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Kuniko Hyuuga
Kuniko Hyuuga
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Clan Specialty : Taijutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 21445

That's how it is on this bitch of an earth.  Empty That's how it is on this bitch of an earth.

Wed Jun 23, 2021 12:47 am
        "Well, it looks like you're finally well enough to leave Bone Rehab," the doctor of bones and rehabilitation or whatever he was said to Kuniko while gnawing on his abused toothpick. "Raise the cage!" he shouted to one of his underlings. "Your addiction to hard drugs is cured and your skeleton is back in full working condition. So then, how are you feeling now?" Everyone in the sterilized dungeon room turned to face the fine young lad climbing his way out of human-shaped steel spiked cage. Like an iron maiden that thing was. Kuniko; pale as ever from his long months below ground, his long hair now reaching down to his waist, his trained body now weak with atrophy; the Hyuuga raised himself up by his own power for the first time since his metaphorical and literal downfall. As he began to shakily walk out of the dungeon cell he stopped for just a moment. With out even looking back to the bastard doctor, Kuniko said in a crackling whisper, "now? Now... hm... now, I've lost it." He then ninja ran out of the cell in nothing but his hospital gown; bare feet striking the cold cobbled stones below, thin arms trailing at his sides, hair long and wild flowing behind him. The doctor's toothpick dropped from his agape mouth as he caught his last glimpse of the thin shade of the broken boy that was brought to his dungeon nearly a year before. 

        Kuniko fled from the dungeons of the castle and ran vertically along the old stone walls surrounding it. It was still in the early hours of the morning; the sky was a deep violet soon to give way to the dawn. The boy could feel morning dew clinging to the stone as he leaped atop the battlements. From there he caught a view of the village below; the lights still illuminating its dark alleys, early risers jogging through the streets. Soon another peaceful day would arrive to those blissfully unaware of the dangers the outside world posed to them. Kuniko looked down at the village with sorrow. The tragic news he received during the grueling months in the bone cage lay heavy on his spirit. Taking a look at himself, Kuniko thought that there was no reason for him to hide the way he felt from the world. He turned towards a nearby patrolling servant who just noticed his presence. "You there, lend me a few ryo, I need to go to the village market." The dumbfounded servant barely recognized Kuniko, but was more than willing once she realized who he was. It was only a few coins, but it would do. After a nod of thanks, he leaned over the edge and ran down the wall to the tree line below. From there, he took his time walking to the market place. 

       An hour later, with the sun having risen, Kuniko wandered into the village market like a lost child. He stared up at the buildings and stalls like their were strange and foreign things. It had been so long since he was last here, and yet it felt to him like he did not deserve to enjoy them. There were quite a few onlookers who noticed him there as well; a seemingly androgynous teen with long uncombed, black hair in a hospital gown, a pale face with the paler eyes of the prominent Hyuuga clan. Most would know to keep their distance, surely? Kuniko lightly trudged past the onlookers and ducked into a seemingly empty shop. There he quickly purchased some dye for his hair, and cheap black lip gloss with the servant's ryo. With the dissolution of Team Summer and the death or disappearance of all the other members, it was time to go goth. He also could not really afford to do anything else. Either way the world would know of his suffering. 
       The young Hyuuga then stealthily hid in the store's bathroom so he could start the process of dying purple streaks in his hair. This would probably make a mess in the sink so Kuniko made sure that the shop keep didn't notice him slip in there. Afterwards, he still felt guilty about the mess so he left the remainder of the ryo on the sink and locked the door behind him as he left. 
        Free of guilt, and happiness, Kuniko strode into the open marketplace. Time had slipped past him and it was almost noon now. The dye in his hair looked fresh and bright purple. His long hair still a mess blowing around him. He had ended up retying his hospital gown when he put it back on so it didn't get dirty earlier. He still didn't have any footwear, the side effects of which Kuniko was starting to feel. Damn it... Kuniko thought to himself. I didn't save any money for food...

