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Stat Page : Sarutobi, Raleth
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Tsukigakure
Ryo : 19000

The Monkey's Uncle Tea Cart Empty The Monkey's Uncle Tea Cart

Wed Mar 17, 2021 9:55 am
The sun hangs high above the city Square 
 of Hoshigakure. The day is pleasant, with a few clouds hanging over the distance. The market is its self, with ryo exchanges and lives being lived. Merchants sell wooden charms stamped with the symbols of the divine, and promise their customers that disease and demons will be warded away if they keep the charms close. Fishmonger  display their freshest catch of the day, shell-shark, tentacle-tuna, and clam-crabs are displayed, briming with sea-side flavor. Tailors and jewlers beckon passerby and shine their fabrics, cloth, stones, and metals in the sunlight. Between the many stalls of bartering buyers sit Monks in meditation, with large bowls placed in front of them. They think on the divine's inscriptions that are tattooed on their bodies and leave their lively hood to the Spirits, and others.

An ashen-haired man, with a curious, metal plated scarf on his neckn hauls a large-and-heavy cart through the center of the city Square, his appearance and demeanor draws the eyes of others. He wears a straw-hat that rests on his ashen-hair, which is drawn into a royal-knot. His features remind one of a mountain's stone face and the bright-violet kimono, patterned with white-prints of winking monkey heads, would make him seem whimsical, silly, or a loon. Yet, the sand-dune colored, plated jacket under the untied kimono gives him the air of a warrior of some kind. But, the wooden-and-jade engraved pipe that rests in his lips, plus the creases of age thag line his face, give him the impression of one's humorous Uncle. 

The ashen-haired man stops by an empty spot on the side of the road, near a monk in deep meditation. Raleth places 700 ryo in his bowl, the clanging of coins does not deter the monk from his meditation. At the sight of this, the others merchants, vendors, and salespeople resume their activities. The man, beaming at the sight before him, sets up his cart. 

Trays of fresh fruit, spits of roasted and seasoned beef, and pots of bubbling, aromatic tea, and monkey-lrinted shirts await all who pass by.  A sign can be read, above thr cart, The Monkey's Uncle

The jounin of Sungakure, Raleth Sarutobi, waits potential customers. To any who passby, the basso-voiced man would display his wares and remark on their exquisite taste. Indeed, all could see the juice bursting front the fresh cut fruit and could taste the savory seasoning of the spit roasted beef. Yet, the thing that trumped all were the pots of boiling tea. When revealed, a panolopy of scents and aromas would greet the noses of all with tender tones of sweet, spicy, and bitter.

The shinobi and business man hopes the event of today will be exciting.

Stat Page : Sarutobi, Raleth
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Tsukigakure
Ryo : 19000

The Monkey's Uncle Tea Cart Empty Re: The Monkey's Uncle Tea Cart

Fri Jun 04, 2021 11:03 pm
Water Style: Typhoon Lance 710/3750 (previous thread claim) +457
Stat Page : Ryu
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Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 0

The Monkey's Uncle Tea Cart Empty Re: The Monkey's Uncle Tea Cart

Sat Jun 05, 2021 2:50 am
Approved, please remember to link previous thread in the future :call_me:
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