting to Dana that Saya's antics were being protested by some mean, impolite civilians! They were blessed that such a happy-go-lucky ninja was a part of Kirigakure, rather than an edgy psychopath that fed genin to dogs and other nasty things. Dana didn't doubt that such a person existed in Kirigakure currently, but their presence was balanced by Saya's own. "Sounds like the civilians wouldn't know a good performance if it him 'em roight in the face." She said with a small nod, referring to the fact that some protests were apparently targetting Saya's impromptu public performances.

It wasn't too far from where they'd destroyed the tree to get to the Village Square, but Dana nonetheless wanted to get Ai's opinion on her outfit. That was what friends did, right? "What do ye think of moi outfit?" She asked, giving a small spin while still walking towards the square. "Is it too much?" Truth be told, even if Ai thought it was too much, Dana would probably still wear it. She didn't much care for the opinions of others but, as she was beginning to find out, that rule didn't really apply to the new friends she was making.

WC: 235
TWC: 2795
Cosplay Queen Saya
Cosplay Queen Saya
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Ryo : 58600

A wonderful extravaganza [Missions/Nomo] - Page 2 Empty Re: A wonderful extravaganza [Missions/Nomo]

Sat Aug 21, 2021 7:35 pm
She'd been so focused on everything going on that Ai had failed to even notice the unique outfit her friend wore. More than that, she hadn't noticed at all that they were totally twinning. She had on a pair of low cut belle bottomed jeans and black tank with white and black plaid button down shirt worn half open. While she'd decided against the hat, A pair of black leather cowgirl boots protected her feet. "I hadn't even noticed! I'm such a bad friend! Wow. It looks way better on you than it does on me if i'm being honest." As they crossed the village, there was a low rumbling of voices that steadily crescendoed until the end of her statement could barelly be heard.

"I... I think we've found our protesters. " before them, a bunch of college aged kids chanted in unison, each holding signs with various drawn on catch phrases. Now that they'd found the problem, the question was how do they solve it?

"Do you have any ideas for how to fix this? I mean I have to assume they've already been told that there isn't a war, but they seem not to believe the mizukage. Kind of makes sense. Haven't gotten the opportunity to meet them, but i've heard so many horror stories about the previous leadership from Saya's mother. They actually went into hiding for a while because they weren't sure if even the feudal lords were safe with a crazy dictator sitting in the seat.

(TWC 2226 MWC 516)
Dana Senju
Dana Senju
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A wonderful extravaganza [Missions/Nomo] - Page 2 Empty Re: A wonderful extravaganza [Missions/Nomo]

Sat Aug 21, 2021 8:51 pm
Dana's face lit up in a positively radiant grin at Ai's compliment and she had to resist the urge to give the girl a big hug. Dana's eclectic outfits were one of the few things that she took some pride in coming up with, so it was nice for them to be appreciated for once. She didn't like that Ai was putting herself down, however. "Nonsense!" She waived a hand lackadaisically through the air, "Ye pull off that look much better than me. Besides, ye went the whole way with yer outfit and oi... Didn't." She trailed off at the end as she looked down at herself. The only thing she was wearing that vaguely resembled Ai's outfit was her boots, which she definitely 100 percent bought from a store.

However, dwelling on their respective outfits would have to come to a close as the two girls found themselves at the site of a protest rally. They seemed to be getting pretty into it with signs and stuff, so Dana just shrugged when Ai asked how they could possibly defuse this situation. Dana had no qualms about speaking in front of crowds but that didn't mean she was good at it. How did one even convince an entire crowd to do something? Especially one as seemingly impassioned as this. Then, an idea sprung to Dana's mind which involved what the two had been talking about earlier.

"What if... Hear me out here... We gave them something else to protest about? Say, an impromptu performance?" She grinned cheekily.

WC: 261
TWC: 3056
Cosplay Queen Saya
Cosplay Queen Saya
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A wonderful extravaganza [Missions/Nomo] - Page 2 Empty Re: A wonderful extravaganza [Missions/Nomo]

Sat Aug 21, 2021 9:00 pm
"You're being so silly. The paint theme is so chaotic to match your personality, but really brings a pop to the outfit! I addore this!" She was shouting, if only to make sure her comments could be heard. This wasn't the group she was used to. Generally it was a bunch of ninja with spikey black hair and a blue shirt bearing a gravity defying circular collar that were out here shouting and causing a ruckus. These people were also quite a bit more organized. The other group was often so lazy about what they were doing for fear of not looking cool, but the signs and chants all worked together to emphasize a singular point: they were not happy with the idea of going back to war.

"Hm. I mean. I dunno. Performing is my little sister's things. I don't even have a band on retainer. I woudn't be very good at all!" She'd joined in on the fun to help Saya out, but the idea of performing as a solo act, or generally without the cosplay queen lighting up the stage herself felt laughable. Where would they get the costume changes? They didn't even have a stage! That reminded her. While she didn't like the idea of copying Saya's puppetry, it was pretty important for her to figure out some tools to be able to fight with. She would need to consider at least one puppet of her own before she got into any real trouble.

"Do you think we can even pull it off?"

(TWc 2483 MWC 773)
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