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Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 9000

Yep , Another trainig thread  - Page 2 Empty Re: Yep , Another trainig thread

Sun May 30, 2021 4:49 pm
Not being able to se inside the dome was ultimately a death sentence for the young senju , with no way besides listen to the foot steps of his opponet would he be able to figure out where the uchiha was but it was to late, before Zeref could do anything he would feel 10 sharp spikes rip different parts of his body. "Where the hell did these come from", He thought to himself as he fell down to the ground. Even with his senju healing it was going to take a little while before he was able to move properly again. He looked up at the uchiha , noticing that the jutsu he was using had now started to be retracted into the earth. 

"Your one hell of an enemy, im glad your on our side", Zeref would say to the uchiha. He hadnt taken an ass whooping like this in a while and he honestly loved it. He couldnt help but be happy to was able to see what the uchiha was made off. He had been wandering what he skill set was ever since he met him on that S ranked mission. To his surprise the uchiha started teaching him some of the techniques that he had used against him in the fight , something that not every sparring partner would do and for that Zeref was extremely grateful.


Last edited by Zeref on Sun Oct 03, 2021 12:12 pm; edited 1 time in total
Taichi Uchiha
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Yep , Another trainig thread  - Page 2 Empty Re: Yep , Another trainig thread

Tue Jun 01, 2021 4:27 pm
The wooden structures that surrounded both the child and Taichi would crumble and fall with the chakra being cut off. With the crumbling wooden structures, the light would be reintroduced to the area, and Taichi would run over to the child, who was bleeding rather significantly from several areas of his body. Taichi's eyes would widen as he saw that the rips inthe child's body would begin to simply heal themselves. "How peculiar." he would think to himself as he began to heal the child's wounds to hasten the process even more so than his body was doing on it's own.

When the child was healed up enough to have him standing on his own, Taichi would stand the boy up and he would begin the lesson. He had planned for this lesson to happen no matter the outcome of the spar, but he was pleased to see that this child was capable of using the same nature transformation as he could, the sacred wood release. So this spar was exactly what he needed to be able to choose what it was that he was going to teach the child, and for this individual, that was going to be the Wood clone technique. 

When the boy was ready, he would stand before him and perform the hand seals required to perform the technique, and he would create one clone, while at the same time, he would explain the finer points of concentrating one's chakra. "This technique is much like the shadow clone jutsu that so many shinobi perform within the village, and outside the village for that matter. But this technique uses the nature transformation that only few can say they are able to use, and we just happen to be two of them. I haven't a clue if you were born with it, or if you had the power granted to you like I was, but it makes no difference. The goal when performing this jutsu is to perfectly split your chakra into two or three separate pieces, this depends on how many clones you want to create." Taichi would pause and he would place his hand on some of the crumbled wooden dome that he had created. 

"This does not need to come from your own body, also. This chakra can come from a source of which you have created. For example, this wooden dome that I had created to trap us both within, this is a source that can be used for creation." Taichi would form the hand seals once more, the same as the ones he had set together before, and the clone would begin to protrude from the wooden dome and take form almost instantly. "Now, I want you to try and do the exact same thing as I have done." He would motion for the boy to take the floor and show what it was that he could do. He knew that this technique took a lot of work to do properly, but he had seen quite the feats from those within this village, so he was confident in the boy's abilities.

WC: 516
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Village : Hoshigakure
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Yep , Another trainig thread  - Page 2 Empty Re: Yep , Another trainig thread

Thu Jul 22, 2021 10:20 pm
"Thanks, this spar with you was definitely an eye opener. I havent had someone whoop my ass like that in a very long time and for that im grateful", Zeref said. He was never the type to be mad after losing to someone in a spar especially someone who he knew he had almost no real chance of beating in a one on one fight, but atleast he gave it his all and left it all on the battle field. As Taichi came closer to him to help heal his wounds Zeref could see the look of surprised when he had noticed Zeref wounds were already starting to heal on their own. Normally Zeref would have no problem telling an ally about his skill but unless he was asked he wsent going to let away his secrets.

After being fully healed Zeref stood up and watched Taichi as he started making handsigns and explaining the wooden clone technique to him. Making sure to pay attention to the handsigns that he was shown and the did the exact same thing as he walked up to the crumbling dome and placed his hand unpon it when he was finished his handsigns. Not taking much effort from Zeref he was able to successfully learnt he clone technique, even though it was his first time attempting it it felt natural to him. Looking over at Taichi Zeref would say " Seems like today was my lucky day , got a great spar in and even learned a new jutsu , once again thanks", he said in a kind tone. It wasent often Zeref was this nice but after all that happened today he didnt see a reason to be an asshole to this man. "Is there anything else you would be down to show me , if not we can both call it a day", Zeref said waiting for a response.


Last edited by Zeref on Sun Oct 03, 2021 12:13 pm; edited 1 time in total
Taichi Uchiha
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Yep , Another trainig thread  - Page 2 Empty Re: Yep , Another trainig thread

Sun Aug 08, 2021 2:35 pm
Taichi would watch the young Senju perform the wood clone technique without issue. He knew that this was one of those techniques that truly didn't require much thought, as it was simply splitting one's own chakra into separate pieces. Taichi would look over the indivudual with an unamused look over his face. The child didn't seem to have a drive to be a great shinobi, he seemed entitled and overall a shinobi that would put the lives of his fellow shinobi on the back burner, while putting his own importance center stage. Taichi walked over to the young shinobi and he would look down upon him. 

His body would shift and his tone would take a much more firm and strict sound than he ever thought possible. His eyes would narrow as he crossed his arms, tapping his finger to his own bicep. "Listen to me, child. I need to hear what it is that drives you. What reason do you have of being a shinobi of this village? Answer this question honestly..." He would pause for a moment as he would lean forward ever so slightly, as to emphasize the final part of his sentence, "Or I will kill you where you stand." 

WC: 204
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Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 9000

Yep , Another trainig thread  - Page 2 Empty Re: Yep , Another trainig thread

Sun Oct 03, 2021 12:35 pm
Quick claim, sorry for the edits had to add my WC to the bottom of post.

TWC so far:2,305
Claiming: Thousands Flying Needles Of Death 2k with 75% off = 500, Water Shark Bullet 1.5k with 75% off =375, Exploding water colliding wave 1.5k with 75% off =375, Sea of tree 1.5k with 75% off =375, 5 Feeding Shark 1.5k with 75% off =375

TWC used :2k
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Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 176650

Yep , Another trainig thread  - Page 2 Empty Re: Yep , Another trainig thread

Sun Oct 03, 2021 6:31 pm
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