WC: 816

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Kuniko Hyuuga
Kuniko Hyuuga
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Clan Specialty : Taijutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 21445

That's how it is on this bitch of an earth.  Empty Re: That's how it is on this bitch of an earth.

Sun Jul 18, 2021 10:21 pm
 "Well, I guess I didn't have pockets in the first place..." Kuniko woefully said to the bustling marketplace. He thought to himself then, 'what's a ninja to do?' Missions probably, he thought. It felt like a very long time since he last went on a mission. That said, the last few mission were peppered with tragedy. It was completely unlike the early days when the worst he had to deal with was jewel thieves. 'But I'm so weak now, I don't think there's anything to do but kick rocks.' Kuniko lightly tapped stones with his feet for a minute or so. 

     At first, it was just idle boredom in the wake of his release; no one paid him any mind after all. The villages of Hoshigakure had seen plenty of wild things over the years, Kuniko knew he was no exception. But as his anger and sorrow boiled up in the warm rays of the rising sun, the young Hyuuga started focusing his chakra through his feet into the rock. In the same way that he could run along a vertical wall, Kuniko practiced 'holding' the small stone to his skin using chakra before kicking it back and forth again. It helped relax him, and certainly improved his chakra control. And again like a lost boy he shuffled out of the marketplace onto a dusty road. Kuniko started having strange thoughts as he looked down at the stone he kept clinging to his skin; "am I climbing you, or are you climbing me?" 

       Suddenly Kuniko almost walked into someone. He looked up in surprise. It was Sakuragi's grandmother! The old lady kindly greeted the young Hyuuga, perhaps not initially recognizing him. But after Kuniko asked how she was holding up, the old lady acted like she just met a grandson she hadn't seen in years. Given his sorry state, Kuniko had no choice but to accept the old lady's invitation back to her house for food and clothing. A short while later, Kuniko found himself back in the familiar Sakuragi residence, though it was certainly quieter than before. There were no more personal effects of the dark mannered Hyuuga in the building, so Kuniko accepted a very old kimono that fit his color scheme that the old granny practically forced on him. She also cooked him up a hearty breakfast as they shared stories of two years past. On the subject of Sakuragi, Kuniko could say only one thing was true for sure in the end; "Sakuragi was  one  crazy guy." 

        After breakfast, the granny dolled up Kuniko and gave him some pointers on how not to look like a dirty ragamuffin. Since he didn't know anything in regards to the fate of his beloved teacher, Tsubaki, he wanted start incorporating some of her style into his personal appearance. Hopefully he could practice some of her cool and authoritative presence. The young Hyuuga once again thanked the kind old lady for her hospitality, then strode out of her home back towards the marketplace with a brighter outlook on life. 

        While he was still lost inside, and spiritually malformed beyond repair, Kuniko felt that the death or disappearances of those closest to him would become the kind of pain that he could use as fuel in his journey forward. After all, he at least still had Master Ayato, where ever he was. Kuniko nodded to himself and smiled. The thought of his powerful clan leader filled him with pride. As the wayward ninja ruminated on his master, he took a seat at a small café on the edge of the market. Kuniko sat up straight and well mannered in his chair, as always, and ordered a small cup of tea. His thoughts were too preoccupied to consider the fact he didn't have any ryo on his person. Instead he thought back to the day he lost his first ninja team; the day he was supposed to escort Master Ayato through the woods, but ended up being rescued by Master Ayato instead...

WC: 671
TWC: 1487

Last edited by Kuniko Hyuuga on Sun Jul 18, 2021 10:44 pm; edited 3 times in total (Reason for editing : accidentally hit send three times shit)

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Kuniko Hyuuga
Kuniko Hyuuga
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Clan Specialty : Taijutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 21445

That's how it is on this bitch of an earth.  Empty Re: That's how it is on this bitch of an earth.

Sat Oct 23, 2021 4:55 am
Kuniko is going to be reevaluating some shit
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