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Seeing the Doctor (Akabayashi) - Page 2 Empty Re: Seeing the Doctor (Akabayashi)

Sat Aug 28, 2021 11:09 am
Nobu failed to have many of what would be considered basic understandings regarding bloodlines or kekkei genkai as they were otherwise referred to as. He was not a studied medic, nor did he actually belong to any clan as far as he was aware, so such things were never really taught to him. Learning about bloodlines did little to aide in killing ones adversary, so as a youth he was not taught such. And as he grew and studied under his master Koroshi Uchiha, such things were never truly discussed. The pair only worked on martial prowess and mastering the seven tailed monstrosity that had been housed within Nobu. Perhaps there was no time to expand on such things, or maybe they just were not all that important to the grand scheme of things. But one thing was certain, his sensei held both of these bloodline abilities... which meant that this path was something that his master had been drawn to and must have been okay with. 

"Are you capable of granting me the capability of utilizing wood release?" Nobu had his doubts about all of this on the surface, but the man standing before him was a trained shinobi, one that was also a trained surgeon. His expertise likely far outweighed what little the Suna chuunin had known by tenfold. Should the doctor be able to grant him the ability of a Senju, Nobu would follow more closely the path of his Lord Kazekage and sensei. 

"So these eyes manifest based on feelings? What a strange capability." Shinobi were ultimately trained assassins and weapons of military might. Feelings were usually one of the first things beaten out of you and stripped away during the training and conditioning process. Apparently not all followed such, yet it still felt foreign to the man. Koroshi was nowhere near as strict with such things as his prior teacher had been. It was hard to shake such teachings that were beaten into you from an early age. "If all I need to do to progress them is continue to utilize them, perhaps I should condition myself to use them as much as possible."

"This has been eye opening, doctor. I appreciate all that you have explained." Nobu would then give a light bow in appreciation. "Would you be so kind as to bestow upon me one of those cursed seals?"

wc: 396
Akabayashi Terumi
Akabayashi Terumi
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Seeing the Doctor (Akabayashi) - Page 2 Empty Re: Seeing the Doctor (Akabayashi)

Sat Sep 04, 2021 11:09 pm
There was a small issue with the request of the boy hailing from assumedly Suna based on the outdated band. The issue being that currently he did not possess any Senju to give. "I don't currently possess any Senju organs however I have Terumi, Jugo, Kaguya, and Goka available. The jugo would be twenty thousand and the other ones ten thousand. I'll give you a small discount if I can keep the organ you have replaced. Two thousand is the discount as I have an abundance of Uchiha in stock.

The man would of course give a brief overview of the clsns he was selling. Noting the Kaguya's bone abilities as a compliment to any close range brawling types.

"I can of course give you a curse mark. If you die I include the resurrection into the cost. It will be ten thousand ryo." The man would say ready to take the payment from the youth for services rendered.

TWC: 1034
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Seeing the Doctor (Akabayashi) - Page 2 Empty Re: Seeing the Doctor (Akabayashi)

Sun Sep 05, 2021 3:24 pm
Nobu would listen, hearing what the doctor had available. It was a shame that he would be unable to gain the extraordinary capability of wood release, much like his lost master. The ability to utilize wood release would have been quite the boon. Still, he didn't allow this minor grievance close his mind to hearing what else was on the table. Jugo was particularly interesting, for Nobu had seen such a thing first hand. The ability to modify your body to grow weapons, cannons or even thrusters to allow flight. It was incredibly versatile, and the doctor did a good just trying to convince the man to purchase that as well. There was also Kaguya DNA, which allowed for manipulation of bones into jutsu both offensive and defensive in nature. Honestly, having access to both of these could go a long way to strengthen him. 

The doctor would then list prices, something that he waited until the end of the conversation to do. Nobu didn't have that sort of money, and if such was stated from the beginning he wouldn't have felt as though he wasted the doctors time. "Unfortunately, I am unable to afford these things. I didn't realize just how costly these medical procedures were. Is there any chance you need something done? Something I can do for you to help bring down the price?" In the end, his total would climb all the way up to forty thousand ryo, and half of that was just for the Jugo DNA alone. Perhaps he should reconsider picking that one up...

Ryuzaki Nara
Ryuzaki Nara
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Seeing the Doctor (Akabayashi) - Page 2 Empty Re: Seeing the Doctor (Akabayashi)

Sun Sep 05, 2021 3:34 pm
"Nothing I need done in particular comes to mind, but perhaps we can make a trade. I can give you access to Kaguya and the curse mark for one of your eyes. I can of course give you a normal eye, so that you may still see." The doctor would give Nobu time to think the trade over it was a fairly decent deal but it did favor the Vulture. If the sand shinobi chose to go through with it he would have to have one of Ayato's people deliver the scroll containing the Kaguya who had died at the gates.
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Ryo : 56100

Seeing the Doctor (Akabayashi) - Page 2 Empty Re: Seeing the Doctor (Akabayashi)

Sun Sep 05, 2021 4:00 pm
The doctor made it clear that he had nothing that needed done, no task that could help discount the items. His counter to the Suna chuunin had been fairly interesting though. For trading one of his newly discovered Sharingan, the doctor would give both the curse mark and Kaguya DNA. This was no simple question to be answered without proper thought behind it. Nobu hadn't really understood why he had suddenly developed these red eyes, and part of him thought that it might have been fate. He developed the same eyes as his Kazekage, and perhaps they were key to returning him from wherever he had been held. Of course, he had no way of knowing if he actually needed both eyes to do such. Plus, what good would it be to have the key to a locked door, but not the power to make your way to said door. 

"Will the other eye still function as normal?" Nobu would inquire, unsure of how the remaining Sharingan would respond to losing its partner. It was an odd question, but it came from simple ignorance. Nobu knew nothing about any of this, and so he would be entirely leaning on the experience and expertise of the doctor standing before him. 

Once the doctor eased his concerns, he would reluctantly nod. He was a bit uneasy about this decision, but perhaps it would be for the best. The Kumo Empire were mighty foes, and if they determine that they don't seek to cooperate with Nobu's investigation on his missing master, the man had to be as strong and prepared as he could be. 

WC: 271
Akabayashi Terumi
Akabayashi Terumi
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Seeing the Doctor (Akabayashi) - Page 2 Empty Re: Seeing the Doctor (Akabayashi)

Wed Sep 08, 2021 6:16 pm
It will still function, yes. But they work far better as a pair unlike some doujutsu which only require one." The doctor would say unfortunately having to dissuade the person from giving him one of their sharingan.

"I can't give you the Kaguya DNA or the Curse Mark if you can't afford it, but I can offer some advice. You should save up and buy a copy of Sorrow and Sightless, you may learn a bit from it. It costs ten-thousand as well though. So, you likely won't be buying it today. Feel free to look around if you'd like I offer other seals at lower rates.
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Seeing the Doctor (Akabayashi) - Page 2 Empty Re: Seeing the Doctor (Akabayashi)

Thu Sep 09, 2021 6:59 pm
The doctor would inform him that the eyes worked far better together than apart. "I see. I guess it is for the best that I keep hold of them both then." The man stated, glad that the doctor had been so helpful and forthcoming with all of this information. "Sorrow and Sightless? An interesting name for what I imagine to be an interesting book." Nobu would add, walking around the shop casually. "Indeed, I won't be able to buy much today. I truly am sorry for taking up your time, doctor." Nobu would offer a respectful bow, bending fully at the waist. 

"I think it would be best if I did something to earn a bit of money. I can then return and purchase what I seek. Unfortunately, I have no way of really making any money here in town." Nobu would start heading for the door, "Is this village in need of extra bodies for labor, or possibly mercenary work? I may not look like much right now, but I am shinobi trained. Who should I talk to about seeking work?" The doctor had been honest and helpful so far, so Nobu would hope that this trend would continue and he would be able to direct the man. 

wc: 209
Akabayashi Terumi
Akabayashi Terumi
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Seeing the Doctor (Akabayashi) - Page 2 Empty Re: Seeing the Doctor (Akabayashi)

Sat Sep 25, 2021 12:16 pm
"You haven't wasted my time. You just didn't know the prices here were so great." The man would say. The man would acknowledge the bow by nodding his head, as bowing was quite awkward with the man's height.

The Uchiha promised to return with money and that was enough for the Terumi. He would certainly help the boy find a job. We do employ mercenaries from time to time. There were many during the chuunin exams a couple of months ago. You could likely use the mission notice board for non secretive work. Like picking weeds or finding lost cats. Otherwise, you need to register with the village to take on harder missions."

Unsure of the kid's skill he wouldn't talk to much on the more difficult missions. The man would then say his goodbyes if he noticed the boy heading out and beging polishing his display cases. There was much about the shop to clean

WC: 158
TWC: 1400
Claims: 28 Ap max stats, 1400 WC toward Strength of 100 Seal bringing the total to 2833/4000.
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Seeing the Doctor (Akabayashi) - Page 2 Empty Re: Seeing the Doctor (Akabayashi)

Sat Sep 25, 2021 7:31 pm
Nobu would listen as the doctor spoke, nodding politely at the notion of doing basic tasks around the village for money. It wasn't anything great, but he figured that he could at least build up some money doing such things. Simple enough.

Nobu would leave the shop and head towards the markets to try and find work. It was there that he would notice a rather strange book called "The God of Shinobi". He didn't expect to see anything like that, but figured it was worth looking over. When he started to crack it open the shop keeper quickly scolded him and told him to pay first. Nobu would find the price tag and gladly pay. 

He would find his way to a nearby bench and crack it open, reading it over. It seemed to be the life story of some grand shinobi. He had nowhere to be so a good book would take his mind off of all of these sudden changes to his eyes and body. As he kept reading, it began to go into details... details that were very concerning to the young man. 

This was... a problem...


TWC: 2887

Claims: 28 stats (all stats toward speed) and all wc towards 2nd tomoe (combined with This bringing it to 3464/4000)
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Seeing the Doctor (Akabayashi) - Page 2 Empty Re: Seeing the Doctor (Akabayashi)

Fri Oct 01, 2021 8:00 pm
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